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Mimico Mountaineers at Oakville Buzz – June 19, 2024 | OJLL

The Ontario Junior Lacrosse League (OJLL), established in 1933, is a Canadian men’s box lacrosse league that has operated under the Ontario Lacrosse Association (OLA) since the 1800s. The league, comprising 11 teams located in Ontario, is the top provider of talent to the National Lacrosse League (NLL), and is considered the most competitive junior men’s box lacrosse league in the world.

e [Music] could get a little it’s Friday night we push that we’re living on our time yeah downtown sou your in a Cil l d the boys and NES noise it’s Dealers Choice so pick your place of poison good evening and welcome to the Toronto Rock Athletics Center Andre onterio Junior Lacrosse League game of the week fueled by Gatorade Matthew Carrick and Jonathan donville Jonathan absolutely nothing is happening this is the only game to worry about no other news as far as I know MD a lot of our fans have been online today they’ve seen the news we understand there’s an appeal process that is still to take place uh you know so we’ll kind of leave it at that you know you and I travel around Ontario All Summer Long watching a lot of these games and the goal is not to talk about stuff off the floor right that’s not why we got into this that’s not why we love doing this we want to keep the focus on the players as it’s been so far this summer as it hopefully will be as we March towards the MTO cup we appreciate our viewers Maddie for sticking with us throughout this season spending your week nights with us it means a lot to us we appreciate you doing it yet again and this should be a good one amen nothing to add to that except for the fact that with today’s news mimo woke up in third place a chance with a win here just down the street Orangeville and Burlington in action if Orangeville loses mimo wins the double blue are in first place however it is the yellow and black third jerseys of the Oakville Buzz going right to left away from Evan constant topless with first possession here and as they bring it down and you’ll get a good look at one of the leading scorers number 14 will shien he’ll leave for Charlie Boone the rookie here first this is Shen who crashes back in little yellow flare on his gloves puts it back up top Riley Ford shot off of Nate Wham and up and out of play the officials did discuss John Vander geese and Mark Sans and Kyle couter Riley Ford not related to Josh Ford that was corrected I was corrected last week they were both fantastic in that game glot of movement here on the cree Shen in across the Boon and they call it off to a crease violation good look by Shen one of the slickest players in the league secondary scoring is going to be the story for this Oakville team Sheen’s been great all year Brian Jackman’s been solid as their kind of second guy there but there’s no doubt about it they need to find more goals in more ways one of the biggest omissions for Oakville no Jake right in the lineup tonight for mimo no Justin tovarus as they work it down to Kyle Waters first good chance for mimo out of the way yeah and fans who may or may not have seen a lot of mimo this year one of the biggest offensive groups you’re going to see Waters and D domain especially on that left side and also a lot of 21y olds on this team this is a team that’s built for a Deep Run they’ve been one of the best teams in the OJ all year long a lot of sides up [Applause] front Xander duratz up top here to Jake dwick he’ll cut the corner in front to Jameson Steel another rookie kind of mirror images of the two teams where you’ve got a whole ton of Veteran guys on the visiting bench of mimo and a lot of rookies especially up front on offense for Oakville who are about to go down a man as Finn Thompson shoots Too Many Men call here on the breakout for the buzz we we’ve talked about it throughout the summer but look for finner to be aggressive on this power play a guy who likes to feed the ball as most great players do uh looks for his own shot a little bit more I like how they play him at the top of the power play versus the shooter really gives them the option to kind of shoot her pass here and he’s got a lot of different releases we’ve seen him op for that bouncer cheese top cheese throughout the summer on the power play uh you know constant top was in the goal presents some problems not a lot of net to shoot at you know you really got to pick a good spot Ryan Clark the not sure the inhome the player who’s going to serve anyways just signed out of Huntsville a junior C player now signed with the Oakville Buzz D to main up top low shot Evan conston topless Buffalo Bandits draft picked from the most recent draft making the save and this is something else we’ve seen from mimo throughout the year a dominant for check they accomplish it a little different ways we’ve seen this from beaches as well which is really fth and Palmer kind of a oneman show creating turnovers mimo does it by committee they get on the cross check force you into the boards and they can create a lot of turn and they score a lot of goals off it surprised you didn’t mention Finn Thompson when you mentioned all the big boys in that offense as they try to go quick stick back to Alex rousell on the crease this time I was thinking more of the lefties but you’re absolutely right Thompson on the big side Justin Lee on the big side and Rell number three plays bigger than he is right here got the ball again Alex not to shoot as he’ll bring it back out with a minute and 5 seconds remaining on this power play Dain and Finn Thompson bit of a hidden ball play although it’s right up top the no look pass to rousell trying to return it back to Isaiah Moran weeks bounces away Thompson a couple fakes before the shot comes through and Conant topless makes the save rebound here for Eric McDonald nearly picked off that’s Nate McDonald excuse me damain providing the high screen Shen going to go one-on-one here with Ang mcdell his younger brother Aiden not in the lineup tonight either for mimo you’re right that little skip shot nearly got under the arm of Wham there there’s not a good sign if it’s your goalie and you can see him really trying to squeeze after the ball’s in there that’s an uncomfortable position for a goalie to be in when you’re not fully sure where the ball is that was a nice save Sheen is so Dynamic Thompson Wheels off the top goes around the screen from Lee shoots off the back of Thomas Bagnell that ball goes up out of play and only a couple ticks left here in the power play yeah rousell getting back to watch the guy out of the box smart play by mimo so we’re back to even strength here Thompson put it in the corner now cuts through shot constant topis another save mimo five shots on that power play rousell over for damain his low shots hits off a leg that’s Eric McDonald who elects not to chase it down going to go off for a change here and probably feeling it a little bit good eat don’t rub it rousell to damain into the corner all of that on the shot clock of mimo which is down to 5 Seconds Moran weeks takes it and constant stands in again a good sign if you’re a fan of the buzz I think Moran weeks is a guy who’s been important to this team might not get the recognition he deserves but will get the recognition he deserves as this uh as we progress deeper in the summer into the playoffs just gives him a a a different element is also an older guy with college experience at the at High Point University I I really like his Game Twist shot from Ford as he cut through with him forced to make his fourth save of the game here five minutes in minor games going on next to us we saw the you13 Hawks and their coach blae Manning forming the victory tunnel looks like some Bramton excels fans taking in the game down here as well as a skip shot from Finn Thompson hits off the oi you know a lot of the same trends that we saw in the beaches game that we called last week MADD Oakville sitting back in the hole allowing those outside shots a big golender it’s a good strategy you know one thing that I didn’t mention last time is when you’re so tight like that it does make it hard to get the loose balls cuz you’re in tight so when the ball bounces out to the boards it’s hard to contest them and we’ve seen mimo with a significant shot Advantage we saw the same thing in beaches last week in their last four games they’ve hit 80 shots 80 or more twice in their last four from the outside Waters breaks the [Applause] ice yeah a matter of time here before this one went in 5 and 1 half into this game the shots unofficially here 11 to four wat is one of the old guys or the 21 yearolds on this team a great seal I believe that’s camponi sets the pick and then Waters reaches around and then pulls it back that’s really in the wrist to pull the ball back to the short side at the last second when you give up these shots it’s only matter of time before some they start going in obviously they had to kill a penalty in there so the shots you know throughout the early going a little bit twisted but a bit of a trend here Ben mcisaac across the timeline picked up that face off jogging in after it Jacob Keller rolled just too far and Oakville will come out with it here’s McAlpine Sheen trailing the play McAlpine finally with the matching shoes to the jerseys there you go one for one color there right on the money only took a 11 games Mel Pine from outside by the way speaking of name bars how does Shen not have one I I know this is the third kit but let’s go here just wait till someone checks out hit the name on the back of his jersey won’t find anything there and we’re we’re right back to the drawing board damain has helped coming off the bench Justin Lee puts on the brakes now it’s back into the corner damain looking for help Waters will step up throw the pick now rolls towards the crease five of the shot coock Gets behind his man and that cut through save was made by constantopoulos meanwhile Ryan Clark is cut behind everybody Clark all alone shoots off wh him rebound to Oakville however and Brian Jackman going to slow things down yeah Jackman a real skilled guy we saw him with that one-handed behind the back loose ball earlier this month one of the you know more skilled plays we’ve seen Frankly Speaking of Xander durat scored that that between the leg shot so some skilled guys up front here yeah there’s Jackman I was just about to say when dirats touched it speaking of skill plays big hit in the corner that’s Nate McDonald the