Golf Babe

9 holes live I’m aching πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ‘

so 9 holes live and wow it felt today like I’d just started playing wow wow wow so so badπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚that’s bloody golfπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚enjoy watching mr G totally mess upπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ‘but mental fortitude on point got to take the positive you know meπŸ‘πŸ’―

how are we day are we good so go just know I’m aching man my legs it’s my legs that are aching they’re like proper aching but ninees I mean let’s see how we get on first game She Went Done oh no it’s been a couple CH cuz I haven’t seen it M all look right I know the name is as soon as I say the name and it cuz I played it so many times is it the one with the dark air no the one with the light blond ear little oh yeah she nice they’re all nice they’re all nice in there to be honest proper all nice proper proper nice people every single one of them this is the AR bit of this back there we go everybody where’s my black shoes yes Gary how you doing bro My Little Darlings your walking around CH a nice afternoon bab kiss it’s a nice warm though it’s not too [Music] hot yeah hopefully it will be up cuz I think I think to be honest um I day think until after he left that maybe we should have give him something with sugar it looked to me like it was the way he collapsed tonight it just looked like low blood sugar I didn’t see until you said it and then as soon as I looked I was like [ __ ] is on the floor Just sh what I mean so yeah like obviously we gave him water and got him to chill for a minute but I should have like just anything with sugar I should have just G him something with sugar but he wanted to get on his way didn’t he but we listen us keep keeping him standing there talking for 5 minutes drinking his water we’ll probably make it so that he’s okay and he can get himself home I mean I did offer him a lift home bab I mean I would have took him you know I would have took him all the way home and then I would have he would have just given him my phone number and said look mate phone me when you’re better I I’ll come and get you and bring you back to your car but he didn’t want to you can’t force somebody to do something can you he just didn’t want to though hello everybody how are how are we today are we good he’s hung good I’ve got a pack of n in my yeah I got a pack of nuts in there I remember day how’s everybody man are you good nine V golf the D and the Tony the camera woman of the century the Tony [Applause] the next first and warm up see my connection like on a full strike I guess I out to L I like right [Music] I’m me from robing yesterday and today this one here a couple of balls get my picture my smallest book just have a full a few full SS yeah one see if you can get one off the ground I won’t put the camera on you I’ll put it on me see B I’ll sort the camera out you can just watch me practice this way and then you can just just keep trying to hit it in the net I would use my smallest Club ping here use that didn’t Sport Club that’s more like the length of your where do I to it off there yeah H it off there towards the net that’s probably the length of your um eight iron probably probably you say nice and easy now babe look at me you see your arms yeah keep them kind of locked for now and you want to turn your hips away and then turn your hips towards the target it’s your hips that move the ball not your arms your arms just keep the club lock to your body like that it’s your hips yeah it’s your hips yeah I’ll give you the feeling that you’re looking for before I start shooting come here now no stand at the ball stand at the ball first of all put the ball forward but more forward on the M cuz you want to put this ball now you’re going to have to remember all this now so you want to put this ball come let me show you something so when you’re shooting at this ball yeah in between your feet wise the ball always wants to be off the inside of your left foot never off your back foot will never hit it right this means you pick it up on the front swing now when you’re swinging right from here first of all just do this just do that just a little tiny swing yeah remember get off your front foot right off your front foot babe no no no no stop locks up so if you draw a line here it needs to be there the ball needs to be there inside this left foot inside that yeah inside that foot just a nice little nice little chip back and through okay keep practicing that and then as you can connect with that properly and you get it up in the air once you start getting it up in the air now bad what I want you to focus on yet is rather than hold on hold on I give everybody a little bit of a lesson here what I’m giving to anyone come here what I want to focus on is this so what you’re doing at the moment if you stand back stand back what you’re doing is you’re trying to use your arms too much yeah we need you to use your hips now watch this hip from here just here you see come here come and stand come and stand right in front of me here I’m not going to start hit the ball you see how my hips and my chest are facing the Target and they’re parallel to each other yeah so from here all I need you to do is from here back hips okay all hips okay don’t worry so much about your arms just keep your arms nice and locked in position and then just try and get some nice hip and then if you get it right off the front foot if you get it right it’s going to go in the air hello everybody it’s your M it’s your M B I’m on this m yeah you practice as much as you want sweetheart but that’s what you’re looking for for the hips just your hips that’s like uh 5 eyes on the ball and just be a bit more natural about it practice that that’s all you’re going to practice hello everybody me I’ve got a iron we going to do some full swings first swings of the day let’s see how it feels not bad don’t feel bad that [Music] nice and soft I speed it up a little bit man little bit faster good connection a little bit faster low and hard connection that one very low and hard that would have gone low and a long way because I put the extra full spin into it then I lifted tight slightly I didn’t that time though that would have gone a long way powerful swing now back down to a nice soft one nice and soft more camera’s not on you let me watch I probably do it now no relax man relax just do exactly what You’ just done relax babe youan relax try if you can get a better connection than that you’ll do even better you’re getting there now you’re getting there you understanding now because you know the way that this is my that hurt you know that yeah yeah but okay so listen try doing it get your feet open like this because then when you come back you going have to put as much pressure through there and then when you come through you don’t have to put too much pressure through there when you do it like that there’s a lot of pressure goes through the knees and the foot if you open them up like that yeah you probably