Golf Players

2024 U.S. Open recap 🗣️ Bryson DeChambeau’s win, Rory McIlroy’s collapse | Status Update No. 18

Patrick recaps the 2024 U.S. Open including the finishes from Bryson DeChambeau and Rory McIlroy and what will ultimately be remembered #usopen #pgatour #brysondechambeau

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all right what’s going on Party People welcome to status update number 18 we can vote uhoh shall we get into it election year always always controversial can’t wait cannot wait for those debates uh nothing to debate on this show be sure to subscribe like comment whatever I don’t care we just got to we got to work this algorithm people I’m not quite sure how it works I kind of just post and then I let God take it let go and like God I I first want to thank all of you who have subscribed we did not get to 400 we did not I think that’s more of a reflection on you guys not necessarily mean me this is a community we do this together and uh I think you guys need to take a long long look in the mirror tonight and say Hey did I share this with enough people did I share this average looking white guy with ridiculously good hair did I share his videos to enough people ask yourself that honestly despite all that despite not reaching 400 subscribers we reached like 320 which I’m very proud of halfway to 640 another huge milestone of course I will be doing the giveaway yes Patrick I know I’m not a saint I’m not a saint do this out of the kindness kindness of my heart we had 25 people comment also not a great number kind of a tough scene whatever so that means you have a 4% chance of winning if my math is correct got the names in the Excel document here got to give a shout out to a few of them a few crazy YouTube names which I’m all for uh some some guys like the gremlin star-lords dad the real D hate to see that that’s a little weird a cynical Dr Dragon the Iceman lot of is that a Game of Thrones thing I don’t know could be back toback this guy have two accounts maybe gain the system I don’t mind it all right so we’re going one through 25 XL little equals rained between for those of you in the XL Biz shout out to deoy for teaching some some of these skills to me they sponsor the US Open they’re not going to sponsor this maybe but look I I mean I was knee deep in the USGA deoe relationship back in the day I know the ins and outs I have some I won’t say say some secrets yet all right one through 25 just used my mouse which is a big no no in the Excel game and we got nine lucky number nine shout out to Mia ham number nine is d d oh god um I don’t want him to be number nine it is uh this guy name that’s not great it’s a friend never want to give away to a friend unfortunately that’s how the rules the rules work so we’re going to do another giveaway before the open hopefully we get to 400 by then uh but this week’s winner is Anthony Fischer that absolutely sucks I do know his sizing it’s probably going to be a youth small correct me if I’m wrong uh so congratulations to him yada yada yada you get a polo that’s fantastic God damn it that sucks that’s not going to it’s not going to drive traffic to the page okay done with the housekeeping let’s get to the US Open let’s get to the good stuff and uh I’m assuming if you’re watching this video you already know what happened Rory mroy brambo down the stretch they come rounding the home stretch the ponies are lining up Rory builds a two-stroke lead technically I would say it’s more of a one-stroke lead right once Bryson got through the 13th hole he got within one but Rory gets to eight under par the winning score Minds you six underpar gets eight underpar with four holes remaining shot into 15 flighted seven iron hate that hated it hated the the shot selection adrenaline’s pumpin place to miss around Piner number two everywhere is short lands a pass pin High Rolls down in the wire grass makes bogey fine that’s fine right Bryson’s right behind him Bryson hits a great golf shot 253 feet away center of the green exactly what you got to do he misses a four-footer three putt Rory still leads by one with three to go okay the dream is still on Rory mcroy a guy who hasn’t gotten breaks in in these uh major championships the past couple years right you run into the buzs saww that is Cameron Smith at St Andrews back 930 ridiculous up and down on 17 you run to Windam Clark in La ridiculous fairway wood into the par five late to step on your throat sayara okay these guys they don’t blink you know who blinked Bryson to Shambo he he made a mistake late Rory one up three to go number 16 great Drive great shot the only green in regulation mcroy hit in his last five holes I think that’s something that’s lost upon us as well his ball striking completely abandoned him late especially with the irons lot of Misses to the left off the te as well hits the green 25 ft rolls it past two and a half feet misses the putt misses the putt it was good by me I always get I I always give those misses the putt absolutely brutal gets up nice up and down there on on 17 okay him and Bryson still tied they’re still tied right you’re still in this 18 Sky Sports ridicules him for the shot selection or for the club Choice off the te he pulls driver probably tries to get it past everything on the left all the wire grass on the left doesn’t do it gets very lucky on his second honestly that ball could have ended up anywhere ends up just in front of the green pitches it four feet above the hole Zips across it not a great stroke looks like caught kind of the bottom