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World’s Strongest Man Results and Backlash + Wesley Vissers to Open? + Logan Franklin is back +MORE

#worldsstrongestman #strongman #classicphysique
0:00 Intro
0:38 World’s Strongest Man Results and Controversy
4:32 Wesley Looks INSANE
8:45 Logan Franklin Update
10:03 More bodybuilders added to Pittsburgh pro guest posing

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Facebook: Nick’s Strength and Power

[Music] [Music] down [Music] all right what’s going on you guys Nick here with Nick strength and power I’ve got a couple of interesting stories for you guys today the first story we’re going to talk about today is the World’s Strongest Man so if you don’t like spoilers uh look away or skip this part of the video but the World’s Strongest Man was this weekend kind of interesting here um so I’m going to go over the results that’s why I said spoiler alert I know some people want to watch it before they know the results and that’s kind of one of the things that I want to talk about in this video is I’ve seen a lot of comments about the World’s Strongest Man and how people are very displeased that there’s not a live stream there’s not a whole lot of promotion and people have to wait basically half a year to actually watch it on TV um so Tom stolman won the 2024 World’s Strongest Man Mitchell Hooper ended up in second place and Evan Singleton wound up in third so like I said if you look at the comments just on this post here from World’s Strongest Man you can see a lot of people saying the same thing the event needs to be more accessible there needs to be a live stream we only got the results by watching Eddie Hall’s YouTube channel and it goes on and on I’ve seen a lot of these comments and I really couldn’t agree more it seems like such an outdated model for the biggest event in a sport like strongman being the world’s strongest man competition to not have a live dream to be able to view it the only way to if you wanted to watch this you’d have to go in person and watch it and even then it’s very tough to watch the whole thing because there’s so many different Heats so many different events multiple day uh show and I think if anything that’s an even stronger argument to have a live stream for it so people have it more accessible to watch at home not as not everybody can go you know travel for a couple days to watch it and I’ll be honest and even though I don’t really follow strong men as closely as I follow body building I didn’t even realize the World’s Strongest Man was going on this weekend until halfway through yesterday where I started to see posts about it on Instagram so I kind of agree with these comments that peripherally people that are kind of peripherally interested in strong men and maybe don’t follow it super close I didn’t feel like there was a lot of promotion of this World’s Strongest Man being this weekend and I think that I’m pretty sure the person that I saw post about it first was Flex Lewis a bodybuilder and that’s how I heard about about it and before I made this video I was going through Instagram trying to find clips and videos and watch as much of the show as I possibly could before I talked about it and it is really like it does seem very primitive that to watch the world’s strongest man you’ve just got to look through a bunch of Instagram reels and try to piece the thing together to watch as much of it as you can it is kind of it seems outdated not to mention I can’t even put a clip in this video because World’s Strongest Man is notorious for taking down people that use clips from the competition because of the fact that they have the TV deal that they do where the show is broadcast you know months after it actually happens so I do I do agree with strongman fans this seems to really be something that’s plaguing I think the growth of the sport of strongman the fact that it’s not accessible and the fact that you can’t watch it live the fact that you got this delayed broadcast of it the fact that you can only see it if you go in person and you’re able to stay for multiple days to watch the whole thing the fact that they don’t really freely allow the sharing of clips of the show impacts kind of the social media presence of it because I you know I follow all this I follow all these guys I follow all this stuff you know peripheral to strongman bodybuilding Fitness stuff and I like I said I only realized it was going on halfway through towards the end of the day yesterday because the promotion and the social media presence of it has been so small but let me know what you guys think in the comments below about the 2024 world strongest man again Tom stman is your 2024 world Strongest Man Champion now next up in the news a lot of the bodybuilding industry is talking about this guest posing from Wesley vissers from this weekend Wesley looks massive in this guest posing significantly bigger than he does on stage now Wesley is already one of the biggest guys in classic physique and I don’t just mean one of the tallest guys but it just so happens that in classic physique the taller guys tend to be the biggest and I think that’s you know case in point with Chris Bumstead so his competition weight the weight limit for Wesley when he competes in classic physique he’s 6’2 so the weight limit up to in including 6’2 is 242 lb or 1098 kilos so in competition shape which is clearly significantly small ER and less full than he is here 242 lb to me in this video he looks 15 to 20 lbs bigger than that but he’s still shredded I mean look at the Deep striations in his chest and his shoulders the vascular I mean he’s still ripped but much bigger much Fuller and it kind of makes you wonder how much does classic physique limit Wesley’s potential and improving some of the points of his physique I I got to admit he’s done a really good job of improving his lower body that was something people criticize for a long time um I know a lot of people say he doesn’t have the best taper with his waist he’s got kind of a wide waist obviously you know not a gut or anything like that but just his hip structure is kind of wide towards the bottom compared to a guy like Chris or a guy like Ramone so when you see him here and again what I think is 15 to 20 pounds heavier probably close to 260 lbs if not more than that and he still looks shredded and he’s in the offseason he’s already qualified for the Olympia he won two back-to-back Arnold Classics