Golf Players

EURO 2024 || HOLLAND vs FRANCE || 21.06.24

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e e e e e e e e e e e yo I put it like wow this that sounds these don’t work hard like me I hope they know by now B Stand My Ground these Money Trees go overseas like Percy tow I make sure you stay around quiet when I’m under loud no Nega is allowed me positivity to V I always play to win don’t anticipate loss mind always in the clown my boy never think about the drop never ever ever welcome to it sports fans it is the MKT show uh it is the netherlander uh taking on France it is uh what a time to be alive I’ve got two gentlemen here who are very lightskinned and two toned um you will see what I mean by that in a little bit we’ve brought you m squ it is uh pey uh pesus Christ um amongst many other monikers he is actually a chared accountant so I don’t know what he goes by these days and then a man who works at the zebra Bank looks like him and you’ll notice they are dressed exactly the same it is hysterical to me it is absolutely hysterical to me Jens what’s happening um yeah I mean let’s just talk about the this was a mistake what happened I literally just picked the first hoodie I saw like cocky pants white sneak has thought okay now I’ll be Shar today guys it’s it’s it’s a bit match yeah and I did have my puffer jacket but you know puffer jackets no no can’t do it not for the professional it’ll scratch the mic yeah exactly so I was a little different but I went home today changed from work and then I was like oh let me just be warm and like yeah and then singing It’s horrendous how do you how do you match Olive jackets like like who has who has an olive hoodie first and foremost I only thought I did I only thought I did incredible all right well we we’ll get into that and a lot more they are related um uh good old Tang says it’s in the jeans Tang we not wearing jeans tell T we’re not wearing jeans bro G with the with oh those those see what you did there see what you did there all right let’s get into the football hey um France nethera um good game coming up bad game coming up Al I see you got your top here this is this is football Heritage by the way yeah for for you youngsters out there that’s the 200000 and 2000 he bought 2005 2006 2005 2006 there’s a story there it was import a gift yeah well how old were you when you bought it 2005 I was 10 you were 10 years old man and those things and this isn’t one of those where you went to my brother at the you know no no no this is from The Real McCoy yeah The Real McCoy yeah appreciate it I don’t think I don’t think I’ve actually said Thank you was bro broke broke for that’s not big brother energy you’re not supposed to you’re not supposed to you got to let him you’re supposed to say only one yeah you broke Fu where where’s the shorts yeah I mean like like where the socks I want to be a wanker yeah I want Aid wanker and then he just gave me the top yeah dude that’s awesome that’s proper stuff good to have you guys here uh you got a bezer dude I love that I love that you you I think you’re the first guest to ever go I’m bringing a beer I I like that just it’s how I watch football it’s how I watch my team by by the way I was a colonizer so so how yeah how did you as a South African after 1652 swing a mentality to support um my favorite footballer is Edgar dots okay um just my mom used to like him like oh who’s the guy with the glasses like yeah damzo yes the guy with the glasses yes so yeah I think he was my favorite footballer support Juventus because of him and then you watch internationally and yeah man I I dig the team there’s a lot of it was also like a nice little mixed team a lot of the teams weren’t as brown as we expected at the time but yeah I really really yeah enjoyed the Dutch and then like I said my first birthday present for my brother so I’ve been here ever since man all right we’ve kicked off um we should probably do the professional thing and ask uh starting lineups which probably the professional shows would you know give started line we’re not really that kind of show though you know saying we just here having a good time yeah but but maybe let’s I’ll run through the starting lineups here you know what I’m saying py uh tough Dad at work charted accountant big time you know y tough tough tough yeah we we had a we had a conversation about your dad work yeah tough tough dead work just second one in two weeks second one in two weeks yeah I’ve never felt y like I’ve never felt like such an imposter in my life after this meeting I was I was genuinely just like like I know nothing I know nothing about valuation do you feel as much of an impostor like Gareth Southgate or less of an imposter as Gareth Southgate oh they the it’s under took too long took too long took too long took too long jez was a deflection gakpo oh frong sorry F pong yeah he can’t go to United cuz I’m here I’m I’m reading he’s going to go to man united for what bro yeah that’s a way that the Bundesliga dog and they’re cooking but but also remember that ten hog only understands players from the Dutch League he only understands play players cuz they get it total football yeah I get you and how total is that total football well that’s cuz he’s dealing with mctom and Bruno Fernandez like he needs to get that out I think in his mind that he’s like why can’t you guys understand when I say 343 change to 433 and you guys are Clank yeah they like GE box box n yeah no no no I hear him I hear him Nathan AK great cornrow Memphis dep pie he’s not a serious football eh it’s not serious you don’t need a hband chief well a swag though Swag yeah swag but the thing is like I think it’s peacocking cuz man’s looking for a club now yeah cuz he he has lost his his contracts on o delivery yeah delivery but you see for me the one the biggest thing about the Dutch sides of like all the Dutch sides that I’ve ever seen is that they always have a peing side where everyone plays for like the biggest clubs where you got the Wy sniders you’ve got the Robbins you have um um f Percy Peak Peak size yeah Dennis bamp edar darit sorf uh rud vanoy vasar and then they go through that L where now we have to find the next gen yeah right so I feel as if who that de oh that was filthy so so so that hurt me no no it sounded like I thought you were giving birth then yeah did sound like you’re making the I felt pain for him that’s why listen that’s that’s why South African football doesn’t flourish cuz you celebrated that you celebrated Spy Two like a goal guys and and in South Africa Spy Two is a goal important yeah it is a goal it’s a goal it’s a game your your emotion there is why we are still celebrating being in the semi-final of afcon but did you see how silky that was I didn’t see it but I heard I I got it from you yeah so you see you knew how Egyptian sheets bro come on but you KN how Wild it was just by my reaction we we do love a bit a bit of that we do love a bit of that so as I was saying so about the Dutch Football I think they they have the es and flows and right now they’ve got a lot of guys that oh oh if that had been mbappe it would have been in oh yeah no oh F and Earth griezman yeah what a strike I thought he was McKing around bloody up so he’s the deerman of yeah yeah he a he’s the only real white guy cuz even rabio I feel like there’s something going on there you know like griezmann’s a white guy he’s the he he’s the Fabian B of his time rabio loves half and halfs he he has to love his half and halfes hybrids yeah yeah yeah R rabio you can just tell is is the Mand yeah no no no it’s okay like I said it makes sense that you guys celebrate um semi-final Fons because you think a spy 2 is a goal I mean I get it I get it I what BR if you knew where we came from to make to make it to the semifinal of I’ll celebrate any day bruis ball BR everything was a surprise I love it everything was a surprise even even the cameraman’s like recording of the tournament yeah I won’t go further than that aon’s got its own flavor yeah and flavor it had listen I know no other show is going to cover this there are a lot of black players in in Euro 2024 so I I is anyone saying that T I read I read a stat that when when I know society’s changed is when like Ukraine has a black eyye that’s what I no yeah I mean let’s let’s slow down but but I hear what you’re saying then you’ll know then we’ll know that we’ve we’re everywhere now we’re everywhere now I read a stat that there’s 85 players that are not from the country that they represent in a 16 team tournament yeah 85 eh 85 that’s that’s eight teams that’s eight teams in a Ben only four that have 100 100% only four teams that have 100% Hungary Ukraine uh Ukraine no Hungary yes I think Croatia yes yeah CU sense Serbia surely I’m not I’m not even sure cuz I think there’s a German player oh okay oh oh so but they so they’re not counting just the guys from the yeah not Li so like it’s not just the urban the melin heavy so it’s like one of those like 85% or 85 players African descent yes and then there’s another percentage of players who were never born in the country wait so it’s 85 mandm yeah yeah yeah what yo that’s a lot e there’s only 16 teams it’s half the teams that means half the teams if you if you break it down 85 is basically 18th okay fine Belgium are going to have yeah well that’s the Congo BT France are going to have yeah that’s the Africa B team or people say France are the Africa a team actually West Africa a yeah yeah going to have they’re going to have the Italy are now getting England England yeah England’s full of I mean they got e who’s yeah yeah full on what’s his I mean so so so already already I mean you we spoke about um um Alexander ISAC last week I mean not but we spoke about last Swedish International I mean is he though shocks me when I found out he was Swedish shocks me I’m like this guy’s from musina bro oh my goodness this guy from musina he looks like a jet that you You’ see anywhere bro in South Africa sing kubani says the cameramen at during the afcon were top tier definitely definitely have cameramen been told not to pan to the ladies in in in in big football I feel like they’re discriminating I think they did this I think they did it for the Euros have they like you only see it before the game that’s when you see a couple bangers but then during like bro when there’s a throw in we want to see something people demanding oh so so fraud onhis on Sinclair’s Point yes I don’t like the fact that they make it seem as if football is only a guys game as it like only guys support sexist I hear you show everyone so gender equality show even the ladies that are watching yes yes it doesn’t matter what yes yes it just so happens that sometimes they’ll be good looking you know it’s that it’s that day when the the father takes his son and his daughter to the stadium for the first time this is a football stadium this is football and we celebrate so now you need to do the same thing you need to show that guys even girls go and watch the football um listen you and inani you and inani uh Prince says Styles plays for Hungary but was born in England why would he although you got to get get the international caps yeah get the international caps I feel yeah that that’s it’s also um who’s it Maddy cash Poland oh yeah yeah Matthew Cash he plays for Poland right back flying right back I mean we spoke about last week you said definitely England International and I’m Nigeria I would have I would have understand them I would have gone to Nigeria at like h35 to try to catch one fcon get the cap just get the Caps I can’t believe the Netherlands have Memphis The Pie as their Striker like what are we doing love to hear from you guys at home uh in the comments is this Dutch team as the youth say they down bad they down bad look if if if verost can do something in this game looks very Scrappy oh looks very Scrappy but if if if you can hold on as the Netherlands about 60 minutes and then change it up a little bit I don’t know what they have going forward in terms of the bench um yeah and then maybe you try to change the system a little bit and bring on a verg host um for maybe Fring pong and then I do Memphis One Wing and I [Music] do Memphis is on fraud watch bro he’s terrible on fraud watch do you know he had a boxing ring in his house a full scale boxing when thank you when he played for Man United he had a boxing ring in his house a full Square boxing ring so so can we agree that he was not serious about football winers at United don’t say was he is not serious about football football just happens to be the platform that gives him he’s he’s a frustrated influencer is what I’ve always said those types of guys him um Rael Morrison Morrison do exist lingard yeah there’s a type but I mean some of those guys don’t really exist anymore I mean if you Memphis is still trying to be a professional footballer I see what you’re say I think he knows he knows what’s good for him the platform is good so he won’t give up the platform Ravel Morrison and them didn’t get the bigger picture like you know if you want to influence you football is the platform globally like what did Morrison say what he’s the best player after Messi world’s best player after Messi man’s unreal he he’s he’s just a road manbe like fball or something BR come on Ral Morrison what a waste um Bianca capan say says yes football is also for the ladies also why are the brothers dressed as twins thank you so if we can just get an image of these two guys dressed like if you you know every black family in the world had that photo if you know what p is uh it looks ridiculous it’s it’s honestly a joke also very hacked bianc capan I haven’t seen you since this morning since we left work today all of it was a mistake she could have put an outfit for me just in case and I had to dress myself bian capam the wife of now it’s very confusing especially now that they dressed the same the gentleman in the glasses is actually Otis and the other guy is so the guy in the glasses bian cap can um I don’t want to presume happily is married too yeah we’re happily no I don’t want to presume I don’t I don’t also it would be sexist for me to speak for for her so Bianca if you are happily married happy for you to put that in the comments independently as a woman um you’re saying happily married yes she should have she should have put an outfit for me knowing that I was going to be on the socials incredible absolutely incredible guys it does look ridiculous no it’s a joke it’s a joke 100% honestly is one of my most embarrassing moments if you’re on Tik Tok uh do double tap this share it because that’ll obviously share the page oh great ball Griezmann [ __ ] [ __ ] symptoms although vvd is like 65 so griezman since ational hair great positioning it’s not Vil Van Dyke it’s the other guy who looks like giovan van brancos right reers is a d I don’t know how to pronounce these Dutch names I struggle I struggle although you you didn’t you don’t struggle with the Nigerian pronounciation of by the way a professional show would have given you the