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My FIRST EVER England AWAY Game…

Going to Frankfurt for my FIRST EVER England AWAY Game…

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good morning everybody or should I say G and Morgan and welcome to another brand new and special video on the channel this is technically the morning after if you haven’t watched yesterday’s video highly recommend you do uh because near the end of it you’ll realize why I’m feeling like I’m feeling now uh I am extremely hung over uh the Germans seem to pour any drink literally freehand so we are here at I believe it’s Motel 1 Frankfurt uh currently lie very nice bed very comfy although barely slept there’s a lot of Danish fans I’m going to try and have a chat with now while we’re here uh honestly last night was nuts literally The Vibes in Frankfurt were ridiculous so fun so many fans absolutely unbelievable experience so Shout again the tops for sorting out over travel sorting like the tickets literally unbelievable so we’re going to head down to the game later with loads of creators I’ve Just Seen Big John is here absolutely Legend the goalkeeper um we’re going to head down with them now with Aaron uh and Grayson that from yesterday we’re going to catch up with those guys I think Aaron is going to come with you a minute cuz my plan is to basically they have got right here if I flip this around some scooters uh and I’m going to take a lime scooter to little which is what I’m planning on doing so I’m going to take on a lime scooter go to little um cuz I need to basically sort us out some food cuz Jess is lucky she can actually drink uh so she isn’t as well worse a wear as I am but yeah I’m going to try and get us some sandwiches or I know the bakery the little Bakery is wow it’s incredible enough as it is in the UK so Lord knows what it’s like in Germany but the thing is is this is like out of town um like out of the city center so whever I head back into the city center until after the game or not I don’t know probably not so but if you do enjoy the video please don’t forget to like And subscribe um I really really do appreciate it I haven’t actually even I don’t think uploaded yesterday video yet so I’m hoping that one goes down well it was a lot of carage uh a lot of fun and we’ll see how it goes right I’m going to go and see if I can track some Danish fans for our head over to little so we can kind of like get a bit of everything in the Vlog there was one guy with a wonderful suit it was there a minute ago let me have a little Gander let’s see what we can do i’ I’ve spoken to these Danish fan how we doing boys are we all right we all good what are you thinking for a result oh no oh no two did you say 21 them I’m I’m say 4-0 England I’m saying 40 England did you get here this morning or last night three days ago three days ago Tuesday you had a few good days of drinking yeah he says no I love it now get on boys take care all right all the best good luck to you cheers Lads the Danes the Danes love it it’s all right there to be fair it’s not bad basically Aron said that he didn’t want to scoot to little so we’re going to walk to little so I’m going to take a little scoot just around the general area area cuz I love a lime a lime scooter but I the lime one’s basically dead and I don’t know if I’ve got Bolt so I’m going to try and work this out in German this should be fun M it good fans everywhere bumped to these boys we doing who your boys support I’m a lead fan truth be tell shy the meadow mate it’s not bad there it’s a nice is it terrible it’s nice no I’ll te this now rosbury is probably one of the nicest areas for an away down top no le is a good Stadium actually know Roxy in Le we like Roxy and Le okay yeah yeah so don’t mind Le yeah it’s a great City Le it’s all right there is good for a night out but shy is like a bit Posh but it’s is he’s Welsh he wel no where shy ask him ask him ask sh your fan is the English border defense in it or whatever it’s called yeah who is your Bigg Rex it is Rex is it it is Rex well she’s a sheep shagger I love it cheers boys all the best take care all the best love it man I couldn’t work it he show me how how would you get it going he just he’s flying how’ you get it going if you just got like w the groundy how’ you do it what tole that down right okay cheers mate mate up the England oh I see oh my God right okay yeah yeah yeah oh my Lord ah oh no no this is getting right oh my God all right okay I can’t hold the camera and do this but oh my God I’m actually on one of the I can’t get too much of this cuz I will fall off oh there’s some German ladies here so see if I can speak some German good tag oh no they didn’t Good Morgan we got a good morning back that’s the best I could must his nest lay over there there a bloody plane taking off over I don’t if you can see that I need to get that let me get off here look I catch that a there’s a plane literally there taking off got B&B hotels a Dack mate lit Nest lay down there I’m going to go investigate oh this is oh this is only going to end badly right I’m going to have to get off the Vlog for a second here because yeah we’re literally like there’s Nestle right I’m going to have to get off the camera while on the on the uh the old scooter for a minute cuz if not it’s going to end in absolute tears cuz holding it with one hand is bad enough so I’ll be back shortly with some other fans of other cultures or probably England fans wait look at the speed cheers for that I don’t even know we got it n i do mate thank you br we’re going to little Aaron’s second visit to Little this is a nice little petrol station they’ve even got a gar to change your ti yeah Castro we found we found a we’re we’re going Aron say the camera we’re going to take a little Gam Go on p my cameraman skills here gold we’ve got gold Baron that means gold burst yeah we’ve got B that means I don’t know yeah I don’t I don’t know what that means some fretel