of a putter to tell you the truth Bryson he misses left off the Fairway as well hits the second 55 yards bunker up and down shot of the championship shot of his life shot of the Year shot of maybe many ma major championships he wins by one I’ve been thinking about this it’s not very often that we see a major championship loss and a major championship won within moments of each other it isn’t I I think you could go back maybe to the 2015 US Open where Jordan Speed he makes Birdie on 16 he actually three putts on 17 but he makes Birdie on 18 at Chambers Bay Dustin Johnson has 12 feet for the US Open he three putts misses playoff loses Jordan spe in regulation these collapses are weird spe spe had one at the Masters himself of course in 16 12 we all know what happened there Adam Scott had one at the open four straight Bogies to close Ernie Els wins his fourth major so I I think there’s a bit of a debate online which you guys know me I love the internet and it’s are are we going to remember this more for Bryson Des Shambo winning the tournament or Rory mroy losing it I think we’re gonna end up saying Bryson dampo won this golf tournament because he certainly did he hit the golf shots required to win the golf tournament and I think the reason why is if Bryson to Shambo hit Fairway green two puttar wins the US Open in conventional fashion then I think we talk more about Rory mcky we talk more about that two foot sixish 6 in putt on 16 we talk about it with uh oh we were going through like Dan Sanders maybe maybe it’s Dan Saunders at the open uh there’s a couple hubby green at the Masters there there’s a number of them another guy at the Masters against falo so I think because we get perhaps in my golf watching career probably the best major championship shot of my golf golf watching career is that Bryson Des Shambo 55 Yard bunker shop and because of that as time goes on I think we’re going to remember that more than Rory marroy in the two- foot Miss and the four-foot Miss on two of his last three holes Bryson’s obviously on his Victory lap right now Today Show Jimmy Fallon hanging out with the trumps doing the whole dance I love to see it it seems like everyone in America is going to touch this US Open trophy at some point in time it’s six degrees of separation for touching it I had a friend touch it at Pinehurst so if you need to use me you’re like oh my God yeah know this I follow this white guy on uh on YouTube I’m one of his 320 subscribers not 400 because we didn’t get there he had a friend touched the US Open trophy I know him he knows him all right that’s Three Degrees of Separation thinking we’re we’re doing something like that six Six Degrees of Separation for everyone who’s touched this US Open trophy good for him right it’s it’s people’s and look I I have a uh I’ve always been a Bryson to Shambo fan I know there there’s people on like the CBS channel saying like oh look at these guys takes look at them uh whining and bitching and moaning oh they were so wrong buddy I’ve been a Bryson fan like my whole life I said he should have been on the rider Cup team check the tape just because he’s always been so entertaining right I’ve been on it forever right I don’t care if you like him or not but what he did was awesome with the fire ANS with the making a 10 at the memorial with the mad scientist with the side saddle putting with the hat that was first for Ben Hogan but now for Payne Stewart uh so I I’ve always been a fan and I was lucky enough the first event I ever covered 2021 BMW Championship which seems like an absolute lifetime ago you know who was in contention there Bryson Des shampo you know it’s probably the low point when it comes to his relationship with the fans come off the St Jud Championship which I believe was the week before everyone’s yelling Brookie at him that was such a weird time looking back on it right Brooks kep Go’s buying people beer if you’re yelling brooksie on the golf course and uh he’s not talking to the media at all his manager is not letting him he’s not doing the flash area post round he finally talks to like Golf Channel once but that’s really it he’s the guy in Baltimore the first two days everyone wants him to win near nearly shoots 65 in the second round at Caves Valley misses a four-footer so be it over the weekend City flips on him it was crazy I could not believe it and instead of Bryson to Shambo they rote on Patrick hlay and Patty ice is born and those that that is a lifetime ago they they’re all rooting for Patrick Hanley Bryson’s clearly visibly affected by this he’s yelling at his caddy at some points in time and he loses the playoff and after the playoff he’s walking up to the clubhouse it’s Steep Hill up from 18 green and fans barking at him calling him Brookie going oh great job Bryson hell of a week way to go Brookie condescendingly of course city of Baltimore no offense I hope offense is taken and Bryson pretty much almost like a bull seeing red charges at him and that was probably the low point when it comes to his relationship with the fan fast forward not even three years and Bryson Des Shambo is the guy greatest Showman fan favorite across the first two days at Augusta National over the weekend Scotty Sheffer Gets In the Mix they’re rooting for Scotty sheffler PGA Championship is the Bry Bryson show us open people are chating USA which look do I like the USA chant no but you have to realize who Bryson’s fans are probably 18y olds probably up to their mid 20s right that 18 to 25 demo is probably his bread and butter they’re