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Pro Series 5&6 2024 | Day 3 Highlights

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yes indeed good morning everyone well this was a hard one of picnic yeah who who who do you take I mean it really is a lot of the match you watch you always have a clear favorite I don’t really see one in this um it’s a bit of a tough one I mean Matt has um well they both are in their place by right Matt had uh I mean over the years he’s had some incredible sculpts um he’s probably just like the slightly the more more experience but um but I mean Andy’s got um got years in the game as well I just say very hard to pick a winner um Andy played really well against Jordan Shepard by the way I mean he was 4-1 up uh and and really pushed Jordan hard um so if if he plays like he did against Jordan then he’s got every chance here um especially with that start from Matt I mean how unlucky is that yellow comes up Kicks the ball in yeah you can’t legislate for that sort of carryon he [Music] dubs very quickly plays off that ball to try and develop the other yellow yeah a little bit too much uh where’s he gone well I think the referee’s coming to check foul is it that or was it um so did that all the shot the shot clocks sort of had a little malfunction is it I think she’s checking for a foul I think um uh well no maybe it is the clock I’m I’m not sure they’ve not come into the to be fa I didn’t see any foul there no I didn’t either unless it was something where he moved a board with his hand but would have thought he’d put his hand up in here and owned up to it yeah I in they all do don’t they maybe maybe an issue with the the clock cuz a referee just quickly dieted so they’re probably just getting things I think well referee Trish there she’s obviously where she was standing she’s looking right at the main clock in the arena she probably saw hadn’t set off yeah so a few Gremlins uh just to start the day but um I mean just going back to that shot actually just tiny bit clumsy and the the contact with the red was probably just a little bit too hard and now it’s come back over to cover that yellow I don’t believe you can get to the potting angle that yellow so he’s going to have to try and develop it again might be play the pl into that yeah maybe maybe it’s tight that’s for sure very close he has to just almost graze that red on the way past of course this match is a race of seven I think start with 50 minutes on the match clock I think I think the yellow goes to the right side of the pocket I think it’s too tight there you go you play it good Pace there didn’t he yeah he did I just didn’t think that went thought it was always going to go towards the the right knuckle and playing at that pace didn’t give it any chance to go in well a very disappointing early visit there from Williams he’ uh the yellows were there and now a decent little chance here for Matt Cook after going in off his break steady performer as Matt been around a long long time I’ve played mat on a few occasions back in the day when we both had full heads of air well that was a long time ago goodness me and that’s coming from you well I’ve got at least got a little bit left someone someone sent me a um a wig someone sent me an image of myself that I’ve never seen before I don’t know how they I’ll tell you what nobody else wants to see it in here I can tell you that and I’ve got full head of hair so that was a long time ago I mean that’s over 30 years ago You’ took a few off there as well by the way that’s rude it’s it’s factual anyway Matt Cook has now opened himself up a nice little chance here on reds just a little bit of sort of half hamper que if you like over this yellow going to say foreheaded hair it was receding a bit but you know anyway back with the action hardw work’s pretty much done he’s just needs to cue this one well I mean it should be a g me but it’s a little bit of a test the first first thing in the morning when you arm still a little bit Stiff get that back back arm going get that shoulder moving well Williams would be a little bit annoyed with himself there cuz he could have won that frame against the break but he made that error like you said he didn’t develop that yellow well enough when he played that little Cannon shot missed the plant and it’s Matt Cook who takes full advantage he leads one frame to nil that’s a better break that’s probably the best break in the match it is but I mean the the result wise I mean actually the break itself he’s he’s hit the side of the front the front ball the QQ Ball’s gone below the middle pocket that shows how badly he’s timed it it’s a good split but he put his hand up in apology cuz he knew how badly he timed it will you won for for apologizing Tony you know not on the break no no I mean this is my take on it you lot players are not going to agree with me when I was overwhel just it’s brute force of me hit as hit the break as hard as I possibly can something goes in great cuz that’s that’s your main goal you’re trying to PO a ball off the break so as for trying to control the Cuba when when I used to break I mean i’ literally cuz i’ I’d swing my whole body back and throw my arm forward was never controlled in a CU B yeah it was pure you know if it bounced in it bounced in yeah soon as I you know I did I did try it and I thought right try a more measured break I didn’t get balls I didn’t got nowhere near getting balls off the break what that’s a lad of nonsense I just went and whacked them again yeah so I mean I mean conversely if you get kicked in off and you’re unlucky your opponent