what we got in we got some bananas I don’t think that’s that bad do you not must that about 2 quid yeah to be fair it is a one lit bottle from a garage that ain’t too bad oh jees I was going to say any any any dirty on there’s no top shelves there’s no dirty mags here the best we’ve got is Bridget but Prince AR’s on there up the prince AR Prince AR’s everywhere it’s been a disposable barbecue we can get one of them later actually I don’t know if we said it off say got a little sedu there anything you drink there Aon if I was to choose I would probably go for one of the loggers Desperado in account oh you know what this is ice cream weather oh Snickers ice mate Snicker Snickers Twix ice cream go on get us two of them one you go for a twitch yeah one each yeah yeah I’m in for that oh it’s a lift it’s a lifter twitch ice cream yeah why not it is all there I’ve got a jacket on I said Thank you was that a bit of German there yeah yeah yeah that’s is that’s is good uh nine say she’s laughing at me oh that’s good German play yeah what they say that when we come to other countries it’s polite to at least try so I try all right I Z pie in and Pie Face he Twix ice let’s give these a review let’s have a review of you right now actually the camera’s still rolling mate this Vlog is going to be the longest bid in the history of the channel hey the people are not complaining right Twix ice cream looks like a Twix he not sure it’s nice but it tastes nothing like a twitch but it’s nice love I say I’m roasting I’m hearing a cheers man I’m roasting I’m hearing a jacket you to yeah it’s honestly I’m hearing a puffer jacket cuz when I come out it was really like what I did say to you yeah I know we’re going back to the hotel right Aaron you know P said it was nice it is really nice actually look at that um disgraceful this is a PG channel right we have all levels of all there’s no biscuit in there that’s what I mean it’s like it’s in the middle though the biscuit it’s like it’s like it’s like biscuit balls I like that yeah nice is it I like that you’re get confused to driving the other side of the road yeah I never got R off earlier yeah me look at that look at that little we better cross here is it oh I always get confused here cuz zebra Crossing don’t mean zebra no it do no is that France it though France SE Crossing is like an actual bit bit B signal comp wait is is it m I’ll get run over a lot on these vlogs this is a dangerous interchange come on all right we’re safe oh we probably could have taken the scooters here but what’s 5K app Appo Tech that is a pharmacy oh man I might get some paraset help me out no Luke I got some oh okay he’s the man we’re on the team oh do you know what I love a travelor gives me like um like de rice okay do you know me like you know it’s a good Supermarket when they’ve got a travel a yeah and then fell off it I forgot about the do you know what I forgot about the angry ref from GL do you know they said they used to be like a massive AIT apparently you know yeah all all the Gladiators like after the show yeah that’s why yeah yeah I don’t know if it was directly no I don’t know if it was that that was for the that was for the The freev View 1 a.m. we got so oh it’s a me it’s a barrier oh my God break I’ll show you what I got you like aashi draw no you don’t what do you like I mean I have one of them it were lovely 69s for award p a sh you get to prep on you try charge about three quid of running app turn oh my God 75 they don’t even look at you know what you do with it check this out yeah if you want that right you grab it yeah and you watch this and you I’m done no yeah yeah no and then you put it in a bag and buy it no this is like shopping Heaven Aon are you getting you getting the pretzel yeah a pretzel it’s like you know it’s like a mini game a mini game to get you you want one yeah dang yeah please slide us one out lad look at that sorry sir sorry you got the tekkers yeah go on Kinder is an actual German company Kinder means children in German there we go why the kindergarten means the Children’s Garden and who says that we don’t give you knowledge on this channel here I swear they don’t sell actual this like Titan and racer trog this yeah it yeah it is there’s going to be like 5 minutes of the Vlog is going to be me at the England game or us at the England game is going to be about 5 minutes the Vlog just look most of it just have a look you’re a bit I mean get that in where I live they’ve got that in teso no I’m not eating that tiger look at that that’s a strong cereal tiger crunch lion tiger and lion Li four 4 for that though they they they believe in their product I’m walking around here a bloody baguette bless you I do find some German milk though so nah I’m all good no a baby Bell I do like a good baby Bell should buy tea tow get some German stuff on the guy they’re not they’re not Sur like a meal deal or something yeah mini salami baring now there’s got to be they’ve got to do it meal deal oh my God on that first that that’s end that there’s a few impulse bu on here got a lot of impulse bu waiting so get a little a little little Jager Nipper a Nipper little Nipper just a little nip that’s not a nip that’s a big bottle that’s a Nipper it’s got a little F oh self bag yeah it is they thought he was nicking his water but he’s bought it from Petrol Station he’s flustered you know what I love it I love watching by out of his comfort zone card that please ask him bitten I don’t know ask him I don’t know thank you I’ll be the same don’t forget your bread got my bread [ __ ] Grand what did you make of it he wasn’t very PR fa I mean he working the a day shift on a hot day of the EUR in L probably not be very happy the poor fell but what did you make of your little experience in Germany um good that the queuing I don’t like I’m I’m allergic to queuing no you don’t like it do you no talk us through the footw as well mate I threw these on cuz I was hanging they’re so D just