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Olympic Track Trials Day 1 Reaction Show – Grant Fisher Champion, Quincy Wilson Record, Cole Hocker

Plus Sha’Carri Richardson ran 10.88 despite a stumble.

We break down all the Day 1 action from the 2024 US Olympic Track and Field Trials for you. To get the show on demand as a podcast, subscribe to the Supporters Club today at

they said it could never be done folks Grant Fischer your us 10,000 meter Champion 406 for the last 1600 2749 for the win Fisher the American record holder gets it done erases that big hole in his CV no USA titles he’s got one now at 10,000 Woody K Kate second Nico young out kicks Drew Hunter what a race for Drew for third but your Olympic team first guys on the track to make it for Team USA is fiser concade and Nico young Paul chelimo can he get it done in the 5,000 the 2000 two time 5,000 meter medalist will not be making it to Paris nor will Matthew at least in the 10,000 Matthew CIT is Olympic Dreams overover he’s pulled out before and other action today Quincy Wilson set a night High School National Record Cole Hawker 334 54 in the first round what was he thinking we’ll tell you at least cranny has crushed her heat Caitlyn tuy has made the final Parky Val has also made it but should she be worried wasn’t a great day for Natasha Rogers Johnny gor supporters Club member Dan machowski they’ve all been eliminated what about how about Shaker though she got a horrible start but still ran 1088 all of that and more on the day one live reaction show this is let’s co-founder Robert Johnson people want to know where I am I’m in an undisclosed location at a vacation spot in the United States of America that’s all I will say say folks everything was planned perfectly I got an extra room so I could be podcasting late at night except the Internet is not good so I did test it out last night found a spot on on the in the road basically in a car where I could podcast the problem is it looks like the bars are getting out so if you hear some background news noise that’s that but hey nothing will stop me from getting supporters club members they’re bonus podcast hey if you want to get this as a podcast if you don’t want have to stay up till midnight join the supporters club today the best club in running let’s subscribe but seriously if you’re listening to this to this right now live while you’re listening go to betterr better it’s our new and improved shoe site one of our interns just texted me he’s like I never actually looked at it it’s incredible yeah it is got all the reviews like Yelp but also pricing information now so you don’t have to lose half a paycheck on a pair of shoes so later in the show we we most nights we want to start around 11 but tonight with the distance races it takes forever for the Olympians to come through we want Welden Johnson we wanted um Jonathan G to be able to talk to the winners and hop on the show at the end so I think that they’ll be on at the end but basically in terms of this 10,000 you know um Conor mans takes it out hard they’re on like 27 minute pace but you know I got some text from John go like something about 27 flat and I was just like John have you looked at the weather it’s 80 degrees no Americans running 27 flat and 80 degrees this is stupid I mean it wasn’t stupid it just wasn’t going to happen and then kind of Midway through the race I was kind of like I wish fiser didn’t have this help I would like to see him dispatch this field by himself because it’s really the yak Binger bitson less than we’ve learned about the 1500 if you can’t drop everybody then the kickers have a good shot and we’ve seen that time and time again with Grant Fischer and the 10,000 he can’t get rid of concade and he loses so I was like he’s getting a lot of help in this race but the heat started to get to people the the pace slowed down and what you saw was chalim on two different occasions one middle of the race one with about a mile to go went to the lead and the first time he did this I was like wait didn’t he do this in the past like he goes to the lead but then has absolutely nothing after that and I think it was a fake move he was trying to go up there to show them he’s confident slow it down and see what happened but when he did it with about a mile to go he pretty much was almost immediately dropped but fiser just broke this race open um before 800 meters to go ran away with it 406 last 1600 158 last 800 great win for him congratulations um K Kade was clear second and then there was an interesting you know battle for third it didn’t mean anything in terms of who’s going to Paris which is really a world Athletics problem I mean it’s amazing to me that Lee DIY doesn’t really understand how the rankings work and the record you know but Hunter could have won this race he wouldn’t have gone to Paris but it was still kind of exciting to see the battle for third I just really wish they had the quot relocation system top three go period you know if we’ve got three and they’re in the race the top three should go cockfield does not need more Races they need more races to matter but it was exciting to see sort of that battle for third it was more you know visually pleasing to see the actual top three with the standard all crossing the line but let’s give some props out to Drew Hunter I mean this guy was a high school Phenom got a multi-million dollars contract out of high school not per year but total and really you know has never made a well I guess he’s made he made that one US team on time but never finished top three at USA’s you know never really move the needle as as a big-time Pro but he’s now a father my father-in-law thinks hey once these Pros have kids they really step it up and he stepped it up this year 27 5335 for fourth um and I asked Weldon I did speak to won before I went on air I said why did he run it he said well he just feels like his training’s going really well he’s well suited for the 10,000 could he be like a a Ryan Hall always trying the 1500 wasn’t the right event moves up he’s better and he thought he thought like yeah there’s only like a 5 per chance I’d actually make the Olympics in this event you know I think with 80 degree weather there’s a zero percent chance but kudos to him I mean it was just a nice race there so um Casey kinger fifth Conor man six Sam janga I mean what what a baller the dude is 39 years of age and he had the lead um as late as let’s see here you know God I mean it was almost with like a mile to go super impressive Andrew hly was up there for most of the race Z Fitness eighth and then um Paul Cho only ended up 10th 288 you know I think that two time medalist in the 5000 I don’t see he makes the 5,000 team either but um you know it just the standard to me kills it’s kill F fun to watch and watch them do like it’s like WWE almost on the broadcast like they’re acting like this race is really meaningful they don’t I don’t think they even talked about chilimo the guy did they once mention the road to Paris and he had the standard they seem to understand that but they never mentioned like once chilimo fell off that’s it this is your Olympic team they were trying to create the fake drama like it was like I was watching WWE and that’s on world Athletics that’s on usatf the lack of leadership you get World Athletics to change things for the trials but I don’t want to be negative the the first day of the trials is always fun hey but out the way I did get negative on you know that that stadium is just not well suited for hot days like this nobody wants to sit in the Sun and that’s the sun you side you see on TV it looked totally empty when I turned it on now it’s a long day so people may you know if you’re a parent you may go watch the 400 and then take out so it’s like remember most of the people in the stadium are friends family coaches Etc like that they may not stay for six hours so they watch the 400 then they leave they watch 100 then leave but John G did send me a photo um during the 10,000 at the end and it was pretty crowded on on on the finishing side so but I just think there’s you know definitely some Eugene fatigue but anyways um in other action there was a so many you know Heats we had the women’s 800 prelims we had the men’s steeple men’s 1500 women’s 5,000 so that’s four other distance events and I told the guys there my guys don’t even write four Recaps and that it’s just too much let’s go big picture with um you know these these uh events so should I keep talking about the 10,000 or I want to really talk about some of these um where do I think the tri should be held to me I mean I’m just biased like not in Eugene like just not there we have too many trials in Eugene like I would potentially do something radical like have a Sprint trials in one place like Austin and then a distance trials somewhere else you know hey Upstate New York Maine something like that you could split it television can do both but um you know I just think that and if you are gonna hold it in Eugene do not hold every other meet there I don’t want to hear about the College World Series always being in Eugene because they don’t hold the College World Series the allstar game and the and um the MLB World Series all in the same city and the high school Nationals you know like it’s just it’s kind of insane but that’s what we do with with track and field but um I guess I’ll go in terms of like these others events and then the other guys can talk in and see what we learned about this but women’s 800 was the first mid distance event on on the