Golf Players

Another Dooley Noted Podcast // Episode #357 ~ Brandon Spikes

On this episode, Pat Dooley is joined by 2X All-American with the Gators – Brandon Spikes, courtesy of Meldon Law!
We’ll have the Big Mill’s Cheesesteaks’ “Yes, No Way, or Maybe,”
Hesser & Kipke’s “Three Things,” Leonardo’s Millhopper Pizza “Quick Picks,”
Adam’s Rib Co. “Gator of the Week,”
All that, and much more!

you [Applause] [Music] another duly noted podcast comes to you from the coach’s podcast room at spurrier’s grid iron grill in celebration Point okay and welcome in to another duly noted podcast presented by Titan MRI from the melden law Gator Studios good show today for you Brandon Spikes is going to join us a little bit later of course he’s now on the floor to staff in a role on in fact he was going to come on earlier or later yeah earlier but uh he um has staff meeting so we’re going to get him on and do an interview with him I get some good yes no ways or maybe for him as well on Monday uh if you didn’t watched the show last Monday well that would have been Monday a couple days ago uh coach buer is not gonna be here because he is going up to do the Heisman show actually in Austin not up over uh in Austin uh to do the uh commercials so uh instead we’re bringing on some much someone much more attractive Andrea adidon will join us we always love having her on the show from ESPN talk some college football with her and we’ll look forward to that still not sure about Thursday’s guest to be honest with you uh for the next Thursday a week from today in fact there may not be a show next Thursday I got a double check with my wife she’s leaving town and then it’s when she gets back we’re leaving town to go on a little vacation uh that we’ve planned and uh there may not be a show Thursday I got to double check with her she’s not here right now so I I’ll find out but anyway um all right so I I did want to mention the fact that I did something I’ve not done in a long time Tuesday and Wednesday and probably shouldn’t have done uh but I played 36 holes of golf I played 18 at Ironwood 18 at UF 18 holes at UF by the way cost me $990 now to be honest with you that is the first time I’ve ever paid for golf out there but they’re they’ve changed kind of the uh you know letting a lot of people play for free stuff kind of stuff but 90 bucks no wonder a lot of the students are playing out an IR we uh but look the UF course is a much nicer course I mean it’s it’s one of the nicest courses in Gainesville um but it’s almost like they’re trying to I don’t want to say Keep people off the course but they’ve raised all the rates and and what whatever that’s their their prerogative man it’s one of our few golf courses I love playing tournaments out there I will say this it’s hard and um the greens are ridiculously hard to putt because there there’s so many different slopes and the it it it’s a great place for this program to play golf now we’ll see what happens in the future anyway the result of my 36 hes of golf were 7989 which should tell you how bad it was the second day but hey I had a great time with Bill rer and the group that he plays with out there they had they had a lot of fun uh we had a lot of fun I lost money but who cares um but I did my I I had already scheduled a back injection for later that day and um it’s already making me feel better it took a while last night was a little brutal but I know that everybody cares about my health anyway let’s go ahead and move on to sports and talk about especially baseballs with our process service of Gainesville starting five brought to you by Scott Hart and process service of Gainesville we appreciate them for all their support I will tell you this uh that sponsorship will be open for football season uh Scott’s been so great to us we talked about this before and we appreciate him he kind of came out of nowhere with this sponsorship that’s lasted a long time uh that sponsorship is going to be open and it’s very uh give me a call uh I’ve got all the stuff put together for um what it requires and everything but anyway I don’t get to business process service of Gainesville they’re with us for another month after this month so we’re there with us through July I appreciate Scott so much I really do um let us get to our process service of gel starting five which are the five biggest stories of the today and in this case a lot of it’s going to be uh baseball Centric with the Gators and what they were able to do and what they weren’t able to do uh so number one our process service of Gainsville starting five um it get shut out on um last night certainly not the way you want to end the season I’ve got some unbelievable stats I’m going to give you a little bit later here but what a great year it it I was telling my wife I said you know this was the worst season and best postseason I’ve ever experienced now they’ve had better postseasons where they got all the way to the College World Series but we didn’t expect this team to do what they did I give Sully a lot of credit that move to move KAG Leon to the front of the lineup uh for the Kentucky game was brilliant U maybe he should have moved him back maybe he shouldn’t have started Liam Peterson you can make all these questions you have for uh Sully but the bottom line is he got a lot out of this team it certainly got more out of them in the postseason than anybody thought was possible um A&M’s just got really good pitching and they and you know it doesn’t help when you give them two runs to start the game um but that does happen sometimes uh this is a really good uh Texas A&M team of course they’re GNA be now playing a really good Tennessee team uh in the final I do have if you’ll see my Notre Dame baseball t-shirt on which I bought when they knocked Notre Dame out or Tennessee out of it was it two years ago or last year anyway whatever they did I I promised I would buy a shirt if they knocked them out I’m rooting hard for the yaggies you know last night obviously I wasn’t but I am today uh but let’s move on to number two on our process service of games will starting five oh by the way I did want to mention this six time the eight time two teams from the same conference are playing for the national title the sixth time it’s been SEC teams not a big surprise there of course remember last year it was SEC so this is four straight or two straight years where it’s been SEC on SEC crimes that they have to commit but um you know my watching level of this is probably not going to be real high I my gut is I’m gonna put it on my second TV and um you know with the sound off which is really how I watched all the Florida games because I just don’t like to people go off under tangents and I don’t really want to hear what they’re saying most of the time and if some controversy starts I’ll I’ll flip the the sound on and listen to it but I don’t want to listen to idle chitchat about ice cream and there was one where they went on and on about they were oh yesterday at the Day game they were going on and on about Cameo and because somebody didn’t know know what Cameo was that was in the booth and I it I was just like I was literally going to the bathroom at Balo and he had piped the sound in even to the and I was just like shut up cover the game that’s why I don’t listen to a lot of games and I know the answer is put put Jeff and sea on sync it up to your TV no I don’t want to do that either I just I I love listening to Jeff and Sean too but I just want to watch the game by myself and I I’m weird that way I become a weird old man but in a good way all right let’s get to number two and that is kagon I want to cry I really do I want to cry that I’m not gonna get to see him play for the Gators anymore I’m not going to cry but I want to cry um what a great three years it was I mean not even a full three years I remember when he started playing two years ago I didn’t even know who he was personally because I don’t follow baseball recruiting that closely right I follow