Junior B AP with the big hit on Jameson steel pretty good start for Oakville All Things Considered obviously we mentioned the shots not going their way but uh you know keeping them for the most part to the outside and had a couple good looks up front Thompson had to keep that ball from going over and back he’ll now pass it off to Ryan Stein who’s being chased all the way back and outside the restraining line by Josh Ford Stein On The Run finds the man in front and the little cheeky release gets it past constantopoulos a a great play here from Ryan Stein if you’ve been following with us you know this so apologies for repeating myself but he’s an American player plays his college ball at Utah was I believe the ason player of the year uh for the UT this year just kind of beat P his man I think I think oaki may have created a little bit of offense for them kind of sliding up field more of a field across term uh you know but kind of fitting for a field across player and Steins and feeds it in to Lee uh a pretty slick finish by Lee if Lee can score when he’s playing with with Finn and all these good lefties if he can finish you know that’s really going to be an X Factor for this team especially on things like the power play he’s going to get his looks as teams have to play Finn so tight you know he’s an xfactor he’s a guy who can play all over the floor mimico fans are familiar with him one of many of these players who’ve been around this team for a long time he’s a good player the other story line to keep an eye on I know you said we’re not going to focus on off floor stuff but trade deadline and roster deadline coming up Finn Thompson into the corner here couple additions already for Oakville we talked about Ryan Clark number 20 Eddie fared signed out of the waiver pool already had his first scrap and it was a doozy by the sounds of it out in St Catherine’s yeah St Catherine sending Noah Snider today uh 2 six nations in a deal as well kind of kicking off trade season actually that one happened last night Noah Snider played and I think got three points yeah he did started off for the arrows yeah with a bang for six nations I think the BC deadline is a little bit later typically than Ontario so this kind of starts trade season around the country obviously you know a lot of east west movement expect to see some of these guys out in BC and Alberta at the end of the year Finn Thompson the cork screw shot constant topless with the save but then the big steel Thompson gets it back shoots again and another big save from the Oakville [Music] goenda West movement we’re going to get at the deadline because there’s a lot of teams who believe they’re in it and believe they were in it before today yeah and you know you just kind of Wonder they don’t want to give up their veterans who are normally the guys that see graduating seniors who would go so you may have to look to a different Province if you’re trying to add it’s it’s much for sure and I think there’s a few reasons for that you know especially with with what happened today not exactly a clear team at the top but there’s also no negative outlier on the bottom you know it was it’s not atypical in a junior a season to see a team with zero or one wins as Barker gets a breakway it’s Barker behind everybody water is doing his best to try and catch up but Barker all by himself has ran through the crease and will touch up to get the Stop and restart on the subject of of the East West kitum is really putting together an impressive season out west Jack Cas their goal it’s a game a name to know had a shut out earlier this year goodness has been you know really effective out there they host the MTO Cup this summer so obviously loading up Pat Coy’s back on the bench lacrosse fans are familiar with his resume so who whoever gets out of Ontario has a couple good teams waiting for him Lee back across campan again will put it down low and a big hit there there to knock Isaiah Moran weeks into the crease I want to say that was William Kirk [Applause] me heads up heads up heads up pit coming off the bench here’s can you tell I’m an no guy yes from the outside dancing around no room for Riley Ford trying to create some got run over ball still up for grab with the shot clock going to go here against the buzz as Sheen picked up he was expecting a reset I think that was the right call with the no reset there unless I missed something I didn’t see any shot I didn’t see possession change which I think is what Sheen would have asked for but I agree with the three officials veteran crew today as we said and dudam man will go up to capti big high step then the shot bounc just past Lee then campan as well Barker has it again and again they’re looking down floor Bagels there but so are two mimo Defenders oille had some numbers there I didn’t quite realize that they were open but mimo got away for a little bit of a lazy change I think Jackman outside steel will set the screen as it comes across the dirats five in the shot clock durat shot pass the screen this one’s going to bounce all the way back to do and maak gives him a little bit extra afterwards yeah I think if you’re Oakville here the question is how how can we just get some good shots some you know maybe we’re looking for a shots how can we get some b b plus shots just to to test the mimo goal tender in there a really good start here by the mimo defense but but pucks on net so to speak is is not the worst strategy damain sends that one in onto the Oakville net Bagel to Jackman keeping one eye over on the mimo bench where Finn Thompson was going for a walk back and forth a little bit seen a couple guys already in the direction of the trainer uh very hot past couple days here in Ontario with heat advisories as Shen backs into pressure under five the shot clock and Begley did a good job to stop his man now back down the other away Vincent on the run his shot goes wide so you worry about about cramping you worry about stomachs you worry about all kinds of stuff if you’re not hydrated properly but thankful we’re here and uh not at the Orangeville Burlington game Pat Gregoire I wonder what the over under is on the temperature inside the oven tonight we’re starting to get to that time of year right everything in Ontario just gets ratcheted up as we get deeper into the summer the play gets better uh you know the whistle get a little more hesitant maybe with from the referees the slashes get a little bit tougher and obviously the heat just kind of accelerates it all up to Finn Thompson bad time to mention we’re in Bramton on Friday Thompson Skipper from up top that goes in and constant Tois will jump on the rebound sticks come up between M denell and Eric McDonald I think they’re only going to pull out Mell here excuse me Angus the Dallas Stars draft pick oaka heading to their first power play here obviously not breaking any news Shen’s going to be the headliner just a bit of a rough behind the play for M denell you know kind of on Q mat he probably won in in late June or Late July that’s play on probably something that uh that gets you some support from the crowd instead of a penalty Jackman to the corner he’ll get it back a number of fakes all this is opening shooting space for Sheen they elect to go to McAlpine on the crease faking to Sheen back to meline that’s off the Stick of Justin Lee out there killing a penalty to be clear that wasn’t a criticism either I I’m I’m all in favor of cutting out the after the whistle stuff and cleaning up the summer game and I think we’ve done that over the last few years uh but it’s just a reality that that it will get get harder and harder as as the summer goes on Lee going end to end after that block takes the shot and he’ll stay on to kill another portion of this penalty already a 47 second shift back and forth three times he’s now going to step in and watch Sheen set up again off to his right hand side now the pick comes from McAlpine tried to return it back and Jackman steps up ball rolls out not far enough for the over and back although the shot clock is down desperation shot does not hit Whit him before it goes up and out of play so it will be mimical ball Maddie I think uh you know calling this game with you is a great way to spend a Wednesday night I hope our viewers are having a great Wednesday night playing against Aaron UI does not seem like a fun way to spend a Wednesday night whatsoever and I mean that in the greatest respect possible he’s uh one of the best defenders in the OJ had a good stick on that last one and uh you know much like his brother is is very very hard to play against in all the right ways I’m I’m going to pretend that that was about me that calling with me was the the way you want to spend the Wednesday not just you know watching a game call in it in the air conditioning it was okay good thanks feel free to agree or disagree in the YouTube chat by the way tail end of this power play 10 seconds left for Oakville Sheen’s got it cross floor’s got to be careful here as the penalty expires don’t want to make a turnover Mell will come back in as he’s back on the floor Shen saw it rim to the net bounced around in the feet of Whit him he’s pointing down floor where Mell is gone but no room for Vincent to get it down there with only four left to go in the period two nothing mimo lead yeah Sheen’s got a deep back but as I mentioned last week that tow drag underneath is really what he wants to do so goalie is going to have to make some saves in those down the alley low angle didn’t look super comfortable on that last one but he still made the save maell back door looking for Justin Lee Ball’s been bouncing around ever since and lands at the feet of waters Barker there to pick up tail into the shot clock come back up to Bagnell who clears Center pardon me that was Cody Meritt not Barker on the loose ball Riley Ford out to The Far Side lefties working through it’s Jackman trying to shovel it across the dirats and the number times already in this first period mimo’s got a stick in the lane and knocked it down Keller nearly turned it into transition look out here as the race is on and an 8sec violation called against mimo Shen getting back to dock now over into the corner Ford turns back here to McAlpine good switch by UI there Far Side dock big two-hand chop in the middle on meline arm of the official goes High mimo is going to go back to the Penalty Box and it comes via shot clock violation but it also comes at the tail end of a Long offensive shift for guys like dwick and Shen who do play a lot