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My thoughts on Angel Reese

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now look let’s get to the WNBA where Chicago Sky rookie forward Angel Reese was ejected from the game last night against the New York Liberty after drawing consecutive technical fouls the ejection happened after Reese was called for her fifth foul and was quote disrespectfully addressing end quote official Charles Watson Andrew Reese is a rising star in the WNBA drafted seventh overall by the sky two months ago on Monday Reese addressed the media following that controversial technical foul on her teammate Kennedy Carter who shoved Caitlyn Clark a move that Drew National headlines Reese made it clear that fans are watching women’s basketball not because of quote one player but because of her as well today the WNBA rescinded the second technical upon further review according to a league source which does not mean much at this point in my estimation let me tell y’all why I’m bringing this up over the last few days the Caitlyn Clark situ ation where Kennedy Carter side side hipped her you know basically checked her with a you know side hit move and whatever knocking her to the ground uh and it was national news because Caitlyn Clark has been taking quote unquote abuse since she’s arrived in the WNBA that kind of story gain national attention it was something that was debated on my day job first take on ESPN every weekday morning from 10:00 a.m. to noon and in the process of talking about that particular subject one of the things that I highlighted was that Caitlyn talks to Golden Goose she happens to be a terrific Talent who’s white and very very marketable the combination of the two things make her the Golden Goose for the WNBA go after her compete with her get the better of her at every turn nobody’s questioning that you can’t go after her but what I was saying was although whether it’s jealousy Envy resentment it’s all justifiable because there were people that were pounding the pavement and going through so much to help Elevate the wnba’s profile long before Caitlyn Clark ever came along and yet were denied that level of recognition and that level of appreciation the bottom line is since Caitlyn Clark is the one here now ride the wave Rising tide lifts all boats as they say and that was the argument that I was making and I was saying everybody ain’t her we ain’t talking about it being fair as my boy Jeff always says fair is a place where they judge pigs it doesn’t exist it’s not about fairness it’s about reality the reality is is that the max contract in the WNBA at this particular moment in time is $250,000 to a player Caitlyn Clark is already committed to 28 million in endorsement deals at least look at the wave that she’s created look at the profile that it has granted to WNBA look at the record ratings they’ produced because of her arrival once upon the time they were watching about the audience in Indiana for Indiana FIFA games was at about 4,000 now it’s at about 16 to 17,000 the ratings for the WNBA draft was 2.44 6 million which was the largest in WNBA history the double header that opened the season generated over 1.5 million viewers which was more than the WNBA had accumulated in more than two decades you have all of this stuff going on understand Caitlyn Clark is different we ain’t talking about fairness we’re talking about business and when Angel Reese comes out and says she ain’t the only one everybody’s watching they’re watching me too they’re watching others a day later she gets ejected I ask a simple question I don’t have an answer I’m not pretending to have an answer I’m not going to give you an answer I’m GNA ask you a simple question if that’s Kaitlyn Clark does she get ejected from that game I’m just asking if it’s Caitlyn Clark do you think that referee ejects her you know better you know better so again the Golden Goose is the Golden Goose go after Caitlyn Clark do what you got to do compete with her take her down just remember you want to lift her up too because if she Rises the whole league is going to rise and everybody’s going to benefit and if everybody’s benefiting at some point in time although it’s frustrating that it took so long and it’s frustrating that it’s being given to somebody who hasn’t pounded the pavement and put in that time the way the rest of y’all have in the end if yall benefit that’s what matters most Angel Reese is a terrific player who’s going to be a star in the WNBA I believe in her she’s not Angel re she’s not Caitlyn Clark not as of yet she’s just not and I understand Lonzo ball for the Chicago Bulls coming out talk about the ref that throughout Reese is weak by the way you know who you are keep your money angel I got you big props to him don’t blame him one bit we all should have felt that way cuz she didn’t deserve that ejection that was BS but in the same breath the biggest story is that it came a day after she said we ain’t just people ain’t just watching the WNBA for Caitlyn Clark we know Caitlin Clark would have got ejected from that game not at this stage she wouldn’t have got ejected we know that so what does that tell you you could be as frustrated as you want to get your shine elevate your cache and if Caitlyn Clark is there to be used in order to pull it off then use her to pull it off very very simple very very simple


  1. This is a ridiculous analogy [03:26]. Reese is a nasty crybully who applauded nasty aggression at Clark and soon talked disrespectfully to a referee, too. Caitlin Clark did none of that.

