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Angels release Suarez, Trout news, Sellers?

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welcome everybody hopefully you’re having a much better day than Justin Timberlake is and if you don’t know you don’t know this is Fernando the lone star halo that’s Todd Fox yes Modello espey out and today we’re gonna talk about all kinds of things Angels baseball including finally it is over the Jose Suarez era in Anaheim has concluded to hit the music hey hey hey you are now listening or watching the Halos in the infield podcast sponsored and part by Noble L works over on 1621 South stclair where you can get discounts by just mentioning hi TI halos in the infield drink discounts on us baby and also buy 714 tickets 714 tickets 714 tickets the price you see is the price you get and you also get 10% addition Ally often the apply now code once you order your tickets just by mentioning hi TI halos in the infield now enjoy the show in the land of I play my part with the Halos in the infield I’ll make my I’m the lar Halo Shin Ro tonight in a SE ofers standing by with the HS in the Outfield under sea of night take to I high love th in New Height we th [Music] new hey hey hey so welcome into the Hal halos in the infield daily podcast show that hasn’t been too daily lately but we’re back and better than ever said one show on ESPN every morning when they broadcast but but I think we have some decent excuses right I mean it was Father’s Day Sunday everybody was hanging out with their pops or maybe they are pops so uh you know like Todd and then um yesterday uh you were celebrating u a milestone I don’t want to call it a a um the first time the first time we met and that that has an angels connection because it was at Angel Stadium so we we did that exactly so yes yes definitely a milestone yes and we I was celebrating an anniversary our anniversary was tonight but uh you know she’s she’s on a fitness journey and um doing a great job with that so because of that you know routine is very important and she didn’t want to break the routine of going to class so she asked if we can do the night before and I said yeah yeah of course that’s that’s that’s a good man thing to do but cheers to you my friend yes yes cheers to you congatulations Same Same yes um lot of stuff to talk about in Angel’s land I mean there’s a lot of news yes yeah so let let’s get to the bulk of the news first and just kind of see what snowballs out of I mean you and I are always like hey this Show’s going to be like 30 minutes like 50 minutes later it’s like all right we need to start cutting this okay so first of all Jose Suarez has finally been designated for assignment what’s gonna happen with him I mean you know chances are I I I’m I think he’s gonna clear waivers I don’t I don’t know if there’s another team at this current minute that would take a chance at him you think he uh gets picked up by someone first off I have to play this for the last time hopefully whoops that got that got cut off real quick anyway just like a Jose swarez outing yeah exactly no I look I I’m I was getting tired of hearing this guy is so good this guy has a lot of potential uh this guy you know he could he could do things you just got to give him time he’s got to fix his his his uh maybe his delivery he’s gotta stop tipping his pitches but if he’s doing all that he’s not really that good and he’s shown that he sucks at times I mean this guy if you look at his erra yes he showed promis in 2021 2022 but last year was a disaster not just because the injury but because he was just so bad he had an 8 comes back this year and the only question I have to you Fernando is the same questions I get on the postgame every night was why did it take so long that’s that’s definitely the million-dollar question because when I think about the Jose Suarez era that’s the first thing that’s going to come to mind it’s going to be this year because you know we’ll all say this we have all seen glimpses of Jose Suarez you know being an average Major League pitcher you know they were few and far between short but you know it’s been there but at the end of the day after 2024 and really after his first like five six outings I was like okay this guy’s not figuring it out and then really it was like two three weeks ago it was like okay guys like what what more is there to see this guy’s getting lit up like a firecracker every time he goes out there and then he had the spot start last week was it was that last week spot it was it was Sunday uh he came in oh yeah yeah you’re right it was last week and then he came in in relief after Ben Joyce yes on Sunday yes against the Giants I know that was you know the straw that broke the camels back for sure correct but um yeah I I I don’t get it like everyone’s kind of made the jokes like oh he knows about the epe situation he knows about the uton you know maybe he knows that Ary Moreno was sleeping with his secretary I I don’t know you know but something man because it’s like it doesn’t make sense like you and I spoke at nauseum about the fact that Jose Suarez has just done so bad that really like there’s nobody the organization that can replace this guy bring up a guy from double A or triaa who’s got no chance of making the majors and at least give him an opportunity cause uh Jose Suarez doesn’t deserve one anymore and and his name is escaping me maybe you can help me but the pitcher