thing A Thing mo her season opener I thought she looked good like she you know as they correctly said on the on the broadcast she doesn’t need to dominate she just needs to make the team she ran in second basically throughout the Heats and looks fine to me be interesting to see if wer or John sure they did got an extensive interview with her to see you know what she said I saw the NBC broadcast but look she’s a 154 woman she’s healthy enough I mean hell she made the team last year in the 1500 or would have made the team she she she’s gonna be on the team in my part um you had Julia Whitaker winning the first heat um Michaela Rose won Heat three Nia Akin and and Sage hard CER went one two and heat four and when I made my predictions in the running Warehouse prediction contest I went with new M moo Ain and I think herder klicker for third and nothing really you know to change that I mean Addie Wy I guess it’s interesting to see her in the eight because you know you don’t you have the US leader um Emily McKai of New Balance Boston not even enter this event she’s like look I’m a 1500 meter Runner you know she may be the fastest but being the fastest doesn’t necessarily mean you’re G to make the team because you got to change gears so Edie Wy who is an 815 woman goes in the eight because I guess she thinks it’s a little bit easier but the big news here I even mentioned it was I thought Raven Rogers looked pretty good in the first heat 20173 I he Whitaker went in 20170 but you know this top top six go she looked much better she had not broken 202 all year because we have some more Raven Rogers Hayward Field magic and then a Wilson these go Rogers and her been running like 206 AJ Wilson two flat 96 behind Rose I mean it’s not amazing but it’s a lot better than than what you’ve been seeing in the past so that’s the uh women’s 800 look for the people complaining about the commercials do you expect them to air a 10,000 meters for 30 minutes with no commercials like they don’t air 30 minutes of the NBA Finals with no commercials I guess they do air airw World Cup matches with no commercials but come on let’s be honest the men’s 10 000 is not the is not the World Cup and they do you know they’re at least showing you the action with with with the commercial bucks um so that’s my take on the women’s 800 let’s keep going here somebody wants me to get to the men’s steeple and that was next Rojo um how do you feel about Evan Jagger in the after the prelim I I I pick jger to make the team I just when push came to shave I’m like look I’ve got Kenneth Rooks on the team I’ve got uh Hillary boore I’m like who’s going to go with third and there’s just you know Matthew Wilkinson’s been running well a bunch of guys but John Gul kind of was like so beat on him in the podcast I was like yeah Jagger and jger was second in the heat I thought he looked good I mean nothing separated those top six they were Rooks w 8269 six place in that heat my boy Anthony roic was there 8 2764 so you know I definitely think Evan Jagger has a chance here um but it was fun to see Matthew Wilkinson of Under Armour DS guy he won the first heat he I mean the smile in his face a20 is a pretty fast time for those guys and they made it look kind of easy James coryan Nathan Mountain I I I was wondering I was thinking about picking him to try to be clever I still wonder if NCA if he got hurt on that last water jump and that cost him because his face looks so relaxed so don’t be totally shocked if Nathan Mountain runs an 815 um and and and and the final makes it Duncan Hamilton though my God he did make the final but only 827 on the heat extremely luy bman Track Club I me people were crapping on the bman track club because I really thought he would take a step up when he joined bman certainly hasn’t looked like it so far this year um but you know was disappointing Dan machowski supporters Club member we were rooting for him my wife and my six-year-old were watching and I said we’re they’re like who do we liking this race I’m like we like the guy in green we’re in the Air Force single join the Army you know I mean join the armed services try to to keep the running dream alive was fourth in the last trials I think Alan cop is actually coaching him and just hasn’t been having a great year and my wife’s like he’s not gonna win this he you know she likes to look at their face and he was up there but faded on the last lap and ends up 10th and 8:34 but you know that’s the thing about the trials is it’s a zero sum game only three guys can make it he was so close four years ago you you go all in and you think I’m gonna be better be better and that’s always the case but you know a for going for it and how about Travis Mahoney I mean this was his fourth trials and then they said that on the on the broadcast from a temple runner my wife’s like so he’s been doing this for 16 years I’m like well honey no if you do four trials it could be 12 years you know but been doing it for a long time and he just misses the final by about two and a half seconds so um oh yeah Parker Strokes champ did not look good he was 10 notice he did not have a pro contract I wonder there’s a number of Runners I wonder if they really shut themselves in the foot in terms of not signing before this uh meet so Wen was listening to us I think he’s now gone so I think that means he’s probably interviewing the people but all right let’s go to the to the next um uh I want to talk about the WIS 5000 because I normally I’m like not reading that much into this but when I was entering the prediction contest and John was talking about this I used the inabit and you know thought process I was thinking could BBY really take a step up you know could these other girls can run 1430s 1440 could she do that she’s a 1450 girl I think she can definitely run the 1440s but I’m like would she still win the race no Ellie St Pierre is like a 355 woman who can run has a better 5,000 meter PR there’s no way B’s gonna drop Ellie St Pierre and then St Pierre’s now kicker so I picked St Pierre to win and then cranny’s got a sick kick and she’s already run in the 1440s this year I’m like how she gonna get dropped same thing with schweer so I I I want to make sure that I actually I have my picks here I just emailed them to myself before we went on air see what I actually because you think you’re gonna do one thing yeah when St Pier cranny oh wait I did pick vby for third but if I was changing that if I was picking now I would not have for third I was thinking okay there’s no way vby pushes the pace hammers it and drops these other for women for the win but maybe she drops somebody else and ends up third so uh you know and then I thought maybe she beat schweer but I think I think cranny’s Kick’s too good and I watched this today and I just thought BBY was up there I know you don’t have to be it was top six in in time qualifiers and the top 10 people in R all made it they were running fast I mean 15 13 15 15 15 17 but when St Pier looked like she put turbo and she just dusted everybody in the field and then sweer just easily pulled ahead of vby and I’m like vby looked like to me like she was struggling like I don’t think that she just let them go like I think in the past hasn’t she won some Heats at insay level correct me if I’m wrong in that but I the way it looked to me just visually I’m like Bob’s in trouble she’s not gonna beat those two girls now maybe she hammers from the gun maybe she could drop them but if she’s sitting and kicking with schweer and P Pier no way and then I watched the second heat which was a very slow heat 1602 but at least cranny just I mean she looked great that heat was much weaker I mean God much weaker but um cranny just looked like turbo killed everybody else I’m like okay she’s not gonna K cranny either so she better drop somebody before the belt she’s gonna have to hammer the whole thing herself good luck in that but um Rachel Smith Mike Smith’s wife third in that heat but the big news really after the second heat Caitlyn tuy the you know NCA star before vby took over we hadn’t seen since NCA cross country when I think she was fifth in the fall signs the big deal with Adidas what is it ad is getting for their money well they’re at least getting Olympic TS finalist this was her first race she runs 16922 for fourth didn’t look good when the P Pace first picked up um she kind of fell back into like seventh or eighth but then did get back into the automatic qualifying spot Andrews who hasn’t raced since World indoors also gets one infield 1611 but you know but Abby agino now Abby Cooper does not make it she’s out Natasha Rogers the biggest story too she former Olympian will not be making it but you know I just this whole second heat I don’t see anyone making except except for cranny potentially I really think it’s gonna be St pier schweer and cranny Bobby probably be fourth now one thing if you’re a two-way fan because I know we used to have a lot of them someone remind me I don’t think was 2000 or 2004 Adam Goucher showed up at the trials he had not raced all season in a long damn time everyone knew he was injured and he snuck into the final on time and I’m like well and there was a break we went to Tahoe I remember thinking Goucher is not gonna make the team and someone’s like you should never discount Adam Goucher and he ended up winning the trials he made the final in the 5000 on time as a rustbuster and then won the trials I don’t know if it was 2000 or 2004 so but back then Galer was just a higher level Talent than everybody I’m not sure