Golf Players

RE-UPLOAD: A Clap Off, DLS Olympics?, & Rory McIlroy vs. Jack Nicklaus Drive for Your Life | DLS

We steal a segment from The Greg Cote Show and launch a new clapping competition on the Dan Le Batard Show. Does everyone need a 5-pack in order to have the loudest possible clap? The Florida Panthers reportedly canceled on Jason Taylor in order for Jack Nicklaus to bang the drum tonight. Was that the right decision? This sparks a debate in the room… Drive for your life: Jack Nicklaus at 84 years old or Chris Cote? Then, Netflix is a winner all of a sudden as the streaming wars continue to dominate the future of television. Plus, Greg’s neighborhood parking situation, Against the Spread, and a compromise on the “McOverrated” billboard in Edmonton.


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[0:00-10:01] Cote family Olypmics

[10:02-20:57] Rory McIlroy’s crushing loss

[20:58-23:53] Getting older

[23:54-30:12] Streaming wars

[30:13-34:44] Parking issues

[34:45-37:30] Against the Spread

[37:31-44:33] Buying a billboard

[44:33-52:17] Hair transplants


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I’m a little bit bummed here stugots by two scheduling changes that we have had with uh animal related guests right now Ron McGill uh has had to postpone until next week and we were GNA have on and I don’t know which of the guests I was more upset to lose because Karen Wickerson was going to be on with us and she is basically the head of the Rat Patrol the rat Zar in Edmonton she is what keeps rats out of Edmonton we learned yesterday that there are uh only 26 28 or 31 rats in Edmonton and uh it’s because this woman knows how to keep rats out of Edmonton but unfortunately she had to postpone as well hopefully we can have her on tomorrow uh in the interim though we have Greg Cody here and we have not uh because we’ve been talking uh too much Boston stuff and too much local championship hockey stuff we have not done enough with Greg Cody or his podcast the Greg Cody Show featuring Greg Cody with f thank you uh which this week features his family Olympics and uh Billy I thought you’d appreciate this in an audio medium I don’t know if the family Olympics began with this or whether it was just a featured item in the Greg Cody Show featuring Greg Cody but it be it had a staring contest in it genius in an audio medium the the family Olympics had a staring contest W who won don’t tell me I spoiler like you got listen yeah well how long did the staring contest last cuz I imagine that if it was you know a willful Olympian situation that that could last for a long time well you’d be surprised I bet we did I think we did three out of five we didn’t you know we want a big sample here we’re not just doing one time best three out of five yeah W well I believe it was best two out of three and then the loser was a sore loser so the winner was like fine we can do three out of five and then the loser may have protested the result because whoever lost hasn’t been feeling well lately and his eyes were sore and it was you know you got like it’s ridiculous but uh that kind of thing and so forth okay good good ending to your thoughts there what are some other uh Olympic events that might come later in the summer I mean we you know we have bobbing for Snapple uh bobbing for Snapple that’s not we’re not doing that one bad joke when you made it on the B you asked them we’re going to submerge full bottles of s let me understand what just happened there in The rhythms in the chemistry thank you for explaining it you and your son have he tossed you the same thing that you had time to work out on your podcast and your answer the second time was even worse than the shitty answer the first time yeah his idea was the staring contest not mine no I’m saying we listed a bunch of random stupid events like a staring contest and I was like here let tee that up so the audience can see what’s down the road and you just made the Snapple joke okay we’re going to nail it in the garage um we’re going to see who can pound to nail the quickest in a in a 4×4 and uh you know things like this I mean you know we’re trying to get away from the classic cliche you know free throw shooting contest and all the sports stuff you’ve walked in on your son nailing in the garage before yeah that’s why I was confused baby it’s a rumor I think that was just outside the garage on the side of the house another one that and maybe we could do this one here another one that we’re going to do uh is my dad wants to do my dad wants to do this one arm wrestling yeah he thinks he could beat me oh I’m worried about Greg there well I also want to do uh holding breath underwater that’s another one I don’t want to do right you’re going to lose no no I mean you have asthma yeah but before that as a kid when I’m 12 13 years old oh my gosh I could hold my breath for well over a minute but you’re not anymore I know but still you know and I will be using my inhaler that’s cheating before I do that it’s not the lungs called a snorkel it could be a performance-enhancing drug I don’t know what the commissioner would decide but uh put it on the pole in a deep sea breeze is the asthma inhaler a performance enhancer aren’t you the commissioner I mean h you know normally we reconcile we don’t have a big controversy another future event is going to be hand clapping because as a child we did this one on this week’s episode as a child I was renowned for how loudly I could clap my hands and and so that’s going to be a category why don’t we do it right now can we do it I’d like to do a couple of these right now including the arm wrestling they already did it though the Clapping I mean that’s what Chris it was hard to pick up on Zoom yeah We snuck We snuck it you believe you are better hold on a second let’s try this you believe that you are appreciably louder as a Clapper than everyone else here sure okay let’s let’s I’m known for hand claing all right let’s test this not true let’s let’s am let’s well we’ll test it we’ll test it instead of arguing through a raspy voice that is just barely hanging on let’s try everyone Mike you begin with what you’re competing you’re trying to compete the loudest single clap or is it clap is it one clap how does this the olymp a lot of pressure going I like the five pack would you like me to go first you PR can you go first just so I can sure can establish what I have to beat it’s five claps but it’s all we’re trying to get loud that’s what we’re trying to do volume well hold on a second is there like an online like deciel counter or something we can actually get information or we just we’re stealing content from the Greg Cody show but that’s okay I how boyant is that’s okay when when when you got something this good you can’t keep it to yourself you’ve got to share you’ve got to share you ship your tooth I’m excited about the Snapple reconsider terrible idea he’s afraid oh just your teeth knowing on the the that’s a big cap so you got to really open the mall you got to unhinge that jaw yeah bobbing for Snapples is disgusting and more difficult than bobbing for apples yes thank you because those bottles are unpleasant you’re on to something there thank you but the do you have any tips for me on how it is as the uh the King give away my against the king of loud clapping well I thought I’ll go last I’ll go last you know how Larry Bird used to be so confident in what he did that he’d just tell you where he was shooting from beforehand I thought he was good at this I didn’t think he’d give me