starting lineups might as well um the Dutch as France attack kund who’s actually a center back but plays right back now for Barcelona and France crosses it in France starting to cook Ria two oh go time has to be no why didn’t you shoot why didn’t you shoot okay so so that’s socialism French socialism there there’s no need to that wasn’t the time for egality you know eality yeah what are you [Music] doing so this is how teams like England win the tournament where other teams are playing terribly and griezman oh and don’t put away their chances you actually have to put away some of those chances because mistakes like that end up costing you a goal or two and then you end up second and you play a team you don’t want to play who ends first so those are the mistakes I think the the Dutch are always going to be that team where as much as I support them the dut are going to be the team where they’ll beat you in the quarterfinals still losing in the sorry sorry sorry losing the last 60 whatever it is you know so I don’t think they are that team that I could rely on France or the Dutch the Dutch the Dutch yeah no they they a bit like patchy you know there’s not enough quality not enough players playing at a high level that can influence I mean it’s not Stenberg who was at Fulham at his best level it’s not Michelle ver who was at Spurs as a second goalkeeper yeah and it’s not Vana so they don’t have that that that depth of testagen um and Manuel neya or as we spoke out Spain the other day so they they’re going to always lack something yeah you know you’re always going to be an ax goalkeeper and then you yeah Onana you know can’t have that we can’t have Onana being the man United 50 million pound keep I I hear what you’re saying it’s not the same times have changed uh Bianca cap can a happily married woman does not dress her husband does that Does this answer the question oh no we’ve started a we put a fly in the ointment yeah we we have we’ve gotten in the middle of other people’s business BR I’m not getting involved in this one smart I’m going to watch the football bro as a brother-in-law smart going to watch the football bro smart see you right decision bro brother right decision brother outside of dressing like your brother please don’t bring that it looks it looks like we’ve like like we’ve plann this now and that’s what makes it worse cuz I called you today like is my brother coming you said maybe he may and you said yes he is so I played nothing I like I said I haven’t spoken to my brother since Wednesday yeah if not Tuesday guys it looks okay but but that’s fine I’m all for the explaining and ridiculous listen are we dressed well that’s the question I’ll leave that to the chat I’ll leave that to the chat are the gents dressed well I’m not going to I I an olive hoodie like who even has an olive hoodie for two separate people to make an independent decision to get BR you have to wear mave Olive teal those are the colors BR those are those are the colors that are in and you guys are well I’ll speak for you as a married man I don’t want to speak for for anybody else you’re representing a household so once you’re wearing Olive I think it’s you’re communicating that yeah and I finally comb today I you did comb your hair today I was going to get get get to that so I appreciate that you’re you’re representing your household better now just I want you to think next time you don’t comb your hair is this how I’m represent my household yeah stop thinking cuz those days are over now the days when we used to go to greenside remember those days yeah capat did say when I got home like how did you not call me here yes cuz she might not say it I’m happy to I don’t want to speak for women I want to speak with women here she in her mind is this how you’re going to represent our home yeah 100% so I’m with her I’m excited but thanks for coming it’s never too late to do the right thing I know no no no I I I I I figured it out because it was a topic on Friday it was a topic on Sunday and you didn’t even know that I was not going to comb on Saturday yeah no you’ve done well to comb your hair yeah 100% so France cooking here heyy what we saying 17 minutes in F hernandz Corner Denzel dumre who’s wasting his time in Italian football needs to get their serious team he’s a proper right back yeah so France cooking py what you got to say here yeah France are cooking I do think that they’re going to take this but I only think by one one n yeah no maybe 2-1 I still think that the Dutch have it in them to score a goal Otis talk to me score line uh to to those of you in the chat your thoughts who’s going to win here Netherlands France if you’re on Tik Tok double tap uh double tap the screen that shares the feed obviously cuz we’re trying to influence I’m trying to be me the Memphis the pie of watchong yeah look I I I still I still think France wins this however it’s for me we now that we’re in match day two a lot of the two colors of the teams are coming through so just like England came through last night because you’re missing a little bit of something I think if the Dutch are missing something they’re going to be that team that someone England is missing a coach 100% we know that um Italy also missing a little a little bit of something not it yeah Italy are not it yeah and I mean Spain should have put them away very early yeah um I loved inaki Williams uh performance yeahi Williams what about yaly the GU the guy’s 16 years old that is ridiculous so good he’s so good at football so good at football how are you that good at 16 bro like Wayne Rooney you remember like 16 was just starting for Everton and we thought yo yamal is the star of Barcelona true can you imagine what’s he doing at school he Sur doesn’t go to normal school no he can’t go itcon as as I said to you’s he’s still doing his homework I would like to see who his tents are and maybe we can do like a go not a go fund me but we can do like a go support my homework cuz he might be doing geography that is like okay draw the African map and then we have to get involved in oh I see what you mean how about yeah so maybe the like Federation of Spain needs to reach out to us like guys how can you guys help in whever like so he can just focus on football yeah I see what you’re saying so we do his homework he focus on football yes can subit for him yeah yeah but he’s at laasia they’ll take care of him they know how to develop the whole human being you know they they gave us do they know the longest Riv in Africa though do they no no it’s is does that affect the bottom line you get one he can get one question wrong yeah yeah we don’t need to know about the longest river in Africa that doesn’t the MERS are gone now yeah we are Spain in fact we are catalunia they’ll tell you we’re not even in Spain yeah so they yamal is Catalan he’s not even Spanish so yeah we’re just Lo it’s a loan deal actually but I would just like you to acknowledge the fact that when I called that they are one of the top teams that they are they you call it they you did call it okay I’ll acknowledge it cuz I was like nah no they’re looking very good they’re looking very very good and obviously the tournament is still started I mean these two teams are playing their second game now so we’re still waiting for them to kind of get get involved you know um game three all of them should kind of be in that we know who we’re going to play in the next game and then when we get to game four that’s when it’s like you know the men are playing now when it’s going to cook I hear you uh s gani on odd Point Southgate is wanting to pull first uh Chelsea tenure one goal and park with the double decker um it won’t work football’s changed got to score the one goal before you can park the double decker bro Mourinho had what John Terry andele and Manish and Calo and Peter you had like proper Defenders JT you’ve got guay and John Stones no offense yes trible winner JN stones but like yeah but he’s the icing he’s not the cake yeah like let’s be very clear like stones is a supporting he’s an extra in that team he’s an extra he’s not Leonardo cpro of that movie 100% he cuz he’s over 25 so oh my goodness that’s fantastic that’s not a football J no no that’s that’s that’s got nothing to do with but this is a culture show it’s a football entertainment show okay double tap if you’re on Tik Tok kund um well there’s the group group d That’s a file throw by the way by kund but they don’t call file throws anymore back foot was up um but they don’t really care about that it’s a TV show they just like let’s carry on we can’t uh we can’t have such things that as it stands as we can see Netherlands uh France Austria and uh Poland are out Poland are out so leowski obviously hasn’t played yeah U Save the legs for Barcelona that two really pays you you know even if they if they can pay you by the way yeah if they can if they can pay you econic Liv they got pulling the at their financial statements like 2 years ago CU they were leaked on the internet and me and my finance Bros were just like Oaks this is shocking and you are actually an accountant you you’re not just some guy who’s who who heard about amortization like yesterday no I’ve because of because of bully you know you you you probably failed a couple of tests in Varsity about amilon oh yeah yeah no 100% no that did happen no they just there was just so much debt and Y yeah no that company like if you saw a company like that and someone said invest money in this you told them no straight away but also remember they also sold like themselves to a company that they bought who took a loan through a company that they started like they were just doing all of SCH Vibes yeah vies yeah they were selling themselves to like very Mark and what’s the other one Hallmark and very Mark yeah that’s what they were doing it’s sterical yeah and uh what What’s the food nutrition one the no herb life Herbal Life do those Herbal Life people still exist I don’t I don’t know if people are losing weight herb life still exists no BR there’s been a whole there’s been an attack on these multi-level marketing whatever what oh is it are we cracking down on that finally well I think just people are are calling out their [ __ ] I went to I went to one of their conferences where why this is used to was the greatest wait one of whose con these these these Ponzi scheme guys so so not Herbal Life no not her I mean same thing but yeah same thing same thing pyramid scheme not Ponzi scheme sorry um so like I get to this place they’re just like okay cool we’re doing this whole travel thing or whatever and there was so much energy just in the room just it was such a Vibe now I see why people actually fall for it because you’re you just feel so good you feel so happy in these moments and then these guys are like y no then you join this thing and we do block bookings for holidays whatever it’s called like World Ventures or something so I was like okay cool you got me at World Adventures yeah so I was like okay cool I’m I’m seeing where these guys are going I understand if you book if you book 50 rooms you’re obviously going to get a cheaper rate now let see what these guys are doing makes sense and then it sort of shifted the energy was still there eny was still there but then guys are like yeah and if you get four people to sign up that covers your feet and I was like damn it it’s always that if you get damn it if you get and we were doing so well if you score one more goal than other team you win the game one of the guys that was was on the stage drove in with a car right in Aston Martin that said no job WP that was that was his number play I don’t know if I can disclose that because obviously has to be C has to be C took too long took too long took too long took too long this is European football can’t take that long but no job WP that’s amazing and he was revving it that’s why I say the energy black guy white guy uh black it see he seemed like um middle Nathan Middle Eastern bu yeah like so afim yes around there but like literally from when like the guys rocked up the energy was just here and like if I wasn’t like financially savvy I would have given them money bro I’m with you because all the these guys just keep telling you all this stuff and they keep reiterating you’re make money just get your friends just get your friends just get your friends just get your friends and I’m just there like yo dog show me financial statements and then maybe I’ll give you guys money that’s what I’m thinking in my head but other people are like in in in but they they they do sort of use all of the mental like techniques I mean I’m fascinated by Cults Maybe in the second half I’ll tell a couple of stories about the part of the country I went to the school in has lots of Cults down there the Midlands has all the Cults in the world um 50 so that’s the position possession stats uh 42 um to 58 which is a little bit surprising there it’s felt more even than that but but France are cooking H yeah look when France get the ball they move forward Etc yeah you see well now um now the Netherlands is moving forward a little bit more which is better but previously they were just holding on to it passing it back Reyers shoot oh ooy talk to me about a guy who looks a little bit like you um well no it’s hysterical that you guys are dress exactly the same um shabi Simmons what is he what’s going on is he a good player like I can’t decide he’s got to be offside surely he’s offside linesman to Ram no terrible but like the one to has no support um he’s on he’s on side but there there’s absolutely no support we’ll come back to Chevy Simmons why don’t Strikers go across the keeper you are taught in Academy football like unless you’re DDA drug but also but the thing is you’ve got you’ve got Virgil Van Dyke there you can’t cut in because Virgil like literally Taps it for a corner or yeah Taps it for a corner um so he has to take the shot there’s no support there literally all the supporters are the halfway line so he has to take it because but shoot a cross goal back yourself one shoot a cross goal and shoot across you want like unless you’re drba you know like that drba maybe but maybe vge closes the angle but the thing is keeper never going to be beaten on his front post on his near post that’s what we like unless you drug be you know you know those guys with the power shot like etto Ibrahimovic where they slam it near POS but how many of those guys come on you you’re you’re the fake you’re the wish version of turam like we know the the teu the teu oh is a tea yeah yeah so like you’re not the real turam for some of us I literally I maybe I’ll rock it next time I’ve got the football Heritage shirt of his father at at another Ponzi scheme actually pomot when he was at Palmer I have that the the only the only Heritage of doing this for binding points by the way only her football top I acknowledge is the bajio top bajio you like that yeah yeah I should I I’ll wear it I’ll wear it that’s proper that’s 94 I do have I do have a couple listen that’s the one I that’s the one I that’s