Golf Players

Sea Fishing | Tenerife Part 3 | Sting Rays | Casting | Sea Angling Adventures | Casting

Join Andy as he travels out to Tenerife to target a common Sting Ray, casting sardines onto the clean deep waters hoping to here that screaming reel #fishing #sportfishing #fish #casting

[Music] [Music] so we have took a journey an hour away to Los cristianos it’s uh little track from where we are we got up at a 5 this morning so can now we’re in a bit Journey well walked to the nearest bus stop and then uh took an hour on a bit Journey which cost us € 10 each and uh yeah we’ come here the other day for a little shopping spree like a little market and stuff and we thought this is a place to see a few raay out so uh yeah we’ve we’ve made the effort tried to get them early like last night up the Patty’s Barb and a few beers and that uh they had an abber abber tribute and yeah just got in here now so uh it looks like it’s going to be quite overcast but hopefully the sun had come down through it all and we’ll be in for a good day hopefully see a few fish out for our efforts okay guys so today we’ve gone down to Los cristianos so we got up at about 5:00 this morning uh added Indie in a few beers last night watched a bit of an abber tribute and uh yeah we decided to have a sort of early night get up Bri and early and get a bus an hour and a half down to Los cristianos now um this is supposed to be more of a fishing venue uh where we’re likely to get into a few bigger fish so um that’s what we’re doing so we’ve uh yeah made the effort it’s been an hour and a half bus ride uh 15minute walk down to the arbor went into the local fishing shop down there um lots of like different stuff compared to what we get back out and um yeah we uh went off to the cafe then trying to find a fishmongers no sardines or Ma and I so we end up getting a taxi Journey up to the local supermarket uh gav run running got mael sardines and bits and pieces ice bag all the ice is in there so it’s fresh for the day and then we’ve um we’ve literally got the taxi straight down to the fishing Mark about 10 5 10 minute walk straight down onto the Rocks where we are now so we’re fishing into a fishing lake uh uh a shipping Lane shipping Lane to the right hand side of us and uh it’s a wreath going right out through so we’ both got the aios nanotex today and um yeah we’ll uh we’ll give them a go obviously the Tronics ones aren’t if I’m Hest fit to use really on this type of fishing anyway anything with like big that’s going to spin that handle around um which is a nightmare really I mean it was a lot of money what we pay for them I’ve sent an email off with with the description and a little brief video of of what’s going on I mean GS is cracked right down through so nightmare really but first impression really on the nanotech it’s slightly softer um in the mid to top section making it a little bit easier to C and um yeah it’s exactly same sort of size looks very similar to the to the builds and stuff really uh electronics one I would say is a little bit more glamorous with the purle but um obviously with having that issue with them straight away it just puts a downer straight on the rod so uh yeah it’s a bit of a night there really I mean um I know guys and that used them um over in the UK and stuff never had an issue at all with them obviously we’ come over to uh to Sunny Spain and um yeah it’s just not good at all I mean they’re travel rods so they should do the business but hopefully we don’t get the same issue with the uh with the acrosses they look slightly different so I’m hoping that uh yeah we don’t get that issue it’s like a boat out there at a moment and it’s looking like it’s like dredging something it’s pulling something out G reckoned it was to do with muscles so uh yeah but yeah we got loads of fresh bait and uh yeah hopefully is to a good day that’s ready mate that’s r [Music] [Applause] bring it down all right okay guys so as you can see just hit into a stingray and the trouble you got I’ve got at the precise moment in time I’m about 2 m up on a rock over the top of the reef so we’ve sort of positioned ourself up a little bit higher just to try and get the lines as they’re going off off the reef and dropping into the deep water now the reef runs out from the water out about 50 or 60 yards so the trouble is with that even though that we’re fishing over the deep water your line is still coming up over the reef now the trouble is with Rays a lot of the time unless unless you get them lifted they’ll stay deep okay if you’re on beaches and stuff like that and you’re obviously reeling and and and just reeling and lifting up and reeling and down if you notice what I’m doing with the rod I’m not reeling like the position exact moment now I’m leaning back into the fish and the reason being the fish will lift itself just by Levering back through and pulling back on the rod so as it’s as you’re pulling back on the rod the fish is trying to go outwards which all it will do is start to lift now especially where we’re fishing there you’ve got to be able to make sure you know what you’re doing with lifting fish because the trouble is if you start reeling down and just doing naturally the fish will come along and as soon as it gets to that point either