Golf Players

The Bryan Bro’s were almost SPEECHLESS!!

We did our research for this one! Wesley and George Bryan had no idea what they got themselves in for and the result is gold!


Bryan Bros Irons:

in my defense there’s a lot of trees out here I got to be the one personally to end George’s college golf career you got the Heavy Hitters coming out ear he’s Wesley and you can see now him at whatever age was doing something only to stick it to our family me dad mom I honestly didn’t think there was more than 50 people in the entire world that uncovered that that is some unbelievable digging you did look at his face he’s going what is this real y got y’all got to clip that y’all got to clip that the let’s play what’s up guys welcome back to the Tacoma YouTube channel I am here with two gentlemen who obviously do not need an introduction but we are excited to have them the Brian Bros George Wesley Brian thank you so much for being on the channel yeah and we are here at Selena golf course in South Carolina yeah Columbia well I guess West col West colia right by the airport uh W yeah welcome all the way here to South Carolina I am very very excited about this excited to see the course in person seen it a ton in videos um so obviously we’re doing a six for six you know the drill six whole six questions and then we’re going to do a scramble see what we can shoot first question for you too so people obviously know you as the Brian Bros in the golf world um but I’ve been a big fan since way back in the OnPoint trick shots this is our carport punt shot yeah I got it in oh days wow I wanted to get some some like the storyline onpo trick shots like how did you guys go from there to here goie the OnPoint trick shots was a burner account we made as a Spam uh so we started Brian Bros golf was trick shots uh and then like a year into that we were like let’s create this silly random trick shot Channel then like make fun of trick I don’t know is our bounce shot yes make fun of ourselves we’re going to make fun of ourselves we’re not proud of it and I honestly didn’t think there was more than 50 people in the entire world that uncovered that embarrassing that is some unbelievable digging you did we’re about to go deactivate the account right now don’t do it now look it up guys it might still be there if it’s still there oh go find it okay blow it up lot of followers all right I’ll be honest I wasn’t watching that at all that’s a play you can take a rip of the green though oh no that would have been there that 100 there line that’s a perfect line just wrong trajectory I mean that would have that might have gone over the green you send it that’s where you want to go I like that yes that should be right in front of the Green Forest let’s go dude they didn’t know we were coming out here to try and shoot a really low score and they starting us off with the most difficult pin placement here on number one just a shot to start the day [Music] off we can manage a birdie from there but it would be nice if you would chip it in George or or Tim Tim you can chip it in no your first comment was fa I mean I’m not that see that wasn’t me like trying to be mean but I guess it could have maybe been perceived that way oh that’s a nice play George three really good shots oh that’s nice firm greens new greens we got new greens out here so they’re really firm not super fast yet not super smooth yet but our superintendent we got one of the best in the business I’m excited about just how the golf course is going to play once it matures so right here bang all right just count on just I know he doesn’t care about scores but I I can’t I can’t not care about it so that’s big SS and nerves one through one nice Tim’s not going to miss today only head par three number two 160 playing 152 I wanted to ask you about a very specific moment in your golf career and uh you weren’t there playing but your reaction to what happened uh so there’s one specific tournament it wasn’t professional before professional where I believe um you shot a 101 in competition you got the Heavy Hitters coming out early so now the reason I want to ask that is cuz obviously we know that you’re phenomenal golfer and can win professional golf tournaments crazy but also what is it like when you know you’re really really good and then have something like that happen well yeah so if if you’ve played golf long enough you’re going to reach a spot in which you feel like there’s no way out and I reached that spot in college in competition and I had the full-blown oopsies off the tea there penalty Strokes were abundant and but as as far as like I didn’t see it as wow there’s no way out because I just knew that it was more than likely a mental thing even though there was definitely a physical component I just knew I was like hey it every golfer is going to go through the valley so to speak my Valley just I learned at that moment my Valley is just much deeper than most other people’s Valle you took a you took a jump off the high dive into the valley I sure did I full sent it down to the bottom um and what I learned through that like you’re faced with two options you can quit and give up or you can try and Claw and figure out how to regain what what you once had so um at that point I just put my head down down went to work I couldn’t break 100 for about 2 3 months and I just knew that I was like eventually going to claw out of it yeah or I was going to quit