only the players that are playing and then all a sudden he comes up and I think he had a home in his first game like wow where did this guy come from and then I got the backstory and of course we followed him all through that year and then last year with the incredible numbers he put up and then this year with the incredible numbers he is now the alltime home run leader of Florida beating Matt leap’s record Matt leapor there to tip his hat which I thought was cool by the way my if you notice my hat I got Tony Angelini who is a good friend and plays in our tournament every year in calls our radio show send it to me for Father’s Day Us opening very nice and that’s why I’m wearing it today um anyway kags is the best to ever play here that that’s all I can say um there there we have discussed this at length I’m not sure there’s not a better argument or as good an argument to be made for Wyatt Langford I certainly know for Wilkerson and I know zenino and I I mean there and Brady singer there’s a million people you could put on that Mount Rushmore but kags has got is the only one that is automatic there’s no doubt about it to me and he is the best player to ever play in Florida what he has done in two and a half years been unbelievable and don’t forget he pitched too now I know he wasn’t a great pitcher but he was was a really good pitcher in college baseball had a good record and um you know guys hit the ball long way this now but he does have the home run record and uh I don’t know if we’ll ever see anybody like him maybe we will maybe this is the new baseball where you have six foot five guys that have matina looks that can hit the ball farther than anybody’s ever hit it I’d like to see another one come along at Florida man it’s doubtful though that we’ll see somebody quite like him uh and it is sad to say goodbye to him because not only was and again I don’t really know him very well we talked to him a few times but I don’t really know no kags but I know what silly thinks of and I know what Jeff cardoo thinks of him what Sean Kelly think of him um seems like he is one of the greatest guys that ever play here too uh you saw some of the videos of him signing things for kids after the game after the first game yesterday and and they I mean they had to go take showers and get you know rest um and I think it did drain them a little bit I think there was a little drainage um playing all those games playing all those important games but the point is like I I said last week he was approaching TBO level and in terms of popularity in terms of Fame I don’t know if anybody will ever get to TBO level and I’m just talking about while he was a player of Florida now if kags may be the guy that breaks the barrier of former Gators who go on to have great um Pro careers uh nobody from the in the Hall of Fame from Florida who played baseball um there’s been some great players that have come along David Einstein certainly was one Robbie Thompson was a long career wilky played for a while but there’s been never been and Alonzo would be the closest thing to great because of his couple of years there where he was smashing all his balls um Hall of Fame no but maybe kags is a guy that unfortunately by the time you would get in the Hall of Fame I’ll probably be in a nursing home or in the in the ground but uh I hope he does and I appreciate him signing that batting helmet for us uh that went for I one of the biggest uh and that’s why I talk about the fame thing it went for I think the third highest price and there was some stuff that went for a lot I tell you that on our on our golf tournament and he was nice enough to do it and and and seemed really this is the way he is he seemed like he enjoyed doing that’s what makes him great um his parents should be really proud of what they rais anyway I’m that’s enough gushing about Haag leó we’re never going to see him play for Florida again and that is sad but thank you for two and a half great wonderful fun years where you never felt like Florida was totally out of a game because kags is gonna come up um all right let’s move on to number three on our process service of Gainsville starting five I don’t want to start weeping over chat kagon but and I’m not going to weep over him but I’m just saying he may be my favorite player ever ah wil’s still my favorite but it’s personal it’s you’ve heard many of my stories about him anyway let’s get to number three and I I I woke up this morning very early 7 AM and um I’ve been thinking about this I go you know what let’s go look at the Run Florida made in the postseason because I count the Georgia series as postseason I know Jeff does too let’s start talk about those two last two games Florida won that got them in if they don’t win those games they don’t go in they don’t get in um so they in during that if you count those two games at the end of the joria series Florida played 15 games uh and went 11 to four here’s the amazing thing they hit a homer in every one of those games except two and you know who who they were against Texas A&M you got to give those Texas A&M pitchers a lot of credit for what they were able to do that guy last night was just on fire I do think this team did all of the what they’ve been dealing with may have gotten to them I don’t think it did uh I think that they look one thing you got to understand about baseball is when you’re young you’re playing you may play three games in a day it’s just the way it works you get rain out you got to play two games you know um but this I so I figured out the stats I went game by game for this 15 game Run that Florida went on that is over now um during that run they hit 295 with 25 homers in 15 games and again Tex A&M they they allowed zero homers uh still you have to think about what this team did and if if you take those a those two A&M games out they hit 310 so this was a team that couldn’t hit all year except to hit a homers but they did both they hit and they hit for homers so pretty amazing run for these Gators um but I think that the other thing you have to remember about this is not only were they on a PO they were playing in the postseason starting with that Georgia series but they played every one of those games in front of a hostile crowd every one of those 15 games three at Georgia or two at I’m only counting the last two games of Georgia because they won those two at Georgia um one in um well I guess the Vanderbilt I don’t know if Vanderbilt had I I wasn’t in the SEC tournament and I did count that game though because they played it you know you got you gotta count it so they played that game in uh n in Hoover maybe that wasn’t a hostile crowd but then you had go to still waterer hostile crowd go to CL in a really hostile crowd go to the Omaha I mean look Florida fans don’t travel for anything but football we know that you would think Florida by this time with all the appearances would have had a big crowd there I I do want to say this when you’re one game over 500 at the end of the season you’re probably not expecting to go Tola I know that if my wife and daughter had not had other things going on they would have gone but not many people went and so every game they played was again in front of a hostile crowd including last night and they were able to win 11 of 15 games in front of hostile crowd so I give these guys again so much credit let me just give you those numbers again during this 15 game Run 295 batting average with 25 homers and if if that ball had gone one more foot off kin’s bat however many nights ago I can’t remember now uh again you you got to win the first game that’s the bottom line it is just I mean it is possible to come back from it but if you don’t win that first game you’re GNA be in trouble and it and the pitching will eventually and again this was not a staff it had deep pitching but it didn’t have great pitching there was no guy fiser Jameson certainly has uh established himself now um but they’re and look they’re going to be really good