You Will Never Play Great Golf Unless You Change This In Your Swing

Have you ever felt like you couldn’t get through the golf ball or finish your golf swing in balance like you see the great players do? Well that was the case for a number of recent students on a coaching trip to Spain, they all struggled to get their bodies moving well through the ball

The crazy thing was, i was able to correct this in a relatively short space of time, and didn’t even have to tell them to think about wha their bodies were doing.

So how was I able to do this? Well it was down to the fact that the cause for this poor body movement was somewhere else in the swing, once we targeted that great things started to happen as you will see in this video

I can not stress enough how important this lesson is, you will never get your body moving well through the ball if you don’t give it a reason to do that, in this video i’ll teach you those key moves that will allow you to get through the ball just like you see the best players doing.

Hope you enjoy

#golftips #golfswing #Golflesson



GOLFBUDDY (Use code GBRYAN for 10% discount)

Hack Motion




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00:00 Introduction
00:40 Open Face Release
02:14 Closed Face Release
03:04 Impact Position Explained
05:02 Fixing Your Set Up
06:16 Smiling Face Drill

have you ever wondered why you can’t get through the golf ball why you can’t turn your body through like the best players do well I’m going to answer that in this video I recently ran a golf trip to Spain took 14 golfers great trip and a large number of these golfers had those exact issues the problem was they were looking in the wrong place for the fix because we’re on a golf trip they were playing golf I had to make it really simple I had to make it work straight away and I’m going to show you in this video what we did with those golfers to really make the difference through impact and the changes were incredible now I’m going to be using the hack motion to show you what these faults are and how to fix it this is the new sensor that I’m using here you’re going to see the data coming through on the screen and give you some really really simple drills now the crazy thing is with these gols I helped in Spain they all had way better body movement way better impact and I didn’t want to get them to think about their body I actually got them to think about their hands but it connected to the body it’s going to make more sense as we go through this video I want to start by doing a little demonstration I’d love you to try this I’ve got a golf ball teed up I’ve got my target which is going to be the left hand side of the green clearly I don’t want to get the flag cuz the water’s in the way so there’s my Target and I’m going to hit two shots and I’m going to do everything that I can to make the ball go at my target but I’m going to do them from two slightly different positions so I’m going to take my normal setup I’m going to put myself into a delivery position which is around about here Club level with the ground now you can see there on the left hand side plus three that’s referring to my lead wrist it’s in a neutral position but for this first one I’m going to crank the wrist so I’m going to cup or extend the wrist notice where the club face points way up towards the sky so as I place my other hand on you can see my wrist is now plus 40 so I’m going to from here see if I can hit my ball towards my target I would say that was pretty good it went pretty much at my target the strike was pretty good it was kind of a successful shot but what you will notice there wasn’t a lot of Body Action there wasn’t really rotating through wasn’t really getting a lot of shling wasn’t really ending with this really extended position it was the opposite it was very flippy very wristy but key thing ball went straight now let’s do another little demonstration this time I’m going to put myself in that same delivery position but I’m going to now work the wrist the opposite way so now you can see it’s minus 50 and that tells my wrist is flexed or arched Club face now points more down towards the ground so one of got to do now got to still hit my Target and both of those shots my tripod’s falling over both of those shots actually went pretty straight but you’re going to see on that second one a very very different movement with the body you’re going to see a lot more rotation you’re going to see a lot more shaing and you’re going to see a lot more extension why was my body movement so different on those two shots even though all I was really thinking about was Target but it was because I was reacting to the golf club you will be reacting to your golf club really really powerful message there I didn’t have to tell my body to move my weight forward rotate push my hips get the shling I didn’t have to tell myself any of that because I was appreciating where the club face was every single one of you somewhere deep inside has got some golfing skill we need to tap into that so for these golfers in Spain the reason they weren’t using their body well enough is because the club face was too open through the swing because it was too open through the swing they were stalling their body using their hands this release and this lack of body turn was helping them it was helping them hit straighter shots but he was holding them back from playing their best golf better good that was in the 30s that was 37 and shot one 58 58 so 20° flatten day one you were CED CED now you’re good but here perfect turn turn turn turn turn turn turn good therey you go is how nice that was low and controlled more body also more body than yeah that was really good so that little demonstration kind of shows us that if that face gets open in your golfing it doesn’t really matter how hard you try and move the body it’s just not going to happen but if you do succeed you’re just going to start blazing it way way right and that’s not really going to help your game so when that risk gets more extended CED the face gets open things start to go wrong so we were saying that anything was like a plus 30 is going to give you issues here’s one of the biggest problems when I take a setup to my 7 iron if I have my hands right in line with the club head so the club shaft pretty neutral what is my wrist position plus 37 okay watch what happens if I have a little bit of shling if I push my hands forwards that number starts to come down the more I push it forward it starts to come down toward zero we’re now at sort of plus seven so effectively the first thing I want to do with these golfers is give them a little bit more shaing at setup because what that does is it takes out some of that extension if we start with that extension then it’s going to be more difficult to get rid of it okay we know we want to get closer to zero at that delivery position by starting with the hands back we already start at this kind of plus 38 position so the first thing I want to do is make sure these golfers had enough forward chaffing I like to get that grip just over the inside of the thigh this is probably something I need to do because I tend to get my hands a bit too far back and if you can do that and keep the club face pointing at your target you’re going to be somewhere in the 20s and that’s more manageable you’ve got less to do that was the first thing second thing I want you to go ahead and do this I’m going to take a sharpie okay you don’t have to do this but it’s a good little exercise to do and on my 79 I’m going to draw Sharpie is not working particularly well a face okay I know what you’re thinking Chris you should have been an artist rather than a golf coach that’s my face so I wanted as a feel bearing in mind these golfers are going to go and play the next day I wanted to keep it really simple for them so I wanted to give them some visuals I said to them in your swing let’s go face to Sky face to ground let me show what that looks like take a setup when they got to the top of their back strings most of them still had far too much extension you can see there 43 okay I wanted them to get that club face or that picture to point more towards the sky so if I take that club face and point it more towards the sky what does that do to my wrist ah guess what now goes to minus 23 that’s telling me that my wrist is now in this flexed or arched position so if I can take a setup and and I can get the face that’s on my S iron and feel like at the top of my swing it points Towards the Sky straight away I’ve taken my wrist and put it into that very very neutral position you can see that’s absolutely bang on well it was bang on zero it’s actually minus four okay that’s the hack motion telling me where my wrist position is how easy was that really easy I wasn’t thinking about extension or flexion I was actually just thinking about can I get this club face up towards the sky the beauty with hack motion it gives me the data so when I hit some shots in a minute I’m going to see how well I did at that and I can make some changes based on that so face the sky there and then face to ground this is not face to ground my wrist is 42 43 extended if I can get the face to the ground guess what that does it starts to put me into that flexed or that arched position and what we did in that little demonstration at the start is we basically said when I can get here I’m encouraged to start start to use my body use my Pivot use my rotation get that perfect impact that so many of you are wanting and I’ll actually play a lot better golf from there face open I’m always going to stall I’m always going to get flippy so watch what happens to these numbers when I simply go face to Sky face to ground that’s my only swing thought hands go forward that puts me in the 20s face to Sky that puts me plus five face to ground minus 6 now I’m in a position where I can rotate through really feel like I unwind my body and get that perfect little delivery I’m just going to hit a shot doing that as a rehearsal I’m going to pop that data on the screen so you can see face to Sky face to [Music] ground and then we go through now that ball has not gone very far but it was well I’m going to say perfect so the key points here little bit of shling setup that massively helps it gets rid of some of that extension take your little face point it at the sky in the back swing point it at the ground in the down swing and straight away you will be encouraged to use your body and I trust me you’ll see yourself moving much much better without even thinking about the body but by using the data that the hack motion is going to give me so let’s finish up with hitting a shot and then we’ll have a little look at the data and see kind of where that is so I’m going to go left of the flag don’t want to get tempted with that one so this is my setup here this is my tendency I’m going to go a little forward of the hands that helps me face to Sky face to ground I pushed that way right more over to the flag let’s have a look at the data so what did we see okay I could have done a little better so you can see plus 21 a dress and then plus 29 at the top so I didn’t flatten it as much as I’d like to probably why that ball went a little bit right that’s a beauty hack motion I can see a ball flight and I can relate it to the numbers you can see impact minus 7 I did a pretty good job but I need to work on the top of my back swing getting get a little bit more more flatter face to Sky for me is a great feeling it’s going to be a great feeling for you as well


