Golf Players

Christen Press is back!, NWSL draws, and the unstoppable Croix Bethune | Good Vibes FC Ep. 15

Sometimes you got to know when to hold em… know when to fold ’em… know when Croix Bethune is gonna absolutely light it up in stoppage time… This week of Good Vibes FC is here and Sammy and Lynn are back to take you through all of the draws… poker pun very much intended. Gotham got a win, KC and Chicago had a high stakes tie, and Utah frikin did it! Later, they talk about the return of Christen Press, Sam Kerr’s practical jokes, and what the best possible burned CD would have on it. It’s high stakes out here, get into the Good Vibes.

0:00-2:18 Lynn Went to Broadway!
2:19-3:58 Sam Trespassing?!
3:59-7:04 Casino Stories
7:05-13:03 Kansas City v Chicago
13:04-15:33 Gotham v Louisville
15:34-20:19 GoodTime FaceTime: Ella Stevens
20:20-23:20 Olipop Gut Check: Scoring vs Defense
23:21-28:33 Utah Royals v BFC
28:34-31:43 All Tied Up
31:44-36:26 No Streaming for Seattle v Portland??
36:27-42:15 Christen Press Back in the Game!
42:16-44:32 Sam Kerr Tricked Us !!!
44:33-47:03 Upcoming in the NWSL
47:04-51:37 What’s On Our Mixtape??
51:38-53:11 Good Vibes: Same Word Same Time