two is a higher level Talent than these other three or four women so um you know that that’s my take tell me if I’m crazy or not let’s welcome to let’s run after dark if you’re just joining us this is the live show we do it live because some people you know it’s kind of like the TNT NBA show you just watch it you want to react although the Olympics we’re not going to react live because we got to do some Recaps get some interviews it actually helps to have one person not at the trials because I can go live and they can join us later but if you wanted us podcast join the support us call subscribe get a incredible t-shirt you’ll get shoe discounts a special members form you can follow posters on the message board but also seriously while you’re watching this live listen to me now go to better check out the shoe site even better review the shoe you’re in right now and then buy a shoe off one of those links we’ll get something thank you for your support um all right other big news Sprint news Quincy Wilson the high school sophomore 4466 how sick was that he second Hayward Field experience last year he went out too hard in the Jonathan G had this from his coach and then tied up finished like fourth under 20 meet now he didn’t really matter because he couldn’t have gone to PanAm games because he was too young they wouldn’t let him go to PanAm games now he’s in Olympic trials gu legit I mean he definitely can make the final might even be able to make the team he he’s just insane so so good so impressive um he was the big sprint you know star on the men side for me and then in the women’s stuff I mean McKenzie long looked good from Old Miss but shakeri Richardson my God she had the worst start I think of like I mean Auto B said a best you can stumble and stum forward you can stumble and stum stumble to the side she stumbles to the right like almost into the other lane like I don’t think I’ve ever seen seen that before I mean I’m sure it’s happened but I don’t know pay attention to that many Spinners and just the last 50 meters was Sensational like if you didn’t pick your car to win this race you’re feeling like a fool now other uh big news was uh the NCA leader the world leader Spears from Tennessee I think that’s her last name she’s out they said she’s gonna be healthy enough to R another European secret later in in the summer but she will not be um you know competing in in the trials Adam Cortez on YouTube has roer already talked about Richard giving a four-step lead and still Hawking everyone incredible incredible ABS absolutely I mean insane really you know the other news was if you hear some drunk guys they’re outside on the sidewalk um was Casey lighfoot the American record holder in the pot is out I called John up I mean when you’re at the stadium doing interviews you don’t even know this stuff that’s one advantage with TV has I said John do you interview key life he’s like why would I interview him I’m like because he’s out did he no height all three Heights is he injured I said no he made his first two Heights and then went three and out on the next height and so many guys made the third height that that he did not make it um you know to the final so all right Wen and John God it’s it’s been an hour since the race they still have not talked to the winners all right who wants to um put it in the chat would you answer going back to some earlier chats is this good news for Grant Fischer yes it’s good news for Grant Fischer that he’s won the US title I was like if this guy doesn’t win this I’m just gonna rip him you know I said in the past like if you line up the top three distance Runners on planet Earth he’ll never medal but I think it’s possible with so many worlds that he could eventually medal because some guys will meddle in the 10 and they don’t come back from the five and that could happen this year if a chapter guy or one of these guys doesn’t bother to come back from the five it’s a big help but and also there’s worlds in 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 worlds are Olympics now I do think this Grand Slam track league is bad news for Grant Fischer because it could keep some of these guys that might move to the marathon on the track longer so they might run the Grand Slam track and then also do worlds if they’re picking up $100,000 every other week in this Grand Slam thing but um yeah I didn’t think that Nico young looked great it’s just interesting to me like you know when they’re running a time trial under the lights at the 10 everybody’s there for till the bell I guess everybody was trying to make sure they got under 27 Flats they’re not wasting any energy here when you’re surgeon it’s back and forth and it’s hot you know not that many guys were at the Bell you know there was four people at the Bell basically and you know not that many people even there with with a mile to go but you know what I would say to Bill Nico never looks really good when he’s running so I would like to go back and see if he wins a race does he look terrible still and still win it but um you know I’m sure he’s thrilled to be on the L I just I think Nico’s pass his Peak and you know can he rebound for the Olympics maybe but I think Nico thank God Mike Smith you know in indors I was like Mike don’t over complicate this I don’t know if he should run the 10 yeah you got to run the 10 until they have quilter reallocation spots you got to run the 10 and he ran it he got the standard and he’s on the team as a result so maybe you know it’s hard to keep that Peak going um the whole season Gotta Give an a to Paula for at least trying to fake it I mean it is hard to fake a 10K but you know he just hasn’t been I’m not sure the 10K is really his event and I don’t think he’s fitting I just he’d run a couple 13 25,000 before he wi the the the British 10,000 thing the N 10,000 PBS I’m just not sure that he’s really you know fit enough uh for it so Linda is happy about day one living up to expectations wow KP is just trashing bman duck and Hamilton went from being a steeple star Montana state to being a nobody with bman well that I mean how about Parker’s Parker uh I mean uh Parker help me out Parker from Georgetown he went from being a stle star Georgetown to being a nobody in the span of a week so it wasn’t the coaching just it’s harder to be good as a pro let’s just remind ourselves Parker Stokes um of that but yeah wen’s now mad that he was in the video and I didn’t let him in I didn’t know that I had to let him in I thought that he had to I could have let Wen in but this is the Rojo show he was there waiting I guess for the winners to come by but I I forgot about it the problem is these guys that that that you know you make the Olympic team you want to talk for the next 20 minutes so they’re probably giving some elaborate interview to Welden you know they probably come through the mix Zone at 45 minutes after the raise and then talk for another 20 so yeah they’ll be here another 15 minutes Jesus so um let’s see what else tomorrow gonna take a look at the schedule see what we have coming up imagine there’s not gonna be any finals from the distances because we’re doing the reverse schedule here we’re doing women’s you know women’s 10,000 at the end so tomorrow we’re going to have well we have the big story is the Shaker Richardson story men’s first round 100 starts but it’s all going to be about the 100 meters really women s me at uh nine o’clock Eastern 858 Eastern men 100 first round Min 1500 simage which is great kathon ends women’s hunter final it’s going to be great for NBC just to have all that you know in the TV window um you know watch sh car she’s going to explode she’s going to absolutely explode I mean Caitlyn CLK I don’t think she can be that big but for that long but she can be close I think she’ll be the number two American female sports star um after tomorrow night so I I think she was probably playing it safe she knows she’s so much better than these girls like just fall asleep in the blocks and then get going but um oh I didn’t talk about it I knew that I was forgetting something I didn’t talk about I haven’t talked about the men’s 00 Heats so um yeah those are entertaining this is the event of of the championship for me in the men’s side look all the big players made it the big news was CT did not run first heat Solomon wins at 338 TI in there Josh Thompson sneaks in with the last qualifier um so Craig Engles was really pumped to make it I don’t think he’s going to make the D but you know it was just kind of a tactical race people were kind of nervous you’re not used to guys going five wide at the finish I mean between first and the last Auto qualifier was 0. 