some tips and I’d immediately be better than it so good that he would give the secrets away right it doesn’t matter if he gives them away right right because he’s so good because he say that he’s the best at this and that he’s going to beat us all yeah as a child as a you wait you you only get one clap though he said a five pack a five pack but then you get a Cadence and a rhythm you got to be perfect if it’s just one yeah we recommend a five pack we’re going to do one so that it’s not quite the same it’s got to be different one totally changes the game the in room no you’ll do what we’re all doing weting how about three let’s comp we’re only counting your first how about two we’re going one and uh going with Greg’s going last nobody’s loudest on their first clap though look it up I know you got to build up that’s why put it on the poll please JuJu at lebatard show is anyone loudest on their first clap do you have the guts or not what are the gut what do I need the guts no I’m asking Chris because like oh I got to build a head of steam no this is a real challenge I’m better with a five pack Cody’s are we struggle with the one I grew up with a five pack well we’re going to make it uh this is the show that questions the pressure on athletes all the time and do it the one time you get the chance you don’t get five chances at it yeah you do at most you get four please win a Night Conor’s got like N Shoot one basket a game no I’m gonna go first ready solid solid but I also don’t know what a bad one is all right let’s see Roy let’s see what you have here Dan’s winning I think Dan’s winning yeah and I’m I’m following on the on the sound meter here here we go that was pretty good yeah your fingers might give you an advantage here put it on the pole Juju do fat sausage fingers help you win clapping contest I don’t know if this is an official way to do it but it’s the best meter that I have I’m looking at the sound waves and that one registered the most wow Chris Cody go ahead all right like I said I’m a five-pack guy but all right you’ve already made the built-in excuse M that’s good that’s good that’s that’s pretty solid it’s right up there maybe we have a clap off between you and stew guys I’m Cody right let’s see Mike what you’ve got oh no that’s why I wish it was a five pack that was worst I’m so bad at it oh what shame almost missed my hands you did almost miss it was weird you hit your wrist all right should I take off my ring oh wow solid oh wow oh wow that was an explosion wow I could see the wind it it cried the wind cried I think I think Billy’s winning all this buildup for a guy that’s known for clapping all right as as a he’s past his prime how do you how do you applaud a good clap cuz it would be redundant he’s an old veteran here uh this is the big uh the big finish uh let’s see if he can I feel Billy might have been the best Billy was really good I’m in the throws of bronchitis we’ve got all Billy also had the best form he went back like an a stretched out the fingers you guys really confident as an excuse for a clap I think the ring really did it all right are we ready that was it yeah ready that was your clap right there yeah all right silence please me maximum clapping oh no that’s a five oh that’s a five clap you’re just qualified known for clapping huh okay I when he was a kid as a you as a you that was like his golf shot that was really bad oh my God so clap off I what are we doing here so well I think Billy won I think I want to take my ring off though oh I want to take my ring off all right everybody go again is your ring of sausage casing it’s just twist yes I thought I was pretty strong remember I’m a Cody that was oh that was good that was good have a rhythm if it was a five pack though oh too thank you nice all right one more for Billy oh again yeah one more I want to kind of leave it how it went it was PR good I don’t blame you take the ring off again now that one has missed from all the good at it you’re pretty good at it I’m on the metal stand Cody you want another shot cuz I I feel like you finished like next to last yeah I underperformed no see I need a there’s a hesitation all right we’ll give you the five pack give you the five pack I don’t think I don’t think you’re going to beat anybody with your five pack all right that was closer all right let’s do that clap thing that you slowly clap and then when we get to it then Greg does his claps we do slow like you do a clap clap clap lighter I don’t know what we’re doing it’s a slow clap at the end when we’re done you’re doing yours yours [Applause] [Laughter] I’m seeing reports that there’s a person that the Panthers cancelled on for Jack Nicholas and this person is someone that I would have had no doubts could nail this drum beating who’s done it best we’ve had leavon Hernandez recently we’ve had Mike McDaniel we’ve had Juan Pierre who’s done it best Greg get your microphone in position before the segment starts thank you Juan Pierre was strong Mike McDaniel brings a great energy to it uh no one’s been as bad is Dan Marino those are some of the best ones I think Usman was pretty good too it’s Jason Taylor that they canceled on really why because Jack Nicholas I guess if you have the option of a person that is known for how much winning they’ve done in their sport or Jason Taylor on a day that you can clinch no disrespect to Jason Taylor who’s a Hall of Famer this is the biggest celebrity they’ve ever had drum in this drum right with that math that Mike just did I regret Dan Marino ever doing it last year this feels right though Jack Nicholas it does right this feels big this feels like it meets the moment it feels slow though uh we’ll be there we’ll carry him bringing a champion for this thing like I do wonder if there’s any vetting of like is does he know how to do it like or is it just he’s in he’s in like I wonder if there’s any email back and forth of sending a video of this is what you’re going to have to do just to make sure you’re good with this he’s Jack he’s got it Ste do you think Jack Nicholas today can hit a drive further than Chris Cody and Chris Cody can launch off the te 100% yes I say no I mean oh no Jack would out drive you I’ve seen him hit he does the master have you guys seen The Master like the part three no no no like like the first t- shot the master far looks like he hits like 150 right well he doesn’t guys that’s me guys dri he’s older than Joe Biden like he’s 84 I mean when you put it that specific way I mean he’s 84 he’s not hitting a driver further than Chris Cody like are you out of your mind yeah but I mean still sounds like he can spank it occasionally so I think he can ratchet it up just one time I worry about it I don’t think you got to pound that drum you gotta pound it Gary Player is older than Jack and he’s hitting his drives right now 250 no no Gary play is of that group of old guys the youngest one and hits it the furthest I’m telling you I’m I’m going to see I don’t know how I can look up how far he’s driving at you have a map presently on your on your desktop Jack Jack Nicholas driver distance and it’s my location to Jack Nicholas Drive Gary Player is older than Jack that’s what I said by years that is what this is a run for a title No detail is too small but I’m telling you Gary play is in better shape like he’s moving around more he’s hitting the ball further than Jack would Gary Player be better at the drum humble humble brag I did recently well Glenn Fry was still alive with the Eagles but I went to an Eagles concert and Jack Nicholas