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hi everybody and welcome to Good Vibes FC I’m Sam and I am coming to you from you knowwhere the women’s game world headquarters in Vermont and I’m Lynn Williams coming to you from New Jersey in a slightly less white box as you can see I now have a closet in here yeah you turned it from a jail cell to a closet yes well we needed a little sound barrier a little like I love it Echo takea awayer and um this is where the clothes now reside I love it I think it looks Chic you look like a fashion designer who’s doing a virtual styling call with me right now thank you so much I told Marley we need a hat right here on this little pointy thing so it doesn’t look like I have an antler but that didn’t happen so call me antler head the rest of the episode antler head okay Lynn what’s going on I heard that you have two pieces of exciting news to share with us this week two pieces I am back in training this week whereas my mother would say have we told that story on this podcast ever no but like I obviously I had to interrupt your injury report to mimic my mother doing something weird in a video one time one one lucky day one lucky episode you’ll have to tell that story but I’m doing that so the cafe is getting there and then my mom and my nephew were here all last week my nephew got like a solo trip my sister has four kids and they’ve all gotten to like come out by themselves to say hi and he was here and we went to a Broadway show we saw the whz oh my gosh that is so fun how was the show it was so good I’ve never been to a Broadway show before and it was amazing the voices were incredible and I really enjoyed it and he enjoyed it and he loved the Tin Man and it was so cute oh my gosh well that is so amazing I would love to come to to go to a Broadway show next time I come visit you wait wait wait what show do you want to go to no idea great the whz we’ll figure it out no we’re going to see a different one obviously I like I’ve seen when I was way younger I saw Legally Blonde and I’ve seen Phantom of the Opera I don’t want to see either of those well I’ve already seen those so maybe we could see something else maybe our friends who are listening to this could email us a suggestion because we don’t know that much about Broadway yes I like that idea yes you were on to something okay what tell me what’ you do this week this weekend okay antler head so we went to Boston for Father’s Day and on our way home our friends were in Vermont for a wedding so we crossed paths and we met up at a lake and they were going to a wedding so they had other friends there and the friend group was like let’s go for a dip so I like go in and like I’m like thinking we’re going for a dip and we start swimming out a little bit and they’re like let’s go for a swim and we start swimming and we swim miles into the lake these people were basically Olympic swimmers so I got a great workout in and then we swam so far that we basically couldn’t go back and we had to climb out on a stranger’s Dock and like walk through their property and trespass and to escape the lake and to get back to our beach well that story took a turn didn’t it it took a wild turn but honestly it was very fun very wholesome very Vermont and I had a great time and I got a great workout I love that for you now speaking of weddings going back to that I did ask you to RSVP to my wedding and you said yes I’ll do that and you have still yet to do that so go do that oh I was just joking I thought that my RSVP was saying yes I will come on text no I need you to go and click so I have you accounted for for both for all for two time yeah if you go on and you find your invitation youuh you click you click I attend okay will you remind me again at the end of the episode okay I guess we have to move on now otherwise this will just devolve into Lynn and I planning Logistics we love doing that okay we love Logistics all right everybody today on the podcast we had a ton of ties in the nbsl this week but we also had some classic Old Faithful nwsl drama including a streaming mishap a goal that wasn’t a goal and a huge win for the Utah Royals then we are going to get into Kristen press’s return to the field and Sam Kerr’s Chelsea announcement finally we will preview the midweek and weekend games ahead and we got an email from Brett s to discuss what songs would make our present day mixtape on like a burned CD I don’t even know if kids know what that means but I do yes yes you do I sure freaking do I used to burn CDs left and right we’re going to get into that but before we do we are the self-anointed Texas holdom of women’s soccer because this weekend was like being at the casino and we’re upping the antie Lynn wo do do you do you have a casino story I like yeah do you yeah huge Gambler do you have a casino story actually yeah this past summer me and Marley were at the casino and we were losing we were losing bad we were down to our last chip and we went to rush rouette and I was like I am feeling the number 16 so I put one down hit it win so naturally now we’re up we put them like our winnings away now we are playing with two chips we went to this other table cuz I was like not feeling this table now we have two chips I say to Marley I think number 23 and he goes no I don’t really think so I think we should go with 10 so unlike we’re idiots we should have just put one chip one and one chip down on the other one nope we put them on his you put them both on 10 and it landed on 23 it landed on 23 so what did I learn from this that I go gambling with you and I listen to you exactly that is my gambling story my gambling story isn’t really that good basically one time I don’t even know what game we were playing it was like basically I like won pretty much 50 cents or a dollar like something so low and then a bouncer came up to me my flipflop had broken so I was like clomping around with a Barefoot and a broken flip-flop and like a security guard came up to me and was like you can’t be in here on bare feet and I stormed out in a rage thinking that the house thought that like I was going to win too much money that they had to kick me out so I flopped back to my hotel room to get my shoe and then when I came back Pat was like Sam like nobody cared that you won like a dollar like the house wasn’t like targeting you you were just in bare feet in a casino how old were you what do you mean 25 27 oh it’s not called Russian Roulette it’s just roulette yeah is it Russian Roulette where like put a bullet in a gun and you like spit it around okay let’s get into it okay so canas City and Chicago tied this past weekend 2 to2 m Swanson put Chicago up one to nothing with an incredible finish from almost no angle at all in did you see that finish yeah I was sick I was like I don’t even know how that got in I know it went like right underneath ad’s arm and it went right into the net incredible finish from Ma and Chicago was off to a really great start at the end of the first half Vanessa de Bernardo collided heads with Elizabeth Franklin in kind of a scary moment Vanessa ended up having to be subbed off and Kansas City current reporter PJ green who is my friend now after the Kansas City show he tweeted that Vanessa has a history with concussions obviously we’re just hoping that Vanessa is okay but as we talked about a little bit last week with chenade fly’s retirement and her postconcussive syndrome repeated concussions can definitely be really dangerous and scary like heading into the rest of your life we’re sending Vanessa Good Vibes we hope that she’s okay obviously she has been in such a great run of form this season for Kansas City so hopefully this isn’t serious and we see her back out on the field when she’s ready yeah I just hope that she is okay I obviously we don’t want to like assume anything but when it does come to your head I think that you just need to take as much time as you need because your head is like the most important thing in your body so I hope she’s okay it’s like tough to see any injury but especially a head injury I know I completely agree okay second half starts and there was kind of this feeling right that like Chicago could maybe hang on to this lead and hand Kansas City their first loss of the Season at cpkc Stadium but the answer turned out to be no beia xanado quickly got one back for Kansas City there was a scramble in the box after a corner kick and beia Incredibly scored with like almost her back to goal she kind of like turn voled it and it went right in the far post and then cpkc stadium was back partying bumping shooter shoot Maybe shoot shooter shoot I freaking love that borado in the celebratory Kansas City