Golf Players

Top 5 Moments From The High Country Open

Our choices for the top 5 moments from our recent coverage of the 2024 High Country Open.

We’re sure there are a few moments or shots we left out, so let us know what you’d chose in the comments!


[Music] chanler now lining up excuse my dog ra this is my favorite moment of the day she knows her way home J said well that’s the first time I’ve ever been Iced Out by a dog [Music] and it could be kind of a sucker hole here you see these guys playing with driver and going to leak into the left side they’re just going to lay up from Whole s’s teapad to the front of the lake you have to just burn a shot throwing short exactly so now mared you can see he’s playing in kind of a separate Fairway great shot mared how about the up and down from the other Fairway that is a wild unscripted safe it’s kind of insane right Parker looking to go boom boom on the sidearm you can feel it not ideal spot to me though oh you kidding me Parker now kind to have to get aggressive to save bar wow that is a skinny line from down at the bottom that’s a above the basket yeah that’s wild that’s wild remarkable par save wow that’s that’s insane to get up and down from in the bushes now it’s [Music] ridiculous yeah I love this hard flat committed on the angle makes the corner and he’s going to have a shot park it to put the pressure on Parker this looks good Dynasty over the water yeah all right just outside Circle uphill putt for Eagle this could tie it oh just over the rib give him the blue Mark that’s an [Applause] [Music] eagle Parker looking to get way up there okay he’s all [Music] right Parker going huge on the nuke wow what a dream to watch a shot like that excellent that’s a blue on the scorecard Eagle for Parker he’s four down through three


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