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Steelers Dynasty Podcast #12

Tonight’s show we have Mark from the Steelers Nation Australia podcast as we discuss the contract extension of Coach Mike Tomlin and more Steelers news

ladies and gentlemen welcome to another exciting edition of Steelers Dynasty podcast I’m your host bad Bubba Brewer and I’m gonna bring on my co-host right now special field correspondent Shane stod Miller Shane how you doing doing good you know uh the bad news today uh if you’re a West Virginia fan or an NBA fan Jerry West passed away Theo I seen that I seen that he was what 80 86 86 yeah and then they just did that Hulu is that didn’t they do a TV show on him or a documentary series featured in that in that Lakers uh drama whatever but uh yeah so okay well we got a great show for everybody tonight so everybody grab your Iron City your icy light because we got a special guest coming in the studio and we are going to be talking Steelers football as we do every Wednesday night so here we go [Music] once again we’re back Steelers Dynasty podcast without further Ado we want to bring on our special guest he is the host of this podcast overseas Steelers Nation Australia ladies and gentlemen he is the most positive Steeler fan I have ever met how about it Shane yeah he’s he’s a he’s like the sun he’s the sunshine enema from Down Under telling you he is so like he literally ladies and gentlemen will tell you the future because he is in such a time zone that he’s talking to us almost the it’s the next day guys and and the thing is if we were if we were seven and 10 he still is upbeat nothing gets him down and he hates Cincinnati so he’s gonna when he comes over he’s gonna fly and just throw [ __ ] out the airplane on Cincinnati when he comes around you know when he comes to Pittsburgh during Christmas but everybody let’s welcome to the Steelers Dynasty podcast Our Man mark from Steelers Nation Australia Mark how you doing the first of all that’s a great intro I don’t deserve that that’s fantastic why not I think you do I think you yeah appreciate that I want to say too if we were seven and 10 this how much much I’m a fan of steals positive we’re were seven and 10 and we’re like one game out of the wild card and said it was like the Dolphins who were like seven seed I would hope that like like a meteor crashed into the Dolphins center blew them up and then we then we would be like technically because the Goodell can’t he can’t run a a playoff game with you know 15 teams so he’d be like like oh I know the Dolphins just you know their whole team exploded we still got to feel the team though and then we get a shot you’re never out of it really are you if if a meteor comes down like that but like seven and 10 we have actually I don’t think I’ve never I’ve never seen seven and 10 nope no you never have you have never SE I haven’t you have never seen a losing Steelers season in your entire life spine and rainbows I mean he if he if he he lived during the 80s he’d be like pulling his hair out he’d have half his hair on the one side and then he’d be bitching because he’d be bitching because we didn’t draft Dan Marino like I’ve been for the last three decades you remember getting [ __ ] for being a Steelers fan people saying they suck there is he’s finally made it he’s finally made it took him a month to get on this channel Burns Burns Burns thank God and uh we will hear your Steeler and your football uh knowledge connoisseur so thanks for finally coming back around burnsy damn so it took like a month Mark for him to find the channel like I’ve been putting out cookies and crumbs and Iron City icy Light cans isn’t Brian Burns a cornerback for the pantis that I wrong you’re not wrong um but there no relation you’re you’re absolutely right I just found out too it was 2003 so I became a fan in 2002 so I had one season of six and 10 but I was like 13 years of age so I didn’t know what I was looking at yeah that doesn’t count that doesn’t count because you were just like uh you w you weren’t invested as you are now like I said uh ladies and gentlemen he is the most positive uh Steeler podcaster Steeler fan he’s coming over here uh Christmas he’s he’s all excited you’re all excited for that aren’t you 100% yeah I’ll be there from the 19th of December to 28th something like that so Steelers versus Ravens uh I’m going to try and plan something in Pittsburgh and try and get you guys there on the 21st we’re going to have a watch party in some some bar some way somehow we’ll be doing definitely we’re on dve on what we’re GNA D is like a go ahead Shane explain to him well so basically I’ve been pumping a few uh emails out to some local uh uh Sports places need your fans to do the same so when you broadcast on your channel I need Jared devil and all those guys to be calling KD Ka to be calling WTAE the fan 937 the fan and just basically say that you’re the [ __ ] Steeler Santa Santa y Santa from Down Under and you’re coming and they’re gonna they might think you’re just like a handicapped make A- wish kid that talks funny from from lower girl if it helps me out if it gives me the advantage that’s all I for that you know what I’m saying if it gives me a one edge up I’m fine with that I’ll play the role it’s cool that’s what I’m saying well well that that’ll be that’ll be something that’ll be something yeah he didn’t see that yeah never those people Burns ever he’s never these are all Fred perer was a running back Delton Hall was a corner Ouija was a receiver and Lou lips was a great receiver these are all 80 Steelers yeah I know Lou Li so that BL yeah don’t don’t tarnish him with the 80s stuff here we’re we’re we’re we’re you know you had to be happy with a Louis lips Jersey that’s what you settled for in the 80s like oh I got Louis lips Jersey well Mar Hodge Mar I love Maraj before that he had retired didn’t he no no Maraj was in the 80s man we we went on the back of him in Denver almost won the uh Championship went to the championship you know in in my lifetime too then when I since I’ve been since I’ve been born I think hello dear they’ve never been oh no 1999 was the last time the Steelers came fourth in the division wait a minute that fourth or six what when when was six was that the AFC Central right is that correct yes yes so when’s the last time they they’ve come last in the in the division I believe I believe that 1988 when I think well I think I think CH I think I think cow’s last cow’s last year they weren’t before he retired our last in the division though oh it wasn’t good I think it’s 1988 that was a year I was born 1989 so there you go that’s that’s probably where it comes from never seen last yeah you Chuck’s last year Burns says there you go okay burnsy okay okay right on So speaking of uh speaking of coaches um we got a we got a coach that uh signed an extension and you were all excited on your show now in this show we we have a little bit of bumps I I know they’re not going to get rid of him ever but for me I would like to win a playoff because I’m still butt hurt when we didn’t win anything with the Killer Bees so let me get your take on this three-year extension which is actually a four-year like you said on the off off camera so let’s hear it Mark what is your thoughts and feelings about this and you can say anything you want to the platform is yours and we do not censor here in the United States so you are all good yeah the big thing to me is if I come from like a a business standpoint from the Ries it makes a lot of sense to give coach Tom one another three years four years he’s been he’s been committed to the program for 18 years he knows where his locker is he knows all that kind of stuff like coach tomone is Pittsburgh like through and through yes the fan base or I would probably say like maybe 25% of the fan base are really frustrated and don’t want Tom on there anymore they think he’s a bumb he’s done he’s over not saying that you guys think that I’m saying there’s some people out there have no respect for I got I got a comment here as soon as you’re done talking and I’m gonna then you can go and then maybe he won’t last long but I’m gonna let you keep talking but there is comments what I’m saying I already see what it says it’s D move which I disagree with because okay I I I would say then who would you try and find this this has been the The Narrative for a long time who you try and find to to to replace Tomlin and I understand that I’m being a bias because he’s been my coach for 18 years and I have that that respect for him but I would say too is from a business standpoint for the Rooney to do this it’s it’s it’s it’s a no-brainer at this point in time do you really think that if you fire the coach