we had got the left-hander who we DFA we we retained him but he was DFA before Suarez remember he had like one bad ending was like it was like the first time he had given up like two runs I want to say the guy from came from Pittsburgh a left-hander I don’t know or no from Cincinnati he was the guy that always fought people in Cincinnati OH Amir Garrett yeah it it made that really pissed off Angel fans and I heard it every night when we’re DFA Amir Garrett who literally he had one run given up in eight Innings and then he had he gave up like two runs and they DFA him I mean they didn’t they didn’t even think twice Todd this is the organization that DFA um Cole Tucker who had a z as a pitcher so well that’s true they should have held on to him as a pitcher at least but go figure go figure this guy’s ER was was great yeah yeah and so with those two roster moves they got Dan Dan PEX son Zack up here and then they brought up uh jury off the iil so you were at the game yesterday you got to see Pak pitch so uh early trouble give up that two-run shot mhm but after that kind of settled into a Groove now in your opinion if in all your years of baseball time do you think that plak got lucky because it was supposed to be Sorano starting and you know they just didn’t prepare or do you think plak actually has something worth exploring I think it’s a little of both and and I’ll tell you why I think police act should have in my mind just started on Sunday they should have brought him up on Sunday to have him pitch in that game instead of having used up the bullpen because they were freaking out about using up the bullpen on Monday but Pac did what I didn’t think he could do which was go six and he gave him six quality Innings um he did get a break in that one inning where um he threw a a base runner route at first which I I we were looking dead across the first base he picked them off really good very solid pickoff move and then GE got the uh the uh what is it called the in in the pickle he got the out in the pickles those two outs were huge because the very next hitter hit a home run and had those two men been on base it would have been tied at five so he did catch a break yesterday but I thought overall he he’s like I think he’s pitching with a with the idea of I don’t want to go back to the miners number one and number two when he came up he was really cocky they said in Ohio and that’s one of the reasons why they they d F at him because he to them wasn’t worth the trouble because of his attitude and his preparation so maybe he’s learned something and this is one of those guys that’s a Reclamation project that might actually work for us still early to tell but I’d like to see more from him can’t hear you oh you heard it here F first folks I was pretty cocky over there yeah the words of the great Roger LOD all right uh so you were at the game yesterday as I already said carlosz has he figured something out in his last seven outings he hasn’t given up a run and in his last 15 he’s got a e of 3.60 yeah from what I noticed he’s working a lot faster and maybe that’s helping him uh he’s not sitting back thinking about what pitch to to throw and I guess whoever’s calling it whether it’s him or the catcher or The Dugout uh I noticed he’s very fast um his last three outings he’s pitched less than 13 pitches to get three outs so that’s pretty fantastic that’s telling you he’s either pitching to contact keeping the ball in play or he’s just flat out throwing strikes so both of them I think are in play and he looks pretty dominant right now this is the Carlos estas that you want as a closer and if you are a true Angels fan if you’re a Halo honk like me I yeah exactly I’m just throwing all all the r l references up there um I’ll say this the number one thing that you want is for estas to continue to progress and the reason for that it’s gonna help us trade value right at the end of the day this guy’s on an expiring contract okay yeah and if we have the ability to trade him for one or two lower level prospects and I’m talking about like a 30 to 40 in an organization uh type of guy I don’t think going to get much more than that maybe we see maybe I mean there’s such a lucrative market for you know Bullpen arms all the time so maybe you can get more well that what that way of thinking is brilliant Fernando because a 30 or 40th in a organization somewhere else is a top 10 with us so yeah brilliant at least a top 15 exactly so I’ll take that no no absolutely I mean you know we’ve said it a lot the number one thing this team needs to do is be realistic of where they are okay I’m kind of hoping that now that they’re not what’s the term pretending to be contenders for lack of a better term yeah they’ll be more honest about like okay well we’re not GNA say it’s a rebuild but let’s treat it like a rebuild you know what I mean EST stez um you know sandal Ren heo Ward Whoever has trade by at the deadline take the phone calls and and if it’s going to make you better in two years make the move yeah because this is this is one thing Fernando you brought up right now with these expiring contracts or the guys that you said like rifo who still has a year of control after this season those guys are the tantalizing ones that will probably get the most calls but these one-year guys if Strickland can get it together um you know like a Matt Moore can get it together and become more serviceable like you said Carlos ofis