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Former Buckeyes golfer John Cook discusses alma mater, U.S. Open | Ohio State

Former Buckeyes golfer John Cook discusses alma mater, U.S. Open | Ohio State #OhioStateFootball #OhioState #CFBNews

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hello ladies and gentlemen boys and girls college football fans college golf fans heck golf fans Across the Nation and around the world this is Tim May with the Tim May Show and yeah you recognize him sitting in that co-pilot seat I’m not going to mess around with any other kind of introduction kind of stuff from the Golf Channel former Ohio State All-American former US amateur uh golf champion uh what 11 time winner on the uh PGA Tour 10 time winner on the senior tour and he went some other tournaments he didn’t it don’t seem to count in the overall number for whatever reason but John Cook finally welcome to the Tim may show well I appreciate it thanks for having me Tim I if I counted all the tournaments like Gary Player does i’ probably have over a hundred he counts his proam wins his team wins all that stuff but yeah there’s a few his Massa you know he got like 300 and some wins well yeah I imagine yeah exactly I mean that’s crazy I got the talked to him one time what a character um but I want to talk to you uh for a couple of reasons number one you’re a a Rabbid Rabbid may not be the right term because you’re not really foaming at the mouth but you’re a staunch Ohio State football fan I’ve got my watch band that’s Ohio State I’ve got my I got my phone case and see my computer on both sides yeah I would say I’m fairly rabid fan yes well I got a buddy of mine Jeff snook who uh who has actually a toilet seat cover with Ohio State on I’m not sure what that means I don’t yeah I’m not I’m not going there no I think when he put the seat up you used to play the uh the the the uh the fight song whichever fight song You’re you know of the day but uh but yeah I mean boy what once your Ohio State I mean let’s let’s talk about football first man because I want to get talk to you about Neil Shipley and where he’s headed in the US Open and things and and also a little bit just touch on you know what does a live tour mean to all of us you know running down the road and I’ll give you some of my analogies but I wanted to ask you number one are you as fired up about this this potential Ohio State football season as everybody else seems to be I think you are I heard you with a Skip mosik One Day talking about it yeah it’s uh connection goes way back my father was a graduate assistant there he went to Dennison but he was a graduate assistant at Ohio State and then an assistant coach for Woody uh back in the in the 60s and the mid-50s and the 60s so um my scarlet and gray blood run very very deep no matter where we’ve lived in our lives I’ve always represented Buckeye Nation whether it be Southern Cal and in Trojan Nation or Orlando with Gator Nation you know everywhere now it’s in Scottsdale with sundevil nation there’s a lot of Ohio State people in Scotsdale make no mistake there’s a lot of people um so my my uh my loyalty runs deep but yeah I mean uh coach day pushed all in didn’t he he pushed all the chips in um this was going to be the year I think with those seniors all coming back the Sawyers the Henderson um some of the line you know defensive players all coming back yeah um that that tells me something that they’re not satisfied with you know being 0 and3 against the team up north um they they want some gold pants and uh that that just tells me that so okay you guys came back here’s what I’m GNA do I’m gonna hire Chip Kelly I’m gonna hire you know these Incredible Minds as coaches I can’t wait to see what Chip Kelly can do just coaching an offense you don’t have to worry about anything else well we saw what Oregon could do when he was up in Eugene and score about 50 a game so um it’d be exciting anyway so it’s an exciting time um you know to get uh get get all the pieces going together I think the defense will be incredible and the offense will uh you know I think that they’ll get going and once they get going forget about it they got weapons every where yeah they got the tri if they get the right trigger man right I mean will Howard transfer from Kansas State but you you know you you really don’t know you know what you know is he is he that elite special guy or Devin Brown go ahead right that that is a little bit of a quandry right yeah exactly that’s a good problem to have five in the in the QB room that all could be number ones anywhere that they would would go even the Freshman freshman could all be oh yeah um could be starters anywhere and we know what kind holds can do in a incredible athlete so I don’t know we’ll see where that goes just all you got to do is just give him the keys and just pump the brakes a little bit and don’t hit the curbs that’s it that’s right yeah let that Ferrari go hit the Apex and accelerate you know exactly yeah that you know it’s really interesting John because I asked uh Ryan day earlier this week I said you know I’ve been covering this team now for 41 years and I don’t re I mean there were some there were some years like 98 99 six or actually 95 you know uh 2014 or 2015 after they won the championship they had all those guys back you know and uh you just just when you think you know you put that perfect team together stuff happens but uh I’ve never seen a preseason nationally where Ohio State is getting