find it better still make sure that balls off your front foot that’ll probably feel better now for you better that feel better well done baby I’m going to leave leave you on the net doing your thing oh she’s getting used to it now she’s getting used to it now go on baby you don’t normally get to see this all this cuz we turn on the camera and that but after all this but yeah you get to see the proper warm up today Tony getting practice on that right a few little chips onto the green now change that l you on more power compression be the ball follow it all the way around you didn’t you sued it again is it add more power than the last one if you get it all the way around here you’ll get full compression and Power on the ball I tell you what Bob you’re smashing it I mean you’re absolutely smashing it you on Bob that’s a proper one that was a proper one with a seven iron Bob you smashing it she is absolutely smashing it so hey tyan nice easy chip you want to see how fast the greens are really to that back one it’s kind of right next to it he rolled out a lot though okay let’s try again n that’s way too s that’s way too SL the greens look like they’re really fast so I a bit scared of the second one literally little bit scared of the second one right let me actually work this out so that I’ve got it there for when I’m playing the greens will be similar to maybe not as much of a slope as this Green’s really sloped [Music] but not not quite hard enough that’s 5 foot [Music] short that’s the one went past but I’d rather go past him be short that’s a good connection that with my clubs as well don’t forget using blades oh these are rid these are really fast they up build are really slow yeah they are yeah the’re fast the rapid these up all not they’re not slow but they’re not fast but down they’re AB R TR for that far distance I me I had L that the fast I’ll go off now one minute everyone we’re off now D that was amazing yeah that was amazing bu that was amazing BS in my B yeah that was honestly amazing I’m not joking with you you didn’t see all of it but what she was doing with that pitch image she started getting her arms around the back of her head yeah and then she started hitting the ball with some compression and power I could hear it coming off the net that was amazing B that I’m using my three ey I’m using a tight list to off in fact no I’ll use this onez it’s got my D on it it’s still a to off it’s got my mark on yeah that was that was sick that seem the good Lu honestly what second three [Music] that was a that was I’m not joking I didn’t expect [Music] that so that golf watched in the last week actually to go on the course 9 course you know that you are ready to go on the course I need to prac I need to go to the golf range a few times oh I caught it done right same place as last that was my front swing not bad good connection for the first [Music] basically I didn’t release a around my head fast enough so I didn’t close my club face on the way through fast enough so I had a slight open Club face on connection I know exactly what I do I just didn’t release fast enough around the back of my head I released obviously I brought my hips through that’s why I hit it you know so far with the three iron but I didn’t finish in the correct position so I didn’t close that club on the way through so I hit it slightly open faced I know exactly what I did this now is kind of like a there’s going to be no I ain’t going to have no shot at the green so I’m just going to have to hunt it out there take my medicine I mean get myself on for three and then it depends how close I get to the pin I could have go at saving par or wind up with a bogey but come on first all I’m not bothered for me it’s just practice practice practice all the time now and all the mistakes that I make I learned from them um so we see how we going on today I want to try and beat 41 or under is the score to beat mate and we’re going to give it a go my legs are aching almost all my legs are aching least me uh body’s healed up now so I can swing now all actually hit the back went over this tree but it hit the back branches somewhere I am somewhere here [Music] than [Music] yeah yeah that’s hit the tree and bounc back I was hoping it had enough Force to get [Music] through BCE Back le me a [ __ ] dirty shot from there mate let me go have a look at the shot I need you got this tree I need to get it high enough to get over that Ridge but I need to keep it underne this tree um for me reckon a five the CL get on theway on theway want to keep your arms quite low on the front swing like that play like that sh come straight out I could try and play some funky full swing shot but no no not the shot for this I’d have to bend it oh hold on no I got a bended 250 foot even even I that Fu I that canot bend it 250t come on baby just like that perfect shot perfectly played perfectly what wanted now I got to take my medicine approach up to the green um I’m playing really for boy now in my head I’m playing for bogey rather than you know going full out for par hey enough Swings with the clubs what I should do when I come in practice I think is I should start going up and down clubs to get used to holding them all before I play my legs are killing me my legs are absolutely roasted it’s a delicate one this delicate [Music] it’s a lovely shot but not enough power it’s short it was a lovely shot as well I should just hit it harder I feel anybody take positives from it I can’t I can’t take no negative from that it was a lovely shot I just didn’t hit it hard enough I misjudged the amount of power needed for the shot but P wise it was lovely so I can’t really I can’t really Grumble even though I am short of the green me it’s one of them ones well done good shot for they looking for soent ask go for they looking for your B today no I’m not I am getting a lot more accurate now my distance judging is I I need I do need one of them Ms now or a watch or something you like or something to so I Know download it on your other phone I know what I mean I know what I did then I took out the I didn’t take into consideration that it was uphill so I played a 75 yard chip pitching wed chip but it was more like 90 yards because I’m uphill and I didn’t tell into consideration that’s around 20 yards off the green I know exactly what I did this is how I just F this get this anywhere near the flag I’ve kind of got to flop it it’s a hard shot man I need to land basically just on the front and then roll out to the flag it’s a hard shot though especially at the beginning of the round something so open my face turn my feet left of my target [Music] on there he’s going to stop dead that leaves me a lot of work to do for a five there but I gave it the extra power cuz I just didn’t want to leave it on that mound it was too much that’s why I reset because you know something I thought I was playing to land it right on the edge here and I thought if I am slightly out even by an inch it’s going to roll off so I just wanted to play to make I was there take my medicine for a poor t-shot it was a good connection