expire expiring contract you could flip the biggest one yeah if you guys can if the angels can think that way and just be like look we’re not getting any better what’s the point of holding on to these guys when we’re already 15 to 20 games under or out of first place there’s no real reason to ride these guys to the end of the season so if you’re I can understand if you’re not getting any phone calls then it is what it is but if you’re getting phone calls you have to entertain it and possibly not get low balled but take a lower offer than you would expect to get because again you don’t want to be holding on to expiring contracts and get nothing out of them in my opinion with this team the way it is the only guy whose name you know and and you know me I I’ve been a little bit of a hater over the years of Luis Reno and I know his name is is being thrown on everywhere like hey trade him trade him trade him you know because his value high I would be okay with keeping Reno if they were more like okay well hey we’ve seen this guy for the last two or three years we feel that we can help build the organization around you know him and Netto you know he can be part of that coure because I mean the guy’s only what 28 29 so with that being said I’d be okay with him getting the keys to the kingdom as long as he has a position because this guy’s gotten thrown around the infield over the last you know three four years y so maybe you just give him the key the third base because it’s not like Ren’s using them now see that’s a brilliant idea but I think the only way I’m on board with that is if we cut number six I mean well and that’s part of that yes yeah because because if they give reneo Third Base like you said I’m happy with that you know like he’s another Shan figgins over there at third a master of the infield he’s even done the Outfield but yeah you’d love to give him a a single base and and a position for once so I see your point there and he’s very good at third he did good last night um but yeah I mean if if number six is gone you have to give it to him I I would think so but if you really don’t have any idea what you’re going to do with number six you might have to make that move at the deadline let me ask you this about Anthony Reno so you know he isn’t exactly referred to as a as a clubhouse type of cat I mean I know Heath Bell in the interview had said that you know hey you know he’s a fun guy to be around the in a locker room but with that being said what do you think would be more insulting to Anthony renel him just outright being waved or what you know and uh getting released his outright release with what two and a half three years of control left or them letting somebody else start and renon just rots away on the bench for you know Time and Time and Time I Think rotting on the bench would hurt him more especially if he’s healthy but at this point you can’t justify leaving him on the bench with that kind of salary so the angels are kind of damned if they do damned if they don’t if they play him they face the backlash of the fans him getting hurt again it turning into here goes Angels again if they cut him the the the media will be like look another failed contract he’s not living up to it they have to eat the money if if they sit him look what’s on the bench I mean there is no win for the angels as an organization so it’s just the one that they have to think about what is going to help us in the long run what is you know forget what the media thinks about us they already think we are a losing organization having the two best players and blah blah blah we’ve heard that a million times just add this one to the list I would just say just cut your losses get them out of there I know you’re Heath Bell is a players guy and doesn’t want to talk crap about other players I get it but we all know we’ve heard Rumblings renon isn’t the coolest cat out there you just have to look to that one play that you know Otani did last year where he refused to even acknowledge him because he was tired of his bull crap so I I I just feel in the in the long run you just bite the bullet dude you bite the bullet and whether you have a position or player ready or not you just bite the bullet how do you feel about Brandon Drury finally coming back not excited because the way he’s played his attitude this entire time um I’m not a jury fan uh I would have loved for them to have moved on last year at the deadline from him um this year has been an absolute disaster his trade values in the garbage I mean unless he goes on quite the epic run um we’re talking a Lin sanity type run yes I mean he’d have to show up and show out for a while here right before the deadline they’re not going to get nothing for him and they’re they’re that’s a guy that I’m it sucks but they’re going to be stuck with him the rest of the year you’re gonna be seeing him in September which if they do do a trade where they’re getting rid of guys and they’re an active seller that one should have been a guy that should be traded but I just don’t see it happening bro yeah I mean not where we currently are but uh you never know you never know who people see value in I mean look at Ian kinler when he was here he wasn’t a hot Angel and I mean they were able to flip him to to Ty butri I know I use that example a lot lot but um that’s just an example of a guy who wasn’t doing too well here you know when during his time in Nim and sometimes you could turn