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Big D Energy | Thursday June 21st, 2024

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it’s time for the type of energy only Darren mccardy and Neil rule can give it’s time for Big D energy live on Woodward Sports join fortime Stanley Cup champion and legendary badass Darren mccardy and the golden voice of Neil rule Monday through Friday 11:00 a.m. to 1: p.m. as they give their takes on all things Detroit sports the number one midday show in Detroit is on welcome to Big D energy yo yo yo what’s going on everybody welcome back to another episode of Big D energy Big D I don’t know why that makes me laugh every time when flannel does that but it does but here we are though nickel package Friday my name is Neil Ru that guy he’s as tanned as he’s going to be he’s back from vacation he is Sam flannel in for dmac flanel how was New England phenomenal I’m sure oh it was it was as good as I could have ever imagined I mean I went to Fenway Park for the first time to a Red Sox Yankees game got to see some uh pretty Rowdy Yankees fans celebrating a a a big win I happened to be in Maine when Boston when the Boston Celtics actually clinched the uh NBA championship although nobody really seemed to care up there that much even though it is really technically their team but yeah Maine New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts did a uh walking tour of Salem which was pretty cool kind of did some uh stories of the witch trials and everything thing and Maine is Maine was absolutely breathtaking though aadia National Park phenomenal all of the water all of the great Seafood it was a phenomenal vacation but you know what even though I got back last night I could have easily taken this Friday off but I am back you are you are back and that’s the measure of a man what about this what’s your response to this do burrito says pleas please dear Lord give flannel an unlimited vacation ah well do burrito you you just have to see this face today it’s it’s all well and good I will not take an unlimited vacation because you know what I enjoy what I do too much I enjoy disseminating the information that I have to you guys so much that you know what I just couldn’t I just couldn’t take any more time off I just couldn’t do it uh Andrew Schmidt where can I send my bootm kids shirt pick uh Andrew you send it to me on Twitter at NE rule on Twitter just go ahead and go ahead and fire it away and uh we’ll pop that one up instantly guys if you get a boot him kid shirt you get a picture of yourself with it you go right on the show immediately it’s breaking news we treat it as breaking news absolutely we we step right in and uh but yeah it is a nickel package Friday as we said we got some good ones for you today and you know we got the regular lion stuff the NFL stuff the college football the sports media we have a spin the block nickel package hey we do formerly known as the urban update that kg has concocted and it’s one better than three fifths is four fifths of a list four fifths of a ni yeah we we moving on up man absolutely you’ll get there k yeah one day at a time it’ll count 100% soon one front one foot in front of the other man that’s all I can do pick yourself up by your boot STS right but yeah uh so yeah kg is here in the house power neck on the ones the TW yeah good to be here man hey what about the workout you’re missing the workout to be here right or what no we uh we already got the workout in this morning you just got up earlier Y what is eight eggs and P and uh yeah I mean just got done you know 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 a.m. then did my stretch and hurried home how about this guy flannel we talked about it yesterday we had an Ask power neck segment yeah this man eats six eggs and two strips of bacon that’s for breakfast at 4:00 a.m. you know what I was actually driving yesterday and I heard the whole thing power deck you are at Warrior you’re you’re a warrior you’re you’re a dedicated man shout out for real for real absolutely a dream all right but uh Power neck so you’re 5 minutes in 6 minutes in to be in here on Big D energy in the chair you’re riding solo no safety net is this better than working Armani and Edwards be real it’s more relaxed I’ll say that you know there’s a less Graphics you know a little more fun a little more laidback you know you know the rumors uh through the gravine is that they making the interns Park their cars now I heard that speaking of that intern Joel is here in the building playing the role of juus today care to comment Joel I didn’t say comment about what you know what man I don’t know what you talking about man I know I I don’t know kg is making up things I guess oh I’m making up stuff oh okay hey Joel yeah blink twice if we’re right all right no but but we are uh we are in there we have all of you in the ward Sports Chat thread as well subscribe to the ward Sports YouTube Channel jump into there get your thoughts out there we are we’re going to have some you guys know what we do on Friday man like we want to get to the weekend just like you guys do so uh so we are going to get in there but yeah Andrew Schmidt tweet that picture um Ryan’s reaction WTF is flannel wearing he goes on vacation and forgets his role where’s the flannel so this was literally the morning after I got back and I didn’t really feel like doing laundry last night and I just woke up this morning I’m like I have no clean short sleeve flannels and being that it’s being that it’s uh it’s not going to be as hot as I maybe thought that it was but being that it’s summer I was just like you know what this is close enough today I want to be comfortable given the fact that it’s my uh only day this week so that’s my explanation next week I should be back to flannel full time uh etn says why is Sam flannel wearing my pajamas from fifth grade A you know what I think this is a pretty solid look you know little like horizontal stripes why not you wish you could pull this off all right I I think that I think that’s enough uh Kyle raki boot him kids I love that this has become a movement uh for sure uh what what else I had something that I saw and somebody yesterday when we started the show said well what are we mad about today because I guess that tends to be the the trajectory or the Arc of the first segment of the show um I saw a story yesterday that grocery stores are going to start moving to Surge pricing oh so it’s not just Wendy’s it’s not just Wendy damn uh I.E when it’s hot out ice cream will be more wow wow water will be more wow when it’s cooler out it won’t be this what’s coming this the future y’all now flannel they’ve already got us with the Uber yeah right oh are you prepared for surge pricing no I mean not for not for food I mean I experienced it in Boston for the uh for for the Uber like getting one after the Red Sox Yankees game was was a [ __ ] I’ll just say that there weren’t any available for a while and then we had to settle for one that was way too expensive but at that point it almost felt like me and the wife were getting stranded at that point so yeah I know all about Serge Uber pricing I just experienced it but ice at some point I mean food is basic needs and I know that in Michigan you’re not going to have too many days where it’s just like unbearably sweltering but I heard it was like that the last few here and it was even like that believe it or not in the uh in the Northeast in the New England area the last couple of days so yeah that’s uh that seems like gouging now I was going to ask what do you think some of the Fallout will be in Detroit Debra beat everybody to the punch will Taco ingredients be more expensive on a Tuesday oh wow they should be right yeah it makes sense it’s Taco Tuesday suppose Mak sense if they’re following that yeah so so so yeah that uh that is it uh Matthew Krueger y’all city Folk are screwed but for me I look here’s how I operate flannel for me I think that presents an opportunity for every left there’s a you know there’s a right for every up there’s a down so again if you can tailor your habits to run counter market there’s a gap you can expose yeah no and this isn’t quite the same thing but at the uh local Meyer gas station by where near I live they have these discounts on it’s sometimes candy sometimes it’s drinks sometimes it’s uh it’s uh alcohol and even across the street at that Speedway they’ve had a dollar honey buns for what seems like forever and you can ask anybody in the back I got me I got myself a honey bun almost every single day so yeah tailoring your habits using discounts there’s certainly a yin to that Yang shout out Joel and juus by the way but yeah no I I understand for every there’s always a overreaction to the reaction uh Ryan’s reaction can someone explain how quote surge pricing is different than price gouging which is illegal well it’s different CU it’s surge pricing yeah it sounds better 100% no 100% it’s it definitely it definitely sounds better um but no we are we are going to get into the nickel package stuff for real we got the Lions I think we’re going to kick it off with that I’m I’m excited I’m excited for it but flannel I before we ride out to the break I have to ask you this yeah the spin the block nickel pack yeah formerly known as the urban update are you a little nervous about it why on Earth would I be nervous iact is there anything he should be nervous about kg no this one’s pretty yeah no this was pretty mild I I mixed some sports topics in there too so yeah we we going to have a little fun it’s only four questions right yeah that is true can’t wait forit what could possibly go wrong no doubt no doubt about it all right then guys let’s get into it and uh yeah we’ll we’ll kick that off we got a lions nickel package coming up when we come back tell them about dispo absolutely visit dispo to spend today for deals too good to miss meet a team that Cates an unbelievable atmosphere and shopping experience try the freshest inventory for Michigan’s largest variety of products come through our stores or order on dispo today dispo dispensary dispos your local cannabis plug congratulations to the real Coach of the Year Motor City Dan Campbell just put your head down and go to work it’s about to be fun man it’s about to be fun Woodward Sports 2 feel of alive during Feldman Chevrolet’s biggest New Year Sales Event ever get the best prices on our huge selection of award-winning Chevrolets like this 2024 Equinox for 188 per month or this 2024 Silverado for 268 per month it’s the New Year sales event going on now at Feldman Chevrolet Michigan’s number one Chevy dealer T thank to the Detroit Lions and Sheila Hamp for the best season in Lions history now it’s time to let Brad Holmes cook Woodward Sports come to any Lady Jane’s haircuts for men and claim your throne for a king’s treatment from one of our talented stylists open 7 days a week walk in anytime just get to a Lady Janes today and receive a Precision haircut scalp massage hot lather neck shave and a hot towel treatment a haircut should not be a chore it should be an experience and that’s exact L what lady James has to offer open seven days a week Walkins are always welcome there’s always a location near you Lady Janes haircuts for men it’s wicked awesome is that an octopus in your pants or are you just happy to see me you see what I did there go Red Wings from octopi experts Woodward Sports all right everybody you know the deal shop. Woodward the very best in Detroit sport Sports merch and the bootm kids shirt is live that’s right Boo them kids go to shop. wward get your bootm kid shirt people are sending us pictures all you got to do send a tweet at Neil rule whoever and we will turn that around and we will immediately cut into what we’re doing and post your picture in your bootm kid shirt damn right right away because we don’t even care about football here we don’t care about the Lions I’ve been told we just boo Children Here mhm so let’s if you’re going to be the villain be the villain right go all the way shop. wward and bootm kids all right we’re off and running here Big D energy Woodward Sports Network on a nickel package Friday you guys know what we do we spin around the Sports World and we uh we get into it five questions about whatever said topic is kind of Rapid Fire and um people are saying that they’re asking Sam flannel about juneth we’ll get there maybe in the uh in the spin the block that’s uh yeah yes burn see see Neil this is why flannel is embraced by the black cookout and your card is caught behind red tape I I had an update on that kg told me they’re going to meet they’re going to meet on it maybe the first Tuesday maybe the second Tuesday of the month yeah uh Devin from mster you know he’s going to get the people together to convene and the the Redford representation ex everybody has to be in I need I need the five families in there I got you know absolutely we’ll uh we’ll be in there for it all right let’s do it it’s Lions you guys are craving Lions football we don’t want to talk Tigers you guys told me that yesterday uh kg you want to be on the honors yeah sure for the nickel package reading of the ceremonial questions why not here we go Detroit Lions nickel package kg you on the mic first down in the Lions nickel package who has more sacks this season a Le mcneel or Marcus Davenport that’s a great question who came up with that one I think that’s flannel that’s flannel yeah see if you can guess who came up with the packages by the way by the question too that’s a little fun at home game that you guys can play um who do I want it to be or who do I think it’ll be think I think it’ll be mcneel but I really want it to be DAV if if it’s davp if they’re both healthy and it’s DAV Port I like it I like it a lot oh I I for sure would would like that but I’m