the one you can yeah Bry points is there a reason for that CU it’s Italian so okay so so is there a reason for you liking the Italian vintage top yeah there is a reason all right let’s read some comments if you’re in the comments um Big Bear podcast review says it’s anyone’s tournament including the hosts um I read a report yamal said he will quit school if he wins the Euros why would he do that I mean I hope he’s joking go get an NBA because football is a fo does he have black parents well yal you oh you reckon he might have done a ballat then yeah maybe could be no no so so if you if you do if you watch the um because best believe your parents no there’s no way you’re quitting school if you watch the announcement of the Spain Squad it’s only inaki Williams and uh L yamal that have like parents of color yeah so even if they’re lightish he’s got parents of color so he is an of descent but he’s 16 his mom could be like 35 100% like it’s it’s very possible for him to have a 35y old mom so you know like young people now it’s just like who needs School bro it’s such a prison or whatever I don’t know what ridiculous stuff people are telling each other like school such a you know education I I think it’s difficult to not have that kind of education I if he quits school we we have to we have to make sure that as black people we ostracize them like aggressively like we can’t have a black man saying that kind of stuff with you know with his platform as black people we need to divorce ourselves from him complely because then people are going to think you know oh well yal does it so but we need to all strongly as black people say um yamal congratulations on your success we hope you make a hundred million euros in your career but you you not we don’t consider you a black person because we can’t have people saying I’m quitting school cuz I’m playing football what on What planet iron Robin had his master’s degree before he left PSV at like 21 in it uh Juan mat is a a Harvard NBA graduate so Johnny kills that’s why yeah but is a serious guy though like you know he’s got that charity or that Foundation that he he’s got he he brought players on board I think they give away I want to say 3% of their salary to like charity like he set that up as a young player that’s like Juan is one of the most serious like organized like him matu flamini who’s now a billionaire by the way um he’s the richest footballer in the world yeah yeah he’s worth a couple of billion with the so you see there’s that’s what we’re doing yeah uh Vincent company also a master’s holder yeah you know this is what we talking about guys not damal quitting school with that with the worst heck why would you do that I hope he’s joking I like I hope he’s you know he’s 16 school after this BR get a PlayStation I’ll I’ll be a gamer yeah there no need there no need don’t do that however there is money in gaming now no no no no don’t do what you’re doing actually me don’t do what you’re doing you’re the problem you see yeah I’m part of the problem you you’ve brought into the it’s cuz you into that uh that that Ponzi scheme yeah you’re so susceptible to anything yeah you see the Gap in the market G in the market like if you think about it yeah by the niche bro yeah yeah yeah thing is you got to think about it don’t be like brainwashed by the mainstream media like if you become a game at 15 you can actually all you need to do is play fortnite for the rest of your life come on guys B capan says Herbal Life still around like honey and Avon what’s honey honey and Avon sell jewelry okay yeah so still Avon did like the no no I think Avon is creams I I have no idea I think honey she will she will follow up she will fall up with that yeah yeah no aon’s I’m looking sexi night cream you’re night cream guy yes we just we discussed this yeah yeah yeah I actually did get called out about that because my my night regime is not as consistent as I said on the show oh so you lied about your I I didn’t lie I didn’t I didn’t lie left out okay what what happened so so basically I was like I I was called up like no you said you are very regular about your like your skin your your skin protocol night regime and I was like no but I am but I didn’t I didn’t have to indulge or embellish but I did so your wife called you out did for actually not being about that night cuz she’s I get what she’s saying yeah she it’s like we’re married forever which is a long time like invest now because I don’t want to be the lady walking around in I don’t know wherever coupl go I would want to go to Sardinia one Daya or whatever when you’re there she doesn’t want you with thean face you know what I mean here goes fromong he’s in the Box she’s going to reply to exactly this cuz she used your exact words no except for the destinations except for the destinations I was just painting a full picture it can be wherever she doesn’t want to be hand in hand with the guy with the pza face now yeah yeah blad in’s Monday blade blade he’s drinking all the whiskey bro face what a trophy so so I I did I did get reprimanded for embellishing on your show about my regime so are we going to tighten up on that uh skincare routine or or I have to I have to I’ve I’ve I’ve got oh that’s usess I’ve got golf in the morning got golf tomorrow sunscreen yeah yes yes so sunscreen wide brim hat and yeah sunscreen all the time like as the sun comes out keep putting on the sunscreen how many creams do you have do you have like a morning Cream Day Cream night cream they they should be wait is there a morning cream I’m not embellishing now there should be a there is a night cream there’s a during the day cream and there’s a sunscreen got you okay so that’s three creams yes but there’s no like morning and then like what you’re trying to do with your skin is different for everybody talk to me so if I’m trying to like remove blemishes I’m trying to remove pigmentation whatever it is I use different creams uhhuh so I’m you do not need to remove any pigmentation by the if anything how can we how can we add bro we’re adding we’re adding we’re adding yeah yeah yeah like you do not need we adding pigmentation do not dilute anymore yeah yeah we we’re trying to add pigmentation you’re on the precipice man’s translucent no we not we know so yeah sorry sorry I just wanted to so I’m one I’m also glad that I’m here for you guys to say these things in front of me because you can’t do them outside of me because I hear these things after the fact yes yeah yeah yeah I’d rather I’d rather say it to your face yes yeah do not please you cannot lose a shade one more shade and now now we’re worried I’m Slim Shady at at that point at the point at that point at Point um so Rani good old R his back from from up North uh this FR pong’s quality he yeah and do you know what I like about quick touch holds the line old school Winger those Wingers are missing everyone’s all about inverting now is he the Dutch doku is the Dutch doku no that’s that’s going too far that’s going too far uh jery D is uh he’s proper that’s going too far he’s not there yet I mean it was still what Europa League or no they weren’t even EUR it was Europa League yeah yeah was it conference League or Europa League Europa Europa yeah they got smashed in the final by ad Adam YOLO lukman is it yeah Nigerian International um no no no he’s he’s not no no he’s not dku is proper like he’s a real player if he had a real Striker and not sulking guy uh Lukaku do do well you’ve seen at Man City when you have a real Striker bro Lukaku is so bad dog show bro what do you know he was top goal scorer of the qualifiers so I was like oh maybe it’s going to change maybe it’s going to change like you said earlier it’s actually my fault yes for hoping yeah it’s a hope that kills you it’s my fault that my father used to say people will always show you who they are believe them the first time yeah Ram Lukaku showed us guys at West Brom at Everton fire yeah Chelsea man united uh no not at all ain’t going to work Vil Vil Van Dyke man Mountain I mean only won Premier League trophy in 30 years but let’s compare him to John Terry and Antony Adams he’s only got one Premier League trophy but let’s put him in theal so after after 38 minutes I will put my name on the line next on the line I think it’s going to be at most a goal in it um if it ends like this it’s actually good for the Dutch because I don’t rate the Dutch Squad as highly as I rate the French Squad yeah so even though I’m a supporter of the Dutch yeah I think this is a very good point for the Dutch so if they get it you didn’t really put your neck on the line there you said it’s going to be a draw is is that what you’re saying I think it I think it’s going to be a draw demele is in the Box he’s oneone it’s a rubbish cross that’s always been dembele’s problem that the end product yeah that’s right but I back what the Dutch have at the back except for the goalkeeper cuz I don’t know the goalkeeper but I no he’s the he’s the Brighton keeper he’s the bright oh yeah yeah he’s the Bri keeper okay look I mean no you’re a married man you can’t watch you’re not like you’re not like you’re not like me that can live football yeah we watch up into like top seven no and even then like you’re married dude you’ve got things to do 12:00 said Prison Break markets [ __ ] drinking cup you know what I mean holding hands on in town seeing night creams what’s the latest night cre what’s the latest ice cream L’Oreal Lord we’re not married bro bro so of course I know who the Brien Keepers cuz I ain’t got no boot bro literally PlayStation football PlayStation golf just that’s all I do football in PlayStation there’s not PlayStation football football PlayStation Simple Man with Simple Pleasures he’s married you can’t be doing those sorts of things those sort of shenanigans those are single guy sh well single guy I’ll let you speak for yourself yeah one Shenanigans so single guy shenan Shenanigans I don’t know if you’ve heard his line one woman man is his that’s his billboard he says he a one woman man I heard about that which which I respect which I respect free kick edge of the Box um 40 minutes uh Otis says he’s putting his his neck on the line but he said draw Griezmann corner kick 40 minutes so you reckon at the moment n n are you calling draw from here I think I think both teams have a goal in them I think a draw still I don’t know if Alan Iverson’s got a score a goal that’s Memphis depai by the way yes I I I genuinely he’s rubbish he’s not been in the game he’s not been in the game at all he hasn’t been in the tournament he’s rubbish even that game even that game against that warm-up game against Canada I think where they won 4-0 yeah he was one of the worst players in my opinion love to hear from you in the comments uh your thoughts on Memphis theie his career and uh just your Vibe about him you know maybe I’m wrong maybe people say you don’t know what you’re talking about I’m happy to hear it I would love to hear from you guys in the in the comments Memphis depart let’s go to Ronnie’s comment I I don’t want people saying oh what about the vendor guys cuz you know cuz you’re a caer maybe you don’t want to hear from the vendor guys no no no please my grandmother was vendor actually so um she’s dead now so don’t worry about yeah I died a long time ago uh so Rani says what are you gu what’s your guys’ opinion on uh Gareth press conference saying England missed Calvin Phillips we’ll come back to that Ronnie great question because I I want to come back to that I do want to talk about it let’s talk about it at half time got four um four minutes here Bianca says Herbal Life still around like oh yes sorry we’ve read that uh bianka who is the wife happily married to oila male who is the lightskinned guy on the right as UFA ing I know they both dressed the same it looks ridiculous um say the one with the glasses the one with the glasses yeah yeah they are brothers and it looks ridiculous it looks like your mom dressed you guys bro it’s the worst part when the Mom dressed where they put you those things like you’re not going too far like you’re walking around this like you know Monte Casino yes and the thing is your mom is such a fantastic human like I think she would still do it like she’s such a doting mother like I think she would still dress you guys if she had the opportunity now but it looks like you’ve you guys have led her you know what I mean cuz she’s a great woman met a lots of times hysterical lady I like we we need we need to take a photo of this and send it to her by the way please send it to her we we need one of like thatas one of the cameras Oh no no don’t worry about it sorted video is just moving images I don’t I don’t really want to bore you with the industry jargon we we got it by the way 4K we got you in 4k those cameras are 4K we’ll be able to send it to and now my pars are going to know they’re really blind cuz they’re be like so like you needed your glasses more than more than exceedingly more that yeah yeah yeah yeah and you were one of those people in denial yeah 100% anyway guys I think it’s going to get awkward here because um Bianca capan who’s married to the guy in the glasses who’s blind says please stop I I cannot be blamed for your lightness so that’s she can only be blamed for your child for your child’s like this yes yes yes yes that’s how you can shift the BL yes yes yes um to to be clear what we’re referring today is the jeans uh not the jeans that you wear not Jean to Jean so uh Bianca is Caucasian his his his lovely wife is Caucasian so she can be blamed for the light although I don’t know I actually don’t know she’s Italian she’s got a little a little bit of she brings a brownness I think she actually she brings a golden brown if you look at it with a neutral eye I do think she’s darker than you bro if they did this right didn’t see the r don’t bring the photo up again bring the phot I would know you should have sent the photo I would we should have put it up I don’t have it I don’t have it I don’t have it puppy we can’t oh we can’t do we can we can crop we can crop we can crop we can fade that we we’ll find way we’ll way for for the masses what could is mining all that gold if we can’t share it with the town’s people it’s it’s I mean the hysterics you know our friendship group might be and I guess everyone says this but it might be one of the funniest groups of human beings that have ever lived yeah Sensational the amount of I’d say about a year after that photo came out on social media the amount of hysterics oh oh that was still going on it’s to to this day to this day to this day the words of Deontay day D this day fraudulent boxer by the way influencer influencer he pulled the Memphis the pie um good old uh Stefano Baga who who got me a vintage the third the third Ser inter kit from two seasons ago three seasons ago four seasons ago three seasons ago by the way the colorful one yeah yeah I see that one you’ve seen it You’ seen me rock that one oh he sent it from Italy from Italy he lives in Italy Stefano obviously not to be confused with