Golf Players

Happy Hour: Travelers Championship + KPMG Women’s PGA

Another week, and another signature event on the PGA Tour. While everyone is trying to recover from the USO that was, the best Women in the game are teeing it up at Sahalee in their 3rd Major Championship of the year. We run down some news and notes, the odd’s sheet to make some picks and more. Presented by High Noon.

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oh [Music] n [Music] [Applause] [Music] be the right Club be the right club today Johnny that’s better than most how about in that is better than most better than most [Music] expect anything [Music] [Music] different ladies and gentlemen I actually got iced tea all over my keyboard doing that welcome back to the no laying up live show happy hour presented as always by our friends at High Noon Su here the Zar Neil Shuster is here hello Neil good afternoon Su it’s a hot one up here in the Northeast fired up to talk some golf with you Florida hot uh yeah real hot maybe even Texas hot shout out to Cody big Randy is here hello Mr Big hey guys uh Neil I hope you get the weather in a couple days that’s out in Denver right now 73 degrees in Sunny Chamber of Commerce day knock it off Randy I’m saying I hope it goes your way nowhere else he’d rather be than spending 2 p.m. mountain time out here out here with us chatting some golf week after major championship come on we’re getting over the hangover we’re going to get through introducing High noon’s all new vodka iced tea it’s time to ditch those sugary malt-based teas and try High Noon vodka iced tea made with real vodka real iced tea it’s non-carbonated no added sugar 90 calories High Noon vodka ice tea is great for any occasion Under the Sun comes in four delicious flavors you got to try original Peach lemon and raspberry I’m on the original today it’s fantastic it’s wonderful it’s delightful it’s refreshing you can visit highp to find a pack near you how’s everybody doing how we feeling hung over we feeling uh we ready to fire up some more golf this week I you know what I have been on this High I think since Sunday I’ve had like the two of the most online days I’ve had in forever I’ve been you in the replies deep in Twitter replies having discussions I I just think it’s fascinating I I continue to think you know the the human element that we saw unfold on Sunday at Pinehurst is just fascinating there’s tons of interesting topics to dive into so I actually feel like more enthused than I felt in a long time Randy that’s that I saw you mixing up in the block party thread on The Refuge on our message you’ve been you’ve been like yes uh very online which is great to see I love it when the big man gets fired up he’s contagious right and I think you made some good points I you know I uh enjoy talking about this stuff with you s I was out of the uh titles photo shoot on Monday uh up at [ __ ] Country Club up by the The Travelers uh and I think I mean maybe it’s rubbing off on me but just fascinating to spend some time with with these guys I mean a lot of them were pretty worn out it sounded like some some guys were trying to call him sick but everybody showed up and uh once you get them talking about golf in the process and transitioning from Bermuda to Bentgrass they they uh you know I think maybe that’s why I’m fired up weirdly for this week uh the Signature Events working for me I said a couple weeks ago I was worried about you know the hangover of like oh is that going to feel like a big event I’m I feel like I’m more fired up for this week than I was for Memorial I said this after the Masters rolling right in RBC was like just wait till Sunday I mean if you’re not ready for more golf right now that’s fine I’m not exactly ready I might not be ready by Friday I might I’m not begging to sit in front of my TV and watch a lot more but by Sunday we’ll be thankful that we have we have a women’s major coming to conclusion on Sunday evening could be in prime time but it’s not that’s really unfortunate uh and then we’ve got The Travelers as well there’ll be plenty of golf uh to choose from this weekend and uh I don’t know that that’s I want we’re going to get into that signature event model because I’m I’m I’m a little annoyed with some of the discourse around it I’m might have to put my D wrer hat on for that one but we’ll get there let me just let me let’s Circle circling back on US Open kind of been left reflecting of just you know everything from this past week were we too easy too nice on Bryson which is a weird thing to say out loud were we too hard on Rory and and Randy that’s been a lot of what you’ve been chatting about online in the last couple days uh just any additions or edits to the discourse that you’ve seen kind of flow out Jimmy Fallon you know the whole Bryson tour and the Bryson kind of crowning that’s going on oh boy um I listen I I think it’s fascinating like I said and I’ve I’ve read many good points to every effect made by a lot of people I appreciate uh it’s not often you can have some sincere back and forth on Twitter which I did really appreciate um I think where’re i n Out I I feel like calling Rory out for skipping Media or at least like not really displaying any sportsmanship there at the end I feel totally comfortable with that I I understand the the point people make you know obviously he’s crushed um if if if it’s a flight or fight or flight you know he’s he’s just looking to take off I I get all that but I I I still think I don’t think we’ve been too hard on him uh the Bryce you know Bryson I think is just a fascinating character because he in him you can see kind of whatever you want to see you you can read it one way and it’s like you know hey he he’s an Entertainer he’s he’s giving time to kids he’s got a popular YouTube channel like that stuff’s all wonderful like legitimately like I I think that’s good stuff or you can look at and be like hey man is this just an act is this who he truly is and you know if that’s your opinion I I I’m not here to like talk you off of that I I just think it makes for really fascinating conversation um I guess what I’ve been also really just curious about is you know uh the idea of hey these guys are humans right they’re they’re they’re out there it’s sport we we need to show them some Grace and kindness and you know Shane Lowry had a great social media post yesterday to that effect with with regards to Rory um and I was quite shocked I I miss miss Sally Jenkins colum column in the Washington Post I read it this morning and holy [ __ ] that was some fire she was throwing at Bryson so I don’t know I’m kind of back to like where are we supposed to show Grace and compassion to whom are we supposed to show Grace and compassion I don’t have the answers but it is interesting just kind of looking around the wider landscape in golf here a couple days after Pinehurst it is interesting and I think you know some of the some of the feedback we’ve gotten was like why are you so hard on like he’s given you guys so much you know so much over the years he gives the media so much over the years and I think it part of the part that bothered me about that was like look that that doesn’t mean that uh you’re not you’re GNA treat somebody with kid gloves right or that they’ve earned the he’s earned the benefit of the doubt in a lot of situations that he’s gonna get the same treatment on that as if Brooks kka had skipped media if Bryson had ski media it’s all kind of this thing of I and I get the whole argument of like they’re not going to say anything interesting it’s like I think the people were ready to empathize for him right and to be you know I don’t think people are ready for like uh you know to be him for him to be screamed at and call him a choker or anything like that it was like a chance for you know just a quick reflection on that and a congratulations to Bryson um he he did release a you know a statement this week to announce a withdrawal um you know from the from The Travelers which I think we have handy as well uh it’s very small on my screen but he said yesterday was a tough day probably the toughest I’ve had in nearly 17 years as a professional golfer uh finally I’d like to congratulate Bryson he’s a worthy champion in exactly what professional golf needs right now I think we can all agree on that as I reflect on my week I’ll Ru a few things over the course of the tournament mostly the two Miss putts on 16 and 18 on the final day but as I always do I’ll look to the positives of the week that far outweigh the negatives as I said at the start of the week I feel closer to winning my next major championship than I ever have the one word that I would describe my career as is resilient I’ve shown my resilience over and over again in the last 17 years and I will again I’m going to take a few weeks away from the game to process everything and build myself back up for my defense of the Genesis Scottish open and the open uh at Royal trune see you in Scotland um that so does that make any sense like I I I feel like you know just to because somebody’s been good to us or good to the content World in general it doesn’t mean that like you get a free pass on anything I feel pretty fair about all that I do too I mean I would say you kicked it off as saying are we being too hard on Rory and too or too e what did you say too hard on Rory too easy on Bryson I would almost say like I feel like people online are thinking I’m I’m being too hard on Bryson and and too easy on Rory I’m definitely Randy like I Echo what you were saying on Sunday night I I was disappointed that Rory didn’t stick around he’s not doing himself any I I guess I’m almost disappointed because I feel like he’s making it harder on himself is it disappointing that he’s not playing The Travelers yes like objectively like because I want to watch him play golf but like if that’s what he’s got to do then and he wants to you know there there’s going to be baggage and chirping that comes along with that you know if you’ve been the guy telling everybody to we got to play together more and then when it’s not convenient or you know when it hurts for you to do it uh you know actions do speak louder than words but I think he’s probably at a point where he’s like I don’t give a [ __ ] man I got to take care of uh take care of myself and and get myself ready and if that’s what he decides to do