going to go with Alene mcneel because in the case when it comes to pass rushing I think that DJ reer is the help and Al mcneel is the beneficiary you saw Al mcneel when he was healthy last year I believe he had five sacks and 13 games and he was working with about as bad of a defensive tackle combination whether it was Tyson alalu or bito Jones or Quinn bohana who no matter who is out there and I think that DJ reader will be an immense help eating up some double teams making it so Le might have to go one-on-one and can go right up the middle give me a Lee mcneel and I also think that uh Marcus Davenport might miss more games at least that’s what his history will show Ali mcneel that was more isolated last year Marcus deavenport misses games damn near every year it’s a history yes yeah and alen mcneel is it contract your next year right I believe I got no it’s it’s this year is it it’s this year season he’s a free there’s a walk year right yep walk for him contract year yeah um that’s why like if I had to bet on it and this is how I construct all my fantasy football teams all of it who’s chasing the bag oh yeah it it’s funny it’s funny how it always seems to work that way that the guy chasing the bag always has the best season on time so if I had to bet on it I would bet on Al mcneel but I want it to be Davenport maybe another reason we should want it to be Davenport because hopefully Al doesn’t price himself out of Detroit no ABS but if if he does that means they had a hell of a season defense was good hey if he does then uh we might not care so much because there might be a certain trophy that the lions are holding at the end of the year I’m not I’m not predicting it I’m just saying if Alim has that monster season that’s a would certainly be a good start second down kg second down in the Lions niichel package more likely this season jir Gibbs a, yards rushing season or Sam La Porter a th000 yards receiving season that’s interesting and that’s Nuance because the I know notice that there’s always a gut answer with these things and and I’m curious to see what the uh what the chat does here I think the chat’s going to run to say jir Gibbs oh I I think that they are just because you know because he he fit the mold right how Dynamic he was how it looked when he ran the football all of those Dam near did it his rookie season Dam near did it his rookie season all of it um I I think it’s going to be leaport because remember like leaport did that as a rookie last Year yes sir all it’s only going to get better flannel it’s only going to get better and look the the Reynolds thing how much of the the Reynolds spill over does he get there’s probably something to that he probably gets a couple yeah I I think it’s going to be leapor yeah I must have missed when jir Gibbs wasn’t a rookie I’m just I’m just saying you said Sam lorta did that all all as a rookie and jir Gibbs did too although a thousand yards for a rookie running back is Def I mean it never happens for a rookie tight ends honestly I’m going to go with Gibbs because even in the modern NFL even over the past 20 years or so a thousand yard seasons for a tight end unless your name is Travis Kelce even guys like George KD get him about half of the years they play Rob gronowski less than half the year as you look at a guy like Tony Gonzalez four out of 17 Seasons last season Sam lto was a second team allp pro with under 900 yards and in 2022 George KD was a second team All Pro with less than 800 yards s it’s just the tight end position whether it’s the lack of big plays whether it’s whether it’s targets who who who the heck knows whether it’s the fact that they also have such responsibilities with blocking they’re still they don’t usually put up the numbers of the top wide receivers or the top running backs when it comes to rushing so I would say because of position give me jir Gibbs because I also think he’s going to get the majority of the carries this year not like a big majority but the majority I would agree uh wward Sports Chat thread Vincent e flannel looks like he’s about to find some Blues Clues that’s fair I mean I mean this is uh this is like I said I could have taken off easily but I didn’t I wanted to be here for you guys so you’re going to get what you’re going to get uh what about this see here we go yeah multiple people both um vandalay Gibbs might have a thousand yards receiving so jarro go is going to throw for 7,000 yard that’s wow a th000 yards receiving from the running back position with a th000 yeah that’s at the tight end spot for leapa that’s that’s crazy with, 1500 from am R st Brown yeah we got to start counting the yards people it’s only so many yards in a game so I believe it’s happened three times in NFL history a thousand yard receivers were running backs I believe it was Christian mcaffrey Roger Craig and Marshall Faulk I believe look at who you named and uh last season jir Gibbs had less than 400 receiving yards I’m not saying he’s not going to get better at that I’m just saying a thousand receiving yards for Gibbs I would bet pretty much my life that he’ll never get it and that’s okay by the way that’s more than okay you know it’s funny we’re we’re not we’re in full July mode in June already yeah book it man I’m man you know it’s you know what’s funny about it too real quick like people will legit think and I’m not crushing you for thinking that I could see how you can make a case for it but like everybody just they pencil in all these thousand yard year seasons and then there’s still that contingent of people that don’t like golf right well somebody’s got to get him those thousand y so got to throw for the 6,500 yards it’s going to take no absolutely all right where we at third down third down in the Lions nickel package tougher playoff rematch week one versus the Rams or week two versus the Bucks I feel like this is easy I I feel like it’s easy too um but if you if you look at it from this way that let down spot you know what I’m saying yeah and even the will be emotionally spent from booing the kids staffords exhausted even the crowd will be hung over for that second game everybody’s going to have to fire up the engines in that Bucks game especially if it’s like an emotional win yeah like lowkey the Bucks game could be tougher just in that that’s one of those games where you survive in advance and get a win and move on you know what I’m saying like stylistically the Rams win could look more impressive than the Bucks win but again they’re the better team though I can’t see no doubt like my trap game was the week after that once they go on the road to Arizona I believe so that’s was my trap game yeah no no doubt I I I’m just trying to make a case I get what you mean I get we’re all going to be spent after 65,000 plus people spend 5 hours booing children absolutely and only the children and only children and only a specific set of children oh of course yeah well I’m going to go with and that’s a very interesting angle that I didn’t consider but I’m still going to go with the Rams on this one just because the the new revamped lion secondary is going to get their test again they’re going to get Matthew Stafford they’re going to get puka naua who absolutely torched uh mostly cam Sutton in that playoff game last year Matthew Stafford was obviously really good Cooper cup and that interior defensive line it’s going to get an interesting test from the Rams they got Steve ail at playing Center his a second year they got Kevin Dodson who they resigned they got Jonah Jackson our old friend who they signed and also they did a lot in the secondary Darius Wills travius white and they uh they did lose Aaron Donald but they drafted a couple of guys who aren’t going to be Aaron Donald but if they wanted to have that really good defensive line they drafted Jared verse they drafted Braden Fisk they already had Kobe Turner and Byron Young Who last season both of them had more sacks than Will Anderson I’m bullish on the Rams being good am I saying that they’re going to beat the Lions week one no I’m just saying that it’s going to be a very very tough game and it’s going to test some improved are I of the Lions defense right away uh Ward Sports Chat threats Sandy dorton Neil is dcfc playing this weekend they are shout out International match against Pumas from Liga MX so the big league crossover there so it’s like a a friendly I guess you could say so yeah it’ll be fun that place will be popping no doubt uh Woodard Sports Chat thread jump in to their real Cream of Wheat our voices will be gone too yeah I mean you boot kids for five hours man straight it’s tough I just can’t see them dropping that second home game but I do understand your reasoning no it’s going to be tougher yeah yeah I’m not saying they’re going to lose either I’m saying it’s going to be tough I got you that’s uh that’s where I’m at with it where we at Fourth Down fourth down in the Lions nickel package more receiving yards this season Sam leap Porter or Jameson Williams that’s a good one too yeah you came to you you came to play flannel I’ll give you that man I’m interested to see his answer cuz I don’t think it’s j yeah a matter of fact let’s go to flannel on this one first shall we why not why not I’m going to I’m going to go was Sam leapa did the shot AB I know Lea’s a hit J Mo’s a bust right so no I mean leapa had 889 receiving yards last year J Mo had 354 those those are factual numbers I will just say that and and Sam loraa here’s the question I I’ll ask it to you and I’ll ask it to kg all right is Sam leapa our Travis Kelce I would say is he that kind of tight end who’s going to be dominant for many years to come have like thousand yard seasons that type um it appears he are I think think he’s our version of Travis Kel I don’t think that he’s going to be Travis Kelce and that’s not everybody calm down a little bit all right like I don’t think that’s egregious to say not at all because Kelsey is a different animal greatest tight end who ever lived yeah yeah so far that’s fair so far no power neck chimes in you still on the Tony Gonzalez train or the grunk train most definitely I mean you got to think about as a tight end as a complete position if you want to say receiving tight end that’s one thing but yeah I mean Travis Kel is not involved in the Run game what no one cares about that power neck I mean no one cares about it but it matters there the reason why George KD I think’s a better tight end complete tight end uhoh you know you got to get Sam High I saw the hair flip I saw the hair flip I’m just saying this is the reason is a more complete tight end I will give you Kelsey’s a better route Runner but I think KD’s a better guy a that’s a more overall complete tight end plays the position better again tight end isn’t just can you catch the ball and make and catch passes there’s more power now wait wait are you talking are you talking KD right now cuz we’re talking all time though are you talking KD right now or all time I was I’m talking right now CU if you look at Kelsey’s last season he kind of struggled down the strp absolutely abs and coming in the playoffs he did pick it up but I’m just saying all time I don’t think he I think you put Gonzalez ahead of him and I think you have to put um grank grank ahead of him yeah okay now now let me give the qualifier before flannel jumps in here this man played in a college football bowl game on National Television he single-handedly brought Eastern Michigan out of the depths of hell as a program so just division one football player training to be in the CFL right now okay your response to that when it comes to the intricacies of football James AKA power neck you know more than I do because you actually play every day but when it comes to sort of history and Analysis of numbers and what they do I would put me up against anybody in the state I’m just saying that and Travis Kelsey Travis Kelce is is not only when it by the Numbers the most prolific tight end of all time he is the second greatest postseason pass catching Target Ever After Jerry Rice he is the Jerry Rice to the Chiefs he is look at all of the numbers all of the records in postseason literally go Jerry Rice Travis Kelce all the ones that we care about and they won three Super Bowls and Travis Kelce was the primary pass catching Target over the totality of three of them although on the first one you could say it was Tyreek Hill I’m just saying robotto any any respon is anyone scared to tackle Travis Kelce or were you scared to tackle gronowski that’s my question and you look at the Super Bowls in the playoff games there’s several times where grank came up big in the end of his career the big games is where grank showed up the most Travis Kelce had some good games and big games not saying he disappeared or anything but I’m just saying gr’s a person that redefined the tight end position that’s my rebuttal there is no one you you’ll ever see like brown Kowski ever again dude manhandled guys literally made Defenders chop his knees out every single time you tackled them that’s that’s my Roboto and Tony Gonzalez is just a level of consistency that’s hard to match especially in that era I think Travis Kel is having a lot of success because he’s in the most past happppy era of the NFL has ever seen so you have to take that into consideration when you bring up numbers right a lot like Stafford fans like to bring up is yes Matthew Stafford has great passing number numbers but he’s never been a top five quarterback in this generation is seven straight thousand yard seasons consistency and then his eighth one is 984 that’s all I’m saying talking about consistency Travis Kelce is consistency if you want to say he’s benefited from the offense from Andy Reid from Patrick Mahomes even though he was good with Alex Smith too if you want to say all of that fine