some slides mate look at his feet no M you got you can’t giving that away for free in the Vlog £10 a month thanks mate right We’ve Ended up in Jerry’s sandwich shop looks like an absolutely sick menu I love it I don’t even know what I’m going to get I’m like beef veggie chicken tandoori chicken you getting Philly cheese steak a you no I’m not I changed my mind oh have you yeah I’m having crispy chicken it smells wonderful crispy chicken yeah I mean just play it safe I think I’m going to have to eat in I’m going have to ask but it looks banging and they’ve got chips you know love a chip I might put jalapenos on it yeah I won’t be doing that these boys I might have to ask him is it what’s good what’s good boys beef good all good all good ger German yeah going to win the Euros were you Euros confident of like winning football you like football yeah no England England Alania Albania from ah good luck boys thank you Dan Daner we’re back who says we we can’t be cultured yeah Aaron’s also started a vlog Channel too so I’ll leave a link in the old uh description you would appreciate it if you can drop me so I’m going to try me best like I’m not P first 23 but I’ll do no no I’m no me it takes a lot to be a sound Geer but yeah we’ve got some stuff on his channel as well so check that oh mate these actually look very good I’m just get for a chip but it good say good say good sry we literally scootered it back to the hotel it wouldn’t take too long in the food went to cold so I didn’t really give you a review but honestly Philly cheese steak the fries are like ridiculous excuse me absolutely unreal unreal there we go that is the fan fan entrance or fan park I think here in Frankfurt we’ L everyone else first big German sausage of the day look at that look do we have can we have a rating can we have a rating good crunch on [Music] that to um too chewy yeah not a bit of me oh it’s poor is it yeah four four I’ve just seen a man there Coca-Cola for €6 I’m about to collapse I was going to say that is Britain but not who’s who’s in ch Marco is she in got sorry let me yeah little djer it it follows you yeah well you can face track but yeah like I’m trying to get used to the gimbal I’m a are you doing by all right mate yeah yeah okay mate I’m still being mate nothing changes we got to go for five where the are we I don’t know oh dear dear dear dear it’s too much German I’ve had enough I’ve had enough of bloody German from that part sorted we can go in here and then it’s 5 in the stadium so happy bloody days that part sorted there it is through the trees so the bad part is I don’t even know the actual name of the stadium I just know it’s Frankfurt which is quite bad I’m might have to research it all the stickers up there look they got the idea there need to get an Aro one on there let it down getting a trifle sticker on there it be all right yeah we G for the first part so we’re literally walking up this path now up to the ground oh golf buggy when you seeing a vlog in the future them things are class the Roses h on boys one of them looks like bloody Gerard PK so plan is now head in get sorted um I assume we’re going to go out later so if we win I’m sure the kind of Vlog will be Carnage I know we haven’t had too much like fan stuff before the game today and it was more like Us shopping around Frankfurt but if you haven’t watched yesterday’s Vlog and you want to see like loads of fan Carnage that was in basically yesterday’s Vlog so many planes here I don’t know if you can see that one up there so many living planes so yeah hopefully later I can get some sort of like fan manace and fan Carnage after the game and like during the game but yeah yesterday was what night honestly we got me in front here see he’s got a full Danish suit on committed so we’ve come to the stadium all the England flags and that are up there we got Darby I can see wolves leester so basically what’s happened is we got the England lot behind us so we didn’t realize we were actually in here cuz tops s the tickets so it turns out we’re actually in like the hospitality section which I know a lot of people like to have a meltdown about and I may have said it yesterday just remember we have not taken these tickets from anyone cuz people have a meltdown about it right not that we have to explain ourselves but you know um I’ve done a lot of stuff in the past they offered me they said look we’ve got these tickets you want to go and look I’m not going to say no and honestly you know me I would absolutely love to be in that end bouncing my head off but I’m not going to say no to this so genuinely absolutely ridiculous experience um if I’m honest very humbled like seriously very very humbled like this is so so so cool and like to be able to make like the content on it and that is just incredible rible like I’m so n honestly I’m proper like made up like legitim like being in the fan partk last night just it’s crazy like just speaking to everyone and like from Albania and stuff like that I just don’t know I like to get my little Ed wobble cuz I don’t really think much of myself I guess and when things that that happen it’s like really cool so yeah that was insane but already like people are starting to come in it’s a bit quiet cuz we’re here so early but we had to come in cuz they need to go in the L the Saria svenia game is on at the moment nil nil is nah so sick I am honestly just so buzzing for this this is the pitch as well so this is where we’re going to be like look at it look absolutely mad absolutely mad like so so so sick it is going to be bouncing here but I believe there’s some freebies on the Beverages and some freebies on food so you know what I’m going to be a top for sandwich Brigade and get in there cuz hey why the hell not so seriously like this isn’t like a sponsored video but top Shay I’m made up thank you ever so much we love it we love it like we can’t be an here surely they’re like yeah we are feel about our place I mean it’s this