on the t-shot but because it wasn’t straight it left me in a position with nothing to do I couldn’t get back from it you know what I mean so set my medicine not the best way to start one of ones fast as F downhill goes right to [Music] left fast as fness I’m ready past [Music] come on an amazing effort to be honest beautiful effort very good for can’t really get no better than that without it being in so beautifully judged beautiful PT so my putting is good today well six on the first hole just got to swallow it bad t-shot to be honest a bad t-shot wasn’t a bad connection it just a bad t-shot you know what I’m saying sometimes we have this [ __ ] man sometimes we have these bad t- shots and you just have to they’re in the past now on to the next t- shot which I’m going to do a better t- shot you know what I’m saying you know what I’m saying I played every other shot really well to be honest every other shot leading up to the hot ball going in the hole apart from the first shot every other shot even the pitch Edge that was short it was a wicked connection it was bang online with the flag it was just a bit too soft that’s why I’m the second one show I Chi onto the green I went a little bit too far cuz I didn’t want to go short again so that’s why short pass three 125 yards too much wasn’t happy with it so I reset oh [ __ ] I like thck as F only to take the back of the green a bit far I should have took an extra practice swim I think i’ lined myself up to bit at certain height and then I dropped it and didn’t take enough practice swings to reevaluate the height I got that pure middle ball didn’t get underneath it at all [ __ ] shame as well cuz it was dead in line again these all positives for me like I eat it thick it’s rare that I do that I don’t want to do that what is thick man it means rather than get underneath the ball I hit it like say you know the bottom of my club rather than hitting in the middle of the face I’ve hit it imagine the club is up off the ground so I’ve hit it with the bottom of the club do I mean you know that weight at the bottom I’ve kind of hit it with that halfway up the ball so it’s gone low and hard as far do you know what I did I second guess my brain for the first time in weeks and it cost me cuz I pushed my te down didn’t I that’s why I hit further up the ball I should have left it where it was do I mean I literally I can’t do it second guess in that brain is the worst thing anybody any golfer can ever do I swear and I’ve got I I only do it occasionally but occasionally I’m like nah you’re not right brain my brain can calculate [ __ ] a lot [ __ ] quicker than me see that in there so I need to stop doing it Lon learned always learning might [Music] [Music] sh this now [Music] I was in a diver I knew I down in the I had a feeling that I W going to get connection on the [ __ ] mall I had a feeling on thatr this tree with some Power and Get It Up over that bank right FR of the GRE [ __ ] [ __ ] me three on the three on the one two four on theu off start around anywhere what I started it my legs are [ __ ] killing me don’t think I should have come today it’s going to be very hard I think today Soldier on Soldier here now my worst step my worst day in a long time that’s just how it turns out we will not give up on any any shot we will persevere through it all we will not give up ever watch how much this [Music] [ __ ] a beautiful p six terrible i’ve not had a six on that hole don’t think I don’t think I’ve had a six on that hole think that’s the first time I’ve had fives before I don’t think I’ve had a six I think that’s the first time I take your medicine folks take medicine where I’m going I’m going have to power [ __ ] have a chance take your medicine and the game is kind of forced me now I’ve got 300 yards or just over 300 yards I’m going through my 3-wood time for KOA K to come out now mate time for the koala come on baby this is going to take accuracy and a re bit of power not too much really fast to reach that it’s going to take some accuracy and a we bit power no all right bastard I’ve Got The Power I needed but again I hit it low I think I might be teing too low got to be let’s try and correct that because that’s another low one but I normally te low I mean as my swing Dynamics changed again I normally Tee low I’m going to te a little bit higher that went low and very very hard [ __ ] that caught the ground and bounced hard right [ __ ] me Danny what is going on come on boy you’re hitting the ball terrible man seems like I have no I don’t know I don’t know what’s going on I’m not going to even stress about it there’s no point just keep bowling on keep doing what I’m doing well not keep doing what I’m doing but keep playing keep trying to get better on every [ __ ] shot just keep going keep going keep going don’t stop Don’t Stop Don’t Stop head up have confidence in my abilities I do have a lot of ability where this game’s concerned today everything’s going wrong at the moment what like I said first man nothing I can do about it this is where the mental aspect of the game comes in honestly this is where the mental aspect of the game comes in this is where it’s mentally tough when you playing like just so far away from your ability level yeah and it’s it’s very frustrating then considering you know how good you are you know what I’m saying gets really frustrating but you just got to keep your chin up you just got to keep pushing on you got to keep going cuz this game trust me we’ll try and test you the [ __ ] that getting on that GRE now very very I’ve got tree the very hard I’ve got grass behind my ball go [Music] four see you always see every shot good bad and ugly in a fair few ugly ones so far today I got a bit of Gras be on my ball which is it will slow my club head down this will definitely i’ got to try this is like a big chip and run but I’ve got to give it enough to get over that [ __ ] bunker there because I’m using a four Ron it’s going to come up and it’s going to dip pretty quick so if anything I’ve got to give it more than what I need to just to make sure man just to make sure oh man over the bunker I thought he going to go in there b and stop though man [ __ ] this is the worst you’ve seen we playing ages folks [ __ ] oh battle go perment Jesus I slept [ __ ] last night though really [ __ ] maybe I have to be of sound mind and body to play this game [ __ ] where I was it was a decent shot had some imagination behind it and that a decent shot the reason I’m doing such a fast swing here is I’m in thickness rest so if I do this slow my blood will not go through I don’t like doing this because it’s not it’s got no finesse in it whatsoever this shot no finesse like finessing it I was going to get the power right and hope by the pin but there’s no finesse in this shot cuz I’m in thick grass ah I took a bit of power out I was Danny stop second guessing come on man I shouldn’t I shouldn’t have been here today you know I shouldn’t have come and done this my legs are hurting and everything I shouldn’t have come and done this today sometimes it was just you’re not in the