I’m just saying you can’t deny the greatness of Travis Kelce what he’s done how big he has been on Super Bowl winning teams his playoff numbers his regular season numbers he is the Jerry Rice of tight ends Tony Gonzalez through no fault of his own had no postseason success and I’m not blaming him grank obviously did but Travis Kelce just he’s got it all all right to get it back on clock here who Hardy kind of Echoes my sentiment J moiling is higher than the PTO I disagree I disagree what why are we ready like do you know what Jameson Williams is yet yeah no we don’t we don’t know what Jameson Williams is you act like he’s already a superstar they might may or may not have the chemistry that Jared Goff and Sam lorta already have in showed last season Jameson Williams had more than 500 less receiving yards than Sam La pora last year and you’re acting like I’m insane and 70 less targets you’re acting like I’m insane for saying you’re insane for saying that you had 500 yards more receiving yeah he also had 50 more balls thrown to him and we’ll see this come on man but when it comes to they not apples to that’s not being genuine dude it is being genu SP no it’s not narrative spinning you guys narrative spin all the time about Jameson Williams it’s all about oh he doesn’t get any Targets oh he never played oh he blocks when it comes to the greatest receivers in the game and of all time all we think about is production why do we like Aman Russ St Brown because of 1500 receiving yards we don’t care about anything else I play real sport not trying to be the best at exercising fifth down let’s do it all right fifth down in the Lions nickel package true or false the Lions will have an all proo defensive player this season you know you know who we looking at no no I know yeah um you know who we looking at I will say true if it if it goes the way it’s supposed to go then yeah they have to because that’s how this stuff works M that when when you win you get all Pros in the defensive spot period now is it any other player besides the person we’re all thinking of oh certainly it could be okay C it could be who would be the options there uh you know does Kirby Joseph have eight picks oh Jesus CH nine you know what I’m saying like no no that hair flip every time is great go ahead FL Kirby Joseph is never going to be an all pro with all due respect no he has eight or nine picks that’s how it works flannel you win that’s how it works all right we’re we’re a bullish on Kirby Joseph but uh did I say Kirby Joseph fling no I was giving you a for instance I was asking the question flannel and answering the question fair enough go ahead drop to your knees no no I’m going to say yes I’m going to say yes that it’s I’m going to say aen Hutchinson I just think the byproduct of him getting more help the fact that he’s consistently in the back field I think some of those pressures are going to turn into sacks and he’s also very good against the Run he’s not denal hunter or Trey Hendrickson who I believe sack totals were a little bit inflated last year but they didn’t have nearly the pressures or the hits or weren’t as good against the run I think that Aiden is going to be more complete and he’s going to get the sacks so give me so he has the help then he does have the help so much like Jameson Williams we’re going to see right yeah cuz Hutch and Jameson Williams are at all similar in what they’ve done in their career so far okay at all similar I know love them pressures Sam needs to see more remember that yeah you said that you said you need to see more well I I think the more is going to be more of a byproduct of his help not because of what he does but of course he’s and I think the more with J will be you know that they give him the football well but if they don’t weird we’ll see though we’ll see and they might but you got to earn those targets you don’t just it’s not your Birthright it’s not your Birthright I’ll just say that all right where we at here um D got to take a break wake up Woodward right yes sir yeah absolutely wake up Woodward 8 to 10: a.m. right here on the Woodward Sports Network you know the players you know the game Kool-Aid flannel Sam that’s his usual home we got broer in the building JB smooth the legend the goat of Woodward Sports and of course kg in the building for that one as well 8: to 10: a.m. Detroit’s number one Michigan’s number one sports network yes number one look into it Woodward Sports come to any Lady Jane’s haircuts for men and claim your throne for a king’s treatment from one of our talented stylists open 7 days a week walk in anytime just get to a Lady Janes today and receive a Precision haircut scalp massage hot lather neck shave and a hot towel treatment a haircut should not be a chore it should be an experience and that’s exactly what Lady Janes has to offer open S days a week Walkins are always welcome there’s always a location near you lady James haircuts for men it’s wicked awesome game is one in the trenches and our Big Fellas don’t mess around the Woodward heavyweights on Woodward Sports 1 2 feel alive during Feldman Chevrolet’s biggest New Year Sales Event ever get the best prices on our huge selection of awards winning Chevrolets like this 2024 Equinox for 188 per month or this 2024 Silverado for 268 per month it’s the New Year sales event going on now at Feldman Chevrolet Michigan’s number one Chevy dealer roof roof that’s right Premier pet when it comes to your don’t settle give your pet the best Premier pet supplies hands down Michigan best pet store familyowned and operated for 30 years 13 Metro Detroit 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Premier pets take care of your pet do what’s right folks all right keeping it pushing here nickel package Friday Neil rule flannel Sam in for dmac we got kg Joel is in the house playing the part of juus here today and and of course power neck in the building on the ones and twos uh here’s one here’s a granular one for you flannel JP 17 J had 60 less catches uh but the yards per catch J’s almost 15 leaport is 10 so there you go well here’s what I also think I don’t think there will ever ever be a season where Jameson Williams has more catches than Sam leapa that’s almost baked into the cake if you want to say that J MO is going to get like 50 or 60 next year then I could see him having more receiving yards than Sam laapa but my point is that it’s not crazy to give Sam leaport the answer for having more receiving yards next year than Jameson Williams I didn’t say it was okay fair enough he was talking about the ceiling but I think by just by default receiver would have a higher ceiling than a tight end position just positionally especially his nature right because any moment can be a 75 yard touchdown yeah at any moment yeah he is exciting you got to say that FL of course of course you stop what you’re doing and you watch when you see that he’s got the football all right NFL time yes sir NFL nickel package it’s we’re not that far away guys about a month out from training camp I can’t wait man but question or first down in the NFL nickel package can or will the Chiefs do this again at some point right like it’s got to stop right like at some point I don’t know it’s got to stop we could be watching the next the new goat and I’m not say you know I’m not saying no to that I’m just saying like law of averages says got to go against them they did they revamped though and they did it any way you want it done go on the road do it you know what I’m saying their defense is still strong they revamped in receiver we do still see what the receivers are going to do but I mean they they ret toed man I think they’re ready to go I know I what’s do we know what the odds are in them to win the Super Bowl were they like 3 to one four to one do not yeah that’s I’m not I’m not asking you to go somebody in the chat yeah you know somebody in the chat will uh we’ll put it out there but flannel like at some Point man like they got to catch a bad break or something right I don’t know because Patrick Mahomes is the best quarterback to ever walk Earth but it’s not just him Andy Reid is the best maybe the best coach of all time certainly up there with the greatest offens of mind either him or Bill Walsh Steve spag noo is one of the greatest defensive coordinators of all time for what he did he’s done with both the Chiefs and the New York Giants Chris Jones is maybe right now that Aaron Donald retired one of certainly one of the top defensive tackles of this generation and right now and quite as kept the Chiefs what they did in the off season getting a Hollywood brown people act like Hollywood Brown is trash he had an a thousand yard season in 2021 Rashi rice is back Travis Kelce is not what he was but he’s still one of the better tight ends in the NFL and everybody sleeps on the fact that they traded Tyreek Hill yes and they revamped a defense in a draft with late round picks absolutely George carus is still there you’ve got Nick Bolton you’ve got Leo Chanel who really broke out you’ve got Trent McDuffy who wasn’t all pro yes they certainly can it would it shock any of you if they won another one no not at all how could you bet against how could you bet against them at this point because a lot of people bet against them last year and the year before that’s true and they they had a tough stretch down you know the rest of the year I know they went on the road and and got got it done the playoffs but they I don’t want to say they back doored into the playoffs but it it did not look bad I mean did it did not look good those last few games so right but that’s but that’s how they operate and that’s where you know when when I come up with the takes about how we’re all going to flip out when the Lions lose a game Chiefs don’t flip out when they lose a game man they do what’s necessary they get in the show and then they go to work like that that’s how it’s just a hoom regular season to them yeah it is so you know I like the way they go about their business is Xavier worthy to xfactor for them to get back to that I it doesn’t matter yeah all right that that’s what’s Wild it doesn’t matter who you put in there and we know why yeah we know why it doesn’t matter but you know last time he had a receiver with that kind of speed you know what happened so that’s hey and you know whether Xavier worthy works out or not Hollywood Brown he’s proven thousand yard receiver Rashi rice was a standout rookie last year Isaiah Pacho best running back Patrick Mahomes has ever worked with if though and and Travis Kelce of course if those are Patrick Mahomes and Andy Reid’s skill position players along with a really good interior of the offensive line I wouldn’t bet against him yeah no chance and the best play caller in the game AB second down second down in the NFL nickel package this is a bit strong are the Browns the AFC 49ers question mark and and and I put that in there because of what they’ve overcome to be a playoff team they they did the Trey Lance version of free agency and gave Deshawn Watson a qu billion dollar guaranteed that should have been the death sentence to them and here they are are in the playoffs in that division look who he had to do it with Joe flacko off the couch that’s what I’m saying but I I get what you mean I’m just looking at the flip side like like Brock pie is the seventh round draft pick off the couch yeah you know like they hit a miracle and here they are and like by All rights that trade and the capital they gave up and then giving the man a quarter billion do who has done nothing mhm nothing for that franchise except cause issues nothing but flannel they’re in the playoffs in that Division and I know you think Mike Tomlin sucks but when you’re in a division with the Raiders and Mike Tomlin and you make the playoffs you’re a good team yeah the idea that the 49ers and the Browns are the same thing ISD linear flannel granular Flamel here we go dude no the same idea where they had a move that was an absolute bomb absolute just one of the worst m you can make like the Tre lance thing by saying that you’re saying Kevin stefansky is is my man uh the 49ers coach and I don’t think that so I’m just saying you’re comparing you said they’re to AFC 49ers yeah is that what they’ve overcome to to still be good and and you didn’t read the second part of the question you realize they’re on their best four-year run since the 80s that’s fine but the 49ers they overcame with a seventh round pick who is their guy who took them to a Super Bowl B the the Browns overcame with 40-year-old Joe flacko who is not even with the team anymore the 49ers they actually hit a miracle a sustained Miracle the Browns they hit more of a flash in the pan and I’m not saying that what the Browns did wasn’t impressive certainly with uh especially with Nick chubby and out as well their defense led by Miles Garrett and Denzel Warden Jeremiah Wu coroa really breaking out that was impressive don’t get me wrong good offensive line as well but the San Francisco 40 ERS Brock pie last season do we not realize he was third in the NFL in touchdown passes and first in qbr and first in rating that’s an actual Miracle that’s a real Miracle MH not what the Browns did uh Max mayor says they’re very comparable Shanahan and stefansky both both choke games that they’re favored in all time well yeah that’s that’s the only way they compare to me no absolutely Shanahan’s choked away Super Bowls and stf’s choked away divisional games they’re the exact same the exact same stefansky stefansky and Shanahan good Lord granular flannel fact flannel everything’s linear with flanel on that one though but uh oh I oh my bad I guess I didn’t read all of that last question my bad but um number three our third down in the NFL nickel package is it this year or never for the Jets yes yo come on now you