then you won’t hear you know I don’t think I I need to relitigate it or anything there’s something I’m gonna do about it I think I was surprised like the statement that he released didn’t have uh there was no regret on anything you know there was no reflecting of like you know I should have congratulated I should have congratulated Bryson or I should have stuck around there was neither of those two things which again maybe it doesn’t really [ __ ] matter and we can all move on from it but uh it both doesn’t matter and it does matter and it just depends like what what lens you want to look at it through right like macro life speaking no it doesn’t matter but if if we like care about some of the customs and qualities of the game of golf like almost uppercase G golf then there’s almost an expectation of decorum or how you should act in that situation which I think he didn’t live up to and Neil like you said it’s it’s almost like the biggest bummers for him and I honestly think the biggest bummers for his fans a little bit because I can think back to 2006 I’m a massive Phil Mickelson fan Wingfoot like such a devastating loss and almost for me as a fan like I appreciated Phil speaking and and almost like bringing that whole experience however traumatic it was as a fan to a close and and also I think it it’s nice for a historical record you know 20 30 40 years from now like Phil saying I’m such an idiot and and and him at Wingfoot like that that lives on in the history of golf and unfortunately for Rory I think it’s like what we’re going to remember is like oh yeah you remember Rory like kicked gravel up on his way out of the parking lot after that it’s just not the greatest it’s like he’s not doing himself any favors am I like super offended by it no like would I be if Brooks did it no but it’d still be like oh well you’re not really helping yourself out here man it’s like if I was if I was on his team I’d be like hey maybe you should stick around and just like talk to a couple of these guys like it’s it’s gonna be better in the long run for you and on the flip side Bryson it I think it I I think I’m guilty of this of zooming past like a lot of of what I actually think about the situation and willing to look past to enjoy the display he’s been putting on in terms of like yeah I I I I I probably overstated how much of a changed man he is I don’t think he’s actually a changed man I think he has figured out a way to manipulate people and to manipulate His Image uh that relates to people and it relates to kids and it relates to people that are just very unwilling to dig into his past or how he’s treated people in the past and uh I I think it’s very very it’s a front it’s 100% a front but it’s working and it’s going to work on people and the fact that like uh we got a great email from somebody this past week that just like compared like what everything Rory just went through as like a Shakespearean tragedy in terms of like Roy stood up for what he believed in in the PGA Tour and like has gotten nothing but harassment for it Bryson left went to live uh you know the Saudi fun and live league and they got people chaining USA at Rory as he misses putts on the 72nd hole it’s just like the the flip of of the of of the fans I guess or the crowd I don’t even know if you call them fans but the flip of the crowd towards Bryson and really really buying into this image shift is remarkable like I can’t believe he’s managed to do this from how the depths of hell that he was in in terms of His Image I got a few things there I thought a lot about it because I had some things to say about it on Sunday and part of me like first off I want to reiterate like it’s a like watching Bryson play golf I I thoroughly enjoy it the golf it you know when it’s just the everything when it gets turned up to 11 with how he breaks the fourth wall it starts to feel yeah manipulative manufactured whatever you want to call it I think there’s a lot of people that don’t they just don’t want to think they don’t want to like dig that deep like you said they don’t want to think that critically about it I can’t I almost wish I I didn’t you know like I wish I could enjoy it a little bit more um but it doesn’t uh I don’t know it just feels inauthentic for me and I I so I struggle with that a little bit but I I think he deserves a ton of credit and I think he’s really is good for the game to have him with two US opens and the way he plays you know it is exciting I I’m I’m glad that he’s back you know back in the mix I guess like I I I you know even for if for me personally maybe as a villain right like that’s okay I I but and I don’t want to tell anybody else that like if you enjoy the Bryson stuff and you find it endearing and funny that’s I think like there’s no right answer there it’s just for me it comes across uh as you know we’re working it comes across the way I explained it to you guys I think in slack recently was like it’s like the Mr beastify of the world yeah it’s like we have to joke about like make sure you like And subscribe and tell us in the comments what you want to see next it just feels like Bryson’s living his life on like what people in the comments are saying they like it’s like oh they like it when I when I sign autographs during the round let me let me sign like, 1500 more you know oh like let’s get as many hands on this trophy as possible you know and it’s just like hey God man like maybe just a little bit of moderation um and I guess that maybe that makes me sound like no fun but it’s just like a it’s a little bit too much for me uh to to enjoy and and this part of the email I’ll keep the name private just in case because it’s a private email but he finishes the email by saying you know he sets up this whole track part of the story and he says the sick part is though is the guy who sued him yelled at camera Crews and rules officials this is guy who sued Rory essentially decided to become a pawn of the Saudi government among other things is now one of the most popular players in the world Bryson has not apologized to Rory or any PGA guys for his Antics but here he is populars can be while Roy looks like a cryb crybaby for dipping out due to him not giving a [ __ ] anymore like in in terms of like what’s what’s the worst thing here like leaving leaving the PGA Tour and suing all the PGA tour players uh you know on top of many other things or like not talking to the media uh one time after a devastating loss compare the two and the treatment that they’re currently getting from the golf world is where I’m like yo this is so [ __ ] it still is but I’m guilty of it too because I’m excited I don’t want to like hate Bryson Forever I don’t have that energy to do it I want to celebrate this version of him and people are just willing to look past this stuff and and kind of create their own N I will one of thing I’ll say to his credit like you said I don’t think he’s a changed man I I wouldn’t say fully but I do I definitely think he’s matured and I definitely think he’s reflected has that led to maybe him like yeah you know reading the comments and and amping up like what is going to make him popular like in a in a way that I find manipulative yes but it is it is progress I mean it is he deserves credit for um his progression as a person and I think he’s been very Savvy like you can say black white like he’s this is be this is success for him which is uh which is great and I I want to say again like congrats on winning the US Open that that was a that was the best golf tournament I’ve watched yes uh since I think since we’ve been doing no laying up I I I feel like I mean we could we could maybe in a different pod we could go through like what would be in the running I yeah I mean again I I feel like on the one hand this is probably a lot of the same conversations we’ve been having for what three years going on four years so not a lot of new territory here um I I I do find it interesting and I don’t think we’re going to answer this debate but but one of the things I would kind of drill into is if if Bryson is kind of putting on an act between the ropes right does that how how much does that matter to somebody that you know hey 10-year-old kid he gets a Bryson autograph Bryson’s nice to him like that’s still a very true interaction for the person it’s better than being a him I would say that’s what I would hear abouton Ry I don’t think I don’t think it’s like he’s he’s not the guy from Tin Cup that’s like mean to old people and dogs off the course like I think he’s probably this way like off the course too it’s just it still feels a little bit like uh I don’t know inauthentic is the word that keeps coming to mind it just it it feels a little um meoo like or it’s a case by I guess it’s person to person like I just don’t find him like very cool I don’t know I mean it’s hard for me to like be like oh yeah keep doing that brother great comment there from virtual he said hardcore fans won’t forget but casuals are all in I think that’s yeah that’s that’s really well said I I think it it’s it you know my father-in-law is like oh man that guy Bryson man like he’s he’s a strapping young lad you know like he he’s mashing on the ball like it is it’s engaging and and here’s where I guess I net out listen I watch golf especially Men’s Pro Golf as an entertainment product I am of the age and to the point where it’s like I’m not sure a single result is going to really affect me on a Sunday afternoon like personally personally and so I love Bryson here and if if you want to hate Bryson go ahead and hate Bryson like it’s fun to root against people in sport that’s part of like watching and and caring about professional sport so I’m not saying like everybody has to like Bryson I just want to be really careful and I I guess I’m just almost Awakening to like I just want us to be maybe more fair in how we treat and talk about a Bryson rather than you know some other guy right it’s like if we can all move to a more uh standard applying of judgments and things like that I think that will help everybody but at the end of the day yeah if you want to root against guys like hell yeah that’s it’s not hate Randy it’s more IR roll for me and like ah God just just a little less and you I I guess some of the comments online is like dude no people freaking hate Bryson and I guess that’s where I point back to the Washington Post Sally