on the YouTube they’re connected they’re online those are Bryson’s boys and they’re a Rowdy Bunch right half of them can drink a little bit um oh gosh for the first time they’re getting frisky they’re at a golf tournament post covid boom which look we got to shrink the game postco that’s a completely different conversation and so they’re rooting on they’re chanting USA after Rory mcre miss that put on the 72nd hole and the corrupt golf media is like oh if you’re chanting USA you’re you’re a complete douche pretty much I’m okay with the USA chant for the US Open we should want like Americans should want an American to win their National open they they don’t care when they’re calling Brian Harmon Brian Harman last year at Liverpool like a right call him little boy all this stuff because they want Tommy Fleetwood T win that’s fine too the argument is at least those guys are a bit more creative and also a different argument in there that I’m not going to touch on but I’m okay with it right root for the guy who’s flying your flag I don’t know what I got lost in a conversation there I don’t I don’t know what I was even talking about but Bryson’s relationship with the fans right fan favorite this weekend as well and I mean it’s it’s good for him right I think people just honestly forget these athletes are human beings too and they mature at the same level as us even though they are very skilled at their craft and they make millions and millions of dollars and Bryson’s matured he’s 30 years old he looks very sure of himself so happy for him this is the US Open I remember ryson Des shambo’s bunker shot and I’m also going to remember Rory macro’s putt because uh dude you don’t know what you’re talking about I hate I hate people texting me right now back to Rory he’s speaking of speaking of media and having takes on things Rory mcroy watches it on the TV devast devastating scene devastating got to feel for the guy the memes though glorious glorious mean to death he watched Bryson get up and down a shot he can only pull off four out of 100 times per the horse’s mouth out of the scoring tent or scoring area underneath into the parking lot into the car he was out of there no media no shaking of the hand and media like got kind of upset on about it right you you see losers like you think about the Masters Jordan Speed had to put the jacket on Danny Willet how bad is that think about Wingfoot and Phil Mickelson oh my gosh I’m such an idiot Greg Norman he faced the music as well when he lost the Masters back in the day uh many many losers have talked to the media afterwards I get why they’re upset right maybe you do a quick hit with NBC right a few words I don’t like what would I do I’d probably storm off as well I’d probably Shake Bryson’s hand though I think a lot of people forget is you know I’ve had a collapse of my own on the golf course believe it was 2013 perhaps maybe 2012 or 11 Junior Club Championship can’t believe I’m sharing this with you guys two-stroke lead heading into the last split the Fairway obviously hit the green obviously my uh my counterpart hits it close misses his birdie putt it’s like oh my God I have three putts for the win I need four four putt double last hole of the tournament brutal scene complete gag on on the final nine honestly I think I bur bogied I was like four under through 12 I think I three puted 11 for par from 10 feet all of Dustin Johnson oddly enough complete joke choke job by me so when people are commenting be like you have no idea the pressure on them like I just I think about that I know the pressure man Club Championship or put double bogy on the last hole I am in this guy’s shoes right now uh par is on the first playoff hole heird is second playoff hole I was actually closer on approach he made it from like 10 feet I lip out8 feet you know what I did I shake his hand obviously it’s different we’re in the same group playing against each other complete choke jaw by me but you think about all these other Sports NHL handshake line best tradition in sports tennis there’s a ceremony after they both give speeches they shake each other’s hands so bit of a bummer I think does Roy mroo the media anything not really he’s been pretty open um I would have like liked to see him shake his hand especially when you ju suppose it it’s different I stand apples to oranges you want to say Bryson comes off the golf course on a high at Valhalla birding the last thinking he could could have potentially forced to play off Shake Xander’s hand says congrats all that stuff Rory on the other hand’s coming off a mega low on the golf course Zips away I think I’m fine with it would I like to see you know you’re you’re a sportsman uh Rory is not done leaving also because he’s not playing in The Travelers championship this week that is the second time in the last two years he has skipped the event post major championship he skipped Harbortown last year after a miscut at the Masters he actually had a forfeit I think like $3 million to do that that won’t be the case this time but he is skipping The Travelers Championship we won’t see him until the Scottish open a lot of takes on this too Rory you got to take care of your mentals right mental health super important or Rory you’re the one who wanted these type of events what the hell I just think generally one it’s a horrible scheduling what are we doing with the memorial Us open in Travelers Championship back to back to back to back back back back back back horrible and also I mean Signature Events in general is one of my my big