Stefano not Days of Our Lives not St know from Days of Our Lives he possessed Malena right well he did all sorts of things D all our grandmother all our grandmothers were in love with stepan DEA this is like put it out there it’s halim it’s been a it’s been a kg Affair it’s been a kg Affair I think there’s been one uh clearcut chance it is nil nil Opa maano and Co France that that France kit I’ve trying I’ve been trying to decide sucks yeah that whole pinstripe I don’t know have a white Kit or don’t Bird’s too big pinstrip weird there’s too much going on there it’s n n halftime would love to hear from you guys kg Affair Netherlands France Stephano DEA not him Stefano DEA um listen if if you if you’ve got a if you’ve had a maid a cleaning lady whatever we call them we knew what time it was that was their L Five Days of Our Lives 6:00 the the Bold yeah with rid rge Forest Forest Brook the first bad [ __ ] history she came South Africa black people love remember bro the like BR and then she was like she’s like a star she is not like a star I say she is a star she’s the first bad bad bro they love and she was like she so she went to M Mo M Mo built maybe what 2010 who is the dad sorry Eric Eric Eric Eric Eric barer he he started so Brook banged all three didn’t she yes yes yes and she got a kid with all three what what she got a kid with all three yeah that’s doing it that’s doing it yeah yeah she got like rid’s brother rid’s son R’s nephew like all of them like I just remember when Stephanie tried to strangle her and what happened Stephanie was the mom man yeah stepan she slept with my husband yeah Stephanie Forest the dog what a and literally all of them are still on the bowl today no ways no ways no ways Stephanie was old when I was young yes only s Spectra has died from the Bal the beautiful no ways no ways Stephanie are still in the Bol I’m telling you now today we can Google we can Google it guys it’s sport this is a sports show Sports entertainment okay cool can the viewers Google can the viewers Google yeah yeah let us know Stephano no but isn’t Stephan Stephano’s gone he died yes but rich like my grandmother Eric uh Thorn Stephanie Brooke all still around Sensational absolutely Sensational this is a different spu by the way cuz the other one had a had a middle name uh the other Buu was a different name or or maybe CH oh no that was Prince uh wait I think it’s the same guy does he have two accounts what there’s a guy called on the show his name is Zend Foresta Dominguez oh now how has this show spiral we’re integrating [ __ ] bro we’re integrated rid is rid is there oh my God Brook’s there Eric’s there oh my God but but I get it like if you’re an actor it’s a lifetime game I can’t see Stephanie I can’t see Stephanie stepan still alive dud yo how do you know that Z there Forest doing I want to hear the storyline how did a forest Dominguez just oh no slipped to the m bro had to had to have had to have bro how do you know this cuz I Googled like three months ago like cuz like something happened and then was like I need to know this oh like yeah what’s the what’s happening right now all right um a man who I think’s got a burner cuz he it’s I think it’s the same guy it’s always a c but he’s got another account I think with just his middle name so listen who am I to judge let’s just read out the comment says Lukaku plays well for belgum he was unlucky in the first game to have two disallowed goals he will be better against Romania my dead grandmother would be better against Romania what are we talking uh sisu I want to say this please come back after game two and then let’s have a conversation after game two about R Lukaku he’s Belgium’s top goal scorer so I give it to him yeah but I would like to see him like bang put put something behind the post and then let’s see let’s see he’s not good I think he is I think he was unlucky because he’s the first player to have two disallowed goals by V so he was very unlucky however he still got that thing of doesn’t put away enough at all the clubs he’s been at you can’t like struggle in it well you can’t do well in Italy and then go to Chelsea and struggle and then have to go back and man united by the way yeah no I’m going to say like I’m literally leaving all of the England career yeah I’m saying Italy does well you know did well at Everton did well at um was it birmingh where did he go no no West Brom West Brom did well there and now you now in Italy you do well in Italy Chelsea says okay cool Romy come back and you struggle there then you go on loan and you now Trash Talk um the whole Chelsea experience the something’s got to give so even now like you 84 goals for Belgium 100% appreciate that top goal scorer yes we appreciate that but in a tournament like this the chances that you have you’ve got to put away you have to put away those chances so here’s the ball possession stats uh France 58% 42 uh 40 the netherlander it is three attempts um three attempts on target for the Netherlands five attempts so they’ve put to wide but I mean they’ve both been tamed chances there’s been one real chance um I think in the game six attempts for France Two On Target um three corners for France I mean again it’s one of those games that’s been highly tactical happening between both boxes so it’s more for the the P it’s not really one for the mandm you know what I mean it’s not for the the Casual this has been a tactical Battle of the Mind and and but rabio should have done something he should have you should have slaughtered that rabio is also a bit of an influencer masquerading the football a bit he he he seems to be turning it around look as I said earlier I think I said both teams have a goal in them I think if there’s only 45 minutes to play I think there’s probably only one goal left in this game Let’s uh let’s talk gar Southgate uh we we kind of we’re in D obviously cuz we we love the vendors how much time do I have before the next half Street vendors P vendors we love them all you know all vendors yeah yeah any vendor will do any vendor will do uh gett Southgate fraud you say fraud fraud talk to me I think he’s he’s lucky that he’s got a very good side there’s no way that he has like the best players at the some of the best clubs in England and he can’t work with with them there’s no way you have Real Madrid’s best player you have man City’s best player you have Arsenal’s best player you have Bayern Munich’s best player you have for example newcastle’s best player y you know in in Anthony Gordon yes we can argue maybe second best player whatever he’s got some of the best players he’s got event’s best player in the goalkeeper sure and he’s not doing anything he’s got Kyle Walker um JN Stones who’s an amazing Defender if not um Midfield he’s got Dean and rice who rice rice rice who changed Austin’s whole season and you can’t do anything with those players 100% he’s a fraud he’s a guy that just puts Oaks together and he’s like guys do what you do and they have they don’t have a clue what they’re doing on the field so in his press conference he said England have been or he’s been trying to find a Midfield solution for years and he said Calvin Phillips um you know he doesn’t have a direct replacement for Calvin Phillips and that’s the big reason why they’re not playing well so I I just want to give some context before you answer so Calvin Phillips andz have like formed a pretty strong partnership you know like it’s strong double pivot and clearly Gareth wants to play a deep line build the ball through the Midfield and Calin Phillips does it hasn’t worked out at Man City but listen he’s not the first player to go to a big club and and do the wrong thing but him and him and de ass had a that deep line double pivot six they were they were working the ball through there and progressing it up the field so I kind of see what he’s saying within the England context but I think for you to have that as your excuse as to why you can’t let the horses out the stable like are you saying you would have played a double pivot that’s what you would have put foden on the bench CU cuz who else would he put on the bench he he do you know what I mean to accommodate Kelvin Phillips he’d have to be saying I’m gonna put he didn’t play he didn’t play Kevin Phillips in the last tournament he didn’t actually so he can’t even lie about it he didn’t play Kev Phillips in the World Cup right right now I don’t think I would have disagreed with him playing um Trent in the Midfield we know that Trent is not the best defender however he’s a terrible Defender we miss said how it is he’s a terrible one-on-one Defender outstanding going forward terrible he’s one of the worst I still have Thanksgiving and and oh it’s cuz for those who don’t know and it’s confusing cuz their mom dressed them exactly the same this morning before they left home for the show uh but Paul M who’s the guy without the glasses peasy pees Christ he supports Liverpool that’s why it affects his heart he he he he goes home and tells moms and then now I’m not welcome into my exactly next thing your Olive your Olive hoodie is not where you left it yeah so I don’t disagree with the decision of playing Trent in the Midfield I do think that he doesn’t have an imagination of doing something different he doesn’t have the balls to say I’m taking Harry Kane off yes you’re my captain I’m going to try something different go to a 442 and say I’m going to put olle Watkins and um Ivan Tony just say everything is changing you guys want to have a fixture you you’ve literally got Cole Palmer and Cody May sitting there why didn’t you take um what Ward PR to the tournament why why don’t you take thank you if you’re not going to play um Cody May Mayo why don’t you even take Henderson cuz clearly none of them are going to play at this rate none of them going to play so you got to take Henderson and then just he doesn’t know what he’s doing we leave it that playing simple mandem doesn’t know what he’s doing you know you know those coaches that look like football manager coaches like laptop manager yeah that put all their stuff on football manager it works in a game there so then they think it’s going to work in real life he he is that guy for me he is that guy like Subs are predictable you know which position he playing like like you say um but he’s just also he doesn’t give the yeah that’s what I was going to say that thing like that’s what I was going to say bro you like jakum Lou you can see the guy is serious he’s intense like you’re W1 against Denmark a team that you should be beating if you want to be serious yeah you you got to get those guys into shape straight away but see for for has left people at home before a tournament like how are you leaving this person at home how are you no longer calling up a Philip L A mirosoft CLA what whatever it is there’s certain people leaving at home like that’s a big bold move yeah okay I see what you where you’re going with this and I mean for example like team like ger have struggled to get the team that they have now to the point where like everyone’s like actually wait this Germany squad that’s here we back this but no one expected Harry McGuire to even smell the squad yeah he’s there people say no he’s not no he’s not say Oh you mean he plays in general yeah but even with the Henderson people like is he going to call up Henderson what what do what is he going to do because we don’t know and then you you you have a team and we’re already disagreeing about where is Trent going to play right now we because ttin has to play so we already know that does he though at the end of the day people on the benches are saying or The Spectators saying Trent has to play because of how your squad is set up and then Trent does play we know that Trent is not a Defender Trent plays in the Midfield but we know that there’s someone that is better than Trent that should be playing like Subs though as my brother he hasn’t he hasn’t changed his tactics since he took over the team what are we doing guys what are we doing I’m sorry for me say what you will about Tren the GU is clearly gifted but jogen makes it work that inverted right back he makes it work from right back he doesn’t play Trent at Central Midfield like I think what people don’t understand Central Midfield is the most difficult position maybe in World Sport and and people might say I’m crazy that is a technician’s position that’s like Trent looks so awkward there cuz you know what Trent wants to do every time he gets the ball he wants to hit the million dollar pass yes but that role actually BR Fernandez BR Fernandez want to do the same thing but that role that especially if you’re playing in a double pivot six your job is to actually keep it ticking it’s it’s not to be like unless you’re shaby Alonzo there there’s very few guys Tony Cru who can occupy that six space and be what they call the quarterback that’s such a difficult thing to do because Perlo Chris these guys who can find these pockets of space and they make the game look slow they are once in a generation so to expect Trent to move positions completely cuz cuz correct me if I’m wrong but for Liverpool he doesn’t play there he just happens to invert from right back yeah like he still starts in quick transition of play heid that ball in open play so he’s not playing Midfield on the field this oak by the way for those who can’t see at home obviously if you’re watching his name is Killian mbappe who is wearing mangelo Leonardo but but he’s wearing the worst option of all of them in terms of the Mask I want to finish off on the Tren thing I feel bad for Trent because to be honest with you I know Liverpool people love him I still think rice James is there you know what I said someone the other day a couple of days ago was I think the biggest nightmare for him is that Reese James is a sick note because actually rejam solves all of your problems he’s he’s going to get you all of the assists and the goals you want from right back and you don’t have to worry about Trent because everyone everyone in reality knows ree James is England’s best right back by a country Mar defending one-on-one venicius Jr has said it and Reese James is the modern day right back it’s not it’s not like ree James is Aaron one basaka where he gets a nose bed when he crosses the the Reese James for me I would argue for him when he’s playing which is every 15 months but when he’s playing I I think he’s in the conversation of being the best right back in the world there aren’t really too many sick ones right now when re James was cooking Remember That season when Chelsea won the champ you say availability no availability is your best yeah he can’t be the best in the world but I think it’s a nightmare for G South because then we don’t need to worry about Trent being in there we probably play Kobe Mayu or a specialist in there two years ago they had a problem of like you’ve got six right backs four backs it was trippier it was ree doesn’t know what he’s doing like bro four years ago you play the exact same tactics that you’re playing now no change whatsoever