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Back at the Preserve with Silas! | Preserve Championship F9 | Jomez Practice Round

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Tournament: 2024 Preserve Championship
Course: Airborn Disc Golf Preserve | Clearwater, MN
BigBarri: Jeremy Koling and Paul Ulibarri
Guest: Silas Schultz

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[Music] hey what’s going on welcome to another Jas Pro practice round we are here in Clear Water Minnesota at the reserve championship this is our fifth time being here already five already five yeah this was a an event that was kind of birthed out of a need due to the co and all that that’s true got so many co disc golfers here that were started playing and so we’re back and we’ve got a few changes this year really just a couple I think couple ones Under New Management oh uhhuh kale sold the place away but still same event still amazing place to be um we also have an awesome guest today as we always do um I don’t really want to say much about him because I think that his personality is going to speak for itself he’s a guest has been a big fan a friend of the show for a long time homie for us for a while bring him in s Schultz so this is proof that if you give me a hat a couple weeks beforehand you get invited onto the show thank you so much for coming on you’re going to get a lot of hats you’ve had a everybody’s got hats bro I’m a hat guy dud bring it on uh you had a journey to get here yeah you got you flew in last night mhm yeah I was sitting um in the airport in New Orleans my flight got pushed back like two hours I get a call from Robert coing it said and I was like don’t know Robert coing hung up and then I get a text that was like super weird like yeah hello old chat like give me a Ringling on the Telly or something I’m like don’t know who that is and then I was like oh Robert I Googled who Robert calling was and then it was just him and I was like I’ll call him back and here we are today this is like eight hours later anyways we got 18 holes to play we got to try to beat the rain so what do you say let’s get into it let’s [Music] do hole one 78t par 4 big Runway here with ob left um never has been OB right so you have the option of trying to go really big and turning it over into the high grass if you want the closer to the water the closer your approach will be on that second shot this is a hole that if the wind is down one that you’re going to want to get and a lot of players will get but still there is danger involved not thrown a disc in eight days nine days oh we get two off the first two off the first go with the worst oh I I was it you that’s been saying that I like that it just to off first go with the worst oh it Rhymes but it’s definitely not good like you should just throw one go with the best yeah it’s kind of like a hardcore way of doing things but if it Rhymes it has some yeah like people think it’s a saying from like the 80s or something little headwind actually I feel like I used to play a game where I would throw two off the first obviously oh no no that’s the no does that mean we all have to take that one oh my gosh please oh oh oh that was a good disc too I is that your favorite huh is that your favorite no it’s not my favorite oh thank goodness but it’s it’s I mean it’s a team Air Force it’s old old Destroyer what a headman it’s a patent Destroyer I’m going to flex a pd2 now I that was a kind of a flippy Destroyer I just threw it too soft I guess you scared me yeah yeah I know that’s what I’m saying look at that I feel way too soft if I had committed that would have been better oh safe I’m going home from there too in the tournament spash right by yours yeah yeah you’re running from there are you no oh that’s why we brought Snappy on Old Snappy that’s safe yeah that’s sick good shot nice to it dude I freaking threw this a few times on the road oh no I’m like there’s a road that I’ll never hit it so far next hole I’m like there’s a road no it was nothing about that oh I think short that’s a beautiful shot J nice thanks slipped right into it perfect try I throw pickle maybe this is the same color as yours soit yeah do the same if you go over there that’d be great cuz then we have extra incentive for it no I don’t yeah nice yeah good I as good as I can do spit it out shoot oh no that’s the opposite direction St it’s not help helpful well I got scared cuz mine was the same color as yours and yours is in the water hey mine might not be in the water there might be like a a lily pad out there or something okay so last year for my second round I think maybe it was yeah my second round there was like random like Memorial Day traffic or Labor Day or something like that we didn’t know about and I’m staying an hour away so then like we had to like I I just like wasn’t really going to make it to my tea time okay and so then I’m like texting the guys on my card like hey can you take me from top of the box to like bottom of the box and see if like we can do that and like I promise I’m coming like please wait for me and so then we just like doesn’t work that way once we no no but once we got off the interstate we just like zoomed as fast as the Subaru could go and like we got here and I was just like so pumped up on adrenaline and I think my tea time was like 1: and I got here at like 12:59 oh my gosh and so then they were like you could still go last cuz you’re still kind of like super Juiced oh so they they they were down for the order right for you all right that’s cool and so then I’m just like kind of shaking I’m trying to like do jumping J no warmups and I just throw like the biggest bomb like 100t past my card mates just so much adrenaline just like dude way up there and then like missed the 20f footer cuz I like a few times this year I have shown up kind of late and didn’t have a warm up in the field I think I maybe like walked back past the practice basket sure chucked a couple in probably missed a couple and then like went to my tea time time yeah and those ended up being some of my best rounds this year shoot you just and I don’t want to try to recreate that CU I think you’re dealing with the slippery slope there it’s a little irresponsible maybe and yeah but it was like one of those things where it was like can I capture lightning in the bottle by intentionally stressing myself out every round have you ever done that what’s that showed up to a course like super duper late like last second and then just like ended up shredding oh no not shredding but I have a pretty wild story in andoria a few few years back I was sleeping I had like a little cold so I took sleeping