your your um main line or or your shock leader depending how deep that drop off is off there can can get cut off if you watch all I’m doing is slowly maintain it keeping tension to the fish if the fish was to come swim in towards me I start reading faster but slowly maintaining that pressure on the rod tip and just lifting and lifting and lifting right about now I can see the fish just coming up over the top of the reef out there and um I’m hoping the fish is going to move left as it does just keep pressure as it’s maintaining coming up towards the surface just so gav can get down and Landing but um can be fairly tricky with bigger fish I mean I’ve had fish on before what you just could have lift they’ve stayed deep all the way through and um unfortunately it’s just part and parcel of it but nine times out of 10 if you apply that pressure you will lift them leave it down there C I’ll come down okay folks so we need scales coming huh coming get on right I put that up there bring anying all F where they U right underneath my bag mate like where the I bik is yeah get on St get down there fuck to get you you grab all the tail got the tail yeah yeah so we’re trying to one of us has got a tail the everyone’s just knooking in now yeah yeah how long way up [Music] yeah there go guys we just left it as it is in a minute we’ll take all the weight off after just trying to protect your fish really 16 14 yeah with the weit take that off in a minute that um you take it out take home the video okay guys going to get this one back straight away now moving off go go not do much more than that that’s absolutely unreal let been here 5 minutes real swings off very tricky to land TR to keep pressure all the way up through that the reath goes right out as far as gav to get down to land there so lucky with us it come around the reef into this B but um fantastic fight let’s go get a few more there no what did it weigh 164 15 14 all right guys so I’ve got the common so I after taking the tower and the uh baing towel and the sling off the total weight of the fish was 154 so uh yeah I’m over the moon to be honest I’ve got the comment um that’s what I was after I mean as we said we come down here just to see if we get fish First cast so hopefully Big G can get one now and uh yeah it’s uh it’s hopefully going to be a good day I literally cuz of the refelt there I don’t even make out but it’s probably a good 50 yards a re so when you’re in position and like that when you got a fish on over the wreath the best thing to do sometimes is not to reel but to just gain pressure because what you do is the fish itself because of the pressure is trying to fight and what happens with it that starts lifting the fish if you you need to lift it as far out as you can when you when you’re fishing venues like this if you’re fishing over rough ground try and get to the surface remember years ago I used to go fishing with a couple of the Dorset top rods and they used to say to me Webby how come you get them to the surface out like that it’s cuz what you’re used to you what I mean they’re playing it on like light like lines like 15b main line and light traces and that and I’m like up there with 20 lb main line 80 lb leaders you mean 80 lb traces and uh it just out of that’s what you do obviously you get them over the over the reefs marks of South Devon and stuff like that you got you just got to lever up into them and get them up on the surface what on the surface like frisbe they come across but um no lovely fight with that fish then and uh hopefully we can get a few more just going over a little bit on the rod there then that Rod handled it fine not a problem at all with that Rod um casting it’s not stiff stiff but it’s an easy casting rod and to be honest I’ve been full pendulin and that that with 6 o lead and lit fine handle that fish prably Jak curb up the top slightly lighter in the midsection than the one thought I had a knocked straight away then but um right we’re going to get back up and get this one in the Tripod see we can get fish out so guys and it again exactly the same there then tension in the line ratchet set and uh yeah just got to see if uh see if it go off fresh macro in it as well so you never know that might pay a big part of it compared to you get I mean that’s we’re not using massive bit it’s like it’s slightly bigger than a Joey I would say exposing it they’re probably a average they’re like big there was bigger there was a lot bigger on small ones but it’s perfect R baits put in half form with a G out all the blood coming out of it lots of scent and uh hopefully do the business see if you out couple lovely bikes for gabin then we don’t know if we got wav in that here yet I had a couple of bikes as well we will have weav you we last time yeah where did you fish I fish down there but where is I have a small out yeah Lo of minces right like down yeah weever puffers dambl damel Weavers puffers Rass Rass Rass yeah Elric blue Rass hopefully we don’t see none of them to day and it’s all about a sting race but um as long as they take we’re not using massive UPS either guys we got five so um personally out of using these travel rods I wouldn’t like to get into anything over 100 you I don’t like anything over I think 50 of you right but I think