thing is massive oh there’s beverages over here might get might get I might get a bever a bever on P STS hello is get a drink please a drink please like to drink um have you got any vodka you can just go to the bar they the best brilliant thank you thank you very much I’m blind as a bat the bar is the bar is here I was said to myself I wasn’t going to drink today after yesterday but oh well it’s free so be no short so we’re on white I’m might have to have can I have red wine and Sprite or is that really bad this is going to be the worst drink of my life but hey I’m sending it it’s drinkable yeah it’s drinkable it’s drinkable I be perfect okay drinkable is there no but for me with wine it’s fine that’s nice Legend thank you boss cheers mate I’ll show you out in a bit all right no worries hey happy day oh got fretzels here as well look one of them want a glass one for your house sorry no you’re fine honestly you’re fine sorry excuse me I mean a bloody pretzel it’s a waterf free as well is it is it yeah yeah oh spark oh still please yeah that’s right I can pour it everyone it’s no worries thank you cheers oh there’s bottles in like the ice I just went to pick up a bottle I don’t think I’m supposed to do that I might get to off in here this is a little bit this is a bit above my station but hey bring it on yeah sorry I know there’s background music so I’m hoping it’s not picked up too much on the mik if it is we won’t be able to use this bit if you can see me now brilliant the service it honestly when you think like Hospitality this is what you think it is absolute Madness like you know me every game away day home game proper but I think the reality is if you could do this right like not every game cuz I think it would it it wouldn’t be as fun but like if you’re going to do it and like someone’s offer you to do it you’ve just got to do it like this is like so well above my grade but hey just like go in and enjoy it I feel like everybody’s having a good time like the service is like rid cuz he good it’s class legitimately class so um I did go and see our friend i’ given him a tip and he said you just keep coming to see me so he’s ped me another wine um and yeah I did say no drinking today after yesterday but when I get back home in Plymouth on Saturday or Sunday I’m going to be sensible again heavy gym for five six weeks for the new football season I have just fighted a wild I have just spotted a wild Ellis platin and the whole B look look at look at who I’ve just spotted look who I’ve just spotted we speak of hospitality and look at look I’ve I’ve spoken of hospitality how you doing how are you doing sir you’re all right did you run here did you run here how you doing sir you’re okay mate grats on all you’ve done man absolutely sick mate I can’t man I can’t run that many I I need to like I see I’m like I got got for go run mate I’m just we need to do a run together M I’m Keen mate you’ll be better than me I’m just I need to get out there and do it on a Tre so boring I was just saying about how like I love being in the stands but you you can’t like things like this are like just so sick and then you walk in Mr how long are you here for back home tomorrow morning on a train on the train yeah I got a train here as well you not fly no how long the train 5 hours have a seat if you want have a seat have a seat for Derby Derby kept playing you next season my place for you who’s your mate Sunny Bradley no way your mate Sunny Bradley I know Caris Nelson is I brother W no but I know Caris I know Caris more than W cuz he used to play for our girl Well w was only a fan when g Nelson got promoted yeah hey but that’s a top hey he I spoke to W cuz W was there when we played with f so it’s just for well you how long yeah I am yeah how long you out here for we’ve been out here a week we were in gon Kirk which is absolute lovely Place yeah a dive isn’t it yeah frankfurt’s nice frankfurt’s amazing the F the do these someone said to me wom in Joe went mate that’s not the place to go I The Worst ever made it is well you’re from ply so you probably seen better women than you ever are um I mean I can’t lie they yeah they’ve they’ve surpassed like level well we’re from Derby so most women have hairy legs so he Derby’s right I like don’t mind proper apparently an amazing away day but I’ve never been to an away day there yeah I my season for 10 years hey top fan thanks for getting the Vlog love that mate thank you very much up the top man mate yeah sure mate do you want to get in the Vlog how you doing boys support who I support yeah right West Ham by that this is why I hate yeah this is what I’m saying right every Scout says Liverpool but at least is support Liverpool every bloody London is a [ __ ] United F yeah you take you take it the same time yeah yeah that’s fine what is that he’s eating what is that you’re eating what is it Jesus Christ fa plate that’s huge the buildup to the game is on the Danes are everywhere he got some clappy hands on his hat look at the hat look look at the hat look at the Hat I love the hat that’s brilliant it’s the clap hat player hey good luck to you I I don’t mean you know I don’t mean it but good luck and all the best all the worst to you all the yeah we need a win you know we need a win take care boys yeah of course mate anytime all right hey enjoy yourself all the best mate there are the boys England boys I’m try and see if I can zoom it the one time I need to say the England boys are on the pitch Jude Bellingham is literally there Harry Kane is there Phil Boden is there oh my God I dropped my glasses rice sacka is there literally about 10 me away from here I can’t even explain the just missed the there’s this is nuts nuts this is mad absolutely mad Jo r still ging it STS they are literally doing their warm-up drills about 5 m 10 m from come on England I love it love [Applause] it yes top man got on the boys right time to take a seat and we are with Bernie who’s a Frank for legend