22 of a second that’s seven positions one two three four five top seven make it and they’re 0 22 celebrated separated I mean it was crazy so that shows you in the final you just there’s so many guys of equal ability it’s helpful to be running smart tactically because it could be crazy second heat I thought Kessler ran a smart race he and the goose get up front you know just 337 a little bit faster no problems but not much separated this I mean first to six 34 of a second man there’s just a lot of quality in the 1500 you know Kessler nus seti w Cook I thought cook looked pretty good wasam um it says Washington I guess they haven’t changed didn’t he already signed with what I making it up didn’t wats him sign with Adidas um and then he three my God like I don’t know what Cole Hawker was thinking well actually I do because John go has has interviewed him but he almost broke the Olympic TTS record 33454 from the front and he three second time in history only Bes C which is 33409 from 2016 he said afterwards he told John I want to make it easy as make it as easy as possible to get through as I could I know what I can run and I know what everyone else is capable of running so says I definitely it’s fun it’s good to be up in front you’re not in trouble I felt really strong I mean he should let’s you know oh here’s Wen I think that he could it would not Shock me at all if if Cole Hawker took down took down the goose I mean when you think about this it’s kind of like the centru it’s kind of me like the Hawker it’s like the iner biton situation before the World level like is I don’t know though like they’re speed wise I I’m not sure that nus is that much slower than Hawker but hawker’s got a better kick historically is nus gonna be strong enough to run away from him I don’t think that he is and I think if I could change my pick I think I would or did I even pick let’s see who I picked actually I picked nus Hawker wasam and you know I still think those two are going one two I’m not sure about three you know I think that was if you get in the back in this race and it’s a fast race you don’t want to be doing that I I think this fat final is gonna be fast I don’t think Hawker wants it to be messed around I don’t think kesser wants it to be messing around if I if I’m those guys I go to the front and hope these Washington guys probably need a standard like I don’t know I told won and John to talk to him about that they didn’t get a chance to ask him about today but hopefully the simy Weld and you can talk to them I I think this final might go under 333 you hear me Roo yeah okay good glad to be here my big takeaways from the day I think we should start with that because I don’t know where you you know heard part of the the big picture obviously Grant Fisher wins his first US title Woody K Kade shouldn’t have doubted making a team Nico young is an Olympian You know despite all the pressure high school Phenom you told me a year ago be on Olympic team I’d say no way so you know niik young Olympian Drew hunterman he had really no chance of making this Olympic team just because of the standard but pretty good race and then you know other side of the spectrum and the qualifying and stuff like Caitlyn Tui I mean some of these Phenom stories right Tui making the final never would have expected that she still and Parker Valby didn’t look that good so like who would have thought like I fully expect Valby to be two in the final but like that you’d be talking about Tui and Valby again I mean cranny looks phenomenal ell St Peter is still going to win this one I think but I just heard you talking about the 1500s I mean that’s going to be the race of the championship I’m a distance side I think because I mean it’s just it’s just stacked and you can analyze this all sorts of ways well Ro Runner says no nobody’s beating Hawker in a tactical 5K but then all in the game these are two of the great they always are watching live shows NE 8-2 versus Hawker in the 1500 okay that may be true but the two that have counted have both gone to Hawker NCA title their senior year or their last year in college what certainly wasn’t Hawker last year in college remember he won this race three years ago when he was a year younger than than than Hobs CER is right now that’s how sick he was he got six in the Olympics and then he also um people been drinking are saying he’s on a zoom call yeah I’m on a goddamn live podcast people go to let um like he also then crushed the trials I mean this guy remember he shush CT there was talking about the hype for weeks so that’s going to be amazing like to me it’s not just making the team it’s also winning it I think Hawker loves performing to me I think it means more to Hawker to win this race in front of the Eugene crowd silence the people he just kind of has that Charisma magnetism and we’ll see if if I mean I guess I shouldn’t say that nust doesn’t rise to the Cajun Hayward Field excuse my language kids he did run a 343 mile this year but I mean there’s no bonus Point Cocker in the 1500s there’s no bonus points for running fast in a prelim I mean anyone else would be like that’s sort of detrial like Michaela Rose and her 800 goes out in 56 seconds thought it was crazy but she said like you know a lot of times I do focus on splits my coach just said run run how you feel and I was like oh my God that’s too fast but like Hawker I mean we got we only going to evaluate the final right if he doesn’t do well in that and they have another round before that the Min 15 was stacked though because like I think what six or seven guys are making it from each each heat you’re still sort of wondering if some favorite would go out like there’s no there’s very little room for error in these things so but I mean Hawker just it was so he looked amazing I mean 10 out of 10 like just to do that but then it’s like you know is that necessary is that going to cost you down the road um you know there’s just a lot of sort of question marks the men’s 10 I mean John’s GNA be up here he talked to Fischer I I talked to Nico and John was talking to what took him forever to come through but I I don’t know where how you’ve analyzed this race I had the race itself was a bit underwhelming of course it was underwhelming and they made it exciting on TV but it didn’t mean anything once shalima fell off it was like okay who cares you still kind of I mean you’re you’re acting like it means something but you know that it doesn’t but and yeah I I want to see fiser take those guys without any help got a lot of help in this race I want to have a match race with the four people with the standard and just see what happens then you know like like like short like in the cycling when they just they could be walking and then we see who finishes the top three and I think that would have helped chimo a lot I mean if you only had the four guys with a standard well I think eventually young or fish Fisher they probably still would have dropped chilimo but saying we get we should get CTS on the think we should get C W and I hung out with ctz and I remember C like when his son started running like was C like eth grade talking to his dad about him but we hung out with CT when Jim Ryan got the presidential Medal of Honor it was a cool thing they had a they had a reception out in Northern Virginia were there centz on web it’s kind of sad there aren’t that many people that really appreciate Jim Ry Ryan like Jim Ryan was like thrilled that we showed up in like one day’s notice C showed up web showed up it was cool so C I don’t know it might be too painful for him to show up there we go if you’re just joining us folks we have Jonathan gton won Johnson live in Eugene folks John I’m parked on the side of the road in a Bart town I’m not gonna say where but people are coming by saying he’s on a zoom call I’m like no God damn it I’m on the let’s run they’re like no he’s I think that’s the I think that’s Road Joe I think we’re gonna have an I don’t think we even have time on the night one of the Olympic trials to explain why Robert isn’t in some sort of office or at Haywood field itself instead is broadcasting for you look like you’ve been kidnapped Robert and sending some sort of Hostage video but should we talk about the 10K or have you run through the story lines where we start here or where on live 41 minutes well just shared his biggest views I want to think I think it was good just give me you probably you know that’s one of the things that when you hire other people you realize you’re your your ideas aren’t novel like other people have similar views but what’s your biggest takeaway from the day and then I can ask you specific questions about these 10K Runners um oh biggest takeaway of the day biggest winners losers well Quincy Wilson was incredible started like that was just a great way to start the meet second heat of the day unfortunately like I don’t even know if that thing was streamed on usatf so it was probably the most exciting moment of the day and no one even saw it uh Drew Hana ran out of his mind that was an amazing race for him unfortunately I’m sorry we need to submit this race the final 100 meters to World athletics’s evidence for why the rule needs to be changed and we need to have qu of reallocation because if there’s an Olympic spot on the line there with Nico young and Drew Hunter battling it out how amazing is that Drew Hunter this big Underdog has the race of his life makes the team instead I’m watching that and I already I know Nico’s going to Paris and Drew there’s no way he can so that’s just a bummer but and John I don’t know why it’s it’s started to bother me more and more as I got older I mean we had Natasha Rogers get top three when was that 2012 2012 yeah she beat these people and didn’t get to go and still chase the standard at that point though Robert Ian there’s some hope she would make the team I think I think it’s just it’s ridiculous John by the way it would not have been that exciting for us because they didn’t really show that the camera angle was terrible in the Finish they didn’t really bother to show third I mean it was like so far back you could barely see but they were going back and forth so yeah so what else John keep going um Cole Haw almost broke the Olympic trials record in the 1500 for some reason uh either he’s super fit and that was really easy for him which seems to be what he’s saying or it was I mean well either way I think it’s still