doesn’t apologize to you exactly exactly yeah yeah it’s cobers there you go let’s not dress up as anything else on not having it but then once you see players and and they start making the same ball in the same pocket off every break yeah then well that’s not a break that’s a plant pretty much yeah referring to the cut break of course no why would I be doing that you sh the cut breaks that that thing that Tom cousins was using last night my God that should be be legal that’s an incredible break here yeah that’s short well a I mean it’s a thin cut the Cub’s heading towards that little pocket as well can you avoid the middle I think you can the the the Double’s makeable I think it Go just goes past the black yeah because you don’t want to be I mean you anything else you’re um you’re riding a cub around the table so I think he’s going to play the double played it twice across actually but yeah got a double oh that’s a nice shot that’s a very nice shot great recovery well he needed it he definitely needed it yeah cuz the yellows were were all there see from where the Cub was that was another going to be another simple clearance for Matt if he missed that so bit of pressure on that shot and he came through it really [Music] nicely yeah loads of experience came came from the S snooker scene originally I believe she referee refereed snooker before she came across the pool yeah she gets on well with all the players and everybody around the place she’s uh very pleasant character yeah he’s got a smile what’s Andy going to do here then he’s I think he’s going to have to look at these Reds he’s looking at that plant to start with yeah I think he’s looked at the red a couple of times past the eightborn wasn’t sure if he could get through the potty angle and um that that red now is actually a bit of a problem because the Little Triangle that’s that to the left hand side um as we as we look at well above the cuq ball as we look at it now they kind of link with each other but there nothing links with that ball that’s beside the eight I don’t think he’s got the angle to force across to it now may be able to force one he could well that’s that’s not great is it he’s got a big angle here he’s all he’s all in now yeah he’s going into the yellow and the eight he needs to burst that Cube ball through there somehow because he’s going to be on nothing I mean if he’s if he’s low here he just he trusted to like a little bit there didn’t get that needed to be belted yeah I know it’s Reckless but at some point sometimes you just have to there’s nothing else it’s uh I’m not saying hit and hope but there was because you’re cannning into so many different balls you you’ve just got to right I need it out in the open you’re playing it softly there like he did it’s he’s always going to stay stuck to even if he gets this long what the yellows what’s he got next red off the oh what an effort that is very close that was a great effort mind you good C ball for consider he didn’t po B the red obiously not particularly good if he had poted it that was a great effort Matt Cook’s only got really one shot he can play in that’s a yellow into the center ideally then he want to go up go up the top and play play the loss of turn that will be his next shot Maybe not maybe not off this one but that’s what I’d be looking to do is try and obviously get rid of that red over that b over that top bag and leave the cuq bable somewhere onto the top left hand side of the table with no shot for Andy Williams and also developed that well opened up that pocket exension call I mean he could play here if he wants play that yellow into the middle and send the keable into the the red over the bag yeah but it still needs going to go at the top of the table I don’t like him going game I don’t like there’s two yellows at the top he’s yeah that’s the shot that is the SHOT show up now does this can he get to the potty he this is why he needed the run out of the way because he he couldn’t put the two yellows into this top right corner he had to get rid of that red yeah it’s either lost a ter and let him come back to the table or play it that way I thought he was going to go game then when he did that bit but I’m not sure he could get through poy angle be you could well be right there Nick and this is actually tough because he’s covered the the yellow’s in the way of the angle that that Andy needs to get to on the left left side cushion so oh what an escape that is well that’s some shot even to hit that that is a fantastic Escape actually he’s pushed one of the yellows safe as well one of the yellow just in behind the eightball now so that causes Matt a bit more of a headache but that was a fantastic escape to be able to judge that to the short Rail and find that angle was exceptionally good absolutely great shot there Andy Williams but you feel that Matt Cook’s now just going to develop this yellow leave the keyable stuck to the black ball yeah but you’re going to fancy and need to hit this and we’ve we’ve said about these shots many time in all of us in commentary that if you can get to the side rail you expect to hit it and it how many out of 10 you would you pop two three yeah as a as a professional player you’d hope to get you’d hope to get two or three wouldn’t you so I mean you you you from um oh close close from Matt’s perspective he’s played the odds you know giving your opponent a 20% opportunity if you were playing poker you’d take that all day long but it does does mean that that you know two times out of 10 he’s he’s going to get it and you’re going to lose the frame we have to there was a