he doesn’t have to compete again he looks phenomenal here and it begs the question not only is the classic physique weight limit restricting Wesley but also what we just talked about with ERS Kinski Wesley visser’s in open bodybuilding could it happen could he do even better in open bodybuilding than he did in classic physique because clearly for a long time I felt like Wesley had a great classic physique he was always almost always ripped really good shape sometimes flatter sometimes Fuller improve the lower body to where it needed to be and it seemed like for a while the judges just didn’t like his physique and only just now is he really getting rewarded winning shows like the Arnold Classic and I’ll be honest with you guys I have heard Rumblings behind the scenes that there has been discussion about Wesley moving to open especially after the Olympia this year and I’m going to I’m also going to assume that depends on his placing at the Olympia I think that also depends on whether or not Chris Bumstead retires after this Olympia or even if Chris does this Olympia I think he will personally I think this will be Chris’s last Olympia I know there’s been a lot of talk about his mental health he had a really rough time with his last prep he thought about retirement these kind of cryptic social media posts but I I I feel like now that Chris his daughter is born I feel like he wants to retire I think he’s kind of made that clear but I think he wants to retire on the Olympia stage after a victory and then bring his daughter on stage I really feel like this will be Chris’s last year so if you do have a scenario where Wesley vissers takes second to Chris Bumstead and then Chris retires I think Wesley would be a fool not to do the next year’s Olympia then because he’s next in line for the title and really on paper he’s beaten everyone else that should beat him at the Olympia so he is on paper the favorite for number two but I say all that to say this is a really impressive look for Wesley because I would bet you guys he’s around 260 lbs in this video so the point is he’s not a small guy he is a big dude and he’s still ripped at a significantly bigger version of his physique than he was on stage like in competitive stage so I’ve got to be honest when we talk about a lot of these guys in classic potentially going to open I look at Wesley here and I really truly see that possibility but let me know what you guys think in the comments down below now speaking of classic physique we got an update from a guy that we haven’t seen in a while Logan Franklin coming from his coach Patrick tour another one of the taller classic physique guys that people make an argument for potentially being you know one of the top guys at the Olympia especially now that we’re kind of in this space when we kind of contemplate the exit of Chris Bumstead and I got to be honest with you guys I’m extremely excited to see what Logan’s plans are for this year as far as getting to the Olympia qualifying to because to be honest with you guys Logan is one of my favorite classic physique competitors physique wise he’s a really good poser I really enjoy watching him compete because of the posing but he’s got a really good physique that goes well with that and I think that Logan even though he’s not necessarily been a guy that’s challenging the top three at the classic physique Olympia he’s one of my favorite guys and we’ve seen a lot of guys lately that have taken time off and that time off did their physiques very well and I think we might see that with Logan and honestly in this video he looks like he’s getting ready to compete it doesn’t say what show he’s doing here but he looks like he’s in relatively good condition so maybe we’ll be seeing him on stage sooner rather than later now next up in the news if you’re looking forward to the upcoming Pittsburgh Pro which is this coming weekend the big guest posing where you’re going to see Hunter Labrada Samson daa Big Romy Derek Lunsford Nick Walker and Andrew Jack they’ve now added three more guys including Ur who we already knew they added but Muhammad Shaban ERS Kinski and Martin Fitzwater who just won the Detroit Pro still unsure uh with Chris Chris Bumstead will be there but it’s a special appearance he’s probably not going to actually participate in the guest posing I am curious to see if Ramy actually shows up we haven’t really seen much from Ramy except for throwback pictures and videos and he’s this is something that he skipped in the past so we’ll see so we will get a preview of both Martin and Nick just one week out from the New York Pro and we’re going to get to see them next to each other presumably on the same stage so if you’re a big bodybuilding fan you’re not going to want to miss the Pittsburgh Pro guest posing Saturday May 11th and that’s going to wrap it up for the video guys I hope you enjoyed it just kind of a quick one today um and as always like the video subscribe all that good stuff leave a comment down below and as always I love you guys appreciate you guys Nick strength and Power signing out e e all right guys don’t forget to click that like button and subscribe to this channel if you enjoy the content also check out my Instagram @ Nick strength power my Facebook page which is simply Nick strength and power my secondary YouTube channel Nick strength and Vlogs for Vlogs and bonus content that you will not see on this channel and consider subscribing to my third YouTube channel Nick strength and Pokemon which is all things Pokemon and trading card games completely unrelated to this channel so if you’re into that give that one a look and all links to merchandise and social media will be in the description box below if you guys want an ex rength and power t-shirt that will be in the Shopify link below have a great day



    0:00 Intro

    0:38 World's Strongest Man Results and Controversy

    4:32 Wesley Looks INSANE

    8:45 Logan Franklin Update

    10:03 More bodybuilders added to Pittsburgh pro guest posing




    My Ebay store:

    Instagram: @NicksStrengthPower

    Instagram 2: @NicksStrengthandPokemon

    Facebook: Nick's Strength and Power


  2. If Wesley goes to open, hopefully he takes the growing stage slow. Dont want his waist to grow like horse.

  3. Due to height difference, previous Classic Physique 1st and runner judging was wayyy favored to the Champion right now. But on this year classic physique, it the most interesting one.