Jenkins call like that is a scathing scathing opad that she dropped Monday after he won so DJ equated it to the uh the ball that Ellie did cruise through 106 M hours into the crowd into the stands that was that was a very a fast I’m not sure it hit the mark but it was thrown very fast yeah and I don’t really have the energy to like you know go to that level you know I mean maybe I’m just a little beaten down on it though but so you bring up like when you talk about being fair though Randy it’s like Do we wipe the Slate clean but I mean that the the his actions over the last four or five years do have to influence how you feel about him a little bit like you know and I think it’s lazy to just say oh he’s changed it’s like ah I don’t know if it’s like changed it’s like yeah he’s matured he’s progressed I’ll give him credit for that but it’s like I don’t know man there’s a lot we go we go down the list he done lot of stuff where it’s just like that’s that stinks you know the guy I come back to is just tiger and how not only we but I think the general golf media um you know in my opinion I think Tiger has like done real harm to more people than Bryson has I think that’s very fair in their lives and I know tiger got beat up plenty I’m not saying tiger didn’t receive criticism but we’ve all kind of moved on and we talk about tiger in glowing terms and and there’s been so many like rehab uh image rehab things and is Tiger this new guy and and it’s just like we we can get there quickly with guys like Tiger but I’m curious if we’re ever going to be able to get there with a guy like Bryson um and we’ll we’ll see that’s kind of my point it’s just like I feel like you know really guys at the end of the day if he keeps winning I think that’s gonna help so one last thing on the US Open uh I saw rah’s comments on uh well the broadcast was sick but more importantly on on how difficult Rory’s putt was at the end and that was echoed by three other Pros on Monday that I talked to all separate like saying like kind of on their own like yo people don’t understand like that putt stunk and I was like oh man you know I in the moment I thought it was hard but they were like you know the broadcast got that wrong and like they didn’t they didn’t really set that up and I think thinking about too that’s why we’re upset about him like you know like again if I’m Rory I’m [ __ ] pissed about that too and I don’t want that to be an excuse for like like because all three of those Pros all said yeah but you got to make it you know like you got find a way to get that in the hole Yeah you got to hit it with they all said that like Rah like that putts going five feet by if you play it left you know left Edge right it’s just you know there it just that putt sucks so I thought that was interesting in the data golf uh just closing the book here in the US Open data golf newsletter this week they they uh they had you know just tracked like Rory’s like win probability of his of his five best chances to win win Majors over the last uh you know going back to 2018 you know he got he got to 77% at one point in the back nine um before Bing three of his last four he was at 71% the Open Championship uh when he after he finished the 10th Hole uh on Sunday um he had 50% chance at LACC it continues on to say like the the probability of closing out zero of them is about 2% about two% chance that Rory would have not gotten uh one major out of those five opportunities that he’s had it’s kind of like the numbers were with your with your guy big tone for so long you know that’s what I’m saying what happened shortly after that you never know God Northern Trust man what a huge huge massive playoff win massive win I I want to shout out Dylan de chair I thought he had a great nugget on that Rory putt um Rory had talked about at the Masters you know he has a he has a tendency sometimes to raise his putter as he’s coming through the Putt and and almost to hit the ball on the equator or just above it and you look at that zoomed in putt on the 72 hole and he he kind of did exactly what he told everybody back in in April um I thought that was a great kind of like hey he said this a couple months ago and and we can see it in action uh few other news notes uh PJ tour is amending some rules they’re amending the rule the the Jordan Speed rule on dqs they’re adding 15 minutes on uh to you know if you’ve turned in the wrong scorecard you have 15 minutes and you leave the scoring area you have 15 minutes now to come back to it um which I think everyone was screaming at when that happened to Genesis and now people are like oh now Jordan Speed gets it and and all of a sudden the rule changes it’s like all right well this is an improvement over if you were mad about the archaic rule structure of needing to sign a COR scorecard you got 15 minutes to correct errors but some let’s do Tio next some Nuance in there I’m not we’re not doing that today Neil come on we’re not we are not I’m talking I’m talking to the rules committee why we get into all the hits let’s get into all the hits today a couple uh Tiger Woods is getting a lifetime exemption to Signature Events because he’s won more than 80 times which I think is a great Great rule uh and they’re also uh they raised the minimum field number uh to 72 guys in Signature Events which I think is a good necessary adjustment no need to no need to uh just keep the keep the number low for you know arbitrary reasons but um uh flipping over to Travelers we’re going to talk a little Travelers then we’re going to talk some KPMG women’s PGA uh we are going to uh we have an interview near the end of this uh with uh will Al tourus he gave us a call from Travelers a short 10-minute interview to close things out but you guys all know back best fit best feel we’re going to talk about best fits and best feels for TBC River Highlands shortly after this it is summer we are living in rowack they just released their American Summer Collection it is fantastic beyond the gulf they got bathing suits now I’m going on vacation next week I’m gonna be busting out that bathing suit uh and I can’t wait you can go straight from the course to the pool performance polos I got one on today my favorite blue one of course they are moisture wicking they got great stretch the color is crisp it does not lose its shape and they fit better than those old boxy polos best designs with the best feeling polos out there their shorts are fantastic the everyday shorts I just put an order in for a couple more of those because they’re fantastic the elastic waistband has extra Comfort they’re super clean looking uh you can wear them with a polo untucked or if you want to wear something tucked in the Looper shorts are fantastic they got belt loops uh either way the fabric is flexible and comfortable in both of those performance hoodies I don’t need to tell you about those they’re fantastic wear them every single morning you can wear them on the course or just around they’re that good if you haven’t already load up on some roback both for yourself or for others code nlu 20% off your first order through the end of this week rhob 20% off bottoms qips hoodies and more with code nlu summer isn’t the same without roback uh gonna continue to to uh pimp the roback t-shirts yes shirts are great it’s everything they just keep going they keep going crew neck sweatshirts too they they never make it into our ad reads but the crew neck sweatshirts are fantastic Neil you want to take us into Travelers I do I got a little intro for you s I went back and uh I read a a a blog post from 2014 on a little website called no laying written by one Chris Solomon back in the day before we get into this the the title of the of the name on those is not reflective necessarily of all the words that were written in this before before I I Am Not Gon to read the title I just want to read the intro paragraph I’m saying my name does not mean I wrote all of this if my name is in the by line yes true you have the by line so don’t cancel me is what I’m saying it was a team but quote well we’re through two majors now the year of Bubba has taken a back seat to Martin kimer who backed up his May Players Championship with a with a a win by boat racing the field at Pinehurst and capturing his second career Major if you think this season is halfway over with two majors down and two to go you’re Chris Burman wrong this tournament always conjures images of former champ JJ Henry in his patented purple see that’s TC that’s not me fact JJ Henry is a damn near perfect champ Champion for The Travelers nice guy non-threatening and utterly forgettable so my question to you guys over the last 10 years what is your memory of this tournament or does it still just conjure memories of JJ Henry you know for a tournament I like that what comes to mind of course is the rough next to the green on 15 that strip of rough that uh that holds up balls on the driveable Par Four I’m still I’m hoping one year that the Travelers will just invite us out and just like let me mow it down for just one of the round like maybe Sunday we just get out there and we mow down that strip of rough cuz that’s my my my strongest memory is getting into Twitter fights with people about that strip of rough Randy I uh I I’ve been impressed I feel like over the last 10 years the The Travelers and and credit to the the people that run the tournament and to Travelers uh even before it was made a signature event I I felt like they were always continually trying to elevate this event and I always thought coming right after a major tough time on the calendar um but they up until a signature event they they always gave out really interesting exemptions oftentimes to some amateurs or young guys um I think my enduring memory though is this where I mean I know we were praying for Ted Scott a lot but was this like kind of the culmination with the Bubba meltdown the one year this club is in the water it’s in the water yeah that’s right so that’s kind of what I still think about when it when uh call out Ken Dukes win in 2013 uh in the playoff over Chris strout I know you’re a big Ken Duke fan Chris stra that’s a name too wow yeah I know 58 I mean sahs you know B was say um I think I always feel like there’s a good finish here and a passionate one like Keegan winning I mean even though s didn’t win it was it was passionate and and exciting the