risk you’re weighing up your option cuz he could have played a double so it’s his double versus the snooker which one’s the better shot but anyway regardless Matt Cook now has a clear run at these yellows and the black to try and get himself into the last 64 and through this prelim we have just entered into the last 10 minutes of the match of course so now we’re at 15 seconds of shot as well you see on the board behind us a 15sec shot clock now in [Music] play played that really well I that that was tougher shot than it looked especially when you you know you got two seconds to hit the ball absolutely and this is absolutely perfect now for Matt cook Cookie Monsters going to progress good solid win from from Matt Cook and Josh Kane awaits and down goes the black ball and it’s Matt Cook that goes through a little bit of a scrappy Affair Andy Williams not his best day at the office but Matt will be quite satisfied with his morning’s work he’s got a new opponent somebody he’s not played before Dave Gilbert in just his second match on the ultimate po Pro Series played Stevie Dempsey in event five a couple of days ago played brilliantly but came up just short and it was a brilliant performance from Stevie dempy has to be said the number two seat to knock out Dave Gilbert the world snooker star and he is going to get us under way Tony Holgate stayed in the compy rocks to join me for this one Tony and really looking forward to it yeah promise has been absolute Bel out quite excited about this one as Tom cousins I think he’s brought his own chair with him that I’ve I’ve hardly ever seen anybody else s in that chair to be fair the last couple of days yeah and uh he’s had a lot of table time so he should be a good touch out there you you worry about some players who have just won the title the night before you know he would about past 11 by the time he you know got away from the arena and you think they might go out and celebrate and stuff but Tom you get the sense it is business and he’s would have gone to his room put the ti trophy away and come right again I’m playing again at uh at 12:15 tomorrow so let’s be ready it’s quite funny I was just talking to Andy Williams after he just lost to Matt Cook and um obviously he’s a teammate of Tom’s in the Welsh team and he said uh Tom’s all just normal self he’s just he’s talked about having a game of golf on Monday and everything’s all quite happy and you know just before the world championship starts not even thinking about this it’s just everything’s just so easy for him it’s just a walk in the park it is I spoke to Dave Gilbert just before he went out and he said it’s uh it helps when you make five balls off every break like Tom seems to but sort of downplaying the rest of it but tongue and cheek he has been breaking really well with the cut break this weekend absolutely what you’re going to get with Dave Gilbert is if he’s presented by chances he’s not going to miss him yeah that is is true he did play really really well as well I mean he talks about not really understanding the patterns and you know doesn’t really see it out there but he actually put together some great patterns in his match against Steve a couple of times he went down the rabbit hole poor players will do that as well it’s not uh not being critical of him for that tough layout sometimes you get yourself in a mess but by and large he he took out good finishes and and with really good patterns yeah I I sort of looked at it you look at you know a professional snooker player you know especially one that’s right at the top of the game but you think playing this game things like you know the loss of turn shot where Dave wouldn’t be used to doing that sort of thing but he doesn’t want to either he doesn’t want to play he he you openly admit he’s just going to try and clear up it’s hard for him to kind of think about doing anything else [Music] all he can do right now is sit and watch as Tom cousins is going to mop through this opening frame WR and repeat yeah copy and paste already eyeing up number 11 he has done the double before as well pointing that out did that uh roughly the same time last year actually yeah he did remember it that Tak some doing to go through entire four days and not losing to anybody yeah played Stevie Dempsey in the final twice Stevie didn’t get eight chances in two FR in two matches such was the level that Stevie that Tom played at and he is one n up here against Dave Gilbert CU he hits it with so much power the cu’s being pinballed around I it’s there’s very few people can hit the cut break with that much power and keep it on the table AB it’s incredible really how level he manages to keep the queue here when you’re queuing off the cushion you’re digging down on it que Ball’s often bouncing and you hit that second ball it’s got nowhere to go but off the side of the table so that’s why it comes off with extreme power on the cut break if you can keep it smooth like Tom can yeah that’s been worked on a lot that break weirdly his front ball break he does get a lot of bounce on it when he goes front ball extreme power then he gets the air time he gets CU he’s you know that’s his power break from being in in stroke rather than sort of power fromont ball break if where he really really wraps it up oh I think the machine needs to be recalibrated here two mistakes well right at the top of the table does pass the top left so looked like a fairly routine finish for Tom it’s going to get away from well it has got away from him it should be 22 here [Music] that’s where Gilbert wants to be like he could have done with a bit more