I think that I think there’s a difference between equipment when you start playing around with monster fish and I was speaking to Adam the other day and uh when he was over in Fort Ventura he um he had a hammerhead shark okay um I’ve got a clip on it I might put it on the on the video of as as I’m talking now you can see but um they’re using T t200s over there with big Cabo reels loaded with monster braid and the fish some of the sting raysing that are pulling them down the beach they’re that big you know what I mean um I think Rob had one on and actually it took him out flattened his HCK out and they that they’re monstrous absolute monstrous but personally I think that this type of Rod with six six pce is an IDE R for doing what we’re doing here now doing a bit of like Ray fishing like you would do back home you know mean um the if it was on a beach I think you you had another chance of Landing it because you could adjust your reel to take instead of locking in but unfortunately where we are now you’ve got no choice you’ve got to lock into the fish to lift it um and it’s a different type of fishing Rock fishing to Beach fishing uh but same then I didn’t know what how big that Ray was I me it started taking line off my hand but um the other day I was like I didn’t know you mean you get into a fish and it’s 100 pound that rods just going to go over and it’s either one thing orever either it’s going to handle it and lift the fish or it’s going to snap um six pieces you never know they’re they’re really good bits of kick guys um from what I can see they’re handling the cast and stuff like that but I just don’t know how they would handle monstrous fish um to be honest I haven’t done that type of fish I’m only going off of what I’ve been told by friends know me but um they all tell me that they wouldn’t go over with anything else except from t1200 but I know guys what have been over there and caught them on T9 they’ve gone over there and caught them on T1000 and stuff I think there’s a different level when you start getting to like a certain size what a rod would be with it but on a good note they’re in one piece they’re not turning the spigots are all in and just C fish you know I mean it wasn’t for them today gab’s got the Tronics one set up actually at the moment but he’s got some spinner on it he going to go and try for a barracuda later on Yes Yes W you you you’re F mate okay guys so uh into another sting right here now went screaming off offer the fish to gabs just cuz we’re it’s an holiday this is holiday fishing for me it’s not the same as back out and it’s always nice to see everybody catch a fish you know what I mean um he wasn’t bothered he said no no no you get one of your Rod you carry on so obviously it was my road got I cast out and bait up so I um started to reel in but unfortunately as you just seen that clip there apply pressure and um L locked up straight away and uh as I reeled in to like apply more pressure so the Rob was like 45° I can feel the fish start to take off um and as soon as the fish started to take off obviously I start to lift up into it and it bit through my Trace line so um at the end of the day guys we I’m not saying the rods would cope with1 fish I don’t know if they would or not if they were on clean beaches I think they probably would but we’re fishing off rocks at the end of the day and unfortunately when you’re fishing off rocks you’ve got to lock into your gear to be able to lift and um no matter what I done then even if I let the fish run um if it’s going to bite through that mount that pound of the Trac on it’s going to bite into that pound of the trace on there’s not a lot you can do about it but uh lesson well [Laughter] learned that through the hooks I’ve been bit off so I’m having a go to wire now which is a nightmare slightly bigger ooks but it is what it is um we weren’t expecting to catch whatever what it’s on there that was a good fish then but soon as it thinged it went straight into and and bit me off so on that note I’m having to go slightly bigger now it is what it is I’m still going to do like normal Ray siiz baits just so I can cast it but um yeah see how it see how it goes eh so I go down through like that put that hook in like so some guts there put guts in around there like that and then what we should do is we just go big will go home think at the minute no marking around here they’re they’re bigger RS than we’re using now but um yeah if there’s if we getting bit off there’s not a lot we can do about it so it looks like these rods are going to get put to the limits today because there’s only one thing we’re going to do is lock into them at the end of the day try and get them up and lock into the fish if they break they break if they don’t they don’t so we’ll soon see the outcome and uh whether these types of rods can be used with this type of fishing I mean it’s one of them at the end of the day in theory you like to bring bring your big Bazooka tubes and that over wi you unfortunately you’re not able to especially when you go on all the day with the mes and that sometimes the last thing you need for the kids and that is a big a big bazooka tube isn’t it but um lovely right we have got a stinky stinky bait now my m is going mad because the uh the balcony