this kind of like T national title or bus kind of situation can you imagine the pressure that’s really on Ryan B right now no no question uh he’s like I said he pushed his chips all in he did for a reason he um he appreciated the fact that those kids did come back they want a national they want a big 10 Championship they want to beat Michigan and they want a national championship and they’ve been very very close I think a couple years ago the Georgia game you know I think they win that game they go on and and and and Slaughter TCU as well so I think it’s it’s time it we’re ready you know the thing is this the great thing about being Ohio State football fan is they’re good all all the time they’re really good every single year and it’s just fun um to Banter back with my SEC friends that uh you know think that you know they just walk on water down there so um I’m excited for it to say the least yeah I was gonna say I don’t think I I’ll be honest with you I don’t think Ohio State fans and you know and this is a critical thing I don’t think they really totally many of them totally appreciate how good this program has been for so long the fact they haven’t won the brass ring more than a couple of times over the last uh you know 40 years bugs them but I mean they’ve been in the running but as my buddy I just mentioned a while ago Jeff snook always reminds me they’ve in his mind blown more National Title chances than anybody else well that’s true they they’ve been knocking on that door a lot yeah they’ve had they’ve had their chances no doubt yeah but I mean just it’s just you know I think people get spoiled to a certain extent but you know that’s that’s what makes sports right yep that’s what that’s why we love it and speaking of spoiled you know uh Scotty sheer was supposed to win the US Open going away you know he was not a factor I wanted to just make that little quick segue uh I was volunteer for the third straight year in the US Open uh my my shifts are always in the morning which means I can go out and watch golf in the afternoon especially on the weekends that’s when it really happens Neil Shipley following in John Cook’s uh uh show shoes footsteps uh you know he’s well a runner up in then US amateur last year uh you actually won it what 1970 78 or 79 help me 78 and I got beat in the finals in 79 79 exactly I mean and then you took off into your pro career uh wearing that uh was Jack Nicholas modeling your haircut or were you modeling Jack Nicholas’s haircut at that point that blonde bomber yeah I had the California mullet going long long long before Justin Bieber rocked that thing so um yeah I learned early on being an Ohio kid growing up in Southern California that’s just that’s what the 70s were the early early mid 70s that’s what you did you had you had white sandy blonde hair um you know you know Beach you know Beach blonde uh spent all day in the water or the golf course so I mean that’s uh yeah that’s that’s what I was that was my look yeah you were 10 even though it was January in in Ohio crazy yeah is I as I like to say I started wearing a hair helmet when I was about in the 11th grade you know what I mean you know and oh yeah still I still like long hair compared to short hair but my wife keeps wantan me to cut it off uh my wife keeps saying you know one of the reasons I started dating you in high school was your hair while I still have some I’m GNA keep going exactly fluff it up that’s what D hey but but but but what me you know Neil Shipley I followed uh his entire round on Sunday it was literally a match play with him and Luke Clanton and I’m gonna get into why you know both of those guys extremely well in a second but uh uh it was a match play for low amateur and here’s Neil Shipley low amateur in the U in the Masters which is crazy right uh and then he’s low amateur in the uh in the US Open number one I’m standing like I told you earlier before we started I was standing like 6 feet from Luke Clanton when he hits that ridiculous shot on 18 off the sand he was so far right he wasn’t even in the uh the uh Natural Area you know and but he hit a beautiful little fade off the sand and what was four or five feet away almost it yeah yeah and could have stole it almost hold it and could have stolen it instead he three putted Neil Shipley in essence two putted for his par and wins the low amateur in the US Open and I’ve got there there’s got to be a sense of Pride for you right now with what you’ve seen from Neil Shipley and what he’s done the last couple of well basically the last 10 months yeah I um I got to meet Neil of course last year when he he came in from James Madison um graduating James Madison in three years so he had plenty of years left and comes to Ohio State and ended up meeting him um kind of early in the year and um super nice kid I didn’t really know much about him I mean I knew I knew Max malan very well and of course coach J Mosley uh we we speak quite often but um to meet Neil and and and and watch him play at the ncaas um there at greyhawk last year last 23 um was really fun walking around practice rounds and getting to know him a little bit uh very highly impressed with his game um fit into the team really well and uh they made a nice little run last year as well but um then getting to know him even more through uh last summer and I was a walker uh there at the US Amer at Cherry Hills so I I did walk with that final pairing that final match um trying not to root too hard for my fellow Buckeye and what