already know what I yeah get your [ __ ] off you already know how I feel about it dude Robert Salah is in the fourth year of a fifth year deal he’s one foot in the grave their GM is in his sixth year what have they done not a damn I keep hearing about it what have they done and now their entire existence is their wagons are hitched to Aaron Rodgers at 40 coming off an Achilles like that’s the situation they’re in and flano you can tell me how it’s going to change but I told you it was going to happen before last year it did and it’s not going to get any better this year but Neil he went on a IAS I know I know the Peyote the golf all of it I know but here’s also what I know when this doesn’t work this year they’re gone they are gone they are shot into NFL Oblivion you hold on to your heads for this one the New York Jets are going to make the playoffs whether it’s Aaron Rogers or Tyrod Taylor I really believe that given what they’ve done offensively they’ve revamped their offensive line with a guy in Tyron Smith who’s been heard and a guy in Morgan Moses who’s a little older but also they drafted Olu fashanu they got they got Mike Williams to supplement Garrett Wilson and Malachi Corley in the slot and their defense we all know that their defense is Elite they basically swapped Bryce Huff for Hassan reick along with Quinn and Williams and S Gardner if you have Aaron Rodgers healthy for the season which is a huge if I could see them winning the division if Tyrod Taylor even has to play part of the Season or the majority of it I still think they make the playoffs given the talent that they have but it’s this year or never well Morgan Moses and Tyron Smith might actually be on their last seasons and the offensive line for that team is kind of important so what you what do you do with Salah if he’s going to get fired if they don’t make they don’t go to the playoffs he’s in the last year of his deal you’re not extending him gone so if you’re not extending him he’s gone then you’re firing him that’s the way this works and if he gets fired guy who hired him’s got to get fired that’s fair no that’s fair then it starts again for the I don’t think people and we hear about them all the time it’s wild to me all right where we at all right fourth down in the NFL n we got cook through these here flannel all right and if we’re going to talk possible implosions you got to talk about the Cowboys Dak needs a contract CD lamb needs a contract Micha Parsons needs a contract in theory because the longer they wait the more it costs elaborate that I mean right did did we miss anything there I don’t know about implosion I think even with those three guys if they can lock them up which is an if they’ll be okay enough to compete for a wild card spot maybe eight nine 10 wins espcially we talking about the regular season don’t matter for the Dallas Cowboys then yes yes if if we’re talking about them never doing anything in the playoffs then yes 100% they’re going to implode but by implosion I thought I was thinking more like become what the Giants or the commanders have become and win four or five games if you get all of those guys locked up you’re going to be okay you’re just not going to win anything of significance at least what what history has shown they have to sign Dak Prescott they have to because if they don’t then what’s the point of signing CD lamp they don’t have a quarterback for next year yeah there is no move that can be made nope Good Luck Good Luck Dallas CYS that that affects everything go but we’ll hear about him all season again and when they lose in the playoffs again Mike McCarthy’s out the door because I they not going to keep trying him out there either sure about that you see what I’m saying like that it’s a potential implosion more than we more than we think it might be all right last one here we go all right fifth down in the NFL nickel package have you ever talked to anyone in your life that thinks the Lawrence contract is a good idea how is he the highest paid player in the NFL I think we moved on quickly from that and I just want to remind everybody that Trevor Lawrence is the highest paid player in the National Football you know why that is it’s the market I don’t care it’s not the player Mark I don’t care they looked into a camera and said we have just made Trevor Lawrence the highest paid player in the National Football else they did that I go back to the draft something else I don’t know I don’t work for Jacksonville something else you literally think that they should let Trevor Lawrence walk don’t you something else that’s they had to do it they had to Trevor Lawrence for all you say about how he’s done nothing or he is nothing or he is a bum even though you blow your wat over Justin Fields but that’s another story for another day okay the year before he got drafted they the Jacksonville Jaguars won one game one game the previous three years before he got drafted they won 12 combined the first year was that Urban Meyer disaster and then the next year he takes them to the playoffs to the playoffs and they win a playoff game I won’t get granular like you and say well yeah they had the easiest schedule in the NFL this reason that reason I won’t do that so you you tell me a world where Trevor Lawrence should be the highest paid player in this league he shouldn’t obviously Dak Prescott might be the highest paid player in the NFL and with him it’s like oh yeah it’s just going to happen with Trevor Lawrence it’s always like oh he’s a it is it is going to happen with him because he has the leverage the Cowboys have no other option all right no other option what the what is the what is the jaguar option could move you could have moved him that’s insane you’re going to move Trevor Lawrence the best quarterback that you’ve had in many many years probably since David Gard dead serious we’ll keep we’ll keep tabs on this one fln let’s see how it works out for the Jacksonville Jaguars Joe wanted to get in on I was going to say whater call I’m agreeing with uh Sam on this because it’s like Trevor Lawrence it’s like I can look at it as basically like if people were having discussions in like year three year four saying like oh we should not pay Stafford let him move on that would really make no sense cuz like yeah he didn’t really do anything but he showed the promise that he’s going to be the one to lead our team so like Trevor Lawrence hasn’t done much but he’s shown the promise that he can be a special talent and especially if you put some Jo I would say how can you say he hasn’t done much and then say well he’s shown I mean he made the playoff years in this league now three I was going to say he not he hasn’t yeah he a play going into going into his fourth year I about say wasn’t he injured for like a good grip of one of the years he’s been in the NFL for three years and one of them was the Urban Meyer disaster right yeah yeah and we’re ready to throw him in the trash I think that’s insan a microwave Society we can’t keep calling Danny dimes trash and not call Trevor Lawrence trash and I’m a Trevor Lawrence guy but it’s just their numbers are comparable let’s keep it consistent and Samu numbers guy they have very comparable numbers the only difference Trevor Lawrence got a playoff win Daniel Jones had maybe Peak saquan Barkley and he threw 15 touchdown passes the year that they won a playoff game 15 I get Trevor Lawrence through 25 they have similar numbers they’re the same guy then all right we you love Trav CN too Travis etn is not what he was last year wasn’t wasn’t 2022 saquan bar all say is this he doesn’t need to be paid 55 million you could have paid him 40 and still gotten the same thing they’re’s he’s going to take 40 now obviously if if you’re the Jaguars you can get him to take 40 that would be like a like a miracle but that’s just that’s just the reality right now if they believe Trevor Lawrence is their quarterback of the future they paid him as such and if you think he’s already done fine but I don’t no I think their franchise is done with him as the highest paid player in the league it’s going to tough no I’m glad be sign him up just like I want the Cowboys to sign D yeah fair enough another one you cross off the list another one B the dust y tell them about Lady Jane absolutely I need to uh get this haircut cross that off the list soon but awesome is when a guy can be a guy and get an amazing haircut that’s Lady Jane’s haircuts for men stop in and sit back and relax and let one of Lady Jan’s talented stylists make you look and feel great walking anytime 7 days a week lady James it’s wicked awesome come to any Lady Jane’s haircuts for men and claim your for a 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though I mean has Jared gof even shown that he’s a$ 52 million a year quarterback it’s the market it’s the market that’s way different that’s crazy what what so so so so Lawrence is better than G no that’s not what I’m saying I’m saying that’s how they’re paid on I am saying that watch yourself okay so Jared Goff is a $52 million a year quarterback yes and and it’s the most insane thing in the history of humankind to say that Trevor Lawrence is better than him yes it is insane well it’s he’s not better than them right now but it’s Mar they both signed contracts they both sign contracts within weeks of each other he got more money so therefore he’s better right you be granular flannel he makes more money so he’s got to be better what would lead you to believe Trevor Lawrence is better than GF I don’t think he’s better than gof when did I say that when did I say that I don’t believe he’s better than golf then why isn’t golf worth 52 I don’t think either of them are technically worth what they were paid I get you you’re more comfortable giving Jared go that kind of money right now I understand that but with most quarterbacks Danny dimes isn’t worth 40 million it’s crazy DeShaun Watson wasn’t worth being the first fully guaranteed quarterback in NFL history so you got to be mad at the market then that’s just that’s my point it’s the market it’s the market just making sure yes all right uh real quick I want to touch on this because we do got to get back on the break schedule uh Dr Pierce going to join us coming up in just a couple of minutes uh as he usually does we had to miss out on Tuesday so Dr Pierce will join us coming up uh in just a few minutes real quick I’m not going to go down the Tigers Rabbit Hole here yeah please all right I’m not I’m I’m you know stress me out all week with this you know what’s funny though what have you ever seen a season Fall Apart that quickly two two bad scoble starts and it was over yeah yeah I mean [ __ ] at least we got a couple months out of it this time um I I saw this uh the podcast file territory uh they had Evan pets on Tiger’s beat writer here in the city quote Jack flare is definitely going to be on the Move that’s happening okay well if closing time yeah but if they’re smart you would do this one last call for alcohol so finish your hot dogs and beer it’s a great song by the way it is a great song but yeah I mean if you’re a smart organization you realize where you are at this point yeah I expect them to do that like it’s no surprise so there you have it no you at at this point yeah it’s it’s unfortunate that they have to and and if and honestly I’ve been looking into it a little bit you know who needs pitching really really bad the Minnesota Twins straight up Jack flare for their fourth best Prospect Gabriel Gonzalez out they’re not giving you Gonzalez him they’re yes he’s 83rd ranked Prospect in all of you’re going to be lucky to crack a top 100 that’s that’s not no yes the the Minnesota Twins in terms of teams that have 40 or more wins have the worst team you think FL is going to be the only pitcher out there available I think he’s going to be one of the best especially after tonight’s start where he lowers his erra to under three I’m just what if it goes the other way well then we’ll see it’s the Chicago White Socks it it like they’re one of the worst offenses in in baseball too Andrew vaugh is their Spencer Tolson yeah uh Chuck Brewer Neil and the bad quote bad two starts were only four earned runs uh a good offense would have still won those two games at least got you no decision but we don’t have a good offense yeah despite what we were told by kg at third base my God here we go leave me in the third base alone man hey the third base isn’t even really the problem thank we’ve been trying to tell him all week it’s more about the principal principalities I never said he was going to be the Savior at third I said it was a good move for this year you said that this could be better than any Matt Chapman signing or anybody for this year it was cheaper is Gio orella that much worse than Matt Chapman thank you again it’s not the problem the problem is that Spencer Tolson played his way into Triple A Parker Meadows played his way into Triple A javiera should play his way out of baseball forever and Colt Keith should play his way into triple real quick Dusty says flannel I heard the twins are going to sign JJ McCarthy to pitch hey because he threw a bad first pitch he’s all of a sudden a terrible quarterback that’s fine saying he’s going to be qb3 he’s not going to be qb3 anyway it doesn’t matter because he’s the greatest quarterback in Michigan football history and he was a top 10 pick that’s facts oh that’s right he set the the single season passing touchdown record like you promised me oh they won the national championship and he was a top 10 pick we’re not talking about that we’re talking about JJ McCarthy and what you told me he was a top 10 pick and he was first team all big 10 but you told me he was going to break the all-time single season passing touchdown record you told me that do you think I would have taken a