was standing right next to me the entire time rhythm he was fine he he looked spry now granted it was a a while ago yeah but he looked fine shockingly fine since we’re speaking of golf I will tell you guys that I don’t know that it’s ever happened in the history of the show what happened after yesterday’s show I find stugots to be among the people in my life over the course of my life to be the less uh the least introspective he doesn’t do very much in the way of regret after things have happened he just sort of keeps keeps life moving and doesn’t inspect the tattered remains of what he’s left in the rearview mirror but after after yesterday’s show he felt like he blew it because he wanted to talk more about Rory Mackleroy as he likes to call him uh because of the way that he choked and I don’t know if you felt bad for him I do know that Greg Cody felt bad for him because it is pretty rare that you see I know we talk about it all the time in sports we love to go on television and say that somebody was afraid of the moment but it’s rarely as isolated as that where you can see uh that somebody has fallen apart on what should be easier for them because I heard you guys talking about one of the putts being something that Greg Cody would have uh demanded as a gimme at some point I would say two of the putts yes yeah right I mean he would have you would have stormed off the green if you weren’t given the gimmies that he missed oh yes yes I would have and and it takes me five holes to get over that I mean I’m fuming if nobody gives me a 2 and 1/2t Putt because secretly when I’m standing over that putt uh I’m I’m worried that I’m going to miss it and apparently Rory mroy was too that’s the amazing thing that’s a big St got tell me if I’m wrong the biggest difference between an amateur golfer and a professional golfer isn’t the distance off the tea although it’s that too to me the biggest difference is these guys on a 15 18 20 20 foot putt they expect to make it yes or at least get it down in two whereas I’m I’m nervous over a three- foot putt of course and so to see while demanding that a two-foot putt be a gimme yes so to see a Rory mroy chake choke over a 2 and 1 half foot putt is an amazing thing to me it was uh it was an amazing final round to the US Open it’s while you watch that stuff there were so many interesting things about it he had a two- shot lead where he did he hasn’t won a major since 2014 he’s come so close so many times he’s had five second place finishes at a major uh but to miss those two putts and then to see the crab rooting for a guy in Bryson to Shambo who they hated like three years ago who plays for live and they’re chanting USA USA USA for a guy who earns his money from a saudy fund I mean it was we don’t care we do not care we don’t care about anything but yes I did feel bad for Rory uh and people comparing this to the end of the PGA saying Rory wasn’t very you know he wasn’t he just left he screeched off in his car he wasn’t shaking Bryson’s hand and congratulating him he’s done it all on social media and they’re comparing it to what Bryson did at the end of the PGA to Xander shafley get out of here they’re totally different things okay shafley won the PGA both players played well Rory lost that US Open I don’t expect Rory to go out there and do anything for Bryson not a single thing I don’t know how you’re managing to say his first name more bizarrely I don’t know it’s just a tough name for me I mean given the fact that he hasn’t won a major in 10 years and this was his opportunity it doesn’t surprise me that he are you wheezing the guy sounded like weezing the guy that says he could beat me in a holding your breath competition sound it sounded like wheezing it maybe take a hit you know what it sounded take a hit of the asthma and it did sound like there was some whistling coming through his nose it wasn’t quite wi it wasn’t but he was also at the same time I’m sorry I’m sorry to do that I’ve just never heard you like wheezing like when you’re not coughing I I wasn’t sure whether he was wheezing or on Sixth Street over there there’s a train that comes through and I just thought that from a distance there was a bit of a whistle but he was the one talking I didn’t I didn’t think it could be him because he was talking hit that like a weed pen yeah you right ah I apologize it’s okay brus catch your breath in the meantime Chris and I have been obsessing over drivve for your life I think Jack Nicholas would be a slight favorite just all right sug got here’s a hypothetical we get a large Gallery around the tea now they they’re allowed to do their warm-ups on the Range both Jack Nicholas and Chris Cody ridiculous but there’s like a 10-minute waiting period before the between them on the on the driving range and them going up to the tea right you have all those cameras out there all that pressure that’s the huge Gallery would might get to me you only get one attempt at it it probably wouldn’t get to Jack no that’s what I’m saying like I have no doubt if they’re both hidden at flush Chris Cody’s going to out drive them fairly easily but chis you’re about 300 yards right yeah a good one I would say average like 260 27 now Chris has freaking Drive no he could drive it far uh he has played in front of galleries before at Lake Taho say he gets nous the first couple holes though you get nervous but Jack wasn’t walking up on the te I mean that’s what I mean if you built this up and it was a big thing and Jack’s right next to me going gold first of all it wouldn’t be safe like we would have to move the is a little back no breakfast ball like I yeah it may be like he may Duck Fart 150 yard up the middle but my swing speed is just better than his yeah but you may shank it because of all the pressure but Mike fairness to Chris what we’re saying is Chris would have to choke if they both hit flush drives Chris is going to win well that’s what I’m putting my action on Chris CH Chris choken like he’s going to go up there and maybe try to do too much and really put on a show from the tea to just like oh no doubter I’m gonna out drive this guy by 150 and then right into the drink and the person that loses dies cuz like do you want to be you want to be the guy that kills Jack Nicholas that’s more pressure for and live put it on which which live no like you want to be alive and be the person that killed Jack Nicholas I don’t know it’s so confus how would your life be in the golf Community I imagine you can’t play golf anywhere ever again yeah you’d be ostracized Golf Community at lebatard show put it on the poll would Chris Cody out drive an 84ye old have you ever have you ever played a Jack Nicholas course a design course I’m sure I have I did one in reunion and there was a house under construction and it had his golden bear logo on it it was a really huge house I’m getting somewhere with it the SE like I’m getting somewhere but he apparently if he designs a course gets to have a house on whichever course he designs and that’s why there was like a graffiti golden bear logo on this house that was under construction it’s part of the deal no matter where he designs a course he gets a house on that course I would love to do an interview with somebody who can answer all my questions about the greatest perks that uh celebrity athlete people get because what Greg Norman must get for Designing courses like just what are the ridiculous opportunities that these people get better than banging a drum as an 84 year-old at a uh at a hockey game because I would imagine that