like playoff that went on forever and ever with Harris English and um krer hickcock Kramer hickcock like what they had like six whole playoff or something I think it was yeah that’s right I remember because we were actually I think it was the three of us doing the Pod and we it just it wouldn’t end just kept going we were just waiting for it to end so uh and the other thing talking to some of these players on Monday uh I’d say SE like three four five of them I was like hey is this a normal stop for you and they’re like yeah I love this tournament I was like what do you like about it and all of them said it’s it’s one of the best uh run events on tour it’s like they just do a really good job hosting us like the golf course nobody said they love the golf course I said they like the golf course uh but you know they just feel like they look forward to the stop like Windam Clark it was his first you know event on tour sawah his first event like he he told me he’s dying to win this event so um you know he’s fired up this week so I I feel like when we look back uh I don’t know if we turn into a global tour in five years all this stuff they’re talking about with you know in the game of golf it’s like this is the kind of stop that might be like oh those were the good old days a little bit um yeah I mean it’s it’s a it’s a different style because it’s you know can we kind of go through this little stretch here with Memorial and I mean pine you know you remember what’s going to happen with us open in terms of golf course but Memorial and travelers both golf courses emphasize driving accuracy more than they do driver uh distance right and it’s kind of brings brings more names into it can bring a little bit different excitement level into it this images courtesy of of our friends at data golf that just show you like yeah the the the punishment for hitting it out of the Fairway it’s you know 7,000 yard Golf Course um it’s going to yield birdies score is going to be low they they always are here and I know they’ve made some a couple tweaks of the golf of course but I I this kind of just transitions into a question I just am having about uh people are that are mad at there’s a signature event this week like would it be better if it was the rocket mortgage this week like would you rather have a week off signature event and then straighten to Scottish which a lot of guys are going to play than straight into the open like I don’t think players would have loved that I think they’d rather take you know there John Deere is in there as well I I I don’t know I I guess I’m I’m a little annoyed about some of the discourse around the signature events because like like we’re we’re not going to pretend like this isn’t the best like PGA Tour events we’ve ever seen in terms of fields that have gotten together and and and the the collection of talent that all gets together uh into this structure it’s never been like this in in pro golf like why does everyone hate every aspect of these why does every hate you know nitpicking or focusing so much on the sponsor exemptions and ignoring the actual competition level of it whining about who doesn’t get in the field when there are multiple opportunities to play into it I I guess I’m just kind of like dude what what do you think golf can be can it really be that much better than this on the PGA tour like it’s an entertainment product sure it’s a little bit forced but like I I don’t get why the energy around these things is so negative because it’s change number one and they you know it’s yeah they have messed up some details I think I mean mainly it’s always a reminder though of like not all the best players are together the US Open win is not best they can currently do I know but I think that’s just I think the bitterness that people have about that is being taken out on like well yeah this this signature event thing sucks it’s like well no it just kind of the current state Pro Golf sucks you know it’s like so it’s it’s almost like uh they’re kind of catching astray I’m I like I said at the top I’m I’m more excited than I thought I would be I think uh you know I was talking to Max he was like I’m actually excited that that it is a nice little three you know three tournaments in a row stretch and then he’s going to take a little time off right now those guys can actually stack a couple of off weeks you know the the calendar is almost a little more clear um with them back to back to back like this so I don’t really have a problem with it I yeah I listen I I I think the sponsors exemption stuff like web getting like that there is a discussion to be had there outweigh yeah I mean does that outweigh the event itself no so I I get what you’re saying there suly um and and Neil I I I I kind of side with you as well like I think people are just kind of down on PGA Tour and and progolf and um it’s a easy Outlet to take their frustrations out uh I I weirdly think let me ask you this I’m not even sure and I I I think the the closest comp would be Harbortown hilon head you know both kind of have turned into Signature Events both coming right after major championship weeks I liked Hilton Head being a signature event just because that course is so unique to the week to week on the PJ tour that I I really enjoy seeing some guys play there that wouldn’t otherwise if it weren’t a signature event I feel like Travelers would be like a fun little tournament even if it weren’t a signature event like this is the one I I it’s probably great for the event and for the people running it but for me I’m not sure I need this to be a signature event I I feel like maybe they could put a signature event somewhere else in the calendar yeah that’s fair I have to think on that I think uh yeah like my my point earlier of like all the players like it they love how they get hosted well that doesn’t really imp the golf fan so that’s a good point Randy like yeah maybe a more interesting course or I mean it’s just it is going to be tough to see these guys go you know it’s like Memorial to Pinehurst this completely different look this awesome Golf Course obviously that we loved and and watching the ball on the ground and then back into kind of your your typical long rough firm green bouncing in the long rough you know pretty straightforward setup is not not ideal it’s it’s just judged on different scale though right I mean it’s like of PJ tour courses this is better than 50th percentile to me I mean it’s you know it’s not my favorite but it’s it’s it’s on the positive end of the spectrum I guess but yeah Webb getting another sponsor exemption I I there’s nothing I can say that we haven’t already said of just like it’s tough It’s just like just I can’t imagine caring this little about Optics like both for him and the tour and these events that are doing this like truly like if if yeah I I don’t know why he would want to do I get why he’d want to do this for the money and the free whatever it is but dude it’s such a horrible look and it’s really in this time where you’re trying to figure some [ __ ] out and like you need to make some concessions like being a leader this is not being a leader this is absolutely not being a leader and it should not be happening Michael thorbjornson got a sponsor exemption anyways we don’t need to spend a ton of time on that but um anyway some of the guys that get a boost on this golf course are the Lucas Glover Brendan Todd sep straa morawa types Russell Henley Austin ekro uh just the guys that get the little accuracy Boost from our friends at data call but um also this week so we’re we we front loaded everything with Travelers uh as we had an entire preview podcast go out this morning or overnight last night I forget which one uh on the KPMG women’s PGA which is this week at sahali please check that out in your podcast feed uh and we we got a question here from s bets 5 he said thoughts on a very aggressively treelined course like sahali in comparison to wire grass uh like what we saw at at Pinehurst I’m curious I’m adding on to this question of do you guys feel differ about a golf course like this uh teeing up for the women’s game uh compared to the men’s game the pictures are incredible sool is these are I’ve never seen a golf course like this golf course billion out there that’s so unnerving for me to look at the F-15 ball would get eaten alive all day long uh to answer your question um I think in doses show me the show me like what I’m looking for out of the PGA Tour LPGA Tour schedule is just like the diversity of golf show me all of it like I like because I don’t want Memorial to go away just because it looks like a lot of other courses I just want that I just want less of that and more of something like Pinehurst and more of something Treeline like they all a mountain course you know like stuff on the on the water like I just want to see all the different types I want to see these players play all different types of golf courses I yeah Neil you you took the words out of my mouth I was going to say I love the variety I love going from Pinehurst and in the way it looked aesthetically and the challenges it presented to now we get a major test on the women’s side where it’s tight it’s claustrophobic it’s treelined it’s it’s just a totally different visual um I I think that’s fun to kind of see the wide variety of golf courses I I I agree and I’m in a total wait and see in terms of how this is going to play right like is it going to create entertaining golf shots it’s it I mean lanaster is going to be impossible to beat honestly with with just kind of how much they nailed that setup in terms of the most recent women major and uh I’d be really impress have you guys heard anything much about the firmness of the golf course like it a challenge presented with a tree line setup like this is getting the course to dry out and getting the wind to blow in there enough to dry it out what what are we hearing about the setup so I was just texting with our young hitter Lauren cogin earlier today and I was asking her you know how’s how’s the course playing what are your expectations for scoring and she said approaches uh excuse me I would say you know besides like these tight driving corridors anything you know that you think’s going to be key and and she said definitely approach play since the greens are starting to firm up she said they aren’t big middle of the green