2024 Vice Pro Air vs 2024 TP5x – Which one is better for your game!

2024 Vice Pro Air vs 2024 TP5x – Which one is better for your game!
#golf #golfer #golfswing #golftips

Real Golf Crew

My Golf Ball:


what’s up you guys welcome back to the channel today we’re going to be comparing the brand new Vice Pro air this is the 2024 model by Vice it just came out and we’re going to be going head-to-head with the current golf ball that I play which is the 2024 tp5x right off the bat I went to vice’s website I did their golf ball fitting where you can type in all your information and it’ll recommend which golf ball they think you should be playing so the two recommendations that came up for me was the Vice Pro air and the Vice Pro so I’m very curious on how this is going to perform today we’re going to get into cost durability and performance all my numbers today are going to be powered by full swing launch monitor I’m curious to see if the new Vice golf balls can perform just as good if not better than the tailor made tp5x 2024 model so make sure you share like subscribe turn notification bells on that way you get notified every single time when we post a video so with all that being said you guys let’s jump into our test okay guys we got our full swing launch monitor set up we’re going to go ahead and get into some full Swings with my 58° see if I can rip some of the cover off this ball and if it doesn’t that’s fantastic cuz it means it’s very durable cuz these wedges I have they sharp get about three shots in here and just see the numbers and see how she goes feels kind of muty like there’s not really like a click to it right off the bat I don’t know if I like that pretty consistent that’s kind of what I get already with my tp5x 58° goes anywhere from 85 to 90 yards doing the exact same thing so that’s great already all right so after a few Swings with some almost brand new wedges still intact I’m not feeling anything actually about 9 yards on that one and spin rate still 9,963 numbers spin rates everything good on the wedges so far uh let’s move on to seven iron I am very curious to see what this does on the longer clubs cuz I think this is a spinni or golf ball not sure if the mic can do that justice but this is more clicky this is tp5x more click more click the Vice Pro air oh it’s way thuer it’s way thuer H I don’t like that I don’t like that sound it’s not bad it’s it’s a preference it’s obviously something cuz I’m used to more click you may not notice it but it’s something I definitely noticed but as far as performance test so far with the wedge very good let’s move on seven iron good strike holy crap yeah this thing does wo that’s pretty good total 167 on that one bin rate on it is 6,389 yeah it’s another good one spin rate came down 6,285 total is up to 168 pretty consistent that’s kind of what I’m looking for 7 iron 170 I’m going to throw a tp5x in the mix right there and uh see what that does see if there’s a difference oh that was hit so that’s the only thing there spin rate dropped yardage went significantly up to 100 77 yard so that really smoked the Vice Pro air there I thought that would be the same and I know sometimes yes I can step on it hit it Square out of the middle and get about a 175 out of it but I’m going more off of like what my cruising is cruising is going to be 165 for my 7 iron 170 let’s try one more with the X oh that went far no that was good okay that was good that was good 168 on the total 6100 spin so you can obviously see the X is a less spinni golf ball than the air already on the full swing shots I would say the x is beating it because I hit some really good ones with the air and they never got up to the 170 plus I’m going to hit one more with the air just to make sure we gave it a good run like that that should be that should be flushed out there okay there we go see I’m glad we did that because I just got it up to 172 and the spin rate dropped down to 6,000 so that’s really good I guess you could kind of go either way to be honest like I think I would have more confidence in the fact that the X would go like a hair further but not by much I think the air is still going to be a spin of your golf ball driver time this is very very important let’s do it let’s jump into driver okay well we jumped on that one a little bit and we’ve got 280 right there on the total I like that so far off of first swing with it this one I’m going to just no technique I’m going to try to just hit this just like that that’s no technique I don’t recommend doing that we got a little more juice out there but we’re still spinning super high durability still not one damn blemish on this thing so and we’re still around the 283 Mark so yeah it could it could be me right now I’m going to give it one more hit I I already know it’s a Spiner golf ball these are not going to be probably for me based on off the tea alone because I know the X goes further I want more distance off the tea I know the X does that that was a pretty good hit like that should run that should run for days yeah spin came down there we go now we’re now we’re cooking but 286 3200 on spin that’s unfortunate there because I’m going to put up one tp5x I’m going to use an old one too and we’ll see what that does the spin should be lower and I think this is going to run out a lot further I think we know what that means as far as off the tea and my future using Vice Pro air oh that sounded so much better too all right yeah spin dropped down to 2900 and we got out of that 295 there we go so yeah I can draw a conclusion to this already unfortunately the Vice Pro air will not be the golf ball that I’ll be playing I think it’s really freaking close I think the durability is awesome because I hit a ton of wedge shots and not one piece of that cover came off but all the numbers are kind of telling me right now it’s the much spinning near your golf ball so what I’m going to do is actually give them all away make sure you comment down below the best comment I’m going to ship these things out to you obviously I hit one of the balls all the rest I will not hit I’m not going to be using them they’re not for me but they might be for you so make sure you share like subscribe you got to comment down below that’s the only way that I’m going to send them out to somebody and you have to be subscribed next week I am going to be testing the Vice Pro Model this is the 2024 model that they came out with this is the other ball that was recommended for me to play thank you so much for watching this video and going through this testing with me make sure you pick up some of the merch at real golf see you guys out there on the golf course thank you so much for watching peace [Music]


  1. It’s weird that the ball fitter suggested a 3 piece soft ball as a substitute for a 5 layer harder ball. Really the comp should be between the 4 layer vice pro plus and the tp5x.

  2. You have a nice swing but two observations. First, the air is not for you or to be compared to the TP5x. That would be the Pro Plus. Second, I think you need to do a reality check on your driver. Even with the TP5x, your spin rate is too high. I would look at the shaft and/or loft combination to get that rate down to about 2100 rpm with say a launch angle of maybe 12-14 degrees.

  3. Both balls are high quality in my opinion. TP5X for my swing speed. I got fit for Mizuno RB TourX. First hole in one from 173 a week later

  4. I’m a new golfer and frankly I just need balls because I lose too many. I play with the Vice drive and would love to try a better version.

  5. I'm an avid Vice player (Pro/Pro Plus models) but have been interested in trying the Pro Air. Without an accurate simulator to take shots on, I rely on feel and results on the course. I was concerned I'd compress the Air too much with my driver speed, but after watching you, I don't think that's going to be an issue! Would love to try out some Pro Airs!

  6. Those Vice Pro Air's would be the perfect golf ball for me. Nothing like reaching back to hit the new hotness and then reaching back in the bag to drop 2, hit 3 🙂

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