next year okay and and this just leave it at that but um anyway so for baseball that’ll close the book on it um to be honest with you um I mean we’ll talk about a little bit more later in this show but it is just a weird I it is the weirdest year I’ve ever experienced where a team could go into it with high expectations every time you got you jumped on the bandwagon you sprang an ankle jump off of it because things went bad um and then to do what they did in the postseason you sit there and you’re going I can’t believe they want to get they hey they’re going to Clemson for the Super Regional now I can’t believe they did that oh wait they’re going to um now they’re going to Oma I can’t believe they’re going oh and then I’m like just win one game in Omaha they won one and I go hey why you’re at it Go and eliminate Kentucky who I hate wife kept saying she kept saying my wife’s so funny she makes me laugh a lot she goes when after they beat Kentucky she goes I just hope all the fans there also root for Kentucky basketball because they’re miserable now oh I’ve I have created a negative router in my life all right let’s get to number four in our process service of games will starting five I did watch a little bit of the Olympic trials last night too I had you know the two TVs going as always and uh Caleb wrestle I don’t think it was a swim he wanted but he did make his third Olympics he’ll be on the relay team and again this this is continuing to go on every night 8 o’clock finals will be on uh it’s a weird way to do it but it’s the way NBC said we will be doing it this way they got the Olympics they paid a trillion dollars or whatever for it um and Bobby think also making the Olympics you know we’ll give it all to you eventually how many Florida athletes are going to be in the Olympics and again when Katie Le I’ve talked about this too much but when Katie Lei was swimming last night I think it was a 1500 final right and and she’s got that Gator cap on I’m like nah she’s a gator if you’re wearing the gator cap and you’re in the pool and you’re a representing the University of Florida and you are qualified for the Olympics and you’re going to wear a USA cap in the Olympics you’re a gator I’m I’m willing to accept that usually I don’t accept just somebody because you’re a volunteer coach and you’re not really a gator but now no she’s a gator I have decreed that uh but anyway that that’ll continue on uh let’s get to number five on our process service of games starting five and that is the death of Willie May of course 93 years old exact age my dad died uh which I thought was kind of ironic because my dad loved Willie May everybody love Willie Mays they say Hey kid the catch all that stuff one of the greatest players ever play maybe the greatest player to ever play that didn’t use steroids you I mean Hank Aon hit more homers but not that many more I mean what 90 more but um he hit over 600 homers and um you know that’s pretty impressive and also just an incredible outfielder I think he was a 24 time Allstar all the stats you can I can give you and there there are people that will make the argument that saw him play I never got to see well I did get to see him play once at Candlestick but it was um I think he might have been on the he I don’t I think he might have pinched hit in that game it was a long long time ago obviously uh but um just a tremendous player tremendous Ambassador for the the game and it made me set I I you know that’s the thing when you get to be my age people you care more about are starting to pass away like when Tai Cobb died I wasn’t upset when Sai Young died I wasn’t upset when um you know you could go through all these different people that P passed away when I was still you know not collecting Social Security they um now people that I really care about are dying and that’s it’s too many too many uh oh no moments I I talk about the oh no and the oh wow moments the oh no moments are oh no you know obviously I’m not gonna bring up people like Tom Petty and Glenn Fry who I did shed tears over uh but oh no is what I said when Willie Mays died lived a great life had a great run was a great nobody’s saying anything but positive things about him and uh that’s great and but you’re still sad to see anybody go but I’m sure in like in the case of my father when he he went the way he want wanted to and we were sad to see him going I miss him every day but he was ready and I understand so anyway that is going to do it for a i way to go in end it on a down note process says Service of Gainsville starting five Scott Hart we appreciate them we’ll take a break when we come back we’ll be joined by our special guest today Brandon Spikes of course two-time All-American in Florida and uh he’s on staff now uh and he is doing wonderful things over there and just got his degree too so we’ll talk about all that we got a yes no way or maybe with him as well when we come back on another duly noted podcast presented by Titan MRI from the melden law gator Studio Titan MRI North Central Florida’s Premier independent diagnostic testing MRI facility at Titan MRI we’re focused on you the patient having a great customer experience our MRI equipment is modered and 75% quieter than any unit in its class and our MRI unit has one of the largest openings of any of the newer high strength MRI units which allows comfortable scanning for potential claustrophobic and larger patients at Titan MRI we look forward to serving you process service of Gainesville offers a rapid turnaround on affidavits of service for Gator lawyers locally and Nationwide our friend Scott Hart offers immediate responses on status requests and is a member of naps and facts and he has been a part of the community for almost two decades need service call process service of Gainsville at 47697 9592 or email sart Gators s G8 TR and make sure you ask about the paralal legal secretary bonus program great food great atmosphere a diverse menu everything made from scratch plenty of space and locally owned these are all the characteristics of a great restaurant and you can find each and every one of them right here in Gainesville at Baloo Grill Balo Grill prepares all of their food fresh every day from their salad dressing to their award-winning soups bring your family an enjoy dinner under the Tim Rebo Tiki Hut while listening to live music or if you’re running low on time to eat out they also deliver through Uber Eats fight Squat and Postmates a Gainsville staple that’s been open for over 30 years check out Balo Grill on Facebook or at Balo okay welcome back to another duly noted podcast presented by Titan MRI from the melden law Gator Studios and it’s great to welcome in Our Guest The Great two-time allamerican brand is spikes and of course uh he is one of my favorite people in the world look at him look at how cool his Gatorade office is that is the coolest office I need to get some of that stuff for our golf tournament next year hey maybe we can work something out Pat man I appreciate that introduction I’ve always I always enjoy coming on your show man thanks for having me well we appreciate you and I mean your your new role here is uh can you kind of explain what that what that’s going to be well it’s just I’ll be more on the program side you know of course I’m going still be you know giving my two c on the coaching if I see something I’m I have to address it but yeah I think I have a you know a better a more important role with impacting the guys as far as life skills you know Player Development you know professional skills stuff off the field and kind of help them navigate you know with life after football so to speak you know that’s the thing Brandon when we watch that swamp Kings uh documentary is that you didn’t get it right away it took you a while to get it and when you got it then you became one of the greatest linebackers we’ve ever seen around here yeah man I I am grateful man like I tell I tell the guys all the time you know me deciding to