will always be good and yeah tough scoring for sure this week so um hopeful you know always in the Pacific Northwest you don’t know about rain and and how much rain they’ve been having but man if they could get the greens firm I I think it will be uh interesting Golf and I think ultimately entertaining golf just like Cody taking those images off the screen like lowered my stress level a little bit it was making me anxious looking at that the trees are magnificent so like I if these were just boring looking trees I don’t know if I could get excited about this the trees just are truly some of the most like uh aesthetically pleasing trees you’ll ever see on a golf course yeah it’s not like Firestone right where like Treeline but in a boring way I feel like the the the stuff we’re seeing out of sahali is like holy [ __ ] that’s like magnificent uh Sophie Walker sent a question in said would have loved to see Nelly and Lilia teeing it up alongside each other round one and one two missed a trick there I don’t know if uh that’s not quite uh my nomenclature I would choose I don’t know if that’s a missed opportunity maybe yeah I believe yeah obviously they decided against this deliberately yeah you guys tell me what you think you know we we got I I can remember it more distinctly on the men’s side but sometimes where they would pair like tiger and Phil together in rounds one and two or I just always feel like the rounds one and two stuff came up short when it was like oh my God we’re going to put the three best players in the world together um I mind splitting them I I’d honestly I I got to double check I think they’re in different waves even Nelly and Lilia uh and listen if they’re both playing good golf I’m confident they’ll they’ll be somewhat together on the weekend which would ultimately be what everybody wants yeah it it is more of a bailout for TV than it is necessarily for fans at home like in you know fans at home should expect anyone to be near the top of the world rankings to be covered in their early rounds and you know I think they they do end up doing that just to you know for for an event that you know has struggled to get enough cameras out there I have no idea what to expect from the production this week but uh it would have been made things a lot easier as far as presenting it but Nelly is off at 811 and 1 128 on Thursday and Friday with uh uh Ronnie Yin and Hannah green um I coverage doesn’t start till I mean I assume that’s 811 local so we’ll call it 1111 Eastern coverage doesn’t start anywhere it’s on peacock at 400 p.m. Eastern so I’m not even sure how much of that Nelly C around anybody’s going to be able to see on Thursday will they have feature groups but I don’t think a part from the The Telecast you know I don’t think they have like morning feature group streaming wow Cody can jump in here if I’m wrong but that’s my understanding I think that’s right I mean the the broadcast starts four to six peacock 6 to1 uh Golf Channel for both Thursday Friday and then peacock NBC then back to Golf Channel for the 6: to 800 p.m window on Saturday evening and then uh peacock 1200 to 3 Sunday and then 3 to7 not a uh no finish in prime time while be on the west coast so honestly I think it probably goes back to Optics like if they put Lily and Nelly together everybody’s gonna freak out because you can’t watch one of their rounds and now it’s like well hey you everybody can you can watch lilyia Thursday and then Friday you can watch Nelly um so good point it’s yeah it’s just we we got a clip from from Nelly talking about I me you watch this you watch you look at those pictures that Fairway you’re like how are how these players going to play this golf course we got a good a good question and a good answer from from Nelly on on her strategy it’s it looks really narrow off the te and for a player that I know likes to hit her driver I mean how many drivers are you going to be taking this week and and what kind of golf are you trying to to play out here with that narrow those narrow Two Shots yeah I’m still going to be aggressive um there’s a couple holes where I can’t hit driver but I majority of the round I will be hitting driver just because you don’t want a longer Club into these greens I mean yes the t- shots are pretty intimidating but the greens you know the second shot in is pretty tough as well so overall I mean you’re you know if you have the length you you may as well you have to hit it and this is a type of golf course where um you just got to sack up and hit your driver suly I have to laugh because in our chat I we were like flagging some some good quotes and I I wrote like oh Nelly says you got to sack up and and suly was like Randy I thought you were just like joking about that she actually said that I did not think that was going to be her actual phrasing but uh I mean that’s that’s a fascinating just storyline in general can you can Nelly Jam drivers down uh down these corridors and can can you know probably whoever’s going to win this tournament is going to be a decently long hitter that can jam the driver pretty far down there so I’m I’m excited to official winner picks let’s go around the horn let’s let’s hear your official winter picks then we’ll make our official FanDuel plays then we’ll get to will zorus here uh but Randy who’s GNA win uh I won’t change from the preview I was like looking for every reason to pick somebody besides Nelly but I’m coming back to Nelly I I just think you know uh couple miscuts coming into this event I I think she’s listening to her speak like that doesn’t have her down I think she felt good about the way she hit it last week so give me Nelly Corda oh you know I’m taking Nelly on the road to 11 we need to we need to hit some mile markers here I Gotta Have It Nelly I gotta have it no so maybe if I’m the cool Nelly maybe I should pick somebody else but I yeah give me Nelly I totally forgot about that I don’t know how I had but that’s that’s just because we all picked Scotty ahead of the the US Open and he didn’t win I’m gonna avoid us fall into this trap Randy you got me on Lilia Vu I I’ve never been a huge Lil of Vu a Believer but every at every stop with the injury you’ve cautioned of like hey wait till wait till Lilia and she’s back she won last week and uh I don’t love the way Nell’s hitting it right now coming off you know two the two consecutive Mis cuts um I’m gonna take Lily I’m gonna ride the hot hand she’s like 25 to one or plus 2500 going into this one so um she’s not been healthy for a fair amount of time so I think it’s fair that you know the world the world’s kind of forgotten about her a little bit except for me two two months off really since uh she had to withdraw from the Chevron let’s get to our our FanDuel picks of the week of course you know the odds in here they’re of course subject to change of course but we’re going to make uh it’s I don’t need to do my speech ahead of this because TC is not on here today but there just one pick you got one play uh to make for the week ry’s gonna go first what is your play of the week can be on men’s or women’s side yeah so I’m going KPMG and FanDuel folks you kind of got to work to find the KPMG odds but they are up uh they have some groups laid out and I’m taking Megan Kang as the winner of Group C which she is competing against Charlie Hall jiu Lyn Miu Yamashita and mini Lee I think uh Megan Kang Justin Rays had some fantastic stats the last couple days but Megan Kang actually leads the lpj tour and strokes gained T to Green per round in Majors over the last two seasons uh I just feel like she’s somebody that plays well on difficult golf courses and in that group I like her at plus 320 I feel like that’s good value I like that Neil what do you got I am going with a little parlay the Beluga is bringing a parlay uh at Travelers uh with some I would say horses for courses I don’t think data golf would back up some of these these horses but guys that have played pretty well here um I’ve got sahith for a top 20 I’ve got Victor havin for a top 20 and I have Xander shafley for a top 20 uh the odds on that I don’t know if they’re on the screen but I think they were plus 320 I think it might have gotten framed out there who knows something change anyways so but I know like Strokes gained heart sah is is a favorite this week uh literally told me how bad he wants to win it so a I don’t know if driving accuracy is is his Forte like data go was telling us but I also kind of part of the content we made on Monday was was havin was doing a basically a ball fitting and he’s really struggled with uh his he couldn’t get any spin all year any hair and uh he and and the Titus guys were working on you know five iron and he was just with all three different types of golf balls was getting his spin levels up I mean the guy is just in the lab and uh he was like getting really giddy he’s like I haven’t seen these numbers all year like are these you know like he basically like come find me tomorrow like we’re gonna do some more testing so I think maybe havlin found something we’re excited about that uh if he’s still if he’s still trying to find something I don’t feel great about hav I’m just going to say that no I mean just from a number standpoint he feels like he’s been hitting the ball grade he just couldn’t get any couldn’t get any spin so he to switch out of the prov1 and the prov1 X for like Quail Hollow just for the week because he’s like otherwise I’m not gonna make the cut uh but then he was getting real spinny off the tea anyway anyway Xander obviously a winner here uh I think he bounces back from from a tough finish at the US Open and uh continues to I mean he’s any play I’ve made on Xander for a top 20 or top 10 this year is hit so I feel good about that uh guys there’s a guy in the last uh five go rounds of this event has finished t-15 t11 t113 t13 T4 he also shot a 60 here at one point and you can get him to be the winner without Scotty sheffler Xander schafle and Roy maroy which is not nearly as valuable as it once may have been earlier in the week uh he’s he Patrick canl he’s plus, 1400 to win the event without Scotty and Xander he’s plus 2,000 plus 2,000 to win it with uh you know otherwise so I was like all right if I can he can if he can finish you know top two or three with with only those guys above him I I like those odds so and he K like has some courses that