medicine oh no and oh no okay I was playing with somebody who was I playing with I forget and I was like okay they’ll wake me up when they get up I’m fine I set an alarm they were in your house with you in the hotel yeah in the hotel room so I never wake up my alarm was set for p.m. not a.m. oh my God I wake up look at my phone I have 6 minutes till my tea time 6 I’m like what what the heck I have to get to the country club in 6 minutes I get up I don’t have a car thank God you’re in Poria I mean Emporia throw my clothes on grab my bag run out the door no cars nobody I’m looking around like there’s got to be somebody who’s going to the course it’s Emporia nothing this guy Rolls by in a truck I wave him down I’m like hey he doesn’t speak English and I’m like how is this how do you not speak English and I’m trying to tell him like country club Country Club and he’s like and I hand him 20 bucks and he’s like huh and I jump in the back of his truck and I’m like go he takes me he drives me up to the light you know turns left gets me to the country club I jump out there announcing my name I throw my first t- shot how I got there 6 minutes from waking up how’ the wrong go oh awful yeah I I it wasn’t too bad I missed a bunch of putts that’s amazing that you got there in time yeah 6 minutes from waking up he woke up six minutes later he’s at the tea box I’ve got almost the same story too actually from European open but mine was on League card oh snap yeah League card last round app I was thinking about that when I threw my drive where’d that go it’s money I didn’t see it but I’m sure it was I think it was like long left so what I do typically I’m normally by that tree short is that under that tree yeah under those tree well not that one that one okay and then I go screw it oh snap and then go over and then hopefully there’s something that happens or I go OB left easy par sometimes when I get a really good drive I’ll throw a good shot hit that guardian and roll out of bounds I haven’t rolled out bounds yet but I’ve rolled for sure so I’ve seen some spike just coming to those Guardian trees stand up and roll back out of bounds yeah that’s kind of like my place IID just go like Spike Heiser into that tree kind of and like it was cool until it rolled out of bounds and I kind of knew that was an option but it never happened until like the first round you know which is when it happens I like how this course like tries to trick you into thinking like because it’s so pretty and like it’s Minnesota like that it’s not Emporia oh I see but we’re actually in Emporia right now it’s always windy you’re right yeah okay and when it’s not people shoot 20 under and you’re like how right I did a the last hole of that tournament to get last cash and get the ace bu though I uh I eagle 17 at M America last year to make the cut oh yeah that was good that’s sick oh you guys are good neat watch this nice I almost made this I think was that for a three mine was yeah yeah approach in hole two par three 318 ft double Mando straight as a string miss the little guys on the left overturn it hit their trees on the on the right Plinko over in the high grass for a second you’re going to be like ooh is there water over there but then there’s not you know that’s true that’s and and that’s how it plays out right there it’s exactly how it plays out all right so so European Open 2015 last round and I’m on League card all tournament I remember this all tournament the last round on League card starts at 1 o00 and I knew this cuz I I’ve been on leag card the whole time so yeah that’s what I’m talking about yeah that was my little Flex drop um it uh so last round I’m like okay 1:00 even though I knew online it said 12:00 I was still in my mind set the same routine same same thing every day that’s what I was trying to do practice at the same time an hour earlier cuz they had a cut and so I’m like doing my normal thing and that year they had shuttles going from the scanic Eden Hotel which was the host hotel to the course so I was set I had a ride coming in 10 minutes before to it’s about a 15 minute drive to the course maybe 12 minutes to the course but it comes 10 minutes before the hour every hour and you’re trying to get there an hour before usually oh yeah 100% 50 minutes 45 minutes the same thing really sure yeah whatever so I’m taking I’m taking the 1150 like I did every single day to give myself the time I needed keep the routine going and I’m out front 11:51 and I see the the shell coming and at that time Richard shilander my buddy who also caddies for me yeah walks out the door sees me looks at me like he just saw a ghost right what are you doing his hands on his bald head he’s like my size but like big Jack guy what are you doing and I’m like what do you mean and at that moment that’s when like he didn’t even have to say the next words when I saw his fright I was like 12:00 and I was like oh my God so I had my bag on my shoulder I ran towards the finished driver who’s coming down and just doing his job right he like stops the van short to where he normally goes and he like tries to get out to start smoking a cigarette I’m like dude take the cigarette back in your like take let’s go turn round I’ll like every stoplight run through the stoplight I don’t care you got to go you got to go and he’s like barely understands what I’m saying but he’s like oh good and then we get to the course the the sliding band door is open same exact story as yours as Emporia I hear them calling my name the Hat guy from North Carolina they were announcing you I literally jump out run there give will Sho streak and whoever else is on the car daps and I just throw and hit the first tree bro I bogy the first but I did not take a seven dude better than four is better than a seven wow oh man down help him out we got to help him out we got to help him out hey stay down you I swear every single time I fall I uh I lace a line I don’t want to keeping um I was going to say it’s a little slippery yeah that it’s a little it’s a little slippery I’ve slipped on first two T’s now all right that scals me I’m going to throw razorclaw in no wait can I just throw the patreon this in the next one can I get it there that’s up to you m man kind of feels like we got a Tailwind pop all right he said throw the PTI turn it into the trees kick left tried to came out early yeah all right all right damn it this one’s always giving me fits it’s I think got go Fairway over now so that I just hit it’s a great little par three I I like this whole a lot even though I struggle with it three I think I might throw a raptor which sounds crazy but no it doesn’t I think I oh patreon