you’re not in the right way I’m going to try and mentally overpower myself through this look I’ve got to reset after this all because otherwise this is going to be like the worst man I’ve ever play in my life literally well there’s no give up in me though is there this the worst I’ve played in ages like in ages like a long time you know I’m on what 12 oh my God I’m on 17 after three old manate keeping this under 50 is going to be a struggle today it’s the worst I’ve played in ages this is honestly the worst I’ve played in age is this what the hell man hello D it is Chuck yeah yes P yes p I can see your comments now Joyce yes I see oh Paul terrible it’s just going terrible bro it’s all going terrible you know something all I can do is persevere and carry on in this situation that’s literally all I can do is persevere and carry on I then there’s one thing that’s very good today a it putting I can just get myself on the [ __ ] put in service on the put in service in regulation mate I’ll be all right but yeah everything’s going wrong mate everything’s going wrong today I’ve second guessed my mind twice though now and I shouldn’t have done that I’ve got to stop doing it I see I don’t seem to have the focus today that’s what it is I just ain’t got the focus that have it’s a bit mad I don’t know what’s going on I’m just going to play let’s let’s just carry on about 150 I my legs are killing me man my legs are probably killing me for I think it’s green not sure there a better connection there that mentally P myself through now on the green is it just off the front of the green just off the front of the green we got a mega long foot coming up looks about 40 40 or 50 foot long as [ __ ] that I know I’m going to Ping but I might have to chip it what’s the longest po that anyone’s ever talk anyone’s ever talk yeah I don’t know I’ve some professionals hold over 100 foot put them so twice the distance to that and a little bit more I mean it’s a long as for that in professional do that now I’m too far off the green I’m going to have to chip this see my score has gone out my mind now I’ve learned to do this when I play it’s a shame but all I’m doing now is I’m basically like I’m going to count my score so I can have a laugh about it that’s mad man cuz that pitched on that light piece of ground just after the bunker there yeah right and it stopped there man I played it short because I knew it was down there I expected a big bounce onto the green that’s [ __ ] mad unless it’s hit the floor because it’s my ATI it’s actually stopped it’s like Got Back Spin when it’s Hit the Floor probably probably that’s way too far to be put it mate yeah so now what I’ve got into I’ve got into a different mode now I’m just trying to get my chips as close as I can get connection some good connection on some of my shots and it’s just damage limitation now on Battle golf so it’s just like trying to battle my own mind I mean which you know nobody likes these kind of games you know when you have a [ __ ] and I’m having a [ __ ] right but it’s all part of the experience man it’s all part of the [ __ ] experience nice slopes left to [Music] right got the rough with the smooth or you’ll never be any good at this [ __ ] game for it again I keep catching the [ __ ] ground oh testing this today watch out he testing me today let me tell you he’s [ __ ] testing me today I need to find out one catching the ground I didn’t catch the ground [Music] then for [Music] [Music] [Music] oh another move look that strike honestly look like it moved but it never moved went dead [ __ ] straight man can I got a p there’s a serious lacking Focus this man oh this is a l this is me I know my legs ring and [ __ ] but this is lacking Focus this I feel like my head’s all like um you know like I don’t know just not clear thinking don’t get this very often usually rare I get this kind of feeling come on fing greenk okay you sure have [Music] well Kev says he’s going to with the blind Kev said I’m going to believe in Kev I think because my focus isn’t there I’m overthinking and I think I just need to let this one rip don’t think so much just hits a I’ll be all right I’m not far from on the well thank you Kev mate yeah I told you i’ give you a good connection Danny G yeah you [ __ ] did mate thank you very much fcking Diamond mate it’s a funny old game the other day when I was playing with my brother I played the first nine and I had like not not like this troubles no not like this but a few little ones here and there and it was because obviously there was a reason for that though it’s a [ __ ] when I can’t figure out a reason but for that I was scared of pulling out my hip again like I did in that game a few weeks ago so for the first eight holes I didn’t I did like half a swing here and here I did like half a swing I was scared to do a full swing well on the ninth hole once I did my full swing I was sand I played really good so I thought to myself yeah sweet everything’s good in the swing everything’s good in the hood now I wasn’t sure if I’d play amazing today or if I’d play just average I wasn’t sure but I was pretty sure that I was definitely going to play at least average I I’m playing piss for M and I don’t know I can’t I can’t well I kind of do know why but I don’t know why at the same time it’s just like I don’t know I don’t feel comfortable over the board it’s like I’ve got the shanks or something so I don’t know I really don’t know this game just keeps throwing [ __ ] at me man and I just keep battling through it’s like my life you know I never I’m not one of these people who was put on this Earth to have things easy at all I’ve never had anything easy you know everything was always been really hard really hard work for I I mean nothing has ever been easy and this is just another thing my legs are [ __ ] killing me got to be honest my legs coming off too much training too much on for player flops out again to the grass nasty grassed nasty grass it’s just cook horrible really hard to get a decent shot after this okay I’ll try I’ll learn a lesson here if this doesn’t work I’ll learn a lesson here not to play this shot from this type of grass I I’ve got it out it’s not enough power the grass hold it up that grass hel my club head up as soon as it hit it so in that grass you can get that shot off you got to get it have a lot more power than that so they’ just flattened it and not cut it this is the same this is Fluffy really fluffy long it’s going to hold on to my CL which is a [ __ ] cuz it means I’ve got a really up through the [ __ ] grass any time to get not over yet see I just GRE on the course it’s disgustingly fast and it’s slope on it’s [ __ ] stupid I remember see this everybody we about here my and everyone I’m going to aim for there and from that distance everybody’s like are you [ __ ] mad no and that might not be enough you might still drop bottom of the hole I’m going to hit you so eat this with any power it’s [ __ ] gone train here I’ve learned [Music] years it’s disgusting the is on the the is put I have all [Music] day too hard way too hard and I tapped