he plays really really well like Memorial and and this is this is one that’s like any anything you can get on can this week I think is probably pretty good coming off good week last week uh I’m all over that one so um coming in on the hotline this is a completely live hit um I you know we’re gonna have to drop Neil and Randy out for this but we have a a a live interview coming in with will zor this was not recorded uh earlier this morning at all but thank you so much will for joining the show live we’ll play that and we’ll see you guys in the other side of that well are you past the point where the first thing people ask about is your back and your health I feel bad making it the first question but everyone’s dying to know I’m dying to know still what’s the status yeah I know I wish that wasn’t the first thing I get asked a bunch but um but no it’s the first year there’s a lot of learning to be done um you know like I’ve got to be on a an epidural shot schedule um so I was why I had to pull out of the Nelson um but it’s just it’s like I said it’s a lot of learning like I I had all that time to work on my full swing and it felt really good and then started playing a bunch of golf and got into some bad habits and then um really missing the cut last week was probably the best thing it could have happened because I came up here to con Connecticut early and was on the range for about five six hours and got it all straightened out so um now it’s just putting it together um you know broom broomsticks been amazing um I haven’t really putted that great on the um kind of overseed Bermuda with the Rye but everything else has been really good this week’s poana which historically I putted my best on um so yeah I mean it’s just like I said it’s it’s a it’s hard to be patient in a very impatient sport um but it’s uh it’s been training in the right direction so uh results haven’t sh up the last few months but I I think really missing the cut last week was was kind of the turning point for me God you just answered like four of my questions right there we all we only see results right and but there’s a good Mis cut and a Miss cut right there’s weeks where you I’m not that far off I just got to work on some things when when you say bad habits what what were some examples there and how do you how do you sort that out yeah I mean I always loved hitting kind of a a low cut and um I’ve been trying to get his rotational as I could getting rid of you know some of that reverse SE in the side Bend um and kind of thrusting at the golf ball but um you know throwing the ball in the back of my stance I just had no control over curving it I you know most of the time whenever I’m hit it really good you know I’m hitting to some pretty conservative targets and then shaping towards the flag and then if I over shape them um you know they’re in like a perfect position where it’s like oh man Will’s firing and everything today and it’s like well technically I was just a about 15 feet left of it and then I just over curved it and it looks great but um I just kind of lost that ability for about five six weeks um and you know you can’t so really can’t do that in the US Open No Matter What venue it is um but you know now it’s it’s just getting back to the simple stuff you know I think the best I’d swung it this year would probably be Riviera um and not even just from the results but just how it looked how the ball was coming off um and so really we just went back and looked at some of the stuff and I got standing too close to it I I had my my feet way too open my shoulders were open and then trying to hit a push draw from there it’s pretty hard to be level especially when the ball gets even farther back than that so I feel like I’m aimed you know really for the that amount of time I was hitting balls on the Range it really wasn’t anything besides just checking the fundamentals of my setup um and it really I mean I I’ve been flushing it all week so it’s it’s nice to kind of get back to you know some of the you know stick and seven irons in there and whatnot you know something I really feel like I haven’t done for a couple months what were your impressions of Pinehurst last week uh you know just how the golf course was set up and and United States Open Championship on that level of difficulty of golf course yeah you know it’s just it’s just different because the US opens that I’ve played you know they’ve either been in the northeast or it’s been at Tory and you know long hard big rough um you know thick rough around the greens and then you know that’s basically the complete opposite of of Pinehurst where it’s not overly long you know you have a bunch of holes that are under 400 yards and then after that there’s like no holes between 400 and 450 and then um so it’s just a unique venue I mean there’s there’s really it’s almost like you’re playing an Open Championship combined with us open greens um so I mean I I enjoyed playing it I obviously didn’t play great but um it’s just it’s just different like it it’s just something that we don’t see um you know that often and honestly you know seeing how well Bryson played and you know the bombers that were in contention I mean I think if I already go back and do it over I probably would just be shipping driver almost everywhere and if I hit in the Fairway I’d have a wedge in my hand and if I didn’t hit in the Fairway just be you know 50/50 pot luck U whether I have something good or something bad but at least I would have been another 50 yards up there in the Fairway so it’s just like I said it’s a it’s a very unique just different you kind of almost feel like you have to play the course backwards in some aspects um so it’s just I went out like a month early and the first day I played there I think I shot 75 and thought I hit it great and it was just you know oh hit this towards the middle of the green and then rolls off and then I’ve got absolutely nothing so um but no I mean it’s it’s a great anchor site I mean you know it’ll be it’ll be uh fun to go back there in six years you’ve had close calls at major championships you lost in a playoff the PGA Championship what what’s your experience like on the emotional side of that we saw Rory obviously extremely emotional uh leaving after a a mind-numbingly close call this past week just you you’ve been there before what’s what what are those emotions like how did you deal with that in the aftermath yeah you know I I hadn’t I felt like the one or my second places that I had had I didn’t really feel like I gave them away I just kind of got beat um and you know that’s just part of the draw and honestly you know I feel bad for the guy because you know he played some amazing golf but you know Bryson pulling off a 55 Yard bunker shot after you know missing it left underneath the tree route I mean that’s how you want a major championship you have to pull off something special at the right time and um you know that you knew that going into that week that it was going to be kind of a almost kind of a football game with whoever has the Whoever has the possession lastes is going to control their Destiny and so um you know I I my close calls you know I I would say the Masters was really special I mean even though I missed by one you know I was kind of Hideki was way ahead and then kind of came back um you know the PGA I I really played great and you know was one under in the play off and um you know missed like an 8f footer on 17 after JT drove it on the green and and made birdie and and then Matt just played some phenomenal golf coming down the stretch and you know even to this day people always bring it up where it’s like man I don’t know how that pup missed on 18 but but so I mean yeah I mean it’s for me it’s a little bit different just because it’s it’s like I’ve been close but I haven’t gotten over that hump so each one’s been a big motivator and obviously for Rory he’s had he’s had a lot of major championship success even though it’s been a decade since his last win and so I feel for the guy I mean he’s uh you know it’s it’s uh it’s not a fun feeling finishing second in a major when you’ve been that close because it’s it feels like three weeks in one yeah well you if do I have it right you’ve never played Travelers before is this your first time playing this tournament yeah first time yeah yeah Travelers yeah Travelers has been amazing to the tour for a long time and they treat us unbelievably well up here um you know they think of absolutely everything for us so um you know Golf Course is a bre the fresh air after playing nearfield and then uh P you know playing a 6900 yard golf course and being able to go out and make some birdies um you know the biggest defense this week is going to be the rough I mean the rough’s pretty thick it’s you know four inches um but you know you make sure if you get make a mistake you just don’t make another one on top of it and you can get out of there with bar and so um you know it’s still a very scorable golf course but at the same time you can miss in some spots and and kind of be grinding your way around here but uh you know it’s supposed to be pretty warm up here so I’m I’m hoping everything gets kind of baked out we start seeing balls bounce around a little bit on the greens love it well there’s a long standing tradition on this show it’s called the podcast bump if you you know when you do the interview week of end up going on off to win the tournament that we’ve never seen it this quick of a hit 10-minute hit for the Wednesday live show but this is a new one but uh best of luck to you this week we look forward to watching and thanks for joining us yeah thanks so appreciate it thank you to will for that that was great good to uh you know get in touch with him and uh hear what he’s got going on and I want to see I want to see that guy back I want to see that guy back being competitive and and tearing up some birdies so he sounds optimistic about his game so anyways Catch The Travelers this week catch the KPMG women’s PGA Championship uh you can catch up on the KPMG women’s PGA preview pod as mentioned earlier should be in your podcast feed thanks so much for to everyone for tuning in for the happy hour we’ll see you back here we’ll have a live show on Friday night uh for the KPMG women’s PGA and of course we’ll be live on Sunday night capping the week as well cheers crack on bang Lang