Championship over that that’s not what we’re talking about he’s a bust at Michigan now that’s not what we’re talking about a bu at michig talking about what you told me and it was factually incorrect fine I don’t give a [ __ ] okay he was a bus at Michigan obviously that’s where we should have started Jack Tuttle right you got me again God damn it well yep every time it’s a clet Seeker I’m I’m a little off my game today if you guys can’t tell it’s been about a week yeah no next Monday I’ll be all right it’s Friday man it’s Friday it’s all good it’s your first day back we’ll get you some SL every time though all right so where we going College get your act together and do the Swiss insurance all right absolutely Swiss insurance at least I understood that I that I fell for it there no now more than ever it is critical for you to have your insurance reviewed Swiss insurance will make sure your carrier is not slipping in extra fees call Market Swiss insurance today at 313 5301 1698 or go to their website at swis Swiss [Music] come to any Lady Jane’s haircuts for men and claim your throne for a king’s treatment from one of our talented stylists open 7 days a week walk in anytime just get to a Lady Janes today and receive a Precision haircut scalp massage hot lather neck shave and a hot towel treatment a haircut should not be a chore it should be an experience and that’s exactly what Lady Janes has to offer open seven days a week Walkins are always welcome there’s always a location near you lady Jan’s hair cuts for men it’s wicked awesome so just to get the heated steering wheel I also had to spring for the bigger rims yeah that’s how they get you those upgrades will caution noral leg every time hey new car crew how’d it go this weekend I got a great deal on mine how I went to Randy Wise not those other guys they got me in a great new ride and they didn’t break my budget hey could you pass me the sugar how never mind he made the wise choice yep make the wise choice at Randy come to any Lady Jane’s haircuts for men and claim your throne for a king’s treatment from one of our talented stylists open 7 days a week walk in anytime just get to a Lady Janes today and receive a Precision haircut scalp massage hot lather neck shave and a hot towel treatment a haircut should not be a chore it should be an experience and that’s exactly what Lady Janes has to offer open seven days a week walk-ins are always welcome there’s always a location near you lady James haircuts for men it’s wicked awesome thank you to the Detroit Lions and Sheila Hamp for the best season in Lions history now it’s time to let Brad Holmes cook Woodward Sports here for Planet Fitness you guys know what it is the very best gym in the gym game don’t forget too the High School summer pass is still going on if you got a kid if 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contrast this to arani and Edwards what you call I really honestly I haven’t been paying too much attention so that’s I just been clipping over here so it’s about the same okay if you want to be honest the vast different one is when I’m on heavy weights when I’m on heavy weights that’s like the most different from them all okay but these are like all the shows for the most part up until so heavy weights are similar in some ways but different in they all if that makes sense 100% yeah are you under any pressure right now no I’m under no pressure are you sure under no pressure at all just just chilling with my headphones I actually didn’t even hear you for a second they noise cancelling oh so you’re locked in yeah that’s why I had to take them all the way off so you’re like the anti- jist then you’re locked in okay I feel you respect cuz I try to get the I don’t like to like be clipping after the show I try to clip during the show and get it out during the show and just I feel you on that hopefully whoever posting them can make it make it easier for them to post it while the show going on yeah absolutely um in the chat by the way jump into the wward Sports Chat uh Steve this I think this is geared towards kg he doesn’t address you individually kg oh great uh don’t forget JJ McCarthy was illegally recruited that’s that’s your line he was I didn’t say it I was waiting for you to say it could it be it’s tougher when he doesn’t know the plays whatever whatever it is they’re National they’re national champions forever that’s that’s all I care about that’s all I care about okay a real Cream of Wheat wants to know Joel are you allowed to look Ryan ormani in the eye no I just reped to him I say yeah we talk [ __ ] all the time like okay what you call Ryan orm that’s my guy be texting him I was texting him in the gym other day text privileges I don’t even got that I don’t known them longer that’s crazy yeah Power neck are you allowed to text Ryan armman I I can text him man but uh I don’t have you know just the Casual texting no Jo’s got a little special thing going on there that’s Jo what you call people take a like it to me I guess it’s it’s my energy I guess so crazy clown this is the troll segment no um you call it the troll segment I say I just sit here and tell you things that factually happen oh God it factually happened so which is is that is that trolling flannel or is that on the tiger smack and the Wolverine smack all all in one week I just I just remember that uh beautiful 34-13 score Michigan versus Washington that’s that’s what I remember I remember going crazy with the guys here including you kg Michael pinck limping out that damn game that game throwing a pick to Mikey Sandra still to really seal it beautiful all right anyway uh moving on great memories I sneak in a college football nickel package real quick yes yes sir all right let’s do it let’s let’s wrap up the college football we got a spin the block nickel package coming up Sports media I can’t wait all right let’s let’s cook it real quick college football nickel package uh first down the athletic came out with their playoff projections Miami Penn State the more college football changes the more it stays the same no like it’s funny to me right here we are again and we’re rounding back into form more on that later by the way and you guys you guys can talk tough all you want we’ll get to that in fifth down but here Miami Penn State that’s why they did this expanded playoff thing so you could wake up the echo Miami and Penn State hey I’ll tell you what though because of the expanded playoffs one of them will be in and I think it’s most likely to be Penn State you know how I know because the last two seasons they dur during the final college cfp ranking they were 10th and 11th respectively they’ve got Abdul Carter who to me is the next Micah Parsons they’ve got a good safety they’ve got Drew Aller as a quarterback who’s an NFL back they got two good running backs and hey Miami too transfer quarterback cam Ward transfer transfer running back I’m a Miami fan it’s over it’s been over it will stay over well Mario christall just uh needs to learn how to take knees I’ll just say that or else last year they wouldn’t have made the playoff but they would have probably won nine or 10 games but you know those are the type of it is it’s just it’s funny to me um here’s funny crazy clown it factually happened at Oakland University since you worked for them 199 and 332 record but I but I digress well crazy clown the funny thing about that when they played Michigan when Michigan came in they’re 1 and0 against Michigan weird huh so Oakland’s basketball program is better that’s what you’re saying I mean we were this year that’s a absolutely that is a fact and we didn’t have a $5 million coach that’s facts that’s facts who people want to coach the Pistons no they don’t your people said that all right check it out all right second down in the college football nickel package Pat McAfee is still unsigned for ES ESPN’s college game day do y’all still watch game day I got to admit I do I know that I know everyone’s going to be cool and flex here I don’t I don’t watch game day you do too shut up you do it is like I I seeing that helmet the cruo in the helmet huh what’s that no I no I don’t like that like I don’t like that but I do I do still watch college game day I us I flip it on for like the first 15 minutes I wait to see if they run power neck highlights and then and then I keep it pushing yeah I I fluctuate between that and big kickoff yeah kind of if Michigan’s playing on big noon I’ll usually watch that instead but yeah college football pregame shows are absolutely electric and have been forever and need to continue to be a tradition cuz there’s nothing quite like it would you like more big noon or uh college game day million times I would say I would honestly say big new lowkey was creeping up there for me this season I I watched them a little bit more this season I like huh the Michigan pregame show no not the Michigan I just whoever most times it was Michigan it was michig no speaking fact got to have the national champions you you play college football am I right or am I wrong they cover a lot of Michigan football like once you say that I really PE I’m like yeah every game it’s a big bluebud program if you like blue Bud programs you probably like you know big noon kickoff I don’t hate the hustle and the the Pat McAfee thing last year he chose to do game day instead of WWE he kind of sidelined WWE this year he’s been fulltime WWE he’s on Raw all the time so I don’t think he does sign with college game day cuz the schedules just don’t match up and I maybe he has more interest in that but just wanted to throw that out there so I will say this mcafe is an animal like oh yeah yeah he a guy that works in this business man like and he’s great everything he does everything he does works man especially during football season man yeah like bro yeah y he’s he earns every dime oh yeah every dime he gets he earn all right third down all right third down in the college football nickel package why does everyone ignore Decades of success for Oklahoma but just anoint Texas as a blue State blood again after one playoff appearance like because it’s the long horns baby come on I I don’t get it like because they’re basically the same except Oklahoma’s done it for two decades but people remember people remember the Texas memories more I I don’t get it they value the Texas memories more I’ll I’ll actually tell you why I think it’s very very simple Texas is on the upswing Steve sarkeesian looks like he’s trending to become one of the best coaches in school history Oklahoma on the other hand has Brent venol a guy that you agree is not up to caliber of like a link and Riley for example and Oklahoma all those years that they were good they would always get exposed in the college football playoff and I I understand they made it they had all those good quarterbacks but even when we talk about decades Texas has a national championship more recently than Oklahoma does yeah Vince Young and then a couple years later they were in the game with Colt McCoy mhm they the bigger brand I think Oklahoma was considered up there when they were actually doing it when they actually had Kyler Murray and Baker Mayfield now they’re clearly on a down swing and they’re going into the SEC where they’re going to be perpetually a four- loss team as will Texas I don’t know about that I think Texas will be better than Oklahoma moving forward okay we going to see we’re going to see I know I like it I can’t wait all right fourth down down oh yeah fourth down in the NF I mean the college football nickel package we are less than a 100 days away from college football do we realize USC UCLA Oregon and Washington are in the Big 10 I keep asking this one every week because I don’t feel like people do realize it you know like they don’t they ain’t got no choice yeah I know but it’s happening and it’s happening like I’m looking forward to it in two months it’s happening I understand more competition in the Big 10 that’s all you can ask for are we fully aware though flannel do you think we are yes yes I know you asked that question no do you think the big the average Big 10 fan is fully aware of that who cares you asked that question and if I don’t give you the answer that you think that you’re programmed to get you just don’t listen you’re like la la la la la la la who gives a damn it’s there whether we want it or not it’s just a subtle way to jab at the Big 10 that’s what you’re doing what do you mean that’s what you’re doing how how am I jabbing at the Big 10 basically saying that the Big 10 for so long was trash and that we’re not prepared for better competition we’re not prepared for no no that it’s not it’s not a jab at the Big 10 it’s a jab at the the traditional list of uh and there was one in here too someone complaining about the noon kickoffs you know like yeah like it’s it’s not a jab at that like this is change is happening and you can talk that you don’t like it all you want but guess what you going to watch when Frank Lucas shows up with the blue magic exactly dot dot dot looking like you in the bathroom with the Tigers man all right what do we got next all right so down in the college football nickel package Ohio State Michigan Auburn Alabama Notre Dame USC Texas A&M all in week 14 alone y’all still talking tough saying I won’t watch and I won’t stream question mark question mark question I think they are oh yeah I think they’re all talking tough everyone in the I’m not getting another streaming service but when you leave they gonna be streaming again that’s what I’m saying man like it is there is no uh liking and wanting to hang on to a little bit of tradition you don’t value sentimentality at all just all about the bag and I am here to give a voice to people who actually appreciate tradition me the administrators are about the bag F the the the conferences are about