if you’re looking for a golf ball that’s going to save you money this year yet still perform for distance accuracy and everything else fear not because a friend of mine may well have found those balls guys how are you I’m good thanks yeah these now you’ve been waxing lyrical about these for quite some time now and I can’t read that but I can read that Kon Kon yeah tell me about them because a lot of people don’t want to spend 4050 a dozen now on golf balls but you found these online and we’re going to talk numbers in this video as well cuz you’ve done quite a lot testing with them but we’re going to have a little bit of a match with them and just see how they perform out on the golf course and then I want you to talk to us about them let’s go right uh big dog uh three-wood actually I’m going to go three-wood it’s downwind don’t need driver to get past you do hi everyone man James welcome to the channel if you are new here please do consider hitting that subscribe button and throw a like on this video if you do like the idea of a budget golf ball that goes as well as a pro1 we’ll find that out later First Look the cover does feel quite premium actually is it a europethe cover do you know uh it’s not a EUR cover no I mean obviously probably that’s where they save a little bit on cost yeah um cuz generally you would find a a European cover is a a golf ball that will launch a little bit lower the spin rate I’ll drag it up in the air whereas this is a sirine or maybe even Iona check that out but it’s going to launch a little bit higher so I think it’s important to know what your golf balls are made of I think I found when your covers the outer shells a bit softer so if a touchy really feel get that feel don’t you yeah and they do tend to just mark up a little bit sooner as well ureth sure tell you what now feel and soundwise that felt phenomenal phenomenal that was actually a little bit out the bottom as well that certainly wasn’t my best strike are we talking cost or do you want to get teed off well cost varies it’s a funny one so they’re off you can get them team War AliExpress yeah I can probably share a link with you on that one but they can vary from like $7 which is dozen for a dozen or they can go up to $20 and the way it works is it’s like by demand so if all you jump on there start buying them they go up tomorrow there’ll be 15 quid don’t like the idea of that don’t like the idea of that but these are websites that you’ve done quite a lot of research on a lot of people don’t like the websites but that’s up to them but if you want to save some money it’s actually left a bit of a if there’s a product out there for you to buy we’ve got to test it haven’t we absolutely and check it out nice that’s a lovely shot down there yeah good shot sir just short to the bunker and when it comes to saving money it’s interesting because when you do look at how many golf balls are lost in the United States or around the world it’s a phenomenal amount of money it’s also a phenomenal amount of money you could spend potentially on lessons on green fees on golf holidays anything like that all towards your new isons or your new driver it can add up I mean you buy SLE pro at 13 yeah and you know you lose three balls in a round it’s a lot of money I played worly golf with today I lost six golf balls so if you think that’s probably 4 pound a ball now yeah that’s 12 16 32 quid it can be half foot price or a green feed can’t it depressed me has depressed me quite a lot right two good t- shots here both favoring the right side of the thway that’s a big hybrid actually CU I munch that 3w yeah and it comes to like when you are buying these balls how much distance do you expect to lose if you are paying 7 pound a dozen and how much do you expect to gain if you spending like 50 pound a dozen on a prob1 a tp5 a CALA chrom soft anything like that I think we’ve all been led to believe by the big brands that if you spend the money you get the results but then having tested even like Costco golf walls yeah yeah they’re not perfect and people like my golf spy will say don’t buy them stay away from them money’s money that’s where we first compared it we compared it against Kirkland Signature because it’s a great budget ball and a lot of people are buy are you what am I doing it’s summer it’s bloody June nearly I’ve just realized something what where you glasses yeah where are my glasses what do my glasses left make car I’ve lost me glasses I think it’s cuz the banter we’ve been having You’ put them there on purpose but the haircuts looking good anyway aware what I’m doing this what you got uh he7 might just got to gap wedge yeah I don’t think it’s s wed is it on that you can land this long and spin it back potentially that new bunker is now in play on the left hand side would you be comfortable enough to land this long and spin it back with this ball uh I think this will probably just drop and stop CU it it gives you a higher angle of descend yeah so that that’s how it gets its stopping power we’ll talk more about that but launch and descent oh that looks really good be be long enough be there oh short now we are into the wind I think now we’ve turned around the angle this could be interesting I’m going to try and play loads of clubs in the back to test today guys as well so if you want to see that make sure you hit that subscribe button I’m a little bit further up and potentially this is shot where I like to just kind of sore off the pitching w a little bit as well anyway I didn’t expect yours to be short mate no I would I like the logo on it yeah it’s a clean white pearly ball isn’t it yeah looks looks good I think I’ve left that short as well go spun back we’ve had a little bit of a nightmare there haven’t we yeah I thought it was downwind but I think it’s actually in it’s into I’ve literally caught that a touch heavy another yard and