current aftermath of the goal Claire Hutton who is an 18-year-old New York native who signed with the current just last December and has already made 11 appearances this season she pulled off this incredible moment of skill in the Midfield I’m kind of hoping we can just play this clip are you watching on YouTube because she did this wild spin move she’s so showing some of her ability to join in at the attack usually Lynn have you ever like actually pulled off a move like this in a game like one of those moves that you would practice over and over when you were growing up and then you like actually got to do it no um I I think that first of all watching that that was sick I just think that the younger generation playing right now is nasty watching their skill set is unbelievable I just think that shows and goes to like how many resources they have and how much access to the game they do cuz I don’t even know if I was able to watch people do that so you kind of had like make up moves in your head but no my move is definitely the push and run and I have done that a lot the classic Lynn Williams push and run I know I used to you know how like all the good moves were like named after famous players like C and maradon so I used to like experiment with moves and like call them the MU in my yard that’s so cute what was your go-to move I like literally don’t remember but it was probably something like complicated that wasn’t already taken as a move and like obvious obviously I never actually did it in a game what do you think was your go-to move I don’t know I just want to call it like barging through you know what I mean Marge barge um I think that your your classic move would be like when you’re about to shoot it at the top of the box but you chop it to your other foot ah and then shoot it like I’ve seen you do that a billion times yeah when you’re shooting and then do I shoot it and it goes in yeah of course duh uh well thank you we can start calling that the MU now if we want okay I’ll if I ever do that I’ll say wow I just did the MU the Sam mu yeah the Sam mu thank you you’re welcome okay so it’s one to one Kansas City Chicago and then 10at winga freaking obviously comes out scores a goal surprise surprise it’s 2 to1 Kansas City party’s back on Kansas City’s feeling good but in the 90th minute Sam stab Center back gets one back for Chicago on a header off a corner kick Sam stab’s goal was like when you flip the River card and bang somebody’s about to beat you with three freaking twos and you’re shocked and surprised but it goes in and the game ties two to two you know what I mean he’s such an anticlimactic thing for a tie I know well speaking of ties there were almost all ties in the nend ofl this weekend but Lynn if you’re Chicago you go away to Kansas City you’re playing like the league leaders are you happy getting a point away or are you like dang we should have held on to that lead at the beginning I think you’re happy with a point away I think anytime you can pick up points on the road but also you’re happy because Kansas City has been proven to go on and score four five goals in a game so keeping them to two and tie I would be happy especially how the game is going like you’re losing and in the last minutes you are tied so yeah true it would feel it feels like a win when you kind of save the game at the end like that yeah yeah I agree what would you feel I think point away for Chicago right now is especially against Kansas City is good and I think like you said it was looking like they were going to lose and they clawed it back at the end so yeah I think they probably were in good spirits I agree I also think it gives you confidence going into other games knowing that if you’re down a goal you still can have fight in you to come back I think that sends a message to your team yeah and it’s something that then you refer back to in other moments of adversity like remember if you’d ever be down to goal everybody just kind of goes we’ve been here before and that’s like the rally and cry yeah exactly okay well so let’s move on to Gotham versus Louisville the old bats headed over to Kentucky and they came home with three points one of only two teams to pick up those maximum three points on the weekend the other team being oddly enough the Utah Royals but we are going to get to that so yasm and Ryan and Ella Stevens both scored goals to help Gotham beat Louisville two to nothing y’s goal was sick she was like falling down she ends up like getting it I think far post into the corner it’s one to nothing Gotham is winning but then ly you we have to take a pause here you have to tell us about the field Katie single removing a crater then getting the whistle blown in her year what happened yeah I think it was a little bit of a weird game for Katie Sangle not on the field I think she played a great game but something happened and a huge chunk of grass was like a normally it’s like a divot but this divot was like a crater and she goes and like Chucks I kid you not like this big obviously this is an audio medium so you can’t see but a massive size piece of grass off to the side so she Chucks that off there’s a huge divot in the field but then in the second half the divot was gone so I was like how did that get back did they go and grab the saw that she threw and put it home they must have but I how did they stick it down because it was huge just kind of Stomp Stomp stomp around on it a little bit I know usually that works if the hole is small but this was M it was a huge hole anyways that was weird I need to know the science behind that the fact that the field was doing that in general kind of worries me but then Katie commits a foul I believe and she’s walking past the ref the ref Blows the Whistle in her ear and then she reacts to that and gets a yellow card so is it clear if it the yellow card was for her foul or for her reaction to the ref I’m going to go ahead and say it was for her reaction towards the ref because the yellow card was not coming out until she reacted so I need I need somebody to also tell me what the situation there was maybe I could ask Katie but you’ll have to ask Katie and like report back to us I will but I think she’s probably confused as well yeah that was wild but then to make it two to nothing Ella Stevens scores an absolute Banger basically pocket aces you get the deal you’re sitting there with your two Aces and you’re like I’m going to freaking win this hand she voles it into the net we thought it’ be cool in to dive into the school a little bit deeper and how better to do that than to actually call Ella Stevens so it’s time for the very first inaugural Good Vibes good time FaceTime and we’re doing it right now you guys hear me okay yeah you sound great okay Ella I don’t think we’ve ever like really met but like hi I’m Sam Ella Sam Sam Ella it’s so nice to meet I actually trained with courage twice you wouldn’t have remembered me but you were really nice to me oh so I appreciate god well sorry yeah Sam is like notoriously known for not remembering anybody no I don’t either I I think I have brain D think we introduced ourselves I just passed it and you said good pass and I like always remember that but it’s nice to meet you official it’s nice to see you again Ella we’re off to a great start okay so basically we just want to hear about your goal yeah it was so sick uh yeah well s Mandy first of all yeah Mandy Freeman cross it you yeah okay can you just walk us through the whole thing like you’re run into the box the play buildup like what went through your mind what happened so I remember I rotated out I think with rose and I kind of just tried to pull backside and I saw Mandy had the ball with a lot of space and in training we I feel like we do this every day she always puts balls everyone on the wide areas always put balls in like right on my feet and it’s like 5050 so I’m really glad I I was able to hit this one um cuz I I saw her and I knew she saw me so I think we just both knew it was coming and I I tried to just compose myself and not get too excited that’s like the best feeling when you like make eye contact you’re like do it y y do it what what made you full volia instead of taking a touch cuz that was a choice a good choice Choice oh you know you know that Tik Tok that’s like what what did they say what made you think you could do it and they’re like delusion it was full delusion no I don’t know I think sometimes like the touch is I end up like messing it up like sometimes I think too much you know so I I just kind of like to try to go with not thinking and also I mean earlier in the season there was a ball that popped out the top of the box I had no business