with the towels of ba stinking at the minute so want a sunab out there so I think we’re going to have to do some washing in the seat before we go but going to get this one straight out now right and then uh hopefully we can see a fish on [Music] [Music] fire Trace there baby wi Trace I don’t know what’s going to happen here uh but we’ll soon find out C’s C out that was a better fish d [Music] right so everything’s set ratchet set um what more can you do Wi on now I don’t I really don’t know how if we get into something monstrous on these rods I don’t know how they’re going to handle it i’ got to be honest they’re not stiff stiff but they are they’re perfect for this type of like what we were doing the other day fish up like up to like 50 I would say long as the handled that fish a minute ago fine but I H into that fish then and it didn’t move and then as it started to take off it started to take off and take off and it just went bang so it’s um it’s literally bit through the trace line the hope good thing now with using the wire hopefully is uh we can land it but um my only worry is a depth of water you’re fishing on with the with the with the wath because with fish with we’re big fish fishing you’ve got to apply pressure in you at the end of the day um you you you won’t be able to just Buckle into that fish and just real and real and real and just try and lit you have you’ll have to let the fish work personally if I got a big fish on here now what I I would do and G talk about a minute ago I’d let it run and as it’s running i’ start applying pressure not reeling applying pressure to get it to lift cuz with its own pressure of it trying to fight fight the fight the rod and the light it will naturally move upwards I mean if you withing pressure so as long as you like out and hopefully the fish will come upwards out there depending what it is I mean if you get something monstrous nine times out of 10 I think it’s going to do what it wants to do and you just got to hold onto it but um like there win some you lose some though okay guys so you can see see the ground we’re sort like fishing over here now it’s a a volcanic rock on out and it’s like re all the way around this side here into the bay there is sand but you can see all the way around here going up 40 50 yards out just reath yeah re and uh straight off in here into a spping lan so you who knows and then you something to CH the guy at the T and said that you can get Barracuda and everything around here the uh the lurs and fortun we got at the moment with the braid they’re not heavy enough but ground 45 45 G lures so uh really with we using these big beach rods you want different rods for that really but it’s um he had a go and it it just want get in the distance really so uh yeah we sticking with a stingray Rod but as you see Gavin’s using a um so is I’ve got SE L both main lines and uh yeah there they are the AOS manot travel walk travel Beach 85 to 100 something G power band system and uh to be honest they’re nice builds where you go but uh as I said if we get any B big on we got to try and get it up there around the corner there smell but um no low water we got one run and got bit off and uh switched to wire and landed one sting rate so far so hopefully between us we can see another one to the uh Rock side okay guys Gavin’s up here now straight there slow slow pull down down over still waiting for a fight again so was sometimes like got like get there and we were playing around the other day and we started going from 150 down to 100 and just just because I find personally 150b line will lay different than 100 lb line in the water and um especially when you’re fishing in daylight in night time it might not make any difference but we would just play it around with different things as you see the first one landed on1 of rig body but the second one there now 100b rig B he bit straight through you can feel it as you lift into the fish just gone so um unfortunately we’ve had to put wire on so I don’t know how how difference that that’s going to make in daylight you don’t know either I mean um nighttime fish I wouldn’t say it makes a difference to fishing up on the the like North Wales and West Wales all cat fish and and plenty of like to and that throughout the Daytons and stuff where um yeah let’s see if it makes any different on the uh on the thing R it’s absolutely gorgeous it’s got to be 26° out here at the moment my back is absolutely boiling but um yeah I think it’s going to be give it five more minutes and I’m going to bring my bait in okay guys we Ving to re in now G snag straight away we were just talking about that then that one reason we brought them in because when the lines come through the the ti can come in oh he’s got it he got it it’s got it about a line on the Rock toward the Rock Bottom though now I think it’s got the WR bottom in there line nightmare some loose you always going to have about this type of fishing we’re fishing over a re it’s not going to be easy fishing I just said the G then I was worried about mine he’s lost this straight away yeah 25 lb main L not a lot you can do with that so uh unfortunately yeah same I’ve got a lot fur that re as well let get this lead up and that is a nightmare oh up in there pinion gun oh you Jing no