disc just to hit the Gap left this is the one they can win yeah y’all can win this one and you can throw it like this if you get it oh boy you just put a lot of pressure in yourself no I mean I mean there’s no pressure they they’re going to throw it just like this oh dang Tri okay it’s not a super stable this would be great for you guys yeah hey you don’t know our audience that was kind of an an that was a bad throw that was that was kind of a little slight towards our fans oh I’m sorry I’m sorry no I do it all the time hey everyone can throw under stable discs yeah that’s not that’s what I’m going to do I’m throw sh kind of stunk a little maybe it’ be just like the ones that you y’ would do y’all would do something similar to that I would assume I used to kind of make little passing remarks like that knowing that or thinking at least that our audience knew that I obviously I would never say that they stink and I started receiving some messages from people saying like hey dude like quit condescending your viewers I was like you know what you maybe have a point like these are the guys who I need on my side I don’t need to be just talking about how bad they are it’s like this is how I speak with everybody right and I think this point most people know that about me but it doesn’t mean that people are always down for just being ridiculed and that’s like what I do with my friends and right yeah you’re constantly ridiculing that that is not true okay that is not true but in you know in a and like um did you throw my disc underneath my foot no I just saw you go who that’s hilarious did you throw it what’s going on right now I don’t know that disc was not there I was looking where I was going and then all of a sudden I slipped dude th underneath my feet I swear I didn’t but I saw you step on it and slip why is it here I didn’t throw it here it might have fell off cuz you had it on top of your cart maybe it fell off whenever you turned we can we can run the tapes back and see I need to see what I need to see what happened there do we give this a good old bid what just happened did I not see his bright orange disc bro you’re throwing you made this putt last year do you not remember that was so close no I didn’t I was closer I was like there were you a little closer yeah I forgot about that though can we run that back on a little replay module I don’t I I don’t think you were farther than yeah I was like right there is bro I think you were I mean yeah that seemed like it was out of a jump uput range but you made a bomb last year oh that’s not going in height was good you want me to go no that’s all you height was good what that money gross wouldn’t miss a circle one ever much more better much more better oh shoot we got cross oh did I get you bam baby nice oh birdie with the patreon let’s go let’s go subcribe to the patreon that’s back to back weeks I think oh patreon birdie let’s go what up boy Brad’s not here to say what up boy what up boy do we got to get his new fit check we dude the fit check I’ve never had more positive comments on any post I’ve ever made you don’t have a cad you can’t be leaving this behind oh thank you I slip on it too here we are hole three 408 ft baskets kind of on a little bit of a mound there’s a drop off to the left of it I mean you just kind of get it there make sure you don’t go OB left and I don’t really see anyone going OB long but and and make sure you don’t go in these trees cuz that’s just like you can’t bre from the trees usually so and a tree fell this year so you can’t thr a flick roller anymore yeah so that play has now been done away with so that’s going to make the whole play at least a stroke and a half harder or half a stroke yeah half a stroke I’d say it’s probably fair oh snap should I should I do the patreon again can I get it there I throw it as much as you want dude absolutely that’s a little Sparkle guy too yeah dude it’s actually sick like the color combo and everything hey we’ve had guests in the past I’ve tried to keep the patreon disc oh I can’t keep it though no oh well then maybe I should just throw one of my disc so that it’s like actually know what I’m going to do on the hole I mean I’m sure we’ve got more of them it’s one for one for birdies and then we’ll let these guys play through us this is Samuel I’m throw Samuel here Zach’s just going to go oh P dude Zach has my favorite form on tour I think so so does Tristan are they similar God that’s good God that’s good um you slipped a little yeah I did yeah again Zach is like it’s so like on one plane the whole way it’s like Nicholas and trist and like this Texas kind of combo you know yeah with this Texas flare like everything bigger in Texas so goes far nice one Jer where you don’t go in the trees you know syus huh don’t go where don’t go in the trees it’s hard to birdie from over there oh snap and there’s a ton of water over here yeah it floods over here to the right it’s been raining a lot up here I like that yeah that’s nice oh one hop it oh come on no hops no hops oh chill it was a one hopper dude yeah don’t talk to my disc you made it lift you made him stay up what why does a kink in the neck throw everything off dude it’s everything hey you guys roll through yeah it’s like I feel like the place where it feels the most uncomfortable is when I’m putting and I’m trying to like keep my head up oh yeah but like on the sidearms like I want to have my my head needs to be able to like swivel with my shoulders right and so when I’m getting into position I feel like super duper out of place that makes sense so weird to to me that’s like I think about like the history of sports how many championships have been one with a kink in the neck a lot or L I’m serious every one of them is a kink in the neck it seems like dude I I know J Brown last night that’s what I heard dude nobody’s going to go in a press conference after a loss like I didn’t have my game because no one’s going to be arguing that they didn’t play their best cuz they had a kink in the neck they’re going to sound like an idiot right exactly but like that’s a legitimate like SP yeah 100% oh yeah Klay Thompson went 0 for 10 in an elimination game and everyone gives him a hard time about it but he may have had a kink in his neck dude nobody thinks about that and and we don’t give them the benefit of the doubt as fans and we should yeah are we letting them throw or no huh oh dude they’re wild out here yeah that’s stinging nle it’s windy too and they’re just like right how do they still fly through the wind that doesn’t make any sense they’re alien how many NBA champions have been lost cuz I’ll see one and then it’s like over here