the bag the TV networks are about the coaches are about the bag the minute nilo happened they became NFL Jr no it was already NFL it was but now it’s legal to be n the laborers just weren’t paid exactly now it’s legal to be here with it but yeah it’s been like that I know I just we don’t need to dunk or Victory lap on people who are just going to watch their favorite sport but not like some things about it that’s all and that’s what you do but you’re going to line up and yeah who cares why are you like shaming people for it y’all got y’all got any more gam I think he’s just shaming the people that come out and be in these comments and say it’s not you it’s the people that oh I won’t watch I’m not getting peacock if you want to watch a game exactly it’s those people I’m not getting peacock to stream this NFL playoff game well three million people did fair enough fair enough like I it’s just the people that continue to push back about it despite the fact of the evidence that it works time and time and time again you’re addicted just admit you’re addicted and you’re not going anywhere shape up or ship out man um Matt Krueger next thing you know you’re going to hear about high school top 10 players in the nation getting 51 Grand that’s already happening too yeah Quinn ERS did that yeah walked out the door yeah exactly gromet 0237 name image and likeness destroyed the NCA it did not yeah coaches making $160 Million last year to not coach to not coach athletic directors making seven figures like Alabama’s athletic director that’s what destroyed this they’re going to get the blame the players are when they want a little piece of the action that they create and didn’t regulate exactly that’s what destroyed this I’m tired of the athletes getting the blame for this [ __ ] all they’re doing is asking for theirs yeah the coaches and the administrators been getting it forever yeah be mad at them and then they they jump on that camera and they’re like I just don’t like the dabos Sweeney I don’t like the direction college football is going you know what you do like your checking account right you ain’t going to like the direction of your career cuz uh you better get with it but it doesn’t matter yeah it he’s made his $70 million it doesn’t matter it’s easy to talk tough when you got 70 M’s in the bank yeah it’s easy to be righteous when you got $70 million Nick saving but he’s gone now it’s easy to be righteous then but when somebody else that they created for you yeah that’s that’s what destroyed college sports but we’ll still show up and watch anyway and how can something be destroyed that you won’t give up it can’t be so let’s just be honest I guess that’s the moral that’s the moral of the story where we at Le Stanford power neck absolutely what happens when you run a great business for over 50 years you expand and offer more products to more people this is exactly what 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the transfer portal why not Vincent right a coach can pick up and move and take its guarantees with them no that’s the point I was getting that the transer reporter really like is like it’s more so it giving like I said it’s giving players like false hope like oh like if I could just up and leave cuz they seeing other players up and leave and go to these schools but it’s like those players had Talent or like just weren’t in like a good situation they did they due diligence at a smaller school and moved up some players are like smaller schools are not getting plan time but there like cuz that’s the type of player they are and they thinking going to a different school is going to change that it’s like no you got to work hard takes care of itself I mean more so some of them just got to work harder yeah that’s really what it is no cream always Rises to the top though yeah man I mean one it kills I think there’s pros and cons to it you’re going to kill the high school kids in terms of their opportunities to see the field terms of trying to get on with the roster but a lot the times man it’s hard to sometimes even get in Opportunities with coaches because you know depending on where you are where you got recruited from you know coaches leave every year I’m not saying it’s a bad thing but I think it hurts a lot more players than it necessarily helps cuz now you have over 2,000 3,000 guys in the portal and 10% of them aren’t going to find a new player yeah correct but you know what though that’s on them yeah exactly like you you want all the big boy stuff which which I want all to have all the big boy stuff yeah I do but there’s a flip side to this flannel if you’re if you’re treading out into the business World those Waters can get choppy man that is the other side of it like make no mistake about it you you are worth what somebody says you are worth that’s it yeah it it I can see this is where I’m kind of at with it really quick a lot of those guys as Joel alluded to as James alluded to are going to make poor decisions they’re going to leave situations that they shouldn’t leave that’s that’s life no I understand that but if you’re a a a coach you’re literally one of one you are a head coach at a college football University if you’re a player you’re one of however many that to me is the difference and they have fully developed brains and probably families to help them make these decisions I get it we don’t need to protect these kids from themselves but or at least that’s not what we’re doing now but a lot of poor decisions are going to be made mhm right and are going to continue to be made just like a lot of poor business decisions are made every day in the business this is a business and NC is one of them yeah y should have regulated the [ __ ] you know again and if a student that NCA that was like their whole thing student athletes right remember the commercial they’re student athletes well a student can pop up and transfer anytime they want exactly a student can get a job a student can do anything they want at any can up and leave school go to the profession anytime they want it empowers the student actually so 100% man I just I’m tired up why is it okay okay for the coaches and the administrators why and it’s not okay for the players why is it why is it accepted for the administrators and coaches but when a player does it it’s looked down upon and that it’s Ru quote ruining the sport the sport that they make no I I I I get it I just think that there’s an element of maybe protecting these young guys from themselves I’m not saying that they need to be cuddled or babysat I’m just saying Brian’s reaction says they are not children no they are not that’s fine at that point that’s fine they’re they’re adults fair enough all right let’s do this I don’t see his picture can we can can we sneak the Breakin to get back on the clock yeah absolutely I I did that I did a poor job of trafficking you are so that’s that’s my bad so can can we do this let’s let’s do it let’s get back on the clock and then let’s get back into the uh nickel package mode if you will you got that KDK law KD law all right let’s do it dealing with divorce child custody visitation or other family law issues guys this is important stuff right now Kevin and Katherine at KDK law in Birmingham will have your back over 10 years of experience with 24/7 availability scan the QR code on the screen right now you can give them a call if you want to go that route 248 [Music] 97147 th guys this is the biggest thing that’s going to happen in your life a lot of times divorce child custody these are these are big things KD K law they’ll have your [Music] back come to any lady Jam’s haircuts for men and claim your throne for a king’s treatment from one of our talented stylists open 7 days a week walk in anytime just get to a Lady Janes today and receive a Precision haircut scalp massage hot lather neck shave and a hot towel treatment a haircut should not be a chore 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that your p and dream of and guess what it’s all Under One Roof Premier Pet Supply familyowned operated and PR to call Metro Detroit home check out Premier pets or scan the QR code today who’s got it better than pets nobody come to any Lady Jane’s haircuts for men and claim your throne for a king’s treatment from one of our talented stylists open 7 days a week walk in anytime just get to a lady Jan’s today and receive a Precision haircut scalp massage hot lather neck shave and a hot towel treatment a haircut should not be a chore it should be an experience and that’s exactly what Lady Janes has to offer open seven days a week Walkins are always welcome there’s always a location near you lady Jan’s hair cuts for men it’s wicked awesome bra networks here Premier Pet Supply man just looking around who’s got it better than Pets Come on a baby stroller for Cota a chef for Lola really you don’t have to tell me who the real boss here is who’s got it better than pets nobody especially here at Premier pet supply for over 30 years and more than 13 locations Premier pet supplies has everything that your pet can dream of and guess what it’s all Under One Roof Premier Pet Supply familyowned operated and Prouds to call Metro Detroit home check out Premier pets or scan the QR code today who’s got it better than pets is that an octopus in your pants or are you just happy to see me you see what I did there go Red Wings from octopi experts Woodward Sports all right back at it here Big D energy Woodward Sports Network Neil Ru Sam flannel kg Joel here in the house power neck in the booth and all of you in the Woodward Sports Chat thread uh nickel package Friday let’s get it back we got it back timely thanks for riding through with us there uh Pistons are having a press conference today at 3:30 finally right TR and Lon well I told you guys it was coming towards the end of the week so everybody just calm down uh trer langon will address the media and Tom gors and Tom gors will be there as well you know it’s big Kool-Aid will be there oh yeah yeah I’ll be in the building I say you say you I’ll be in the building pulling up so uh hopefully we don’t get more about Tom Gore’s you know in the community it’s kind of like your M take okay moving on from that uh let’s do a little quick Pistons one yeah why not there’s an underbelly of people that like the Pistons talk I’m man they can keep running like they don’t like the Pistons but but they do all right let’s do it I digress uh Pistons nickel package first quarter in the Pistons nickel package is Jaylen durran a part of the Pistons core moving forward I believe so um you look at what he does right yeah pick and roll is that going anywhere in basketball no it is not he is good at it now think about what he’ll be when he’s 23 um he can he can do it that way so you know at the same time he he certainly is a part he certainly is going to be a part of it long term so you know just when you look at it from that perspective I think he is a now I would also say too that guys that are capable of 2020 games you may not like the style but just remember the dude is still 20 that’s true 20 which gives me a little bit of Hope for the future that his defense in terms of stocks in terms of Rim protection in terms of post defense does improve yes he’s a double double machine but and I know these type of players don’t grow on trees and you need defense as well but um if you can’t shoot you’re not a lock for the core do I think it’s more likely than not that he is sure but he’s not inexpiable yeah but I would say this flannel given the nature of his game if you’re going to have someone on the floor that is not a shooter yeah and I do believe that he is I mean but the mid-range shot is not valued so I mean I guess that doesn’t really count for anything but if you’re going to if you’re going to not be a shooter the skill set he has translates it translates the pick and roll ain’t going anywhere right so therefore he he can be an offensive threat to you a double digit scoring guy being a part of your core is one thing is he starter on this team going forward with his deficiencies who it it dep jayen dur you got you got to show me the roster you know what I’m saying like yeah that’s it you want to swim in the waters and like maybe go get a Nick Claxton or something like that then then that changes right so you know then it becomes more situational fair enough but but he is an NBA player oh definitely NBA play% most definitely definitely a good you know can be a good NBA player and still is 20 still has a very high ceiling I would say yeah absolutely all right second quarter all right second quarter in the Pistons nickel package what is more important for the Pistons to improve shooting or defense this is easy shooting I know defense is like they do need to improve defensively but shooting absolutely is the you got to you got to have Shooters in this league man because you have to punish a team when they make a mistake defensively like you know when you’re watching the playoffs flannel and you’re watching the finals and you see the extra pass or you see an extra bit of ball movement and the guy’s open in the corner and it’s like Bruce brown or kcp or insert your Celtic it’s in you don’t even have to watch the shot is in you have to penalize teams when they make defensive mistakes it is shooting by a margin that defense can’t even see the fact that people even say defense in the chat just boggles my mind and I think it’s more with the uh Detroit Pistons fans fetishization of Defense here’s the reality the Boston Celtics just showed you all of their top six could shoot threes Sam Hower could shoot threes very well at least in the regular season Payton Pritchard in the regular season shot the three ball well even a guy like Xavier Tillman can can knock one down last season with the Pistons you were rolling out Killian