trying to hit it first time and I did and it was really bad and I remember Juan Carlos called me in that week and he brought it up and I was just kind of ready to like hear it and he was like I when I saw the ball in the air and I saw you were about to take it he was like I believed in you he was like I just want you to know that and he was like I know it didn’t come off but like I believe in you and I just feel like hearing that and I mean there’s similar sentiments from like people on the team just like little tidbits like that that I feel like just kind of keep me very confident and like allow me to feel like I can take that shot so wow that’s amazing I think that those moments too are like first of all taking a volley of that like any moment you’re like this could go two ways either it’s going to be a banger or I’m going to miss epically and I think that those you don’t score bangers unless you take the risk and you take the chance and the opportunity but also just watching you and training and being able to like play with you I think that you are somebody that doesn’t get discouraged if you miss a goal like you’re just like I’m just going to get on with it and I’m going to try again and I think that that is Testament to you but like a a true goal scorer like you’re like all right I missed but that doesn’t defy me I’m just going to try again and and then you end up with bangers I think you’ve scored like four goals and two of them have been bangers so that’s like 50% Banger stop bang City Ella Lynn this is actually Ella’s fifth goal of the Season Ella oh five goals was this the sickest one this no I really liked the the San Diego one felt really really good who okay I don’t know just the way okay well what are you going to do next see uh I’m GNA pass it to you okay I’ll try to pass it back well I I feel like there is so much more to come from you Ella we are so happy that you came on and you are actually our first ever this is what we’re calling the segment The Good Vibes good time FaceTime wo thank you for having me I’m honored yeah anytime thank you so much for coming on I love Good Vibes Goodtime FaceTime calls maybe when other people do sick stuff Lynn we’ll just call them and have them on the show too I love that idea do something cool guys so that you can be on the show yes okay so it was three points for Gotham who are sitting fourth in the table but you guys have two games this weekin so you have a chance to really jump up in the standings there’s six points up for grabs for you this week part of Gotham’s run form has been the amazing the incredible the wonderful the beautiful Gotham defense and that brings us to the ollipop gut check of the week brought to you by those Legends over there at ollipop I’m going to Splash Zone Splash Zone dink well how do you cheers Lyn when you’re cheersing at a dinner what do you say cheers yeah I’ve just noticed every time we do this I say dink but it’s like it’s not like I would ever like say that and any other like setting huzzah okay ollipop gut check of the week what’s a more impressive statistic Kansas City’s 33 goals in 13 games which is two and a half goals per game average or Gotham’s eight goals against in 13 games which is only6 goals against per game average so which is more impressive scoring that many goals or only letting up that few goals Sam what do you think well don’t say the wrong answer I know that you are probably going to say Gotham this was kind of a foregone conclusion but talk to us a little bit about Gotham’s defense like how much do you guys talk about it how impressive how proud of this statistic are you guys very proud I think that our team takes great pride and our defense getting clean sheets I think that our defense is what allows us to shine offensively I think that obviously we want to be scoring more goals and winning that way but you can’t lose if you don’t let goals in so that’s where we are that’s where our Baseline is that’s where we start and then we move forward from that so we talk about defense every single day every single week and making sure that that is like sharp I think it’s really really impressive that you guys are doing that well defensively especially considering that you had a change in goalkeeper about half a quarter of the way through the season Cassie Miller was starting for you guys in goal and then and Katrine Burger came over from Chelsea and you’ve just kind of kept up this really great defensive Rhythm and have kept a really low goals against average so very impressive I do have to shout out Kansas City really quick 33 goals so far this season very impressive they’re definitely one of if not the most dangerous attacking team they have a lot of incredible attacking players and I think 33 goals in 13 games is a statistic also to be proud of but I think for this one I’m going to agree with you Lyn I’m going to go Gotham’s eight goals against in 13 games wins this allp gut check of the week congratulations go Gotham again you get an ollipop okay that’s our ollipop gut chick of the week I love you so much ollipop thank you thank you send more thank you so the Utah Royals played BFC on Sunday night in the 2024 expansion Derby and both teams were really looking for the win I actually feel like it was 12th Place against 14th Place both expansion teams and it was such a valuable opportunity to get points out of this game three points to a team that only has four points is like a huge amount of points Utah have been struggling this season one win one draw and then Bay have had some inconsistent results they’ve had some good moments but again like they’re still only in 12th Place so I just feel like both teams were really looking to get get maximum points out of this game do you think that a kind of one of these like battles at the bottom does do those games like hit different do you go into these games thinking like this is our chance to get these points as opposed to when you’re playing a team that’s at the top of the table yes definitely I think that four teams that are sitting on 14th Place and 12th Place it might feel so far away from first place but it’s not that far from eighth eight teams make the playoffs and if you can get one game get a win and get some momentum going I think that that is what’s most important and so going into a game knowing you’re playing a team that’s at the bottom you’re like okay this is our chance to start that momentum get hopefully into that playoff Brack at eighth place or around there yeah yeah literally no shade to the old Boston Breakers but in 2016 we like literally made playoffs because we got to play Boston four times and we got 12 points out of it and it’s like yeah such a it is like a big opportunity for teams like this this was actually interesting too Lyn I heard Amy Rodriguez the Utah head coach on Meg linahan podcast full-time last week saying that she was talking to some like expert on team building and they said that a team isn’t really a team yet until they’ve had about 70 training sessions and A-Rod Amy Rodriguez said that Utah had just had their 80th training and I found it so interesting that just kind of as they’re Crossing this threshold into really solidifying what their team is all about and having enough trainings to kind of all be on the same page they get this big win what do you think about that idea like can do you have any concept of like SE about what 70 trainings would feel like when you say that it immediately reminds me and takes me to that book the 10,000 hours have you read that book or seen that book yeah yeah the book basically says like you’re not a professional at anything until you’ve practice 10,000 hours and I have no concept of what 70 training is that seems like a lot but also seems like none at the same time but I’m going to assume that it’s around that same minute Mark maybe like of maybe not is that dumb I don’t think it would be 10,000 hours like but I think it would probably be like about three months of training as a team I said minutes not hours so are you saying that it’s 10,000 Minutes well I’m just saying like when you’re building like everybody is a profession you know what let’s not get into this debate here but maybe it is maybe it is what’s 70 times 2 hours so only 140 hours so it’s not what is math anyways I think that the idea of you have to hit a certain threshold to be solidified or to be good enough at something is the idea here and to assume that any expansion team or any new team is going to gel together and be like amazing game one even year one I think is a lofty goal and like a very high expectation I’m not saying it can’t be done but that’s very high so like it doesn’t surprise me that