on the power play mat we we’ve talked about you know a lot of the adversity that other teams have faced around the league mimo went through their own patch recently there was 6-0 lost three in a row you know kind of out of nowhere the offense went real quiet there especially defensively uh you know they they looked excellent this year having a wakeup call for a good team not the worst thing in the world uh you know they I’m sure they’d prefer a little bit more production offensively throughout the first uh you know few minutes here but they’ve dominated this period no question about it she to Jackman his twist shot off the foot of UI over into the corner he’s down by maak meline behind the back opens a shot for Shen who scores and now our viewers will be treated to the best goal song in the ojl do you know what this is yet no no I did some homework and found out okay take us through the replay and then I’ll I’ll I’ll uh fill you in good play by Jackman the the key is really uh you know they get it fished out of the corner the key is is this behind the back pass by McAlpine pretty slick play by Jack when you get it there btb Sheen goes worm burner underhand through the five hole Squirtle saxophone okay all right could have given me 10,000 guesses and I wouldn’t have got there big Pokemon guy Jonathan donville big Pokemon guy here’s two main working it outside the fan and I mean shots showing 19-7 for Oakville but just two one where it counts really not indicative at all of the story as a couple shots there from mimo damain will pull out of the crease after collecting another loose ball and these are the ones that even if they don’t score here it makes a difference in the third period right it’s just a well good seal there twoe to main On The Run sidearm shot and cleanly caught by constant topis just so solid in that net man even the last time we were here against beaches a low score ing game came down right to the wire before Greg Palmer scored here’s Durk hats to Sheen Dirk out sets the screen Shen to the cage and bounces it just why they do call it reset MacIsaac in there looking for mimo as is tuuri McDonald ties his man up big Rugby scrum for and somehow toy still has it backs into pressure turns Andes oh man that was going to be super sized Happy Meal stuff right there Happy Meal the burger was on the on the the fry or The Griddle could practically taste the french fries just couldn’t quite finish it off I’m going for ice cream after this game there’s no there’s going to be no Burger man it’s too hot duratz from the outside meline we’re down to 30 seconds left here in the period durat goes back across to Jackman late change coming off this Oakville bench to the crease Jackman with a couple Defenders on him Whit him picks it up and the bench calls timeout yeah we we said we weren’t going to talk about the news because we want to talk about more important things like the best uh postgame snacks in the Box Lacrosse it has to be uh the large freezy the foot long freezy I don’t care if you’re four or 40 those things will always hit the spot here so you’re trying to stir up social media today man goodness 20 seconds left here mimo power play or Mim six on five excuse me obviously they’re going to hold it to the end we saw Oakville last week play these pretty straight up not try to shut at least not to start on fth I would probably expect that to be the same on Thompson but uh what we did see last week was was Barker especially really reading the play well and being quick to jump whatever action they had so I think look for probably more of that from Oakville they’re going to hold their spot until the play starts and then try to be aggressive kind of at the last second out of town Orangeville and Burlington tag 22 of course that one has bearing on this game and peterb Lakers 3-1 on top of St Catherine’s after the 2042 km Trek the longest you can make in the ojl this evening C India will start with the ball back in mimo territory net empty as he carries it across Center to two to main Thompson getting worked over in the middle 10 on the clock now they go into the corner it’s Waters oh plays on here a lot of collisions finally Thompson works out with it sidearm picked up by constantopoulos still with time but not enough to get the shien or the net as our first period ends 2-1 for mimo yeah good look there for for Finn that’s that’s all you can really hope for on a six on five a good save this game has been extremely similar to the one we saw last week the question is how long can Oakfield play this style you know sitting back allowing the outside shots they they got to clear it better but obviously 21’s a good score against one of the best offenses best teams in the league it’ll be interesting to see how this one plays out over the next 40 minutes as you said pretty much all mimo that first period scoreboard doesn’t show it as it’s only a one-goal lead you’re watching the Ontario junior Lacrosse League game of the week fueled by Gatorade second period comes your way in 9 and a half minutes [Music] [Music] [Music] Gatorade with electrolytes to help replenish what’s lost in sweat carbs to help fuel your working muscles and fluids to help you hydrate scientifically formulated so you never stop competing goise up one time go get it yours shine come on rehydrate replenish refuel [Music] Gatorade you can catch the fun with lacrosse Canada’s national summer sport everyone can experience the excitement of Lacrosse where fun meets Fitness and friends are made lacrosse is one of the youngest organized Sports children can play and with 66 clubs throughout Ontario everyone can get in on the fun visit play our interactive map will help you find find a Lacrosse Club in your area join the Ontario lacrosse Community today ask a parent before going [Music] online e e e e e e e e e e e e e teams are back out for the second period here at the Toronto Rock Athletics Center as we get you set as well mimo actually just getting onto the floor Oakville has been on their bench for quite some time as they Trail 2-1 after that first period although the shots I think tell a bigger story Jonathan 22 to10 in favor of mimo who had a great period on both ends of the floor in that first yeah it’s really just about converting now that that I think was a a good blueprint just the one power play goal against a bunch of good looks uh mimo I think will look to push the pace a little bit here in this period did want to say MD while we have a chance uh you’ve been doing great work with the Oakville Rock All Summer uh you know obviously a bit of a scary one here on Monday I think a lot of folks have heard that story uh you know just want to send my personal best wishes our best wishes to Callum Jones understand he’s recovering at home and uh you know we wish you the best and hope to see you back on the floor real soon yeah definitely a uh scary situation here on mon Monday night and uh last night as well different different injury but Sim same similar story excuse me out in Whitby uh so to the Warriors and uh their player we send our thoughts as well we’re seeing an ejection here I think yeah coach of Oakville being asked to leave on sportsmanlike penalty coming out I don’t know I mean that came out of nowhere huh that’s a quick uh it’s pretty quiet in here we can we can hear dog barking I hear that we can hear most things and and worth mentioning Troy corly not on the bench for this game yeah matella now also not on the bench Rob Hudson will be running the show here you know if you’re going to have a guy run the show one man banned Rob Hudson’s a good guy to do it he can play out both doors a versa player who’s who’s played an elite level offensively and defensively not the worst guy to man both doors Thompson a couple fakes due to me no look Lee returning it to Moran weeks the ball movement of this mimical power play is a sight to behold every time they get on the floor didn’t connect that time but they’ll get a second opportunity Thompson want to go straight over the top it hit off Bal Moran weeks will pick it up in the corner Thompson D to main back the big man behind the back Lee Thompson damain again no look Lee rolls it through carbon copy of his first goal big offensive players with slick mits is a good combination Lee’s going to give it up to Thompson over to dud man and then just a little bit of a cut here Lee does a good job of just staying in there just just quick rist just flicks it under the goenda worth mentioning on the subject of the coaching Tanner Thompson also not on the bench a two-man staff tonight for mimo if Dean George or Jeff Ivy get kicked out of this game then we got a kind of a braveart coaches match up you know they’re dropping like flies I still don’t know what that was about I mean it was quick unless something was said beforehand like I said Oakville was out a bit before Mimo so unless they were looking for the I don’t know delay a game call just walk behind us and go over and ask here’s Steins Thompson rolls to the crease after the pick and didn’t connect so that’s the easiest save that constantopoulos will make tonight as it bounces into his crease Eric McDonald leaves here for Shen down in the corner Jake dock always have to make sure now that I am calling those MSL games I got the right Jay dock involved good set piece there by Oakville that was schemed up for Jackman the whole way goes for the behind the back shot good look that’s what they need more of those good looks triple team in the ball carrier strips it Aiden mcdanel pulls back down facing Barker the return pass Vincent’s shot saved bounces right back to Mell though from the seat of his pants tries to go to Vincent and it’s going to drop down in front of Matthew kirm Vincent one of the many Syracuse guys in the league you could tell exactly who they are because of those orange mitts they stick out if you’re a qes fan they stick out in a great way if you’re maybe a fan of a different Upstate school that wears red and is right up the road from Syracuse they stick out in a a less great way which one would that be can’t remember okay Jack meline shot forced High and up into the screening Here Comes Begley speaking of the the nice yellow mi from Begley Drexel dragons no problem with those out from the corner Moran weeks Justin Lee has popped out of the pile I think Waters wears purple ones although this is due to meain Waters might have switched them up tonight they look a little bit darker than normal as that one bounces into the crease yeah Waters plays his college ball