My Toughest Round of Golf Yet | Bolingbrook Golf Club

LIV Golf is coming back to Chicago for their season ending individual championship at Bolingbrook Golf Club and I wanted to put myself to the test.

In this video, I play Bolingbrook Golf Club from the tips (7,104yds) with tournament rules to see how my current game stacks up against the pros.


#golf #golfswing #golfvlog #golfcourse #livgolf

[Music] welcome back to O disk everyone super exciting round today we’re at Bowling Brook Golf Club host site of the live golf Chicago championships this year I really want to put myself to the test and compare myself against the pro game so today we’re going to be playing this from the tips at 7100 yards before the championship in September and see how we far enjoy before we get on the course I wanted to do a quick overview of the clubhouse and the amenities cuz this is definitely one of the nicest courses I’ve been to when you first walk in they have this super cool map in the clubhouse of the course from a top down and it’s definitely fancy because I’ve never seen leather recliners and a shoe Shiner in the locker rooms before when we got onto the range all the range balls were included nice strickson balls and a huge practice facility including this massive putting green and tons of chipping areas this course has a super challenging layout with tons of water and narrow Fairways and my favorite hole being number 15 and island green like TPC sass hole number one par 4 430 y besides the amenities I mentioned in the intro you also get te’s divot tool and ball marker which is pretty sweet and with that we are off little left just tug that one a little bit to the left there you can kind of see we’re a little bit short compared to our rehearsal second shot here and that one I think just because of the LIE we tug that one left also but we’re going to end up about whole High here we got a pretty challenging third shot ball is way below our feet here and we’re about 50 yd out to the pin but pin high from the left side really got to focus on getting underneath this one and staying down and that’s about as good as effort as I could do good just ran it right onto The Fringe but still really good third shot to at least give ourselves a chance at an up and down [Music] and Li out you’re going to see that a lot today in this video but that’ll be an opening bogey for us to start out that’s okay no problem pull number two par 4 434 Ys we absolutely crushed that one that’s the ticket second shot [Applause] ah hold it again still got a little bit of case of the left PS was really trying to get it there on that one all right we are right in front of this beautiful Bush here nothing I can really do here except try and hack it out got to chop it about all we can do and I pretty much had to take this one out to the right cuz there is no way I could go with the Green from where I was at so this is our fourth shot here just going to try and get it as close as possible and get a bogey on this hole get there oh close that a pretty good shot got about an 8ot tester here for our bogey and this one we also tugged a little bit to the left here like our iron swing so that’s going to be double double oh that’s unfortunate after that weed whacking over [Music] there all right double on that last hole but that was just uh I was actually surprised how good I got it out of those weeds so I can’t really complain with it the double there just pulled the iron shut so 299 to that second bunker on the left just going to aim for it but the winds to the left to right so hopefully we just cut over the second bunker but we’ll see Perfect all right so our iron play has not been the so far today so I think the best option it’s 266 to the flag is to just use a five wood cuz the longer Woods are feeling good and just try and get it up as close as possible normally I’d put it to my layup spot if I was feeling good with the iron striking but I think it’s better to get it up there close and then just do the work from there with the wedges money in the bank oh my God that was nutted perfect stay up stay up stay up perfect oh yes for Eagle just trying and get it close get a easy tap in [Music] birdie sit sit sit too much Pace sit ah damn why did I give it so much Pace well we got a hard one par birdie all right I’ll take a par head eagle look but gauge is the speed wrong these are a little bit faster than I thought so I’m not going to complain keep giving ourselves eag and burdy opportunities we’ll get [Music] there 154 long is safe here short is dead so even though we’re pulling it to the left a little bit we’re going to Club up so I usually fend those a little bit to the right when I do the S off so hopefully it’ll even after [Music] center it’s going to be right side of the green but it should be okay oh a little long now we got this tricky shot so downhill lie pretty steep downhill but too long is dead 60° I can flop it but it’s going to get too short SO2 there commit to this shot cuz when you don’t commit blade gets open sit sit oh I knew long was dead that was just I really did not look I want to leave it short in that speed too the speed look good coming and then it just picked up pace over here oh that’s [Music] tough nice putt you want to in or out ah you get it’s fine that one’s on video so oh oh yeah are you a Tik tocker I just post like YouTube videos nice it’s something fun to do yeah I feel to pick [Music] up thank you hammered at home really nice bogey putt there all right very good bogey save there hammered that put in very committed to that shot so that was good driver’s been feeling