they are struggling or they’re having a hard go at it but that doesn’t mean that they’re not building a foundation for the future and I think that that’s where people could Mis look and be like what’s wrong with Utah and I’m like who knows just give them a minute they just met yeah this rough year next year they could be incredible or in two years they could be incredible if this team stays together and they like have built that but yeah they just met like give them a second they just met okay well so this game is definitely going to be a core memory for this team this game was a draw for a very long time it was like literally all draws just a bunch of people sitting out there with two pair waiting for something to happen in the poker game but then Kate Dava scores a late game winner in the 88th minute for Utah and immediately runs over to the bench to celebrate this was like a huge moment for this club and this team and something I think that they can really build on the goal was like you’re down to your last chips you’re like ly at the casino you have one chip left you have to just go well we’re playing poker so it’s a little different but you have to go all in you flip your cards over you’re ready to walk away you have nothing and then out of nowhere you win the hand you’re back in the game you did something right I don’t know you have a high card you score goal at the end you win I think Utah can grow from here 80 trainings in maybe it’s a good time time for the Royals to rise rise Royal rise around the rest of the nbsl lots of ties everybody else tied but there were a few magical moments to point out the Washington Spirits Croy bethon saved a point for DC with a 96-minute goal against San Diego it was an incredible touch and half volley finish with an even more incredible s it’s actually what inspired us to be talking about poker today but she like blew in her hand and then she like pretended to roll the dice and then it like came up as a Lucky Seven so it’s like not poker but it’s gambling you know what I mean ly yeah same same but different same same but different exactly Jaden Shaw had finished a chancef for San Diego in the 20th minute so this game ended one to1 but Lynn tell us about this Cy bathoon goal and how hard is this to do oh my gosh the goal was incredible um I feel I feel for San Diego because it was the last minutes of the game The Last almost like seconds of the game I think but to be able to volley the ball down or chest the ball down while it’s coming from like a side angle and then in your next stride volley it keep it down keep it low as you’re running full speed is an incredibly hard technique you have to be calm in a very intense moment and also to beat the keeper near sided so or near post it’s kind of the goal of goals goal of goals c bathoon yeah she’s having a great year she is having such a great year she’s getting Rookie of the Year even MVP shouts she’s off to an incredible start the courage remain undefeated at home with a scoreless tie against undefeated Orlando they were able to keep Barbara bandit in check which really didn’t look easy but the courage kept that wake Med soccer park on lockdown on loock unlock and then Houston tied Angel City another scoreless draw thanks to a PK save by Jane Campbell there was another like really close call and lots of speculation on this other play that the ball actually went over the goal line and should have been goal for Angel City but it clearly wasn’t called and the game ended 0 this was like when you Bluff with a terrible hand and you get away with it and the ball maybe goes in but it doesn’t get called but there’s no goal line technology in the nbsl angel City’s Jasmine Spencer said I think it’s a good example of why we need continued investment in the league so we can look forward to things like goal line technology to have better decisions on those instances obviously Lyn we agree do you have any strong thoughts about goaline technology yeah I think that if we’re going to get all the technology if we’re going to have V we’re going to have all the things we might as well have go like line technology either have it all or don’t have it at all I think that is my take yeah I think hopefully it’s coming soon Houston’s probably like whatever man but Angel City’s probably a little bit pissed I exactly I just depends on what side you’re on yeah for sure I mean I think from a totally non-biased I have no favorites in this league as everybody knows I think I would like goal line technology I think that would be great I think it would be great as well this is probably going to bite me at one point but I would just say kick it in there harder make sure you really know it’s in there yeah yeah I I like that you just give it the big old boot pull a Lyn Williams you know what I mean yeah just boot it in there anyway girls Lastly lastly speaking of Technology we need to touch on Sunday afternoon in the CBS broadcast situation so Seattle and Portland all set up Seattle Cascadia rivalry game but the LPGA golf tournament was running long and this game was all set like airing on CBS is a big game but golf ran long so we actually missed a bunch of this big Seattle Portland game which was frustrating like I know that CBS sports or something was trying to have a stream up but I think there were technical difficulties I personally missed almost the whole first half I was trying to also celebrate Father’s Day have the game up on my phone and I know that the whole match is now available on Paramount plus like retro Pro actively but I do think it’s it was like a bummer it was unfortunate I think 400 p.m. on a Sunday is like appointment viewing I mean it’s a one of the bigger games it’s a rivalry game I know Seattle is not having a great year but I think the mishap around the game getting pushed and the game getting like covered over by Golf and then the live stream option not working for a while kind of leaves a little bit of a Dark Cloud over it super unfortunate I don’t know really who’s fault it is obviously this wasn’t like the plan how did you feel about it Lyn yeah I think it’s unfortunate just because we’ve never seen an event run over time it’s they usually direct it to a different Channel and then once that said event is done you come back I think that is the missed opportunity and it like is just disheartening to know that that didn’t happen that whole situation didn’t happen I know there’s technical difficulties that do go on but it seems like there are more in women’s sports than ever before and that’s just the frustrating part I mean you’re right like sports live sports on TV run into other time slots like that’s part of the deal we know it wasn’t on purpose but it was a huge game the first one I was saying at least it was another women’s sport at least it was women’s golf like I think that that it would have been like hard to handle if it was like not women’s sports are like not a sport that we were like got it we get this makes sense but then Lynn I this was late at night but the bay Utah game also the start time got pushed back 12 minutes because CFL football was on CBS I just saw a lot of questions and responses on Twitter about why the nwl is partnered with a broadcaster who isn’t prioritizing our games agreed which is tough I mean first things first we are asking people to have a lot of subscription Services games are across CBS and Paramount plus and ion and Es PN and NW plus and it is a lot of places to look to figure out how to watch games the idea that we can watch every game somehow is good like I think that there are leagues men’s sports leagues where you just simply don’t have access to every game based on what Market you’re in there’s like blackouts and then you can kind of get into like a league game pass kind of situation where you’re paying more but I think in the terms of like where the nwcl is at where a growing and maturing League are hiccups I just think it was super unfortunate that it was this game and that the backup plan didn’t work yeah I think that that is would be the takeaway for me because you’re right in men’s sports and other leagues there are blackouts but also I’m trying to think of like the EPL for example you have they play on peacock sometimes and then they play on a different like you have to have different streaming services if you want to watch all the games that’s I think just part of Sports and like kind of where Sports is going soccer in general it is frustrating I think we have more platforms so trying to even find the games can be confusing unless you are a a Die Hard fan or like the women’s game puts it out in a nice pamphlet for you we sure do it’s our weekly game day