and get rid of tomin that next year the new coach comes in is going to win a Super Bowl no that to me isn’t going to happen it’s it’s based on the team it’s building they building the r to the o line the quarterback and there’s so much pressure yes oh Tom hasn’t won a playoff game what I always go back to is 12 teams have never won a Super Bowl think about that 12 teams have never won Toman has won and also four teams have never been in the history of the NFL over a 100 years 12 teams have never won that includes the bills going there four times which which is hilarious they went there four times and lost that includes the Vikings going there four times that includes the Bengals going there three times that includes the the Cardinals who we beat who were franchise from the 19 they they seem like the Cardinal from like 1877 they’ve been around for ages they went there we beat them so it’s really hard to win football games NFL games really hard to win the division it’s really hard to do what coach Toman does the thing is where he if coach Toman won a playoff game or one more Super Bowl everybody would be quiet they they they’d shut up so I can’t wait to see people people shut up when he does do this but in terms with Coach tomman as well it’s I feel like he doesn’t get the respect that he deserves from everyone but you can’t please everyone not Everyone likes me not Everyone likes you guys not not everyone always likes everyone and same with me when I walk around town I don’t like some people who are who I walk past or whatever and that that to me is is just it doesn’t matter on that sense from a fan level it doesn’t matter what I think you think or anyone thinks we just have a platform to talk about it but as a business sense the Rooney’s made the right decision you go and sign Coach T and you go for the next four years a guy you know who can get this team to the playoffs at least then you have a chance that that’s where I’ll end that part there no no I I I agree I I think this is his probably strongest year having an offense well he had he had the what was the offensive coordinator that uh his wife was a swinger what oh they um oh Jesus I’m losing I got too many hits to the Head um oh Jesus 2018 they were pretty good they had a good offense uh well he he was great for Ben um and I’m losing oh my God I can’t believe that I’m usually pretty good um he he was uh a coach for the Kansas City Chiefs never uh oh God shim no no no no no no no no he um he was our offensive coordinator uh be after uh Bruce arens and Ben had uh he was standing upright toy yes yes Todd Haley yes thank you very oh my God [ __ ] think of too much wrestling or something now I can’t think of what the hell’s going on but uh yeah because when Haley you know that offense was great I think this offense right now with ar I’m gonna be an Arthur smith thing so I’m gonna be Pro so with Tomlin having him this year and we’re going to talk about some players that could be developing in this offense that could be Gang Busters um I probably don’t know who they would actually get as a coach anyway if they wanted to get a coach okay I’m just upset because we haven’t won we haven’t won a playoff game that that is what really truly pisses me off um last year without a quarterback he got us to the playoffs Tomlin did so I I can’t I can’t [ __ ] about that but this year is a different vibe Patrick Queen would have never came to Pittsburgh if we didn’t have Tomlin as our coach that’s that’s true um but I don’t know I don’t I think that’s that’s not going to can I make one can I make one comment on this Brian Burns will say [ __ ] like this no nothing nothing to you Brian Burns but you’ll say [ __ ] like this as is I’m [ __ ] happy about this it’s not I just won’t sit the difference between me and you and Brian Burns and I don’t care if you ever come to my show you’re probably a good B the difference is though is I will be I’ll be positive about my team being hopeful about the Steelers and you’ll sit there in your [ __ ] chair and go ah we’re going to be n and eight all season this team sucks [ __ ] me sorry seriously now you’re good I knew it’s coming I knew it’s coming that came out of nowhere we’re not we’re not we’re not picking him Burns there’s no way we’re picking love you Burns burn I love you you can’t sit there as a mentality as a person don’t sit there be hopeful about the team God okay sorry the jury’s still out and I’ll tell you why because last year he mismanaged a decent qub back okay he had Mason Rudolph which was probably the best bet and then still played Mitch trabis that was a bonehead move okay yeah that I agree I I agree 100% bad move okay so he got into the playoffs despite himself now this year if he if he screws up a wet dream which is this this ball Club they have now then you know my my tune’s gonna change so he bought a little bit of uh slack you know with this getting into the playoffs but we need we I hate saying we the Steelers organization you could say we yeah a playoff win that is that is like the bare minimum of what the standard should be and then little bit of sprinkles on top of that cupcake would be AFC Championship oh you brick he ain’t been on for a month but yeah he’s firing with all cylinders tonight but but no I I agree there need to be there need to be uh criticism towards Tom one 100% right I do back him I respect him I like the way he’s a person how he handles a media I think he’s really good for the locker room there are numerous players in this this team that play for coach Tom one Fields age all all these players come to play for Coach Tomlin and then I just you get those those comments like the nine eight is a standard well fans in in my position who are really positive about Toman we don’t we don’t like that either we don’t like losing but the reality is when I come back to it is is that it’s [ __ ] hard to win games and it’s [ __ ] hard to win a Super Bowl it’s not that easy and then they go back to all the way to cow’s players it wasn’t cow’s players there was a year in between where coach Cow didn’t win a Super Bowl that was the six and uh the six and 10 season or whatever it was right so so and where’s the pressure on Coach C he only won one I just think it’s it’s it’s you can’t I understand the criticism where he needs to be the playoff it needs to be a playoff need we need to win one 100% we should have had a chance last year but then you got to go back to the Rudolph pick and the picket fumble the team overall can’t you can’t coach that you cannot you can’t coach that that happens on the field and that those things happen hey here’s the here’s another thing I want to point out guys you’re only as good as your quarterback in this league if you don’t have a quarterback you can be the best Jesus Christ do you know what that is do you know you know do you know what a ganger is you guys know what that is no oh you don’t want you don’t want to know oh that’s okay it’s like it’s like a up the uh it’s like an Australian term for like Lady of the night oh like a [ __ ] like a hooker oh okay like a prostitute okay yeah okay oh like no no no like like one okay it’s like one of your friends in the group that she’s like one of the boys and she likes hang with the boys and they I I know what you’re talking about I don’t know why I always I always get along with the boys more and girls don’t like me that’s because you know yeah yeah yeah yeah that canel that’s funny no we we’re getting canceled uh KC makes it look easy well there that that could that could that could end it anytime soon one hit to Patrick mahomes’s arm or leg and one he’s there one hit away quarterback and Mahomes is a freaking lottery ticket he’s a power ball he is you know Texas Tech he was throwing up four 500 yards a game but that wasn’t unusual in the Big 12 at that point Texas Tech always had a lot of gun Gunslingers when he came into the league it it was a surprise for everyone that he did as well as he did there’s no way that you thought that that that that was going to translate to the NFL that cow you know you’re only as good as your quarterback cower you know he didn’t really have anybody he made it to the Super Bowl so uh but you got well he hung on he hung on Cordell a little long um and and and Cordell I mean he had us in Denver through that pick in the end zone with triple coverage um but also too coward had some debacle games that are just as bad as Tomlin games yeah yeah yeah so I mean no one’s perfect No One’s Gonna Have a great G every game going be a great game but you know Tomlin also had you know Ben for you know 90% of the games that he has won and his in his tenure as Steelers coach so you know what other what other other than maybe bill bellich or