come down here to gville be a part of this great gator nation is one of the best decisions I ever made and believe it or not Pat I just watched schwamp Kings for the first time a couple days ago and I will Pat myself on the B I just thought I you know I came off authentic and like I I wanted to be you know me and you talk all the time so I just tried to you know kind of be the same person once the camera was on you know you know how that goes sometimes when the camera come on guys you know they T sub and you know to get camera shy and I didn’t want to portray that so I I felt like I was myself so I’m pretty proud and I hope I represented the gator Nation the right way also too absolutely I think you made even more fans you already had plenty of fans um I did want to ask you if you watch how much of the baseball you were you watch I mean we’re about teamwork here and I know that that was exciting to watch yeah I’ve been I’ve been keeping up win them man I’m just really proud you know I see him come here you know we got you know we got the uh the training table here so some of the guys guys come in and eat here and there and just let them know how proud I am and you know how how it feels good to be playing for championships again you know what I’m saying that’s what it’s all about you know when you you come to Florida the standard is high man you know with all the sports The Pride factor in there it it means a lot it’s not just for that individual player it’s a whole entire nation hoping that we succeed and play well and be the best so that’s the great thing about you know this this great gator Nation yeah I was talking before about how kagon is approaching TBO popularity man oh yeah if he had one more year he might he might have gotten to it hey maybe we can get him to stay is he all his edibility out is it all going or it’s time to he’s got a year but he he’s going to probably be the first pick in the draft so yeah yeah he gotta go do what he gotta do but it was fun while lasted like I said man I’m sure he gonna you know in the future long long time from now he’ll come back you know with his family and be able to show like hey look what your dad did and that’s that’s the best part of why you work hard and grind and you know don’t accept handouts just you know get it out the mud and people will applaud you that forever if you just kind of just make up your mind when you hear as a young player you know you you appreciate it more you know when you have to work for it and nobody just hands it to you you know what I’m saying I think he understands that just from all his you know his production on the field so it was great to see him play I hate what happen I was like how are they playing two games in one day I didn’t understand that was that’s not fair like they got a edge on us right well that’s what happened s when you you got to win that first game when you get that’s the bottom line if you don’t then you’re you’re going to be playing from behind and funny story man I I don’t really know much about baseball I’ve been you know you know a lot of my uncles and stuff play you know I didn’t play it I wish I had to gave it a try no I was I was gonna ask you did you ever play baseball no I I I wish that’s the one thing I regret man it was just a slow game you know if I played I would have to play catcher or first base but true story my first baseball game ever was I was up in uh New England play for the Patriots and Robert Kraft came to he like hey I got to go to uh Egypt for a day or two and you know we about to close it out the World Series game I think the uh they they was in the um in the guard the monster I think they call it up there they was up there playing they was playing St Lou cart yeah and they was about to close it out he’s like you want my tickets I was like wellow I I never I don’t know much about baseball he’s like well I think you should give a try me and my fiance at the time she she’s from St Louis she’s like uh yeah you want those tickets oh so my first baseball game ever was the World Series in Boston they closed out and I ain’t going to lie man it it was kind of boring I like this the championship game I think baseball like I didn’t come with a big group of people was just me and my f fiance so I think baseball is more of like a camaraderie type of deal you gotta come with a group of fun people to have a good time but I did enjoy the chance and stuff you know take me out to the bo the Stu it was it was fun I’m G give it change I mean did you play any other sports did you play uh basketball yeah yeah I play I played basketball you know I tried track for a little bit of course I was slow as a turtle so that didn’t work out but uh yeah basketball was my first love Pat I had a scholarship to wake for you know rest in peace skip prer he gave me my only one scholarship believe it or not I quit football 10 grade year in high school because I was growing two inches every year we started out 0 and three I was like I don’t need this I’m playing basketball I’m gonna be an NBA I got the like ninth grade and stopped growing back so I’ve been the same size since I was 14 years old I had grew a bit is that right the same same height since you were same height but you know basketball North Carolina we you know that was my first love you know I I hate that I didn’t keep growing but I’m not complaining I think I chose the right sport yeah it worked out pretty good for you I did want to mention also you getting your degree uh and coming back to get that and it’s it’s it’s a proud moment when you when you’re able to do walk yeah man I ain’t even going to lie you know at first you know it’s still kind of a little surreal because it was 14 years later 15 years years and I promised my mom that I would take care of business she kept bothering me she like you need to go back you need to go back and the university that’s the great thing going they was asking me to come at like come finish school we want you here you know it’ll be great for you and it’ll be great for your daughter nine-year-old daughter and I always tell her like hey we start something we’re gonna finish it and I wouldn’t be able to preach that if I didn’t take care of business myself so you know it was just a a dream come true it was challenging I ain’t going to lie coming back to school as an adult was it was challenging at first but once I got into that mode I think I was in a good mental space to kind of handle that and Thrive and you know right now I feel like I’m I’m still in school mode and I just applied for the NBA you know the Masters program here at business school so fingers crossed hopefully I can get in there and just keep strive I’m just you know all about trying to get better man I want to always be a well-rounded man so I think I’m at the point now that I’m I’m I’m focusing on my education and where it can take me and I’m I’m really proud and thankful that this University is just invite me in with open arms like you know it’s great to be a part of something like that to be welcome back home like absolutely absolutely is and um you know it is I mean it’s it’s certainly not easy as like you said as an adult to come back to school I have nightmares about taking a test oh yeah you know I I’ll be I’ll wake up oh I didn’t for that test and I’m like that was like a long time ago Pat need to get over it some at some point it happened to me and now like they got the camera watching you while you taking it so I’m like oh it just made gave me anxiety believe it or not that was my had my first panic attack at 35 years old so it’s all good it was worth it though man I just got the uh email today where they they you know they sit down my the pH so I can’t wait to get it put it up in my office so cool yeah so I don’t know does it replace the Cobe or the the oh no I got a spot right up there just right in the front right just just for it so no Kobe’s never coming down or Tom Brady the goats oh you see there only goats up there that’s the