kind of silly he just didn’t need to go that hard but you know that I watch that I’m like wow either he’s going to take this thing to Goose and maybe win or why are you running so fast when everyone’s the top basically the entire heat will qualify I don’t have a problem leading it and S cble it is stupid though as a coach just to waste that type of energy but I told welon I’m like well we’ll play it both ways if he wins this thing we’re gonna say look he’s a big me performer he’s only beaten a goose three times the three biggest races of his life ncas and two Olympic toils and then you know he just RIS into the not the world championship he oh you’re saying the times he did beat him he he lost to him in the world’s final last year but who car Med what NE who cares neither one of them medled who cares the world championship is objectively bigger than any of those races no no it’s not beating someone and winning three races to me is objectively better than finishing like fifth when they finish eighth like to win the race to me means something so by the way do we know what Linda Wallace wants to what they moved up the schedule yesterday and didn’t tell anyone and didn’t change the TV windows I that’s what I was curious about because I thought I had it all planned out I was going to leave the apartment I’m like oh yeah first rounds at like 320 or something I’m looking it’s like 306 they there was a guy apparently there was supposed to be a death athlete competing in the 400 prelims they might have had to make special accommodations for him but that’s just speculation I just know that was something that’s hard I don’t know it it was kind of weird the other thing like the crowd I don’t know we were talking to Sarah L Butler run as well about that she’s like well the prow crowd was pretty good we were looking at Wen feels the opposite like there were gaping holes all around the stadium I would say um on night one of the Olympic Tri now granted there’s only one final it’s a five hour session it’s like a lot to no look I’ve I I dressed that at length like I got on the I got on the Eugene website about three or four weeks ago maybe even longer looked there were not that many seats available for most days I would say at least 90% full maybe I’m wrong but what I I start I turned on the trials like I don’t know hour or two in TV looked empty to me now I know the hot side no one sits out there I started a thread I’m this is people want to know this is Robert over there is Welton um we need to get the graphics underneath wal how do you do that I forgot to do that but I just like I started a thread W probably say started a fake name like why is the crowd totally empty looks totally empty but I think part of it John is it’s six hours a lot of people are parents they’re going there for the whole thing they’re not going to stay they’re going to watch their kid run and then bolt out and go to dinner or whatever they might watch half the trials you know it’s hot or they might might go to the other side but yeah we’ll see what happens but let’s just we don’t want to talk about about the tendance all right let’s talk to can we talk to 10K because I think one obviously a big deal for Grant Fisher to win his first US 10K title he said he didn’t want to just make the team he wanted to come here he wanted to dominate he wanted to show he was the best he did show he was the best um what was the winning margin here was around a second or so um you know 2749 47 27507 for so like 1.2 seconds and that’s that’s good like I think there I didn’t have any doubt on the last lot Wellman still was thinking oh that gap’s not big enough to drop King Kade but I want to look at the splits from the last two US finals because I was looking at this I’m like okay does this mean that Grant is better than he obviously he’s better than he was last year because he was injured but like would he if he had done this in L’s race would we be blown away by it I don’t think we would this is what Grant closed in tonight in 2750 race he went 623 60.4 581 to win the title now this is what Woody can K closed in in 2023 to win the title 60.5 60.4 547 my God now that was that was a 30 second slower race it was 2823 but he closed significantly faster now here’s what a banged up Grant fiser closed in last year 60.4 599 583 so he had a foster last lap barely tonight but only by like point two compared to last year when he got fourth and didn’t even make the team so I’m looking at this okay it’s a faster Race by 30 seconds that favors Fischer he’s more of a strength Runner but at the same time I don’t know if that mean like does this just because he won this year Woody concade was banged up he missed some like 10 days of training he was coming in Nico young has had a long College season he did a good job to make the team but I look at this I’m like has Grant Fisher made that much of an improvement from where he was this time last year I mean he’s healthier but I don’t know what’s your guys take I said the joh Robert when I first sat down I said I thought that 10K was a bit underwhelming I mean three guys you know they made the team there’s only four to choose from but Chim Mo obviously had an off night I spoke to him afterwards he was pretty disappointed said well I think the marathon took too much out of my legs he said this is going to be it for him for Hayward Field um so it’s last track season he said you know move to the marathon but he give it a go in the 5K but yeah I mean there was doubts about King K coming in he hasn’t raced what do you mean it took too much was like he didn’t run the whole damn Marathon the training the training is different he said I don’t know he’s getting older too Robert I mean I mean I say that yet then 39 Sam Chingo was 39y old Sam Chingo was winning this race so winning I mean he was leading the race John point that was impressive come on no it was I was impressed to see that but yeah fish I don’t want to the guy won the Olympic trials 10,000 I don’t care if you’re you know an American record holder or whatever winning the Olympic trials 10,000 that’s a big deal that’s a career highlight for a lot of athletes but for someone of Grant Fisher’s caliber he’s shooting higher he wants an Olympic medal he said he wants an Olympic medal more than his American records so to me I look at it and I still have some questions like I look at the Ethiopian trials I know it’s a different kind of race but they ran they were still closing pretty fast and they ran like a minute and a half fast that I’m now getting excited I mean the 15 I said was me the race of championships I’m getting excited for the 5K at the back half because I mean teers run fast this year if Hawker goes in there and gives it a go too and what if nus sticks in it I don’t give I don’t think if nus makes the 1500 team there’s no way he runs the five he does not like that but what about abam no Wolf’s GNA be in there like the 5K is n’s gonna come back so you know there’s John speaking of things that could easily be changed you know the standards World Athletics the quot of relocation did you ask any of the 00 meter guys about that about the standard yeah are they gonna chase it yeah yeah talk to wasam about it uh I saw him on The Concourse and I was just like so you know you don’t have the Olympic standard and he said it NC he wasn’t really worried it was going to work itself out and he said today’s race he was like look I I didn’t really care about the stand today I just want to make it through but he basically said I need to talk to Andy pal he’ll have a his finger on the pulse here and figure it out and I hope he does because the we’ve done I’ve done the math Joe wasam essentially needs to run the Olympic standards in this meet or he’s not going he needs to run 339 3339 and win the final would give him enough points to move into the rankings and that’s assuming he doesn’t get bumped by other people but the easiest way the stands 3335 so he basically said look if I have to run the standard I’ll either run in the semis tomorrow I’ll run in the final uh that’s the this the whole dumb system is dumb because let’s say they take 42 and you’re 45th and three people don’t declare do you get to go the bottom end then they need to talk to usadf and make it clear these people are scratching it’s just so silly sending three I was impressed by the he Clos in 406 John it’s very hard we’d have to have John Kell analyze it I was wondering like was it that hot last year on July 6 2023 it actually was it was 91 in Eugene how hot was there today not during the r but no but so I was like but it’s a 30 second slower race so of course you’re going to close way faster I mean that’s a that’s a significant difference so hard in the heat so I don’t think you can compare closes I I I’m willing to give him the benefit of the doubt just watching the race though seeing these guys close the the absolute time of the last lap wasn’t that fast and the absolute finishing time of this race wasn’t that fast they this race over 800 meters when did he take the lead I’m like this race is over right away with to go but no I talk so I talked to his coach Mike skel afterwards and I was like you know what’ you think of it he’s like hey I really like that penultimate lap but you can kind of tell he was hoping I think he was hoping for a little bit more on the last lap and I I don’t think Fischer was like backing off you know thinking about the 5K I think he was like I want to win this and to I I think they wanted to close a little faster than they did tonight if