um so when I clawed back out of it starting the next semester like that’s just another one of those things where if you put your mind to it and you work hard you can achieve what you want to achieve in the game of golf like there’s no limits to this thing like a a guy that’s just starting out that’s a 35 handicap if he wants to get really good he’s going to get really good so um and then George had to absolutely defend me online that was a tough text messages um he was texting me during the round he’s like man it’s not good I’m like hey dude how bad are we talking he like it’s bad and I just remember text hey he’s going to be fine you’re going to be okay then when he post the school like he actually shot a 100 I was like George I’ve hit I’ve hit 15 balls out of bounds like it’s not fine I’m I’m standing on whole 14 right now I’m out of golf balls and I’ve hit 14 balls out of bounds but it is it is funny because now PJ tour winner one of the Corn fairy BS and like a bunch three times that’s a lot of times um more than a couple it’s it’s up to a few at least yeah and so like you said like you’re going to have bad rounds but that’s what’s separates him when he’s on is like mentally he’s really good he can put the bad shots away and not care about him and that’s what he did there he’s like hey it’s a terrible round but I just no it’s because I hit bad shots but I’ll be like trust me when I tell you it can get a whole lot worse so the bad shots don’t affect me as much because I like I said I know that worse are out there What’s Left Right wind you’ve got to hit it softer than that too I don’t think so not I mean second swing day Wesley no that’s fine and usually the wind is Left Right be really nice no F that’s so though well you kind if you can get it right there Tim somehow that’s where you want to be there go hole in ones hole in ones are good ho oh yeah I mean come on Tim see that’s that’s irons right there it’s a comoo irons baby that’s why you the 301 CVS right yep CBS yeah let’s go D I mean let’s just let him make all the putts two under through two I mean I think dare I say seven under after six CU six is a par five like Wesley mentioned we keep this birdie train going we’re not not making Eagle on six of course not we have to make George after that comment we are not making Eagle on six by the way yes we are no not after that comment as we head to the third T box we are two under through two and we are on scorching Channel record Pace stay tuned see you on the next tea box Tim says he’s got a doozy for me so or for us or for Jo hopefully for George feel like I’ve been kind of drugged through the mud the first couple holes so kind of ready for George to catch a little heat all right so on to the thir 200 under through two playing well so far playing great loving it uh so this is kind of a two-part question the audience is going to get to see these as you do as well so first question is uh which of you do you think Rock the bull cut better uh George for sure that’s so bad I mean that that is an elite Bowl when they when you when they when you think of hey bull cut in the dictionary and thinking about putting an actual Bowl in your head and cutting around it I’m pretty sure I saw that picture at a barber shop for what the bull and the thing is how that how was that ever style that’s 100% mom mom’s fault you can’t blamed ad without oh yeah that’s Valerie’s fault 100% the bull cut so this one is is for you George yes um it’s a question uh to explain the thought process behind behind this behind the flow but also because I wanted to know who you think rocked the flow better that’s Tim you or me way that’s you yeah like like Justin Bieber I was about to say were you like in a boy band of some sort or something like that he seven on American Idol did you really yeah yeah is lore the Tim lore Tim lore that’s it anyway hold on no no no stop this is about we’ll get that later no no no no no you finished seventh American Idol that’s a hold our tea box we can’t yeah that’s a whole why can’t we just stop for a second and just see who won that season guy Nam Lee to wise okay now we’re back okay okay okay so anyway the last question uh and the last one is for you because people want to know how long you were a Clemson fan oh it was about a year so every and I would say I’m ashamed but I feel like a lot of people can relate probably like yourself everyone goes through rebellious times in their lives the easiest way for me to rebel against my family was everybody Gamecocks through and through easiest way for me to Rebel was just to throw on a Clemson hat and say I like it yeah and I don’t know if you could ever really call it a fan I just was like a fan of no you made it you made everyone in the household know how big of a fan clemon fan you were that wasn’t it wasn’t real I’m saying and also that that explain you guys out there watching and follow along for the last few years you what is not I’m he’s Wesley and you can see now him at whatever age was doing something only to stick it to our family me dad mom and just being that guy well so then the question is did you celebrate when Clemson won the when they won The Natty theall I hate Clemson yeah I mean with a pass I just cannot the city I can’t stand the colors I can’t I like a lot of their people unfortunately but I just I I don’t like it it makes my stomach churn well let’s see if we can make a birdie and move fast yeah he