at St Joe’s one of many Canadians there many very talented Canadians guy Levi Anderson just graduated playing in the pl I think is going to have a long career in both professional leagues he’s a grown man has been for a long time Levi ver another very talented Canadian Toren eckelstone uh this year a lot of good players why do they have so many Canadians well in part their coach Taylor Ray one of two Canadian head coaches three Canadian head coaches excuse me in the NCAA tournament this year with Matt Brown and Gary gate really you know one of the leaders of the Canadian lacrosse uh in the field game especially Lee into the corner Thompson pushes it through capan Moran weeks there set in the screen Thompson cutting through and again they can’t find him that’s twice that Thompson’s been alone on the top of the crease Barker now being swor by that mimo triple team already got one strip out of the way this time they’ll get the 8sec count another chance for Finn Thompson and Company Thompson behind the back to Lee reaching through looking for the hattrick thought it might have been in but boy it looked good it looked good from here those long that Long Reach when he can reach it around the goalie in tight really special you’re talking off camera about Dan Dawson he’s a guy who really did that for a long time reached round goal he’s in tight Lee has the ability with his height to do a thing Wham stands his ground against Shen had it roll into the left glove Too Many Men call the [Music] games I think they pointed at mimo just uh an error on the bench I think so they didn’t have numbers so it wasn’t a case of trying to get the breakway I don’t think Oakfield going back to the power play here Sheen did score on the last one off a bit of a broken play for for Rob Hudson you got a lot to figure out now you got to figure out who’s going out the back door what you’re running on the power play what are you doing for the time a lot to figure out with just a oneman band on the bench right now this is probably the easiest part of the equation ball starts with Will Sheen it should probably get back to him too I mean we’re joking about it but it is true your your best player let him shoot Mell not going to let that happen here’s Shen fakes a couple times Mel Pine he rips forced High heads up Mark sans’s in the corner Jackman there to pick it up he got Riley Ford tried to force it to Shen instead it’s off his stick and Mell chasing it down in front of his bench has Ben macac with him here’s the pass the shot and constant topis the save on the two-on-one should have reverse transition going back here good Hustle by Mimo Bagnal not wanting to force it with the power play She into Jackman Ford will take the creas spot this time as will dirats on the far side it’s McAlpine in the yellow shoes setting the screen for sh and that one skips just wide good seal by McAlpine made that possible though Jackman lost control of it right at Center was more focused I think on macki who’s got a second chance and he scores [Applause] we’ve talked about it throughout the summer the idea of winning the whistle being ready when the restart happens we have quick restarts now in the ojl uh you know credit to Mimo that the first guy who ends up scoring doesn’t even look for the ball he just takes off I think is that Vincent Maddy scoring the goal he didn’t even wait for the ball he just took off let the man behind him scoop it up Threw It Forward head Mand it win the whistle and mimo steals a shorty here and it feels with the goal differential every goal that goes by just you know Oak needs one soon you don’t want to let this thing get it’s at three now when it gets to 456 just with the the game Flow here you know feels like you might be in top so next goal feels big here well I think with the two defenses that we have here tonight and the goal tenders we knew that goals were going to be hard to come by as we look at dock right on the crease he got drilled mimo is going to go to the box here from the outside Sheen shot off the end boards constant topis should go right away here Ben five here’s steel Jackman excuse me Sheen heads up that one up into the private box yeah if you want to know what it feels like to play against Aaron UI ask Jake dwick right here right there not so fun no not as fun as listening to Squirtle saxophone and the nice air conditioned Upper Deck here at the Toronto Rock atletics we only got you one play count tonight so far off 14 shots from Oakville but as you said like the two defenses that we’ve got tonight and goenda knew that goals might be hard to come by but at the same time when you have good goal tenders on both ends that that they tend to be tighter scores as well so I wouldn’t say that either team yeah I think if you’re Oak feel like that last power play Bagnell pulled it out to wait for the power play I think just tell him to go you know it’s been hard enough uh mimo does a really good job and getting in lanes and getting their sticks and gloves disrupting passes and shots you know you’re kind of playing with a little bit house money you’re already down you need goals any way you can get them I get you don’t maybe want to get up and down with with mimo and all their Firepower up front but you’re going to have to take a chance at some point well perhaps right here Barker’s going to be the safety valve up top of the five on three Jackman to the crease gets it back across everybody Mel by quick stick down low what a save Whit him as Riley Ford was right on the crease Jackman shei and Ford again up high Whit him across and can’t make the second save called in the crease though no they’re going to say Ford was was in the crease yes on the near side oh he’s going to get right back he might have a third chance though will Ford but Wham six save by Whit I can’t even use my normal wise crack of you got to bounce your quick six cuz he did Wham just got his foot to the far pipe Sheen’s going to chase this one towards the timeline not over and back but only t on the shot clock now out of the corner Durk hats took a chop here’s Shen goes back to for his third time the charm won’t shoot to find out they go to Shen instead and he scores [Applause] I like this release from Shen he’s stuck with that underhand a lot tonight he scored his first goal as the song goes and you’re going to see him start as if he’s going to catch it from forward he’s going to start as if he’s going underhand and then Yank It Up top around up top around his Defender to the short side that’s a hard one for Wham to pick up he’s probably looking to find it through the legs and all of a sudden it’s coming fast and hard off his defense ‘s ear that’s what the good goal scorers [Applause] do mimo control the face off after Ford lost it over in the corner yeah a ball don’t lie situation there for Oakville too I think probably the right call against Ford but obviously a frustrating one to take the goal off and then they get it right back not sure if that was still on the power play or not but Sheen outside shots on the power play H have contributed to the first two goals here have have been the first two goals [Applause] exactly one minute after the penalty to URI oh check the game notes John here’s duratz back for dwick five in the shot clock trying to lead steel off is sticking to the corner dirats gets it back again shot clock inadvertently reset and now the officials realize and we’ll give it to Mimo we’ll start with Begley over to Lee pars for Justin Lee tonight a pair of goals for will Sheen Isaiah Moran weeks through traffic that’s off the foot good eat don’t rub it of an Oakville Defender good eat don’t rub it [Applause] that’s the mark of this Buzz team has it’s chased down floor McDonald to the trailer Sheen and Widow stops him again little subtle uh behind the back fake there by Sheen I think faked it a little bit hit it hard with that twister Josh Ford creating some Havoc up front only one Lefty here look for Riley to get the ball into the crease of with him boy that was dirats again on the btb that kid’s got a bag of [Applause] tricks should Josh Ford held up [Applause] yeah got a tie up underneath of us and even more coming in as Bren pit gets up to get in the face of Josh Ford Aiden Mell wanted in as did to gri Meanwhile constant topless had the ball back in his crease that’s a good way to get the stop the scuffle from happening just get play going again Ford from the corner around a screen ball popped out however he’s got to go back to retrieve it all the way up top Sheen shot clock count sounds like it’s down on the floor with the official and crease call after the whistle Jackman took an extra one and we’re going to meet and discuss again the best postgame snack conversation continues uh good DJ too again these guys are on point let’s get ready to rumble they had it right on on the on point kids are sharp in there Jackman’s going to take an extra shot he gets gets kind of the Conor McDavid there he gets the high and low cross check to the face and the low back at the same time not very fun Aaron T going back to the Penalty Box if you want to know how fun it is to play against Aaron T ask Brian Jack long list oh there’s the he may have got out pretty athletic play by Ford actually no video review it would been interesting if that one would have stood no doubt had the flag been thrown but I can say from experience being in the crease when someone else scores is the worst feeling and having it get called it feels like you personally are like picking out the ball of the net [Music] wham’s going to have to do it is Charlie Boon comes in to score and don’t look now but Oakville within one well isn’t this how it happened against beaches last week too the offense comes alive in burst mimo just gets lost off ball two go to the low man boom pops into the middle a clean release KES it goes to that short side hip same spot that Sheen just hit so you know maybe a little bit of something they’re picking up on the bench or just two clean shots but you got to take it and and that’s a goal scorer shot with that shorts side hip it’s the stick that it’s the hand that that Wham is holding his stick with so obviously limited Mobility if you’re the righties just try to hammer that as much as you can third goal off the 20th shot to mimic goes four off 28 as we pass the halfway mark of Regulation time out to the outside they were trying to get it through McAlpine he didn’t get all the way now a stumble out of the corner big swim move looking for help dur cat’s not going to get