we’re picking nits again the guy won the US Olympic trials he’s the national champion that’s a big deal but we are we also are looking ahead there is a big meet in Paris in two month yeah I mean but also like some of the drama is taken out of it with only four guys contending Chalo falls apart the final three laps so there was no drama so then then how am I evaluating this race for Grant fiser a guy who’s been what fourth you know at Worlds or fifth fourth at Worlds fifth of the Olympics yeah so all for me really means is like how is he relative to getting a medal and I I I didn’t see a step in the right direction but then again he won it doesn’t really matter we’re nitpicking it too much we’re six weeks away I’m playing back and forth no I was glad when I got John on like this is why we sent John this perspective is good and I thought about it because I’ve been thinking privately myself oh oh he’s doing so well with the new coach I’m like I haven’t seen anything that’s better than than the years past like he went that La meet with all those guys and got smoked by them so we’ll see I don’t think I don’t think he’s gonna medal because the 10,000 is to Stacked and the 5,000 you’re gonna have yakob and you know even if some of these Ugandan guys don’t come back you’re still going to have yakob takes up one spot is the problem and that’s correct but okay let’s just scatter shoot a few other story lines I don’t know if you’ve talked about is anyone talking about Craig Engles no I’m into Texas I’m good PR with his high school coach see if he’s in Eugene I said he was happy to make it but no is he gonna run the eight is he even in the eight John he yes he’s in the eight but what what do you guys think Craig Engles after this race was ecstatic it was like Craig Engles 2016 The Joy was back he said gears are back he said he knew he was going to make it and then I rewatched him with 100 to go he sort of boxed went out to about Lane I don’t know four or five it felt like maybe it wasn’t that far out and just sprinted down the Finish Line obviously feeling you know confident but he said and he but he sort of I he was sort of honest he’s like you know the game has changed used to be you know I’m a US champion now like if you don’t I forgot what time he said you know you don’t run 3:31 you’re nothing I’m like 3:30 but but he he’s like you know I he sort of admitted like I was too fun too focused on like you know riding around the RV and having a good time these other guys are really serious but you know all the interviews coming in say saying that him and his coach were like that the training was going phenomenal and the races weren’t and he said yeah we we sort of tried to assess it and whatnot and he said he’s blasting I think he said like 22s and and 200 or something 22s right that can’t be possible sounds ridiculous 24 maybe 24 I don’t know some great listen to interview with him there’s interview up on a YouTube channel he was running really F faster than he’s ever run before and he wasn’t seeing it results so it’s it sounds like he felt confident but he’s also like you can’t take anything for granted it’s just one day at a time you know like he used to dream of the final now he’s like I’m just dreaming I just was scared I wasn’t going to make it past today but I that’s exciting to see we still got a steep hill to climb it’s easy to get excited when the top seven guys in your heat make it I mean there are a bunch of guy he was I could say the same thing about Craig as I could about a dozen guys who qualify he made it through he looked decent but tomorrow is going to be a much bigger test because the semi-finals it gets tougher long shot we do need to Lost trials is the long shot the guy that lost to John I think Jonathan golds in a race Johnny goric I mean wait wait for the record uh one for the third Olympics in a row someone who I’ve beaten made the team Woody Kade thank you for continuing to extend my running relevance who else have you beaten John no wait but but uh you beat Robbie Andrews right Robbie Andrews and and Woody are they really the only two but they one of them’s made the last three teams all these guys there’s so many guys you need the standard Engles needs the standard um Eric Hol needs the stand I don’t think Eric’s fine you got it he’s ranking he’s fine but okay so let’s say you’re wasam and you’re worried where do you guys think you should go for the stand the semis or the final well depends on my teammates are in it depends on who’s in it yeah wait have they drawn the Heats yet if he’s got like a couple of the Washington guys I say they work together and trade that thing off and go for it in semi but I don’t know if they’ve done the I go for theal no question the final you set it up for you get n to you just start the first SL out fast then nus will have to try to take it from there you sort of know that’s how nus is gonna want to do this thing and second lap it’s all about the second lap yeah I asked Kesler and I said hey would you like a fast final he’s like yeah hey if someone wants to go through in like 151 through or 150 through 800 you know I’m I’m all for that I think he might have said 150 I’m like yeah that’s not happening but I’m like but he’s Bas I don’t think he’s goingon to be the guy doing it but I feel like if you do that kesla might be willing to take over because he’s fine with having a fast race so um if you hit 156 is that good enough to get there you got be faster than that how fast you got to be I don’t know who was I talking to about that John about someone’s like you gotta push the second lap I forgot what it was by the way Darren Peters says congrats L Ron you have more live viewers than cidus but he’s saying we have 269 live viewers not on my internal software mine’s added them all up and we’re close to a thousand people we’re crushing it thank you for joining us we got it I don’t even think you put it on Instagram was counting all the mail ballots from Pennsylvania so Twitter’s where it’s at baby what else women’s 800 I don’t know this is where you start nitpicking I thought a thing mode didn’t look that no that now that is that is over seriously Over N picking he she was near the front and she faded to second in home straight I’m sorry I’m not I’m not worried did she used to ever fade in her Heats like that nus also said you have a hamstring issue did she say what injury it is but if you have they said you she you don’t want to go all out she didn’t take that she was there for two minutes in the mix on so I got a couple questions but I did ask her like how much of not racing was the hamstring and how much was like you don’t like racing and she’s like it was all the hamstring she she basically said if things had gone to plan she would have she wanted to race a lot more this year so I guess we’ll see on once she gets fully healthy if she actually takes that approach but she was seeming to say that hamstring she didn’t talk really about the severity that much but that was why she wasn’t racing is anyone disappoint C just shouldn’t go out there and like pull his hamstring or whatever it is and just give it a go like I I know that you can’t do it but it’s kind of like I’d rather just see the old vet just like fall I wish he went to the line and waved gu or something like that I feel like he’s earned that if anyone’s earned that like take off the SP starts that that’s what happened my first Olympic trials there was someone doing that every day like Sonia Richards Ross in the 400 she would just stop and walk it in and wave to everyone and Dwayne Solomon I think well Dwayne Solomon I don’t think this is my choice that the standard are so stupid everyone chats like does Hunter have the 5K no he’s R 1308 he can’t go ironically I’ve been looking at the standard because I was looking to see if um Sam Parsons had the standard for Germany and he did at one point now he doesn’t but it’s like you get a ton of points you get a ton of points for running like indoor races and indoor standard is a lot EAS so if you run like a 1320 race indoors in one of these like bouncy Buu track they act like that’s faster even though the track is like faster than Outdoors but they think it’s slow because they’ve used an indoor scoring table which is totally absurd so the whole thing is so stupid it’s just insane anyways um I’m glad John’s there I was afraid after last week’s show that he was gonna be hired as the pr spokesman for the Grand Slam track League oh my God Rober just now this is just like anytime I’m not bowing down at the alar of Rojo and saying your takes are amazing I must be being paid by the opposition Robert you were you completely you didn’t go into this with an open mind at all you legitimately said whatever it is I’m against it I’m not saying it’s the best I want to go into it and I’ll wait for the Regular Show to go into it some more but W sent me a text he’s like I don’t understand why they’re having hurdlers run the 500 they might they PA enough money if they paid him enough money they could have him play Monopoly we watch that I think it might be more interesting Cory mole was asking about this I posted on the forums I was on vacation this week so I didn’t get to comment I have Ser no one’s really discussed this I have serious issues about this doubling thing people said it’s about head-to-head of competition this completely changes what the sport it’s about it’s not about who wins the race it’s the sport be value on who wins the series of two races so know no it won’t be because nobody will pay it’s like livv