I’m like they like abduct other oh you’re dead oh is that off I’ve been working on my distraction game since he’s back there and he’s never not been back there when I’m putting yeah got you is this going to lift or drop it depends on your nose angle I guess I guess I think it’s going to be perfect he’s really really kidding me the distraction game is Wild is being absolutely iced right now it’s okay so many noises too gr man is swinging oh my God my knee is on fire right now just bar going everywhere he falls down okay it’s distraction game oh there he goes is it going to LIF or drop who knows see here we go 30 seconds starts now yeah perfect put perfect thank you nice drive dude what did you throw thanks md3 Samuel a little more hope they have that a little bit that back angle of help me feet feet up in this guy oh no Jack come here I need help I don’t I genuinely don’t know what was happening like nice fight nice fight hey beautiful why is there a disc on every hole and why didn’t we let them play yeah that’s what I was saying weird oh these feel so good sorry I forgot my bad okay all four 746 foot par 4 big high turnover roller and probably not a forehand because you got to get pretty far right and you got to get some good distance just to see any chance of making the gap which is a pretty small pinch point at about the 600t Mark um the last bit of the Fairway is pretty open once you get inside that inside the wood area um but the t- shot is so specific and it’s such a long shot that you have to throw that this ends up being a bird that you feel really good about all right uh what do we what do you guys throw here because I genuinely don’t really know I’m going like kind of neutral Fairway I’m going this one okay dude I did nuke I did a freaking jeez Lou no they’re bad here we’re by the swamp so we need to get going um we’re getting I cut out a bunch of discs I’m only down to 22 discs or something so I wanted to give myself less options OH Close oh don’t go in the okay we’re fine dude we got a hat is this any of y’all’s hat oh that’s my hat oh is your I was like dude we got discs and hats on every hole it doesn’t look like it’s been sitting there for a while but sit this hole in a headwind good luck yeah you don’t go here yeah I can’t get in position I can’t quite get far get out of here well can I go rly poly that’s what I normally do a little bit too much wind for me throw the roller right now Oher oh you do go roll that’s a Monster yeah that was a good one is it going to come back but I think it’s a good regulator to be like hey can you win against these guys who’ve probably been dialing the course all week I think it was a good one you know doing the whole thing sure and if you can then you’re good and I mean like I had to make a putt you know I fluffed my up shot 18 left myself a 25 foter and I was like oh shoot now I got to make this for the win you know what I mean that’s a that’s a pressure putt so much you know and then I checked scores he double to1 I didn’t have to make it for the win but I still it was still like I you know I made it and I was fine if you get in a battle for a c tier I feel like it’s a lot of pressure like last cash pressure yeah you know what I mean cuz it’s like well I’m expected to win this or I’m expected to cash right and you’re probably not playing very good right you know which that’s how you get into last cat position you’re not playing good right so you’re not dialed so it’s hard to find Strokes right I don’t have any more blood I don’t I feel Oozy oh boy oh boy oh boy boy that could work good tree I think H roller in Crossing I didn’t put it down I got it in my mind that I’m basically playing a C tier today against him I was like in my runup like oh I should throw my other disc my actual roller disc but you’re already in your run up you can’t I mean the closer you get to that Gap the more specific you have to be in the middle cuz if you’re on either Edge you can’t really work anything it’s it’s hard to get creative that’s why I think I just yes oh CER specialist a little bit once he gets in that that mindset dude dude I had I only have one hater online maybe after this video I’ll have more but you’ll have a lot more after today yeah yeah but this dude he called me c tier Schultz that’s is that a hater or is that somebody the problem ging G he spelled Schultz without a SE which I feel like is yeah no that yeah you’re right the misspelling makes it more of a chumpy yeah like fun Type move there was a better opportunity there yeah I think I’m playing this like I would with like no tournament discipline like I should never go roller I got this like sidearm roller Gap that I might try you know but time to try it dude this is like do not try at home you hoping you do not try ins sanction play kind of golf happening right now let me cook baby because like what if I what if I throw the nastiest cem roller ever and they clip it into a little social media reel you know and make content out of it you know you got to think about that stuff oh wow nice thank you what do you guys think like is it dumb to lay up in like a practice round or should I just like try to go whatever bro this this is your time to let the world see what you’re capable of I don’t know if I’m capable of this but we’ll see you know take that into consideration when throw this next shot come on oh this is a bad idea help hold there’s a button down here all right you’re good okay this is going to be so good or majorly [Music] embarrassing oh it was really close it was really close there’s one branch across the Gap yeah dude uh the the people that do these little carts that distribute them my sponsor those are dope yeah they uh they make little disc retriever now and they just sent me these and you know what I really like about this check this out they get your disc no well yeah I like that about it but they have this little like latching release mechanism on it I think maybe these ones don’t have it oh this one just screws off nice all right so the other ones I had they would unscrew themselves but this is like not going to go anywhere yeah this thing’s dope dude you going through the Gap nice um I no I don’t think I can make this but I was going to kind of lay up to the right or to the left here e do I go for it yeah absolutely really I just went for like the dumbest sidearm roll or back like roller and then sidearm every I don’t think it’s makeable unless I go through the treees no I think you could go like whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa not makeable unless you go through the trees Homie don’t even throw your think you go high through yeah I was thinking