  2. Stephen A is going to be on the WRONG side of history on this. I fucks with SAS, but this was absolutely horrible. His thoughts on Angel Reese was about 20% of this video. The rest was about Caitlin. Everybody doesn't want to hear 100% about Caitlin. And to try to dismiss that Angel Reese isn't a contributing factor in WNBA viewership, especially among Black people, is just you lying to yourself. He's going to die on that hill though.

    Let me see what Skip Bayless said about Angel's ejection. I bet he has a whole lot to say about it, and will even defend Angel.

    Don't be on the wrong side of history Stephen.

  3. The problem with Smith is he really doesn't like Angel. He loves Clark. He and other black ones are helping to make clark another Simone biles.
    Who does it better than a black man. They hate black women.

  4. Ever notice wembanyama wasn’t treated like that. Guys played as a rookie but it was no scandal over it . Those girls are playing her as bitter lesbian broads

  5. Bull shit… If Clark committed 5 tech., she would be ejected. That is all that Angel Reese is good at. Talking smack and pushing others around. Angel and Katlin should be talking, they played against each other in Collage….

  6. Not anything like the rivalry between Magic and Bird. Both were big time ballers. Team leaders like no others. This ain't a real rivalry. This is a social media rivalry and Clark isn't even on social media because she's putting in the work. Watch the Tik Tok take down.

  7. Angel is probably a short timer in the WNBA she never looks happy about anything. With little to nothing in sponsorship unlike CC who is set for life with all her sponsors Nike Wilson State Farm and many other top shelf companies that support CC

  8. Everyday he shows his true colors. He said he made McNutt because she was on First Take. I have watched her for years on Around The Horn. When Angel Reese got close lined to the ground by her neck in a game nobody said ish and is was a lot more violent than what happened to Caitlin Clark. He knows nothing about the WNBA. This isn't the same model as the NBA or NFL. The WNBA is the last league where the players play for the love of the game above all else. If they were motivated by money like Stephen A. they would be overseas making millions.

  9. Most racial charged question I've heard for the WNBA. Why bring up another new player to the league. I don't think race needs to be a topic there are plenty of other players to compare the situation too. Do I think what happened was right? Not at all but to say it wouldn't happen to another player and insinuate because she is white is just gaslighting and if you think he's not comparing race just look at what you consider focusing on race. But at the end of the day Angel didn't deserve the ejection. Never compare what happens to what you "think" would've happen in a different situation

  10. As far as the fouls are concerned CC is a guard that shoots a sick three point shot and angel reese is a power forward a more aggressive position ,, angel reese plays aggressive she got knocked around alot too vs other players because she plays aggressive but that girl that hip checked Caitlin clark was uncalled for ,,

  11. This is just a bad argument. Reese picks up 2 technicals and bad mouths the ref, and usually has a bad attitude.

    This is like making up a scenario and saying, Reese killed someone and went to jail, if Caitlin had done it, would the judge had sent her to jail? Nooo. Like, dude, you're putting Caitlin Cark in a situation she makes sure to avoid. She doesn't bad mouth people, nor has a nasty attitude like Reese does.

    When I first started paying attention to the NCAA, and the Caitlin Clark phenomenon, I also paid attention to Reese. I thought it was awesome these 2 girls were getting drafted. But the more I watched, I saw CC's talent, and Reese's awful attitude. Her attitude of an evil barbie (as someone else described it), put me off to her.

  12. Fashion being pretty negative energy bullying bitterness and envy don’t go far in the world today. Playing the race card and playing the victim gets played out. Show up to games in team uniforms ready to play. Nobody wants to hear all this high school drama

  13. They trying to take Clark out the game by hurting her. These young women today have bad attitudes thinks the world owes them something social media ruined these young people

  14. When you a person no matter what race always running your mouth with an attitude. My mom use to say the loudest one in the room always brings trouble their way…Clark don’t run her mouth she shows up no makeup ponytail ready to play basketball.

  15. I like cc but some of her fbs are worse than trash. No one is jealous. Let those compete and play basketball.

  16. reese is just a hater period because she dont have class and doesnt have the athleticism clark has period instead of standing together and making the wnba great reese wants to hurt or take a cheap shot like she did and God dont like ugly she wanted to get her name heard is is all it is because she couldnt get it without a cheap shot

  17. Reese is cheap trash. Disgracing Chicago's veteran players.
    There's difference between talkin smack in the game, and hyping up the crowd. Then, there's shit talkin, against people personally due jealousy or what have you. The latter is trashy.

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