Rating My Followers golf Bag (Episode #15)

Rating My Followers golf Bag (Episode #15)

In this episode, I’m rating my followers’ golf bags! Watch to see some of the best golf bags out there and get inspired for your next round.

welcome back Al rating one of my followers golf bags um this one there’s a lot of things we can fix um it’s definitely an older bag I’m assuming he a higher handicap he’s got the pxg I hate them but if you can find them for like 60 70 bucks great driver but paying 400 500 I don’t think so he does have the 10 and a half Loft which is great if he’s a beginner he also has an Exotics 3-wood yeah man uh it’s just a cheaper golf bag I think you get like a Callaway Rogue go to Callaway pre-own you’ll get some killer deals like 80 90 bucks it’ll last you for like 9 10 years all day every day um looks like he’s got a big berth uh I can’t tell that’s a three hybrid or four hybrid great club actually one of your better Woods you probably don’t need to upgrade that yet and then you do have some what are those Titus ap3s um yeah they look a little cooked um you got five through wedge n brother you got an a wedge get a normal wedge keep it through pitching wedge maybe you got a killer deal on the wedges and you already had that but oh I absolutely hate it um I would get another wedge looks like you got some older Cleveland RT XS in there check the grooves make sure they’re not cooked because if they’re cooked um you’re not going to get the same Spin and then that putter man that putter you need to upgrade your putter man go to PJ Superstore there’s tons of deals that’s basically a $10 putter man it’s a blade get them outet and that golf bag with a circle thing in the middle oh that is ugly that is ugly I do love a good putter well but um yeah overall lot of upgrad you can definitely do if you guys interested send in your golf bag I’ll rate it it’s all in good fun

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