it’s perfect but spun all the way down right this is going to be really interesting we’ve both come short actually mine wasn’t far off but came all the way back down that bank probably not because of the spin on the ball probably just because of the angle of this banking but we’ve now left ourself what we done to upset John have you seen how how it’s shaving now that is a very that’s Augusta esque that one what penes it needed to just be here not a lot of green to work with use the bank does it come back a little bit but not quite high enough up to generate the speed to get all the way back down here now you’ve played this before how’s it feel um do you know what it it feels all right I mean don’t feel to me like really firm like a Top Flight or you know like a a really cheap budget ball it feels a lot better than that which it’s not quite a Pro V1 no not quite a Pro V1 um but certainly one that you wouldn’t think of this is a pebble it’s got a little bit of feel to it oh that one knit well see that’s done everything I wanted it to do realistically really really nice and I always think because we do a lot of testing golf balls on this channel I think how good do you have to be to see the difference yeah that felt a tiny bit firm but if you know what the ball’s going to do that’s half the battle you don’t need it to spin all the time most of the time if the ball spins back it actually does you a disservice we’ve got that for par and we go one up early doors on Mr Martin without his Superman glasses I’ve got an excuse I’m I’m legally blind yeah I think what I was most impressed about this ball with is how you know for such a budget ball it performed on distance yeah we’ll talk numbers on the next hole realistically because yeah that’s what everyone wants don’t they I think there’s always going to be when you’re buying a budget ball something’s got to give aren’t it you’re not going to get a pro1 for $7 but you know if you can get as close to it as you can laughing really it’s just low big old Ridge there just missed out on it I’ll give you that for a five mate a March of course it’s a match and that’s one up oh God did feel firm off the putter though and one thing I like so we’ve been doing a lot of work with budget balls like Costco like seed like Vice probably feels a bit firmer than all of those but it’s actually a lot more cheaper than those if you buy at the right time I think sure if that’s a little bit of a strange indentation on it but let’s move on so what does the Box claim if I can get that out about these golf balls you can see it says Club head speed 70 to 90 80 to 100 driver distance longest 99 spin highest short approach highest feel softest yeah not sure about that one uh it’s got a power core and it has a cover is pretty much all I can read about that it’s all in different writing as you can see but that wouldn’t matter if they perform I think somebody asked is it a two-piece or a three piece it is actually just a two-piece ball yeah so it’s not really a rival for a Prov one or a or a Kirkland because of the two-piece nature of it but there’s so many decent golf balls out there that are a two-piece Ball but realistically it’s certainly still worth testing ultimate distance it says on there right 150 yards I’m going to try and just caress in a little six iron try and play it under the wind a little bit they are the shots that certainly I like to play with a golf ball little drawing half far is it Go 143 from where I’m stood to 140 oh that was nice that’s Saucy isn’t it that that’s might go in and I always think with a ball like this what would it look like on the mantle piece if you had a hole in one it could be on it I hit the flag on here the other day with Chris actually to that position that was seriously on it and what I’ve managed to do there is control that ball flight as well so the fact it’s not a urethan cover I can still control the ball flight for the price nice this is all over it as well be good big gust of wind the gust of winds absolutely killed you there guys that looked like it was all over it as well this might be a short match where’s my glasses does anyone seen my glasses I’m hope that might be in I’m actually excited by this yeah GL you are so the next hole guys is driveable over out of bound we’re into the wi so we’re going to test it to see just potentially what we can get I’m trying to keep talking so I keep my mind busy oh just gone past the flag but it’s a chance at two I need it up and down don’t I you do mate you do you get your stuff and I’ll take the Boogie around then we’re going to talk numbers as well so I promise that right how much control can he get here long way short that oh that’s nice just release out yeah lovely shot cracking shot that where did mine pitch how it stopped pitch here look I think that’s an old one where is it pitched there pitch very close to the flag again that was my pitch mark from the other day wow right it’s a good shot that pal oh it’s good off the putter it does feel firm yeah stop is that all right yeah three right Gary for the PA this is to try windy conditions at woly Park save some embarrassment it’s not looking great after a few holes find me glasses you don’t see my glasses that’s a lovely roll turn right guys one hole left we’re going to talk numbers for these balls I’m impressed with it I think you can certainly play decent golf with it I think you can flight it down it’s done most things I want it to do I’m intrigued with driver now for a driver B PA or out of bounds over into the wind doesn’t make sense but you know what I mean right can we even get there today you’ve got the stealth 2 still in the bag new driver coming or there will be a pxg yeah which is just unbelievable ball fight yeah um this one’s like probably best Drive i’ ever have ever had uh CU it were proper Master fitted but I’ve improved my angle of