uh what this you know great Championship could mean to for him and his career uh just ran into the best player you know Nick Dunlap is clearly uh was the he was the show Pony last year that everything was on his back and he took it and so you know great congratulations to Nick and what he’s done you know in in his 12 months or 10 months since that win has been ridiculous but yeah um just you knowing Neil and then seeing him progress then into you know uh saw them last fall at a tournament that was in Scottdale uh went out and watched and he just had improved since even last year seeing him at the at the Masters and being low am playing with tiger on Sunday chatting a little bit with him uh after after he got done and then you know following them all the way through uh in into the ncaas um was was a treat obviously you you you have to root for your team but uh you have to be impartial as well but you see Neil and and where he’s come from what’s in front of him um what he can fall back on I mean what is he a quantitative Finance yeah double m I mean it silly on how smart this kid is but um I I I keep telling if you want to go play go go play you know find out figure it out if not you know you’ve got a lot of Buckeye Nation alumni in Columbus that uh there’s something there’re always waiting for you in you know on once you graduate um or you attend milio State yeah you’re part of that alumni forever and there’s a lot of us around so he he’s going to enjoy I know he’s this week up in Canada uh making his Pro debut on the PJ tour Americas he used to be the Canadian PJ tour Canada the Canadian tour so he’ll find out what it’s all about put your you sign your name on a scorecard and and figure it out yeah he he couldn’t wait because he had to he had to wait to cash in because his his entree obviously into the US Open was was being runner up in the in the US amateur last year and he he couldn’t do like Maxwell Malin and just jump Pro right after college you know right he got to finish his college but uh uh I don’t want I don’t want to get out of sequential order I want to ask you this first how tough was it to watch those guys you know I mean you you’ve been a professional uh broadcaster for a long time now so I’m I’m not questioning your credentials in that regard but how tough was it to watch your team your your former school going at it uh against what alurn in the NCAA semifinals out there in California in carlbad um you know earlier and you were you were on the call man you were on the the uh I call it the Golf Channel call and uh you had to be anguished you know as Adam Wallen went into those extra holes with everything on the line right yeah exactly and uh I learned I learned years ago when I was a player and Ken ventu was calling an event and he was my mentor my teacher my great friend for since I was 14 years old so yeah I remember Kenny you know always being very cautious almost being a little overcritical because in his ear the great Frank tranium kept saying Kenny be careful be careful you can’t root too hard for your kid um and so I I I remember Kenny you know telling me stories of chinan and his ear going careful Kenny careful don’t root too hard now and I remember that all through uh the ncaas um you know kind of quietly rooting but maybe being a little tough trying to you know show my nonpartisanship some of sometimes it would come out but um yeah it was uh not easy it wasn’t easy Adam you know going up against you know one of the greats um I’m like even you know first of all the team beat vanderbel which has been number one all year yeah they beat Vanderbilt in the in the first round in the quarterfinals that was no easy task you got Gordon Sergeant William Maul Cole Sherwood I mean these kids are all in the top 25 in in in the country um and then taking them down then U you know going to the Final Extra holes in the the semi-finals you know against the the young freshman Phenom um Jackson K yeah and who was a tremendous player he’s young he’s young uh but Adam really showed some some perseverance uh he showed his you know his maturity his experience um not getting wrapped up in the moment he looked cool calm and collected as conv um to take that the extra holes and being that close um to uh to to winning it was uh it just amazing fun to watch goad I want to ask fun to watch fun to be part of I mean it was yeah I mean couldn’t be more proud honestly couldn’t be more proud to you know to have you know our school that was ranked you know only like 32nd I think in the country um which is no joke they were they were good yeah U playing a very difficult golf course I remember talking to coach Mosley and said well we we play these courses all the time we don’t shoot 50 underpar to win tournaments we survive you know and we play courses you play scota you play all these incredible courses so they’re used to you know par is a good score and that’s what Ohio state did they just kind of parred everybody to death I was goingon to ask you too you know do has it ever bothered you or maybe not about how much luck plays in like you know we’ll get back into that Us open in a second but just you know the that was that on 17 or 18 when Ken hit that hit the shot that hit the TV tower you know it was it was 17 17 yeah the TV Tower’s not there Adam Wallen wins the thing you know what I mean oh yeah you’re stilling up saying probably yeah you know they always well yeah you know if ifs and butts you know yeah I know but it’s yeah they were that