all right we coming we coming back um guy who looks a little bit likey I think when when he was younger shvi Simmons who i’ I’ve got on py I like it when you you say fraud watch I’ve got shvy Simmons on fraud watch I I think the baby face and the cute skills you know we’ve kicked off um love to hear in the comments if you’re on Tik Tok double tap share with everyone by the way share the link if you’re on YouTube uh let the mandm know that we’re doing a watch along we’re watching the football together it’s the second half Netherlands France uh I’m with uh as you can see they dressed by their mom before they left home unbelievable both wearing tan pants Olive hoodies I genuinely wanted to take this video off quite remarkable I who like what’s remarkable to me is you I didn’t know two Olive hoodies existed in Johannesburg like you own the only two Olive hoodies listen and they all swag I have never I’ve never like I’ve I don’t even think I’ve seen him wear this this Olive hoodie ever you know what the thing is it’s embarrassing for everyone not not just you guys I know you guys are embarrassed but my second most embarrassing moment of today one of my most embarrassing but my second most embarrassing of today today Jes I mean see your life the work meeting was yeah the work meeting did not go well you got roasted yeah got roasted by by a powerful woman yeah look I was going no changes by the way in the football we are actually watching the football if you are just joining us welcome to MKT show it is um France against the Netherlands it’s nil nil at halim 46 minutes on our clock bro put mbapp on go go ahead there uh what are you going to say Otis I was going to go green and I’ve got the same hoodie but like 10 yes so I was going to go verse green pants and I was like no I don’t like the green pants let me go this way and then yeah and then I walked in here and this listen it makes sense maybe you his role model when you were you probably wore these colors before and he thought I want to be like my older brother I get it it doesn’t make it any less embarrassing and I will be I’m going to be texting people you better believe it all ofor they’re probably texting us now no listen I’m going to distribute the pictures and oh sorry didn’t let you know but according to Bianca Capen um your mother already has the screenshot of you guys being dressed like this so uh and those just joining it’s uh Bianca capan is married to um P sorry to Otis she she said that on the family group I know she she she went on the family group and she already she already shared it yeah I know she shared it hysterics but by the way his mom Electric Factory the mama m is an absolute Electric Factory so she’s going to let people know about it and they’ll definely definitely her she’s got one of those infectious laughs that carries through the house so I imagine she’s giggling right now they’re laughing hard at us lol as a kids her cousins that we haven’t met yet yes have the photo oh can we talk about kund having these low Tech dreads and being one of the richest people in the world like these are millionaires why isn’t he you seen how he dresses bro oh is he one of those he’s also one of those but remember he wore those those high heeled things but he’s got the French thing yeah but bro I understand you’re French but like bro come on some guys do too much with it so remember we spoke about last week I think the the kids are doing it the the kids they’re Thunder Cats the kids have their haircut they’re authentic but kund has taken it to a whole level I’ve just seen his dreads now they look it looks like remember when you did in comb a couple of days ago Otis Saturday it’s it’s the millionaire version of that it’s like dude you’re you’re one of the richest people in human history just just by the fact that you’re earning £300,000 a week makes you one of the richest human beings in the history of mankind can you take can you take 25 minutes to have someone come your here bro you know what he needs to do get photos of aaki Williams I don’t know if you saw how tight those dreads are I mean you don’t need the blonde thing I always feel that if you want to do that do the blonde so you see look at Kam see how kaminga has it clearly African mom because African moms won’t let you leave a household you know without over vaselin your face so those of us who know no more my my my grandmother moisturizing and sunscreen grandmothers black grandmothers I I don’t want to speak for other demographics cuz I don’t know but black grandmothers way too much vaseline on your face before you go and play football it’s like I’m going to be playing so my grandmother’s from the homelands I’m going to be playing football in the dust anyway this is this is the biggest waste ever yeah but but they will not let you leave without washing eating uh so so kaminga clearly has that grandmother yeah you see how it’s tight it’s neat it looks White jab Stone we have there’s a coming called jab stone is jab Stone yes tell about so so so embarrassing story when my when my brother didn’t have any choices in his life and he liked his jadlocki PO very poor spelled uh P3 O’s wa po Okay cool so what we’re going to do is Mo also married man yeah yeah yeah yeah with a baby yeah no he’s a dad yeah all nowhere yeah yeah yeah yeah oh Young no um pey has a little photo where he looked like Lucas rabby he looked like Lucas rby yeah he had he had the same The Dread but used to go to a a place in jber um called other barer yo where every Saturday um no don’t hit it every Saturday he used to go for like a Twist and a clean so they go yeah yeah keep it clean and then they just twist but store is cost like 500 a weekend what are we talking about yeah you know he lived he lived he lived a good life and then he had to go to a good school and then they’re like we you can’t do dreadlocks no no he went to St David what do you mean a good school so I’m saying before he went to school my brother had dreadlocks oh five years he he was like that guy so you had to get that haircut to go to so he had to whato was he before it was it nursery nursery schoolo oh but you had to go to real school yeah cuz Mr Castle wasn’t Castle didn’t play that no was that for those people who don’t know Roger C coached me tread cricket by the way yeah everyone from from the sellborn I mean go yeah goat yeah yeah yeah chop that c chop that c Mr car once told me I couldn’t even catch a cold when I dropped a catch a cricket I’m like it was sun was in my eyes trying to catch the ball and he says M you can’t even catch a cold I’m like Sir Mr castle and do you know Roger but no cuz he wasn’t there those two same it’s the same guy Legends of the johanes North Area so it’s a I mean people in the comments won’t know who these people are cuz unless you play cricket but if impy held on he would have like Ker’s dreadlocks if he held on yeah but I don’t think S Davis then I would have gone to like Crawford you don’t have uniform one of those schools terrible School terrible School recreation centers I I call them recreation centers it pretty much is like bro once you don’t have uniform I already don’t back you just put some uniform on yeah dog like hey dog it’s it’s it’s literally just gray shorts or gray Longs if you’re in high school and a white top and a tie you know what it is you know what it is black mothers are being pushed to the side in society cuz we’re hearing too much from kids nowadays yes like kids oh what about my rights you’re 13 years old you don’t even understand you can’t eat ice cream for breakfast 13y old eat ice cream pay taxes and then tell us about your rights bro but you remember there was a like like my mom is about as tame as it gets you know she’s like she’s a communicator like like but even then there was a line that I knew I mean now now I’m off the reservation frong good defending by France it’s it’s a tight game um but now I’m off the reservation obviously like I I think there’s no saving me now but when I was younger like you know what happened I don’t want to blame the white DS but I met white friends and white kids communicate with their parents like they’re their mates I don’t know if you’ve you ever had this hard even where these guys be like oh Johnny’s on the way like yeah BR like just just open the gate just now Johnny’s on the way is that your brother oh yeah your M driver is that your m is Johnny like your cousin I don’t I’ve known him for you you’re like oh okay cool who is he my dad oh Johnny pulls in it’s his uncle yeah like I’m like what do you mean Johnny do do you get me yeah so I I think I took some of those habits home and like with my dad that was my dad doesn’t nego the children but with my mom I started to cuz my mom’s a you know she was psychiatrist trying to be modern trying to you know don’t understand you but black mothers in general being pushed to the side that’s when kids started having an opinion about the human rights like you know it’s funny about like I mean our culture we’ll talk about you like oh no which means for those of you who went to private schools and you don’t um speak the van aunt and aunt and aunt and uncle and uncle and Uncle yes yeah so it’s like oh but no just ra it’s just oh Mal Mal like what’s that name them no there is no name it’s just there’s a name it’s a ter that that’s how we refer to them Memphis the pies obviously got number 10 on his he’s shoting for three at the moment let’s see Memphis of course not you don’t have the shot power from there and it’s nowhere near getting over the wall it’s from 28 yards off we’re shooting for three because I mean the golden 10 I mean honestly now come Anthony yeah there’s no need there’s no need for what uh he’s doing BR and like cornos have not been a thing since 2007 not according to Memphis dep pie not according to Memphis frong is so small I don’t know if this would this physicality work in England no did I not say that about yamal and you said no he’s like 7 fo 10 no but yamal yamal is just skinny but you no LK he’s just he’s also 16 the guy probably he can’t even drink at the hotel when Barcelona travels give the man a chance to fill out body I and also he’s yeah yeah no no sorry I’ve just seen from P for the first time now like properly no look he’s Peter Dinklage he’s Tiny But BR go to the Ride Club get in the gym that is Tiny like he’s like 5′ s but you can get da bro in England yeah in England they will make you Dax bro yeah but you got to be like David silver technical youus look at the M did you see David deir when he first got to United and David deir like a couple years later he gained 5 kilos yeah but he’s 63 he gain 5 kilos Paul please look at that guy he he’s wearing his under 13 Netherlands kid he he has not grown since he was like 10 getting five kilos look at those shorts they look like basketball shorts on him cuz they only had the adult size he’s tiny look at him look at him next toia it looks like bring your kid to work day he’s so small I’m sorry now I’m pey that’s not going to work bro I’m I’m not saying he’s going to get there look wait just look at looks at looks at hey m is what what we’re talking about look at this guy bro oh what a Miss by rabio again this actually but okay there look at frong next to rabio why is he even dropping for the head what was he going to do challenge rabio in the end n he’s small he’s small he’s dud he’s tiny no look he’s he’s tiny but I’m just say at least he could can gain some some some weight bro no bro how do you put on that frame there yeah you can put on Kun Aguero is like this no but Kun aguero’s legs bro they’re like that’s like aero’s no no no no no no aquero had those tree trunk you’re born with those this Oak looks like he should be running bloody 5,000 m for Kenya and even then he’s too short yeah he’s too short for Kenya so I don’t know what we’re doing here frong Red Alert sorry he he doesn’t finish comments mate he doesn’t finish comments he’s a in the words of Ben Stiller in that movie he’s a tiny tiny little man he’s a tiny tiny little poison no no no no so pey what do you say listen let us know in the comments I don’t want to be shortest here cuz I’m I’m I think I’m regular height I’m 5’11 so so the thing is you can Gua tall people but short people now with a thck you can Gua thin people but fat people it’s a thing yes so no no yes yes yeah you can’t people small yes you can’t really you can’t but but okay pey what happens in the Premier League cuz you actually have to defend in the Premier League as a right wing for the crosses now now you’ve got to defend let’s say who’s the who’s the Midfield rodri Rod’s coming in at the back post you he’s made the late run to back post no BR opportunity opportunity in terms of in terms of what he’s what he’s doing in the air he’s doing nothing no options no options he’s doing nothing in the air that that we know but I mean you could put you can put some size on them you know with modern advancements in technology guys are and fitness guys are guys are able to get DS bro get DS to a weight where he can handle himself and handle the physicality of the league how old is he okay let me Google how old he is cuz you also say that no it won’t be he not e he like 40s Jeri 23 ohy it’s late Ronaldo at 23 was winning the bend or remember he put on all the way by 23 remember oh yeah that’s I don’t know okay maybe some people agree with you um watch along with en Coursey Oak says Nah Bayern is the only Club that’ll get him jacked yo Bayern gets oak stack bro guys y who was it that went there after one season just levandowski lever bro out and they also like ripped yeah Keta I was going to say where’s ketka way he’s not even the is he not in the German Squad I they’re living large oh they’re living large bro oh it’s CU you got you got to let Chris finish up yeah you can’t drop Kim Kim is the chosen do do you know do you know that even um Don Carlo said if Tony cruise control calls me like September yeah the space and bro there’ll always be face with Tony Chris he’s generational he’s he’s he’s our shabi Alonzo now like Iniesta now you know just like Perlo now it’s like there’s only he’s playing on his own time this oak on the field this oak on the field is Killian mbappe who’s got a broken nose oh let’s speak about the mask so many options and he goes with the worst possible option he could have gone with by the way so I don’t know you were saying he’s gone with the French flag the triol eality just just go for like a normal for black one just go for a Ninja Turtle mask the green one go for green and then go for a Ninja Turtle mask like you are killing you’re bread no you’re killing in go be hilarious yeah the worst possible option you know what go with anything I don’t know who his sponsor is you know he’s he’s an urban fellas I would imagine guci or one of what’s a French BL uh Louis Vuitton probably sponsor so go with that I’m so glad you didn’t say something like sea John or I thought you were for you Urban fubo fub fub like please don’t say fubo please don’t say oh that’s so funny Sean John no D no did I do