brings up 101 birdie brings up Clemson definitely birdie keep fueling the fire Tim now we can all just go back to the cart cuz George has a driver in his hand what you doing here way yeah perfect yeah that’s literally perfect and make your job that just easier while I’m here to like make today’s round as stress free for you guys as possible off the tea it’s going to be fine George fine we got options it might be longer than yours too not very long Tim if he hits Fair away we’re definitely taking us yeah you got to no no no no no no let’s not let’s not get crazy Tim you see that last Tree on the corner yeah if you just hammer it at the last Tree on the corner okay not at the last Tree on the corner those are the those are the other trees on the other those the other trees on the other Corner in my defense there’s a lot of trees out here that’s what I got to deal with he wants hit he wants to hit from the rocks and the Shrubbery because he’s closer no no this right here is a way better angle to the pin 25 yd closer come back it’s fine I mean if it was in the rough not like we’re playing a scramble you get to move a cling we got 145 um to a back pin all you got to do is land about one with the downhill and everything involved I’m thinking 130 shot 30 35 shot 135 shot lands like 140 and I feel like 140 it go so I say 132 3 35 135 shot George E that’s not wor yet man I’ll let you follow that how well do you know your numbers Tim no not that well close it’s okay too much off of it do you think okay stop good Shob are just f very nice I mean George just cannot miss man these these reads Ric when I get confident Wesley reads he’s a great putter great read so when he gives me a read it’s like all right if I just hit my line it’s going to go in it’s the uh three twostep authentification authentification authentication authentication no I like yours better all right so three under through three not bad bad fellas yes I’m feeling good um okay so next question so I got a hold of your sixth grade English teacher all right and there was one specific book report Look at his face he’s going what is this real it’s not real I didn’t I English Miss Brown would have some some stuff for you if you wanted it Miss Brown if you’re watching this send me an email you know let me know for future videos some stor goodness gracious imagine imagine I mean I was like I don’t even know who my sixth grade teacher was I was like imagine if I did yeah no that’s not what’s happening here all right so this is it’s kind of a I don’t know it’s a little bit of a generic question but because y’all have been in golf forever right this is like what you guys have done um if this had not worked out right if this wasn’t going to work out um what else do you think you would be doing if you had to find let’s call it a real job L would have no idea z idea me golf did not work out so I ended up youtubing which is still offl see that’s still you you PJ tour you can’t say work even if life it worked out for at least a period no for me like I went to college and I was like it doesn’t matter what I did get a degree and I just need to get something that I could stay in school be interested in enough to get good enough grades to stay eligible on the golf and not make good grades I think I had like a 3 three but I always said like I’m either going to play golf for a living or te or do golf for a living teach golf do my dad has is a Golf Academy so um I would I’ve had the mindset of like I’m going to be on PJ tour play professional golf or teach golf be you know do what my dad does cuz you can still play tournament golf you can still compete but just you know at the section level um and so that’s kind of you know I’m still playing I guess kind of so if he if he had to do something besides golf it would been golf I have zero idea yeah no like if if it’s if you say no it can’t be Golf and I’m like no that’s I have no idea play soccer I don’t know what you he would have been pretty electric he would have been good really really any other sport you could if George had dedicated his life like he dedicated golf to apart from probably wouldn’t have made the NBA more than likely given the the height size that’s the same reason I’m not in the league yeah but apart from that I think George would have found his way on some probably some SP in another sport okay fair enough all right well so you what’s I have no I would have been really pathetic um good I mean probably my guess like management so like some job he goes from pathetic to wealth management okay whatever what you will that’s a that’s a pathetic no whatever job that you can like talk your way into like and getting just talking to people not knowing a lot about a subject but just being there to be like pretty face and smile and like make people feel good and like hey come be you know put your money with us like we’re we’re great yeah I mean wealth all of it sounds terrible wealth management real estate insurance but just imagine his face on a real estate poster on like a a bench somewhere like like a bus bench no I’ll tell you what being like a being a lawyer that’s on a billboard a random number I can argue with just be fun actually again too much school too much reading but you good you’re great at arguing yeah I I’d like to be like a guy figured it out he would have been in politics no I’ll tell you a there there yep no no chance there I would have been like if I could have gone