somebody who who else has had that many Fosters austr Tomlin took Kenny picket for crazy thing can I jump in near one more time for me and Brian Burns having a bit of it’s another thing I always see it’s always it always seems to be Tomlin does everything why is it always focus on the head coach to do all the picks that was that wasn’t Kevin Colbert that wasn’t part of the organization that wasn’t bloody lunch lady Doris you know having opinions which you get a quarterback it’s not just tomin choosing the quarter back and and it all comes down to heat on him but I tell you what when Brian Burns we go Super Bowl he’ll be the most quietest person in the party he’ll be elbowing people he’ll be going oh I was always a porter of Coach tomman he’s my BL when he starts winning it’s easy to [ __ ] on someone when they’re losing I’ve known Brian burn for 25 years he’s never quiet never quiet is not in Burns’s vocabulary how long did you say buba over 20 over well no over no it’s got to be 35 since Little League yeah yeah since the 80s I’m just saying like I don’t know that everything always pinpoints a Tom stuffing up in this but it’s a whole organization it’s a team it’s it’s everyone everyone the organization chose Kenny picket and Kevin cobbert and even Omar khah when he was doing the finances right everyone did that not just tomin choosing his players they they picked can he pick it because he didn’t want the repeat of not picking a quarterback like Dan they want yes they wanted the quarterback straight away and they should have went o line we all know that that’s why we’ve come now in two years two years two years now we built the o line they wouldn’t got veteran quarterbacks and they’re still getting hate for that because people don’t like Fields people don’t like Wilson I’m okay with that I’m okay with both of those guys I mean what quarterback are we gonna get you know what I mean right now that we got a quarterback that has won a Super Bowl and we got a second string quarterback that’s fast on his feet and could come up with some built like a brick [ __ ] yeah I mean that’s going to be your quarterback next year did you ever hear that term brick [ __ ] house I was Wonder I that yeah yeah I’ve heard a lot of things no but I think like yeah in the Tom stuff I know you want to move on to other things but I of course I am biased toward my Steelers and I’m more positive than I’m negative but it’s in my daily life where I don’t want to go on chats and say that Tom One S and because I just feel like it brings it down everything down now you can be critical okay here are some things I’m critical of tomin I do think sometimes in playoff games and in some games that tomin doesn’t have his team ready to a certain degree now it does be on players so where you play in a big game and you versus Patriots versus Cardinal you’re like damn we should beat this team easy they’re a football team though side too and also the Steelers have like an x on their back all the time in these scenarios when they when they verse the lower teams they want to try and beat them the Browns did it in the playoff game they smashed it that was dearle that that coach was even on Co at home we got beat by a special so it was going the you know now Tomlin couldn’t help that you know the ball went over Ben’s [ __ ] head and then we’re down by seven already I mean [ __ ] happening for that for the the playoff game versus the Jags you can him from you know mismanaging the uh the ab thing and not winning playoff games and Super Bowls in that time you can give him uh uh you know negative Vibes for not going anywhere with uh Cameron Haywood or TJ what for sure right 100% but it still comes down to it’s the players got to do their job as well I think it’s more than just I one of the most annoying most arguments I hear is is it’s mediocre mik and this this and this but the bloke the bloke has been winning like he’s won 170 games and his division record is 70 verse 30 in the div in the division so yes we haven’t won another Super Bowl but there are other small victories you can take along away now the now the the I already know what Brian’s going to say we don’t want that we don’t want divisions we want championships well how the [ __ ] do get that point to get there to get that Championship you you go and win the AFC North and you go and win those 10 games people say we don’t want 10 games well you can’t win a Super Bowl winning zero you just got to get in the game you just got to get in the dance take the hot lady gotta take the smoking the smoking piece of ass at the dance and that’s what you get and if you dance with her and things happen then you’re moving on it’s like it’s like getting laid without with a Ferrari it’s it’s expected you know what I mean the the negative thing that I see on cow is some of the coaching that he had that he has under him that aren’t to me as good as they could be or somebody that they could get like Flores I think they should have kept him as a defensive coordinator but I don’t know what happened be and because we only can speculate I have no idea but he went to Minnesota but he would have been such an upgrade from I’m not a big Austin because our stats are terrible and if it wasn’t for TJ Watt like he’s like the uncoming of Jesus Christ so if he’s not in the lineup we’re already screwed before we even get into the stadium but that’s his only one of his downfalls with Tomlin is his coaching tree is about as big as my fan over here it’s not big exactly it’s like a cactus well Cactus is a pricky that’s that’s the only thing that’s the only thing that I can but I do like his pick this I think he’s I think this year he’s all he he’s all in it to win it I I believe that I I’m not a I’m not a I look he’s a Steeler I’m going to you know whatever sometimes he makes me angry but I believe he right now is in it to win more than one playoff game this year but he’s got to get us in there I I do understand the argument of of the coaching train how he hasn’t got you know guys under him went to other teams and be become successful this this and this I I don’t like the idea though how when people say that coach tomin doesn’t let them speak and all that kind of stuff you know I think we put we put too much drama involved in that kind of thing like we’re not in the locker room but the the stats would say yes he doesn’t have a coaching tree under him where guys have been successful in other areas um but we’re we’re not there but I always come back to as well is like you said before in your in your point babba it’s like you might not you you might be average with the move you’re like you’re mid with the move it’s okay but we can’t change it do you know what I mean also I was reading some articles about um Alan sa been I’ve been he’s a um steel reporter over there been saying he was not saying his name a lot he been talking he’s been talking about um if you were to get rid of the coach then who then who who gonna get you know what I mean I I’ve been saying that for years and and I’ve been saying that and I thought we could get people but realistically who who we going to get because there’s been coaches there’s been major coaches and major organizations that you thought were good that couldn’t even win a goddamn game so realistically who who who you going to get where the players are actually coming to the the media and they’re coming and talking on podcasts and they’re talking on your podcast like McFadden you know when he was like over yeah so they’re overly they’re overly excessively showing their appreciation for Tomlin because they have played for him and they will run through a brick wall for him so I I me personally as a Steeler podcaster I mean what you know I mean what am I going to do I’m going to go with the Steelers and hoping that Tomlin can correct his miscues and work towards 2024 and hopefully we could get better than we did if we get better offensively we’re already headed a game if we can score some points we scor 20 20 some points a game we’re already 23 points we’re in we’re in every game this year there there is one thing I want I I kind of want to happen I think would be one of the most funniest things ever to happen in steel history if if if tomman gets fired in 2026 the next coach take over if they win the next in 2027 Super Bowl I will be saying every [ __ ] episode that the Steelers won the 2007 Super Bowl with Coach tow players I will not stop saying that because that’s all I hear about is coach C I don’t think they’ll ever fire him I think he’ll retire does happen like if if he retires and the next year the steals win Super Bowl I be saying they will Coach tomin plays for 50 years the same it’s exact same logic is it not yeah yeah had