Hayes for half the season you were rolling out assar Thompson jayen Ivy Jaylen Duren James wisman none of whom can shoot the three get Shooters now and that should be your first priority your second priority and your third I agree man like that that’s the nature of of teams too like with the ascent remember when Isaiah got here right they would score and they gave up a ton of points yeah that’s that’s the the Ascension of a franchise that’s the way it works the defense comes last it just is Denver was the same way Joe uh you had something on this you a basketball I was going to say something about the shooting I was going to say like especially rolling out uh players like keian Hayes and all that players that can’t shoot it make it easier to clog up those Lanes so it’s like what are you going to do what could Durham be what your call exactly so you open that floor up for him and you can see him in that Prime dunker spot he already is a prime like lob threat and then what you call like I said I just said about Duran the sky is the limit for him so he can develop to become in my opinion bro how young he is and the promise that he show he could develop into become an all NBA player it might not be on the Pistons but he could definitely be uh developing to that type of player so you open up the floor for a player like that you could definitely see him dominate yeah I mean there is an angle that’s that’s savable no doubt about it so Reed Shepard bring him home he you know what Reed Shepard I’d be fine with aulton connect I’d be fine with and then a guy like Stefan Castle I would not be fine with purely because it would be bringing in another defensive guy who can’t shoot another assar Thompson like give me shooters man you need Shooters and I know a lot of people I see just a fan just clown me basically said oh so Boston didn’t play defense I’m not saying that you can have traffic cones every here’s the reality of the situation Drew holiday considered one of the best perimeter defenders in the NBA he also shot 43% from three this season yes sir this is the we you have to shoot and you can go last year to kcp you can go last year you know every every championship team has that yeah it’s better to outc score teams to have a dominant defense in this era just a fan who had the best Shooters in the finals Boston had like what what did they have like eight of the top maybe 10 right I would say everybody that play on Boston can shoot shoot everybody can Daniel can’t shoot I was just about to say derri Lively can’t shoot Dereck Jones Jr can’t shoot PJ Washington is streaky as hell PJ Washington isn’t as good of a shooter as the top eight Celtic Shooters are that’s facts I I’ll I’ll say I’ll say this though and I’ll give a Counterpoint is you got to go against the grain everyone is looking for Shooters right now you got to understand Shooters are usually the last thing you need to make a championship basketball team what you need right now is Playmakers guys that can have a special talent to do something whether that’s creating their own shot whether that is playing defense I mean we saw how big of an impact Drew holiday had on this series as the best on ball Defender right now in the NBA you know a guy that can play offense but I’m just saying defense is his main thing but everyone’s looking for Shooters right now you know what I’m saying so you can’t be I mean as a Detroit Pistons you’re not going to be a free agent destination you’re going to have to develop and homegrown guys I think you’re looking for guys that can do multiple things that are Playmakers um that aren’t just onedimensional I would say to that point that’s why you should draft a player like probably Cody Williams or was it Caleb I’m yeah Cody Williams Because what you call he can shoot and develop his own or get his own bucket so we more so not saying you got to get a pure shooter like a JJ reic type player but like to S Point Drew holiday is a lock down Defender and can shoot so you need those like you need multifunctional players who can go out there and do everything for you and shoot on top of it so whoever you do take or get n to shoot in like some capacity they don’t have to just be like a specialist shooter a three in D guy is like the the cover charge to getting the club in today’s got to have one got to have one or you’re in trouble if you don’t again just a fan we’re not living in 2005 88 to 87 games do not exist anymore Jesus Christ this fetishization with being like this tough defensive team that’s why you got assar that’s why you got Killian right how did that work out and Jaylen Duran is even that good at defense we just learned or at least isn’t as as good as we initially thought right away but he’s still 20 I understand oh by the way shoters on the four Pistons team Like Richard Hamilton shot 26% from three damn it’s a new game it is you know like that it’s a new day it’s it’s a totally different game all right next one all right so third quarter in the Pistons nickel package Simone fio is a restricted free agent should it be a priority for the Pistons to resign him duh yes well I mean what does Tran think that’s not’s guy that’s true that’s true but for what he does with this current iteration of the team absolutely yep he’s a 43% three-point shooter last year with during his time with the Pistons and unlike Buon he’s actually not a traffic cone on the on the defensive side he can take the ball off the dribble a little bit more than Buon could yes yes yes yes yes yes you signed Simone fonio honestly if trean lden does not I might those are going to be things that may you want him fired no not if he doesn’t sign fanto do you want him fired fired but things that make you go I’ll just say that buy them out fire him Simone Fon was one of the few guys that you have in house or at least that can shoot and tribute it immediately as soon as you got here I feel guilty now because I see him getting revved up and I’m not even doing it on purpose so I’m who he is all right next one let’s just go to the next one all right fourth quarter uh which UFA would you rather the Pistons overpay for this off season unrestricted free agent would I overpay for uh there’s a couple of choices yeah what’s your choices I would say Nick claxon maybe no the the the choices I put were uh Gary Trent and uh miles bridges yeah for me I would love to get both of them absolutely but going back to what we talked about I’m I’m taking miles Bridges I like I like Trent a lot I do I don’t care what happened off the court yeah 20 point a game guys don’t grow on trees and I keep saying that coming off a 14 win season M he’s 217 and three like come on now that’s that’s it that’s it that’s all put that next to cage and whatever that cost you in terms of your roster now it cost you I get the off the court stuff but you got to you Beggars can’t be choosers 14 wins yeah lot of people out on him I I I think about a 14- win season more than I think about what he’s done off the court in in my daily life yeah you know what I’m saying like that’s plus he would be cheaper than a Brandon Ingram trade like I know a lot of people want Brandon Ingram but you don’t know what you would have to give up to get a player like that yeah yeah I’m BR I’m Bridges all the way I and I do like Trent iot Trent is a pro that that would I think would help this team I think if you sign Trent you’re five to six wins better immediately just by him being here give me Bridges or give me D I don’t know wow it it sounded cool let’s not die on that hill but I have to be consistent with My Philosophy for this team I’m going Gary Trent just because he’s a career 39% three-point shooter on six attempts per game miles Bridges had one fluke season where he shot 40 every other season he’s been below 35% from three and I’m not saying I wouldn’t take miles bridges on this team and Gary Trent’s another one that can playoff ball that can defend the perimeter for all of you who say that I don’t care about defense and just want bons everywhere yeah but he’s a three andd three and D give me give me Gary Trent but I would obviously take miles bridges in a vacuum just give me Gary Trent a little bit more because of his three-point prowess and the fact that he’s a off ball guard who’s got some size to him as well all right just just on some [ __ ] here what if they got them both what do you think this team would be uh better than 14 plan threat yes yes yes if they made the necessary uh deductions I would say and we need to see the role players too but those two additions absolutely add at least 10 wins to to this team more at least at least I would say at least just I you know just something fun yeah I’d say 20 I would love they add at least 20 wins to this team play yeah Fair um one more yeah uh so Fifth Quarter which player option free agent would you rather the Pistons overpay for OG an anobi at $20 million or kcp at $15 million those player options yeah yeah options y sorry about that um I I would probably take kcp and I know I’m going to get killed on that but it goes back to what I just said moments ago a three and D Wing is the admission to get in the club in the NBA yeah and you know I know that no one’s going to say kcp because you all wanted Trey Burke to this day so you know the Michigan fans they can’t say kcp because you died on the Trey Burke Hill yeah okay I would love kcp on this team but give me OG Obi he’s got more size he’s got more would you rather have kcp or Trey Burke right now are you sure duh Trey Burke was not a good NBA player if kcp is 15 million why not just go for for OG for extra five they’re going to make more than that by the way both of them yeah yeah and they’re going to both opt out because they can make 100% you gave me the choice I’m telling you what my choice I yeah that’s what that’s what my choice all right let’s take the break when we come back spin the block nickel package yeah I can’t wait short and sweet to the point no absolutely uh where we tell them about Randy Wise right right yes right oh wait no we all have a re for Randy Wise do we never you you can freestyle it though you got it pop it up there on this you I can do Randy Wise the Randy Wise Celebrity Golf Tour we did a a version of that at the Oakland Hills Golf Club not that long ago Randy Wise Automotive team they can get you right with your cars and there’s going to be even more stops on the Randy Wise Celebrity Golf Course golf golf tour visit Randy Wise today feel alive during Feldman Chevrolet’s biggest New Year Sales Event ever get the best prices on our huge selection of award-winning Chevrolets like this 2024 Equinox for 188 per month or this 2024 Silverado for 268 per month it’s the New Year sales event going on now at Feldman Chevrolet Michigan’s number one Chevy dealer had enough Detroit sports make sure you listen to armman and Edwards with Maz next 2:00 p.m. to 400 p.m. on the Woodward Sports Network yo let me just say I love Planet Fitness trying out Planet Fitness and dang they got lots of equipment not me getting a Planet Fitness membership just for the 24-hour perk listen the pf black card is worth every penny for this hydro massage I’m a new man did y’all know that the PF app has workouts you can do at home cheapest therapy I can find is Planet Fitness all the benefits All For Less Planet Fitness big Fitness for all game is one in the trenches and our Big Fellas don’t mess around the Woodward heavyweights on Woodward [Applause] Sports passed it in on my way here today thought about going but uh srois crispy chicken and Pizza if I wasn’t on a diet I’d be there it’s taking over Michigan locations are popping up all over Metro Detroit doubling the number of restaurants this year known for their quality hand battered and hamb breaded chicken tenders sandwiches and New York style pizza and don’t forget about those biscuits folks be sure to stop in and try Mega station near you or go to I’m telling you guys those those biscuits there I just had them last week bro so good so I don’t know what they do at crois slaps dude like for real who was on crack crack yeah um I’ve been waiting for this oh by the way Neil rule flannel Sam in for dmac you back with me on Monday yes all right so there it is we’ll be back at a Monday kg Joel and in the house yeah what’s the deal what’s the deal got sent down to the miners for a little rehab spin he’ll be back in you notice T made it back up man second day starting again man happy faos power NE here is in the house um Pub the football camp again power neck oh yeah football camp coming up next week uh next Friday actually 28th through the 30th up at Bald du Park bring your kids $30 over 3 days and uh yeah talk football recruitment process want to play college sports and a little financial literacy where do they go for more information go to D I’ll throw it in the chat d o r put there at the so uh be there be square the man that turned around Eastern Michigan’s football program single-handedly yep can give those secrets to your child as well one neck at a time one neck at a time all right we got to let’s do this man I’ve been waiting for this one spin the block nickel package variety all right let’s see if this works yes I I mixed in a little bit Sports in here let them know what is spin the block all right so Spin The Block is where we normally you know educate you whites on what’s going on in in urban community yes the black community the culture the culture per se Urban’s Urban is a little low outdated but little corporate word yeah a little bit yeah just a little bit but number one in the uh spin the block nickel package uh H my phone’s acting up all right cool uh the Madden 25 trailer released yesterday and the opening scene was Justin Fields returning kicks disrespectful or no no he’s the Ultimate Weapon I I I think you’re going to see this is something