back and seen I would have been like some sort of like food review travel blogger person like just going and eating a bunch of food and telling people how amazing it is cuz I love food I love that for you I love food all right should be good yep yeah Fairway yeah go George hit another Fairway I’m shocked shocking yeah nice just get like three yards past me no should be about 10 to 15 past me oh it flew you George yeah 10 to 15 let’s go nice let’s go that was definitely going to be pass W this yeah it still might oh yeah you hear that tree hit the tree and then I heard something it’s not past it no those trees actually that you hit up there pretty deep I need like a 110 like a full 54 110 shot a little more no right at 110 the greens are firm just it’s just too far left George well I know but this one should be pretty decent we’ll spin back a little bit oh just a little bit deep deep I’m torn between lob wedge Sand Wedge Sand Wedge huh Sand Wedge good if you say Sand Wedge I’ll just hit lob wedge just a I mean I know you can get it there well no it’s not to get there just to get it as close as possible lob wedge I think I’m going to hit in the hole George oh no it’s it’s a little right that no well I wanted I know I wanted it to go in holder that would have been exciting and then we could have high fived and continued our Rampage oh Tim I love this sit a little bit now go the oh nice good job almost hit the pin I know how good those are good IR good wet shots look at Tim almost dunking it right here look at this I’ll I’ll get your ball Mark for you Tim thanks man that’s inside imagine imagine that had gone in that’s inside one oai link size 10 and a half all four or three of those shots solid shots I mean he’s four4 the guy can’t miss I know why I my butter you you you don’t I I mean what I’m going to contribute to today given I’m old and old here I can say that bitter not bit all I’m actually very happy stale um is I’m not I drop like I it’s not loose but I can get the ball in the Fairway that’s fact and I’m roll putts in in over end and we make putts by we I mean George he makes putts hey guys I want you guys to know I haven’t missed a putt all day so you hit him Jonas keep that to yourself listen we’re having we’re having fun we’re having a good time hey we have a special guest G3 yep in the house for uh the fifth pole out here and so this is a question for all three of you obviously you’ve been in in the game around the game for a long long time so you each get one thing snap your fingers it’s changed about the game of golf nobody fights about it it’s just done you could change one thing about golf what would it be and it can’t be the divot in the Fairway cuz lot and I can’t say the PJ tour you you can yeah you can but you have to explain you got to explain there’s really no explanation needed what it we should probably cut that um we leave it keep that let’s just say if if if I can’t change the PGA Tour um I’d probably say the cart path only I mean I it just makes my skin crawl I mean if if you could just put out like an education guide now I understand place is completely underwater leaving tracks but for the most part if you could just educate the people to stay away from the low areas and just drive on the high places to get a little bit closer to the golf ball I change the car path Only Rule out of bounds rule I feel I feel like the out of bounds is a play it as a hazard complet that is a well done no a handshake no a proper handshake for that one um now do I hit out of bounds a lot no no um it’s one of my strengths is driving but like I feel like it is for the for every golf the everyday golfer people that like I hit one 5T to the left of of of the rough line and I have to rete yeah I mean you can see it you can play let me drop it a foot or like of penalty yeah out of bounds be gone I love that answer did especially for how I drive the golf ball yes oh no I wish that folks would not be so slow figuring out how great this game is and just get here quicker so many folks get off to a late start how you would change I wanted to be fast I want folks to get it quick you you be to fall in love let’s go quick now like they’re supposed to H and I wish more people would play so they would know hey speaking of while we’re actually no bearing on the question just like your answer had no bearing really on the question um if we could also uh get people to play further forward instead of being like Oh well I’ve got to like I got to play like the men’s te’s or the the back tees yeah in the within the nuts and bolts of the game faster I changed the the handicap like how each hole is like handicapped on a golf course as well because you get like the number one hard too and the game’s not hard it’s very easy all you got to do is do it right y got y’all got to clip that y’all got to clip that right there that’s cut go let’s play I love it that’s amazing I love that answer so much goodness gracious you are an elite athlete George that’s just special that is that’s too far right though no that’s just that’s Prime positioning wow you just got to do it right sometimes huh golf’s not hard yeah hey Tim we just talked about losing golf balls there’s one I Ain even going to look for it yep yeah that’s Fairway that’s nice hey that that’s Fairway that’s Fairway ball the old roll reversal huh yeah going be how we got you what were these guys like as kids uh about like they are now not a