we would all be sort of uh embarrassed by how it is that rich people could get things for free that they don’t need because they’re rich people like this home was a multi-million dollar home that was under construction right of course and he has a multi just in real estate alone that’s probably what that’s probably the real value in doing these courses for him like he’ll get a fee for Designing it but he also gets a real estate he has a club in Palm Beach called the Bears Club I didn’t spend enough time a massive house I didn’t spend enough time yesterday on something that is being neglected as we talk about whether or not the athleticism of Chris Cody will hold up against a past his prime Golden Bear when Chris Cody is also past his prime because my back hurts oh my God this is funny like stugotz limped in here today because he played a set of tennis against his daughter 75 I mean he he limped in here and he is legitimately hurting his whole body hurts and Chris Cody again I I mentioned this yesterday but I didn’t delve into it Chris Cody had a non- contct back injury Chris Cody’s back seized up from just sitting around it wasn’t that it was while he was sitting down it was not an action injury he was just sitting there and his back seized up at one point and he howled in the general direction of his wife ah I wasn’t even reaching for anything there was no movement I was sitting it happened and it was ah oh I just almost did it there doing it and I literally just dude the worst pain I have no idea what it is uh back pain it’s your back is uh there is rarely anything that is more taken for granted than back Health uh because once back pain grabs you I was like am I what if I just can never walk again like I I I it was that sharp of a pain I’m like where’ this come from what if my my whole life is over as I know it it’s your biggest fear if you have lower back issues any movement a sneeze could throw it out of place and it is the worst feeling sneeze but he wasn’t doing anything at all I understand that sometimes you just move the wrong way you get up off the couch the wrong way and all of a sudden you can’t walk for four days he wasn’t moving there wasn’t movement involved with the rare non-movement back injury I’m he just seized up and uh what washed over me was is how pathetic that is like how you have to just take some inventory of where you are in aging and mortality when you are so dead that you injure yourself without an action this is like Howard Bryant tearing both his hamstrings getting out of bed in the morning you could do that Dan or just take the big needle I mean that’s what I did and it hasn’t acted up in 10 years until yesterday you’re in you’re in bad shape like you’re in in bad shape from play a set I didn’t mean overall although that too you’re in bad shape from what happened playing against your daughter you don’t seem well uh Rachel got really good at tennis I have no idea how but usually I would beat her 60 61 maybe I’d give her three games 63 she took me deep into a set 75 I mean I beat her 75 but she took me deep into the set I was not planning on playing 12 games you’re broken you’re broken today and she’s fine I wanted to ask you guys about something because you know I have been interested in these uh streaming Wars at least in part St guys because it’s become evident to me talking to people and reading about it that all of these CEOs that are getting so much money to lead us into the future of televised entertainment they really don’t know what they’re doing like they’re in way over their head on an assortment of things and I I think we assume that these people know what they’re doing in their defense it’s changing so quickly it’s hard to figure it out correct but when you have CEOs who get all of these giant things that are bigger than all of the employees by multiples that uh that carry businesses you expect them to lead you into a future what I’m telling you is that what they’re paying this PE these people most of them do not know what they’re doing in a way that has become obvious to everyone in Hollywood by the decisions that are being made after the strike they didn’t know how to handle the strike they they they sort of ended the strike without knowing what it is that they’re doing and they now also don’t know what they’re doing and it’s part of why you’re getting such homogenized content such content that doesn’t take any chances it’s all a little bit the same they’re all trying to copycat things as the hedge funds come and ruin another thing but in the middle of that Netflix is winning and Netflix is winning at least in part because they’ve got so much money but they can also be nimble with that money so you saw what happened with Kobayashi and uh Joey Chestnut right did you see that they Netflix is going to Pivot to take that from Nathan’s because they have the dexterity in order to do live content where they can suddenly take that holiday by just taking the two brands in competitive eating and saying oh you’re going to discard that okay we’ll take that and look at what we’ll do we’ll end everything that you have over there and Joey Chestnut will be a vegan hot dog eater and we’re going to pay Brands and we’re going to do it live uh it is super interesting to me to watch the big money because Amazon’s not going to sit this out stat Bezos is not going to sit this out like they’re going they’re going to lead on the live programming but Amazon’s gonna have to get in that game what’s remarkable about Netflix is this veering into a long the groundwork was laid long ago but we’re seeing it all actually play out now them really turning to Live Events kind of happened as they did the password sharing thing and the Crackdown there really it really worked because it was not like eight months ago you’re saying that they’re winning now eight months ago strike was going on people were worried oh you can’t actually show your subscriber base you’ll tank the industry you’ll tank the stock price they were in a bad way and in just a couple short months they’ve totally turned the narrative around and and Netflix is going to turn this Chestnut versus Kobayashi thing into an annual thing or into something that that continues as as a franchise just the way they did in golf with that thing where once a year they have the four celebrities play around of golf that’s going to be the same thing with eating now they swooped in and they’re going to own this Netflix is now going to own competitive eating they have the two guys you want to see eat I can’t believe it’s amazing how Nimble it’s amazing how Nimble they are because as soon as the news breaks that Joey chestn as soon as that that stuff comes in about the vegan hot dogs and there was even a a back and forth no no he’s not exactly out before you can get that sentence out Netflix announces him versus Kobayashi well presumably his agents were putting all that together right and that’s why he takes them $1.2 million deal cuz he knows he has the Netflix things coming the when you say people are going to get in the game do you mean Amazon’s going to have hot dog eating contests also or just general Live Events Live Events it’d be great if everyone just had their own hot dog eating contest like apple has one Amazon but Netflix has the two guys you want to see right they do it was a smart move by them I’m going to read something to you about Netflix from vulture streaming newsletter less than two years after Wall Street many in the entertainment industry soured on Netflix there’s been a Vibe