some you know nothing at all into you know a little bit of something so quick little story on Ian Kinsler sure I I was at the game where he was with the I forget what year might have been like it might have been 2014 but it was the start of season yeah it must been 2014 when Ian kler came on the field and was like um he he yelled at the Angels fans because the Rangers has just swept us at home early in the season and he’s all get the fuck off our field uh we run the west and he yelled that to the the fans and it was later in the year when the Angels won the division everyone was yelling at him and booing him and the fact he became an angel I I never liked that move man I’m like oh this guy he talked crap about us and now he’s an angel no yeah I remember that yeah good times yeah I was going to say bad times but okay so real quick I want to talk about Mickey moniac over his last couple games his last seven he’s biting 273 not great but much better than where he was this is a guy that’s still betting 186 for the year so you know but that’s what happens when you’re numbers are so far down in you know the world poool that you have to recover so Mickey moniac where are you on him currently I want your temperature check on him right where we stand he’s still got a lot to prove Pro last night he went he had two strikeouts and he made an air in center field that almost cost Angels um I I’m I’m almost to the point where I’m like okay we need to cut our losses with this guy um you know I still see holes in his swing to me he won’t impress me till he’s batting over 230 and starting to get it up and up and up um he’s still own two all the time and he’s doesn’t really you know he’s getting fooled real easy on sliders down and in or curve balls down the middle that dip on the lower part of the strike zone um he’s just too aggressive and when he falls down 02 he’s swinging that stuff up and high so he’s either striking out or he’s popping out so um and it’s a shame because defensively he’s pretty good and on the bases when he gets on he can be a real good asset as far as stealing bases absolutely it’s a very underrated part of his game for sure correct and and it’s just he’s not on base enough so speaking of a guy that’s hasn’t been on base enough lately Taylor Ward so in his last 30 he’s batting 190 he’s on base percentage is 317 in the last 30 so you know obviously not bad there in his last 15 games he’s batting 0. 89 yeah um and then his on base percentage is 250 and his last seven is’s batting 105 so Taylor Ward start it off the year incredibly hot I mean I’m pretty sure if you scroll back enough episodes you’ll hear me say hey I think this guy’s GNA be an Allstar yeah and you know for a little while it definitely look like hey this might be the guy who represents the Angels right tayl uh Mike Trout had just gotten hurt you know we were thinking maybe Tyler Anderson Maybe Taylor Ward Taylor Ward has fallen off to say the least correct I don’t think he’s getting traded he’s got no trade value at the current minute I understand he’s controllable I understand he’s cheap but batting 23 six on the year where you know you’re batting not you know not even your weight it’s it’s just not looking too good what’s wrong with him I think he’s still got that lazy swing the uppercut swing um there’s times where he comes out and he looks kind of good where he he can he looks like he’s settled in he’s putting the barrel of the bat on the ball he does take walks even in his struggling times note the 317 on base percentage but I just feel that he’s he’s flailing out there too much trying to uh do too much with home runs or trying to pull a ball too much instead of just taking what the pitcher again he’s another guy who’s never quite made that adjustment but when the pitchers adjust to him you see what you got so the April that you talked about didn’t reflect the May and is certainly not reflecting the June and uh yeah his trade value is almost gone because you could look at his numbers at 240 right you can compare that with Joe Adell who’s batting 193 uh Taylor Wards got 12 and 37 right now when he started the season at 10 and I think 27 and then you had Joe Adele starting off kind of red hot he’s at 193 and 12 and 32 so they’ve got almost the same numbers they’re the same player right now like and and both of them have you know uh questionable defense the thing that I really want to focus on with Taylor Ward over his last 30 Games he’s so in his in his last 30 games he 100 at bats exactly where we currently stand right now obviously by the end of the game that might change okay but he struck up 35 times out of those 100 this guy is striking on 35% of the time in his last 30 games that’s not a good number he’s only walked 20 times the last month which you know okay that’s that’s respectable like you said he his on base was what you said 317 you know hey that’s that’s pretty good right you you want to be getting on base at least 30% of the time okay so I’m not gonna talk too much trash about that but the last the the 35 strikeouts over the last month uh that’s what I don’t love and that’s what the adjustment needs to be made because the thing with Taylor Ward we’ve never seen him through do it through a full 162 correct something always happens whether it’s an injury you know and it’s been tough luck injuries for him unfortunately so what I want to see his his ability to adjust cuz he we haven’t gotten to see