  1. Hi Chris, I never used to have a cupped wrist at setup until you advocated this in one of your videos and doing this made my game go downhill. I changed back to a flattish wrist and my game improved I wish you guys would make your minds up as it hurts a lot of golfers following and trusting you.

  2. Awesome lesson, thank you Chris and something I can definitely do with on course! Just off subject, but I currently use a G400 Ping and love it… that was… until I used a golf chums QI10 Max and put the same ball 20mtrs past my well hit G400! What a driver! I’m in the market for sure now!

  3. I'm unsure whether I am interpreting your video correctly . Are you implying some reverse psychology in action here where a bowed lead wrist will cause the clubface to open to the ball-target line from around P6 -P7 ? Where the golfer is subconsciously aware that the clubface is going to be open approaching impact and will therefore strive to pivot through without stalling (and therefore assist in the clubface being square just 'before/at/through' impact? Isn't that a very speculative theory?

  4. So is there no forearm rotation on the downswing when you get the knuckles down? Something i've always been confused about.

  5. Old golf new golf whatever…Tell this crap to Bubba and Fred and alot of golfers that flick the hands at impact

  6. Hi Chris, great video. How useful do you think a HackMotion would be to a golfer for practice at home?

  7. HackMotion is the greatest training aid ever. The new version is behind on production but I can't wait to receive mine.

  8. Chris, it also seems to be that the right arm affects the left wrist in a considerable way. If I position my right arm into a blood draw position at setup (with my right elbow pointed more at my belly), it's far easier to flatten my left wrist. Alternatively, if externally rotate my right arm, and point my elbow incorrectly more away from me and along my target line, it's almost impossible to flatten one's left wrist. Fair observation?

  9. Chris – in the context of wrist positions, what would be your generic advice to me a 5 hcp who can, at will, either flip and add loft with a stronger grip thereby achieving enough height and spin but variable contact, or alternatively, turn the face down and get better strike and distance but with way too low a ball flight, especially with lower lofted clubs? Is it a case of picking one/ getting faster with a turned-down face/ have a balance of both with more neutral grip or by initially turning-down the face but then feeling wrist extension earlier? I'm talking ideal here for long-term improvement rather than for my swing currently.

  10. Hello Chris, I really enjoy your lessons. Been watching for some time now.
    I took and old club and glued a golf ball to the face for this exact drill. It is a great visual. It did it a few years ago. I will still use it for a reminder. You can see the ball and face through the swing.

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