up the table this looks a touch straight enough just to force it looks better from this angle sort of pinch he with a bit of run inside sort of helps the ball into the pocket I feel there it goes very nice well he’s done the right thing he’s gone to it as quickly as he can and he’s gone to it in such a way where he’s going to be on balls after playing this shot watch where the yellow goes as well doesn’t want to block the eight ball shouldn’t do but just be careful with that oh he has oh where’s the CU ball gone I think he’s stuck behind the yellow as well actually went in a lot easier than I thought the reason I didn’t think it was going to tie the eight ball up cuz I thought the yellow might be moving a lot more he might be getting it a bit thicker but that was an excellent shot in terms of making the ball that’s where the good news ends [Music] he could just get through I looked at overhead and I thought he he was glued to the yellow Ball but not at this spat ball work I mean there’s no double there is’s nothing in trying to look for somebody try and move it now and just try and trust a bit of luck oh wow it’s very good I mean he needs two more big shots but that’s excellent he was gambling a little bit cuz if he gets it full he snooker but had to move it yeah one big shot really cuz it he didn’t have to do too much with the C Ball if he can get make this red which is tremendously difficult white will come naturally over to the other side of the table and black does go oh what a shot that is that is Monster oh this is this is naughty this out brilliant absolutely brilliant and Dave Gilbert takes the lead over top cat 3 to2 could probably Force across for it but is it worth [Music] it I think he’s tried to force across yeah I didn’t like that shot for the simple reason if you do Joy you’re pushing the CU very near to Tom’s Reds are leaving him plum in Plum position with today’s Red sorry he looks like he’s going to play the cut up the rail that’s a fantastic ball well he’s missed a couple in this match but that really was excellent that was one I was expecting to draw and and be rejected and he floats in like it’s hanging over the pocket it’s been a you know kind of feast or famine out there there’ been a couple of mistakes but a couple of brilliant finishes as well that break’s warming up nicely he tells us that he can’t break like that one all day long that’s as good as we’ve seen all weekend long pars the QQ ball balls fly in and a beautiful layout this one won’t take long no yellow for me join the dots time pulled that a bit further than he’ like there he just wanted to be dead straight on that ball into the middle he’s now left himself a little cut angle might refuse to play and now play The Long yellow which he is doing back in A1 position I’d have gone the other way I’d have played the one in the middle first there just left that one screwed down but who might a second guess yeah an expert all works anyway I think just all preference there that one yeah i’ have been one inch nearer the BL my way and as expected following that break 5-4 Dave Gilbert leads two away from knocking out the number one got to be got to be he’s hit the last couple of breaks brilliantly and he’s had zero reward for them look at the yellow Simon [Music] I mean they are all there they really are just all there but we said it when he was 6’4 up he will get a chance to win this match and he did Dave Gilbert wasn’t able to take it now it’s Tom cousins with a chance to win the match it is an easier chance but you still expected Dave get his won’t be a comfortable feeling for that man it’ll be the ball next to the black next just bring this off the rail a little bit leave a slight angle for that yellow that’s next to the red and that will be formality he’s got bridge over the black a little bit here but that’s not going to cause a problem to Tom cousins it’s been a fascinating encounter and like you said Simon Dave did have that chance when cousins broke can center CU out off into the arena plenty of people have been here to watch this it’s been a very enjoyable match some really good finishes some drama but it’s going to go to the way of the number one player Tom cousins has done it again he has come from 6’4 behind again Dave Gilbert put up a great fight he comes up just short just a one to win it wasn’t able to take it Top Cat moves on he’s into the last 32 good afternoon and welcome back to Blackpool and this m Arena table for this last 64 game an absolute cracker it should be it’s Craig woodingham versus Phil Parkin join the call by Matt rley how are you Matt I’m very good thank you yeah looking forward to this game we’ve just watched another absolute cracker I mean Tom cousins how does he do it 64 down yesterday against Aaron Davies and uh Aaron didn’t get another shot apart from a couple of couple of breaks done exactly the same today six4 down against the angry farmer yeah he’s just crazy he just finds his way to win I don’t know he does it yeah it’s just I mean it’s 65 there when uh Tom’s gone off the table and da had that opportunity just think he all over this one is it really but just don’t know he manages to find a way to win him I think Dev will be kicking himself though it looked like he was trying to play a cannon for for some reason and there was absolutely no reason to play any Cannon every ball went yeah it was just a care supporting him and Craig waringham in great shape in his first frame really good solid break and everything’s there I was just talking to Craig out the Foy a a moment ago and he seemed in pretty good spirits looking forward