so you do like all the events and stuff there right well there one of the biggest events in the world it’s called World Cup though right so where all the big DJs like David G somebody is here and I do this Festival yeah I found it here and I do this in this stadium and now it’s a Prett to see this now in the real football game Europe championship and I’m guessing you want to see Denmark win sorry we got B hey no worries mate Sorry boss no worries there we go let so that’s awesome I’m guessing though you want to probably say not England win right you rather see Denmark win well I mean if it’s not public I yeah I everything you know between us but my heart I mean I saw this Enmark fans and so in the previous game it go so awesome and it’s always for [Applause] theod if we score I’m going to celebrate all right you know I will I will celebrate you can have this radio on my face you if we score I’m getting it out but I’m diving I’m diving on Bell hey cheers leg leg here they come my mat’s over there literally the bottom right is see the high flag go the boys here we [ __ ] go come on England go sa gracious qu long [Applause] [Music] are God save our great no [Applause] surrender are glorious God [Applause] and Big L we don’t forget come on my favorite one feel foot is on fire and start the F my favorite one come on oh unlucky that’s come on again B A breaking play Walker is down has come out for a look the middle probably W or Mayu either one I think either one’s good to yeah he would but I don’t mind that Walkers all right though he’s fine little breather little tactical breather come on hurry [ __ ] K come on [Applause] nice all cow Walker hey fantastic incredible unbelievable let’s go hey he’s going through J you got a ticket first subscriber get a ticket and he’s I love it come on you go it’s going off I love it I’m actually buzzing unreal unreal D did he do running by Defender score one or two looks good looks F Ryan on sry me Harry Kane’s all M that one will never change Ryan never change well that was all expected the names of score legitimately did not start coming from anywhere half time it is 1 one Southgate ball is in full effect super defensive shamb bolet here coming Eng and enjoy the second half we need a better performance and we need to just stop sitting back so much please G sort out please also you can drink in here we’re having another wine we were double Park we we’re no we’re no longer double pared please England please I beg please Southgate might be getting a grip he has no clue but he’s bringing on Watkins bow and E which could be a clue I like a no cold Palmer Triple S they’re literally down there ready to come off 65 no no it’s what that it is a yeah he’s look he’s in oh sorry I flipped it the wrong way there you go I’m Terri he’s in disbelief L yeah you record your videos on that yeah it’s I do like the Tik Tok is on the phone and the camera goes on this yeah I could have put myself get Abus on there s out gar F this is a joke seriously that was rubbish absolutely rubish hey give South Gate give South Gate man be 14 absolutely terrible the D are buzzing like England fans I’m going home honestly going home I’m going to bed I’m McDonald’s I’m going to sleep all the for your support I’ll catch you4 match joke literally joke currently just walking back through the uh well not the fan Park but the it’s kind of like a long road to get out of Frankfurt Stadium probably have to walk back to the hotel about a mile away genuinely I mean look on the positive if with with with I think I don’t think we can finish worse than third we’re on Four Points so that’s a good thing but the football was hey what hey you can say you can say that to the camera if you want it was abysmal was it no for I’m a Derby County fan mate yeah that was you play better football I think no we don’t trust me yeah it is terrible I I like we’ve got no identity no no the one no he’s not the one how can we have so many good players and just play Such abysmal football like I said last week care cuz we won but today we played a bismore and didn’t win and that’s what makes it like so much worse this the group stages this is not qualifying yeah so we we’re limping through aren’t we we’re now qu like I think we can’t not go through because we’ll get four points as third place finishes worst case so it’s like but still it’s not good is it no terrible it’s not all I got no conf the worst thing is there no plan B that’s what we oh mate the minute we SC like everyone be on the ball abely nothing terrible no terrible I’d like to be positive it’s made me depressed I watching our girl every week it’s just it’s just depression is who do you far mate so we we have the non-stop depression every week that’s all it ever is look where i’ look where I’ve scooted back to the best sandwich shop in Frankfurt I’ve had it earlier we’ve had a few white wines we’re now sad because of England so I’ve cut back hello boss oh am I okay to order please yeah thank you sir yeah yeah yeah no rush mate yes M he’s on it look yeah mate I’ve come hey I’ve come back to Jerry sandwiches in Frank the best place in Fr we came here earlier it’s so good I’m getting it again unbelievable thank you bro no worries mate I have the same Oso yeah it’s good you so yeah it’s good on YouTube uh write me your uh your name I will can I write my should I take my order first is that okay my order can I give you my order yes yes yes thank you can we get right that’s it from me I’ve got me jerri’s me FY cheese steak I’m going to bed I got a train tomorrow like 8:00 a.m. I need to be up at like 6 so good night Southgate you’ve made me very sad again as always as you always do but we’re going through and we’ll deal with that going forward I’ll see you in the next Vlog which will be a continuation of this and I think there’s another it’s like a four video spectacular so yeah all the best don’t forget to drop a like if you enjoyed and I’ll see you the next one cheers