TV tower was there you know and it was uh it you know hey I’ve I’ve used a back stop before uh in a playoff in 92 Bob Hope classic I used the grand stand back stop it was behind 18 I used it a couple times you know why not if it’s there now that one was really wide you couldn’t miss that one that was was wide yeah but that little TV tower was you know only five feet by five you know five feet so it was it was a pretty small area but you know what um that happens in the game of golf you know I’ve I’ve been lucky I’ve been unlucky um they say it all evens out I don’t believe that I don’t believe that for a second that it all evens out but I’ve been lucky in my life and and uh it could be more proud of of what what what the golf team did really um you know against the top top teams in the country yeah I I was gonna say that was G lead up to there’s a there’s a chance that if Ohio state had pulled that off that Shipley might have been paired with uh Luke Clanton in the finals you know what I mean I don’t know how the pairings would have gone down but yeah yeah and and yet there they are a month later not even a month later uh going for the uh going for the low am in the uh in the U in the US Open in your mind is is that a major prestigious award how would you how would you how would you describe being the low am in a in a tournament like that I mean uh yeah would it would be uh it’s an honor um I didn’t I was not low am at the Masters when I was an Amer or the US Open I was second um I forget uh I think I know clamp it was at inet or one of one of them any yeah I was gonna ask you yeah so um I never did get to experience that I got to experience a lot of uh great things as an Amer playing in uh in in major championships um so I didn’t get that one but I I know you’re sitting at a small table when you are low am at the Masters and the US and the US Open uh something that may not be accomplished for a long long time so um he’s got that hang uh hang those medals on at at that small table yeah I got I got a sense that when H Bobby Jones what won the uh Grand Slam what I got a sense he did it that year you know what I mean he was an amateur I think he probably was when the US amateur was one of the was one of the majors you know but uh you know and then of course he won the US Open but uh but hey I want to ask you this though uh is you’re watching that tournament what what just uh over the weekend what just jumps out at you about golf I mean that that’s re because you played Pine hurse in 1999 um you know obviously the year pay Stewart won it and then tragically you know died in that plane crash later uh much you know a little later but uh uh what do you remember because I’m thinking you’re uh in some ways playing that tournament with these guys to a littleit to a certain extent because you played that track you know yeah I played in the early 80s in the Hall of Fame classic I played a Tour Championship there I think it might been 92 I think it was 92 I think it was yeah US US Open 99 and in ‘ 05 in’ 05 I played really well I was uh I top top 15 it got me in Wing foot the next year I was turning you know 48 49 so I was at the end of my career but you know I I just got I got Pinehurst I understood it I understood the the examination that Donald Ross was putting forth I understood that and I learned I learned all that to understand what the architect was doing uh from Tom wisoff that he told me during practice rounds just hey this is an examination on what the architect was giving you and if you can figure it out you’re going to have a long career and I I started studying you know various Architects and so I got the message that Ross was telling you um trajectory control spin control you know putting the ball away from the flag stick stuff like that you swallow your ego pin’s not a you know a go pin um and so I understood that now I did feature groups last week so I we were following you know one group um for four days uh four rounds yeah U but I would kept my eye on the rest of it because we would show enough of the leaders uh while we were on you know a break from our our players or our group uh to understand what was going on and I think that the players that got to Pinehurst saw the native grass saw that there was no rough the golf ball was going places that you know hitting in Fairways and hitting on greens and going places other than what they wanted it to to go they the players that embraced it played well yeah the players that were defeated when they got there say oh it’s unfair and you know there’s there’s no greens the greens are too fast well you could eliminate those guys right away so um the top players they got it and they understood it it and that’s what I thought you know watching uh these great players play around a place like Pinehurst where you knew that anything in in the red was going to be there on Sunday you know it wasn’t going to be 171 18 under it was not Valhalla where every if you didn’t shoot 15 under you didn’t finish anywhere anywhere near anything yeah this was this was Pinehurst this was going to be a test a survival test and uh it that’s uh exactly what it was yeah I just it man I’m looking at those greens and I described it as bowl haircuts a little bit I mean but uh it looked like on the Cooking Channel where where they have what you know the cake thing where they have what they call fondet which is like icing that folds over stuff you know I mean uh but then you like with with Donald Ross that hog back