lot of different just maybe uh less hair on their face and they’ve been fun the whole time and they’ve not grown up yet no no there’s not a lot of difference they probably know a few more words uh but not much different this is this is what this is how they were right here yep uh we got 167 um to the pin but we to fery greens are you have to land this thing 15 7 155 to have any chance yeah so trickster I think it’s just full eight arly eight AR’s perfect struck so nice Wesley the down a little bit it’s just maybe a little deep what 157 yeah I mean the green the P the pin right on a knob I’ll let you go I’m just I got it dang it it’s swing didn’t turn over yeah those are both good swings you’ll see when you get up there it’s just a really just wanted it to turn over more didn’t we just might have to try out George from long range he’s made all the short and medium range we have made it too easy on him so far today stop leaking ball all right we get to use it good shot I think we’re use it it was just leak all right here we go uh those are really good shots this this a I mean this this is the hardest hole one of the hardest holes on the golf course on the property you know 25 ft for birdie to this pin in my opinion is solid you got any idea at this point you don’t have to read them they’re all going in yeah I know but I you got his record I it just goes right it just goes up Hill and then it just Meander right oh if you hit it you made oh my Wesley don’t tell me that that was just short no perfect hey Tim you want a putt or you want me to putt uh up to you it won’t make it won’t make much difference when I get is that because you think this is going in help the team I think this is going in regardless I just helped the team from the Fairway now I’ll miss this one and let Tim contribute contribute on this hole he thank you a real team birdie yeah dang it Tim I wanted you I’m sorry yes hey no Hey listen that’s that’s really come on baby that so selfish of you right now I was going to make I was going to make it and you stole that I know and I’m need to cut this cut cut him talking we need to get Wesley back he’s he got upset with it at 4 feet for the wet shot he was mad that he made it I know his but we need to get him his first Rea no listen list listen your first reaction us to be like yes I made it oh I’m sorry Tim or like that was a great shot I want to make it instead of I want to make it that was good or like like first the positive that yeah yeah see come on hey negative by nature and you thought the negative by Nature was talking about my attitude no we’re talking about scores on the scorecard today 5 under through five yeah we’re we’re approaching the par five we’re going we’re pitching a perfect game right now and we got a very very scorable eable opportunity and one more ridiculous question coming from Tim see you on the tea here we go par five number six just send it uh you got to keep it between two bunkers that you see um today just you start at the left bunker hit a fade and you should have a three hour and 4 iron maybe a 5 iron in to this part five [Applause] yes Georgie yes Georgie what a shot Big Bounce too good bounce good bounce oh [Applause] goodness such a good swing too just right in the the bunker huh got over the bunker no that landed short of it and bounced into [Applause] it good swing on it yeah we’re off last toll chance here for an eagle that would put the record probably Out Of Reach would be my guess um but I have a question for you y’all have played obviously a ton of golf all over mhm so what I wanted you to do is if you could give me your top four or five favorite golf courses um number one guust national uh we lucky enough to play there when we were younger um that’s just number one number two St Andrews this the golf course is like you bring the city the golf the like the the Ambiance everything that goes with St Andrew is like it’s just you can’t beat it after that uh pel Beach Maybe just again views the course amazing Marion and Wesley there’s one more I’m missing but I’m going to go Augusta nationville St Andrews those are top two by far I’m going to go with Conger right down the road here in South Carolina okay just a pleasurable golfing experience I’m going to go with diamond Creek up in the mountains in North Carolina another pleasurable golfing experience and then let’s go if we’re going to have to go off the rails a little bit I’m going to say Bandon Dunes um if if you were going to rank as like favorite golf hole where does number nine at Yale fall in that and and why yeah well he he suck a lot of [ __ ] to be fair yeah I know and I’m going to I’m going to put it up there in the top 10 simply because I got to be the one personally to end Georgia’s college golf career so as far as me being able to put an absolute halt to George’s college golf career I did it on whole number nine so that’s why I actually kind of like it okay um for the people who don’t know can you explain what happened on number nine uh yeah you can just flash it up in a graphic you can actually just roll the text you can just say what happened I don’t need to say it you’ve done your research obviously so just roll the text and you can write as long of a story as you want play sad music to it we’ll see you on the six here at Selena [Laughter] [Music] [Music] now I’m electing not to take the club that I would hit because I just stole this out of Tim’s bag the