like yeah you can make it like that oh here we go if you want to make it you just get creative you just step out to the side and you go that was pretty impressive that was that was good that was good you kind of have to draw metal with all the buildup just go like this I’m I feel I feel satisfied yeah with it yeah it was worth it yeah for sure no no way no [Laughter] please the path of Le resistance is the anheiser nose up oh my god dude Nicholas’s putt with the tactic my God that’s the greatest putt I’ve ever seen that was so good the first one or the second one the one around the trees oh the the F the long one around the trees yeah that one was the the stretch out like almost oh the Annie putt the Annie like grip lock it almost he almost had a intentionally grip lock yeah bro that was so special yeah just dropping a 1080 piece final round just that guy’s a scary guy he gets that look in his eye you know Beau okay that one wasn’t Beau here you go thanks tm’s over here trying to get a bird skis oh snap trying to oh golf balls I was a little nervous I might miss that I don’t know why dang it could have been a little higher dang oh I never birded that hole this a perfect hat for like if uh like a pray mantis wanted to like I don’t know plant a garden it’s a perfect hat for a PR mantis to make a garden under the Hat no it’s a big PR mantis okay one of the bigger ones you’ve seen yeah yeah okay now keep going though cuz I’m still not quite there well you see a lot of people have big old round hats and plant Gardens yeah but didn’t you say something about planting a garden under oh maybe but but I I’m not good with words usually so you’re changing it all right that’s fine or correcting it artistic license bro I got you oh D don’t worry the mosquito will get the tick and the blood will all be right it all evens out oh mine I found I found Little M hole five is a par three 275 dead straight putter shot with not dead straight Maybe Baby Hiser putter that drifts a little left Flex sidearm late turning sidearm but I mean pretty manageable shot right here just hit the Gap that’s one of the things I like about this course is that they’re not scared to put in a technical 350 and shorter type shot and I we we missed that on on tour loock dude I miss it that’s some nice touch Julie oh my gosh real so good juicy thanks man what was that under that’s some killborn crap right there baby do you throw a lot of for hands at kbor no you don’t that’s that CER sidearm right there m you need that go in jeez that’s the disc I aced it with last year you aced this last year yeah in the practice it was a third shot though so a third sh still counts just fuming people online yeah that doesn’t count ever oh sorry ohing n mosquitoes and tick beetles that’s terrible hold on I’m going to try to throw something try the md3 dude oh shoot yo guys what are we thinking dude yeah bro for the patreon kids if this one’s good you can take it no it’s the exact same no it’s better take it it was okay oh the shot was the same now see the thing is to be a c tier Champion you have to do three things really well you have to have a sidearm Flex Shot you have to have a backhand straight shot inside 300 fet that you’re just going to hit the Gap and you have to make everything in a circle if you do those things you’re not going to lose never ever and that’s why I say I feel like on a short course I’m one of the hardest people to beat because I don’t miss anything in the circle so y you just get a look you just well Flex sidearm like the uh the shot that doesn’t require any skill y just kidding you saw the Dave felberg interview oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yo I’m taking this one to the patreon you’re taking that one okay CER king um yeah you needed to be Bullseye to take the other one yeah we lied a bunch okaye a row where’s the trying to give you confidence and then take it away I did see that where he’s like maybe the sex when they come there might be a problem but when he said sex I don’t know the whole thing irked me but then he said when the seans come I was like that means both I ain’t a sexon dude no I mean our games are very very similar yes chill like we’re both coming in next season we’re both playing Masters worlds next year you guys are going to be able to gain a little confidence but then I’m going to come in and absolutely work you guys it’s fine we’re going to have like four years yeah that’s true but no one’s going to be beating Joe Rivier you see what that guy’s doing in that field I I would whack Joe R bro Joe Riv turns into I would wax Joe Riv I don’t care there’s no shots it’s the truth bro is bro is dirty yeah 100% he’s dirty dirty dude like literally I think he’s got like Colorado Colorado filth all over him of nastiness I got Joe in my pocket he can hear that I don’t care I’m hey that gu’s a problem and I’m just kidding course he is I’m not taking anything away from don’t edit this part out just because I said it at first and you’re trying to create drama he is uh so good on so many levels bro is a psycho you guys are toasted bro I played with him I traveled to Colorado yeah he did get me with a broken arm once broken arm he BR no I’m not this is a true story least it wasn’t a devastating injury like a broken arm oh wait it was a broken arm how did he beat you with a broken arm kale and I were daging together and this is this is true I was killing them like I come into this tournament full confidence I just won two a tiers in a row back to back come on we get to Colorado state championships and Joe Rivier has a arm in a sling left arm sling no way no way in a sling dude I’m not kidding and then not just a sling he goes like this he takes off the sling shows us his whole arm is purple no like for real bad bro and and me and Kay like dang is that the worst loss of your life no cuz it’s Joe River he’s nasty you got do theok he’s still the favorite at that point with a purple broken arm he’s still favorite to win he killed us yeah he killed us that was wild I made that one though it wasn’t even close like he just yeah sling arm beat us crazy man yeah I don’t remember if he kept it in a sling he might have actually I don’t the legend grows yep dude at my CER last that doesn’t matter there was a dude on lead card at my CER who only had one arm well that’s different it figured out how to do it if you’ve learned how to he was still figuring that out I think but by the time I get to master Joe’s gonna be freaking you don’t have to deal with Jon’s Prime Nate and I are gonna be dealing with Jon’s Prime next year Joe’s congrats to you and congrats to own for four Pete um Juliana C for her 37 