to the game yeah you got two very good players here I mean obviously will go in as favorite um but Phil he’s had some great results of late I think he went deep recently in uh in one of the events as well is um yeah as a top player action all the way today lots and lots coming your way going to be on this main Arena table till late this evening I will keep you updated with the other scores in and around the arena is that the uh like the uh s of the speed version of it effectively at the team the 15 or the 30 second shot clock or whatever it may be yeah it’s um I mean it’s televised in something like 65 countries on them days right TNT have got it but there’s a lot of stations showing for the both of the next two Mondays I believe it’s it’s pretty big yeah yeah also they they’re splitting it over the two Mondays are they are they playing sort of like down to the final men’s the following Monday the men’s team shoot out the following Monday yeah is that the one where Callum Singleton did the infamous s of you know looking at his watch on the oh yeah six R was it yeah brilliant those th those events they just bring got so many great moments think players just love playing Team events don’t they I was talking a deck about it yesterday he said there’s just something magical about being able to play for your team as much as you know it’s great to to play individual and LIF trophies and all the rest of it but playing for your Mates is there just something there’s something about it and a complete different pressure to it as well slly different to a singles game yeah yeah you’re only you know if you lose your single game you’re just letting yourself down and maybe your backers if you got backers but I mean in these these team events yeah everyone’s roooting for you good banter as well normally yeah especially in that uh that Irish team Dean and R and you know they’ll be they’ll be slinging insults at each other that whole team will be for sure yeah sh see he’s got a f bit of angle here it’s going to make it a little bit trickier but yeah yeah really tricky because if he wants to try and use that top cushion there is just a whole Bank of yellows in the way almost impossible to navigate I think he’s got to try and kill this that’s a very nice shot very nice that’s as well as he could have played it I I know it just looks simple but you really got to drag that in and just kill the cube all yeah it’s so easy to get that wrong and see the white fly off you know and all of a sudden then you’ve got either a ridiculously tricky black on nothing on it at all try Bricker just when he need the ball to get across the line and there is a glimmer of hope here for Phil Parkin well more than a glimmer he took him out well in that last frame though um pressure frame for him really after having made a mistake previously 63 down another mistake potentially [Music] out okay it’s going to to trust to look a little bit don’t think there’ll be anything too delicate with this disappointed but to be honest I’ve been looking at coming round off the two I go off the top rail side rail try and go into the two that near the pocket and I think you come up into the other one as well Sean story is Big cold bed for seven frames to five and interestingly Emma Cunningham is on the hill she’s 65 up against Rona McCarthy that be Emma’s first winner I think so yeah I think so yeah she’s been close a couple of times know she was very very close last year against me that was 5 nil down against her on the team man to pull that back [Music] [Applause] Ryan Fleming is 41 up against yesterday’s semi-finalist Neil raybone Dave Hogan is one n up against cfit Simmons they having a good weekend Eddie Barker one nil against Hit Pat those games still very early on of course what again has just played a shock he’ll be uh kicking himself right now it’s going for a bit of a plant into the corner um for the Phil’s balls he’s just got it all wrong and open everything oh Phil oh Phil is that his last opportunity in this match cuz the reds are all there now yeah Emma Cunningham has beaten R McCarthy wow what a one throw that is that’s a hats off to her seven frames to five well done Emma I just say if if we are right and I think I think we are right in saying that that that’s her first first win on the uh on the pro circuit obviously won many times on the ladies Pro Y but on the main Pro I think that may be her first win yeah she’s come so close so many times I remember I think it was her first match she played meling and she was like she was like 41 up or something yeah yeah I remember that well done to her that’s amazing great effort de and brenon won’t have anything to say about that to Rona for sure oh they they’re a pair to be around I spent a little while with him yesterday limey there funny there yeah great mates but they just love ribbing each other de be rubbing his hands together though trying to get out of the way [Music] right I mean that that win as long as it’s been coming it was inevitable really I mean em is just such a great player she’s been you know multiple world world world titles and just been a dominant force in the ladies game until you know really until the last couple of years until until Amy came along and Y and uh Harriet she really is top player not Sly straightforward this here for Craig is just taking his time he just to make sure he gets his positional shot right now and and tricky little shot just to get across yeah it’s all about getting from left to right isn’t it and um or from right to left whichever way he sees it really I mean I I I’d almost be tempted he’s got such