graphic everybody usually up on Friday so check out our social media yeah and I I love that it’s like one of my favorite things cuz I know exactly where to go and how to watch the games I just think I’m upset with that there a backup didn’t happen or that start times are getting pushed because well yeah that affects the players a lot that affects the players and I just don’t see that happening in men’s sports I think the service sure like that it’s on different streams that happens but the pushing of the start time or the fact that it’s just not being aired at all I just don’t think you would ever see that they would figure out a backup yeah again I think we understand mistakes happen the backup plan not working in this instance was really really tough but I think we’ve covered this enough Lynn huge news last week Kristen press is back in training and this is not a drill how incredible I know I think that her journey has probably been very very tough but to see how how positive she’s been and how she’s just keeps saying like I’m just going to try like be patient with me and I’m just going to try I think it’s very inspiring to see that maybe things aren’t going to I think it’s a lesson of for life like maybe things aren’t going to go exactly how you thought that they were going to go but you just have to keep trying and eventually you will get somewhere and do something that you can be proud of and to see her out there and did you see the videos where she was like smiling and stuff it just looked like she was so happy so I’m excited for her I know I’m excited for her too so a little context Christen press tore her ACL in June of 2022 so almost like pretty much exactly two years ago to the date she started training again after her initial ACL surgery she like started trying to come back and she needed more multiple surgeries after that that to fix some lingering issues and press has been really open and vulnerable and honest with the whole women’s soccer Community about her journey back to the field so like Lynn said we were really happy to see her back out there with her teammates we saw the first photos and videos from her training back with Angel City and she just like Lyn said she looked so happy to be out there [Applause] [Music] there we go well said can we also get a massive welome oh that was cute I saw Lynn this was actually cool she tweeted something like day 730 equals day one and it was kind of this like transition from yes I’ve been going through this really hard thing for this really long time and this is the end of one Journey but like the beginning of another I know I love that this is like a little bit of a Side Story but my mom always says like you can start your day over at any moment like if you’re having a bad day you can just say oh nope I’m that’s that part of the day and now I’m going to start over and I feel like that leads into this like she’s been going through this for 730 days but now it sounds so long but I’m sure the amount of times she has had to say to herself this is now my day one again like this is now my day one again one I think was probably very challenging cuz to say your day one again and still be going through the same thing get challenging and I think that’s just a testament to her and the fact that she was able to stay positive but also it’s like exciting like okay you’ve been doing this thing for a long time but now it’s like the moment your next step your next journey and you can look back and be like wow that was really long but it was all worth it cuz now I get to play soccer again yeah and I think that is a choice though to continue to stay on that journey and say you know what now is my day one yeah I know I was going to ask you when you’re out for so long and you finally have like a milestone whether that’s running for the first time or training with the team for the first time or playing in a game for the first time one thing I wanted to touch on is what’s hard about that and like I know how like physically hard it can be to be reintroduced to like a new environment that you haven’t been in yet it can just be like so exhausting but I also want to know what the best part is like what how do you celebrate Milestones like that in moments like that where you get to do a new thing yeah I think that like you know the hardest parts about being injured are not being with the team like you’re isolated you of course there’s all of like the physical hardness that you’re going through but I think it’s more of the mental piece that people don’t talk about that is like really draining and exhausting and then when you are like back in it you’re like now I am physically exhausted and I’m mentally exhausted but the the best parts about that are that you’re finally like oh my gosh I didn’t know if I I was ever going to get to this point like when you’re going through your journey you there are so many moments like I remember when I was going through my hamstring repair in Kansas City and just watching those games and watching people go into tackles I was like that looks so scary and I don’t know if I could ever do that again and then you get to the point where you’re just like oh yeah like I know how to do that I’m going to do that all the time and so when you hit a new Milestone or you hit a new moment it’s like all of the hard work and all of the worry and all of the crazy sadness kind of just it feels worth it and and it’s like a reminder of like to not take it for granted and it’s so I think humans are silly cuz you like you remember that and then you’ll go four months and you’ll be like oh I forgot that moment and then something will happen and you like have to go back and you’re like I wish so I think that’s like a crazy cycle in itself but I think just remembering and just really enjoying like the simple things and just like we’ve talked about of oh my gosh I get to rent I take that for granted or I get to be out with the team I took that for granted I think those are like the best and most fun Parts I think it’s really really cool to see Kristen back training with the team I think even she said like she said in some media that I saw her do like it’s not like she’s playing this weekend like she still has rehab to do she still has to like work into working towards playing in a game so I feel like giving her some like patience there’s no rush for her to be back at 100% overnight it has been 2 years and she should just keep doing what’s best for her her body but I know that everybody was so happy to see her out there training and to see kind of all of those trials and tribulations that she went through really have a a moment to acknowledge that she’s reached this new Milestone okay Lynn so across the pond Sam cerr announced that she has resigned with Chelsea until 2026 in a trick video that’s silly Sammy basically Sam and Chelsea like posted a series of videos where the whole first video was Sam like seeming to explain all of these things that she was going to miss about Chelsea but then quickly Chelsea posted another video where they were like basically just kidding LOL what did you make of the trick video she tricked us no I feel like we knew we had to know I do you know the one that she was saying like I’m looking for a girl who’s 5’8 oh that a missed opportunity to either have a Chelsea member or chrisy do that and then have Sam pop up as Chelsea obviously that would have been like an issue because Christy doesn’t play for Chelsea but just saying missed opportunity I feel like she would have done it wait Did you see Christy and Sam’s Tik Tok of Christy singing that song but then Sam came in no I need to go look it’s very funny it’s I think it’s on Christy’s Tik Tok and maybe on her Instagram too see missed opportunity but you know what I obviously like I thought I like I was like yeah I think Sam is staying at Chelsea like the day before all these media people were like keep your eyes appe there’s big news about Sam cerr dropping tomorrow and I was kind of like I’m pretty sure that it’s just that she’s staying at Chelsea but then when I saw the first video I was kind of like did I miss something like huge in my family like Sam was such a good actor you got got by it I got a little bit got because she almost sounded like she was going to cry Samantha got Gau by her own family member same name Sammy I know it was like pretty wild but obviously I’m so excited for Sam and obviously Chelsea are pumped to have her through 2026 Sam right now is about 5 months through her ACL rehab which when you tear your ACL you’re usually expected to be out for like 9 to 12 months so we’re wishing Samuel hopefully I can get back out to England for the women’s game and