  1. Heading to Sahalee this weekend to watch the ladies. Wouldn’t be going if it weren’t for NLU providing the LPGA updates. Thanks for all you do online

  2. As much as it is tempting to complain about the coverage for the KMPG (no featured groups) the coverage appears to be worse in Europe with skysports since they don't appear to have that earlier Peacock window. I'm pretty sure this is an improvement from last year and it should be tremendous viewing for the East Coast and even though it is clashing with the Olympics, I wouldn't be surprised if NBC doesn't keep teasing some tidbits on Saturday and Sunday to promote Peacock and their coverage of Olympic Golf. If the Americans in or vying for the Olympics golf team are in the hunt for the KMPG during East Coast prime time it may be a very pleasant problem to have and a boon for the LPGA as they may do picture in picture and jump back and forth. There would be more coverage of LPGA if crappy tournaments like Travelers on 30 under dirt tracks aren't hogging up air time during the ladies majors.

    Please stop with the Rory crybaby stuff. I fear that the poorly run LIV tour is going to heat stroke half the attendees in Nashville this weekend and that will take up much of your bandwidth. Hopefully you find some LPGA guests to force you to be balanced.

  3. Interesting Soly is obsessed with No. 2, yet everything Will said (and who was at the top of the leaderboard) goes against everything he likes (bomb & gouge).