World title win uh so many big wins I was rooting for so many different people this last week but congrats to Johnny McCrae for winning 50 beating schwebe who’s going for that world title man coming up just short I think he’s got second place two years in a row we love youby know you’re going to take that title down soon um but yeah Inova came out showing last week and then don’t forget Pete may in his 80s probably acts like he’s in his early 40s still flying across the country winning pingpong world championships this is true still like I think the top ranked 80 and older US male maybe that’s not true I think that’s true but he I I think he won the 80 and under uh us championship at least a couple years ago all right hole six 695 ft oh my gosh uh just keep it in the Fairway you got scary town on the right side if you go you know in the trees you want it to be long push it up by the cameraman and then try to get down that tunnel Mato had like the greatest M through the greatest shot yeah um so I mean really you need a lace job off the T and then hopefully get you in position to hit a gap three down three under oh I think I’m one now three down for me one under for S oh that needs to start turning uhoh kick out maybe a little on the edge did it mm oh nice well I saw a little bushy move yeah so it could have been mosquito flying off it or it might have been my might have been my dis kiding nothing I’ve ever experienced was as bad Asia oh yeah that one year for the uh the Swedish championships or whatever it was I’m going to drink it oh germ no it’s fine it’s left talk to me dude it’s a good four if I can it it’s yeah I hear you when I first saw this I was like why did they put a ball guy did this guy like get too close to a nuke or something like what’s going on and then I realized it’s a it’s a mask yeah it’s a he’s a sneaky guy yep I was like why why make this guy B he’s kind of sick what about what’s wrong with bald people dude there’s nothing wrong with bald people dude huh whoa it’s just a mask wrong with it hey come on get out of here throw your shot dude no there’s nothing wrong with it I’ll be bald someday oh nice dude yeah dead meat left you take that oh yeah oh heck yeah I have this weird thing where I love like a dis right like that one the this guy gave me or I bought the bald guy yeah bald guy sold it to me mhm real nice guy though okay I mean it’s totally fine he was an execution wrong with that it’s just his job it’s not who he was anyways it’s just a thing about just a thing about him a fun fact um and I threw it in the field and I’m like oh I love this disc and then yesterday for some reason I’m I throw it and I see it get this like weird little lift jump turn like [ __ ] you know and then all of a sudden it’s like Flippy oh I’m like wait what is that and I look at the weight and it’s a 169 and now that’s in my head you know what I mean so you don’t trust him all the way I think but why why not it’s it flies great right but that’s like a thing yeah that’s got to go no aiming for that teapad right yeah did you get there okay um just to the right of the tead yeah this is like the tricky spot this is the tricky spot oh no shoot is that bug spray no it had nothing to do with the bug spray that was all Talent baby bug spray dang that stunk see but like you could just throw a putter to the mouth yeah yeah yeah I what I was doing was silly but at the same time like my I feel like my distance control is just as good with that as it is with a putter right is that short yeah a little short but you’re still you have enough of an angle I’m goated at anheiser so this is the shot hey check it out that’s a great shot a snake no it’s a petrified Rangefinder weird it’s so stupid what why is that stupid is that know what it is pretty sure that is what it is I’m pretty sure don’t touch it don’t touch it no no no yes it could be someone else’s someone might have left it there someone for sure might have left that there yeah don’t even look at it stupid so stupid no no that’s I mean disc golf courtesy don’t touch another man’s Rangefinder you know what I mean always that’s pretty how I’m pretty I’m pretty far from the basket when I’m right here maybe Joe Riv should fear you oh he does ask Joe give him a little give him a little asky I’ll ask him about the time you g he gave you that broken arm beat down oh my gosh it was the sickest it was the sickest good I wanted him to win at one point I’m like this is crazy he’s like just he never did that I don’t even know I’m here he doesn’t even no this guy is a man’s man there was no no he was just like B I sent Nate a picture of his arm had like like you barely attached it was by like a string and he was just like yeah it’s fine Joe looks like such a lumberjack type of guy that when I saw his interview last year or this this past worlds I sent that video to Nate because we’re both going Masters next year and I said we got to compete against this guy next year like this guy he makes me feel so young that I feel like if I’m going to look in the mirror I’m going to see a 12-year-old because he’s such a strong Burly man with a big sharp jaw and like yeah he’s definitely cutting down trees in the winter for sure dude what is up with this little is this disc what what are what is this thing what are you doing is that a vult what is that rap a mantis mantis mantis I mean that’s what I’m to say I just decided that I liked it a couple days ago with the cider I got the Sol hat the ules disc oh snap The Germ length yeah yeah the germ physique right the also kind of the ULU physique yeah very similar physique oh baby oh wow now just give the kick right come on hey I’m fine with that dude yeah that was great down down down baby gosh player two always nice par thank you this is a hole where nice part is not sarcastically spoken no it’s a great part it’s a great part especially if you’re out of position goodness gracious dude it’s hard to have a part that you’re like dang it dude y the turtle yeah did you see disc golf recognition before you were the player that you are now because of your online stuff or do you think that that stuff kind of came up together simultaneously uh honestly they were kind of two different avenues like I worked really hard on both um and I saw a lot of like recognition of like oh sick edits like this guy makes great content and like he’s his social media is lit truly honestly before you keep going if you aren’t following him it’s a good follow what are you doing at this point Brad fit checks on the way I knew his I knew of him before I met him in person because of his social media presence the video edits were so good anyways