good just got to keep doing what we’ve been doing middle of the Fairway whatl the [Music] fairways a little off the heel but that’ll be okay nice all right doing okay so far make sure the battery’s looking good yep we’re looking good so just came across some one a little bit on the heel a little non-committal I kind of let the thoughts of the lake in front of me creep into my thoughts as I was swinging so really try to not think about that and only think about targets but I did notice it creep in there so that’s probably why we came out a little quick across the ball but middle of the Fairway so can’t complain second chot 334 y to the whole so we just laying up pretty good shot there just a little bit left sit sit sit 89 yards left here for our third shot and we just hit this one Skyhigh cuz we’re really trying to stick to Green perfect thanks give me the mark good shot there just rolled off I go that far offline we got a problem so we got about a 60 footer here for birdie I’m really banking on that being as fast as the other one got a six footer left here to finish up and another lip out so that’s going to be a boat [Music] all right 342 but we’re into the wind 300’s too long straight I’m not going to risk snapping it to the left so going out to the right right over that sand trap not there we [Music] go might be too right not the sand should be okay we’ll see safe perfect placement there exactly how he drew it up 250 in front of that bunker just got a chip shot in ball striking Travis ball is on a little a little bit of an up to right slope though so that did have me a little bit worried here just thinking too much about that hilly lie dang it all right we need to get up and down after that chunker I was thinking about swing thoughts on that last one and that’s why we chunked it chunked it about 60 yards there so got about another 80 yards left in sit sit sit perfect all right thank you and that one was absolutely perfect pin High just about 10 ft to the right to save our par just a little quick and a little below the hole there our four-footer coming back nice and that’s going to be another bogey my Jack J get [Music] sh silly mental mistake on that hole nothing to do with the swing it’s just I was thinking about technique because it was on that uphill side light in the chunky grass and then naturally whenever I think about technique on the course I just not smooth and chunked it so that’s on me mentally not tooo concerned about this one right now cuz the third shot was good and we almost got it down all right last hole is done mental mistake happened nothing we can do about it now so tight Fairway here 408 to get it there just put a nice beautiful one down the middle again didn’t line with The Fringe of that grass there we go perfect sit all right I did not know there was out of balance here but we got very lucky and this thick grass stopped us from running out so 128 left we’re downwind only one two to the front of the green SO2 here that should be good get up there perfect good green in regulation just got a very long 60t uphill putt here and you can see it kind of plateaus and unfortunately we kind of hammered that one break and we are off camera again here on this putt I just blasted it too far [Music] parut oh just grazed The Edge I’m pretty sure it rolled over the right side so that’s going to be another three putt bogey [Music] there all right good ball striking there just three put bogey the greens are much faster than I was anticipating I mean I guess I should have expected that for like a pro level course but quite fast I I warmed up good on the practice green and I had the speed down there I assumed it would be the same but I guess it’s a little faster out here it’s also very hot so it’s drying out so going to have to play for more speed from here on out all right this is a menacing looking hole 174 I don’t even know how wide that green is but sand traps behind the hole on the left but long is better than short here so cling up to a six into the wind he going to put a nice one out to the right and [Music] safe sit down when knock it down all right all right flew it a little bit long to the right there cuz we were trying to play safe but now we got this really difficult second shot sit down just tried to flop it up there just over that rough and get it to stop but unfortunately it just kind of rolled out caught in that Hill about the best as we can do I really did not want to catch it in that stuff and get stuck yeah leaving it short would have been terrible there just in that rough for that sand trip so got to bump this one coming back here and left that one a little bit above the hole so got about an 8ot left for bogey here and that one just rolls past so that’s going to be a shortsighted double bogey there [Music] those bunkers are 250 so we’ll just go straight over them attack the pin [Music] here and we just threw our hands a little bit early there and topped that into the OB going to have to R and this is our third shot there we go all right we’re downwind off the right 85 to carry the bunker going to go the 56 this time really try to get it in close cuz I fear it’s going to run too far with The Gap wge [Music] really good second shot there although that was technically our fourth because we topped that t-shot so now we got a really long putt here for bogey good speed but just hung that one out to the left so six-footer to get our double and we roll that in nicely so would have been a par but ended with a double because we to that t-shot 47 to end the front nine hole number 10 par five 529 yards that last hole kind of got