need to say this shavey simers looks like he’s like um shim’s love child now shim’s love child shimi Mur a man who I was the B AKA vinent comp vanon yes vanon he looks he looks like a a skinny version of Vincent company cuz Vincent company is jacked up yes so it looks like she’s love child he’s also got a big head he’s crinian we we spoke about oh Vincent company not shimmy not shimmy it’s debatable both are it’s Deb both yeah they have a substantial Cranium um so he’s look great Cross by demele good defending by Denmark 62 minutes your thoughts on the game double oh Dem could have pulled something you know he would have pulled the muscle pulled the Hy up until December who’s that demele yeah I’m glad he didn’t do like yeah he’s been consistent this season in terms of appearances so whatever’s going on in catalunia they’ve told him or is in PSA as much he’s not he’s just like Chief just run as much as you can run the the hardest game he’ll play is practice he plays for PSG yeah he’s in the French league like let’s be honest psg’s hardest game is against their second team at practice so he’s having a laugh yeah he’s having a laugh 100% he’s having a right laugh he’s laughing he’s having a right laugh we’re laughing we’re laughing in the words of my mate Rogan there was a season where someone one of my mates told me a ridiculous stat like that Neymar played 20 six games for PSG yeah like all season and he was only injured for like a month so that means like there are so many games where they’re like we’re not even going to play this Oak because we don’t need to remember PSG had Neymar Messi and MPP in one season and what did they win sweet blow you must remember the galacticos so Beckham one Title One One La Liga yeah I’m glad you stopped me from listing all of the galactic don’t do it what a waste but but then again still got a la so we’ll give him that but only one yeah it’s a little bit it’s not enough not enough no no bham has more titles with Manchester United than he does with Real Madrid he’s got more with LA Galaxy and AC Milan possibly than he does with Real Madrid La Galax is not a real team I also want to say this David Beckham shouldn’t really be included in the Galactica like as a marketing thing it’s a bit embarrassing like he’s not a Lis Figo Dan let’s be honest nice player quality player professional it’s a little embarrassing to include him as a footballer in that echon I’m going to say is I’m going to say this and people love David beckon but come on the people can come at me David Beckham one of the best Distributors of a football that ever Liv no no no I could not disagree with you more in terms of that that right foot the cross the set piece delivery but there’s other parts of the football I mean James W cross yeah he he’s just he he’s a he’s a he’s he’s the finest version of Dame James W PR you can get and obviously D oh brilliant Mar the right play there’s a few no no all of them should have taken a chance Griezmann what are you doing in the end I think Conte made the right play what is gri doing no he didn’t he didn’t you think should have shot yet look at this the right no have it it’s like Dum freeze was right in front of the M have it bro no have back yourself trust believe you said believe first touch of a trampoline first touch of a Romo Lukaku I was going to you said you said you said it this week believe believe no believe I hear you but like believe the keep the it’s C how many times in Chelsea did you see that man shoots he’s never going to shoot yeah that’s so um but yeah no posible oh by the way good old it was it’s the same guy Che many uh same guy but he just edited his name so maybe he wasn’t feeling putting his whole mle name up yeah yeah I think that happens that happens that’s cool listen he gave it a will like you know with uh with kind of these double barrel surnames it sounds more Regal and then he pulled it back hey SM good good for you putting yourself out there and then you go you know what there’s no bad ideas in brainstorming but let’s pull it back but now also now we know which were we talking to yeah when we banter with him exactly it was like is it two guys is it one guy you know Goa cont still the best holding mid in the world what a ball you see direct direct keeper Deele all right we need to make some changes at 66 minutes Buu says F frong came through the Man City ranks he should be fine he’s played mainly as a wing back well um a bit for it’s different game he did play as a wing back in the last game I think a different game playing F the forward do that um like I said different game playing for the forward um for me the Dutch they’re they’re going to always be in that that gap of we’ve got guys coming through and we’ve got established guys yeah so when they lose the Virgil there we go cameraman’s on it it’s not enough and now now he’s back on bro it’s not enough it’s not not fcot all right all right you know I don’t I don’t just want to be negative about the camera but okay fair enough fair enough Stern but fair Stern but fair because Croatia the lost time with Croatia there was a there was yeah there go Griezmann yes I know what you’re talking about in terms of Croatia yes good football de you selfish bugger so the thing about frong is going to be the guy in the next tournament however they’re going to have lost quality from this tournament well they won’t have Virgil they have W be there is probably the captain but you to lose Vil you got to lose always injured anyway blint um by the way Danny Vander how sad is that he’s still a player yeah so this is my problem with the Dutch is like they are going to always be like Peak play players at F Nord ax and um PSV come through and then be bitp players we spoke about the other day that ax Squad that made the semi-finals was power and only one of them is playing Peak football yeah and that’s Frankie D young or Frankie D young the is he playing at Bay he not he is playing at Bay no they play O mccon and and um oh but he he is there yeah he is so we got two oh good save it’s he’s off the it’s it’s shaby Simmons it’s Shimmy’s child it is Shimmy’s long lost child can’t believe how quickly he had a baby shimy morui married less than a month ago already has a baby who’s qualified to play for the Netherlands don’t know how he figured that passport situation out oh denied fraud watch denied the UK referee man on the UK opinion he’s got a mask give it to mbapp he’s going to go on he’s going to do something shimmy is so upset right now yeah shimmy mura is long lost son saying what have I done wrong you there is an offside where is the offside no there’s off wait play play play play yeah is inter is it interfer is it interf my man it goes past his foot bro okay no it’s interference it’s fine it’s fine no guy’s name Anthony Anthony Taylor Anthony Anthony Taylor is the no I I think that’s a goal I think that’s offside bro I don’t think he’s getting there no I I but you know he’s going to the screen go to the screen go to the screen no he’s not going to the screen go go check go check oh sh Sim’s about to break down shimmy is upset he’s so upset is shimmy wait wait wait Shimmy’s middle name is Simon yes so we’ve got shami to be Shaman it’s true it’s it’s we listen we’re not making the news we’re reporting the news it actually is the news I’m sorry if I had your ID number sh me I would have probably posted it Poppy I would have broken all the laws the poy act yeah yeah yeah no no listen I’m I don’t believe in human rights but it is Simon so it is shab so we have yeah we have shabi Simmons and we have shimi S yeah there you have it the son of shimy Mur um who’s by the way you obviously don’t know who shim Mur he has actually been on the show before shim Mur has been on the show before uh shimi mes as he goes by on the streets oh I genuinely think this should be a goal by the way Anthony Taylor’s massive cuz Vil van djk is a a man mounted for a footballer yeah they still doing a goal check I think this is a goal he’s not getting there I I think the thing is dumre is like I want to see free yeah and the ball literally goes past D freeze even what do you guys think at home uh should it be a goal shouldn’t it be a goal if you watch football and you’re watching let us know do you think that should be a goal Anthony Taylor is having a St down with Virgil Van you have to look for him behind the goals from the side of the goals you can’t see it but from behind the goals you’ll see if me yes go yes we’re going to start the game again we going to start the game again give me the ball start again look at the goal check over check over yeah show I’m getting theal well they say check over on the screen that he’s having a fullon symposium with the French team oh offside and they not having it sorry I was getting cold you know people are losing it inting cold getting cold he say this is ridiculous that’s not this is you getting cold yeah unbelievable I got a fleece at home but this all I have in the studio the studio is a little cult unbelievable I was getting C bro put d d shs yes you win this game you qualify for the next round Genie one Alam I forget he’s guys that is not that’s a goal he’s not getting there bro please look at this look at Mand is there he’s in his way I think he’s in his way from that angle that’s what I want to see that angle he’s in his way because at the end of the day if keeper goes for it yeah he’s diving towards a player initially I thought it was a go that angle I don’t I don’t agree with they just took U GOI says invite invite shimmy to the watchong uh Gira creative says why is MK sitting above everyone is it an authority thing yes yes like what are we doing here it’s your show yes you still above us I’ve named the show after myself for those who don’t know MK [Music] I literally my ego is so big that I think a whole show should be named after me now that’s offside that’s definitely off yeah but also the basketball play he had no Pace he had no Pace he’s not good enough yeah and he’s cless he must actually go to Saudi it’s May for him I don’t think the Saud will pay enough even Pizza won even coach it go to Saudi or go to go olivu before the game we were talking about Olivier jeru yeah yeah and he’s about to come on uh jiru is about to come on why they showing us that offside that’s not what the offside is for the offside is for interfering with the goalkeeper you so so we spoke earlier he’s actually a player that I would have on my bench for my father side we hold that we we’ll get into it in the last 10 minutes I like I like where you headed there um he’s actually one of the watch along with says J off season it’s called the MKT show for a reason quite right quite right it’s all of my insecurities are coming through I thought if people can’t love me in real life I’ll um I’ll force them to watch a show with my name and and and remembered and they can’t do anything about it watch along with eni there could be a point where me my brother take over the show Bananas in pamas you can do it and I know you do it cuz you already dressed up so I trust you guys to sync up your outfits you’ve already proved that you’re very capable very capable of that draw creative says I refuse to watch unless you shout out uh L when a goal is scored I mean that that’s that’s racially profiling that’s racially profiling yeah yeah I won’t have that yeah you could be Muslim what have you heard those those those Arabic commentator I could be French yeah it could be French I mean Lilian Lilian turam son coming off now I could be you know I could be anything I mean there’s so many black guys in Europe now it’s very confusing I’ll we even you could be a you could be a Swedish International am I Alexander isak so please let’s be more sensitive to the global diaspora yeah diaspora some people are saying what is it y just go mad those guys are incredible they are incredible I don’t need to the the sud Amic yeah those guys are incredible fireworks and then there’s flares yeah they’re not scared they’re not all about Western production value and then and the stadium are shaking yeah I’m into it I’m into it I mean entertain me um Rani our favorite uh vendor Gent he says um that’s a terrible decision that go should have been allowed I I agree with Ron I’m with Ron I agree R myself because maybe we both from the North or my mom’s from the north the blood goes to the right place in our brains that was a goal Oaks what are you guys saying and py you don’t seem happy uh look bro I I just feel that Keeper’s going across and there’s a player there right you first things you’re not going to die dive into the player is he getting there though is is my question to you if the player was on side he was still going to drive first if if there was no player if there was no player there he was going to die first he going to die first and make it I think he could have even fingertips even fingertips could have ushered it ushered it out bro I don’t know mpz I don’t know I I I don’t know I don’t know Ron says no and he’s he’s a vendor if anything no I hear it but isn’t isn’t our president is he he’s vendor yeah yeah he’s look me I think I think I’m with Ren because I call him Ren now I love that yeah cuz we we we spoke last week with Ren I love that and then that’s the private school version of Ren and then Nas no no no no no R it’s how you pal I agree with Ren he’s the guy he’s the guy we’re on the phone Ren bring us bring us y but Bruce Stacy’s also here so like make sure sort your hair out brother so like you know so R’s going to look like me last week no no no never he needs to make sure that he CS not the ren I know and love the Rens I know and love no chance yeah and like Rens needs to make sure that they’re like bring at least ass and one tonic r one tonic bro bring Dash mate yeah no but make sure it’s tonic cuz the girls are drinking T exactly yeah for the lads yeah I mean you wouldn’t know this obviously it’s not really for you no no you’re saying for the lads though cuz I’m C like I make sure that when I come with my M everything she has up let’s talk about that we got 13 minutes in the game you’ve raised a great a great point which I think has to be o good defending good defending by Theo ernandez so what’s his brother’s name again the one who plays for Spain Hernandez yeah cuz Leo like I you it yeah that’s great I’m just here to watch the game no no no listen listen you don’t have to like the be love that we’re here love it i’ I’d love it I’d love it so that Memphis the pie is off vote V hor to score the win he need to go off CU now now you need to change the system now now the system needs to put put the ball for it because he’s not doing enough movement for me anymore anymore yeah so so and vot will allow the midfielders to join him cuz he will hold it up Corner cross good defending by France bro m’s on the bench so so so he’s not ready the guy’s got a broken nose he’s not ready to play what this shows me is that France is not ready bro he’s got a mask he’s got yeah but it’s not even a real ninja mask he’s he’s bloody wearing the trick color