it to do in time for a shot here [Music] stein out of the corner damine up top Waters tried to drag it past the defender and Cody Merritt steps up much to the light the YouTube chat meanwhile here’s Ryan Clark headed down and shoots just past Whit him good Hustle by damain guy who does all the little things right not every star player is hustling down chasing down uh you know breakaways shot in constant top list to save we’ve got couple Cody Merritt Stan accounts in the chat tonight love it 80 points in Junior B last season playing out the back door is Merritt here’s steel the rookie screen set by Ford they go back to him on the crease and just before pit got there the shot went off with him rebound couple moves and not to be for Shen funny how this game works all of a sudden feels like Oak’s on the gas mimo’s reacting Oakville setting the pace right now and the shots are starting to even out here’s steel from the outside screen set by Ford can’t return the favor Off the Bench meline M or dock excuse me lost the ball off a hit and it’s picked up down for maazi good possession though that was a good take by D just couldn’t quite get by couldn’t tuck it but that’s the right idea trying to get hard to the goal get across the goal by the way your burner accounts in the chat too someone likes your articles nice appreciate our commentating thank you very much from the outside Dain a save constantopoulos will look down floor where there’s two Oakville players led by Will Simmons gets it back Josh Ford had to go over the over the shoulder excuse me as he ran himself out of space cross check in front of the referee bit of a conversation and Sheen gets back up will Sheen over the top on the run and Wham has just had his number here in the period yeah wham’s been sharp here I me Sheen has gotten two on him to go but wham’s been good in this little mini run by Oakville weathering the storm a little bit Finn Thompson puts it behind the net asaran weeks will now walk out around the screen of Aiden mcdanel and Waters quick stick Thompson and the big man constant topis to his right as you said to make a big stop Thompson to Waters Moran weeks there’s the pick all the way around for Waters and he says it’s in yes it is we’ve talked about this before with Waters one thing that his size and strength let him do is they let him sweep to his left hand so once he gets running here he doesn’t get pushed off his spot he can stay in the play and he’s strong enough to still rip it so he’s on the wrong side of the floor but he’s strong enough to continue through the middle and against smaller Defenders there’s not a lot you can can do to stop his momentum as we’re seeing some some chat here you know MD you mentioned the chat I’ve been thinking about my postgame snack comment I’d like to add a few more to the to the list I’m I’m all for a few more snacks go ahead pizza from iqua Park in whippy the the pizza pizza you know the real ones will know but the the Pizza Nova I believe it is now really solid uh slurp and hot dog from the 7-Eleven in Orangeville uh you know really any any thing at the 7-Eleven you know those those are kind of the two on my list right now with the the big freezy that’s pretty much Universal okay yeah okay Ila I hear you by the way oh yeah Ila you know I just had my first uh chicken wrap this year I don’t know what I was doing for so long I was a picky eater as a kid really set me back I did hit up Village Pizza many times as a kid that place was pretty was pretty Dynamite too but I mean I put up some uh some numbers I’m not super proud of at the pizza place at the a park at the Ontario Summer or uh Ontario lacrosse Festival over the years and I I think probably some of our listeners did too there’s D to main all the way across Big Shot came from that far side and bounces back as Dain picks it up they want the reset on the shot clock the 33rd that mimic goes put on constant topless tonight although that number was over 20 in the first period here’s Lee cross floor Big Shot coming D to main didn’t miss by much it’ll bounce off the glass where Lee brings it down 12 to shoot dunam main does excuse me capti and that one just up I’ll throw the food from the blue goose in there too Blue Goose okay Blue Goose rip speaking of deep Cuts real ones will know but yeah I enjoy the food and I was going to go mimico pimo which okay you still never had one Donnie our listeners are turning off the game we’ll get back to action here oh nearly a big hit from [Applause] Ford billing will run it up Thompson to the outside four and a half to go here in the period no timeouts taken in that first oh sorry mimo did take one for last shot as Lee brings it out of the corner 10 now to shoot Justin Lee finds in front and the bouncer off the end boards Moran weeks initially stopped the transition but kme has a man coming out the front door had to stop and wait for the ball dirt cats a number of fakes look out Thompson Thompson all alone nice handle of the skip shot stops up shoots past begel and constant topless makes the save one thing where constant topless is size really makes a difference is on that was one of those leaner floaters that we’ve seen from Thompson where he’s trying to make it look like he’s going left and put to top right with his size he can just stay home on those he doesn’t need to kind of pick aide he can just kind of play a quiet game and let the ball hit him now the big legs running off to the bench as there’s a delayed penalty coming back to Mimo Ford shoots over top of a big crowd only three to go it drops in front of shen and he’ll have no time to shoot but ran into the check there of Nate McDonald I think she she took a little one in the ribs at the end of that possession if you played this game you know well and they’ve been calling that they’ve been calling that too I wondered if McDonald wasn’t going to pick up an extra that might be the conversation over by the Oakville bench no I think they’re just talking about the door closing on time Aaron tary just poked his head into sh I I don’t think he was asking if he was okay but you never know sh slowly makes his way to the restraining line part of that was because Jackman was just getting on the floor meline then lost it from up top oh took a little bit off of it hit the Stick of Ben mckisic and nearly fooled Wham who goes to the front door but they had to wait up as mckisic couldn’t get there in time I wonder if he got held up I’m not sure if Wham knew that he could hit hit him or was just trying to avoid the the 8 second there Riley Ford up top for Shen under three to go here in the perod Jackman and Shen keeping it up top so far here comes a screen from Ford low shot Jackman scores going to have to see exactly where this went in I think we’re going to have a pretty good look at this on the camera some people like to call there five cheese right at the top of the five hole yep right right kind of upper in the five hole usually see it more in the NL with the the spoons in there you can kind of hit that spot right above the spoon but but Jackman just Powers it through and all of a sudden 5-4 game the shots mimo is still up nine but at one point mimo was like doubling them so you know this has been a good battle back for for Oakville but pretty much exactly how the beaches game went too so you want to finish these runs for Oakville and and really get this thing tied up or even take the lead by the end of the period bouncer here across the steel goes oneon-one actually overran his Defender into the corner back for steel had Whit him beat but then shot it wide quiet moment good time to mention Maddie the french fries at Central Arena really good okay that’s one I haven’t tried brampton’s tries are good giving out all the all the free tips tonight here’s Moran weeks damain with the screen in front quick stick Thompson kicked out constant topis under two to play in the period Now Thompson over to damain damain low shot hits the pipe another area where his size Conant topus really helps is on those cross creases we really I mean he he can play with his feet on both pipes if he really wants to and it doesn’t really look that awkward even if you just look at him in the net right now he’s gotten a lot of these quick sticks cuz he’s he plays back in his net as he should and can make get over really quickly Barker did a good job taking care of Moran weeks in front of the crease and then Moran weeks came all the way up top to run him over this is Meritt excuse me thought we might have seen a penalty there yeah cter was running in as if he was given one but y just transition back the other way for Oakville with Shen into the final minute Ford up top he’ll go past dwick set piece again for Jackman now to duratz through the middle jumping shot scores were tied DJ play [Applause] it another really good second period for Oakville here 57 seconds left and this is a tie game another lowc scoring one duret only scores nice goals get underneath his Defender then goes with the the Kyle Harrison jump shot there tells the crowd let me hear you he says the DJ he says DJ let me hear you yeah and a penalty afterwards so already two Power Play Goals in the game for Oakville it must have been before cuz we’re still taking the face off there was a well there was a scrum after the goal we’re also seeing Five Guys on the floor still for oh no penalty Lee just let himself out of the box wouldn’t advise that normally but Justin Lee got lost on the way to the bench I guess just just look confident just fake it see make it cool 57.3 all tied up at five crucial face off here Keller chases it over in front of man he took a stick off the grill that’s where the takes off that’s a great play by Keller Josh Ford chased him down still with the face off twig he’ll be back out on defense from the outside Waters trying to go two for one and then looked like a mimical player ran through the crease Oakville with Ford down floor Robert Hudson wants his timeout yeah smart timeout by Rob Hudson they’re not going to get the six on five here 35 seconds left on the game clock they’re not going to get a six on five but you get two in a game and you can only use one per period so it’s a use it or lose it here you know uh obviously with the exception of OT but you’re playing to win obviously in regulations so a good timeout they’ll have to drop something for five on five they’ll definitely want to take it as low in the shot clock as they can try to limit the ability for mimo to go the other way and a reminder mimo did take theirs