brand new 101 U 4 iron if I were to hit it good it would sail the green but we’re going to get creative with it all right excited to put this one in play or you can leak it right at the flag stick oh be good baby little right might be I can’t see it how is it can’t see it it you can’t see it well stay up there and keep your eyes peeled on this one George this shaft feels nice Tim how did you know that I like the KBS hybrid 80x by FST shaft uh I’ve been doing a lot of research oh okay yep oh and I love it I absolutely adore it right is too far right no it’s not short a short yeah [Music] sure 10 yard short of the green dang 10 yard short of the green maybe I didn’t have to give the old big old banana Cy did you guys B yarded George it was no okay well no pressure on this shot we need to get it Airborne oh no it’s like George is George is getting all charismatic over there that’s like 20 ft right of the whole time 30t R sorry maybe 30 ft which is pretty good from 220 right I mean I’m not going to be mad about it except for his reaction I I just call it a turn I just need a turn I said turn I didn’t say bad shot that was a great shot I mean it’s 20 like if you par this it’s still going to going to be the record so yeah no this is this is part five so chip in for Eagle here we got a 22t chip for Eagle it one I mean this is going in the record the this this record might stand forever on this channel oh yeah I mean it’d be tough I guess if you played six holes where they had two par fives in it maybe you have a chance but that’s playing out of your mind now we got to start worrying about birdie just went way far the left yeah go ahead Tim I just just go ahead worried about bird yeah dude I mean I don’t know I don’t always chip it that close much that’s what I saw just go right and back left or it goes left and back right oh good shot ow here yep there you go offici 63s all right guys six under through six that is the new record probably going to stand for a while um I like it so thank you for being on the channel appreciate it and uh obviously you’ve talked about this before but um I just wanted to ask you guys when you first were were playing the irons right first got some tacos in your hand um what was your what was your expectation and then how did you feel about those SCS you first kind of had the chance to try them out before before we’re working together so so my first time playing these irons I had I put in the bag for the queue I’ve played with him like 3 days before and I’m going into a qualifier for a PJ tour Tour event I’m like you know what let’s just Chuck the new irons in the bag and not exaggerating it’s it’s the best irons best iron performance I’ve had in a lot of years playing uh tournament golf I just um I was able to hit like 3/4 and smooth shots that I knew like the distance didn’t very I didn’t have these big distance jumps and for me like yes there’s irons out there that can go farther and higher and and launch whatever but like for me as a player I want to have like my distances be a little bit closer in and so yeah no I hit them amazing and they they look good they felt good um so after that moment I was like you know what I’m sold like I don’t like if I would had a bad first experience oh man like like ah but like the first experience under pressure and no no spoilers here George no no spoilers in case they hadn’t seen the video comes out before the the Q video comes out no you’re you’re going to see a lot of quality quality Iron shots and me I got them back in the fall um the first thing I was looking at is just is it something that’s okay looking down at like are the top lines do they look clean is there too much offset is there whatever so once it just passes the like initial eye test um at that point I mean I haven’t found an iron yet that that like performs erratically like compared to where the strike is so um I just one I like the company I like the The Branding and the marketing behind what Tacoma was doing I like the way the iron looked and I knew that it was at a really good price point where we could take it to our friends and be like hey if you’re in the market for a new set of irons like you’re not going to have to break the bank and spend $1,500 plus to get a set of irons so um when I married all that up I was like it’s it’s a no-brainer because they performed well like I put them up against my irons on the quad and hit I mean hundreds if not thousands of balls just to make sure I didn’t see those like top end jumps um or and and what I honestly what I found was that the M hit spin numbers although it it dropped a little bit more than my current ones the carry numbers were more consistent than with what I was previously playing so on the M hits they performed well and it took spin-off instead of sometimes when you hit them a little thin it’ll add Spin and they’ll go a lot shorter um with these the spin numbers remain pretty consistent with all the other M mishits and um flew a little bit bit better in the wind so um it passed the performance passed the eye test and but most importantly now doing what we’re doing we’re in kind of that marketing and trying to build a brand type deal so um I really respect and appreciated whato people were doing so that’s my long-winded answer to say what did you say you got to speak up a little bit sorry the plane’s going over that’s my longwinded way of saying go buy some see you guys later bye [Music]