that did you see that I [ __ ] tapped it I [ __ ] tapped it so now I’ve got to aim here I’m not joking swear to God and I’ve got to tap this I’ve got to hit this so soft I’m not enough oh God well this is going to be the worst round of my life literally I’ve already come to the conclusion I know what’s going to happen I’m going to have a [ __ ] on this hole but I know what’s going to happen I can already tell I’m trying I’m really mentally trying to stop this from happening but I can’t this is what you call the BL City man shity I don’t know what I’m do I don’t know there no point ma trying to figure it out cuz I just can’t is the worst I’ve played in a long time medicine dny where is my P pches have any idea PES put the stuff in the this is just the worst ever Poss tell you this don’t know what I’m doing don’t know what it is pass me up yo can any of you that watch me regularly play golf tell me what the [ __ ] is going on because I don’t no man I honestly don’t know what’s going on man yeah I’m aching my legs are hurting and that but I mean what I don’t know what’s going on I honestly don’t know what’s going on my head’s baffled here my head is baffled just baffled do any of you know watch me regularly play golf what the [ __ ] is going on like what is going on anyone what is going on does anybody know what is going on anyone cuz I’m baffled here I’m honestly baffled yeah I’ve Got The Yips in it Dave the shanks is that’s what it’s called a it bro I’ve never played like this like I’ve had bad hes in that yeah but I have never played like I can’t remember ever playing like this before bro apart from when I picked up a golf club for [ __ ] years which is understandable then yeah what the [ __ ] bro oh it’s all going wrong it’s all going wrong it’s all going wrong it’s all going [ __ ] wrong I’ve just got a battle through this game the score is the score is going to be Absol abely [ __ ] but I’ve just got to battle through this game now this is Battle now this is a battle a mental battle to get through without losing it you know to get through without getting angry my challenge now is just to finish this game without getting angry that is the challenge that’s that’s the only challenge I’m not going to set myself any challenges with pars a [ __ ] all so I don’t think I’m capable of a par right now you what I mean right I’m ra just going to the challenge is to finish this game without [ __ ] losing my control because I’m telling you now yeah I testing me bro it’s [ __ ] testing me bro it’s like really testing me me light please oh knuckle down and let’s try and finish yeah come on for [Music] [Music] right for for [Music] [Music] [Music] for should not be here today trying so hard man I focus my swing is all like myrip all through the ball feel the direction of the every time don’t feel no connection on the club at all could straight through the ball I don’t feel nothing now I’m I can feel the CL in the [ __ ] ball it shouldn’t feel like that really shouldn’t feel like that game is so mentally tough I’m able to the task of course I [Music] am will not defeat me of course might defeat in the day but this game [ __ ] come on D rally yourself come on D turn it around very [Music] [ __ ] it confidence you can play this shot Reon close the face a little bit have confidence in yourself boy do this [ __ ] all the time this this Elementary for you bro come on your confidence straight underneath the trees boun his left and right come on make it on for me a just up the front of the green I don’t care he’s a good shot [Music] us today it’s like my head’s in a different place that’s what it is I swear my head’s in a different [ __ ] place I’m not even like putting my clubs back in my bag if you don’t to my bag my clubs AR even where they’re supposed to be yet this is the weirdest this weird this is [Music] weird try hold it I’m going try and hold this [Music] no give don’t care how you feeling on the day [ __ ] I’m here there’s no give up in this even the gloves coming off [ __ ] it we will try till the very end come on D you’re better than us come on better than us come on not allow sh not allow we will force the mechanics of the body to work for us Force the mechanics of the body to work for us mechanic work for me body come onck in the hole c a little bit too thick I don’t care see it’s them kind of connections I’m not used to but I I’m really not used to that I think it’s cuz I’m trying to force it a little bit because obviously everything keeps coming off short just lately I don’t care [ __ ] it I don’t care don’t care about the score it’s going to battle My Mind through this next trust me my mind is is really playing trips me now my mind is trying to tell me to just give up get angry hit the ball really hard lose my rag it’s not happening mental [ __ ] fortitude won’t give me nothing today will it I don’t give a [ __ ] don’t care mental fortitude D so I’m not even going to shy away from this yeah I’m going to [ __ ] go for it we’re going to wind it up and we’re going to go for it just over 300 yards let’s get KOA out and let’s go for it qu again come on come on shot the last shots don’t matter every shots figure out something very trying that’s really hper focus on this’s try and what [Music] TR all right [Music] what is going [Music] on what is actually TR try straight [ __ ] shot okay let’s try this let’s try let’s try it don’t to be left G left okay so it’s got to be inle course someone says the crops arching I think this is it’s it’s my front swing so basically when I hit when I hit the ball when I come through when I hit connect with the ball I whenever I get Shanks it’s this it’s always this as I bring my club my club through yeah I wanted to test it I just tested it I know I’ve gone left directly over there that’s cuz I B my hands really flat I think I’ve been bringing my hands too high I’ve got to be in the middle and I know a lot of people are like they ain’t going to make no difference believe me it does because it puts me in the right position on my front swing so now I’ve got to try and Zone that in I mean I’ve played the worst I could possibly play today score wise I can’t do anything about that but what I can do now is rather than let my chin drop rather than you know get all my roast and start getting angry and all that now that’s not the way you’re going to get any better that’s not the way to do it the way to do it is to chin up stride forward chest out and persevere which is what I’m going to do and I’m going to try and fix this I’ve only got two holes left after this one but I’m going to try and fix this now in the next two holes I think I know what’s I mean it might not be that we’re going to find out as I’m testing it but I think I know what it is now um and such small things can make such big differences trust me so I’ve just got to try and Zone it in now I mean if it’s not that then I’ll try something [Music] else that’s not [Music] me tell you what though pick it up it’s a nice Ballers nobody could have hit [Music] it so yeah kind of I think I’ve figured out what’s going wrong I mean we’ll find