away so hey light light lighten this up a little bit I want to ask Mark a question you ready Mark I’m what if game okay James Harrison signature or [ __ ] that’s such a hard one oh I know buddy can can you get them for [Laughter] me I know a guy who knows Harrison but I I don’t know how I’m gonna ask him to to you know what I mean that’s that’s the position I’m in like he sign a bank check probably probably have to go Debo is Iconic mate Debo is my favorite player of all time okay so I’m kind of scared to meet Deo because she never meet never meet your Heroes you I feel like he’d chop me on like to his parents house and wait out and get a signature you know in Bridgeville but you know dvo you can’t just be sitting in this lawn you know what I mean so you can’t like tell him to sign a check or something like that and then just copy it like you know I don’t know no well we have a better chance of getting kun’s autograph at training camp that’s true that’s true right so if we could do yeah so we do that we need to we’re g we’re gonna try to get a picture of you uh maybe in a Australian Speedo what do you call them bungee Smugglers hang on I’ll uh I’ll show you something one one second one second oh my God if he if he jumps on here with Speedos we’re in trouble it’s gonna be fantastic but we need that photo all day well no what we do is if if we do um like if we do Steelers Nation Australia his logo and then if we get CTS he’s got that that’s a pickle ball paddle right yeah I’ll get i’ll get a photo like this and yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you give me the photo and I and I’ll go down to camp and I’ll see if I can get in autograph it I I him in the game to your credit we want them to know that you’re Australian you’re not just handicapped so you know you know St of Bas you know [ __ ] we don’t want have explain to them that that’s a pickle ball paddle so you know maybe an Australian flag or something or but that that thing would be fantastic well we need him with that with that pickle ball paddle with a with a a poster like 11 by 17 on like cardboard and then we hold it up because then if he sees it it he’ll see [ __ ] on the on the pickle ball thing and he’ll look when he’s walking up the field because sometimes they walk up to the field and then other times the bigger names go to the golf cart and then they take off though or we I don’t know how much a cardboard cutout would be but would try to get a cardboard cutout of of Mark so he can attend there like Flat Stanley and he would have his paddle says C and of course you know cun’s uh teammates are gonna be like yo did you see that yeah they’re like you got to sign this bini the Australian flag bikini with the [ __ ] paddle you know what’s funny because when he was a he was a Dallas Renegade right he was he was um don’t know if he ever played in the NFL no he didn’t I think he played in the XFL as a renegade and and uh Duke Kane College I think but he was a linebacker and he was on the practice squad for the Steelers I think for a linebacker in 2019 or 20 or something like that and he got cut and when he got cut I didn’t I didn’t buy his jersey then I was like damn cuz the whole you know slang with us and and right cor or C or whatever like get c g like we say it that fast you don’t even know we’re swearing like you have no idea certain way like certain way Australians can say that word where it sounds like poetry and then some Americans or Canadians will say and it sounds like chalk on on a chalk board and Nails you just oh oh you’re hurting me like I would never say it to my to my grandmother or old people or something like that I’d be sweet be talking normal but if I walk past someone yeah can’t they you don’t even know I said said it it was that fast like like a sip right so when he when he came to the team and it was like Christian K and it was like from a German uh German saying and that’s that’s his name is from German Heritage like he got cut I was like damn but then they Reign resign him as a long St I was like oh my goodness I gonna buy this dude’s Jersey and is fantastic so turns your question yeah Debo would be up there but I want to verse Con in a pickle ball game he plays pickle ball on a vers him minute tag him in a Twitter thing I bet you’s got Twitter yeah had to be next year though if I go to training camp because obviously can’t I can’t play him when they’re versing the Ravens and then they’re versing Chiefs in three days I don’t think he’ be ready you know probably he might he might be he might be he might Cas at iron C nicely light man anybody can be ready you never know that be awesome that’d be awesome having a few be playing that’d be that’d be Top Notch I’ve had B Mar m had Merl hod imagine playing K in a pickle ball game pick up pick up pickle ball game and some some Park in Pittsburgh you got to tag him you tag him in a Twitter post and then get it floats around through social media because people you know what I mean this could be our Jolly rooll right here you know do a tick tock yep do a Tik Tok and tag it I want to say I want to call it calling out calling out [ __ ] theck call out [ __ ] call out to play I ver him in singles see what happens cuz what do what do you think I asked someone that I asked the other day DB got I bloke on YouTube as well what do you think he does for eight hours like when everyone’s training in OTAs and mini camp he only snaps the ball like he obviously can’t be out there for eight hours I don’t know what he does I bet you he makes sure as the footballs I mean he probably he’s got it he’s got to hike it for you know special team so the Ping and kicking so and then they that’s it I think they just like this a little bit and he’ll snap it you know like and yeah they just warm up C point I think I think you have like like I don’t know maybe with wrestling right B there a certain point where you know you’ve done enough training for the day your certain expertise right or whatever it is there a certain point I think where linebackers do all their stuff he he’s like and same with Chris Ball and punting but he snaps the ball you can’t snap the ball for four hours no surely not no he’s probably doing hand hand stuff with gripping the different types of gripping the ball and just walking around just gripping the ball so he doesn’t come out you know what I mean because it’d be a botch snap or something he would even go like his position getting paid a million dollars a year whatever he wouldn’t even go to defensive meetings he probably go offensive W maybe special teams well oh well this is what yeah well yeah that yeah that could be you know what a lot of America’s Finest tier one soldiers would do down at Fort Benning play Wii tennis my office and we’d be playing we tennis we out we’re like oh my Wei muscles are so sore you know like you’ve been working out what’s the Army saying Shane it’s like uh ready and white or sit and white or something when what is it oh hurry up and wait we’re 15 hours a day training some of these guys so you’d have like three four hours downtime so like you know you go in your office and we’d play we we golf so does and then then you just wait for something to happen for the next other guys doing stuff but we go and we’ play some we golf you know what I bet you well next time I go down there next time we I go down there I’ll have to pay attention and see what he actually does during the whole two hours like the two-hour practice because I I mean they kick the ball and then after they kick the ball they’re on the he’s on the sidelines if they have a couple kicks where they’re you know saying I wonder what he does oh work on it could be working on blocking that could be a good idea that’s true very true yeah blocking yeah I think it’s like you know calisthenic stretching and then just practicing that snap you know just well he probably goes on drills he probably does go drills with the offensive line and they go around step off and get you know get that block in as quick as he can but with things changing true yeah we’re gonna be good on that we’re going to be good on that I seen I seen an article with Danny Smith was busting uh Percy Harvin’s uh punting and he’s so glad that we got uh Bill Burr Brian Burns as our punter hey remember Brad Wing yes I do yeah my favorite I think he’s in in in uh playing the Canadian Football League n he’s he’s in the uh UFL he plays for San Antonio brahs okay okay they in the championship next week mfar years ago yep no I don’t see anybody competing with Zach Kelly Zach starting is uh God status he’s like you know they might have roxes there but he’s a freaking Casio they can’t break him you know it’s like he’s he’s god tier Zack Frasier has just