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MENTAL TRANSFER DAY! Wilson To West Ham | Kilman x Anderson Swap Deal + MORE!!

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  1. Listen stop bloody whinging Because Mintea has not proven Anderson not premiership so DCL I think trust in Eddie he loves English proven players . We all knew this transfer window was going to be difficult Eddie said that so chill out and Trust they know more than you and me Period. Eddie would be laughing his c off at you lot

  2. Howe is absolutely out of his depth. So get rid of one sick note and buy another …FFS! Rather spend £25m on a young lad. Absolutely crazy to think about selling Mintah ….

  3. It’s hard to see links to really good players, everyone gets their hopes up but the reality always ending up with the bigger clubs swooping in and getting them. Then a few days later…trying to sign second rate players, injury prone, ain’t going to up our game much to European football.

    Backwards step imo…Gordon was amazing signing yes, but man get off this English players only thing. Way better monetary value out there that will step us up

  4. Have you noticed that all the teams that are in trouble with ffp we are buying there's they buying ours no mistake this is another finger up to premier league and nowt they can do about it,this ftp is ruining the game.

  5. I think i have rumour fatigue and it is not even July! None of this is positive, DCL ugh no thanks, unless he is a 3rd choice striker he is not better than Wilson. If we sell Wilson and then pay more for DCL i will be seriously narked. How in the hell are we trying to trade Anderson? Why not Miggy, Targett, Dubravka, even Longstaff, Ashby? Why can we not do a loan swap of Minteh and DCL at least then each club gets a player they want and we can get him back! None of these excite me. I hate FFP with a passion, it is absolutely ruining the game. How is forcing clubs to sell their young talent a good thing for the game? It just isn't fit for purpose. The PL is a joke.

  6. The best thing that can happen is Howe takes the England job asap. Next season will be a disaster and put us way back.
    We need a manager who what’s elite players at least.

  7. I would rather keep them and take the points deduction. I just don't understand why we are going for these players, over priced british players instead of getting out there and scouting the talent abroad. FFP sucks, I hope City destroy the PL in court. I hope we get a DOF soon because I am losing faith in our transfer list rapidly.

  8. Only thing I’d add about DCL is that he’s playing for Everton. He HAS had good goalscoring seasons.

    Loads of people didn’t want gordon because he was playing in that team, producing close to nowt. Why can DCL not accelerate the same way?

    Yes injuries but maybe they feel they’re manageable. I don’t feel he’ll be a big injury risk playing 30 mins a game. Wilson still was 😂

  9. Mamidashvili and tomori as 2 big signings Sheffield uniteds Souza on loan as DM cover Luton’s ogbene at RM he tore us to peace’s and DCL I’d be ready happy with the window

  10. Tammy Abraham isn't really all that much fitter than DCL, missed most of this season and much of the last two, hes a better player, but not a great improvement in terms of availability.

  11. Let's get off Eddie's back. He knows what he's doing, is surrounded by expertise and is operating under some really shitty rules.

    I have total faith. I till I don't. But I'm not there yet.

  12. I agree with Anderson. I don't think he's done enough for a first team place and I'm never wowed by him. More gutted losing Miley

  13. Get Eddie Howe out of this club. I genuinely think there’s a darker side to why he only wants British and injury prone players. Is there a racist undertone? I absolutely DETEST Howe with a passion. Glad people are waking up to this now

  14. DCL no thanks, Morris from Luton better value, and potential got 11 goals last season. Mineth is potentially the next Mane why sell without a pre season? could save us millions. We dont have half the games we had this season. I wouldn't be buying just for the sake of it.

  15. What about the owners? FFP? The saudis don't care about breaking rules. Ashworth left and we can't find a replacement- Crystal Palace was a better place for Freedman?
    Then I see these signings and I have to ask the question- seriously what are the club's ambitions? It seems like they've lost interest since we went out the champions league.

  16. These so called transfers can’t be real, the players mentioned are way below the standard we require to move the squad on next season

  17. It’s a load of fooking bollocks this PSR rule . All it does is stops the teams progressing other than the bloody top 4 . I hope city expose the premier league in court 😡😡😡

  18. If eddy is behind all these crap that's coming he's gone next year that's a Deffo and I don't blame them come on man that Everton crank coming to our fantastic club pleas man he's never seen past 5 goals in 3 yrs man what are we doing eddy

  19. It’s a load of fooking bollocks this PSR rule . All it does is stops the teams progressing other than the bloody top 4 . I hope city expose the premier league in court 😡😡😡 I don’t need to say too much on this DCL move . It’s clear to see from everyone’s opinions other than Eddie howes !!!

  20. I might just turn off all YouTube don’t watch the news read any papers go to the game against Southampton and see who turns up on the pitch 😂

  21. I used to dread when DCL played against us he was always in our faces and always scored against us. If our wingers can get the crossess over he will always get headers for us. He will better under Eddie Howe and in a better team

  22. Transfers! = (pinch of salt). Been a Toon fan since 60s, our greatest historical failure has always been selling our best players leaving us mediocre challengers in all comps. We are now in a position to build, clear out our worst players & raise the bench mark. Just 2 decent signings (Tonali, Barnes, Minteh & J7 will be like new signings) & dead wood out should see us excell next season with no EU footy to hinder.

  23. it will be a massive mistake to let yakuba go give this kid a chance what is newcastle thinking of it makes no sense at all tak a few points reduction and keep him

  24. Nature abhors a vacuum – so do football journalists.If there is no transfer news coming from The Toon then it will be manufactured rumours to justify their sorry existence!

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