attack a bit now cuz it’s told me about what I needed to improve not bore you with that anyway nice that’s a lovely safe shot for today that yeah just around the corner cuz to keep it low you can’t really go over the trees there can you either no I’m going to try and be a bit more attacking being two up with one to play and all have you missed me um I’d like to say yeah I’m struggling to admit it I think that’s good you know yeah it’s a good flight it felt firm and it was really towy but it stayed nice and straight and realistically I think from that strike as long as you got the ball speed that’s going to be a into this wind can we go for the Grand Slam three h three wins no chance I’m not having that so Guys numbers for this club cuz a lot of people will be interested talk us through exactly what you saw when you were testing it Well we’d have never firstly compared against the Prov we start with a with a Kirkland you know a lot of people do like to buy that ball it’s a fantastic budget ball we can’t deny it count feel wise control wise you know you could almost say it matches a Prov but it loses a bit on distance doesn’t it about seven yards on a Prov so what were the distance gains or losses from a Pro V1 there wasn’t there was no distance loss actually longer than a Pro V1 right um and carry was the same as a Pro V1 oh wow um the only thing we noticed different to Prov V1 is that it launched a bit higher so it had an higher angle of a descent it had a lot of people would like and it had a little bit less Back Spin but the stopping power was exactly the same it just did in a different way so this is probably a better ball for somebody who struggles to launch the ball up in the air extra help you know getting high and yeah a lot cheaper so I mean and You’ got to remember we’ve compared against one of the top balls on the market50 pound a dozen that have no right to be compared against that ball but it did so well against K you know we thought well well let’s push it to limit push the boundaries right here we are look at that are you the long one there she is am I the long one am I the where did you get your distance from uh probably Nando’s um the odd Kebab yours must have clipped this then it’s got to have done I don’t know I’m not I’m amazed that’s flag High I must say like into this window I gave it the year it should be all right I really didn’t know I was just being confident because we’re in a match with Gary oh oh this could be the treble never mind the 115 charges this is a three3 win see this is where a ball really needs to perform for you under the pressure of a uh an from one of your [Music] mates nice look at this look at this well that sat quickly probably sat too quickly for you really terrible camera work but there it is cuz your that’s not your um I don’t know how to say this without sounding that’s not your strength there we go there we go there we go yeah we’ll have a bit of that and this is what I’ve got so if I was a little bit more ballsy and took it further right potentially we could have been on the green but let’s see if we can send one with a little bit of check here as well I do like the markings on it as well I think looking down at the ball and seeing those really cool markings are quite different yeah I think you can say um little checky 52 I’ll let you do the honors with that I mean what sort of ball is in that price range guys using to be honest it’s literally like a pinnacle isn’t it depends what price you get it at as you said but you’re not getting much with a Titus or a CA logo on are you no lovely strike oh no ah it’s not really checked for me though it’s released out quite a lot I’ve struck that nice as well I’ve compressed it you’ve still got to put for grand slam the robo slam yeah body slam right so I’ve got that it looked good but it has just released on a little bit so story of the day really just going past the flag ever so slightly on the last two holes come on roller in you’re not using the alignment a I don’t know I like to it Square on me I’m opposite I have you just kind of square that blade up a little bit more yeah when’s the new putter coming well it could be very soon this doesn’t miss does it I’ve gone off with it I’ve gone off boil so I’m going to have some practice and if it’s not performing practice is key though isn’t it get that stroke Compact and nice that is a gorgeous roll guys a won’t it be just right as well saying you’re going to take a put out the bag then holding a 20 footer they sometimes perform better don’t they when you when you’ve ordered something well I going to give you that mate anyway right this for the slam oh no if this goes in I might think about using this ball just cuz it’s got the slam I am going to use the line at concentration is getting in hey matching look yeah oh it’s low off the blade it was low off the blade but guys that is I can’t remember the name of the ball give me one second Kon golf ball what do you think get in the comments below Gaz says the numbers are fantastic would you go and buy one of these and put it in the bag for 2024 let us know in the comments below and I’ll see you guys tomorrow


  1. The level of engagement and enthusiasm in this community is contagious. It's like being caught in a whirlwind of excitement.😚

  2. The video I've been waiting for for absolutely months… I bought a box of these, but as yet I haven't hit any of them.
    The website was glitchy, but secure.

  3. I'm genuinely grateful for the opportunity to engage in such stimulating discourse. It's a rare and precious gift.✨

  4. The level of intellectual curiosity and thirst for knowledge in this community is contagious. It's invigorating to be a part of.🔥

  5. Tunes in for Next 100……gets Gaz’s latest crazy internet purchase! Bet he is up at 2am bulk buying of roll!

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