no France is not ready to take this this is this is a man’s SP what basically what a man said to another man in a five aside game I played yes hey brw this is a man sport man up man up yeah I hear you so so what I see now is that Spain moves into that number two spot MH Germany is still number one spot for me and England is in that number three spot England because if you’re going to do this against a not a decent Netherlands Squad right we haven’t seen uh Portugal play the second game we I don’t I don’t rate Belgium at the moment so yeah I’m I’m I’m Spain so for me Spain is still number two what’s behind behind Germany Germany huh okay Germany is like they they they literally simmering the food they put the Germany is not cooking anymore Germany is a crap past that it’s in the warmer Germany’s food is in the warmer got you who’s cooking Spain are the only ones that areain is only ready to serve they’ve laid the table out yeah Spain is the only one cooking Germany is simmering the food got you at the minute England based on Sky Sports News and their media they’re the only ones like sautéing and like what um what’s his name Gordon what’s the the Chef Ramsey Ramsey Gordon Ramsey Anthony Gordon they’re like oh no like they’re putting out the ingredients yes and as we see them play We Like O you shouldn’t have put in the The Garlic yeah you you you should have done this you should have done that yeah yeah so not 100% cooked this game it’s not a great dut Squad not a great D Squad at all oh BR these these these EGS are all accomplished players K KS as you said the most decorated football of all time by the way but but you said that they’re feeling each other out 100% acknowledge the fact that these guys might feel each other out but these are the games you need to put a way to show where you stand in the tournament Olivia jiru always has the sickest by the way Olivia jiru is the kind of white guy you need to look out for any white guy with that fade will take your check did you see did you see what he said to his son what what he says like oh Dad you play with killing he’s like he said to like no no no no make a mistake kill comp with me yes ziru is that guy by the way did I’m not sure if you ever saw the photo allegedly of when he was uh at his um what you might describe as a side piece did you ever see that photo yeah wasn’t it uh link leaked by another French player I’m not going to get into the no no no no it’s it’s in the courts it’s the courts God disg yeah that’s again I’m not going to sub judic what you say so he’s a law he’s the I’m the lawyer it’s sub judic which I said allegedly alleged allegedly he was with his side piece but in that that’s when I was like oh I get it cuz any white guy by the way who has that fade I know immediately yeah bag he’s a bag and you know he’s that guy and he’s the guy who will mix the paint you know cuz we’re still transitioning to white guys with black women like we’re not there yet as like a like it still makes me kind of um snap my neck you know oh good for you you know like whereas I see I with you fellas a bit I’m kind of used to where like I mean not in Europe like cap more more more youthful Jo you’ll never see it in cap no but the youth are they they they wild up oh yeah they they Wilding they wild Wilding they really are Wilding aren’t they the you those Whooper Snappers they rap scallion what in blue blazes is going on those guys one of the jimy I think Ria needs to come open up I think he’s had his game Let’s got the mil and watch the football sorry oh my goodness sorry RAB come off all right um so two things I want to address the just something I just want to tell you something you because you’re on the right track there as a married man people in relationships where’s my camera I need to address people people in relationships please stop being selfish your wives and girlfriends have friends please tell your wives and girlfriends to bring them with there’s nothing worse than someone who gets in a relationship and then stopping those people cuz your wiv and girlfriends have friends especially if you’re under the age of 35 after that I care we can you can do whatever but please if you’re 35 and Downer 35 and Downer not lower 35 and Downer please start encouraging your partners to bring their friends with and I think that’s kind of where you were headed where you said you’re providing for the for the crew okay so so so so what what’s your question um no no no I I I you were kind of headed that way okay I mean I may have sort of so so the thing is in a no did entered you in the mouth it’s it’s it’s it’s it’s yes we laughed about this last week this is 100% Peak banter yes the only reason why any guy is not going to say baby invite your friends is because I know my friends okay that’s that’s also I know my friends you guys are going to drop the ball and I’m like no but babe yeah MKT is the perfect guy for like insert name here Stacy yeah we’ll call her Stacy yes yes whatever Stacy Stacy more likely Stacy makes more sense to it’s more realistic Stacy yeah Stacy Stacy Stacy makes like that’s that’s like everyone who knows yeah we’ll call an insert name here yes yes and then baby were like y but but babes I see what you say but yeah he’s you know I’m like no but like let’s hear let’s let’s let’s see what happens you know and then I’m like oh MKT versus Stacy and then I go like babes do you want a glass of wine we walk to the bar and then already when I come back like oh have you guys you know baned she’s already throwing her bottle of water at you because you said what you said to I’m like I now can’t come back from that the other thing I haven’t thought about because obviously I’m single is it’s your problem now the whole time because now it’s awkward anytime there needs to be a social Gathering or cuz I see what you so you J oh good defending very good defending okay no you you you listen you’ve made a good case there cuz now it’s starting domestics cuz I would imagine relationships are difficult enough you don’t need oh he he dogged my best friend I hear you oh no if if if he dogs my best friend is like but baby you’re the one who said they must chat you said they must chat okay no it’s a good point it’s a good you know I hadn’t thought of it from that perspective so okay I you know what go back on everything I said as an experienced married man I understand why you don’t invite or or tell your wife to invite her friends because it affects too much otherwise literally all my friends would be with like all the chick that I know yeah that’s also not something that’s also not something you want I would imagine 100% yeah you don’t want CU you also don’t want to hear certain parts about your your own friends it it like there are certain things I don’t want to know about everyone there are certain things I don’t even want to know about my own mother and sister okay I hear you now you’re an ancient guy and you’re like you you you you’ve turned around here you you you’ve made me see the light in my mind I was thinking like a bachelor but you you’ve made me realize once you graduate to being a husband you’ve got to look when when the groups are Diversified when the groups are Diversified oh and even David D yeah yeah Arenal no Heritage that’s football Heritage that’s football Heritage David Dean arson venger we we rolling now now now we’re talking football it’s the history of the Totten Capell oh is that Oh I thought that was who was the Portuguese scammer who coached B I thought it was squ but it’s not no but he wasn’t the scammer it was it was Carlos Alto that guy who made millions of us can I tell you something I actually feel like um s off should have done more after because he’s actually a goat of goats yeah I really think that he’s one of those that we didn’t actually think that he was going to be so great but I mean there’s no way you can get three Champions League titles with three different clubs and and be a star player by the way in those teams he he’s not like a a a contributor he’s not he’s not what’s that guy Scott cost yeah he’s not yeah yeah oh here we go 88 minute it’s rabio it’s a shocking cross [ __ ] useless excuse my language no no no no no it’s not a kid show it’s not a kid show bro that’s a foul that’s a foul a man’s game I thought you was a man’s game can’t have it both ways yeah it’s a man’s gang get out so so so please guys those dreads those pigtail dreads they horrendous [ __ ] is that so so as I said to you guys earlier it’s not an indictment of the Netherlands actually it shows me more of how weak France are from not beating this decent is I will put Netherlands at the same level as a put Denmark in the currently right now yeah yeah then there’s your man now Killian mbappe who’s losing his you see cuz he wants to play he’s coaching he’s coaching now like Ronaldo did in 2016 he’s got a broken nose like what are we talking about here this is not FIFA on like this is a real human being just cuz he’s a gajillion doesn’t mean he’s he’s not going to experience pain he’s got a py he’s got a broken nose like what do you want the guy to do right to look I didn’t influ the game come on influence the game I didn’t I didn’t break my nose I didn’t break my nose okay here we go for 3 weeks ago but having said that having said that yeah three three weeks ago I was playing in my public [ __ ] sensation is this the Sunday League where you and my landlord are yes yes yes we are the same but he’s so when when when the ball got kicked into your face no not the ball got kicked I took a boot a whole oh so when I was stitching you up and pretty much bro br put a put a plaster on that [ __ ] and then went and played you didn’t we put medication into that chair not plasters but BR we put a plaster on the thing and I went and played oh so you’re saying killing is not as tough as you basically no I’m saying also sure I’m sure it’s not that bad it’s not that bad you’re also older than K so you got like that toughness you also got the African KN yes because you’re real African like he’s now remember br you know you grew up in Paris like you you spped in parisal socialist country there bro here we like dude and there’s I mean there’s social funding like the thing is your your basement like for him he he doesn’t even know that it exists okay you know in his mind the discreet is having to eat esaro only once a month because there’s social funding so you got to understand you got like you’re undiluted African he’s cameroonian with uh well he’s French with cameronian Tendencies whereas you’re African so you got to understand that but I mean like bro come on with modern advancements in technology bro BR it’s modern advancement of technology did not did not stop you from having a broken nose bro they literally gave you a Mas to protect you yeah and then you went with the worst option I hear you just take although the problem with with the nose and I I don’t know where he broke it is you got to remember that’s B that’s a foul throw he he he broke it he broke it at um I want to name it I name it he broke it at the Ste Bruce he’s broke it at the St Bruce the problem there by the way is you got to remember the nose is your there’s so many that could go wrong there is your taste is through smell so what if it there’s all sorts going on there it’s not just about his broken nose cuz I hear you you just see him as an Entertainer yeah someone’s thinking about his human value Believe it or notal them with the corners is it’s a thing e i I don’t know why it’s a Das thing bro like literally 2007 Timberlands baggy shorts baggy shirt three4 shorts three4 shorts sometimes with those sneakers the gunit sneakers dag dag all the cap that was side cap that that was the last time cornrow made sense now they don’t do you have comment do I have do you have comment I do have a comment Tang good good T Bank says um no team is signing Memphis couldn’t agree more um David luru says there’s something worse than that people who don’t eat P pineapple on Pizza you got to be kidding me that that is the worst oh that’s the most delicious thing ever oh sacrilege sacrilege um de like raisins in potato salad that’s also tough because I know I I I no no if you mix with white people they’re going to listen no white people are going to introduce you to stuff you’re not going to be ready for all of it bro it’s fine I’ll eat the other salad bro yeah but we do need to sit oh when no there’s going to be one salad and you’re not going to have that you you going to stop I’ll just child literally B you going to pick your raisins out no sway if there’s one salad D freeze back post kund tried to head it out because of his btech uh dreads it slides so so I want to actually I wanted to raise this cuz we spoke about this earlier is that when I said about like my my five side team for the tournament right or so far yeah I’m looking these two teams right now and there’s no one that I would put in my five side team give me your five side who’s your keeper so far in this tournament by the way if you are listening put it in the comments who would you have as your um fide team throughout the tournament if you watched let’s wrap up we got about a minute to go here um odas hit me with your keeper okay my keeper I’m going to go for unimon unai Simon from Spain yeah just like a like solid decent SP has played quite well cuz he’s keeping David on the bench yeah that that’s one of my reasons yeah um JN Stones JN Stones so you’re playing how many you playing at the back um no it’s Which F side are you playing because there’s two versions there’s F side where people don’t count the keeper and it’s five players or there’s five side there’s four players and one keeper okay yeah so so John Stones because he’s got that pep has put me in the Midfield I can distribute nicely but I’m going to play center back like no starles yeah and then I’ve got um the rat gundan he Sensational he’s been absolutely amaz he is Sensational actually I say he’s been he’s he’s just so good and he does everything like he’s he’s also like he’s the he’s a Dying Breed he’s he’s a genuine box tobox Midfield so he’ll do the tough tackling he’ll control the ball in Midfield the last one I can genuinely say was was Frank Lampard where yes as much as I love Steven Gerard he he didn’t like that stuff like Lampard was genuinely between him and ESS and I would say those were the last two like genuine number eight was amazing as football and I’m doing everything between the box where Lampard was different he he but but gundan does the L that Lampard part where he’s special is he’ll break in the box that’s what I that’s what I’m loving about him now so now I’ve I’ve got my my keeper I’ve got my Defender who’s who’s kind of that Midfield where he can add to the Midfield and I’ve got gundan um I’ve got musala right because I think he’s been Sensational and I think he can do a lot of the lateral running and I’m torn between I know what hurri kanane can do and what um yamal has been doing so that’s my fa side of the tournament so far even if even after seeing these two teams