shift from both camps the streaming giant is back on top AR arguably stronger than ever in recent weeks its stock price has flirted with all-time highs as investors applaud Netflix return to double digigit subscriber growth and quarterly profits measured in billions those gains have come in no SP part by a series of moves consumers would probably say they hate cracking down on password sharing putting commercials on shows and hiking the monthly fee but those viewers seem pretty Satisfied by Netflix’s content strategy embracing both ambitious bets like three body problem and Ripley as well as crowd Pleasers such as the night agent and the roast of Tom Brady it doesn’t hurt that rival conglomerates have once again taken to leasing their biggest library titles to the enemy allowing Netflix to give its member access to linear TV F faves such as young Sheldon overall this year’s ranking race wasn’t even close says one veteran TV publicity executive future installments of the survey may actually need to place Netflix in its own above it all category with everyone else fighting each other down below while the king sits by and takes it all in amused uh they they announce themselves with what the Ridiculousness of Jake Paul and Mike Tyson is because everybody’s trying to get into live sports but now you’re just going to take over Sports you’re going to take competitive eating you’re going to take boxing because you’re going to take a big night in boxing and just put on a circus event of ridiculousness as you already get in the wrestling game because you’re spending you’re making Nick Khan and Vince McMahon all kinds of Rich because they have a product that they can put live on on Netflix and MMA is about to come up again at ESPN Dana White’s going to get out of there in 2025 he’s not going to be at Disney anymore he’s going to go over to Netflix man they’ve been such great Partners to him be curious to see how that plays out be interesting I love that it can like a streamer that made its billions upon billions on video on demand and you watch on your own time now making a play for linear televisions big ratings Grabbers Live Events live sports Ro that feels like an event I wouldn’t be surprised to see if they make a play on an award show because these are things that you have to experience live and if Lind your TV is going to start getting out resourced in that game then the whole thing looks super different until we all just revert back to cable television Greg I heard uh you and your son talking and uh he was accusing you of privilege because of some take that you had about parking uh that I wasn’t priv too uh but I only caught a piece of it and I I’m not used to your son looking at you uh he’s a child of privilege and accusing you of privilege but what was this parking related take this privileged parking take it it’s my latest pet peeve and uh I introduced it on on my podcast and it it’s it’s become a real thing in my neighborhood okay neighbors are parking their cars on their lawns okay you got a driveway but there’s a couple of cars in the driveway three cars in the driveway you need more room I don’t know how many cars you got at your house maybe it’s eight nine people are parking on their lawn not on the Swale but on their lawn wow and it it it’s ugly I I don’t know where privilege comes in it’s ugly I’m saying it’s because you have a house that your sons have left and you only have two cars there but there are people who have houses where they have their sons living there and their son Sons and there are people with a lot of like where are they supposed to park but you want your neighborhood to present the right way than when people are buying a house you want them to drive through that neighborhood thinking it’s a good neighborhood and parking your car on the grass of your house does not suggest that this is a good neighborhood I don’t know what he’s doing has every right to be upset I think I’m just thinking of Swale I drive through your neighborhood people Park on swales I don’t see people like pulling up pass the sidewalk on I’m going to take a picture of it and show you okay I mean I I’m with you that that’s a little odd you got to pitch in in the neighborhood you do you have to keep your roof clean you have to keep the driveway pressure clean you have to do what you have to do and the and the biggest perpetrator happens to be the guy I’ve already got a beef with CU he’s the uh you know the holiday bischer who’s putting up his Halloween decorations in late August he’s got like the premier Corner Spot in the neighborhood it’s one of the first houses you see he crushes all the holidays I love this guy’s house when I’m going to my parents house it’s like a it’s good energy and I guess he parks on his how many people live there though because Chris’s point is a good one if you have eight people living in a home with six cars and you only have a driveway for three or four cars what are you supposed to do okay he had this guy has a driveway he’s got a sale um but he’s parking his cars willy-nilly all over the grass never in the same spot twice in a row smart because if you do that the heat of the engine is going to burn a patching the grass and the tire marks are going to uh uh kill the grass as well so he’s doing the right thing but I’m going to take a picture and show you every time I drive by there’s like any any he happens to have like a couple of big giant uh pickup trucks big giant pickup truck well that’s that’s why right that’s that’s why there’s no more room in the driveway right cuz they’re get a bigger driveway I mean yeah it’s just stug got is right it’s an iur it’s an iore isn’t this the type of thing that would bring down the property value of your house the neighbor doing that yes that’s what I’m saying yes 100% yes oh if you thought stugots knew all of the rules of the neighborhood just because of etiquette and is just being polite you don’t think that every root good thing that he does is tied to whatever it is that makes him money this guy’s like a half a mile away from my dad this gu this guy not affecting my dad hear though he’s got all of a sudden stug is a community organizer you got to keep your roof clean why do you think that is the head of the ho I mean driving down the value of his home how long have you had that home you probably rode a horse and put some stakes in the ground for it I did I got the horse out back but parked in the front would have been funny yeah parked on my lawn right my horse I’d rather have a horse parked on a lawn than a big ass pickup truck on your stable it’s ridiculous makes sense is his driveway otherwise full is that the reason that it’s happening there is no like you would have him Park where what’s he supposed to do with the other car I see a big pickup truck on his grass when there is a spot in the driveway okay well it’s probably because someone’s left while that was his wife’s not home yet that’s her spot I’m going to go to City Hall I’m going to speak to my Commissioners and see if I can get this done I am not going to will you’re not going to do [Music] that that’s right it’s time time for and it is sponsored by draft crings stay tuned because you’ll hear more about Draft Kings and all it has to offer throughout the show draft crings the crown is yours Roy tell me you’re taking the Panthers game five s Cup Final the Panthers are one and a half goal favorites tonight now the olders have failed to cover the puck line in seven of the last eight games following a home win and the Panthers have a