in the first period so Dean George going to have to read it at the end of this possession here if he thinks they have time to get up you know maybe he calls it more likely probably lets the time run out Orangeville Burling in action tonight just down the street the Northman currently lead 86 and 54 St Catherine on top of Peter bro it’s been a struggle for the Athletics through this season picked up two wins today trying to go for their third in one day I think that’s an ojl record 54 uh facing the Peterboro Lakers who have been surging as of late worth mentioning Maddy we we called Orangeville games just recently where Jose Bina was out he’s back and he’s playing really well picked up right where he left off making up for L time with a 10-point night the other night and that two-headed monster of Matthews and deer becomes a three-headed monster with Bina and and that really seems to be the difference we’ve seen the same thing in branon where Ty Scott has really giving them another hot stick uh you know going from two to three really seems to be you know the kind of the differentiator between the decent offenses and and the really solid ones as we see Vincent shutting uh she in here interesting on a five on five play yeah constant topless still in the net they’re going to turn it into four on four it’s dirats again the Twister he goes down hard and into the post got to clear out of the crease if there’s a shot coming from Shen it’s not going to as it bounces around mimo picks up they got time to go here no time out for Dean George they’ll send three down floor including Vincent Lee finds the Syracuse man who shoots just wide at the buzzer and we sit tied after two 55 here in Oakville a great period Oakville little bit of a laxidasical one there for mimo you let him off the mat a little bit you think you had this team in a good place mimo lets them back into the game dirats continues his penion to only score ridiculous goals or almost only almost score ridiculous goals and then Vincent does only almost gets one at the other end we’re in for a good 20 more minutes here and we promise it’s a great game we’ll keep the snack talk to mdle we’ll release the uh [Music] [Music] [Music] Gatorade with electrolytes to help replenish what’s lost in sweat carbs to help fuel your working muscles and fluids to help you hydrate scientifically formulated so you never stop competing let’s go up one time go get it it’s your shine come on rehydrate replenish refuel [Music] Gatorade you can catch the fun with lacrosse Canada’s national summer sport everyone can experience the excitement of Lacrosse where fun meets Fitness and friends are made lacrosse is one of the youngest organized Sports children can play and with 66 clubs throughout Ontario every one can get in on the fun visit play our interactive map will help you find a Lacrosse Club in your area join the onario lacrosse Community today ask a parent before going [Music] online e e e e e e e e e e e e e tight third period coming up here at the Toronto Rock athletic center again on the line if mimo win here tonight they are in line to at least match the Orangeville Northman who are in Burlington tonight were leading last last check still showing 86 there at the intermission for the Northman so first place on the line for both of those two teams as we’re underway bagno controlling the face off here for Oakville who go right to left in this final period but it’s tuuri who picks up the loose ball confirmed no fun playing against him on a Wednesday night or any other for that matter it’s fun watching him it’s fun watching all these guys another you know great game looks like it might be a bit of a mimical blowout there a little bit at the start but Oakville battles right back and we got a big 20 minutes here Waters stepped in the crease before the shot saved anyways go ahead you mentioned it earlier but Saturday is the trade deadline mimo’s going to be in this thing they’re they’re going to be buyers they have like 10 fifth years all of their best players are fifth years so mimo is going to be in but teams like Oakfield got to decide are we selling you know oakville’s probably going to be a seller some other teams in the middle there’s a lot of mud to figure out sometimes that can lead to weird things happening team selling who you might not expect it to be or it can lead to like nothing happening cuz everyone thinks you’re still in it so a lot of possibilities here but a lot of it is going to depend obviously on what happens in the next week and then obviously what happens with beach is going forward as well and that’s why I think we may see some moves out of Province here’s M denell looking for the cutter back door sure if you can’t get what you need you know in in Ontario then then you got to look elsewhere out and down floor transition for Oakville with him the save on will Simpson good look by Simpson getting up the floor five5 tie here going into the third D to main to the outside Isaiah Moran weeks dancing around he’ll go over the top around the screen but a nice recovery there kind of left Justin Lee loone though did the slide by Matthew kerser that’s nice offense though Manan weeks to rousell in to Lee it’s a a deep offensive group everyone can feed it everyone can handle it that being said only five goals here and there been a bit of a trend recently this is a talented group and for most of the year a very potent group but they’ve had some lower ones they lost they had six goals against Peterboro uh then they had the three against whippy so they they’ve gone quiet at times if you’re coach Dean George you got to figure out how do we get going how do we hit more shots well that’s what he said before the game consistency playing a full 60 you know some of these games they looked really good against Burlington on the weekend but the three before that didn’t and didn’t have a lot of energy so it’s about playing a full 60 here’s Waters tend to go on his shot clock look for Moran weeks he was all covered Waters takes it himself and the save made constant topis look it’s hard when you’re an old team you know you’re fairly good as Oakville gets a break here it’s going to be Ford oneon-one the transition stuffed by the first Defender out the door meline will slow it down you know you’re going to be good and your guys have been in college for the whole year Finn Thompson played 18 to 20 games at C Ryan Stein was the best player at Utah carrying a huge load into the tournament these guys are going on game 35 of the year and I understand the high school guys play a long season to but you know there’s nothing that compares to a division one or division two division three grind for years if you’re a team that knows they’re going to be good you know it’s not a surprise that there’s some drops in energy probably some physical soreness too but the the good teams have to push through that damain off a stick as he was looking for Thompson in the corner it did bounce back to the Big Man Lee cutting through again had his looks here tonight scored a couple and has been opened twice through the middle yeah they’re starting to find those slip those slip passes where the ball carrier is going underneath and then Leah is just going with them to the net kind of leaves a Defender and no man’s land connected well just wouldn’t be able to score dirats dirats back and forth my goodness guy hates two feet on the ground overhand shots that was setting up to be all kinds of pretty but unfortunately wi him not going to obl us up here the Highlight Waters off the end boards as it bounces back to Stein rousel stepping in now up here to Waters got around the screen of Moran weeks who takes it to the net and [Applause] scores this is going to be in the coaching manual for how you teachs the pick and roll Moran weeks gets a great angle on the back of his Defender and basically the goal is already scored at this point does a great job of running across the crease increasing a angle a classic finish there to get around the big goenda at least here sometimes people say find a back you know find the defender back set to pick I’ve been taught you know find the back pocket as if they’re wearing a pair of jeans trying to set it on that back pocket back of the hips mirand reek does a great job of that there again a guy who doesn’t get a lot of credit something tells me that more people will know his name by the end of the summer tayer up to Hobbs Finn to D to main you’ve been on both sides of the trade deadline as we watch Finn come into the crease when you were with mimo Andrew Q join the club as they go back to the crease well falling shot there from Justin Lee you were also dealt at the deadline so we dealt before that yeah we dealt with it before that too Derek DS you know we had him my second year he went out w a Mento Cup in Coquitlam and and we traded guys my first first year too it was it was a really hard actually adjustment in my first year you know losing guys who who meant a lot to me well she crushed sorry and then that’s kind of it and then my third and fourth year we were really aggressive buying at the deadline mimo and then my fifth year obviously got traded uh to Orangeville so yeah I’ve been I’ve been part of it a couple different ways it’s it’s emotional but you know there when your team picks somebody up that can help you it’s a good feeling here’s Tom it he’ll put it in the corner to damain five to shoot rousel does it a riser that goes off the end boards in no time excuse me for Steins to get one someone sound like they’re slamming a stick on the mimico bench as an O guy a little bit like a pitcher don’t punch with your pitching hand if you’re going to break something don’t break your stick learn that one the hard way this year Jameson steel shot handled by whittam as mimo comes back Begley he find Moran weeks coming off the bench ask a d guy if you can use their stick and break that one instead you need yours Moran weeks the swim move touch pass to rusel and constant Tois there as he’s done many times tonight throughout this season to make the save here’s dock hidden ball play with dirats looks like dock still has it tried to pass to the man Off the Bench this is going to go over him back I heard someone yell far side so I think they had mimo beat on that hidden ball play before was thrown away here’s Big High Step Stein tied up by Barker got the pass away to Waters his outside shot handled by constantopoulos rebound picked up so tough CU that feels like a pretty good shot from Waters threw a screen