to me mentally a little bit off the te cuz normally I don’t top it like that but I got a little bit into my old swing thoughts and now you’re going to see the next couple holes my driver swing is going to go a little bit downhill cuz I’m thinking about that swing so much fan this one a little bit to the right and you can see I kind of came out of balance and off my weight so in the armor there all right 287 left into the wind so there’s no way we’re getting it there with the five woods so no reason to even try 239 to that left bunker so we’re just going to go five iron beautiful layup [Music] here a little bit left to where I was Z but it’s far five so it’ll be okay that’s safe all right 98 but pretty into the wind left to right so I’m going to take it in low with a 52 and just have to take a little bit off of it get out there Tracer didn’t catch it there but we had a clubbed up uh knockdown shot and we hit this one the F just rolled a little bit past the green So Right On The Fringe and we got a long birdie putt here to get ourselves back on track left that one a little bit short and we got a 4ot tester for our par thank confidently hammered that one in in a nice par to get us back on [Music] track all right good par just started back nine but these are some treacherous whole set my God man this is a spicy one all right I think we’re going to aim for those three groups of pine trees over there cuz if we flare one to the right is Extreme danger but tugging it left we’re still in those Hills we’re okay we’re safe so oh Travis did exactly what you said not to do there we go all right well we spok it into existence on that one I talked about flaring it right which normally I don’t vocalize out loud and that’s exactly what I did second shot was great though so we’re going to have to get up and down for the bogey now all right 135 kind of an island over there but wind is definitely in our face so we’re going toe and knock down nine iron and peel it a little bit [Music] left a hold it Travis that’s going to be tough over there trickle it up there and catch it there we [Music] go sit down woo rough it’s a rough life making a mess with this hole that one just trickled off the back of the green so we got this putt coming back for our double after that water hazard left that one about 3 ft shy here so just got to have another confident three-footer to get our [Music] triple all right now this is the hole r five Fairway is completely sideways and the closest distance is that Fairway over there in the far left which is 250 to carry with wind into our face so we really got to put some extra mustard on it to carry it over there no Travis not again trying to kill it again God damn it ah it’s trying to kill that why did we here versus there we go why can’t we just do that the first time all right lay up here there was a drop zone back there so I could have taken it there so kind of punishing oursel on this hole but that’s it’s all right it’s just more practice on that t- [Music] shot that was tough all right Roll All right we were laying up anyway so miss hits okay 186 should be middle of the green it’s the longer second or third hidden here but this is actually our fifth shot [Music] that’s okay it’s a long one let’s just try and get it close and secure the double [Music] [Music] great roll sit sit sit all right deal nice thanks yes staved it off the double for a water ball on this hole with a chunk shot that’s a good hole that’s a great dou [Music] double It’s just tough hole after tough hole out here this hole 239 to the pin over this freaking bog but we’re with the wind and it’s only 184 to carry the bog straight on so we’re going to go with the five and hopefully wind will carry this but I want to leave it a little bit short cuz five wood is going to be too long all right another lovely shot here just going to try and trickle this up there ah I just needed a little bit more just a little bit more we needed there all right our previous shot we just barely managed to get it up on the green here so we are realistically just trying to lag this one up close and get a bogey it okay pretty good speed there just got about a six or seven footer left here for [Music] Bogey and another unfortunate lip out there so that’s going to be a double as well we got to clear our head here just a few too many mental mistakes turning Bogies into Devils on the back nine here of course the water balls don’t help but that’s all right we got a nice open Landing Zone pipe it down the middle perfect 113 With the Wind I’m just going to lay on a 56 carry the bunker should be good little left but high enough to stop rolling out so I think because of this hill over here to the right this flag stick is really really tall I don’t think I’ve ever seen one that tall before it’s gigantic did you guys see how tall this flag stick is yeah we were just talking about that we were saying like we thought the green was elevated woo h a little bump I know par [Music] all right island green is just like TPC Saw Grass 164 wind is a little bit hurting our face but we’re just going to go with a nice full swing eight and crush it over there [Music] okay maximum effort no so oh baby oh yeah why can’t we just do that the first time you know you call that a hole in one if you made that what’s up it’d be a hole in three I guess hell of a bar yeah all right the drop area is so close yeah that’s what I was saying like you done the drop I sorry I wanted I wanted to make it I wanted to get it over the [Music] water yeah [Music] almost almost salvaged the bogey from water ball all right very close to making that