entrenched himself in in in could be into the center LS of Steeler uh football Center histories from Mansfield to Webster to Deonte Dawson to pouncy Fraser could be number five on on a Mount Rushmore I don’t want to go ahead of myself but I mean yeah Nate herck is also is it’s fantastic baller I I big fan of him well well herbig herbig uh deer could be uh you know backup center and you know play uh both guard positions so he’s going to be an added um luxury because our offensive line is gonna just steamroll people hey Mark I want to ask you have you ever seen those interviews where the players are asking Debo questions and they look petrified asking what questions Deo they’re asking Deo oh yeah yeah yeah yeah isn’t that isn’t that wasn’t that the one they tried to make him laugh or something like that yeah yeah that’s Debo’s natural face though well you know the and and T like grab him and scare the crap out of him which was fantastic you know he’s an actor now right did you know he was an actor I watched the heels I watched heels and then they can they canceled season two I think be on Netflix uh Netflix will be season three oh yeah heels he was wrest yeah it’ll be back I think uh maybe maybe sometime in the summer but yeah back as apocalyps I believe so I believe so yeah I didn’t I mean he was doing pretty good there in that role um and he’s not like I met him at IEP at a at a Steeler charity basketball game he’s not tall at all and I met him I got an autograph the famous when he hurdled the guy in uh Chargers he got that interception and it’s a famous where he hurdled over that guy I have it up here somewhere and um like I met him he was at the Indiana Mall it was like me and like three other people I swear to God tackled the Browns the Browns player on the field Yeah by like like this to the gr oh that was you know mty PPP thought he thought MADD thought schan was Tom Brady was he drunk I think it was during the D the drafts and we we all did together we talked about that and then he thought um because he was going to Deo was going with with to I think to Ireland or something something like that promoting the game over there and kicked a field goal you you met him no yeah yeah on the field with with poundy a couple years ago through this veterans thing I went down I got to meet all the Steelers for you know say hi to him and he wasn’t a bad kicker he wasn’t B was the one that didn’t he break his leg in that in um the Hall of Fame game SW he T he tore something he tore something that’s when Chris Boswell came after that right later yeah so how that works out too because I think he was doing pretty well for us and then something broke he tore something and then someone else came in was Chris B after but you know what Chris B has been kicking for 10 years or nine years now he’s tall he’s game he’s like 66 he’s tall as [ __ ] I met him at the gym he was lifting he was dating a girl from iup and I went over married now he’s married now not the same girl because I think he broke up with her and that was the year he was off so he wasn’t getting any Nookie and he wasn’t kicking any good field goals it happens you know it happen he’s winning on the field and off the field you know what I’m saying there he’s great like he you know what’s to like they always they always talk about Justin Tucker 91% or 9% Chris bosw was 89% um accuracy throughout his entire career and no one talks about which probably a good thing for us because you know there’s no hex on him but right they always talk about just every NFL analy always talk about Justin Tucker the one of the best ones Chris buz credit they don’t talk about they don’t talk about anything about us they they talk about this in college football at Hein field or now Acer Acer is not an easy place to kick and you give that kid two three percentage for kicking with that wind that comes in from the river there I’m just saying it’s it you know that’s not a that’s not an easy place to kick gos you ain’t kicking no 57 Y at hind field that is one thing if if Brian Burns is still there well I agree with Brian Burns is that there there are times that tomin puts out Chris Boswell there was one time last year he put him out for a 56 yard out and he missed it and I was like what and that was his only miss last year I think it was I looked it up in a minute and I was like tomman what are you doing why are you giving you know bwell a 55 Y in hin field he can get them but it’s super hard to get so sometimes stuff like that any anywhere else anywhere else he could kick a 55 y hin field very very minimal I think it was um it was last year year or something like that that he he every year he missed two last year and that was one of them yeah he missed two last year 93% last year and that was one it was like near the end of halim versus some one of the games and tomin said yeah just go out there and have a chance and missed it and then yeah it was probably was it it was was it the uh was it the Cardinal game or the I can’t remember and there was one two that dang penalty we had too they they called the the center off offside or something like that and Chris it might have been that game I think it was that game he called the center offside and Chris B will nailed the 50 but then he tried to 55 and didn’t get it right right and they said they said this the the center was offs side or on their side it’s like and you go back the tape and they wrestled you know throwing Flags like it was nothing oh I don’t want to see him no I don’t want to see him K uh tackling anybody hands up man when let him run by I do enjoy watching Pat McAfee’s highlights when he would tack people well mcafe is a different breed mcafe is such a different breed you know what you know what’s interesting interesting point though they might put out there if Chris Boswell doesn’t do I’m not saying they will but they might put out Cameron Johnson the punter because he played AFL and he he knows how to tackle but I don’t know I don’t know if you want your punter or kick out doing any any kind of tackling no you know you you don’t want Bill Bird to flying down there as a Head Hunter and CU he’s in his mid3 he’s like 34 35 he from previously playing AFL but it’s a bit like the uh the stupid room you had around Jaylen Warren made a joke about Danny Smith in the kickoff return B field it’s not going to happen you’re not going to have your kicker or punter being your lead tackler for the teams you want to make the other 11 guys go down tackle him are you are you guys too like are you guys not worried are you guys like intrigued about the new kickoff return I I don’t know what’s GNA look like it’s going to be different they got to wait for the ball to catch and then they can then they can run so realistically they’re not going to have they’re not going to have the the head of steam going down as you would if you’re K if you’re running as soon as the ball’s kicked off so and you got to wait the defense defense has to wait for them to catch it so then who who interpretate interpretat that you know do do you do you do a fake catch do does the rift go now you can run it’s I think it’s kind of weird to me like they’ve got to wait till it catches just trying well they’re going to probably have a couple screw-ups and they’re probably going to have to wait until they get it right so it’s going to be the year of transition for the kickoffs I think it’s gonna be I was I was [ __ ] all over it when it first happened and I’ve done a complete 180 you Keen for it so what so what happens they so the defense starts from what out our no their 40 something like that me let me lay it out for you mark so so 10 so your kicker is going to be way back and then you have 10 yards off of that you’re going to have the offense and the defense lined up so it’s so no one’s going to really get a running start you know they’re not going to get much of that running start you’re not going to be running Full Tilt you know for 15 20 yards you’re just going to get enough speed to go that five or six yards before you make contact with those guys so that changes it a bit you’re not gonna have those they used to have a guy called a Gunner and you know there’s no head hunters there’s no Hunters on the ends now they they have no reason they have no reason to to have those now because it won’t be possible probably not that’s why they don’t want people getting concussed because when they fly down there like a bad out of hell oh I see I see I see so yeah Landing Zone from the 20 that’s when they catch it setup zone is for the is at the 30 and our def right less momentum less injuries yeah I mean you’re absolutely right steuart freak so that’ll be it’ll be a return guy that actually makes a difference if