to a pretty good place on the goal but with constant topless that’s what Oakville wants they’ve been inviting those outside shots it’s tough they’re good defensive group for a reason on the Run Jackman shot hits off with him good battle with macalpine and UI here I was just about to say we’re getting close to Jack meline time as Jackman’s Lane got cut off so he goes to Ford instead Riley Ford’s shot handled by whittam tuuri picks it up as meline had already run off the floor but always seems like when Oakville needs a big goal they go back to number 10 so keep your eye on those bright yellow shoes as we get down the stretch here capan from the outside another pick from Moran weeks and another open look for Lee it’s tough when those looks from Lee go in they look so pretty when he just T Taps the ball towards the goal and they don’t go in it looks like he didn’t realize how open he was I wonder if that wasn’t his stick the last time as he goes off frustrated again Dean George in full coaching mode oh over on the bench tied up the rookie Boon all the way up top big shot from meline nearly right on Q it’s tough right CU if you’re Lee you don’t normally get as many looks as the other guys but that’s one thing about being a a complimentary offensive players you got to be ready for the night when it is your night and he’s had a bunch of good looks I mean he’s scored a lot of them he’s been outstanding tonight but it’s hard for a guy who doesn’t always get a ton of shots all of a sudden be getting looks all the time as Dain who does get a ton of looks all the time gets stuffed on the crease Merritt crosses the center to Steel to the outside boards swim move here Ford Towing the line leans in excuse me that’s Jackman who forced Whit him into a save mimo has the rebound though ball loose out of the Stick of billing and dragged across the line what a play from Braden pit who now gets double team taken out of the play right in front of that Oakville bench but saved a couple seconds was begell returns it across the timeline sloppy by mimo trying to use the the legs which not the worst strategy but needi just have outlets on this side of the floor get the ball Out cleaner durat tries to shoot normally in it misses well wide don’t listen o kid do what you do he’ll get a second opportunity looks it into the corner for Mel Pine three to shoot this one goes well high and bounces straight to URI 65 as we pass the halfway mark here of the third period shots also favor mimo 4538 Isaiah Moran weeks to Finn Thompson in the middle same play different body on the crease rousell his shot wide meanwhile Thompson knocked down over in the corner right at the tail end of that play Moran weeks directing traffic he wants Dain to set a scre back door to Lee he [Applause] [Music] scores took a while but Justin Lee has his hattrick and this is why you don’t break the stick right just when you think you can’t score that’s when you tended to find one to go Lee’s going to set the the pick and then a really nice pass by morand weeks obviously we’ve been talking to him up all night but a nice look through and Lee gets another one to go 75 feels like next one you know one more and it’s probably tough for Oakville given how this game is gone looks like the penalty is going to be wiped out here a slashing call canceled by the goal as we get a Timeout on the floor for officials and goenda drink of water we we did see a good look sorry Maddie from uh from Finn Thompson on that last one and constant toplis went down to his knees and still was able to cover the top corners again there’s just kind of ways you don’t think about with the size just not fair yeah if he can just stay quiet in there you know he’s never really going to be out of a play he’s got limbs you know seemingly everywhere so I I was looking at Old stats he gives off like almost Dave Dario Vibes yeah from from back in the day Bagel controls the face off but knocked out of his hands by Stein they chase it all the way back down deep in Oakville territory and then late arrival you know another guy who can do that and again I’ll learn this the hard way you know Chris rer OJ goalie of the year last year big enough to get on get down to his knees and still cover the top corners obviously guys like Dylan Ward can do it as well you don’t have to be tall to be a box golender but there are advantages quick stick to Finn Thompson another quick stick that just didn’t go Zack kman had no intentions of playing the ball there just stuff number 17 durat has to hurry to get it across Center and does now feeding help Off the Bench Jackman another stick in the lane as it bounces off of mik nice stick by maik may have saved the goal there trying to find Vincent they’ll slow it down you’ve got another fan in the chat that wants you miked up for a panther City game uh thoughts of what tough I uh I I is that a fan or is that someone making fun of me no no telling me that I suck at lacrosse and I should do this instead oh Mike Mike JD for every game this season I think they want you miked up on the floor miked up on the floor okay yeah yeah yeah okay yeah don’t the pl do that I’ll give you I’ll give you a a you know kind of a free tip not a lot of chirps out of me I’m more of the uh the old Andrew Luck style set piece oh that was for the whole time and wide open I’m more of the Andrew Luck style people who are YouTube uh YouTube Warriors will know kind of compliment guys ask how they’re doing how’s their day going you know these these Big D guys are are uh are mean enough I don’t need to make them any more [Applause] mad dock will leave here for Charlie Boon a two goal lead now for mimo next shot will be their 50th Boon to The Far Side dock double screen roll rolling to the net is Jackman loose ball in front no one can pick up finally steel does but a double team arriving with haste Hobbs and Keller forcing the shot clock got a hustle here yeah six seven perhaps Begley across center right at the tail end of that eight count if you were going by the shot clock which as we found out in Brampton does not matter it’s the count of the official up top Waters high stepped a couple of screens off the end boards to Moran weeks grabbed into the crease he get that ball so it’ll be Oakville possession again and each one becomes even bigger as Moran week man week said I’m taking your stick home with me oh yeah I broke mine already he wanted one to Break why don’t he take a defender on the other team there’s dirats oh gets run into the end boards and that’s going to be problems one penalty coming up for sure to Mimo I think it’ll just be the one I don’t think anybody else got there in time it’s McDonald we’ve seen already go off yeah I don’t think McDonald was trying to smoke him there but just got him enough in the numbers put him right into the boards that’s a good call this this could be five he picked up a major on Saturday going after Alex mourin a five and a two late in that game did not cost mimo the victory not to reuse uh you know the same lines throughout the summer Maddie we’ve seen fives for less I’m I’m actually okay with that call being a two but but we’ve seen fives for Less saxophone night here I guess I like it okay Sheen through Ford needless to say big Power Play chance here for the buzz Lane opens up Sheen Watson scores 12 seconds it takes on the power play for Sheen to get the hatrick good play design here by Rob Hudson so with Sheen at the top the defense is going to try to play really tight so what’s one way to get rid of that you just push them from the inside out instead of from the outside in they’re going to have both their crease guys come up take the two top guys push them out towards the boards creates all the time in the room for Shen and then he rips that twister that looked basically perfect right at where the you know right where the ground meets the post on that bottom left foot that’s a go scores goal only hitch there Aaron tuuri nearly blew it up y getting in the way down by the crease because of course he would but you know I say goal scorers goal all the time M I gotta be honest I have no idea what that means I I I got to find a new line uh I I I’ll work on it for the people but for now goal score is goal have a chat when you’re down in the state this weekend see if anyone see if anyone else has any anything better miners good talk to Ryan Bo he’s good here’s damain halfway through mimico shot clock Moran weeks around the corner rousell into Finn damain all alone bouncer in between the legs of constantopoulos Who falls over top of that loose ball kman finds Jackman Off the Bench Moran weeks causing trouble behind the timeline Buzz do clear it and quickly up down goes a buzz player and this does not look good it’s Riley Ford like an ankle which yeah not putting any weight on the right foot but if you’ve been around this game long enough it looks bad but ankle is better than me better than some other places where you can get it although we’ve seen way too much of this this week already doesn’t matter how long you’re around it MD it sucks every time yeah every time feels that same pit in the stomach hopefully he’s all right get the help he needs from the Oakville training staff half and the number of folks over the age of 21 goes from maybe one one one less with the the trainer ofing to Ford Rob Hudson’s the oneman band over there looked like she was already paying attention to someone else shout out the trainers who are putting in extra hours throughout the summer as well and their jobs get even more difficult as the season goes on keeping players on the floor on the turf yeah especially those college guys like we talked about a lot of those guys are coming back from school with something yeah you know they’re they’re grizzled vets at this point all of our older listeners are laughing at me calling 21-year-olds grizzled and talking about aches and pains uh but believe me it’s it’s the real deal dawa can’t shoot through MAAC so Vincent mimico will get another opportunity here Callum Crawford is taking a baseball bat to his TV right now listening to me talk about 21y olds Defender stick Defender stick yeah yeah outside Thompson’s going to shoot past the crowd that hit off the arm of constantopoulos so it will reset the shot clock Moran weeks back for Finn Justin Lee finds it back to his partner on that right side it’s worked to Perfection but still I I know Lee’s got a hattrick but constant topless has had his number here Jackman swim move twister scores this whole Oakville team really doesn’t