see yeah these are why that reel was absolute crap opinion’s completely gone on that reel look blown up so have to try handline Us in now nightmare okay guys you know we always get asked about reels and stuff like that now I’ve always been a big fan of the Dow work uh Shas um the seon versions basically uh really nice reels really smooth running and stuff the only thing is you know what I say all the time is they never get it 100% right exactly the same with this look pinion Sy come went to reel in um as you can see with the video and as I started reeling in tension pressed on it went to pole and started Levering coming up over the wreath and the reels just blew up um absolute nightmare hand Handlin it in luckily I managed to get the gear back we’re just losing the lead so one good thing we haven’t got a lot of line left out in the middle of the uh ocean which is always night but um as I said I know these have been discontinued now but these are one of my favorite reels they ratchet and the cast lovely use them for breaming I use them for smooth rounding on the channel I use them for tote fishing stuff like that they is a lovely reel but why you know what I mean just opinion absolutely lets it down all the time on it on them um I know guys what used to take him into real maintenance place in Plymouth and get the um upgraded opinions I’m going to have to do the same with this reel now but it’s just absolute rubbish I mean for the money what they cost I’ve just bought a brand new pair cuz they’ve been discontinued and that’s it’s it’s gone so back in the I’ve got my other one with me luckily um and then I’ve got a fixed full loaded with braak but um I’ve got a pulley rig out now so what I’m hoping that TI is pulling around now I’ve hit it out off the front it’s started to pull around to the right just opening I can get my gear back I know gab’s just lost one ear on this ledge so um I think what’s happening as the lead’s moving around and stuff like that it’s just finding little creeps and stuff like that the line get into as you’re pulling in you’re pulling up against a rock which is brilliant but we lift Al Lear we lift nice seeing every R out now but um yeah bool’s just pulled up to the right side on the dock now have a bit of water we’ve got an ice bag here full of [Music] ice definitely if you’re out on the rocks in the Sun make sure you got your water with you have to wash this out what out going to be stinking going on the plane house my Miss is going to kill me there you go G’s got a pulley rig out now as well we’ve both got 150 on uh in trouble if you into that monster and it bites you off what you do we got a little bit of wire with us I think in a daylight feel more confident with r lay it’s I saying you can see the reef out there which if the 6 o lead aren’t holding properly sometimes the py rig don’t do its thing I hope this time it does though eh that’s a toy turn it’s having problems with like keeping the line yeah he’s got a weaver got a weaver out here look another Weaver out coming around and like catching on the Rocks so we’re losing a few leads but um no more fish at the minute but we’re all forever in HS ni fresh mle there you got Weaver a weav dring that that got slightly big bigger bait on here now [Music] okay think the detection is good with the prob is it no definitely not I think you need the fish to move off of it on the p b is it so loads of juices just cut the head head off and tail off of this one left the hook Point brow out bring him all the way up to the top back down through and the way you the way you go so it’s the first one going trim down this on the top end get some scent out into it lovely that’s it Ricky’s ready to rock and roll going to risk it for a biscuit one more time going to go out to the front of the reath and try and get him straight up in between those two bits there so uh let’s give it a go let’s give it a go [Music] [Music] got running up and over on this now hopefully we do the business sure sometime we using big baits on this week don’t clip properly it’s heavier is it yeah what I tend to do is just pull it tight don’t for the best walk down there now actually gone right off the point there now in the over that’s all you can do guys running up and over in the tight big maal bait still starting to dropped now I’ve got to watch this cuz the line will be touching the [Music] re Ro set we can see oh look at that you got look at that good that it’s got Ray written all over it watch Gavin get one out that look sexy it that would be a fake what I think yet that’s it nice lead back these rods are more suited to the beachs they um they got a lot more Bend in the midsection the tip section they get they’ve getting away with what we’re doing with them though I got to be honest and uh yeah I mean handle the fish perfectly it’s Levering down it’s it’s not total C curve it’s got a little bit more midsection backbone than that but when I had that fish on everyone it was just Lo it was just locked up lovely come on let’s see if we can get one of those rings out then I can get some swim for the last couple days of it probably the last session for us guys here now so we uh we go on Friday out and John night tonight wo so uh yeah I’ll be sure to end that and the end of the video