  1. Damn Wes sorry they did you dirty in this episode. You always take it like a champ though. Wish I would have ran into you when I was in South Carolina.

  2. No one does it better than the B Bros!!! Best golf content available anywhere on any platform. Point blank period!!!! 💯👍🔥

  3. Olukai Golf shoes are very comfortable, but if you don't put baby powder under the inserts you will have the annoying squeaks as we are getting from Wes & George's shoe's. I do plan on Joining Solina Golf Club. This course is the cream of the crop in Columbia. Good video guy's

  4. My nephew was Big 10 golfer 4 yrs, state Jr Am champ 3x….shot 62 in Korn Ferry Qualifier! Missed cut by 6.
    3 PGA Wins? That makes you a LEGEND!

  5. I don't know who needs to hear this… But, both BB and Tacomo need a little Taco Golf on the channel. Tacoma needs to sponsor Taco Golf, it's an obvious fit.

  6. The bros are so good at golf, I can't imagine a world where either one of them shoots over 100. Maybe when they were 2 years old

  7. That’s crazy that Tim was on AI. I had to go back and look it up, but after seeing him then, I remembered him from that season. Was pretty good, but got online hate by the AI blog nerds back then

  8. Wesley and George are professionals, but it's more than just money. It's mindset, attitude, resilience, and how they approach the game itself. Hearing about Wesley shooting 100+ is a real eye-opener, and it just gives me a reality check to remember that the game of golf is merciless. Wesley appears as the most unassuming professional, and that's his gift; it's very disarming. I love the channel.

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