play where one of the teams is my team and another is a favorite of mine I thought maybe ail mbapp could be somewhere there and there about broken nose he’s after two games he hasn’t played yet but maybe in the quarterfinals or the semi-finals I will see something and I can change how I see what what it’s about but germani hasn’t given me anything um he cost1 million Tony Chris is amazing yes but the change in Germany’s game for me has been turn chis the best midfielder of the tournament has been turn chis he’s unreal don’t good he’s been amazing and they’ve got vers that guy tell me about him so so so so how I’m playing is like I’m going to have like a deep line and a like and a a movement and a striker so I’m going to play musala because he gives me something different to this what about inaki Williams he’s been Sensational he has been he’s he’s been unbelievable they even laughing at Genie’s Corner bro’s laughing at cuz they look ridiculous you know what he looks like sorry Genie one Alam looks like a 90s he looks like he should be in boy to men not even Boy to Men he should be on like the Tyler Perry’s first movie Yes or um Drew Hill yes Drew Hill what happened to guys in R&B punching the air that’s what’s G wrong when yes grabbing and dragging that’s why the music don’t hit the same no more yeah and it oversized everything all right that’s the game this has been the watch along um great stuff great stuff uh Bianca capan says uh coriander salad peasy coriander salad disgusting coriander she’s triing him she’s trigging him oh this a little inside coranda honestly sucks like my friends from the Mediterranean also say tastes like soap nah it sucks bro don’t don’t give me stuff with coriander in it bro I’m not going to CH that I don’t want to cause any domestics here for you uh but Italian cuisine might be the most overrated no it’s actually delicious it’s actually delicious cuisine on Earth um so don’t cause the thing for him but bro yeah bro like you know there’s there’s there um yeah a lot of these I don’t know what it is maybe it’s because I grew up like eating like African food urban urban urban yeah um you’re an urban fell yeah I’m an urban fell like just those those foods like they taste great but like they’re not like out of this world bro you know what is out of this world Argentine like when you go to South America cuz I obviously my brainwashing was like when I was younger it’s like you got to have French cuisine you know and Italian cuisine and I was like this is the Pinnacle it’s like in my mind I’m like oh this French stuff is way too creamy but but if I say anything people would say of course from Africa you don’t know anything so there’s a lot going on you don’t know you don’t know anything yeah I went to Argentina do you want some palenta that some African P some poing M wors with that bro you can do that for you you want some morogo no but that’s a slap though it no listen info info as as as we say in the causes I’m AAA you call it morogo we call it in same thing it’s still it’s still Spanish M work for popey good enough for popey good enough for me look I for my point of view is that I mean when I you know chat it when I chat to the uh grandfather how Italian is your wife like the extended family like there’s Italians and then no no like oh like like where the grandfather supports PR not just like a Juventus like oh and then anyways everything every every meal he says You must cook is first you add golly or first you add NS that’s it it’s it’s one of those like no you fry them and they like and then like Oh no just a little bit of spice and then tomatoes and then you he he has a recipe for everything that we always chat about so very very italent in terms of the the cooking yeah and you’re like but I don’t it’s like no it’s not Italian if you don’t do it like how I say you should do it yeah you basic up and I mean he he was telling me a few weeks ago like he arrived in Johannesburg for the first time on the 3D of July 1956 wow yeah and it was like I went straight to the mines and I’ve been here ever since and it he’s always just done that thing of cooking keeping his Heritage and whatnot so like when I talk to him about football I’m like I it I don’t even worry about those people those they don’t play the football that I want to play anymore but he wants the Kat yeah but he’s but he’s heritage heritage heritage and actually love it because it’s it’s when he talks about food when he talks about football when he talks about being Italian it it’s nice to understand that you know from an urban yes you’re an urban fell from an urban point of view because you people sometimes don’t get it and you know you know what you understand when you go to Italy as well is how Regional they are yeah 100% 100% he’s from the south like oh no the north we don’t we don’t play with the north no no no no yeah bro I went on a you can actually go like you know the nle EAS like you can go on like full-on thuggery tours it’s like no no no you we can’t go there’re in Europe what do you mean like no no no no that’s not for you yeah like there’s no T here yeah yeah cuz that’s where the mandem are yeah yeah yeah this is not those are the ends M it’s not it’s not Tony Soprano these are real guys who do real stuff like even on the tour it’s like no we don’t go there and then the way they talk about the rest of the Italians I’m like sweet Jesus you know I mean obviously we’ve got a obviously I’m course so being CL is obviously the you speak about the Zulu like that you use people speak about the Zulu well being CL is obviously the peak like everyone knows it that people W accept it and it becomes a conversation but Bean Claus is obviously the Pinnacle like we know that jury still out it’s not it’s not the jury they’ve gone in the votes are in you know do I need to do this let’s not do this Oliver tho we we’re not going to do this now Nelson okay so colide that’s just some of the bangers so so so what we can do is that and T doesn’t come all the viewers can then come with their evidence yeah so if you if you’re planning on watching the next watch along yes give you evidence of how the cles are what you say but I’m mean like I said I don’t need to have you flown into Johannesburg mate go at the airport go to Eastern Cape go to Buffalo City metropolitan and then come back and be like CL us bro okay let me ask you this let’s finish it off on this what do you think think of democracy you’re welcome uh yeah so are you Greek so no no no no like within your own context obviously I mean Y what do you know about Socrates and I don’t mean the Brazilian Sensational soccer player I’m talking about I’m talking about 1994 maybe you’ve heard of it n Roy laa Med roash rolls rolls rolls yeah he’s RI shash but we call him rolls no rolls come on myy okay cool sport show we have through match day two how’s the tournament looking for you um so far there isn’t really I haven’t seen a team that’s blown me away I would say the one player who has truly surprised me is inaki Williams Because and I was just thinking about how frustrating for him it must be um because obviously he’s he plays for b b they don’t sell and he’s happy that you know he’s on 250,000 a week anyway jeez yeah well because they pay their own cuz they don’t sell right yeah so he’s the one guy that surprised me but it also made me think it must be so frustrating when he comes and plays with good players cuz now he’s got room right like when he plays B BAU it’s like okay double that guy you’re the guy yeah yeah double that guy and the the rest we can work around like you see now when he’s a man on an island he’s just unreal I didn’t realize that he was this kind of player and he’s he’s also he reminds me of and iron Robin Reber these wide players today can’t go both ways Waki Williams especially in the game when his F play yesterday or two days ago he can go both ways and that’s so rare now in football like it’s always cut inside and Sho bukayo Saka cut inside all of them in fact all of these modern Wingers uh who’s the gabri who’s the other guy who who doesn’t like black people who punched um s man the black guy s San cut inside and shoot there’s very few Wingers so I mean the truth the truth is we we speak he did say allegedly allegedly he said something about um his skin color yeah like anyway not the point so I I love what I’m seeing from inaki my player of the tournament um and the team so far for me that says we’re here is Spain like and you know you said it the other day and I’m wrong they have shown me my God we are serious and they’re cooking football as well it’s not that boring ticker attacker it’s like a nice mix of Latin football mixed with kind of a German style where it’s three four passes and then let’s get into the front man let’s stop McKing around you know so Spain for me that you’re going to have to do something special to beat those guys and yourself look uh I was I always back France but they look lackluster performance today like I was saying to you the other day BR you need to you need to show dominance even in games like this you need to show guys that you’re serious two teams that have showed that they they are serious is Germany and Spain Spain are just clean they are they they are just clean look I still I still back Germany because it does they don’t look like they have any flaws in their team as as clean as Spain are Germany like and I hate to use this cliche but it looks like a well oil German machine deona are exist for reason yeah but they just it’s like everyone knows exactly what they’re doing as soon as they step onto that field nelman has got them he’s he’s got them cooking they’re not as like as fancy and as exciting as Spade or whatever but I mean you’ll play against them and have the ball for 30 minutes in the game yeah for a whole 90 you’ll have it for 30 minutes because these Oaks are just doing what they they’re supposed to do get C their defense if you can rudas scariest [ __ ] in the wild in the world and now you’ve got Manuel noer who come straight at you save it whatever so I and they’ve got a black line what’s his name t who’s been unbelievable yeah he’s like 7 foot 30 did P yeah so they’ve got [Laughter] rud love and like NOA I mean look that they they’re strong and I mean Tony Cruz kimich kimich yeah look he was he was dealt with in that semi-final by venius but yeah but that’s in the past that’s in the past now look kimich is there ver is cooking musala oh my God like we don’t we don’t see enough of him because there’s not enough Bundesliga broadcast but that is just unreal that’s exactly what he’s yeah that’s exactly what he’s the best once they sort out that problem that they have with a with a number nine cuz there’s a fraud that’s playing up front is a lie yeah then I I think Germany is just going to be a force to be record with before you fin you wrap it up I’ve got to agree with you the one thing about Spain you can’t have Nao as like your and then you got like I love but kaval is not it right caval how old is caval and who’s the left back who’s that career no wa wait and I’m a Chelsea fan so so so so so I mean in my closing comments right I feel as if you have they they’ve got they’ve got something the squads have got something and this game was the game that France needed to show us that we have it right I said we’ve only halfway through round two only after every team has played their second game do like okay cool this is Portugal this is I mean she they played Switzerland can do anything to any team on any day y right all right I mean shakiri he scores from everywhere yeah what a call yeah he’s go very so like I think we’re still we’re getting into the like the meat and the bones of the tournament um so I kind of like all the teams I still agree that for me right now as it stands it’s still only uh Spain and Germany because jez like these guys are humming against the teams that we race yeah as the teams are going to do it Croatia were going to mean something in the tournament and spend dispens them right um Italy also you’re going to do something and yes it could have been an on goal but Spain was like we are still going to dominate the game yeah you think France are going to be something Netherlands like no we’re still here but FR Netherlands have not done more than we expected of them England definite tournament favorites struggling against Slovenia or Serbia and then struggle against Denmark but they have a fraud as a coach so no but that’s what I’m saying so like after game after match day two after match day two maybe we’ll see okay cool now we can start rating a little bit B and then match day three like where do you now stand when we get to the last 16 I think that’s where it’s like Waffa Waffa it’s go big or go home yeah that’s when people can say I’m calling England to go home tonight I’m calling Portugal to go home tonight I’m calling Denmark to go home tonight because that’s where you can’t hide anymore so Spain cooking Germany cooking 100% appreciate you brother you appreciate you busy see you soon see you soon brother we got golf tomorrow by the way is it yeah you can’t gol don’t Dr the same no no no never that at all well no I’m taking two shirts with just in case just in case just walk out the car guys we have WhatsApp now just like through it’s going to take you 30 seconds when you get dressed what are you wearing snapshot cuz it’s awkward for everyone guys yeah I know you guys think it’s awkward for you but it’s awkward for us look in the black and white we don’t no one knows in the black and white no one knows now our production team has done that because with their light skin it’s very difficult to actually balance the cameras that’s why you’ve got to do that uh as we’ve said the guy on your so to screen right um obviously is the man who’s married um to Bianca capan he’s very light he’s very very light so we’ve had to grow out the screen because it’s affecting our 4K cameras he’s the guy holding his glasses there it’s Odis M gentlemen I appreciate you this has been amazing uh incredible work by our production team to make sure that they like cuz as the viewer we don’t want the contrast it’s very very difficult with and you guys are you’re two different shades of light scin bro so it’s it’s very very confusing the camera doesn’t know this camera doesn’t the camera is not color blind let me tell you that cut that out immediately there’s no human rights with the camera it’s going to show you for what you are pey you’re a good guy thank you’re a good guy too you’re the other is what I’ve heard I’m not saying that apparently bro I’m just reporting the news there’s no need to get emotional no no I’m not I’m just saying apparently whoever said that that well there you have it ladies and gents it’s been awesome join us tomorrow we are back at the MKT show we’ll be doing a watch along throughout the weekend the Euros an edgy Edy was team wanted to lose I he get through this and backing to go through from the boys and myself MKT show we are the hell

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