only people make that wall man goats only need apply I get um in fact that’s something I I you know we see a lot of jerseys get retired like both of those I mean Brady just got his retired uh by the Patriots Florida doesn’t believe in the in retiring Jersey and that’s one I I would think about KAG Leon retiring that Jersey yeah and I think the tbos of the I mean absolutely TBO em Smith Fred Taylor Javon C uh wiber Marshall like these guys are the pioneers of this place this one of the reasons I decided to come to Florida because I wanted to be a part of greatness you know what I’m saying and in order to do that you got to come play with the best so you know they paved away like I still got a really good relationship with Fred Taylor we still talk he just earned his degree also you know one he inspired me to go back um he kept his a little bit on the low I was complaining throughout my whole process but you know me what there’s a St statistics class you had start time with don’t even mention it Pat I still have nightmares over that and I think it’s two more different courses in this NBA plan so we’ll see how that go but yeah man Fred I always ask I was like why don’t we have anybody jersey retired you know what I’m saying so we don’t believe they don’t believe in that here at Florida no well the argument was always that uh well you have a 100 players who need 99 numbers whatever and I’m like no you don’t yeah you can only put 60 on the field at a time right and now like guys are wearing the same number too also on the opposite side of the ball now too so that’s strange to me get on the field right yeah well let me ask you about that because I know a lot of Gator fans are G want to hear from you about this and because you’re out there watching these guys work out and you just went through a spring with them and they’re obviously out there conditioning and everything um we hear from Billy Napier that this is going to be a different situation that everything is now in place and going forward are you getting that same I mean I know you’re part of it but are you getting the same sensation yeah AB absolutely man it’s just fun to watch like I I tell people all the time R want build overnight and you it’s a process man I think coach is getting his guys in I think you got the guys to f up the the roles that we was missing you know and one of those for me was the leadership the guys that with experience you they come and set the tone show the young guys how to work every day and and and show them this is how it is this what it takes it’s no shortcuts you got to do all the small things when nobody’s watching and and and nobody’s going to Pat you on the back for you just got to think about the the end game and that’s hosting that championship trophy up you know what I’m saying when when the time be but just having the experience and for me like we got a lot of guys in the back end that’s played a lot of ball and that’s what we was lacking defensively I always say like I thought the offense did pretty well last season defensively I felt like we struggled we could do a lot better but just getting guys with more experience I know we played a lot of true freshman on defense last year they coming into their second and third year you know they have more confidence and I’m just go and tell you Pat the stripping conditioning program has been off the charts I’m more impressed with that you see the guys bodies changing you know they walking around you know with a little peping they step so that’s good to see man and they working man like I I hadn’t told them that I won’t tell them that but I’m sharing this with you so they won’t get ahead of themselves but I I’m really proud to see the you know the steps we’ve taken so far this spring and this summer so hopefully we just keep that you know that mindset of you know it’s us against the world you know we got one of the toughest schedules and that’s a great I keep telling them all this is a good thing it don’t matter it’s one game at a time you know what I’m saying and you don’t get a lot of opportunities so let’s just seize the moment you know don’t worry about the hype who cares what they writing about us wherever we rank just go play hard one one play at a time and I guarantee you we’ll come out on Top If You Can you know kind of have that tunnel vision and that’s what we done you know we didn’t care about the hype like it’s always going to be stories written people saying this people saying that it’s all about your brothers that you’re working hard with right now and you know going through blood sweating tears with so I think they understand that like I said with the with the leadership the the discipline and the older guys been in the building those uh grad transfers and stuff like that I think they helping us out a lot man just far as just the the word bringing your Lut P every day like you know what I’m saying when it’s no games played on Saturday like this is what college football is because you better believe the Georgia of the world and Alabama of the world they working right now thinking about whooping you on Saturday so you gotta you know get them that same energy so I think we getting there Pat I think you’ll be impressed if you was in here you like okay that’s the thing I I’ve always told people you don’t get bigger and stronger during a football season and you don’t get better on Saturday it’s all done ahead you’re it’s all about how you practice practice but it’s also about did you get your body in the right shape to go to practice yes there there’s no way you’re going to step out there during the fall and think you’re gonna play at a high level if you didn’t prepare you know my one of my favorite s you know the five PS uh preparation prevents piss poor performance I’m a firm believer in that man like if you just prepare you should be ready you know what I’m saying just when your numers called and that’s all I did when my number was called I tried to prepare like I was a starter I had this conversation with DJ L where I said way no matter what happens you just be ready for the moment and when your numers call you go in there and and help us out help us get to the promised land that’s all you can control control what you control don’t believe outside hype and he’s a very down toe kid come from a great family natural leader alpha male I’m happy to have him in the building too it’s great to have that his whole class that came in with him those guys are winners and and they they come in contesting they want to they want to come and contribute so that’s great man just to see those young hungry Gators like hey we we want to play for something more than just nil and more my my um my brand now that’s super important but this class I noticed that they more about togetherness you know the camaraderie the Brotherhood so that’s great to see so I I hopefully they can come in and contribute me personally I don’t really like to depend on freshman because you know what I’m saying I know I didn’t play a lot as freshman I turned out decent I just wasn’t ready I had to you know work hard and wait for my m I think they understand that all right before we let you go we have to play yes no way or maybe with you and of course brought to you by big Mills cheese steak Street dining done the right way go in there and said say you listen to another dly noted podcast free fries with your order okay number one you were not at the 2008 National Championship celebration because you hadn’t decided yet whether you were coming out uh that’s a i I did celebrate a lot that I remember I’m try to see if I remember that no I think I was that was the one here in the stadium right yeah yeah yeah so I was there should I chime in on W or just yes or no well no yeah you can say whatever you want I just was Wonder because you weren’t yeah I was undecided I was undecided but you remember TBO came up and done history I’ve been following TBO my whole life man fall him out of high school but he came