watch her play when she gets back and or have her as a guest on friendlies or both also maybe have Christy on friendlies you know I’m trying to just get all my friends and family on the show all the time why have a podcast if you can’t just get your friends and family on here exactly they’re like can you give us a minute Sam it’s Christmas we can’t be talking about this right now okay looking ahead we do have some midweek games this week on Wednesday like we talked about Gotham is playing San Diego at 700 P p.m. Eastern in a makeup from that week one challenge Cup game that has left both teams with a game in hand so far this season and Angel City are playing Louisville at 1 p.m. Eastern then over the weekend we have our usual SL late of games there is a California clash between Bay FC and Angel City on Saturday night at 10:00 p.m. Eastern on Sunday we have some real gambles some real good hands of poker if you ask me tell us what a good hand of Poker is you know you want to get you know what you want to get high cards face cards all the right cards is what you want to get all the right cards and then it really just you really just got to not react flop something else River you want face card yeah you sure do ideally anyways back to these real gambles of games Gotham are playing the spirit that’s an exciting one Portland are playing Kansas City that’s another exciting one Portland are looking like maybe one of those teams that could possibly challenge Kansas City North Carolina are playing Chicago and then Seattle is playing Louisville Gotham has this chance to jump up six points Lynn what do you thinking I think six points sounds nice so let’s just do that that’s what I have to say about that that’s what I have to say about that Portland have Sophia Smith back on the roster after her little red card suspension s also got engaged so like Yay congrats yay girl so happy for her get that ring I know I feel like she’s been wanting that for a long time so H they’re like so in love I know so cute the pictures were amazing I know they almost were like wedding pictures I was like these are so perfect I know I need to like hear the story cuz like like obviously she was surprised but then I’m like how did you how did he manage to get her to dress like that in a surprise that’s what I need to know I don’t know we need to Good Time Face Time her because I have literally never looked so perfect one single second in my life as she looked in those pictures yes you have maybe like at Birth and I was just like a glorious newborn baby so I was perfect in my natural babiness but not as a grown woman have I ever looked so Flawless that was so weird of you to say I need to move on was so weird all right well after all these ties we are expecting some fireworks here we are a few weeks ahead of July 4th everybody it’s also weird let’s go to the inbox we have an email from Brett s that asks Hi Sam Lan and Becky I was just thinking about how most of my favorite music was from when I was a teenager and I was just wondering what would be on your mixtape so if you were burning a CD for a friend what songs would you include I love the show I can’t wait for new episodes go thorns Brett s boo Thorns I know Becky’s not here we get a lot of emails from Thorns fans though Lynn so I have to say thank you thorn fans we appreciate you yeah they can support women’s soccer but just not the thorn support Gotham no just kidding Lynn tell us what burning a CD means to you yeah what it means to me it means you you take a a blank CD that you have gotten from a stack of blank CD yeah the store I was going to say you get from Amazon but obviously not like you would have to go get them at the store and you put it in your computer and then you go to Lime wire and you put all of those songs illegally onto this blank CD and and then you bring it out to your car and you have all your favorite songs on a CD and it’s like it’s basically a playlist now you you would just make a playlist with all your favorite songs but yeah or your um CD thing a Walkman right is that yeah Walkman when I was younger we had a guy come out to our house to fix our computer because it had a huge virus on it because I was obviously burning CDs and doing craziness I don’t even know I was just clicking all the buttons that would come up and I would be like click click click click click go away and this guy said that is the big I’ve been doing this for 20 years and that is the biggest virus on a computer I’ve ever seen so sorry Mom and Dad for getting a massive computer virus I don’t really understand computer viruses is it like a hacker I think so I don’t really know either it’s honestly a miracle that none of my stuff has gotten hacked knock on wood now because back in the day like something would pop up like and I would just click the X and I was like yeah I’ll deal with that later and it would be like a 100 and I’d be like Fast clicking like bye bye bye bye bye and he was like you that’s that’s a virus you need to get that fixed that’s not like I throw it under the bed and forget about it thing that’s like a problem yeah okay back to the back to the question yeah what songs have you been bumping to lately ooh I honestly haven’t been bumping to songs lately it’s been either listening to wedding songs or listening to podcasts so oh my gosh let’s talk wedding song CD wedding song CD I could pull up my my uh I have a wedding playlist for a wedding that I didn’t have which is fine but I could I could pull that up hit me with something all right wedding I can tell you a songs I’ve been listening to do it I have been listening to um an old song ruin by Usher okay it’s basically about how like he had a daughter and then like she she like ruined his idea of love like in a good way obviously wow TS anything TS I would put on there so that would be kind of on my burned I don’t know Marley makes the playlist for me and then I just listen to them all right I’m going to Rattle off some songs I think we should add to your wedding playlist okay Sexy and I Know It by LMFAO Sugar We’re Going Down by Fallout Boy hot in here by Nelly Tick Tock by Kesha I love it by Icona poop Stacy’s mom by Fountains of Wayne teenage dirt bag by weedus were these on your wedding playlist that you didn’t play Yeah well yeah yep okay I would have just had a jumping up and down yelling wedding and that would have been incredible I think we are at two different parts of the wedding I have been looking at songs to play during like dinner like the love part yeah and like it’s in the background and then you are okay don’t worry about the later time I already have a playlist for us great send that to Marley you just push the DJ out of the way and say don’t worry about it I got it don’t worry plug in your phone yes don’t worry okay well thank you so much Brett s that was really fun it turned from burning a CD for a friend into songs that must be played at a wedding but that’s okay this is a fun podcast that’s what happens if anybody else has questions for us that you want us to totally go off topic you can send us an email at Women’s gameib menand all right Lyn we have to let these poor people go they their ears are probably bleeding in their little headphones this is the end of the episode so let’s leave them with a good vibe we’re going to play that game we used to play all the time where we try to say the same word at the same time okay okay you ready yeah one two 3 computer lies Okay computer computer and Lilies one two two three digal wallaper digital wallpaper okay one two three screen don’t background that’s that we win that’s the same thing that we did it we basically got it you guys okay that’s everybody’s good vibe we love you so much we hope that you’re subscribed to this podcast if not you should make sure and you should subscribe right now you little strawberry scone this is available wherever you listen to podcast and we’re on YouTube and we’re on Instagram and Twitter Twitter and Tik Tok at women’s game miib this week coming up we have a Friendly’s interview with Jaden Shaw and we talk about how she actually only played footall until she was 12 years old and then she started playing soccer we’re going to talk a little bit about her ACL injury and then her journey going pro as a teenager her rise on the US Women’s National Team I just basically gave it all away I know that Lynn is copying my hand movements if you are listening to this you can watch her mimic me on YouTube all right everybody that’s all goodbye I’m Lynn and I’m Sam and this is Good Vibes FC the podcast that’s like a three of a kind me Becky and L you get it cuz we’re cute we’re cute and we’re a good hands okay love you bye