the return guy can get a little hole he could be gone if he’s a good returner which we have one now I don’t know who’s gonna I don’t know who’s gonna do I guess the kicker the kicker starts from what I see here the kicker starts from the 35 our 35 the kickoff start line is our defense starts from the 40 and their team’s on the 30 so you’re right what if they get past the the 10 men then you’ve only got one k left then what do you do just run to the end zone done yep here I I got I got something I want to show put it on up here so I can work the computer it’s not like I don’t do this all day oh you’re better at it than me okay so here we go can you guys see it I’m make it a little bit bigger as she said there you go all right so here it is so so basically it’s like Str as I metion there’s a no blocking area so it’s like a safe zone so you can’t really engage in that area so they’re literally 10 to 12 yards from each other where they’re set up and you’re not allowed to wedge block anymore that sucks yeah that sucks man so it’s gonna be the returner so if the returner gets through uh a little bit he could be gone so if a returner gets 20 yards or 25 yards now where they’re kicking off what where they kicking off at Shane they’re kicking off down there where it says NFL opts so that they’re the team over there left where it says no wedge blocks now what you what they do is they have the the people in the blue there has to be eight players in that area for the re receiving team okay so the eight players now what will probably happen is there’ll be they’ll probably have nine players in that area and then two players back to return depending on they because they can kick it to the right or so how in the hell are they going to do an onside kick yeah well that’s it that’s going to be super difficult you know because the guys are already ahead of the kicker as I see on this diagram and they’re going to have to wait till the ball goes past him the onside kick is pretty much gonna make it’s it was hard enough with previous rules to get an onside kick now it’s I think they have to announce I’m pretty sure they got to announce there’s no there’s no surprise on Z kick anymore you got to announce well that well see that that [ __ ] everything up though cuz you know if you’re not paying attention and somebody’s out there twiddling their thumbs and they need like uh they’re down by six and they need an onside kick you know it’s coming but you’re not paying attention or down by three the the defense can’t run until they touch the ball right or hits the hits the uh the ground I think I well I’m gonna have to read but I think it has to go past a certain point before they can run so I we’re going to see a little of kicks you’re going to see like you’re going to see a lot of guys do no hang time and hit the ground then you’re going to see guys run faster to the ball that could happen too it’s gonna it’s gonna I I tell you what they’re they they probably have a whole Cadre of of coaches kind of War gaming it and you will see itely over the next 18 months transition and different approaches on how to how to how to well your your kickoff now your kickoff now could be a vital part of positioning now of your offense of where your ball is going to be and you could if you got a good returner you could score a touchdown maybe pretty quick because the defense can’t really uh get a head start and go down yeah so uh yeah Steelers freak is is right or AKA John you know yeah it’s it’s gonna be it’s gonna be uh it’s going to be different I mean I’m excited to see I don’t know if excited is the word I’m I’m I’m eager to see how we’ll see we’ll see it in in in preseason so once the first preseason week you’ll see we’ll see how how it is I don’t know I I I think yeah I I think you’re you’re right you guys are spot on it’s gonna it’s gonna be that that you’re no longer GNA have the huge you know play I I don’t know how you’re going to do an onside kick if you need it one and you really don’t want to announce that you’re oh hey I’m going to do an onside kick now you really don’t want to announce it so that takes that kind of Mystique or or uh poker plane out of the the the roulette wheel you know it’s coming you used to be able to take half of the half of the the players and line them up all on one side and do your onside kick or sometimes they did a a directional onsite kick where the guy was running that way and another person would kick the ball uh at least two players between the numbers in the hash at Le two players in the outside numbers um and it looks like they’re 10 yards up from where the kicker is so yeah so those guys all have to stay there they can’t Bunch up or they can’t change like you know before so it’s like it’s like Braveheart I me it’s it’s like [ __ ] Braveheart where William Wallace is like oh we’re gonna freedom and then bit and then you’re waiting for it to cross the The Great Divide kind of yeah yeah so so they you have to have plays two two plays between numbers and hash you can’t Bunch up one side you couldn’t have five players right next to the football at the halfway line and the other five on the other side they want spr out here’s another thing Mark and Bubba think of your special teams players they were usually like a Spur or a bandit guy maybe a uh you know defense a lot of defensive backs right you know guys that were a little lighter you’re going to have a little thicker more rugged guys you know maybe you’re gonna have a couple lineman in there because you’re gonna have guys in that in that blue Zone you’re so they’re gonna have a harder time you know tackling the guy so it might be more explosive you might see more play Paul R [Laughter] I think that was the patriot where he told great movie it yeah you’re right it was Ambush scenes where he had his kids position in a linear Ambush yeah that’s one of the best scenes ever in history in movie history well that’s well that and William Wallace Braveheart Braveheart and yeah M Gibbs has been through a lot with most of films his film he gets you know done in most fil well you can’t don’t get drunk and have your uh phone handy don’t do that you have to have a picture of is it like Catholics and the pope Australians have a picture I almost met I almost met Mel Gibson I was this close when I was Canada and I’m really I’m still pissed off this day because when I went to lunch in my on my lunch break from the um the hotel was working at these two girls after said did you see Mel Gibson and I was like No but why you tell me now why didn’t you tell me before I was like there’s no point telling me now that he was here why did you tell me that he is here I was pissed off I was like you I could have went and said hello to him he was in my restaurant I didn’t even know he was there oh that sucks yeah I would went would have annoyed him would have been hey man you know nice meeting you have a great day thanks Mill you’re a legend that’s it and they said did you see him I was like why don’t you tell me at 8:00 in the morning not at 12 when he’s gone anyways that’s funny well not really funny but yeah you’re right gon have to educate definitely educate us definitely definitely hey so before we get out of here I wanted to talk a little bit about maybe this being our second uh wide receiver to Calvin Austin I guess he’s doing real real good getting a lot of good uh positive feedback from the receiver coach do you guys think this could be our number two right now just with what what you see what you hear you know based on you know mandatory mini camp and all the other stuff because we haven’t we haven’t made a trade yet which I thought that was going to happen and that has not happened so that is I don’t think I think that’s off the desk now I think I I think I I just think they’re gonna just go with what they have I’ve never heard a fan base talk about receiving number two and brand auk for months and months on end it’s [ __ ] exhausting I know I’m of them too because I I was thinking I so you think you think Mark that Austin is probably to two or three he’s GNA be yeah there’s two there’s two look he’s two three there’s there’s van Jefferson he’s been stepping up um I did a video on it today so it’ll be coming on my channel later on but it’s not not the greatest video that 100% but the receiver two talk I think it’s a bit overrated to be honest like it’s more like a depth chart than Madam uh Zack aani his coach a few days ago on the OTL that m the mandatory mini camp he talked about and said there’s no there’s no realu receiver to there’s guys who step up and rolls you could be seeing four receivers on there you can be seeing Community yeah set rle for someone to be a receiver too um and there’s the