up and done his spit he was like yeah after he got he was acting like he was walking down the stairs and he turn around like and by the way I’m coming back and right then and there I was like I text my you know the guy I was dealing with at the time about you know thinking about coming out or not I text him I said well I think I’m coming back to try to win a third Nation Championship so that’s what it is yeah that was a that was a great team too it just one I think Percy not being there was the biggest thing come on I always tell you that you know I Percy is the best player I ever played with but he him leaving like we was just missing that punch we had everything thing we end up being undefeated now all the way we still went undefeated and you know once you get to those juggernauts you know you got to have a little something extra and Percy is little some extra on anybody’s roster so I think he was the uh X Factor at the end of the day I’m not blaming on that because a lot of stuff happened during that week you know up to that game I’m sure you remember bring it back up but I think with him we win that game by two touchdowns by far you know we still got to stop somebody defensively and that was on me they had their way out there but I don’t think we that that whole season was weird I ain’t gon lie it was a weird season I in fact I remember Scott Strickland came up to me at a basketball game this is when he was the ad at Mississippi State he said you know you when you guys came to games or to Starkville I’ve never seen an undefeated team more miserable and I I said I don’t I I can’t explain it either I think it was just there was just too much going on it was just too much outside stuff and then some of the guys like fingers and I was like what is happening like is this my fault is this me letting this allow this happening but sometimes man like when you on those stages if you not mentally immature enough to handle that like it can affect the team you know what I’m saying it it was just through the whole whole locker room and I don’t think I done a great job of holding everybody together like I had I don’t think we had like once you win the win the trophy win the goal get the Rings like that’s the challenging part to keep that up that’s why I always applaud Tom Brady that’s why he’s on my wild Kobe Bryant those dudes keep that chip on they they shoulder that edge and it’s fascinating that’s why they different and and great because a lot of people don’t they can’t keep that type of you know what I’m saying how could I say they can’t just keep that up you know day in and day out like these dudes win the championship the next day after they win the championship Pat They thinking about what can I do to win another one the next day like just like I don’t think I had that type of I was mature enough to you know handle that all that uh success at the time and it came fast you know oh yeah it did U all right number two on yes no way or maybe uh you have had drinks with no Shan Moreno at some point hell no and now I just thought maybe you guys would be sitting there one day having a couple of beers and you would go yeah remember how I hit you that time hey I don’t like to use the word hate hate but I think that that rivalry man that stuff that really made me hate black and red like this red used to be one of my favorite colors I don’t like nothing red or black like I hate if I saw no Sean at a public uh grocery store it might be on site site pack and it’s 15 years later man that’s how serious it is like I can’t get it out of me I don’t want to have him again yeah man I really I hate I like be you’ve been a bit immature like it’s time to grow up a little bit and let those robberies I’m like no is life this is for life this is just what it is I gotta tell you I am wearing a Notre Dame baseball t-shirt you know why I’m wearing it because I bought it when they beat Tennessee and knocked them out of the baseb Regal couple years ago so I keep my rivalries going I promise you hey I might need to give me one two pack because I’m with you I’m I’m just like that bro that’s probably why we hit it off because you know likeminded all right finally on yes no way or maybe uh your four interceptions for a touchdown in your career will be a record that lasts at least another 10 years uh I hope yes I’m just go and say yes because nobody’s broken it yet you know I tell the linebackers here they’re like CU you you was a downhill Lineback all you could do is tackle I was like bro I have the record for interception uh pick sixes and one LSU film two two of them they like he threw it right to you I was like what about the other five then y’all talking they I said have you got your hand on the wall yet you trying to tell qu right like six interceptions four for touchdowns I know you remember that and that’s one of the that’s one of the things I’m the most proud of because they used to say oh you can just tackle you a downhill linebacker I’m like no I covered people too I I got pbus and and got my hands on balls and took them back to the house to you know get six points for the good guys so I was more than just a downhill linebacker yeah I think Chon is the only one that came close to he had oh yeah oh yeah the Patriots drafted him right yeah and I was happy too I think hee bowl games yeah yeah did he tie it I think he tie no he only got the three he got got the three and I was happy too when he ended the draft I said wof almost got all right uh Brandon we will let you go man it’s always great talking to you whenever I see you anywhere but uh especially doing this uh podcast and we appreciate you so much and you’re a great great guy and a great gator thank you man I’m I’m working on being the ultimate Gator now long as I get that NBA I think I’ll be the ultimate Gator you know what I’m saying so that’s that’s the goal man I appreciate you thanks for having me I enjoy coming on anyway and let’s catch up and get that beer soon man I’m here so this our last week so we got some free time coming up so just text me so all right we’ll be back with more of another Dilly noted podcast presented by Titan MRI from the melden LW Gator Studios right after this break Gators melden law has been serving personal injury victims since 1971 in those days Jeffrey melon’s presence as an attorney in the music scene dued him with the nickname the hippie attorney and although times have changed two things haven’t our commitment to bettering our community by helping the injured Albert are you ready to go to the game and our love for the Florida Gators if you bleed orange and blue melden law is the firm for you Adams Rib Company has been a staple of Gainesville for more than a decade and a staple of the douly house ever since Kelsey’s teeth came in the first time I walked into Adams I told my daughter that the green beans are always a test of a great barbecue restaurant and they were perfect you know about the ribs that melt in your mouth and my favorite the turkey plate But be sure to go in on Fridays for Nana fish nuggets they will melt in your mouth Adams ripco a Gainesville great another duly noted podcast comes to you from the coaches podcast room at Spur’s G iron grill and celebration point you can watch and listen to us on Facebook and YouTube for every podcast that we do on Mondays and Fridays at 2 o’clock listen to the podcast whenever on Apple podcast Spotify Google podcast overcast any of the other 39 platforms where you can find this podcast or your favorite podcast remember to like follow And subscribe if you have any questions or comments leave them in the comments section below or call me if you want to do some advertising at 352 317 3444 okay welcome back to another duly noted podcast presented by Titan MRI from the melden law Gator Studios it is time for Hesser and kipy three things we appreciate Hester and kipy so much uh Hester and kipy of course as you know as a games of Law Firm specializing in the areas of family law and workers