four game winning streak so the Florida Panthers are going to win the Stanley Cup tonight wow at one and a half goal favorite against the you guys okay with that the did I misund understand you though did you say the Panthers have a four game winning streak okay home winning streak okay um oh and one in the last one thought on the road uh yes uh you’re not jinxing them though by picking them right just to be clear just to be clear okay no Matthew kachuck might have Jinx him he did he pulled his best Messier he said we’re going to go out there we have an opportunity to do something big we’re going to go out there and do that that wow he didn’t say what though yeah did he say what do that he he also didn’t say well he said we’re going to go out there and do that tonight right wow okay but it worked when Messi said it I mean the E time final when M said it what do you want me to do like you just control what you can control I’m wearing my clothes out jacket today I’ve seen two Prince of Wales trophies lifted in the last two years when I wear that jacket all right yeah said Greg was right by the way but he’s not a great one until he wins a cup yep he did was on my side he also said he was MC underrated which is weird yeah he was making mistakes Mike who you got uh Nationals Diamond Backs tonight slay con is not very good they have a bad Bullpen I think uh I think the Nationals can tee off a little bit so we’re going to go Nats against the spr just that in there man I too am going to take the Florida Panthers tonight Dan 0 and one and the last one as we reported earlier in this very exclusive segment here but you know what they’re gonna get tonight Dan some home cooking yeah that’s what’s gonna happen they were the last team to they were the last team to arrive Edmonton beat them here I don’t know how but short rest for the Panthers but uh they’re going to feel it they’re going to feel it in the den tonight in the barn if you will there it is going to win by minus one and a half ha I hate that we’re in a contract year with DraftKings and that all around us there’s serious and good gambling analysis and that’s how billy gets in Billy’s on fire I’m right every single week I predicted the UFL championship game and he called it a barn mhm oh yeah he did yeah that’s true he did call it bar the analysis uh the conclusion that we’re making around here because I do have a decision to make on behalf of the company they are uh claiming in uh in the department that helps us buy things uh they are claiming that they are running out of billboards in Edmonton and that we have to make a decision quickly I told you McAfee was going to buy them and you guys didn’t listen to me that’s what big billboard would say in Edmonton that is true they digital bill s they can create another one like that they’re saying though that they don’t have many left and that if we want something to run from now until June 25th moose we have to do it right now allocation I have seen uh Angel has done a good job with the graphic so I have seen a number of the options these could go up th this could go up in a way that if the Panthers lose tonight uh people streaming into Edmonton for game six would be seeing bill WS of Greg Cody saying Greg Cody was right but that’s not funny if they lose game five like I don’t understand funny I think it’s funny I think the risk of it all is yeah but if at the end of it I I just want to understand what you guys think you guys are of the belief that uh what is going to happen here is we’re going to put up Billboards and then 40 years from now somebody’s going to say do you remember that time that the Le Ard show cost Florida and the Panthers the Stanley Cup by putting up a billboard yeah that that Legacy will be carried on through my children because I would hold you personally responsible that’s funny it’s not funny okay because you take this very seriously it’s not funny well I’m sorry it’s only the hardest Trophy and SPS to win Dan my daughter will be impressed that wait this guy that everyone hates is your he used to be your boss like yes honey the thing that I’m laughing about is that you guys think that we have any control over how the hardest trophy in sports is one like that’s the part that’s funniest to me okay yeah superstitions are stupid the second funniest part to me is that this particular person this hockey expert is saying something that we could say as the most common sports radio argument that we present to the aliens as what’s the dumbest things humans do they take something that’s great and they argue about whether it’s underrated or overrated or properly rated when everyone rates it differently like that’s it’s it’s almost the dumbest Sports argument this guy who’s clearly great at skating on razor blades faster than everyone else and doing things with the puck that change the way the sport is played even though barkhof is on the other side that we can affect it by putting an old man’s picture up who’s got bronchitis and can’t get through a segment with without whistle weezing you’re you’re only going to make Greg Cody and fans of just Anarchy happy you’re going to make most of this Market upset you’re certainly going to make all the other markets upset by being so Brash it’s going to be a terrible look for us if they lose tonight go back to Edmonton while you have celebratory Billboards up like it’s you’re doing it for a a small fraction of folks the we’re looking you do you not care for us we’re asking you to not do this most people won’t get the joke it’ll just make us look unorganized and be like why did they do that before they won like no but like we we we’re the three biggest pan Panther fans that you know we’re all looking at you asking you please maybe don’t do this maybe your brand and all that maybe you can do all those High Janks after we actually win but on the front end maybe just maybe let’s see if we can do something for the first time in franchise history please the man said that Conor McDavid plays seven minutes a night well I said seven minutes a period no I knew what you meant but you guys are misunderstanding Dan inventory is tight okay I don’t buy that and if it’s tight so be it you got to act now okay may while supplies last you’re looking around to your allies and it’s Billy Gil and it’s Greg Cody and no one here is acting in good I think the audience would like me to do this and you did claim yesterday when I’m asking did we get used by Dan Hurley you’re like get used attention is the only thing that matters attention attention’s all you ever want around here attention that’s what we want I I don’t understand what you’re doing there apples and orange it’s Snapples and oranges well what’s the payoff it’s attention right so either way you get the attention who cares we want the attention want no wants no wants no one wants this if the attention is look at these idiots they lost and they put up a thing like they won like like that’s not funny it just makes us look dumb guys you can put one in front of my house if we win just wait coming from Mr everything’s good for you all right as the star of the billboard thank you as the star of the billboard let me propose a very simple compromise the billboard goes up in Edmonton tomorrow morning if the Panthers win tonight deal F simp D doesn’t want that I’ll give you five CL then there’s no Billboards they run out by tomorrow morning they need to know now this is a very effective troll there’s a billboard shortage we’re not doing this Christen or Cynthia out there can I ask them