bogey on the last tool but we got three long par fours left so just try and play nice consistent golf no more boat all pars on the way in no Travis all right definitely getting LAX with our swing thoughts and kind of resorting back to our old technique of that little over the toop hitch and pulling the hands down instead of the laid off start with the chest feel that’s been really good with our ball striking the last couple days so so I think it’s a combination of just getting tired and mentally lazy on these holes but we’ll see if we can just straighten it up probably going to have to aim for bogey on this hole and then depending on where that landed if it stayed in bounds or not and then we’ll try and Par the last two holes and finish strong here finish strong mentally 164 to the pin this see the number oh gross all right first sand trip all day today this lip is a little aggressive for my casaste open the face we really got to fly this up here already on the UPS slope though so a close close close to being great [Music] boogy I’ll take [Music] it all right there is zero margin for error on this hole hole’s all the way over there on the right we’re just going to go very conservative cuz we’ve been Fanning and out to the right that second sand trap is 300 so we’re going to go straight at that there we go back on track perfect figured it out we were on this transition dropping our hands versus keeping them High when we rotate that felt better though that felt better little left to be safe ah I’m left like right in front of it in the I was playing a little too conservative but held up in the wind that’ll be all right what you uh 52 got hung up in the wind more than I thought though didn’t you record all your shots uh yeah oh great shot please go in the hole Ah that’s all right that’ll be okay was here you I know was what can you do thanks what you at where we he for that come [Music] on all right last hole 457 yd par 4 just got to put another nice drive on it so that first bunker is 255 to carry 334 to the second bunker so that’s just going to be our visual Target and then not here but there we go okay that play should be about 280 all right 163 wind’s pretty dead pretty much dead straight right’s dead because of the sand trap so we’re just going to go right at it there we go perfect should have just been doing that all day should have just had that thought all day control the face of the iron through impact we would have been golden but that’s right I was so concerned today with keeping this connection that I was back to this action instead of this action that’s all right you live in new YK little long I’d love to pop this but I think it’s going to be too difficult just going to have to know to the left and dri dribble [Music] in get there pretty good [Music] speed why did I San that out to the right sorry I’ll clean up so you can pleasure yeah nice meeting you nice playing with you nice yeah nice look out for the video okay this is a tough [Music] course all right and we are finished we ended today with a 94 that’s playing from the tips at 7100 yards at Bowling Brook Country Club and that is assessing all proper penalties water hazards out of mounts counting everything even the duff t-shot on nine where we went OB had to take that so we ended with a double on that hole I really wanted to try and recreate as realistic comparison to what the pros are going to be playing and what the actual like tournament scoring conditions would be for myself so no matter what happened I just assessed the penalty or I did it as if I was playing in a tournament very very challenging the front nine I did a really good job with the driver keeping it in play and I was able to score pretty good there but even on the back nine with I think I had what was it three water hazard out of be out out of bounds yeah three water hazards and we were still able to get the same 47 so definitely improved our iron bulb striking in the back half there I think that was our biggest weakness in scoring today is we missed a lot of greens and the green complexes and speeds were already challenging enough but I was tugging my irons because of a bad swing thought and we were just pulling everything to the left with the irons today so that was probably our biggest weakness putting was good about what I expected didn’t have a good read on the speeds in the beginning but had like I think four or five lip outs so I was very confident in my stroke and my line it just was barely missing out there so can’t really count that so if we look at the stats for today we were 9 for 18 in Fairways hit 4 for 18 in Greens in regulation and I think that’s the biggest discrepancy there and why we scored a 94 today and then we have five three putts about to be expected cuz I’m not used to this kind of speed but overall definitely worth the money really really great course here in Bowling Brook just about an hour south of where I normally play but if you guys have the opportunity definitely come out here if you want to prove yourself and compare against what the live guys are going to be playing you can uh the tips definitely a challenge though I would definitely recommend you being driving at least 260 especially in holes with the wind in these tight Fairways so if you’re going to try it from the tips but very very fun round thank you guys for watching be sure to like comment subscribe if You’ like me to do more stuff like this or just have been enjoying the chenoll in general and I look forward to seeing you guys out on the course now next time [Music]

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