continue and that’s and that’s true because J would always be like dude look at this edit and he’d show me yeah for sure yeah that’s good no I think but that’s that’s exactly my point though is like I definitely had some a little bit of clout from just like in the disc off space of like wow he makes great content and then it was eventually like oh he play he can play too and then and then I like got on a lead card and I was like oh this is the guy who makes the videos yeah he’s wait he what bro first time I ever saw you play you wearing that jir hat at Waco that fluffy blue one little bucket hat yeah I was and and somebody was like who do you think can throw father blah blah blah or silus and they said some dude throws far it was me or Brody that was yeah and like I know Brody can throw far I’ve seen him but then I had never seen you so I’m like probably Brody and then you snapped off on that t-shot and I was like well hold on a second maybe I don’t know anything cuz I hadn’t seen you throw a disc and when I saw you throw the disc I was like yo the dude can play too that’s CRA my form was helpful too that’ll get you Cloud on Instagram no doubt I’m a firm believer in like form not really that big of a deal but on Instagram it gets likes you know I mean you just make I work so hard on an edit like sound design color grading all this stuff yeah it’ll get like 10K views I’ll post one slow-mo 50,000 did you uh go to school for any of that stuff or is it just selftaught no selftaught all it that’s that’s awesome yeah whole s power three 390 ft straight As She Goes um there’s going to be a lot of Fairway drivers a little bit of a left to right wind today so I think it’s going to take a little bit more over stable disc play against that wind with something that’s fighting against it um the only thing that concerns me with the forehand is that I do want to keep it low and that rock is kind of in the way but it’s also beautiful so I love it but uh yeah this is a one that we’ve seen some nice Ace runs in the past on maybe we get a birdie here maybe we get the ace who knows who oh I made it whoa go no I did it hit that oh my God that was if it doesn’t push Punisher yeah maybe it’s got a chance that was so nasty dang it I thought that had a chance if it didn’t hit those little bushies but probably too far I don’t know me neither I I like the height of it I liked a lot about it I like a lot about you Jer a lot to like no come back come back come back come on come on no oh wow oh um I forgot to tell you my Punisher is like kind of straight oh okay fair enough yeah ah too high way too high geez do you I’m just curious are you using just apps on your phone or do you do the stuff on your computer uh no like for some little stuff I do but mostly I use Final Cut Pro and I’ll film on my phone uh with a lot of stuff cuz if you if you film in 4k at 60 frames per second on your new iPhone on like a 3X lens like that’s just good that’s just decent content and then if you put that in a final cut and you with all the lighting and make all the adjustments everyone thinks it’s a camera but it’s not oh wow oh why did I go the stable one really oh my flippy one’s probably in oh I wanted to make that so bad it was framed up so pretty get up this is yeah this is not good for us right now what you got like a birdie p and we clean it up and you’re about to go to for I’m at one or two I’ll try to come back gosh see that’s really bad for us see cuz ger was the only a couple bag yeah oh my good not your turn it’s all right yeah nice bird thanks buddy great butt nice the hardest putts are 25 Footers for for bogey for B you missed something oh yeah oh no doubt you you don’t you don’t believe anything’s going to work you’re like well nice double hole 8 is a par 4 811 ft over the water to where our camera guy Josh there’s walking to anything from where he is to the right pretty good shot people will go a little bit farther too by like those uh geese and then from there you’re going to heer around the Fairway to the basket it looks like obviously all OB is just this water line and there’s probably a painted line I don’t know where that that’s I think I’m going to just Chuck this at the trees and just let it go over there Chuck it so Julie’s at 4 I’m I’m back down to one I think I’m at one I think I’ve been kind of on a prime machine after I was a bogey machine after I I did what you did I got all the birdies early and then I went back popped off three in a row thought I was doing yeah you you were and then I got boogies oh boy dude this that brings great fear to my oh it’s not bad senses that’s kind of crazy though you could just be in that stuff and you have such a long second and you just have no run up or anything yeah but it’d be tough for me to get there with a good drive you guess that makes sense on your second yeah with this wind yeah it’s a tough tough wind right now please come back to me I don’t have a disc that I really want to lose either yeah that’s the problem that’s a nice shot there silus nice syus heck yeah that’ll do nice it’s really good great shot buddy dude those Halo bosses are no joke bro dude me and you were kind of dressed the same almost yeah you always been you always been going after this whole Earth Tone aesthetic which I dig I’m a big earthy tone guy I’m trying to be but I do wear just black a lot you know head Flip Flip fli Flip Flip Flip Flip Flip more flip more second lost this dude that sucks uh the fact that he didn’t Flinch was the the giveaway just float baby get J I think you crossed like maybe right here like 80 ft just kidding yeah you’re probably not wrong no you might have crossed there I’m going go a little safer than that hopefully I can’t lose this guy dude and this water this is a lose your disc type of Waterway which is crazy it like goes Super steep does it yeah oh at least over here I don’t not many people lose their disc up there yeah but they will this year that’s true oh gosh did you like that one of course I do it’s a Hal AOS oh yeah but you should have a billion you have like 20 Nice Shot yes nice is that too far or perfect who cares if it’s too far dude oh my gosh who cares if it’s too far go too far yeah go I challenge you yeah let’s not let’s not lose this one all right I’m kind of down right now on my artillery kind of in between clubs here sigh oh that’s a that’s a Zone dude zone or cppy rappy oh um because of the windies I’m not Brad dude cppy rappy Brad says cppy rappy oh but that’s all you dog what such a just I mean mean delicate too delicate a little too delicate I thought it was there though honestly me too me too see that’s what happens with the Zone a lot