what what billboard is saying about how uh inventory is shrinking in Edmonton as we speak cuz they’re saying we have to do we have to act now yeah [ __ ] my man Greg came around but but Greg thinks it’s a brilliant idea and Greg badly wants to do it because maximum me thank you yeah it’s a great billboard too especially because the likeness of me is from like 1985 that’s great I look youthful it’s well it’s just a musty musty photo maximum by the way all this is D the Oilers are really good after a three game losing streak just as funny after it’s not funnier they got to they got to beat a good team wake up and edmed and the Billboards are there they got to beat a really good team a team that’s hard to beat a team that on the balance of the entire series probably shouldn’t be down 3-1 a good team I’m scared of show this show is paying is playing panther-like defense right now what swarming yeah our four check this Show’s four check right now is overwhelming Edmonton should wake up to that billboard after the cats rais the Cup tonight what should happen and you know it and you know it but they can’t they can’t unless Dan puts the order in now correct that’s the point well but the order in now is contingent on the Panthers winning if they don’t win you eat the down the the the deposit you eat the deposit if the cats lose eat the deposit I’ve seen the quotes it we’ll be we’ll live okay all right we’ll live all right all right it’s not they’re not that expensive well it’s in canadi trust me it’s like a fourth of your four stops on a flight to Edmonton oh good oh great we’re good Greg um I do uh I do want to celebrate how pathetic your mustache is one week into this experiment uh you’re going to keep it up right this has been me your wife hates she must hate what’s happening well she’s mocking it right now more than hating it give her time to hate but it’s it’s going to take the way that it is now you look like somebody okay who uh runs a business bu uh in Railroad in the 1920s yeah that’s what I’m going for you thank you you’re you’re somebody who pays for things in cattle right that’s right no I feel that it’s coming in you know I don’t like to look at it because it makes me sad but I feel like it’s coming in it’s not coming in and it’s going to be a month before it it comes in at all it’s not a problem it is barely it is barely something that anyone can see and it’s patchy it it just zoomed in on it I can barely see like you’ve just missed some spots shaving it’s my playoff stash uh I want to ask uh the groups duot because we were talking about mixed martial arts before and Conor McGregor hasn’t won a fight in a really long time but he’s still that Sports biggest star just in terms of name power and how he can fill an arena if he decides to fight but cha sonen has just casually thrown out there hey McGregor’s in rehab and this is cha sonen talking and he’s not citing sources and he’s a wrestling villain and he says Reckless stuff but he also has been right on a handful of occasions and people have been thinking from video that they’ve seen that Conor McGregor is totally partying out of control for years now they’re also mysterious about what the actual injury is here which is leading to some you know speculation it’s leading to a ton of speculation uh Greg is nodding vigorously and I cannot stop staring at that mustache it’s a beauty it’s going to come in great cuz I grow them low and slow you know I don’t I’m not like these guys who can go from clean shaving to nothing in in a matter of a week low and slow I grow mine in about give me two months MH in two months this is going to be lavish and luxurious it’s not going to be lavish it will be lavish and luxurious I can grow a goatee I’m taking away the goatee and just doing the stash it’s going to a Coe yeah a that’s right a Coe I may need to die you know give it a little help on the the color but uh it’s going to come in lavish it’s going to be a thick bushy mustache in a couple of months it’s not the worst thing in hair uh but only because Landon Donovan had what happened to him yesterday uh where a lot of people were pointing out that the left side of his head it just looked like the the State of Florida the peninsula of Florida in terms of hair it was not a look he is going for uh and it’s now being reported by one of his friends that he’s midir transplant is that what it is Mike McGee an MLs legend that never really got a fair shot with the national team I should say uh texted Landon Donovan I thought I had seen this out of the corner of my eye the first assignment that Landon had and I was like my guy he’s finally doing it because he’s really holding on to those 11 hairs on top of his head who goes for that look and he according to this Texas they said it wouldn’t be shown on television I’m having a hair transplant procedure oh my but dude like if you’re going to you just do the entire head you shave the entire head in advance of the trans wear a hat how would that not show up like I don’t understand I don’t understand how it is that he thought he was going to go on television looking that way and no one would notice like what does he think they can do television wise with graphics for for a moment forget about showing up on television that is a psychotic hairstyle to be just walking out of the H the house with you shave your head like entirely trying a thing and then you like seedlings or whatever I would shave my head entirely at that point rather than they put on the other side well the no there’s a horseshoe all the way around it goes all the way around because that’s where they take the flap of of skin to me it’s always interesting I know that Michael Jordan made a bald cool but uh I cannot respect you athletically if you have the culd deap like if you’re hanging on to just the Jimbo Fisher haircut likeing for those listening along in the podcast I don’t know exactly how to articulate it but Landon Donovan looks more bald like this than if he were actually bald do you understand what I’m saying I can’t take you seriously as an athlete if you are somebody who has the culdesac of hair who’s the greatest athlete Bradshaw we’ve ever had that’s a good one just that’s why Manu no’s eurostep was always unguardable because he’s like barreling down on a dude and he’s like there’s no way this guy’s got to move but he was just bald spot in the back wasn’t yeah he had the receding hairline the mail pattern baldness World Be Free World be free is also a good one uh he also made it uh it seemed less dorky than what it is that Landon Donovan has uh working in his prime not not now this is one of the worst things I’ve ever seen done with hair baseball hats are always like a cool cheat code too because you’re like yeah fireballer Nolan Ryan oh man John Smoltz what a man I got no shot there and then they take off their hats and you’re like really you mentioned that uh Dan Hurley joining us in a baseball cap looked about 30 years younger than he actually is on on the sideline great code the baseball cap does help there Matt hasselbach it’s not a long list Jim furick speaking of the baseball hat I am Telling You Bryson Des Shambo became popular once he ditched the Kangle and went with a BAS hat I am telling you it helped it helped everything for Bryson to Shambo wow people forgot that he’s taking all that blood money from South Africa didn’t even care South Africa Saudi Arabia I mean Saudi Arab I mean he may be involved with the diamond trade I guess different atrocities your atrocities right would you please