  4. Randy with the most level headed take on Bryson. I still really want to know what Bryson did that was so abhorrent off the course besides going to LIV. If you know the goods just spill it. Soly did the same thing with Keegan when he said he didn’t like him as a person. Why? Expand.

  5. Soly is confused on why the crowd was pulling for Bryson over Rory???!!! 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅 what a moron! Be better and read the room

  6. The NLU boys (except Randy) are the perfect example why they don’t get it and live in their own delusional bubble 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅

  7. Just when I thought “NLU” got it they took another 2 steps back after Bryson winning 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸

  8. Randy – Your narrative that you keep repeating about Phil’s media comments after his 2006 US Open collapse is, at best, misleading and not accurate. After concluding his round Roger Maltbie stated on air that Phil had declined to speak. NBC concluded coverage with the audience not hearing from Phil about his play nor seeing him congratulate Geoff Ogilvy before tv coverage ended. Phil had gone into the Winged Foot clubhouse and never came out before NBC signed off the air. The complete final round broadcast is posted on the USGA’s YT channel and one can scroll to the end of play and see that publuc never saw or heard from Phil before broadcast coverage ended.

    Phil did make his “I’m an idiot” comment to the media, which Randy keeps repeating, but Phil’s media comments were made long after tv coverage had ended. So, Randy’s inference that the tv audience saw or heard anything from Phil at the end of NBC’s broadcast is simply not true. Some of the tv audience may have read about Phil’s comments to the media as reported the next day, but those comments were never heard / seen by anybody on even taped replay.

    There is also an inference every time Randy repeats his narrative that, if Phil could call himself an idiot, Rory should be able & willing to at least appear on camera and talk about his loss. However the two situations are completelt different and Phil’s “I’m an idiot” comment was not some form of exceptional self-awareness, but rather, it was completely self-evident for all to see, as Phil played badly throughout the final round and capped it off with the biggest mental blunder anybody had ever seen. Notwithstanding Rory missing 2 short putts, he played well during the final round and even posted a lower final round score than Bryson, with Rory scoring a 69 (-1) to best Bryson’s 71 (+1) by 2 shots. That is certainly not “I’m an idiot” type of playing.

    Despite media characterizations of Rory’s most recent narrow losses in majors (2022 Open, 2023 US Open, 2024 US Open) as “blowing it” or “choking”, he lost all 3 majors while shooting all three final round scores under par. Rory may not have played his absolute best in those 3 final rounds, but he didn’t play poorly, as he bettered par in each of those 3 final rounds. Entering the final round of a major leading or in 2nd place and not winning despite breaking par in the final round is more disheartening than, say, shooting 80, which is why Rory’s quick exit from Pinehurst after a 3rd near miss despite playing well enough to break par on Sunday of a major is not emotionally or psychologically incomprehensible. It may not be the most polite or gentlemanly way to deal, but it is not out of the bounds of human decency or uncivilized behavior, as some in the media are trying to characterize it.

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