  1. fantastic episode. hearing from Ella was great, shes becoming a must watch every week on the pitch. love hearing you both talk about the amazing plays of the week. best episode yet. good vibes ladies!!!

  2. I loved the Good Vibes Good Time Face Time lol Ella has scored some great goals for Gotham so far this season!

  3. Hello Sam and Lynn. This made a nice change from the men's Euros. I commented on Men in Blazers about Emma Hayes, but Rog spotted another comment like it straight after and read that one. It could be worse. Poor Scotland. Ruesha's sister Shebahn is covering them for a UK channel. That must have been a difficult gig this week.

  4. Wicked is my favorite Broadway musical, Hamilton is also great. I've heard great things about Stereophonic, it's next on my list. Go Bats!

  5. And as a true 90s kid and 90s rock fan, I definitely want Love Song by 311 playing at my wedding. "However far away/however long I stay, I will always love you" ❤️

  6. What Lynn said at 40:32 about not feeling like she could ever hit a tackle again to me just encapsulates the bravery (foolishness?) of athletes to do dangerous things over and over again.

  7. I thought the goal was not called a goal because of a handball beforehand not because it didn’t cross the line

  8. Can we get just a little more love and acknowledgment to Bay FC?! C’mon Lynn you’re a California girl! Kiki Pickett has had some spectacular plays as a 6 that are often overlooked but deserve air time!

  9. Sam, you are so on point about how to watch NWSL for sure. I bought Paramount, now they are on ION to….my word

  10. Lynn calling Sam out for not RSVPing and saying she needs to officially go do it rather than give a verbal yes is so real and universally relatable for anyone who's planned a major event

  11. Loved this episode!! The face time call was so fun! The whole CBS golf thing pissed me off as a big Thorns fan. I was looking for the game everywhere and couldn’t find it and ended up missing the entire first half. The way the NWSL streams games needs to change. I was also at the Bay FC game, and Bay should have been up by 3 in the first half, the missed chances were just unfortunate. Love you guys!! ❤

  12. Look at what happened to Gotham, near last place prior to last year's Championship win. Utah will get there.

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