score normal goals as we got a a six-man hug going on here for Oakville everyone getting in the action this is a sick pass by Finn Thompson not sure people realize how hard it is to just throw your stick out lob it like that and then looked like Dain was going to have it Jack from picks up swim move twister yeah great goal kind of to the point I was talking about in the in this first period too the pace is good for Oakville right you know not an obvious Advantage there might be you know something you sometimes tell guys to pull out but goals have been hard to come by Jackman’s a big strong athlete tough to contain going to the goal Let It Go Josh Ford taking advantage of the you’re allowed to cross one line on a Faceoff rule too many men for Oakville as they were nonchalantly getting back to the bench that is not a good time for that with 350 left to go and a 77 tie well uh Hudson got to be careful the only coach left yeah going to be Lord of the Flies over there a second careful bring your card with you Donnie yeah goodness think wonder wonder if bla Manning gets the call up from the u13s tonight yeah I think my dad’s certification expired but I give a [Music] call you3 Oakville Hawks in the house on after an undefeated season on the floor in the first period constantopoulos taking a sec to get extra water again it’s a warm one here tonight but thanks ful to the schedule makers we’re not down in the oven this this feels like Finn Thompson time he’s been fairly quiet as far as the goal scoring goes they’ve obviously you know focused on him he he’s found Lee a bunch of times but it’s a good time for him to look for his own shot here well I said it last year Thompsons like to score big goals at Big times when they wear mimik uniforms cross floor pass intercepted knocked down by Ryan Barker Thompson has it oh that Rising sidearm hit off the crossbar from Finn nearly on Q Lee across the damain Thompson again shoulder save made by constant topis races on for it Barker got their first three mimo players including Lee damain and Moran weeks looking for the loose ball it finally rolls free not far enough for damain to pick pick up Barker in there all of that was on the rebound so it’s reset here Lee fakes it to Thompson excuse me Thompson has it good eat don’t rub it back for Lee quick stick Moran weeks was cutting back door couldn’t find him with a pass and McDonald will run it out of Harm’s Way good Shi by McDonald there eats the one before this they get in the lane on the cross crease and get out of there that’s it’s a minute and 15 seconds of of penalty kill it’s not easy physically or mentally bunch of good saves your goal you got to be your best penalty killer it’s a cliche for a reason because it’s true and Oakville is going to kill out the rest of this possession and then have to get one more stop uh down a man well it’s durat so we’ll wait and see sworn by a triple team shot clock goes and he was going to find any way he could to get that one towards and on the net but just ran out of time worth the price of admiss is Xander duratz Finn fakes the flip to do to mean gives to Le for real 10 seconds left in the power play Thompson looked for Lee on the no look stick everything breakway behind knocked out of the hands of bagel and Laden the penalty Finn Thompson picks up Big High Step fake shot conston topless with the save and the rebound penalty was to Jackman who floor screening his man out of the crease in the Stick of Josh Ford wants to give to an offensive player and pass doesn’t connect running hard Begley mcdanel to Vincent back bouncing everyone steers clear the crease tried to pass it back bounces off Begley only one there is Zach keman who brings it across the line for Oakville Begley and kolman together Jameson steel turned inside Mell so he has to wait up as does Jake dwick as we close in on the final minute of play here in the third period all tied at seven dancing Far Side Jackman steel picks it off the boards goes to the crease sidearm shot saved by Nate Wham big Ruck here for the ball steel stick ends up in the corner they were asking for a back in against mimo ref’s not going to oblige 40 seconds left both teams have a timeout here as we head down this stretch surprised mimo didn’t go quickly there now they got to use the whole thing two for one’s out of the question here Oakfield will get the last shot if they can get a stop Finn Thompson up top dunam he’s going to turn the corner wrong side still shoots save constant topless back in the crease and he calls timeout with 20.6 it’ll be last shot [Applause] Oakville it’s worth noting this game has massive standing implications if mimo loses they’re right in the mud with a whole bunch of other teams and if Oakville wins you know they’re right back in it and the train is going to leave the station here standings wise and you don’t want to be left behind and this so you know this is a huge one for both teams obviously the standings look very different than they did just a few hours ago you know big big consequences here for the last 20 seconds and what has turned out to be an excellent lacrosse game we look at oakville’s bench there on reminder that no Troy accordingly their normal head coach assisting coach thrown out the start of the second period so it’s all Robert Hudson at this point diagramming up the play that they’re going to run with duratz Mel Pine Shen Riley Ford who’s got all taped up and he’s going to be back out there and Jackman that’s only five who’s the last one cuz the net is empty the cine dirats Ford look good to see Ford back on there doing the old ankle socks with the ankle tape look I actually think that’s that’s pretty nails play is on here it comes Mel Pine just don’t want to go too early here Sheen getting shot they work it across steel low shot off the foot of Wham into the corner Ford Lee goes with him takes him to the boards and time expires and we’re headed to overtime boy game of inches how about the schedu makers man we’ve seen some Barn burners on the OJ game of the week the last couple and another good one here Donnie you know you never know what you’re going to see at an Oakville or at an OJ game I can tell you one thing though Marie not going to see a tie not going to see a tie not going to see a tie well we’re still here we can still be here on Wednesday we will not end this game in a tie no ties let’s look at what’s happening elsewhere 86 St Catherine’s leading the Lakers they’ve switched that one and I mean he want to talk a team that was Down and Out hours ago St Catherine’s as we said going for three wins on the day they’ll be at four along with Peterboro and a couple other teams 128 Orangeville on top of Burlington uh let’s see only seconds left in that game so it does look like Orangeville going to be top of the top of the board here at8 and three so best mimo can do is yeah we’re going to see some this is going to be one of the you know I think any way you slice it Maddie a playoffs to remember no obvious team at the top especially not you know where we would expect them to probably be at at the top you know we’re going to have a beaches in there somewhere it’s going to complicate things and a lot of good teams Orangeville Bramton uh mimo whippi those those teams are all dangerous and they all suck to play against too it’s going to be uh you know some fun venues Peterboro is dangerous St Catherine’s is going on a little bit of a run here well and if you if you’re a Mountaineers fan earm Muffs for a second because couple years ago there was the 8-1 sweep yeah which I think sort of ushered in this you know any given team on any given night in any given series we saw last year Orangeville 18 and0 they ended up losing to Burlington so you know crazy things happened in the ojl playoffs and we’re not there yet you know we don’t looking forward the halfway mark this is just a taste the next month or so is going to be an exciting one sudden Victory here MADD we should mention sudden Victory no ties that’s right we’ll keep playing till we get a winner bouncer down intended for Ford after he won the f off toori there to set the screen it comes back for Keller which by the way I think is good the only thing worse than a tie is non-sud death overtime it’s it’s silly it’s antithetical to overtime and that’s my TED Talk Thompson to damain back for Finn who circled the crease here pass was intended to go back up top Racing for a damain Saves The Possession and then it’s poked back by Bagnal Bagel trying to run p the defense Lee the WAP check held him up as it rolled into the crease and time out well no we’re going to stop the clock here because we started it with 20 seconds of overtime the clock’s a non-factor we’re playing till someone wins it’s because we’re going in in periods of 10 now I believe we had 20 up there originally I think that’s the change yeah but I mean the clock doesn’t matter you know when I talk about uh the nons sudden death overtime I’ll let this possession go and then a very sad story says 10 oh boy D to me down towards the corner Moran weeks was in the middle got blown up there by McDonald and now it’s picked up Josh Ford my last game of in Burlington we lost in the Ontario Summer Games finals to Orangeville in overtime by five five goals we lost by five in overtime goodness not fun not fun McAlpine Durk cats oh on the crease meline big time meline does it again wow [Applause] wow the buzz swarm Off the Bench with their biggest win of the Season 87 the overtime Victory this is the same set play they’ run throughout the game it’s called Uh progression so macalpine’s going to come off a pick here normally it’s for in this case Sheen but you always have the back door as well and Maddie bounc your quick sticks wins them the game in this scenario bounces it right five hole and the buzz have life and we have more questions than answers in the ojl playoffs Donnie and I are going for Slurpees we’ll talk to you Friday from Brampton on behalf of Jonathan donville my partner for the jvi sports network Gary Morrison for the OJ L Colleen Grimes our director tonight Rachel wolf we thank you for tuning in what a game here we’re set up for another one Bramton 8:00 right here on this YouTube channel good night from [Applause] [Music] Oakville good get a little it’s Friday night we push that par we’re living on out time yeah around downtown your K in a Cil L Drive the boys and make some noise it’s dealer’s choice so pick your place of poison pick your place of poison

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