that you could see that you might see you really think you going to see that Justin fields reti to kicks he’s an elite runner in the league is that smart if you sign two quarterback is he an elite runner in the league absolutely but if Russ if Russ falls off a cliff then what you going to do if you got him returning kicks Russ is going to fall off a cliff no so now you’re doubting thank you power listen now you’re doubting Mike Tomlin though no I’m not I know it’s a nowi situation for me I was so mad that Russ went to the Steelers yeah man but hey this is going to be the ultimate test of Mike Tomas oh stop it if he gets if he gets that franchise Destroyer Russ Wilson to the playoffs then he can walk that is such narrative pushing like this is the Hall of Fame of narrative pushing Russell Wilson is better than Kenny picket wow and you know what maybe Justin field is better than Kenny picket maybe oh come on justtin fields is a bum I’m so tired of people acting like he’s a threat or something is he an elite runner in the national no answer the question is he an elite run throw a run yeah okay so so he’s Elite at something he has an elite trade he can’t throw worth a damn okay but he has an elite trade fine so he’s better than Kenny picket okay fine not a not not a high bar maybe I was a little emotionally thinking there he’s better than canny pick it but Russell Wilson is better than Justin Fields I don’t know that’s insane Justin Fields has never destroyed a franchise and uh Russell Wilson was a consistent winner with Seattle and he destroyed Denver that was more Denver’s fault though they they wanted Aaron R dides in the aisle of a team flight but why would you pay this man that amount of money out of desperation but um number two in the spin the block nickel package rapper Birdman pulled up to a prison to talk to some of the inmates One inmate asked if he could help bring in more books for them and he responded and I quote you think these books going to help you what’s Birdman wrong for this hell [Laughter] yeah did he hit him with it at the after he we have we don’t have that confirmed we don’t have that confirmed but is was he wrong for that was he wrong or was it was he wrong no well the pre previous qu the inmate asked him did he have the power to do something like yeah he said he had power to do you know whatever most things that they asked for he asked for the books he was like why you know you think these books going to help you he’s not wrong okay I said it he’s not wrong he’s not wrong what type of sentence did this guy have because if he’s not doing life then yes Birdman is wrong give yourself some purpose while you’re in prison give yourself some purpose learn a couple of things get more learned you see people get college degrees in prison Joe you don’t only other brother in the room what’s your take on it bro you talking about the Birdman thing my bad I had the headphones on what your call yeah know he crazy for saying that cuz what your call when you in in a situation like prison like really ain’t much else going to help you so if they just trying to if they just trying to ease their mind by reading give give him something to ease their mind I don’t know I I don’t know what what was he offering to give them like commissary or something I don’t know but he was trying to just go in there and talk to him but he also said he had the power to help them out in in certain ways and they for books he denied him the books he just told him you ain’t waking up in a new Bugatti and you ain’t read no that’s why I’m like what else could they ask for other than commissary or books hey Joel give me one oh my don’t do that what happened to that boy Power neck no no comment you sitting over there looking crazy no comment I mean is he wrong like yeah but like kind of like Neil said like he’s kind of like he’s yeah there’s some there’s some truth but like no I shouldn’t have said that obviously it’s not it’s not the right thing to say it’s not very PC but you know I think it was more I think it was more of a a funny a funny CP than it was like knan Birdman like who he is I don’t think that’s who he actually going to help you yeah it was just funny the way he real quick Ryan’s reaction quote Justin Fields is a Darkhorse MVP candidate unquote Sam flannel 2023 and then last year he [ __ ] the bed even though he got he had more help so you did believe I believed and now I don’t believe anymore give him DJ more and it didn’t even help them at all uh Dante 151 Neil Russell Wilson won a Super Bowl and should have won a second one yeah well he also destroyed a franchise what about Sean pton hand like it was really Denver it was the ownership he destroyed Denver the draft Capital his performance attitude he didn’t tell him to give all that to tr he did lunges on the team flight no he did he was no coming back he Wasing once he got did you ever do lunges on Eastern Michigan’s team flight to a bowl game we never did lunges no but I will say this Shawn P wanted him to fail from week three on they literally tried to get to be a backup quarterback threaten his guarantee bonus and he had a winning season again those Denver almost made the playoffs people forget that he did lunges on a plane they benched him at the lit out of Spike power neck you’ve lived this life I feel like you’re just glossing over that I think you qu too much think he got special treatment like it was over the top he had an office at the team facility he was Wilding once he got there okay thank you he was but he only partially sank Denver but um we might do is it okay if we go a little bit over because I really want to get this for foot off yeah absolutely all right cool number three on the spin the block uh nickel package on Carmelo Anthony 7M in Brooklyn podcast yesterday Melo revealed that Kobe hated JJ reck because of the praise Coach K would give him during their Team USA run JJ is now the coach of the Lakers is this a bad omen it’s a bad Omen because it’s not going to work like how how how how are you going to get and like I like JJ re yeah I do I like him a lot he’s a cool dude uh he did some stuff for Oakland when Travis Bader broke his three-point record and history college basketball he’s a good dude but like flannel there’s no way this works right there’s no way this works come on flannel I think it can work what’s going to change what’s going to change tell me you still got data Davis and that’s going to hurt them you still got data Davis that’s going to hurt now now you’re just trolling bro that’s you still got his Jor what are you going to do who are you going to get better than him next year sweater they’re automatically a 4550 win team but that’s my point What’s going to be better what’s going to be better because Darin ham was the worst coach in the NBA and JJ reck has at least a smart basketball mind that we know doesn’t matter who’s their coach does it matter it matters having anybody but that buffoon Darin ham seriously what about darham was the coach well then Frank Fogle helped lead him to a championship wow that actually happened that actually happened same guys ah no no no no no no the Lakers lost like Alex Caruso and kyp and all they lost they lost a lot of good Danny Green [ __ ] of good Ro is that going to change no then it ain’t going to change okay then they’re still going to be a playoff team and they might actually win something in the playoffs next year they might I was say a lot of the Lakers problems last year did look like schemy issues at times too because like it would be team like especially during the Nugget series it would be just runs going on cuz me and my friend will be uh talking about it all the time like why is there no type of timeout being called like they they’re walking you all the way down and you just not even doing nothing to adjust like they just really didn’t do a lot of things to adjust and listen to I used to listen to JJ reic podcast every day I could tell that he’s going to be a person that’s really going to be like thinking like he’s going to be a great basketball mind he it’s probably I I say like this he’s going to live by the sword and die by the sword of analytics is is either going to like really really help him or it’s going to be his demise it’s going to be no in between with him I don’t know I just I wonder about too the fact when you got Anthony Davis at 63 million doll at 34 years old he’s a top 10 player in the NBA oh come on yes he is come on are you serious he’s not healthy enough he was literally healthy last year it’s about time no yeah he he making all NBA you top 10 already okay come playoff time come play off time crazy play there’s an APB out for the brother I can’t find him he may or may not be available day to day and the other thing that bothers or like 30 he damn near average like 30 points this way off he’s great in the regular season man he’s great he he will put up numbers bro he can stuff a box score but when it comes down to en closing moments he he doesn’t want the ball you can’t give him the ball and clutch situations he’s a good Defender but it’s just like he’s too inconsistent in terms of being out on the court when he’s actually out there he’s good but I mean he also disappears for second halves all the time cap this playoffs he averaged 28 and 16 uhhuh and look in the second half proba did and and the Lakers LED for 65% of the series according to Allen W and what happened yeah so Anthony Davis was the least of the Lakers problems in these playoffs come on and oh by the way how I know it’s going turn remember 2020 when Anthony Davis put up Elite numbers as a robin to LeBron to help them win a championship I guess anymore that’s four years ago four years ago Anthony Davis has has great playoff numbers through his career look him up look up the second half that’s what I would look up we going to have to break man we against it but the final question is the spin the block nickel package and I’m coming right over to power neck because he did the campus tour to help recruit this kid uh uh to the to the program so three star recruit Noah K created no Noah blank actually say his name bro you’re going to ask the question three star recruit no K created quite the buzz last weekend after committing to EMU their play-by-play announcer is white as snow good luck with that oh my God good good good luck with that if you were in his position how are you going to call his name I’m just going to say his name right which what else can you do you said huh just going to say his name isn’t it Noah kega yes yes like what’s the problem you playing with fire if you’re saying his name I don’t see the issue yeah that’s his name that’s his name he doesn’t choose his last name you don’t see how this could be problematic his mama named him clay I’mma call him clay yeah so you would call his you go call his name Noah kega okay Tackle by kga like what’s the problem Tackle by K what why what what should I say Noah yeah just Noah number whatever he going to wear right maybe the college football Style just call him by his number all right JB smooth who is the goat of Woodward Sports the glue that holds it all together has chimed in on the chat thread and you know it’s sh when JB smoo pipes up you pay attention to what he has to say in all caps say his name kg see I want to but but you’re scared you’re going to mess it up yeah no it’s just I want to say it the other way but you know but Joel I mean not yeah Joel what you think about this oh no no no no no JB smooth said say his name kg Noah blank Noah K it’s you know like really think about it it’s crazy that for his last name to beat that and it starts with a K and you really think about the history a k yeah and yeah you got to think I got to question his ancestors for that like yeah that’s what I’m saying they had some deep hatred behind that one they like they like you know what we going to make we going to really we going to find a way to always say it so you go call him by day just a fan kg stand on business you’re getting a lot of heat uh etn says how is Neil the only one that said it in this room I’m a professional okay Noah kigga all right so it’s 102 see you later everybody have a great week again we let’s just play the last break this is why this is problematic yeah this is why flannel any thoughts uh no since we’re let’s just go all the way flannel how did you celebrate juneth how’ I celebrate juneth I was uh where was I at I was in Vermont yep all great Jun celebrations begin and end in Vermont right lot of cookout in Vermont no yeah lot of cookout in Vermont all right people just wanted to know did you see any type of paraphernalia like saying anything about juneth like when you went out like at like a Walmart or anything you know I was in like a really really small town at least for that for that I mean it was like population 200 it was meant to be sort of a uh after we got out of Boston and everything kind of more of a rural trip so yeah so no no canas right he said it it say it how you feel kg how you feel saying it man I feel dirty I feel dirty tell I feel dirty dirty I feel dirty but Neil Chuck Brewer said Oh you mean a real white area oh okay all right so so there it is everybody everybody have a great weekend we’ll be back at it Monday uh Sam flannel will be in for dmac so for flannel for kg for Joel our guy and power neck of course I’m Neil Ro thanks for tapping in Big D energy well see you later kga please


  1. “So tonight will be the night that I will fall for you overrrrrrrrrr againnnnnnnn don’t make me change my mind” -Sam Reynolds

  2. College sports has not been ruined at all. Neal is just like the guys hes shaming. Neal agrees that college football has been ruined. The money and rating sais neals wrong. And neal know thats what matters

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