  1. Sorry about the audio sync issue on the last video. It was a blip with the software we use and the download altered the sync. We have added an extra layer of QC pre and post upload to make sure this doesn't happen again. Thank you all for your patience.

  2. Having a serious clapping competition and cutting to Roy trying to figure out how to clap louder was one of the best examples of why this show works so well

  3. The Orthopedic Surgeons of America ( OSA) has issued a safety warning for the viewers of the Dan Lebaterd Show. Thie pandemic started in Miami , Fl. but quickly spread through the Boston area because of last night's game 5. It may spread back to Southern Florida if the Panthers win their game 5 tonight. Beware of over-clapping guys.

  4. The improvement in epuipment and advanced forged alloys with the weight distribution and the improvement of the Golf ball not only would Jack Nicklaus out drive you, he would hit it dead center and you would be out of bounds and probably lose your ball. Greg Cooter Kote would be closer to kicking a 40 yard field goal than you beating Jack Nicklaus in ANY golf competition except best worst driver. Jack Nicklaus could out drive you under $50,000.00 pressure of in fairway in a wheelchair. You are delusional and sound disrespectful to Jack

  5. Mike is right, I'll find it absolutely hilarious if the billboards go up and they lose 4 straight

  6. Espn/disney lost the wc and euros so i think they are gonna throw every last cent they have at dana and the ufc

  7. 42:18 no mike, Dan doesn’t care about any of your happiness 🤷🏾‍♂️😂 and I will blame Dan if y’all lose cuz he spoke it into existence

  8. Back to Edmonton. Wish greg was back on today. So who is heading back there to watch the game this time.

  9. We shouldn’t expect Dan to understand fandom because he has made it clear year after year that he is not a fan. Never has been never will be

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