but um no another a great day there seems to be a lot of them fishing for like bream and stuff no news on the uh on the r front it’s uh it’s rather slow it was fishing well on the as you going down to low water but then it’s um it’s just quing pointed up which is a shame but um no just to uh be persistent keep those baites coming hope we don’t lose too much gear as I said it’s going to be our last one one for the uh ten trip and uh yeah it’s been a it’s been a good one you right guys so overall review really on these nanotech rods they’re very nice rods uh very easy to cast perfect putting in your boot and stuff perfect for anywhere around the UK really I mean I wouldn’t want to go go skate fishing with them but I’m quite happy you fish with taup and stuff like that with them I mean they got a bit of back boat um depending what you’re fishing know if you fishing really rough grout and you have to pull out his snags and stuff I wouldn’t recommend it but for your a average like sort of Ray fishing fast fishing beach all General Beach fishing little bit of light rock fishing and stuff like that perfect really um 85 G you could use them for like guilts and like flounder bassing and stuff like that but you can also use them with 170 G for more like rayin and and other stuff like that uh very nice overall Rod I think and for anybody what’s looking for like a Beach Travel Rod it’s uh it’s right up there for you do don’t forget to check out the slam fish uh Facebook page and uh from inquiries wanted to purchase one of that speak to Noby be able to sort you out a good price and stuff like that but um overall yeah nice Rod very let down with the with the electronics pro um they we paid a lot of money for them and uh as we were we were recommended of of of a friend of ours and uh first time out with them for Gavin the uh inside of the the rods cracked and uh the high build on the first spigot is literally none and void it’s um he hasn’t got bigot on that first section now which is an absolute nightmare so I’ve emailed Tronics to find out what’s what the issue what what the what the what the process is now and um yeah we’ll have to go from there and keep you updated guys but uh not good really I mean I the Tronics rods are a bit more backbone and stiffer in the tip I feel um they’re more more suited to like rock fishing and stuff like that it’s a different Rod obviously this is a beach rod that’s a rock a rock um say a rock Rod it’s more of a j proper J curve Rod um so that that would be more focused for that if you’re fishing off the beach that’s a bit more Overkill rather than that there I’m not to say it wouldn’t do it but um I just feel like the quality in that is let it down really uh don’t respect that for that paying that sort of money for a rod but um no there it is but yeah hope you enjoy all enjoyed the uh three part series from ten it’s uh it’s been been been exciting uh we got a few more coming this year so we got off the Norway uh in a few months time and then we’re ending the year off in uh Fort Ventura so we’re going over to do it all day in Fort Ventura so um yeah honest it’s nice to get away out of the out of the UK I don’t normally do it cuz I’m so busy like doing fish and stuff and that and weekends around it does get quite expensive but I’ve been doing a little bit more like like local fishing and stuff like that I’m not going so much really um I don’t go half as much as I used to and um the good thing about it for for what it cost I mean this holiday now I think it’s our four and I think what it 1100 quid yeah it was expensive was it so like 550 quid each I mean you could go out and spend 100 quid a week you could spend how much you reckon if you went Saturday and Sunday in the UK you would spend the channel your out yeah you probably spend 150 quid so trips like this necessarily yeah might be a bit more expensive to do but if you slow down on those like local sessions and stuff think to yourself right I might go three nights a week I’m going to go two nights a week Chuck that extra money in a kitty save up for a couple of months and you get it before you go I mean me and gav Gavin plays a lot of golf now but uh he um he likes to go fishing still but he prefers to go fishing when he’s abroad so he’s going to do more time spending instead of was the money going like Bristol channel for a weekend or going chzo and stuff like that throw the money in the pot and then you know I mean every couple of months you go away more which makes sense I see I think it sees a lot of Anglers do go to that sort of way fishing because at the end of the day fishing can be hard working Inland I mean it’s very it in this um and the main thing is the cost you look at the cost these days the fuel’s the main one then you got bait and you got Taco rigs everything else and it all adds up you know what I mean but um no it’s fantastic guys I mean really good destination for those of you who want to go away with your mes um or your boyfriends or whatever you’re doing you know what I mean in this day and age it’s uh it’s it’s C is for everything really I mean it’s um no it’s it’s really good really good but uh yeah hopefully we can see a fish out before we leave but um I’ll give a little pan around now for the views and stuff it’s just