of action better result but yeah it’s a little scary in it made my heart rate different things which isn’t helpful yeah cap WP I was like oh that’s good oh it is short okay fine that’s yeah dude I started throwing up shots with like the mutant and the splice and it feels like nothing bad can happen you know it’s exactly confidence booster yeah it feels like it’s got a magnet to the basket they’re just going to kind of go there you yeah good one not the best putt what’s it like being the guy that makes all the putts in the circle now yeah how does that feel what is that like it’s great man of many words I mean it’s like weird because there’s a lot more pressure that comes with circle putts now cuz everyone just expects you to make all the time yeah kind of well I expect it too which is weird cuz then you battle your mind you’re like you’re probably going to miss it and I’m like dude come on like shut up why would you say that to me right now lit putting but here’s the thing with putting yeah good is it starts with I believe this I think you have to kind of manifest it into saying stuff outrageous out loud a bunch over and over okay yeah like for years I kept telling myself like no I’m I’m a great putter I’m a great Putter and I would say it out loud and then I would be like eventually I will be the greatest Putter and I would keep saying it and then once the skill set matches the mind and you do it for a while it becomes easier to accept you just trust it more I would say of course you like sound crazy for a long time right but it’s like almost a false confidence that becomes reality I would say I feel like that’s the name of your autobiography yeah maybe false confidence that becomes a reality yeah that’s a beautiful book title I think all right hole 9 406 ft we got a water carry um and it’s up in the trees this is like should be a pretty routine Hiser to get you in the circle at the bucket um this is one you’re trying to get that’s pretty wide swing B that’s too far Maybe you want to check that md3 here oh yeah I’ll put the md3 in there I’ll Ace it with the md3 dude that would be nasty put on Instagram I am back to even Steven oh I got a bird I think I’m at two now oh gosh is that a headwind it feels like a wind that I don’t that kind of make sense whoa can I clear yes you can okay can I clear it kick it yes you can not the other day didn’t tribe can I clear it yes you can can can I clear it one skip can I park it yes you can nice one second that could have gone in I think with a little if it was like hard packed dirt right there yeah I can see it if there was a little concrete square you skip off whoa wow back foot slipped and I caught the disc crazy I hit my chest and caught it off the rebound what yeah my titty hurts hey that’d be crazy if you really went like this that hurt talk about the lag boy C the regrip o straight headwind now can I kick it I don’t know what on Earth I was even thinking you thought it was straighte probably not to slip try right just catch it bro I was you can have this disc what the heck if you want I mean wow oh come on okay oh that was sick jeez bro that was nice all right it’s it’s fine I was like please don’t be our very first ever lost congratulations Joe Smith you won but you got to go swimming to get it dunked in the water we know exactly where it’s at I should have put that in the breakdown of like don’t go left of the basket it’s kind of not the not the move oh he’s going sidearm roller like a psycho uhoh why is it going so far you you’re fine you’re on the edge okay it’s in there dang thought I was going to get one on yeah I got to I got to hold you off I’m what you have five if you make that or no let’s not take another please I don’t know I just play the I just had the camera tell me what I’m at so dumb just so cliche no I’m playing no I just hey one shot at a time buddy did you grab my Fundy no let me hey allow me though no I got it I got I got I just all right could see it [Music] all right that’s going to wrap up the front nine you’ll shooting five four five think five where’d you shoot I don’t know five down I think I was just playing the course like oh so so she I want to quit now who have say it what’ you end up at in the front I think I’m at three 300 in the front um right behind them me at one over uh tough finishing holes for me but uh I guess the only new hold that we’ve seen so far is just whole eight this one’s about to be new this one’s about to be new too but uh but ho eight was the only like change in the front mhm and it’s a tough power for like it yeah I’m a fan but yeah fun course any notes catch us on the back n to see this new one also we didn’t mention on the front nine uh on the intro at least but we got this md3 that you can win stus is throwing this thing nice nice little Sparkle md3 too we’ll sign this after the round and you know how to win this already has a bir on it already has a bir yeah yeah hold two um first shot yeah what you got what do you got to do to win it you just got to be a member of our patreon and it enters you into an opportunity to win it so check that out and we got n holes for you to go here at the berserk y go [Music] right [Music]


  1. Living in Baton Rouge I've seen Silas play at our local course a few times, (from afar) and it really put it into perspective how good these guys are, guy was a beast

  2. you're gunna let jerm and uli say all that and then NOT give us the replay when he asks for it?

  3. My very 1st tournament, on my Birthday weekend. Probably shouldn't have been playing an B (may have been A) teir as Intermediate.
    I had never played the entire course, went sprinting up the wrong way, eventually doubled back and found hole 12, seconds before my card started.
    Almost aced 😂
    And missed my put for birdie. That was the 1st event that I saw Chris Dickerson win. (He had Conrad length of run up back then) Volunteer State championship 2014

  4. Can we please get a partnership between udisc and jomez as to when my card has a star frame udisc plays the jomez star frame gingle @jomez

  5. I swear i made him slip with my mind.. making me sit through that excessively long story that I already knew the ending to

  6. Could you guys like say like a few more times like I don't know if you like said it like enough

  7. 39:55 I started balding when i was 17 and a nice old bald man told me once: "God created a few heads perfect and the rest he covered in hair". 👴

  8. it's not a petrified range finder. it's a peice of black volcanic glass that has no business being on a Minnesota fairway. he should have looked under it.

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