golf nobody cares who wins the team title No One’s Gonna care who what they they they shakeri wins The 100 on day one and then or you know gets third in the 200 on day one and then day three WIS the 100 and wins it I guess you’d be happy for it but then actually loses the title and the girl who gets fourth is they quickly calculating I you could do it instantaneous with computers but oh my gosh they were 3 seconds .03 seconds f cumulatively they win that’s what we want the sport to be about the great John said well that’s what John said it’s stupid and not only that but agent said what do you expect Michael Johnson who is the best combo Sprinter in history makes a combo sprinting League I mean that’s it should be called the combo sprinting League why not just put this money towards oneoff events have an amazing hundred here you don’t have to have all the events every week stupid yeah I I think there’s a lot of issues and and also like it changes what the Sport’s about will fans come three days in a to see this there’s a lot of marks it’s and they’re planning broadcast window days in a row Robert when I’m speaking do you mind just not talking at the same time John kind of like the Monarch like John you’re British right you should understand this so there’s the thing called a monarch and I’m I’m the CEO so I’m the Monarch and when I speak the the um what you got the co- CEO he’s backing me up he’s old actually I would be nothing I would have been killed but Wen would have killed me off when I was younger so that you know they never had twins they didn’t want the twin around speak what what time I just John the reason why I don’t like it is it reminds me of like what I hate about college sports I don’t like super conferences alignments like Texas wouldn’t play Texas ANM for years all the super rich schools want to take all the money to themselves now all the super rich Runners want to take all the money for themselves and just the hell with everybody else it’s like modern society all right let’s don’t talk about that now what else well we had the 5K prelims I don’t know if there’s all that much to say about those I did was a lot I already talked about that I spoke to leis cranny I thought she was like very good like her and Engles to me they’re both very upbeat very positive like I mean they’ve had different types of struggles but you know she changed coaches she changed coaches what twice in a year yeah changed in March so you know I’m like is that an easy decision switch coaches in March she’s like I wasn’t in a good spot I needed to do it I’m glad I did it she just seems very happy like then they’re like well did you think about because last year you know she she win the five and the 10 yep she won the five and the 10 of this and this one she’s doing the five and the 15 which is a much harder double but if you think about that she must have been very confident in the five if she was going to take on the 15 as the second event and she said essenti Co her coaches like you know you got to have fun there’s like a sense of joy that that that you’re just enjoying what the sport is about and that’s what Engles was talking about too like s some point it’s a job and you have to be serious about it you can’t just be about your RV um but I feel like like she’s in a good place sort of with with the new coaching shange on a professional level but then like you know she’s back home and like I don’t know I think I fully expect Ellie St Pierre to win the final but you know it’ll be interesting and to beat her in the 15 but I the safer bet would have been to do the five and the 10 again I think to be honest yeah but I think she’s a pretty safe bet in the five I mean she’s won the last three us 5,000 meta titles and granted St Pierre has not been at this level and hasn’t been running the five but yeah I would feel pretty confident about H second this is the breaking training news here is Carissa schisa says the bman track club has now adopted double threshold training which I was just like wow she was saying Jerry’s changed things up and working out a little bit more and you know I was just I I didn’t know if Jerry Schumacher would uh adapt to the Norwegian method but he he’s on board now at least during the base phase they don’t do as much during competition but he’s gotten on the train baby by the way we probably should give a shout out I don’t know how how this is possibly allowed like I’ll do a YouTube video interview and if like Britney Spears or Taylor schwi playing in the background they’ll say ineligible for monetization but there’s a guy named Mr aook who has 395,000 subscribers he had 11,000 views he just broadcast the whole trials how is that possible how does that not get taken down on YouTube but it was amazing because you could just rewind any race you could see any race you wanted the whole race is on there now like NBC should be filing copyright how do they not take it down how how do he get away with it he’s got wait wait this gets to a point though how is this not I mean I guess is there just not a demand for the US Olympic trials internationally I think maybe the demand I’m getting skewed because I go on the message board and I saw all these International visitors saying hey is couldn’t there be a way for us to watch the US Olympic trials overseas and I’m like no not really there’s no way I don’t know of a way I meant to chat with this usatf Communications but I think the only way is like peacock and US VPN and you can’t use a VPN to watch well you can’t use it to watch us you can use a VPN to watch peacock don’t worry if you’re International a lot of our supports comers are international and they can just watch Mr arck live it’s Mr space aruk okay we shouldn’t exactly promoting this he’s got 400,000 if he’s illegal is a pretty big platform if they don’t want to police piracy that’s their own problem well they must be policing I don’t understand how he’s allowed to do it but um anyways so can we go now I think we’re done no there I forgot I had a really great you want to talk about Sher did anyone talk to Shaker Shaker Richardson uh the word from usatf is that she will not be addressing the media until after the final now this was the word that they gave at USA’s last year and she ended up well not speaking of print media at all but TBD so she ideally she should be made available to Media tomorrow off to the 100 meter final I mean she almost stumbled I mean she did stumble yeah still blitzed like what was it 10 108 right I mean she’s so damn good but yeah there’s different rules for shikary like they’ve just decided like she didn’t have to walk she doesn’t have to walk through the mix I’m not going to stress about how not talking after the rounds that doesn’t really doesn’t like doing it but it’s it’s it’s sort of interesting like they they I mean she’s the biggest star in the sport so I I don’t have too much problem we’ve talked about this before we don’t need to rehash it though I am excited for the final tomorrow and what have we G on tap should we preview we got women’s 100 final that’s the track final tomorrow and you’ve already previewed it then men’s shot put women’s triple job I still think it’s a great night you get to see the men’s 100 start you get to see the men’s 00 you get to see carry I mean carry yeah I mean that’s that’s what it’s all about do we have 400 anything tomorrow or not you got the men and women’s 400 semis and men’s 1500 semis which are always entertaining so there’s no way by the way no way he should go for the heat tomorrow they’re gonna be tired you save up for the for the final and Hawker better I mean I loved at Hawker by doing that today I’m like wow is he in 328 shape or something and it makes me think I wish I picked him over to Goose John but he better he needs to save energy we’ll see this is the same guy that almost broke the meat record well did he break the meat record in the 3K I still think about that mile 3K double he did at NC indoors back in 2021 I mean the guy’s power Rec powers of recovery are pretty good what about Evan jger John you spoke to Evan Jagger I spoke to Jagger and he kind of wasn’t sure you know going into the Portland track Festival that’s the meet where he ran the a25 right he was wasn’t pleased with his opening results cuz he’s like look the 2022 when I made the team I wasn’t running that fast but the conditions weren’t great I could had to come up with these excuses this time around you know the conditions were good and I I just was getting smoked so he was like looking at that and he kind of said he was in a hole and I think that meant you know he’s just maybe I think overtraining a little bit he said which Evan jig is usually not a problem usually it’s just staying healthy so then he was com he was happy things turned around when he ran the 825 um and he seemed to be in pretty good spirits you know he’s kind of I asked him you know Centro withdrew this morning it’s kind of the weight of the old God they’re on your shoulders now he’s one of the Lost guys it’s him and Kate Grace of Yale uh and I chilimo is still maybe could come back in the five but there AR a lot of uh athletes who are older than me I’m 33 who still have a chance of making it Evans probably got the best shot and I wouldn’t count him out but it’s it’s going to be tough because W Wilkinson looked good and has been running really good in the first uh heat and then you’ve got Hillary Bourne you’ve got Kenneth Rooks so man it’s not going to be easy but J no J was fairly upbeat I thought did we pay should we pay