absolutely very volcanic a lot different than like Mainland Spain it’s um I’m very much enjoyed it it’s not what I expected of me we went for an Indian last night and it was absolutely beautiful we had a lamb chili Madras which was outstanding a few beers to wash it down but a little bit of mountain John tonight and way we go a few beers and uh it probably nice chill out there on the beach tomorrow and then we fly um on Friday so uh yeah anyway check this out you look at that look volcanic mountains in behind it’s just all the locals just sitting there and just enjoying the sun this just uh it is it is a crazy place to be but very very beautiful and and uh I very much enjoyed it well it’s not happening at a minute guys on the big rods I think it’s the backing time Mark really cuz he’s pulling us straight into the grat rough but uh Gavin can’t resist it is someone around their Corner got targeting Breen so he’s put a Breen rig on and uh yeah he’s doing it right a few bites sometimes you got to fish for what’s in front of you and uh I don’t think we’ll be seeing another another ray out today if I wanted was going to go then didn’t you it’s luy you right off little on yeah that big one to come in and go B well folks what can I say it’s uh it’s been absolutely boiling day third trip in tenar reef and sadly the last it’s uh it’s been a it’s been an ele all day really I’ve fairly enjoyed it and to be honest the travel rods is is abled us to fish I mean I specifically bought a suitcase with the with the right size of the tripod and stuff and um yeah fairly enjoyed it I mean we not had nothing massive but we’ve had Target species at the end of the day and um it’s been good fun we’re using like gear we’d used back home and um yeah we’ve obviously had that one bite off earlier on but uh we’ll be back with big guns we’ll be back in Stall yeah I think it’s a case of getting some t12’s and um some big fix ball reel or M to be honest I would mind using a multiplier uh to be fair I prefer use multipliers Gavin in there you in yeah and um yeah get over to Fort Ventura and have a go I mean um I’m very much looking at Norway so there’s a few overseas Adventures this year and uh yeah here we go but um from us live on the rocks in tenner Reef sadly it’s time to come to an end and uh I look forward to catching up with you all back when I ate the UK and hopefully over the next couple of weeks we can uh we can get some other bits going I mean uh Connor’s doing really well with his casting and stuff since I’m going to do a sit down video with rigs and that with him and do a bit more casting because he his casting is coming on a tree there a couple things to tweak and um I think he I think he’s got it I think he he’ll have it like you know what I mean he’s um from casting for yards to cast in 140 M or 30 OD meters whatever he’s C in the minute is phenomenal you know what I mean it’s uh it’s a way forward a little bit of guidance that sometimes can can be a difference so that goes to all of you if you know where you see the guys around your area or struggling a little bit that’s what angling is about it’s about getting out and helping a few people you know what I mean and sharing knowledge and stuff and helping people uh get onto a few fish the same because it can be hard getting get start first starting out in the sport but yeah probably do a rig one with him and then we’ll do one up the channel on the race and stuff getting into a few little different marks and stuff just at the end of the day one thing he’ll walk away with is a few different marks where he can go and catch fish I mean he’s been up to bring down a couple of times now and um he’s been into a few form backs and stuff like that so the casting paid off I think the rig spay off and uh hopefully we can get into a few small eyeses and Blondes would be nice for him and then maybe have go for a smut see if we can get him into a couple of double figured smuts and then uh session 10 we’ll finish it off in style maybe do something in a bit secret secret venue or something and I do believe Adam’s going toh spend an hour or two with him um so we going to probably do that for the last episode episode I episode 10 so uh yeah few to look forward to then but yeah from us all in ten guys hope be safe and uh enjoyed your week believe the weather’s coming bad now this next couple of days is it so um now is Wednesday so it’s Thursday tomorrow and then Friday I think Thursday and Friday shows four C of rain back up so by the time we hit the ground it’s going to be miserable but yeah for most all in turn re tight lines take care till the next time


  1. Really enjoyed these fairplay 👌 I'm off to fuerteventura end of august for 11 days fishing with my m8, taking my T900 and my compressor SS paired with my casting specials hope they hold up 😂🙌

  2. Great vid. Happy holidays guys. I play fish with the rod tip in the water. Helps with angles aswell. Wear them out when there on a long line. 👌

  3. Love your honesty with your fishing unlike people that are sponsored. Well done. Very enjoyable video. Tight lines 🫡

  4. Great holiday venue Andy and well done catching the stinger! Shame about the Tronixpro rod just hope mine doesn't break 😬👍

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