I call it the hog back you know the turtle back whatever you want to call it is four different loes on that green and number three I thought the greens complex was much more penal than the natural areas you know I thought most guys handled the Natural Area got good breakes or whatever you want to call it and handle the natural areas pretty well it’s it is amazing how one shot in golf your first one on a hole you’re knocking the crap out of it and the next one you’re doing heart surgery right exactly it’s basically what it was is uh you had to be uh had to play each hole strategic and you get to like this hole number two where you know it’s a it’s a long par for anyway but you can’t hit the green so so where do I want the where’s the easiest way to make a four yeah and sometimes you get that then you have a hole that you can birdie at number three then you have number five that you have you you need to get through the you know with a an eagle or a birdie and then you just kind of wait it out again till you get to number 10 and then from 10 on in yeah kind of gut punched you all the way in so but that’s that’s that’s the test that’s the examination that’s what the usj wants you to do is they want to test your physical your mental your emotional and then how well you accepted what Donald Ross was telling you that’s their examination and you had to get them all right yeah I was going to say I wish people could stand where I did couple of days at number eight on the left side of the Fairway it looked like you were looking into the high Banks of Talladega there on the on the on the Fairway and some guy some guys going like that yeah some guys hit that slot some guys didn’t you know the guys hit the slobby Rory maory one day oh my God you know and but anyway hey I want to ask you this real quick uh I don’t want to keep you but what is your take on not Bryson dambo the person because obviously he has changed I think definitely for the better in a lot of ways you can touch on that if you want but just his game I mean the you know all clubs the same length whatever he he doesn’t he doesn’t have numbered clubs he has you know for one of another term angle clubs you know the 56 degree you know whatever he doesn’t even call them numbers he has what carries what two drivers um um you just the whole thing about him what is just your take on his game uh because we I always thought several years ago when he first hit the scene it was a little revolutionary and maybe a little diabolical you know from the where he was going but now dude you gotta say he’s the last two majors I mean he’s got something going on there that he does and I’ve spent some time with Bryson I’ve played with him a couple of times um and then we were honored the friends of golf there at belir uh a few years ago and I got to spend an afternoon with them down at at Belair in the uh in one of the practice facilities and you know just trying to just pick his brain a little bit and and you know he was young so um I I just was fascinated with with how he’s tried to figure things out and and where he’s taken this so um just to kind of understand a little bit of what he was thinking and talking about not that I agreed with I tried to hit one of his clubs one time and almost hit my left kneecap so I I said no this is this one’s not for me but uh good luck to you and he’s done it effectively he went through that phase where he just was going to bulk up and hit it as far as he could and um it kind of broke his body down uh to be quite honest he was chasing distance that he already had yeah then he had a lot of other players chasing distance that they already had and they didn’t need to do it and hurt their game for a little while so once they started scaling back and and hitting at the distances they’re supposed to hit it uh then they became fine but um I give all the credit in the world to Bryson that he has gone through changes he’s gone through uh different phases of his golfing career his maturity level his experience level um and then to be you know that competitive uh in majors in in the last two years really uh is is pretty mean it just shows that the amazing talents that he has highly underrated pitcher of the golf ball yes highly underrated I I didn’t think he had any chance to be a good pitcher of the golf ball with the method that he was using when he first came out and I kind of talked to him a little bit about it but he says I I’ll get it I’ll get it through hard work I’ll get it through exp experimentation experience and he’s figured something out he’s a a wonderful picture of the golf ball obviously the putting method we we can talk a whole show whether you know they you know if that’s anchoring or not it’s not according to the USGA so he’s he’s fine there so he’s figured that out too and he’s figured out how to you know drive a golf ball relatively straight for as long as he hits it yeah you know he he’s thrown it up there you know speeds of you know well in the 120s with the swing speed and one 190s to almost 200 in the ball speed he kind of Runs Out of Space sometimes but he still drives pretty darn pretty darn straight for his as far as he hits it and it’s fun to watch yeah I always say he drives a so far that he almost he almost gives himself uh get out of jail free card from the standpoint of okay he may not birdie this hole but he’s gotten it far enough up there where he can save par you know what I mean typ you know no matter where it lands I mean exactly yeah he’s