compensation if you’re a loyal listener of this show you know who we are by now if not Google The Firm check out the reviews and hear what our clients have to say Ken and Jennifer can be reached 247 via call or text at 352 339 9920 um has her and Kip and three things let’s get to three things all right uh first was the firing of Monty Williams and um that happened yesterday and of course they were kept showing it across the crawl um and my first thought was just man it’s kind of Heartless but Monty Williams of course lost his wife in a horrific traffic accident and uh I know he was on Billy’s staff at the time Billy Donovan and Billy everybody just talked about how great he was but hey you know what they were awful this year they were really bad the Pistons but uh he had just signed a huge deal so guess what Monty Williams I still feel bad for him I I still do but he is getting Jimbo money now he’s getting $65 million not to coach it’s a pretty good deal now and again he’ll get on a staff if he wants to and I’m sure it’ll be like pro-rated but he may just sit out for a year but that is Jimbo Fisher money I definitely got on a wrong profession I think my first job I made 195 a month no one 195 a week I’m sorry first job maybe it was less than that I don’t know I I can’t remember my brain is not quite there today uh but anyway Monty Williams is make gonna make him a lot of money but I feel I still feel bad for him it is embarrassing it’s embarrassing when you give a guy that much money and you fire him the next year that’s embarrassing to you as a franchise and it’s embarrassing to want Monty Williams to get fired after getting that huge deal um things just didn’t go well and I know very reactive but anyway it’s not my business not my business to hand now 65 million either number two on Hesser and Kip’s three things I did want to mention because it happened since we were on the air the last time that now Al Horford has another colle ring for his collection I know he’s got a ton of rings uh somewhere proba might be at his house might be at his parents house but he’s got another one now with his Celtics winning uh was kind of antila look the Celtics were really good they they are what they are and uh they put together a dynamic team and and again Kyrie Irving wasn’t didn’t help things that uh for Dallas but I was Ro it was really weird I like couldn’t really watch the games because I can’t root for the Celtics but I can’t not root against for Horford so IED decid don’t watch the game so I’d watch a little bits and pieces I don’t think I ever saw the end of a game uh but I’m so happy for Al Al Horford to be honest with you is one of the nicest people I’ve ever encountered in my life one of the greatest not stuck up not full of himself anytime I’ve needed him for anything to help me out with the golf tournament to do interviews he’s been awesome we ought to get him on the show one day maybe we will um maybe he will retire maybe this will be it you wanted to get a ring maybe that’ll be the end for him um but maybe he’ll just keep going because gu is kept tooken take taken I should say care of himself but congratulations to Al Horford for getting that ring I want to make sure we we brought that up uh number three on Hester and kipy three things uh top qualifier for the junior United States amateur Charlie Woods may remember that name Woods yes that’s Tiger’s son who I know I don’t know if Florida’s in on him but I know they’re gonna start recruiting him well I because there’s a rule that you can not start till they’re juniors I think he may be a junior this year I don’t know how that all that works I don’t get me started on that um but he was a top qualifier and the guy play now I will say this if you can mentally handle everything you’re gonna have to deal with being Tiger Wood’s dad everything else is being gift wrapped for you because you are able to practice whenever you want because he’s got a you know the big chipping and putting green out back you were able to play when wherever you want you can go with your dad to Augusta and play you can do all this stuff and you’ve got a a great teacher and the greatest player and I still think he’s the greatest player of all time obviously he derailed some of that getting to to the 18 Majors which he’ll never do of Jack Nicholas and Nicholas was unbelievable and make that argument that Nicholas was better but look we all know tiger was the best um so you got that going for you but you got to handle up here and I it so far it feels like he is and I’m sure his dad has given him great lessons but got to handle it because you’re everybody’s expecting you to win everything you ever do uh and that’s hard that’s hard to not everybody can deal with that kind of expectations you know some guys snap some guys can’t handle it anyway that is our Hester and kipy three things brought to you by the great folks over at Hester and kipy Ken and Jen uh we just appreciate them so much let’s move along to this that and the other as always it is brought to you by Ironwood Golf Course home of the Bob douly it is brought to you by Dar shakow Insurance it is brought to you by Balo appreciate bill for inviting me out to play golf with them yesterday 90 bucks not not only 90 bucks but I lost 13 I lost 13 bucks too that was an expensive day all right this s the other okay this is going to be a weird one for you but everything I do is pretty weird as you know all right the this is that Boston College and I don’t know how many of you are aware of this suspended its swim program last fall and they did it because they were hazing so stupid I went through hazing when I was in high school to join the club interact was the Key Club was the jocks Club interact was like the Surfers club and I was a surfer I know um thinking about getting me up on a board I know it’s hard for you to believe but so I to but to to get in interact we got hazed really badly I mean it was it was tough uh spankings and eating just things but they took it to a new level Boston College they made him not only over drink but they made him drink vomit um and so all this came out they fired everybody fired every everybody all the coaches everybody’s gone program disband right well the that is they said hey look all right we got everybody out of here we got everything cleaned up but we do want to have a swimming program so let’s start it let’s rebuild the program who can we go get to do it which is where we get to the other and you’re going why are you talking about this Pat well here’s why they hired Dara Torres to be their head coach women and men uh Dara who’s one of the great people I know 57 years old now which is hard to believe and she will be the coach for both and that is so cool um that Dara Tes is going to do that comeing kind of come in Full Circle for her and she’s look she’s learned from the great coaches that’s why she was in more Olympics than anybody mik she and Michael Phelps I think have been in the most Olympics right five um she’s got all these gold medals and everything she unbelievable unbelievable what she’s been able to do she’ll be able to pass that along so that is the other that Dar Torres now I got to be a Boston College slim fan I I don’t think I’m going to go that far but I do love deror she’s such a great person that is this set and the other and of course brought to you by Ironwood by Dar shakow insurance and by Balo Grill where they do have the best chicken Lings um all right let us move to our Adams ribco Gator of the week there are a lot of people I could have gone with but you know who I’m going with I’m going to go with a guy who I’ve ripped a lot this year Brody donay and and the reason I’m going with BR donay is what he look seasons’s on the line you hit a grand slam in the first inning and then a solo Homer later you’re making Gator of the week okay and I know that he didn’t do anything in the next game um he’s got a flaw on his swing and that he’s swinging for the fence all the