  1. As a Janner exiled in Newcastle, I cannot tell you the joy of hearing someone say "I'm going to go Lidl" (pure Janner). Love the content Pie. #COYG

  2. Great video once again Pie. Had to give Wrexham a mention. Can't wait to stuff the Shrews once again next season and get 6 points from them.

    Safe journey back mate.

    Good luck to Plymouth next season.

  3. Pie you're a fucking top guy, love how humble and down to earth you are. Keep doing what you're doing son. Love the content

  4. On a scale of 1 to piss poor, we were piss poor!! Tactically inept once again! We are the most boring team to watch & thank fuck I won’t be able to watch the same shit be served up again on Tuesday!

  5. Im in Germany for 18 days as i expect to be coming home after last 16 ..thought i would never believe it ..mark my words though Spain Romp it …thank me later !

  6. I've been on a plane a few times but not for a few years. If I go abroad again I'm gonna go on the train as I've gone off of the thought of flying.

  7. That "Leeds fan" isn't even a Leeds fan, I remember when he was on Hashtag Academy and was repping Arsenal with his Arsenal scarf the melt.

  8. Great blog jack . Pity about the England performance but still top and unbeaten

  9. If southgate managed man city they would get relegated!! This is why I wanted united to get him 😂😂

  10. When them scooters first came out the app was shoddy and it conked out on me right on that fucking massive junction almost in front of that very same lidl.

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