out when I take the next shot right I’ll know off the connection when I take the next shot if I figured it out but this is how it goes sometimes with me um nothing worthwhile is ever easy and nothing is ever easy for me it’s always hard I have to really battle for anything that I want in life or anything like nothing’s ever given to me and I will get really good at this game well I already am very good at the game most of the time but I will get very good at this game and it will be through the hard work and determination I’m here that I’ve put in and the fact that I won’t give up and I will just persevere all right let’s try and correct this [ __ ] right now let’s try and put this into practice so what I think I’ve been doing is I think that I have been coming here if I come here yeah I will leave my club face open on impact cuz as I come here my club face will open so I’m not closing my wrists fast enough what I did then was I did that and I closed my wrists really fast and I send it left I’ve got to try and get it in the middle Yeah so basically I think about there now we’re going to try I’m not really thinking so much about distance right now I mean I’m having a little thing I think it’s like a fullish shot but I really just want to see this go straight that’s really all I’m bothered about right now I just want to be straight just like that it’s short it was dead [ __ ] straight now I know I didn’t come all the way around back here yeah I didn’t because it’s not that kind of shot but what I did do was I came here on the angle that if I would have carried on you notice I stopped with my club here yeah but if I would have carried on I would have been on this angle stopped it CU it’s a bitching W shot and I didn’t need that much front spin I mean that much front swing I think I might have figured this out we’re going to find out on the next shot on the next shot on the next shot it’s on my connection through the ball it’s actually when I’m coming through the ball it’s not my back swing even though I’ve been playing with it a little bit my back swing never really makes much difference really never has yeah it’s always been my front swing and as I actually come through the [ __ ] ball my connection as I actually hit the ball it’s always been that and that’s as I actually turn my wrists over to transition into my front swing I know what it is I can’t believe I mean obviously my I haven’t had the focus for the whole [ __ ] game to I’ve been thinking about loads of different things it’s not this is this is I came up with this when I was on the last ho and I played that shot that ended up going right again I was like what the [ __ ] am I doing and then I was I was walking up the Fairway thinking about it and I was thinking I wonder if it’s just wrists D it I wonder if it’s just wrists again whats of squirrels today squirrels squirrels babe you love little Crees the course so now I just want like an eight iron good connection I keep catching the floor now I think I know what I’m doing there so now I’m going to see if I’ve solved that one cuz I’ve had a really good think about this for the last few hours cuz I [ __ ] connection thank you babe thank you sweetheart a little smile on my face I think I know exactly what I’m doing here we going to find out I don’t really I’m not really trust me I’m not going for it like I normally would I’m not as Focus I’m focusing on just hitting the [ __ ] ball correctly right I think yes I I don’t think it’s going to be hard enough I just didn’t look at the distance but to be honest with you it was what I wanted I know what I’ve been doing with that then because I’m tired and my shoulders are hurting and stuff yeah I’ve been leaning over the ball with [ __ ] posture I had a feeling that’s what it was you know I had a feeling when I some holes ago that I was drooping my shoulders obviously my shoulders are [ __ ] tired from all the [ __ ] exercise I keep doing the other stuff that I’m doing my pting is fine I mean I’m not going to even say anything about my put in my fo is good it seems to be the only thing I can doday I don’t know about putting this one in right know it’s only there it’s a big ass cuz it’s just a horrible green slopes away to the right hard I’m aiming I’m not joking but I’m aiming for this Mark here on that line on that line here that’s Ling for you know that’s how that’s how bad SL is on [ __ ] green think about there any very wide very very wide it’s just about the power because the greens are lightening fast I mean they’ve been cook Bas down to the roof so the lightning F yeah so it’s just it’s just all it is it too hard it’s [ __ ] gone it too soft it won’t make it over the the hill it’s a very dedicate it won’t give me a [ __ ] all will it just won’t give me nothing it f listen I can’t complain good B man very good po man can’t complain this won’t give me nothing babe good though b super today is let’s see if I figur this out though we’re going to get the big boy out we can get my drive out for this hole it’s like 400 [ __ ] yard we haven’t Len our balls today well I haven’t missen the balls good enough to lose him Bab I ain’t got enough connection to send it far enough and we not to find it together is just one of days I’ve resigned myself I think I figured out what going WR I find out now on this drive I will be able to WRA Ms all the way around on this oh well you got Sunday I just I need to figure it out now I don’t want to I don’t want to come to the course on Sunday and then you know be in the same predicament and be like what the [ __ ] is going on I mean everything right I can’t get connection on nothing so hopefully hopefully I just good to the golf range on Friday might figured it out I’m pretty good at this one actually my head think what is going wrong if I at this perfectly straight I figured it out all depends on this drive really it’s a long way this all so i’ got no chance that’s where I think it should be right there so I’m just going to go with it and we’re going to find out I’m not swinging hard because I’m trying to keep my body in line absolutely [ __ ] perfect I fig it out here goes the Drey deal there we go don’t me to push the TR up push the I think he’s just I think he’s just sorted his Shanks out I think I might have just sorted it out took me seven HS to do it but that was a perfect strike I’m right in the middle the clubbies are a bit slicy chucker yeah Dave that’s what I’m doing bro oh it’s good well I think that now I’ve sorted it out I think I’ve just figured out what it was how much my front swing basically bro as it always is usually Chu I’ll know on the next shot cuz I’ve just played a few shots now dead straight um way better connection on the ball so we’ll see we’ll see if I figured it out and I think I might have I hope so um but God Chuck I went through so many things before I kind of figured out what it was or I thought I knew what it was I was thinking is it grip is it stance is am I putting too much power in am I not putting enough power in is my arm bending is my shoulders straight I’m a drooping I was like what the [ __ ] am I doing I mean I didn’t know what I was doing I was I didn’t know and the last thing I was thinking I was thinking well could it be the transition to my front swing cuz it didn’t seem like I was getting the right kind of connection on the ball and I was like is it that yeah it was that it was that like what the [ __ ] man give me a break my body’s really tight as well Chuck you know what I’ve been doing for the last while now plus I trained as soon as I finished yesterday and that so I trained this morning but that is just like the muscle memory of the shot you know once it gets there where it’s just pure muscle memory I’m going to be sanded but I’ve got to work it and work it and work it now bro I nearly started to get stressed you know and have to battle it you know like this will not beat me I we will figure this out before the end of the game I will figure this out before the end of the game I was so determined bro it was never going to beat me bro Club is aring from right to left it’s kind of mywing um I don’t know how far this is it says I’ve got 30 yards left 140 yards left maybe it’s uphill though drastically so I think it’s going to be more like 170 or 180 so I’m going a slope you look I’m on a slope so the Fairway slopes that way um I’m on the I’ve had some I’ve had a bad game today pack but I think I’m might figured out what it was I’m on whole eight um so it’s going to it’s going to go right when I hit the ball so I’ve got to face myself a bit more off left very hard to get on this Greening too whatever go that right see if I cracked it shall we yes I’ve got to left of the pink it’s going to go right in the air absolutely [ __ ] perfect it didn’t turn as much right as I wanted but thought me the connection was bang on that was bang on I’ve doing it I’ve doing it this is what [ __ ] perseverance does for you it’s done here it this is what not stopping and not giving up does for you this is what it does for you say shot you break oh [ __ ] I figured it out and I’ve dealt with it and [ __ ] for that see I got the shanks and in three holes no sorry five six holes I’ve got the shanks out my game through pure dominance of mind didn’t move as much right as I wanted it to I expected it to move more right because of the the way the ball was lying you know below my feet but it did move somewhat right um but the connection was beautiful beautiful connection I could have asked for a better connection and it went dead straight to where I was aiming dead straight like a [ __ ] Arrow which is what I wanted think coming greenside bunker but I don’t care about that I’m just bothered about the connection that I just got that’s all I’m bothered about no look that yeah that is like it’s like 200 yards of a [ __ ] 6 line there that was I knew it was a good connection I didn’t think it was that good this very little delicate shot this one I’ve literally got to get just enough to get over this little Bank in front of me delicate shot face open bounce right on me look a nasty bounce right still good shot saw my swing play now [Music] come On’s it R come on go got bad 12 12 foot fast as [ __ ] think it is going to move slightly it’s going to move that way not much probably half a hole then the speed right this one not enough power I knew it as soon as I I scared so fast second guess my head again that’s the third time today cuz my head was saying hit it this hard my head was saying that that’s what my head was saying there and then as soon as I got over the ball I was like n no that’s too high don’t know what’s with today I swear to God this is there you all know me yeah I’ve got my connection back that was second guess in my brain and I have got to stop that very very bad habit but it’s a terrible habit that you know and it will not help my game whatsoever when you step over the ball any golfers watching know what I mean step over the ball and you change your mind while you stood over the ball yeah I can’t be doing it man because if I would have hit that the power that my brain wanted I would have put it in that was good that would have been in I changed my mind when I stood over the [ __ ] ball like I do and you know something sometimes in 18 hours I can do that once you know today I’ve done it three times in nine hes three [ __ ] times I’ve done that today now in nine hes I don’t know what’s going on with me today my own mistake can’t blame anybody but myself my own mistake br cost me my only possible power well I could get a power on this one I think I fixed my swing let’s find out let’s find out I’m pretty sure I have you pretty sure my swing is SLE oh it’s right that though I think I still too close and there by the big tree I think I stood a little bit too close though it seem like it’s it to [Music] bab chilling you see me have the best game when was it you ever seen me play it was on it was a couple of weeks ago off I think so yeah and know you s me up the worst game you’ve ever SE me up I mean so quite a big contrast that yeah know I’m really I swear I’m so proud of myself because I kept my pH again I ain’t lost it I did start to get stressed when I was on about whole um the one whole five when I was on whole five man that stress level went through the roof on that green when I missed that P just went through the [ __ ] roof man and the two chips you know the chips that just went like there and then there I was like what the [ __ ] man and my head started to play tricks on me then and it was like y we want you to get angry get angry come on get angry let it out let it out get angry snap a club snap a club wrap a club around the tree wrap a club there’s a tree over there you have a fight with a tree over there and have a fight with that tree come on the tree’s looking at you Danny’s looking at you weird he wants the brawl the tree wants the braw Danny the tree wants the I swear to God I’m not joking and I was like shut the [ __ ] up man and that’s like have a little walk and have a little talk with my own brain and say he o mother trucker you was taking the piss out of my [ __ ] out of my life right now mother trucker and I hav it mother trucker so let’s get some control back yeah and let’s sort it out and then I’ve just battled it’s going okay I would have played like this from the beginning and I would have had the fortitude in the you know like the the focus that I’ve got now even though my body’s not doing what I want to do I focus yeah I would have been all right know [Music] you know I might as well go for a fantastic shot I am going to play a pitch wedge now green is down there I’ve got a aim over there I’m going to open my club face swing out to Wi and get as much right SP on this as I can and try and bend it as far as I can get it big full long swing this how and I need to swing out to Wi I need to come proper across this like that shot shot it actually went out one bit that was a shot I bent it probably 30 30 40 foot kept it play right on the edge of the Fairway down here and I was aiming for those red te’s so yeah I bent it a good 40 ft sent it right a good 40 ft if I would have swung more out