players like fouth and darell I think Wilson will step I think C3 steps up I think van Jeff steps up I just don’t think that we have to carve out like we need a receiver to like he’s the guy and he has to get 70 catches all you know what I mean I think it’s I think it’s been overplayed I think the media’s talked about it way too much it’s a buzzword it’s a buzzword when when you don’t know what to say you go Steelers need receiver too well they also need a head coach they they hide they hide MK Toman and I’m sick of it I don’t want to see Mark Toman here ever again Burns aay he must he went put he put him asleep you put him asleep but I think that I think the the the person who’s going to be taking any position is gonna is friu Fri Mo’s gonna get a lot of catches anyway so he’s gonna he’s probably number two whatever we say going to be him and picking are going to be the receiving guys with Austin and uh I would like to see Washington in the uh in the Red Zone a little more and uh maybe Connor Conor Hayward could have anybody right now could be huge for the Steelers because it’s a it’s a long season and that grind it’s not going to be every guy every game it’s going to be this person this game and then maybe this person two games from down so and if Calvin Austin can just streak and Wilson has a better arm than picket you might see another couple 73 or 80 yard touchdowns this year good comment by Aton there too I want I want to get Shane in your thoughts if if GP does go down yes a huge problem that’s the same same with TJ wat though too when TJ wat goes down is a huge problem so I think um it’s a bit o it’s bit overt talked about receiver to when there are guys on the roster who can f in certain roles Cordo Patterson he’s a kickoff returner he can play a receiver too he can play a receiver or like uh uh running back or whatever and they’re going to feed the ball towards NJ and Warren there’s a lot of guys in the offense who can catch the ball and yesin is playing fantastic football like you know getting ready for the season I think Warren probably will get a lot that this offense is gonna be something that the Steelers fans have not seen because uh I think they’re just going to feed the ball to Warren and Harris both of these guys are going to get the ball a lot so I I I I can’t wait yeah he’s so tall just get him the ball he’s yeah it’ll be different put John’s message up we talked about that last week I’m I’m I’m past sick sick of it too I I I I don’t think there is a I don’t think there is a competition Steelers freak I’m going with russer Wilson and if something H the only way that Fields is if Russell gets hurt only thing that’s only way we got a quarterback who won a Super Bowl he’s got something to show and he got 26 last year he was probably the top quarterback with 26 touchdowns yeah but I I don’t and Mark I don’t want them to misuse fields and put him in and get him hurt when you know he you know there’s not a very likely there’s not a good likelihood of them signing Wilson next year they might they might you don’t know we don’t I don’t know you think they’re gonna sign Russell Wilson for for for a second year they’re going to be aford be able to afford that I mean that’s that’s going to be a lot of money he’s already made a lot of money it maybe it’s about his reputation or his uh you’re right the way he wants to go out he’s not a hall of he basically played himself out of a Hall of Fame with those last three years so we’ll see well if he if he takes us to the playoffs if he takes us if he takes the Steelers to the playoffs guys he’s back in that Hall of Fame contention uh I think I think it might have to be an AF AFC Championship game I think I think he does owe money next year I think next year’s simar am 37 million next year after well then there we go we still have you know we don’t have to pay him that much we still have two good quarterbacks and then next year we maybe someone in the draft is worthy uh because then then you draft well you might not have to draft anybody they signed Justin Fields that’s just it they’re gonna sign Justin fields and Russell’s gonna go on his way but afteron I want to let you know so the the Denver Broncos are going to be still writing him a check when he comes to Denver to play them we in Steelers jersey that’s kind of that’s kind of funny it I I hey I I don’t know he he could improve uh you know what let him sit behind he’s never sat behind anybody and he’s never uh Fields has never learned from uh a veteran sometimes it takes sitting there and listening to the veterans and how things happen to actually gain some knowledge Chicago just threw him in there and like hey here you go like they got this other guy now this what’s his name KH he’s thrown in he’s yeah Williams or whatever yeah yeah they’re throwing him to the Wolves he’s going to be just out he’s going to be out in left field you know so I mean I I I I just I I’m okay with the quarterback positions we have I’m okay with everything I just wanted uh I I don’t wanted to give up a whole bunch to get if we had to get another receiver I don’t want to give the whole the whole Farm away it’s not worth it in my eyes like you said there too it’s probably less lik it’s gonna happen now but it still could happen but but like I’m okay with this roster right now of course going to change time to with injuries too but they’ve made a lot of moves all around we we’re going to see this the Smith offense they’re talking about they’re using two tight ends they going to use Haywood and possibly use a fullback we don’t know going to be using the running game a lot it’s improved from last year so much so much better than last year yeah oh my God we’re we’re upgrading and we’re upgrading the defense I I’m I mean I cannot wait till well when we give our picks I’m always picking Steelers anyway because I can’t [ __ ] pick them to lose it’s my religion and but I know I have to you know throw one in there you know what I mean some debauchery of whatever but I also want to say about this guy who didn’t get the contract extension okay and he’s you said he lost some weight he I believe he’s gonna have a big GE also which I always say every year because I’m a NJ Harris fan I’m I I wanted him I I’m so happy that they drafted him I’m Pro na and I think he’s gonna run run run and if he gets 12 to 1300 yards and Warren Gets a thousand yards we’re already ahead of the game way more we’ve been in the last five years what do you guys think about that there’s really nothing to say because I’m an AJ fan too and I don’t know where comes from to give him such a hard time I mean he’s a strong Runner he’s one of the better one better running backs in the NFL for running backs not being a featured part of the team like they were 10 years years ago where you built your team around a running back you’re paying a shitload of money to now is there they seem to be like an interchangeable afterthought but well I disagree NJ didn’t show up yesterday so he’s dead to me oh I’m I love N N’s great Burns will be back on Naji naj’s fine NJ Naj is what we need for our our team he he looks like he checked in and in the onew punch exists we have a great running back room and also like I said c darl PS can run the ball too he’s going to be the third guy yeah yeah I I I he ran for Falcons he he ran for Falcons and Vikings and all that kind of stuff well this is uh Hey when when Arthur Smith had Derrick Henry that was his best two years ever first year with h n and then n’s looking for a contract he gets 13 or, 1400 Pittsburgh’s going to sign him and he needs to take that deal and don’t be like Lev on Bell like oh hey I want this much because they don’t pay the running backs like they used to anyway they don’t I remember when I was a kid the running backs were like you know running backs are the superstars you know what I mean yeah I love that combination too I’m looking up this the stats there with Cordo Patterson and the Falcons I use him in 2023 uh 50 attempts 3.6 average and in 2022 144 attempts so they can use him as as a third down back as well so there’s and Warren we know Warren’s going to go off we know NJ how how he is this offense you know this why I’m so excited and pumped up uh for the season because offensive line is better we all know that at Center guards tackles they’re all getting bigger and big bigger so it has to improve and with a veteran guy like Wilson and yes you want to try and feed him Fields if you can somehow some way people say like a slash roll you to get him a certain package or whatever but it just overall better from last year with with Matt C’s offense I I didn’t want to say his name but yeah that’s okay you’re you’re you can I mean I mean it’s not like