him do it he got hurt you know um in when he hit the uh the the concrete slap in right field right came back and then got hot again okay and the last year got hit in the face and you know obviously that’s gonna knock a lot of guys off their Rhythm looked really good in spring training looked really hot in April and we just haven’t seen him be able to get his footing again now I believe he will Taylor w is a average Major League Baseball player and that’s not insulting you know what there’s a lot of guys out there who aren’t even that this guy is a 250 to 265 hitter and that’s good he provides average enough defense he’s going to get on base 32 to 35% of the time you know what there is always spots in Major League Baseball for guys like that hell the angels would kill for a guy like that lately but we just need him to make the adjustment work with Johnny Washington and make the adjustment as a Major League hitter like Todd said the pitchers are adjusting to you at some point you have to adjust your game accordingly because that’s what separates the Major Leaguers from the 4A guys do you think that he missed his his opportunity this year because my opinion on it is we didn’t need him to be the robin to Batman which would have been trout if trout was healthy but we needed him to be at least a Nightwing you know we needed him to be someone close to to putting up not quite trout numbers but being a good secondary player and especially with trout going down he was given the the team basically to to be the leader of do you think that he could have been that player you calling him an average player cuz I I’m agreeing with you I I believe he’s an average player but by the the major league time I know it’s a long question but I’m just trying to get a couple points the major league time he’s put in shouldn’t he be better and shouldn’t he be the leader of a team that’s banged up you know I was listening to another Angels podcast earlier and they were talking about like you know we Demmer and his development and you know I was kind of deep in thought about the fact that you know there’s a lot of teams out there when they call somebody up to the show you see those guys progressing and getting better or you know they they go to a new Organization for instance like Max Muny was a nobody with the Athletics right and that’s pretty weird that they leave the Athletics and get better somewhere else y one of the Dodgers and the Dodgers turn him into a average to above average Major League Baseball player we we’ve seen both sides of Max M Chris Taylor was another guy for the Dodgers right you know turned into an above average player there you know there’s not a lot of guys here over the last decade that I can think of that were yeah I’m not going to say highly touted prospects because we really haven’t had any highly touted prospects over the last decade you know you can say Joe Adell you can say Brandon March because they were top 100 prospects in Major League Baseball one point but besides those guys there hasn’t been too many just you know oh my gosh they’re coming they’re coming they’re here type of prospects for us that have come and taken the World by storm we’ve had a couple of these Slow Burn type guys who kind of eventually figured it out and just turned into serviceable players you know I know this has kind of passed the last decade but you know Cole Calhoun was one of those guys was kind of a nobody through the Angels minor league system right nobody really expected much out of him came up to the show had a couple of good years of success turn out to be an average mjor League player and that’s kind of what Taylor Ward’s been hasn’t really taken the World by storm we’ve seen glimpses of an All-Star absolutely but hey a blinding squirrel catches a nut right hey a broken clocks right twice a day so that being said is Taylor Ward a great major league baseball player or is it easier to call him what he is an average Major League Baseball player you know you and I kind of agree on that you know what there’s nothing wrong with it Taylor W if you’re listening hey there’s a lot of guys who aren’t even that and I weren’t even good to be average Major League baseball players we weren’t good enough for that so with that being said take it for what it is I think Taylor Ward can help this team sure but this team and next year’s team are going to contend and at that point that’s when you you know you’re not going to have Taylor W anymore you’re gonna have to really really think about trading him next year if he has any value at all or this off season maybe if he heats up again trade him somewhere else get something for him because um I don’t think he’s going to around much to help this team when this team is relevant I agree because the last thing I’ll say on Ward real quick is the fact that he’s not what they asked him to be this year which is a number three and number four hitter um I think on a good baseball team um or even slightly above average team he’d be a number seven or number eight hitter towards the back end of your lineup but but if you have him where we have him and the fact that he hasn’t progressed has been so disappointing I think we know now what his ceiling is and it’s unfortunate because it’s not that High and um you know we’re we’re just stuck with who he is and Taylor Ward I mean you said it as best I can’t say any better he’s if you look up average baseball player in in in the