talking points coming into the year I wasn’t sure they were going to have the same success as they did in 2023 and you know what they have not they’ve kind of stunk no offense offense taken you got to revamp these you got to revamp them you got to get better stories in the field like we had Zack Blair who was kind of in the mix at the US Open he was in the mix at The Travelers championship last year guess what not in the field you have guys like minu Lee Electric Factory you want to lean into the YouTube and the social media and all that fun stuff the Twitter and the Tik Tok get min Le in the field sorry too bad it’s like what are we doing we’re giving uh sponsors exemptions to web Simpson great guy I’m not hating on the player I’m hating on the game 71 people no cut oh my God that’s just like just going through the motions zero creativity to steal page out of Brooks kin’s book right zero creativity ask more creative questions so how would I revamp these Signature Events I think originally I said 100 people we’ll cut it to 50 I think I’m there with the 100 I might go maybe like 120 just make it nor like make it normal events but just make the guys play What’s the difference seriously what what is the difference I guess the guaranteed payday buddy most of these guys aren’t missing the cut like maybe Jordan Speed who I actually did just bet on I’m sorry it’s probably the lowest of lows right now for me in betting been betting Bryson all year jumped off the train I digress also bet uh JPI straa boom straa laka the septic tank that guy he’s winning The Travelers championship this week if you’re in a oneandone pool SE sta week just SEI straa um but yeah the Signature Events I hope they get revamped the schedule for next year is kind of leaking out slow slowly but surely Memorial is getting moved to the week four which is good Canada’s getting pushed back a week they’re flip-flopping whatever it’s quite simple you’re going to make the op the signature events which you should right RBC they have two events the Heritage and the Canadian open well now that they moved at the week before the US Open this might be tough but they should make it the Canadian open you you can make it the LA open you can make it the Phoenix Open you can make it uh Scottish open Canadian open Arnold and then the player invitationals then you have seven or eight right there and boom there you go or honestly you could just return to the normal PGA Tour schedule I wonder if that’s on on the cards all right that is all we have I do have a note about the Wall Street Journal article for those of you who missed it I actually just canceled my Wall Street Journal subscription because they charged me 80 bucks out of the blue no reason they just charged me 80 bucks for renewal of what it’s four bucks a month then boom 80 nice try apparently hot new job skill not my EXL skills which only use the mouse once mind you is a golf swing yes Wall Street Journal they went through three different people you had Matt Matt par Alle who some people probably know Boston guy former firefighter played in the 2018 Masters and US Open plus4 handicap great amater Mass guy right from firefighter to private Equity because of his golf game now he’s just bringing in the business he plays golf all the time Schoo is the customers on the golf course boom PE they talk investment Banks consulting firms and not to talk too much Consulting but they talk about this guy in Washington DC at Accenture which you don’t really need a good golf game to get a job there from what I’ve told I’m just just saying nine handicap nines are frisky right super dangerous you’re a seven to an 11 and you can break 80 and I believe nine is in that range my math is correct brisky handicap if you’re playing one you’re worried if you have one on your team you’re jazzed up talk about him a little bit which I mean I don’t know and this woman in Georgia 26 handicap former D1 tennis player saw the boys rocking Oakmont Wingfoot sem old polos on Casual Friday right the boys are boys are trying to assert their dominance right they got their shoulders back they’re popping their pecs they’re like all right oh Jimmy seminal nice oh Bob okay Congressional when didd you play there after the redo nice okay right they’re they’re feeling good when were you up in Philly play Maran oh two years ago very cool and This Woman’s like what the hell is going on I got to get in on this game one year 26 handicap I’m buying stocking her she’s going to be at 15 by next summer lethal absolutely lethal okay that’s all I got uh congratulations to our winner unfortunately that’s going to suck I’m going to have to text him after this uh we’re going to do another giveaway at the Open Championship I believe I already mentioned that because I just feel like it right if if we get to 400 there maybe 500 we’ll up that one to 500 so please like subscribe tell a friend tell an enemy tell everyone in between about this I’m feeling good feeling good about this the Cadence I I said it was a Monday show it’s going to be a Tuesday show this week that I have to improve upon but for producer Pat intern Rick I’m Patrick this is status update number 18 everyone register to vote because this podcast has you guys have a great week


  1. One of the best majors of all time could've been made better with a hot mic on Tyrrell's final round. There was zero coverage outside Finau

  2. Great victory for Bryson. I'm sure Rory will reach out and apologize for his early exit.

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