um it’s not like uh the Anvil horrror where my head turns different ways but um and you’re you’re right you’re right running backs are disposable but some running backs if you have them on your team that’s who you want and N gets stronger as the game goes longer that’s can you imagine that that monster from from uh that that kid they got from was it South Dakota State I mean that that farm fed kid getting out the second line after making his block and pancaking someone well there’s going to be there’s going to be some sleeper there’s going to be a sleeper always in training camp and it could be a running back you know uh you know J our new offensive line guys oh McCormick the big bloke I want yeah I mean they’re gonna be people fighting for their jobs they’re gonna be people fighting for their jobs and and and even on that defensive Line’s going to be hungry you know what I mean and you know ludder milk’s going to be fighting for a job this year I believe McCormack yep you’re absolutely right McCormack a bigy he definitely and he just you know big physical dude so he’s gonna be awesome to watch well I’m ready there yep ball control yep you can’t lose with that no you know it’s been a it’s been a great show guys we lot of fun oh well you know what we had Burns back uh Mark told him where to go and how where a bear shits in the woods and that was awesome and uh yeah I mean anytime Mark comes on it’s ratings Galore but that’s you know what we all agree disagree but that’s I always find when my YouTube stop it’s just feels like a bar I do the same thing at bar you you gone back and forth here and there we all want to see our team win I wish we had like popcorn popcorn or what do you prefer at the bar when you’re drinking at the bar what do you prefer I’d I’m not a huge fan of popcorn anymore I’d rather pretzels you know I mean these pretzels making me thirsty yep like pretzels too pretzel guy or do you like the little ones the bigger ones or the ones with flavor on them um I don’t know know if we have them in our bars and stuff I don’t know like what you guys have the real pretzels right the real like uh like thick ones big thick yeah yeah like that actual food they’re all right I don’t know I just wanted to say that because it was a Seinfield reference these pretzels are making me thirsty I love I love pret let me do you do you dip your pretzels this is crazy crazy question you don’t put must what I don’t know I don’t think we have as much as you think we’re here in Australia we just kangaroo me okay that’s on a stick I mean I would eat that yeah maybe maybe the US people maybe we’re crazy because I know I I take hindes ketchup and I dip my pretzels in yeah I know it’s [ __ ] up yeah I know and I dip it yeah yeah I love I love [ __ ] pretzels and ketchup salad have you ever had the pretzels salad the strawberry pretzels salad oh yeah I could eat a whole [ __ ] pan of that to Meadows I’ve never had it so Mark there’s like this this whipped cream yellow strawberries and then pretzel on the B it’s fantastic oh my God that’s funny well one more question mark before I get out of here if when you go to the bar do you eat do you have like peanuts on the in a container and then do do you eat peanuts when you eat the peanuts do you [ __ ] crack the shells or do you eat the shells you know what a funny story we used to have a we used to have a a thing down here in um Australia called lonar like an like an Outback like Pub kind of thing oh yeah and they used to have thing do you have l in America maybe not but we had a thing where they would they would you would go and get peanuts in a bucket so while you’re waiting for your table you go and get peanuts and you crack them throw the shells on the ground actually in like was it 2001 or two or something like that some lady fell over she tripped over the peanuts and then she sued lonar and then her her her mismanagement of her feet [ __ ] it for everyone it was so much fun being a customer like you know cracking the shells and throwing on the ground having a good time eating peanuts and because she stuffed up and fell over and broke her back then they took away the peanuts and then then lonar went bankrupt so one person didn’t you know didn’t see where the peanut was on the ground tripped over and and stuffed her back and she sued sued lonar because it was all dirty and well you Texas Roadhouse they’re the same thing but you know just well the thing is on the peanuts when you crack them open you throw to shells if it’s a wooden floor that oil will get into the wood and actually make it better yeah yeah there a kid one yeah one person it was in new Newcastle somewhere like that in Australia she went on a big she Su them all and then went then next minute the they’ve been just like oh yeah we probably shouldn’t be throwing shells on the ground you know because of safety so but it was fun we used to go there and have steak and stuff like that and then you they come around and sing happy birthday oh yeah you see like you see like the waiters it’s like one waiters like you know being the eight hours just going like I don’t want to sing this happy happy birthday see I would do it when I did when we did wrestling shows we go to Hooters and then we uh one of the guys would go take a piss one of the wrestlers and we would tell the waitresses it’s his birthday but it wasn’t and then they would come out and they’ like happy birthday and they give him a little and he’s like what the [ __ ] are you guys we do it every time if you went to the bathroom you were always in trouble with Hooters I tell I went to a Hooters in Sydney uh near parway it’s one of the worst Hooters I’ve ever been to the food was Bloody awful was awful I don’t I didn’t go for the food food and it’s like a Hooters it’s called Twin Peaks oh yeah we have that here we took I took my kids there and my wife there and we just went in and they had FL who were like okay they’re just looking like Lumber Jacks so we’re like that’s a good place we went to another Twin Peaks and they’re in lingerie and my kids yeah I was going to say I think we have a different we have a different Twin Peaks the one I went to they give you massages and like they’re just completely naked it’s great nice we went there for a buck party I think there a different Twin Peaks that we have in Australia yeah different but good different but good yeah oh there you go no no lawsuits there no peanuts there just nuts peanuts just nuts big and otherwise so oh we’re gonna start again well yes you can hit the replay hit the replay Tom but hour do we doing draft show what the [ __ ] that’ll be next year that’s with peanuts well that well everybody will have different [ __ ] uh appetizers so everybody uh so I’ll have a bag of peanuts and Shane will have popcorn and then you’ll have uh kangaroo meat yeah AU BR ker room mate very hard to catch him though yeah I know I can’t catch him often called it another American breastaurant yeah get these coffee oh they used to have that down Pittsburgh too down at the old uh down at the old uh Edison down there at the Edison Hotel yeah yeah yeah I wouldn’t know anything about it so okay well hey guys thanks for tuning in mark once again thank you so much for coming on oh great show I love that you you told Burns you put Burns asleep I love it first time he was on in four months and you sent him to school P I won be here next week he can come next week so hey everybody thanks for tuning in go hit subscribe to Steelers Nation Australia if you haven’t because I think a lot of you guys already have but if you haven’t please do and uh subscribe to the Steelers Dynasty podcast and me and Shane will be back next week Shane do you got anything going on this week uh yeah I’m going to be on a uh I’m gonna be on a show Friday at two uh and then we’re gonna do tomorrow we’re gonna do it’s called college football smack talk we’re changing the Big 12 we’re not going to talk about as much Big 12 tomorrow we’re going to do college football smack talk and then to uh Friday I have my West Virginia uh show show on the voice of college football so oh is it your birthday today Mark nah it’s just referencing back to the Lone Star happy happy birthday and the guy I was getting ready to sing it okay thank you thank you yeah hit rewind so hey everybody get your tickets to the awf show I got 11 days so I’ll be doing that and thanks to all my sponsors and I’ll be back Friday night when we do our WWE picks at the Castle pay-per-view in Scotland and we’ll be talking wrestling and doing all this other stuff but hey guys see you guys next week go Steelers and uh go Steelers Nation Australia good night everybody see ya [Music]

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