dictionary chances are you might see his face all right so two guys I want to talk about now that we move on from that topic um so Allstar games coming up and uh two three weeks now MH so with that being said I think it’s probably fair to assume that tayl Tyler Anderson is going to be one of our Representatives right should be be it be a Travis if he’s not yeah he he’s doing very very well and I think he deserves a nod there so let’s assume you know he doesn’t get it or let’s say we get him and someone else so Luis Rano is a name that a lot of people are throwing out there we’ll see what happens there and the other two guys I want to ask your opinion of I don’t think either of these guys get in but do they deserve a hard look number one Zack Netto and number two Logan ohpp I think ohpp does for uh several reasons uh because he’s been an anchor he hasn’t put up dominating numbers but of late he’s gotten his average up really healthy now it’s 278 right now yeah 278 so he’s doing good there and you know the numbers aren’t exactly crushing it but 9 and 31’s good for his first let’s just put it out there this is basically his rookie season because he’s going to be able to play a full season Zack don’t I’m Zack Net’s on Pace for I called it on the post game last night I think he’s going to go for 26 and 77 this year and his I think the only thing that keeps him out of the All-Star break is his average if he can’t get his average up to at least flirting with 270 a little bit 265 uh between now and the All-Star break and raise the on base percentage because that’s a little low for a guy who should be getting on with some walks too he’s not too selective with his hitting but I would say if neither one of those guys make it this year they would almost have to be shoin for next year okay so either of these guys so I I don’t think either of these guys get in by you know the fan vote for sure or even by the coach’s vote so that being said you know with maybe some injuries can you see one of these guys getting in at least no I do I do see Mike Trout making it yeah probably right yeah um I don’t think nto has too much of a chance this year but if Major League Baseball knows what’s good for them they would try to get Netto or ohappy in just one of them in if there are injuries and the reason for that is because these are two guys who are fun to watch they’re going to be around for years to come and they can kind of pitch them as the new regime if you will in Anaheim right like hey here’s what’s coming in Anaheim right the guys that are going to you know play with trout if this team is much better next year as far as they’re built better have players around them and they’re they’re hitting the way we think that they’re going to hit in their second or third year whatever next year there should be no reason for them not to make the postseason because like you said people are going to look at them and be like you know what this is the next version like you said of the Angels the young kids and they’re going to be featured more I think if the team is closer to getting in the playoffs or at least in the Wild Card hunt uh via the All-Star game I think they’re going to be featured and then you’re going to be like hey let’s check out those those young Stars down there in Anaheim so that would be nice that would be nice um to get some representation other than freaking trout yeah exactly and that’s why I I I think ohpp has the better chance but um you know just his numbers are higher he’s flirting with the 300s he does have double digits home run right or he has nine right now he has n right now he has nine okay so he’ll probably He he’ll be at probably 11 or 12 come to trade deadline or sorry come to Allstar break sorry trade deadline hopefully he’s closer to 15 but I mean he’s not going to get traded so we know that so um yeah it’s gonna be interesting to see how many All Stars we have represent the Angels um like I said obviously it’s in my backyard this year M so I’m hoping to go I hope it’s not Tyler Anderson because if it is I’m not going to buy any Angels allstar game merch I’m not gonna buy a Tyler Anderson Jersey the guy’s gonna get traded yeah yeah but if it’s an ohpp Jersey perhaps you know I’ll tell you one thing though if we’re not trading Anderson at the at the deadline we’re not trading anybody yes and and that and I there’s no way we’re not getting phone calls already about Anderson there has to be some already I hope so I I I really hope so and I hope it’s from a team that’s very deep in the National League that that has pretty good prospects um because he should be able to like you said snaggy a couple good players well I mean there’s already goty I mean look at Yamamoto on the Dogers he’s going down he he’s he’s on the I right now yeah no time table for him yeah exactly so who knows man there’s there’s a lot of teams out there you you know what one I’m I’m I’m really thinking about the Braves have been like under 500 since losing a couple major Stars they’re eight games out of first place right now the Phillies are the best team in the National League so yeah I mean Tyler Anderson would help that rotation instantly absolutely the Padres are another team they’re a bubble team yep it’s true you know they they need to fight for a for a playoff spot or sorry yeah you a playoff spot you know that walk cart spot at least the top one they’re probably not going to chase as a division so with that