Flexed wrist style golf swing, is it for you?

There are many ways to swing a golf club. Let’s explore if the DJ style of swinging is good for you or not? It suits some but is terrible for others. There needs to be some sophisticated matchups to make it work. #jy #JonathanYarwood #Golf #GolfCoaching #golfswing

[Music] okay so there’s three major swing styles that are out there at the moment let’s just examine them a little bit and let’s look at them in detail I’ve got a hack motion sensor on I’ve obviously got this to represent the club face and I’ve got some stuff on me to show you side Bend rotation Etc so the first style is the flex lead wrist so you know getting the wrist kind of this way instead of this way so this is flexed Flex lead wrist but with a closed or or strong face there is a variance we’re going to look at with a more open Club face but more like that so so kind of DJ would be probably the finest exponent of this style so what happens in this style how do you match this up how do you make it work because most people who do this and get the face like that react to it so they stand up and they do this to try and stop the ball going left so how do you hit a little predictable fade from there well from here with the the lead wrist flexed and the face really closed you’ve got to do some very sophisticated athletic matchups so if you don’t move well and your body’s not athletically predisposed you cannot do this style because what you need to do from here is to make a huge rotation shift into your front foot you need to get excessive lead side rotation an excessive side Bend and you need to be able to fire your right arm really late and really hold on to that face you can see how the face goes from really close at this point here to getting square and open there with excessive side Bend rotation way out of the normal range and kind of held on to there if you look at someone like DJ he’s got a little kind of move back onto his right foot with the driver the disadvantages of that style if you don’t match it up are you can just react to it and hit it right and hook hook the heck out of it also some for some players hard to to hit driver doing that they tend big flare Cuts or or occasional tow strike Hooks and sometimes it launches too low as well because you’re delofting it so much that you have to use you have to create that side Bend and tilt to get the thing in the air if you don’t have that that’s not a match up either so it’s a very sophisticated style which suits very few people but you know it’s going to suit some I don’t know if it’ll suit you you got to make your own mind up but there’s a lot more to that style than you think [Music]

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