homage to ctz here like Robert he withdrew he’s not the dream is dead have you you know by the way this might he may have run his last race he may never run a professional race again W’s right he should have waved to the crowd that would have been better and we should have gotten a standing ovation yeah for that and then I by the way I predicted in December he would not be on this team he also should have I wonder if he’s not if he didn’t try to run injured if he he’s gonna get reduced so I wonder if he’ll keep racing to somehow get some money because they’re could be several hundred thousands of dollars he’s gonna be a dad in the full so uh I mean I’m sure he’s speaking of yeah what time is it it’s almost 12:45 here William Patrick wants first birthday Meredith Meredith lren Johnson happy birthday happy birthday Daddy William says if you don’t like Grandam track and what’s your idea to improve this beautiful sport I like what we have now I’m a fan of the diamond League I I like the concept of someone investing money in track trying to make a more digestible product so make the Stars compete but I think you could do it on slightly more traditional way I don’t the doubling thing is going to be weird if if essentially we should call it the Michael Johnson’s doubling track League because that’s how the stars are going to be judged and scored on I don’t need to beat a dead horse no but to me I wish that this is just okay if we want to have four meets that are important I wish they had had done four meets that were already historic like someone’s like why didn’t they work with World Class A and Monaco or pre I’m like because these investors want all the money to themselves yeah they that’s what bothers me and it’s also ironic to me and but I guess you need so but you’re gonna need an outside forc probably to come in and Shake It Up you know obviously they’re just decimating the field events and you know these other don’t want to give it up but you know it’s like it’s just REM and it’s very ironic that it reminds me so much of like the you know realignment in college sports which is a joke but it’s also crazy to me that the face of the league is the woman that never races for the sport Sydney MC she’s raced a decent amount this year but she’s an amazing Runner but she’s never cared about promoting the sport or doing that but now you pay her enough she’s gonna do it and that to me here’s what I thought was interesting Robert when I I forget who made this point exactly uh and I need to I wish I could give them credit because I’m kind of stealing it here but I saw someone make it on Twitter or something like that she was saying you know we need to I can’t I can’t wait to run more often because that means I can actually show people I’m going through the Journey and I don’t need to be in shape in ail they can see us get into better shape throughout the year and there won’t be as much pressure on me to run fast every time out and I had two takeaways from that one that pressure is a lot of it is self-imposed if she’s running an April race I’m not expecting her to break the world record I just like seeing Sydney mccluck in the verony race I think a lot of people feel that way but the second thing is people aren’t really interested in and I know that she’s she might view it that way that she’s not going to have as much pressure on herself but I thought the whole point of this Grand Slam track was for people the all four of these meats are important and okay they’re spread out across the calendar but they all matter and they’re all and they’re all matter and they’re all important and yet she’s saying I can show people the journey is I’m not in shape in April I work my shap I’m like that’s the same mentality we already have of just peing for the end of the season that is not realigning any paradigms or anything like that I’m using buzz but it’s not changing the thing I’m like this is the spokeswoman for the track for the Grand Slam track and she’s saying this that worries so essentially she’s saying you pay me like 100 Grand I’ll go run in April what did I just say that’s what I said she’s probably a part owner of the leag she she’s getting a contract on top of $100,000 so yeah like there’s the meats will still mean nothing it doesn’t matter what if Omen yalo wins the 100 this year he’s a terrible 200 meter Runner right does he even run the 200 right so he’s gonna go out and do this and get smoked no health and get appearance feed just to run the 100 just I don’t know there interesting problems with there there’s not gonna work there’s an off the Record meet like they have so much money but why not put that to a slightly more traditional track meet or just have the hundred a men’s 100 at this a woman’s 200 at this a men’s four a men’s eight I don’t know you have a few events like you don’t need that many events heavily don’t spack them back to highlight them interview the athletes do I don’t know what you do in stadium for that stuff but on TV I on TV honestly I think you need to Hype the more matchups and space them out in person probably not so the problem is there’s very little track it’s like seconds they’re just trying to get people to all agree that other meets mean stuff besides worlds it’s not going to happen people don’t go to world indoors they don’t go to world cross sometimes Europeans are important some people USS it it’s it’s just it’s not going to work trust me well good at the very least it’s good they’re putting money into the sport and if at the end of the day they flush what $24 million 12 million a year $24 million to athletes Pockets you know they’re every the athletes are better off yeah sorry so and they can adapt and change so they I’ll be shocked there’s a meeting I’ll be shocked the NBA the NBA the WNBA is still losing tons of money but they’re about to get a new TV contract so I think the W is losing 50 million a year that’s only like what maybe two or three million a team but if the next TV contracts out more they could start turning a profit so if these guys see some traction with this they adapt the format and and and keep going that’s how it works going long way too long well I want to ask one thing unrelated to this Cooper tier John your 1500 mete preview you you labeled him as a veteran that needs help to make the team no Robert I put him in there because I had Hobs Kesler in a oneperson category I didn’t want to put Cooper tier in another oneperson category he really doesn’t belong in there because he’s younger and he’s better than all those guys I mean maybe Eric Holt’s pretty good right now but I think kutia is more talented I I I if you read my preview I said I really shouldn’t put him here but I kind of just had to force him in there because he didn’t quite fit in any of the other categories maybe I should have just put him with Kesler but I think kesla is a little better than he is so that’s my defense and also I was wrong about Woody I Pi I honestly I picked the 10K I picked Woody to beat Fisher because I thought it would be if I mean if Woody closed like he did last year he would have won this race but he missed a little training he wasn’t quite as good I probably should have valued that a little bit more than I did but five what are they coming back for the five definitely is uh I I assume what he is but I didn’t ask him specifically MO is five’s going to be great all right guys uh we got some articles to write so I think that’s going to do it on night one from Eugene I enjoyed it I’m very much looking forward to the final the women’s 100 final tomorrow and the men’s 1500 semis those are going to be fun and then Sunday and Monday packed with final so we’re just getting started it was and if you if you don’t if you’re watching this on YouTube right now live thank you we appreciate it but if you don’t want to stay up to 12:45 in the east coast you want this as a podcast join the supporters Club it’s the best club in running you’ll get this it’ll be in your feed tomorrow as a podcast and you get savings and running shoes you get super soft t-shirt I mean this shirt is amazing uh if you join for a year join today subscribe and we’re working at The Kinks might John I might be able to get on the air a little earlier tomorrow um Robert how’s our audio actually with us live right now off the phone I was wondering how yall were speaking y’all sound great I one do you have a mic no I had a mic at the very beginning and plugged it out it’s straight iPhone so thank you Steve Jobs rip um didn’t sound good at the beginning it sounds amazing now it sounds amazing all right wow oh yeah it’s gotten quieter here okay well we got to get going did all hear people walking next to me no I can’t hear anything so I still can’t believe you’re broadcasting from this I mean Robert you could be in some undisclosed like country in Central America for all I know but I hope you make it home safely and that your family pays the ransom why comments up from the chat I want to see chat comments I’m putting comments up from the chat nou doesn’t have a winning mentality Hawker does now I the only drawback you’re doing to the back seat of a car is I have the drunks coming by saying he’s on Zoom but I didn’t drink bring any beer because I’ve heard of people getting a a a if you have a beer in a car you get a DUI even if you’re driving so I was afraid a cop would think I was like drunk or something so don’t do that been drinking Pepsi okay okay fine so long from Eugene go to track piz for me in the books

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