that figured out a scientist he’s a scientist but but the touch he’s developed like you were just talking about that’s that’s what is amazing to me and here’s the thing Rory Mao obviously misses that putt on 18 had missed another putt on what was that uh 16 16 and and of course that was the talk of the day you know uh your former big- time golfer did did Rory lose that tournament or did uh Bryson win it Bryson gutted out his fourth round if you go back and watch it absolutely he gut it out that fourth round I mean he dug it out of the dirt finally you know yeah I think um well Rory early on you know was putting the pressure on his name was going up the board he was making birdies you could hear the Roars um and Bryson was just he was kind of hanging around he didn’t have his best stuff uh he was fighting the part he made at number eight from Over The Back left of the green was absolutely incredible yes that that the birdie he made at number 10 was significant he made a couple other really good par saes sand save on 11 yeah Sans yeah the Sans save 11 was outstanding beautiful t-shot in the 13 took advantage of that driveable hole another you know great save at 14 I mean it was he was he was battling but he did things down the stretch that he needed to do Rory did not do that the you know hitting it over the Green in the worst spot possible at 15 that that’s pilot air that’s pilot air you should never be over those greens you know better than that yeah anything you can play from short you can’t play from over or whole High on those greens at Pinehurst and he knew that so horrible Mistake by Rory at 15 short putt missed at 16 that was a pretty easy putt didn’t have a lot of break to it um the one at 18 was just it was that was a that was a tough putt I mean that was outside hole really slick um he had a really nice pitch shot but maybe put it in the wrong spot I’m sure he would have wanted that uh shoulder the hole not pass the hole but you know what uh just came down to Bryson dambo did what he needed to do to win the golf tournament Rory maroy did not yeah yeah and you know what’s it’s always good to be that last guy because you know what you need you know I mean you have to know what you need to do and I just it burns me to a crisp arguing with people that you should not look at the scoreboard you have you have no control over that just to me is coming from somebody never won golf tournaments or didn’t want to win golf tournaments I’m comfortable where I’m at well what does that even mean what does that even mean to know how you stand otherwise you don’t have to change your game plan if you don’t want to or don’t need to yeah but if you want to win a golf tournament you need to know where you stand especially in the last you know three four five holes you have to know and he knew what he needed to do and uh he converted that’s that’s like saying in football well I don’t I don’t really care if I score a touchdown on this drive you know you’re not looking at the scoreboard give me a break you know yeah not knowing what the down is I mean come on get down in distance yeah hey that happens sometimes the greats you know in in football hey last thing so where where does where does golf go from here the winner guy could have won two straight two straight Majors is uh is uh Bryson dambo one of the stars of the Liv Golf Tour by the way you know he’s had better finishes in the last two majors than he’s had finishes on the Liv tour this year that’s crazy right but the top end of the live tour is actually pretty damn impressive group of guys pretty they are they’ve got some who’s who’s who’s up there yeah absolutely I watched the third second round at I was out in Vegas for the Super Bowl week and I watched went over and watched the Las Vegas country club watched the second round there and I’m just going dude there’s some there’s some players here you know Brooks cap you know what I mean read yeah we we miss seeing them yeah I had Dustin Johnson in um in one of my feature groups I missed seeing him I he didn’t play very well but I missed the guy he was highly impressed impressive and you know we did follow keco one day and you kind of miss seeing him play more and of course Bryson Miss uh cam Smith I just enjoy the talents yeah of a cam Smith and you know some of the other players we miss seeing them I wish they could get together a little bit more often and maybe they’re working to some sort of resolution I don’t know where they all stand I’ve I’ve kind of lost uh contact a little bit with that I I know you’re working on it um being close with Patrick kley I understand worked really hard on this thing and he they they want a resolution um and of course tiger being on on board as well so um yeah we miss seeing a lot of those players it’s uh hopefully they’ll they’ll figure out something on on where this game goes it it fractured it for a while um and then uh trying to figure it all out has not been an easy process there’s a lot of lot of layers I’ve sat in those boardrooms on a tour policy board uh for a lot lot of years I understand what goes on and and what the uh what the what the directors are are talking about I mean it’s a real board meeting um so we we’ll see where you know resolution they keep saying that they’re close there’s just a couple little sticking points now and well let’s see it and um you know get this game going forward again and uh it’s a game that we all love and we hate seeing it fractured like it is and we hate