POSSIBLY THE FASTEST way to generate spin with your wedges

Possibly the fastest way to generate backspin with your wedges!

To help with these changes, we’ve teamed up with Hackmotion and their newly released sensor. All the features used in this video are available on “Hackmotion Core”. To learn more about Hackmotion, make sure to check them out here

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hitting your approaches with spin getting these wedges dialed and ripping back on the green is a dream of many a golfer but it can become a reality if you just believe and get your Technique sorted for this video I’ve teamed up with my very good friends at hack motion and their new sensor this allows me to measure my wrist angles throughout the swing and is an absolute GameChanger to understand what is happening at impact for more information on the hack motion make sure you check out the description below but everything within this video you can just take forward by watching and understanding what we’re talking about some things to understand first your club and your balls are essential Loft on the golf club so the amount that is angled towards the sky is the key thing that we’re trying to control at impact it’s also the reason why a lob wedge which I have here is is going to spin more generally than an a IR but no matter the amount of Loft that you have on a golf club you need to make sure that the groove so these slits within the club face are nice and clean spin is created with friction on the face and these grooves allow dirt and allow water to be channeled away from the point of impact and if they’re clogged up you’re just simply not going to get enough spin secondly the ball you use is going to have a huge impact on the amount of spin that you generate as a general rule of thumb the softer the ball the more it’s going to spin as as your nice clean face approaches your high spinning golf ball there are certain conditions that we want to try and create and one of the things we want to try and control is called spin Loft simply put if your Club has a static loft of 60° so how the manufacturer made it and at impact with the handle leaning forward is reduced to something like 45 de Dynamic Loft if your angle of attack so the amount that the clue is moving down to impact is say minus5 you’re going to equate to having a dynamic loft of 50° it’s been believed for some time that if you create a larger amount of dynamic Loft that will lead to more backspin but a number of leading professionals have done research on this and they say they’re having a little bit more of a narrower spin Loft so not quite as much difference between Dynamic Loft and Ang of attack actually will help create more spin over short shots why am I telling you this because don’t believe that you’re going to have to hit down super aggressively to create lots of spin there’s a general rule and to keep this nice and simple we want to see a bit of a descending blow into impact but if you’re not ripping a massive Beaver out of the Fairway don’t worry you can still generate spin as long as you take just a little bit of a shallow crisp divver after the ball if it is a little bit deeper that’s fine as well but don’t feel that you need to dig to create spin now for this video I’m going to be using my 60° wedge and I’m hitting a shot here of 90 yards which is pretty much a 3/4 swing for me and my lob wedge but these teachings can be applied to pretty much all your wedges and we’re going to be looking at how the wrists and how the hands work in conjunction with the body to create the maximum amount of spin now to keep this simple we’re going to focus on two movements within the wrists we’re going to be talking about hinging so the amount that the hand basically moves back towards the body the amount that the club is pointing up at the sky in this position here but then also flexion and extension so the amount that the wrist can move in this direction or bow or the amount that it can extend or be in this cook position here so those are the two areas of focus so the first thing that we want to see is a wrist hinge now simply put as you can see the club is straight down at the ground here if I get it pointing straight up at the sky at this halfway stage within the swing you can see my lead arm is straight and the club is pointing up at the sky the only way that I can get that position is to hinge the wrists upwards now this helps with speed but also angle of attack so you can strike down on that ball a little bit more a nice simple way to practice this just with a pause drill take it up to halfway have a little bit of a hinge so you get that club pointing up at the sky and then continue on your swing just to get it set and then swing now if you have a fairly neutral grip and you hinge your wrist correctly you can achieve a pretty flat angle here between your wrist and your arm now if I was to put it in extension you can see here on the hack motion sensor how it’s moving into a plus position if it was bowed I’d be moving into a minus really at the top I want to try and get this around neutral so matching matching with that type of position it allows you to control the loft of the club a little bit better but what about moving into impact how can you control Loft and also achieve a slightly downward angle of attack so I’ve got this nice neutral position at the top and that wrist set and what I’m going to try and do and get the feeling of is that I’m going to move my wrist into a slightly flexed position coming into impact so this feels like I’m bowing my wrist in this Direction coming down and through now as an exaggerated position here CL face is closed I can move my hands ahead from this position so I have a downward angle of attack but with this position as well I’m not relying on doing this I can actually create a downward angle attack control Loft whilst moving that club around the body so it doesn’t have to be a super huge steep massive whopping divot but what are we looking for so with the hack motion I can see this really easily because this is what the sensor is designed to do but I don’t want you to be in this position this is way too exaggerated I’m just using this in an example but if we can return with that slight Bo that slight feeling of flexion at impact that is going to allow you to control all the factors that you need to create spin there we go that’s what I’m talking about so top of the Swing plus eight so a little bit of extension and- 18 impact just holding the angle nice and solid the reason I like this feeling as well so having a little bit of flexion moving down is what would happen is the club usually moves a little bit shallower in the down swing so it moves slightly more into this position what I tend to see with a a lot of lessons I used to have is they used to come in this direction here and then the wrist will become way too EXT ended moving through impact if you can get the feeling of having that slight flexion it allows you to turn on top of the golf ball and this is the final part of the video so we’ve got our hinge we know we want to match these two up and we want that a little bit of flexion coming down what about setup now an easy way to think about this is unless you’re starting to move into a proper full shot so let’s say even if it is with a wedge we’re talking about three quarter swings here that type of feeling you can have the ball position central and then just put about 60% of your weight on your front foot as you take it back just try and maintain this position this will allow you to stay on top of the ball and control your low Point your angle of attack that a little bit better so 60% hinge Flex move through so big thank you to hack motion for teing go like I said get into that description below if you do want more information but you can take this forward yourself and work on your game for more information and to better improve continue your swing Quest and just do marvelous things out in the big wide world check out these videos here


  1. Engaging in this discourse is both intellectually stimulating and emotionally rewarding. It's a reminder of the strength and resilience of women everywhere.😛

  2. Great video and clearly a useful piece of kit . Also clearly the company are pushing it hard to our YT golfing friends which is fair enoughbits a great marketing place …too expensive for me that's the cost of the new putter I want or most of a new set of wedges that I really need which would defo help up my spin numbers 😂

  3. Great video, thanks. Just didn’t get the spin loft calculation. Why is -4 degrees on top of 45 degrees dynamic loft 50 degrees? Wouldn’t negative 4 degrees attack angle further reduce the loft rather than increasing it to 50 degrees?

  4. I struggle so badly with this. The most I can do is one hop stop my 60° Cleveland Zipcore from 90 yards full swing.

  5. That’s what us amateurs need… ripping back speed so when we hit it perfect it rips away from the hole it landed next too… just hit the ball and straight and know your distance. Learn how to chip 10, 15, 20, 30 with a 54 and be a good putter and you will beat all your friends that are not scratch

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