being said you know what can they do to an themselves a little closer mhm and is a Team friendly guy he is actually andam friendly contract $ 13.3 million and he’s been proven to be a good Clubhouse guy he’s not going to rock the boat either way he’s not going to be too over ambitious and he’s not going to be uh under the radar and a bad cancer so he a good guy so um speaking of good locker room guys so Mike tr’s a very passive very quiet locker room guy and uh this is going to be our last topic unless you have anything else he had mentioned that he his rehab progression is a lot farther behind than he thought it would be he hasn’t really even started running yet if if I heard that correctly yeah not even on the treadmill yeah so where are you on that shut it down for the year yeah shut it down I mean I literally there is no the allstar game it doesn’t matter man like there’s nothing again like I think like the Angels need to do in the offseason take a good hard look at yourself and realize look this isn’t working we need to change something right I think Trout’s the same way I think he needs to go look in the mirror and say look my body maybe too big for what it I’m trying to do I need to lose some weight a little bit I could and and speed up my bat speed you know like like get my swing faster um I need to be able to uh you know do weights on my lower half of the body to where I could you know strengthen up this my knees and my legs so I’m not carrying this Mass up top and maybe that’ll ease the situ situation a little bit you know change things up change a diet even um he needs to take a good hard look at himself and do a reset and I just think it would be foolish to come back this season and um especially you know I think to me we both know he’s not going to be back before the break but I believe that by then the Angels should be sellers like me and you think and if that’s the case what would be the point for him to come back well that’s that’s just it Tod there is no point for him to come back because I mean let’s let’s be honest here he’s probably gonna come back the end of August end of August maybe very very early part of September the only thing I can think of is you know like oh well we just want him to get some at bats look what happened last year came back for what a single game yeah it’s embarrassing and and think about this too someone brought it up but I don’t remember the the numbers but we’re now even on bobbleheads that he’s been around for that he’s been actually playing while the bobbleheads are distributed to the amount of bobbleheads that have been there when he’s injured so I think this one’s going to put it as he’s missed more than he’s been present for is what I’m trying to say yeah yeah he hasn’t really been present for the last couple ones I mean even last year the um Otani and trout one he was hurt so yeah and and speaking of Otani since you brought him up uh did you see the Dodgers uh Otani bobblehead no but I saw people were selling a well well yeah the one that’s coming out the next one that’s coming out is Otani is like smiling and he’s holding his dog and and and it says his dog’s name and Otani on the bottom and the dog’s head like Jiggles too so so even every day we stay farther from [Laughter] God every day we get farther from God Todd I don’t know what to say I think you said it perfectly I wasn’t expecting that so good on you on that one yeah ask ask Marsha next time she calls on the show what she feels about otani’s head bobbling nope nope not gonna go there not gonna go there Todd Todd how’s it going brother yeah he’s call me buddy I or she calls me buddy I’m like how’s it going buddy nice job pal yeah I mean um I don’t know how I feel about the whole trout situation at the moment but um I will say there’s no point of bringing him back too early and getting him more injured but there needs to be a tough tough conversation this offseason just like Heath belet said you know here’s where we’re going as organization you’re in or you’re out and we just kind of need to figure it out cuz um assuming he doesn’t play again this year is he really helping the team I love trout I’m a big Mike Trout fan and if Mike Trout wasn’t an angel anymore I wouldn’t have a lot of angels jerseys that are still relevant that I could still wear so believe me that is true that is true we would have two former number 27s in our uh closet at least I still wear my Guerrero because he’s a Hall of Famer now oh yeah absolutely absolutely he’s he’s an angel in my mind forever so there you go I wouldn’t wear my trout jerseys until he retires yeah yeah yeah that’s point I could wear him again yeah I think I think trout I would definitely root for him if he went anywhere else except you know uh the freaking uh Dodgers of course I don’t think I’d be able to cheer for him he was a Yankee or a Philly either but you know whatever yeah yeah well one last thing I got is uh breaking news that happened earlier on the Say Hey Kid passed away Willie Mays uh true true ambassador to the game uh one of the best ball players of all time uh obviously me and you didn’t see him in his Heyday that’s way before our time but there’s always been those stories there’s always been those great videos and the plays that he made phenomenal baseball player of course and broke a lot of barriers and was big here on the east and west coast so uh you know rip from me uh to Willie Mays lived a long and Industrial