seeing the sides being taken and golf’s golf you know I don’t it the it I just enjoy the game uh like you said I’m I’m doing a lot of broadcasting now I play still play a little bit um but I wanted to talk about the game and continue talking about the game that uh you know gave me so many opportunities hey last two is the pressure now on Jay Mosley to do it again is he is he looking at Ryan D out of pressure now to his a little bit coach in Ohio State ladies and gentlemen he uh he loses some he loses Neal he loses Max he loses Adam wall yeah Adam Wallen and um you how he can replace those he’s got to find them he’s got to develop those young kids uh I think next year might be a little bit tough uh but some of those kids have had some experience and understand uh on where um you know what’s expected of them and you know we as we as alumni are huge fans um so we’re we’re you know they have our 100% support it’s not going to be easy uh for coach Mosley he’s got to bring in some you know replace some talents as you go into the transfer portal uh try to it’s hard to find portal kids you know to to come to Columbus but when they see Columbus and they see the facilities they they see the schedule that they play um and the support that they have um he’s uh he’s he’s doing a he’s doing a great job he really is it’s not easy it’s not easy being a Midwest School Mike small is got Illinois where you know we used to be in the 70s and 80s um and in into the 90s um so he’s uh he’s he’s got to go in the right direction this this uh this season will not be easy um but uh we’ll see I hope I wish the best for him hey uh any other thing Rory M withdrew from The Travelers this week uh didn’t speak to the media obviously after you know you know the whole R raro there after uh finishing second at the US Open I gotta you know I got to say you know he didn’t blow it as much as some of the other guys did behind him you know but that’s another story right nobody cares about that including your your friend Patrick cley and the Tony fow stuff but are you that concern is not the right maybe word but are you interested in seeing where Rory goes from here from when he clearly has a little bit of a meltdowns not maybe not the right term but Supreme disappointment including pulling out of the tournament the next week that he was you know scheduled for uh how how do you come back from something like this obviously you know the drought we’re everybody’s gonna be on the drought train until the drought train ends just like with Xander shafley go ahead yeah it’s uh it’s interesting to see where he’ll go with this it um you know 10 years ago he was closing these things out at a regular regular rate and winning by five eight shots yeah um he’s had a lot of chances and the more more chances you have that don’t convert it’ll start it’ll start chipping away at you and you know he’s such a phenomenal great player I think he’s a better player now than he was probably 10 years ago when he was winning Majors so um it’s it’s interesting on which way it’ll go he’s so he’s so good and his record is so good and he’s used to winning golf tournaments I don’t think I don’t think this will have much of an effect on them we’ll have to wait and see you know the next one let’s see what happens at trun um of course he knows very well that he can play very well and he’s got a couple of open championships under under his belt so I think the the Supreme test will be the next one you know will’ll be um see how he performs at trune and if he has a chance down the stretch if he can close one out like I said you have to convert he did not convert he did not do the things down the stretch that he needed to do and that can wear on you so it’ll be interesting to see where where this all goes last question uh John Cook uh this is June the 20th as we’re recording this 2024 does Ohio State win the 2024 sl202 National Championship in major college football they do they will win they gotta get through Oregon they got to go to Eugene I think the winner of that game right there is going to go a long long way I think that even the loser of that game if they don’t stumble the rest of the way probably get a shot so um I say they do I I say it’s time it’s they got it lined up like I said before just whoever the quarterback is just don’t hit the curbs just keep the keep that keep that Ferrari going down the center lanes and just let it go let let your stars let their Stars be Stars dude isn’t it crazy that Ohio State Oregon is a big 10 game Big 10 game I don’t know how this is all going to work oh can’t wait to see USC and UCLA going you know coming to Columbus in November yeah that you know USC always had that agreement with Notre Dame that they would play when when they hosted they would host in like late November or J or December and then when they played that Notre Dame they they play in October so they to deal with it because weather was a deal even back then John hey man thanks for joining me man I really appreciate great to catch up with you great to talk to appreciate you having me anytime and ladies and gentlemen until next week this is the Tim may show we’ll see you then


  1. Tim, what is the latest on the cheater scandal from up north? We were told that in April the NCAA would rule on the three years of abuse, but have not heard anything. We know the coach cut and ran, but are they just going to let it go and move on or will there be punishments?

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