  4. The promotion was poor to say the least, even the die hard yt channels have been vocal about the lack not only of good promotion but also the lack of any kind of live broadcast. Just to give an example it took them almost a month affter the release of the date of the competition to say wich events would be part of it. So they screw up so hard, no wonder why events like Rogue Invitational, Shaw Classic and And the Arnolds, Ohio and UK, are overshadowing the WSM.

  5. Wesley is in love with Classic but……. Open is where the money is at…. I would only move if I am certain that I can be too 3.

  6. I prefer Arnolds tbh, WSM is really dated now. In the UK, it's on tv at the end of December. Ridiculous.

  7. In the UK the WSM is normally broadcast around Christmas, so yeah 6 months after the event we get to see it. Lazy promoters, nothing out of the ordinary

  8. i think Wesley has a chance at the Olympia, especially if Chris doesn't put his full potential in. which is understandable. in fact even if Chris did go all out i think Wesley could still win.

  9. Theres a very simple reason as to why there isnt a live stream. The viewership for the Christmas show is in the Tens of millions (WSM themselves claimed that 220 million watched the 2023 event), the largest streaming audience for a strongman event has been around 200k. The difference is gigantic which means the money difference is also gigantic. Until any live stream for a strongman event come closes to the eyes WSM gains, we will always have this method.

  10. WSM has to change it's broadcasting or people are going to assume the other competitions, such as Brain's is the top competition

  11. Wesley coming for that Mr. O title and ol boy forearms ain’t gonna be able to stop him. Chris gonna be given a run for his money. Wide hips or not Wesley deserves a O.

  12. It’s absolutely absurd that the WSM doesn’t have a live stream. It’s just archaic how they run things.

  13. In the UK WSM is shown over the Xmas holidays with the final shown on New Year's day. Waiting 8months is ridiculous with current tech.

  14. Thanks for spoiling my watch at the end of the year, no point in watching it now!

  15. Year after year judges over looked wesley at classic now hes the golden boy i think with his natural shape with a few extra pounds maybe he could get the open judges to see mass monsters are not the way forward. R.i.p Shawn Rhoden.

  16. I try to keep up with all the major events going on in strongman and follow most well known strongmen today, but it had totally popped out of my mind that WSM was going on rn. They really need to get with the times. They'd make bank if they had an online PPV type of deal

  17. I think worlds strongest man limiting its coverage an realeasing half a year after around christmas were i know im to bussy to watch it on tv, i miss it every year an im a big strongman fan i watch the 2mathletes i follows advents an every1s atlas stones when there posted an thats it, if wsm isnt carful there goin to get dwarfed my brians comp an no1s goin to care about wsm anymore

  18. There was plan of a live stream but the broadcaster pulled out last minute. Also i heard it costs so much money to put the show on

  19. WSM slowly killing themselves. Gotta get with the modern times. I just watch Big Loz to get info and results. Never gonna watch a show half a year later lol

  20. People forget that the same organizers also run Giants Live and similar events.

    So they know how to put on a show but strongman is way too inaccessible as a sport.

    Lets be honest only hardcore fans watch the whole thing live with all the delays and breaks between events.

    Its not exactly a sport for the masses.

    And the exclusive TV rights probably pay far above what they could hope to achieve in the near future with live broadcast etc.

    TV is the best way to show it to a lot of people, because only very few will become interested in the sport.

  21. For a man that post images/clips of people doing training and still didn’t know it was close to WSM I’m baffled? Literarily strongmen on YT have been openly talking about worlds coming up!

    WSM have TV exclusivity which was on something stupid like a 10 year contract that still has a few years to run afaik, they’re legally not allowed to do any live streams for the foreseeable future.

  22. The best way to see WSM results was Eddie halls update videos after every event. He gave all the results and interviewed the winner of each event

  23. Very good Wesley, stay in classic , dethrone the champ. Nick has a way 😂to try an convince you to go to open. You will place 7th.
    Win the classic 🏆 🏆 🏆

  24. I remember worlds strongest men was on espn,that's when I knew I wanted to be big & strong

  25. World's is such a joke… Brian Shaws comp is better in every way. Rogue and Arnold are better nowadays too

  26. Yea it's an ancient TV show model lol They need to get with the times ! 💪 It's ridiculous

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