uh industrious Life 93 years old so but still it’s a sad day when you lose a legend exactly I mean I I seen a lot of people say like oh well the NBA lost you know their logo guy and MLB lost to say hey kids so I mean definitely a Rough Sports week a lot of iconic players uh will Willie Mays obviously we’ve all seen the highlights we we’ve all seen that catch at the Polo Grounds where he caught it and fired the ball back into the infield MH you know one of the most iconic defensive plays ever you’ve seen the photo you’ve seen the videos um you know and he’s well respected in baseball circles and um yeah definitely a guy I never gotta watch play but he’s on the list of guys I wish I could have seen you know I wish I could have seen noan Ryan pitch I wish I could have seen Jackie Robinson I wish I could have seen Willie Mays I wish I could have booed Babe Ruth in person you’re a plumber yeah yeah I mean for me too I mean there’s teams like the Pirates I would have loved to see that we are family Pirates the uh the old angels in 82 uh the freaking uh you know the Big Red Machine but Willie Mays was right there man um one of those guys that uh you know by the time we saw him you know he’s over there in a golf cart you know throwing out a first pitch or he’s you know congratulating Barry Bonds on his accomplishments who’s good friends and a mentor to him so um yeah man I mean uh respect gives respect and I think the league lost a legend I hope they do something like what they’ve done for other ball players who have passed away like your you know make it a uh a day you know make it a Willie May’s day because you know they got the Jackie Robinson day you got the obviously the um Roberto Clemente day Roberto Clemente uh yeah I think a Willie May’s day would be nice too because he did do a lot for the game and for uh his his Heritage and his uh the African-American Community too well at least you know for a fact the Giants are probably gonna do something for for the rest of the year probably something like a patch or something as they should but yeah I think it’d be good if Major League Baseball did a day for Willie May he’s a well respected you know one of the most iconic baseball players of all time you know it if you ask any knowledgeable baseball fan you know to name some of the top hey you know who are the top baseball names you’ve heard of you know you’re gonna hear your king griffy You’re Gonna Hear King Griffey Juniors You’re Gonna Hear Barry Bonds You’re Gonna Hear Willie maze you’re gonna hear you know Babe Ruth for whatever reason you know there’s a laundry list of guys you’re going to hear but yeah he is certainly a baseball Legend and it’s a very sad day for baseball and um yeah respects to one of the best to ever do it for sure absolutely absolutely so um well with that being said um if you guys don’t know on the 22nd is meeso uh the calzone in Buffalo wings place right walking distance from the Angel Stadium even if you’re coming in on the other side orange Thorp side come in on the catella side that’s where the Stadium’s at 714 tickets is moving into that same little area so you’ll have Noble 714 tickets and meso within walking distance of each other so get your beer at at Noble come over to uh get your tickets and a nice cow Zone and uh some buffalo wings they got garlic knots everything 15% off the 22nd is going to be the grand opening we’re going to be there doing a watch party so come out there’s GNA be prizes and giveaways and you can get that discount on food awesome awesome check it out everyone for sure yep yep and the date has been moved we just especially with sorano’s injury it was supposed to be the 29th it may be the 27th we should know by this weekend if not it might be pushed back another week but we’ll see but we’re definitely going to have an autograph signing and uh a u interview with Jose Sorano I’m really excited to hear the interview and you told me about this last week I believe so yeah I remember you telling me about it and I was like dude that’s going to be awesome because if there’s a guy you want to interview and a guy whose autograph you want right now I mean Sorano is going to be at the top of the list the guy has been impressive to say the least this year yeah he’s definitely been a pleasant surprise I know I know me and you and everyone else on this network we F we tend to focus on a lot of the negatives but because there hasn’t been too many positives bro but you’re right Sorano is one of those guys that he has a future hopefully because uh we also thought Parker BRBO had a future so uh come on come on don’t lump them together I like Sana I really do I I I really do I didn’t take him seriously in spring training because I mean you know was like oh God here’s another guy you know what I mean but um he’s been a very pleasant surprise I I love seeing him pitch so far absolutely so uh Fernando another great show another time that we said 30 minutes or or less and it’s 47 minutes so uh yeah that’s what we do that’s how we do it here exactly so for Todd Fox and the lonar Halo yes we will bid you a farewell we’ll catch you on the next episode Peace [Music]


  1. I wonder if someone whos good at stat deep diving could possibly seen if thats why estevez was so good first half of last season, i wonder if he was working faster, and then after the all star break slowed down?… Was just a thought.

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