time he looks a lot like kags you know a right-handed version of kags but not the plate discipline hopefully he finds that and he will lay off the sliders I mean the average is really low 14 homers he’s got the power to hit he’s got the power to break the record to be honest with you to break ks’s record um I think it was a struggle for him transferring over um and facing SEC pitching which we saw again last night how good it can be uh but Brody donay I got to give you credit man I’m not going to rip you anymore and and when I say rip I would I would just say God broy donate never gets a hit never gets a hit every time he comes up oh I know what’s gonna happen I used to call them there have been players through the history of Florida foot baseball that I would I would joke in the Press Box about calling rally Killers up rally Killers up come up Runners on second third strike out and over and Brody Don was kind of a rally kill much of the year but that was pretty big and I’m gonna give him credit and I I hope he can figure it out next year because he has a chance to do some unbelievable things he’s got the talent the physical Talent he’s just G to get the eyes and the Brain going the right way but Brody Don is our Adams ribco Gator of the week head over to Adams rib over there on 13th Street and uh have some fun enjoy some I mean that’s barbecue is unbelievable uh in fact I’m thinking about it right now oh I’ll wait till tomorrow because I like to get those nanas um fish nuggets man that they are like melt in your mouth good they’re so good all right let’s move on to our Leonard at Quick Picks Leonardo’s Quick Picks Leonardo a mil Hopper Quick Picks let me say it nine times I’ll make I’ll get it right and you talk about good food you can’t get any better than it is over at Leonardo’s great pizza great great parmesan chicken sandwich I would recommend it it is called the dly on the menu for a reason and Kyle K has been a great friend to us as well all right I’m just going to put it this simple and again you may not know the answer to this till Monday night who wins Texas and emmer Tennessee starts on Saturday so you got plenty of time to get it in fact it doesn’t start till 7:30 on Saturday I think it is I’ll I’ll give you that in a minute but um so it’s pretty simple who wins and then if we don’t do a show next Thursday we’ll pull on Monday okay but if we do do a show Thursday we’ll pull on Thursday and pull a winner okay any does any of that make sense I’m trying to I’m just got to get things straighten out with my wife that’s all and she’s home now so I I’ll go talk to her um anyway Tennessee or A&M we know who we want to win well maybe you don’t maybe you are anti-m maybe those two jerks morons Knuckleheads losers who were harassing the Florida Dugout in the first game um maybe that turned you off so much you just don’t you don’t care who wins you got to pick one one of those two teams all right that is going to do it for our leonardos at mil Hopper Quick Picks let’s move to our swamp games of the weekend to finish things up and swamp restaurant where you can go and look there’s still plenty to watch I know we’re we’re done with our college sports season for for this year baseball’s over tracks over and that’s it we’re done but there’s still play to watch the Olympics come on man I know you guys are going to be showing up in the swamp getting those special drink specials and having fun and watching the Olympics when Gators are competing and there’ll be a lot of gators out there I maybe we’ll go there to see Grant Holloway run that would be kind of cool uh Grant’s a good friend we appreciate him uh but there is so much still to watch and so we’ll be giving this to you continue the baseball and all this stuff uh so let’s get to it and we’ll start with the College World Series I still call it the CWS you know they just started was it just this year they started calling it The C the the d The M try English pack the mcws the men’s College World Series versus the women’s College World Series because it was College World Series and then it was Women’s College World Series I think this year or maybe it was last year but I think it was this year they started calling the men’s college I still call it the college B series I’m not being sexist there that’s just the way I you know that’s what it was always called that’s what I covered for all those years I think I’ve been to eight of them College World Series all right so anyway the men’s SC little series uh if you want to watch it if you want watch it Saturday 7:30 ESPN that’s game one Sunday 2 o00 on ABC that’s kind of a quick turnaround there uh on ABC yeah so they go ESPN Saturday ABC Sunday and then Monday if an it’s an if necessary game of course if they play again it’ll be seven o’clock on ESPN now again all this is assuming there’s no rain but we’ve seen what what happened and that goes I want to go back to that a little bit with this Gator baseball team the emotions that had to be going through the their minds when they have a game and they sit around and sit around and it finally gets rained out or no the first one where they finally played the game at started at 12 o’clock midnight and then you know you lose that game and tough at two in the morning and tough you got to come back in a couple days and play again uh and then you get another game rained out it might have helped Florida’s arms but I don’t think it helped them mentally but again Kentucky had to go through the same thing uh and it didn’t work for them you know it it apparently did affect them more but I think then to go play another game that’s one I think maybe again I I’ll have to talk to Sully before I know for sure but I think it drained him a little bit but anyway that I’m not making excuses I am happy with what happened not I’m not as happy as I could be but I’m happy with what happened let’s get to our other games of the week and brought to you by the swamp restaurant Friday night that’s uh tomorrow night Florida at Edmonton is you think Panthers fans are getting nervous I don’t you know I don’t know I don’t run into a lot of panthers fans up here in Gainesville but I would think they’re going to be a little bit nervous after losing the last couple uh they still have a 3-2 and they got to go to Edmonton so that was the thing you want to end it and then you don’t have to go back to Edmonton or you don’t and then you don’t you know anyway so Florida at Edmonton Friday night 8:00 ABC book it Dan um and then baseballwise Saturday Mets at the uh Cubs on FS1 at 2:20 Saturday and then Atlanta at the New York Yankees 7:15 that is on uh Fox um Sunday Mets it Cubs again 7 o’clock that’s ESPN game so those are our leonardos those are our swamp games of the weekend and we appreciate all of our great sponsors we appreciate everybody we appreciate Zach for doing such a great job all right we’ll be back Monday with Andrea adelon we’ll let you know about the Thursday show then um I will be just so you know I will be doing the the uh tailgate today I I I know with no game I said look guys people probably want to talk about this Gator team I’ll come in I’ll do it by myself Jeff probably won’t be back in time and we may be doing another one tomorrow so make sure you listen in and give us a call again if you want to be a sponsor of this show we’ve got a great deal set up for you you don’t have to do anything till August financially but we’ll give you spots the rest of this time and then all through July uh it’s a great opportunity for you and and believe me I’ll I’m pretty cheap so I’ll let you I’ll let you get in for pretty cheap but uh we do appreciate all of our great sponsors especially our title sponsor Titan MRI that’s going to do it for today’s show I am Pat duly and I am deep I am way back and I am out of here

1 Comment

  1. Pat getting up at 7 AM in the morning is not waking up very early
    Come on man
    What’s wrong with you?

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