to win probably could have got it more right but to be honest with you I was kind of like I didn’t I didn’t want to cuz my connection’s not the best yet today is it ah bro like I could have if I would have swung more out to win I probably could have got that [ __ ] to move even further but like I said CH my connection ain’t the best today so these trick shots these spinning shots and stuff like that I just I had to swing out to in to get to move right but I just couldn’t get to move right anymore than when I did I’m in a good position I’m really going to Grumble Bing W straight on there it’s going to roll left when it hits the green so I’m I’m aiming for the right hand side the green here I dropped my shoulders I dropped my [ __ ] shoulders I felt myself do it why did I do that let’s try pleas just stay still I Dro my shoulders then both [ __ ] practice swings was fine and then on the actual swing I dropped my shoulders this is where my body’s Tire though I think this one yeah my body’s tired cuz that way I’m mentally strengthened up on my body yeah and that is literally just because my body’s [ __ ] tired Cher said is seen it Cher said is seen it see what I think that see me drop my shoulders yeah did you see me drop my shoulders cuz my body’s really tired in it that’s why my body’s really tired bro my legs are killing me and everything obviously I mean I did [ __ ] I did a live earlier and I did a b rep did I do in one set them five key [ __ ] dumbbells man Jesus Christ so worst game I’ve ever played you not having had one par trer for everybody watching you’ll never see me play like this again you’ll never see me play like this again like ever this will never happen again um playing how I I’m now if would have started the round like this um yeah Chuck it’s it’s [ __ ] bro it’s just you can’t drop that pasture like that bro you can’t but again I’m not going to get stressed I’m going to finish strong as I can I’m going try and put this as close as I possibly can to the hole my head has not gone down every shot is a new shot just make sure that I keep my posture Square yeah Chuy you know what I did it I did this and then I did this all lazy and there no no no no you know exactly what I did Chu I felt myself do with myself do it obviously if you get too rigid I’ll catch middle of the ball you go too soft I’ll catch ground but normally my body doesn’t have a problem with this normally my body does not have a problem with this good shot rolled on a little bit like but it was a good shot it was a good shot hi truck well I’ve made about as many mistakes as you can today I’ve had the shittest game I’ve played in since I can’t remember this is the worst game I played I work my score out I mean I’m going to let work it out that’s side down 6 12 17 got the last one [Music] the green 4 five 42 and then this all this is going to be this is going to be a um how is this one two three I got four to there five if I put it in six if not [ __ ] me bro if put this in in five yeah it’s 47 if I do it in six it’s 48 chucker nearly 50 bro nearly 50 bro is it between 47 and 49 anyway oh my gosh oh my gosh that is the worst score I’ve had since I’ve been playing again I think in one single nine Jesus wept oh it’s not going to give me nothing is it it’s just not going to give me nothing is it we going any stopped it wow 48 I think folks wow oh my God oh my God you can’t even I just can’t even I don’t even know what to say I don’t even know what to say I really don’t know what to say I’ve got no [Music] words I’ve got no words that can describe that I have no words that can describe it I have none I don’t know what to say I honestly I’m lost for words I’m lost words yes chucker respect man so yeah the worst score you’ve ever seen me get probably the worst score you’ll ever see me get we’ll find out on Sunday I’ll be back Sunday and wow wow that was rough that was was rough rough rough but I battle till the end I didn’t give up I’m very proud of myself with that didn’t get angry didn’t get stressed and [ __ ] it I battle to the end it just didn’t go my way it just did not go my way did it stop K I know why are they ring me like this hold that why son jinge oh it’s probably ringing me why you Bing off my phone like a mad man come I’m on the golf course bro I’m on the golf course obviously yeah but if I don’t answer the phone then I’m being super in it we want to get on about an hour yeah all right stop those CYS so yeah that was rough that was rough that was rough but we persevered we persevered folks yeah we persevered I this show some fortitude then mate to carry on and stay calm I’m very proud of myself my mental strength is just going through the roof because believe me now that would have been enough back in the day to make me lose my [ __ ] [ __ ] I swear to God I would have lost my [ __ ] about whole five or something I would have just lost my [ __ ] and I would have gone [ __ ] nuts cuz that is so far from how I play it’s just it’s so far I mean like it’s just mental any well I kept the mental fortitude to carry on I just kept the mental fortitude to carry on and I did try on every shot it’s just I got better towards the end I figured out the problem I think um that obviously my posture and stuff I think it was my posture all the way around to be fair and obviously that wasn’t enabling me to be in the right position on the ball maybe but yeah that was that was [ __ ] rough that’s not the worst score I’ve had I can’t I’ve never had like you’ve seen me play lows on camera no know actually I think I have I’ve had I think I’ve had a 48 I think i’ had one more 48 so I have had a game like that well only one do I mean they don’t happen do you get what I’m saying so it’s just like wow got to take the rough with the smooth though man got to take the rof with the smooth I kept trying my my mental the mental side like the mental side of my brain now like I said I’m strong I’m so strong cuz if you can’t if obviously if you’re not very good at golf the way that I’ve just played it’ be like yeah you played all right Dy no not for my level not for my level of golf I didn’t I played [ __ ] like I couldn’t play any [ __ ] yeah and so for my level of golf I played absolutely wank I really really did yeah so it’s because of my level of golf that I played so bad but look got take the r and smooth man any more games in me it’ll probably mad you know next time I play I’ll probably play really good or well I’ll play a lot better than that I can’t play any worse so next time I play I’ll probably play really good and I won’t even understand what just went on I mean but it did go on and it did happen and [ __ ] happens and [ __ ] happens even professionals have moments where it goes a bit [ __ ] ay so yeah let’s see we get on on Sunday when we play or the next time we play the very next time we play let’s see how we get on I’m just going to put that game behind me any it mus let’s just put that game behind me and move on to the next one thanks for watching Everybody much love and respect peace out

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