a big angle on the one on the right hand side I’d almost be tempted to take that next yeah and just trying to float across it’s just that yellow that’s in the middle I think probably making him worry a little bit he’s going to have to punch this it well holy moly he was dicing with death a little he’s always that yellow in the middle that was making it tricky either way he’s just got such an amazing Q action that there was barely any power in that shot at all and well this is tricky I mean he may even play it to may even play it to right corner here he’s looking at the cut back but what do you prefer here yeah I guess because of the pairs you can play it I do prefer this one yeah yeah so Craig waringham no no yes get this guessing yeah you can remind him of what he said earlier on I think definitely will yeah goodness me that was a that was a sticky game for Craig waringham but he comes through navigates the uh the match unscathed and it’s him who goes through into the last 32 lovely to hear from The Young Gun Kyle cope who is at the table he has previously been seen out in the arena this afternoon already he was Chief Fanboy for Dave Gilbert who if you look at the top right of your picture you can see Dave and Kyle’s Corner as well those two supporting each other well and Kyle will be hoping to do a little better at least results wise than his uh his mentor Dave Gilbert earli on this afternoon who played brilliantly beautifully in fact against Tom cousins who naturally won a 76 decided because that’s what he does robor the opponent then for Kyle and Rob himself has been going well this weekend looking forward to watching him always an entertaining player and we got ourselves a tactical exchange to kick off frame number one here Ste Jameson and Tony Holgate with you for this one yeah good afternoon and uh yeah those one comes with Rob warn yesterday in um where his match and he’s playing really really well and then he just s had a frustrating day at the office when he got to the the latter stages yeah had a few unforced erors and you know it stopped him going really deep into event five and I think the frustrating thing from robs perspective will be there that he made a few errors that will number one annoy him but his opponent also made a few errors as well and that was a very very winnable game for him it was it was just it was just a sometimes you know you come off the table and and Robble have had plenty of them himself where he comes off the table and think I I just didn’t have the chances to win that game or I had one chance where I’ve missed one ball and I found myself being beaten by you know seven frames for something like that those games happen all the time but what happens probably less often especially at the back end of events are matches when you get two players who have plenty of chances and both make their fair share of mistakes as well and those ones in a strange way they really hurt because you know it’s all on you because the chance was there and you just weren’t quite ready to take it and and that’s disappointing in that sense so looking for a bit of a bit of an improvement the whacker here this uh this afternoon on Saturday Saturday yeah Saturday it is Saturday you lose track of the days and I’m on day three of about 16 I think is which is not a good sign but no and I’m with you on I’m on day three of about 16 as well yes uh it’s going to be it’s going to be a fun fortnite it is cuz we’re we’re sat here in the coms SP which was a great match of p on Hungary versus Switzerland the way to my right as well a festival of Summer sport which is what we love especially when it’s absolutely throwing it down outside in Blackpool we’re not missing anything yeah it was it quite Pleasant this morning but yeah it’s not it’s not great now it’s well it’s turn for the worst tricky shot here for the Wacker oh he’s he’s come up smelling the Roses here what has he he’s Oh I thought it was just going to pull up well now if it had landed just before it hit the cushion and stopped there he’d have taken it down the rail and he’ been lovely but this is hard now trouble with this if he tries to cut this down the road he’s getting his C out the way he not even attempt he’s going to try to cross double double it would have been insane kick back double yeah yeah really really tough for for Rob there who knew he was up against it a little bit trusting a little bit to luck on that final red he’s made it a bit messy for Kyle not gim me here nice little safety there from Kyle [Music] there hit the black knocked in Kyle’s yellow just makes no difference loss of the table she would have been even if the yellow didn’t go in so cope now with what should be considered pretty easy little gang of yellows for him to knock in for the the opening frame [Music] now just this simple yellow now a tap in blackball and Kyle cope will draw First Blood here in Blackpool lovely job from Kyle cop who gets frame number one on the board in this race to seven if you can repeat the trick I mean look at that QQ ball Tony it’s perfect deserves a good split he’s got a good split if Kyle cope holds himself together this is 63 he is crunch these and what did I tell you before about the QQ ball it’s got an unbelievable ability just just end up on the bottom cushion from a front ball break Red’s the order the day for Kyle cope taking on the plant first played it very well indeed going to get both balls at the same shot yeah a little double dink for Kyle cope oh well that’s a shocker what we just seen there no that is just left left R warn straight on his the two yellows at the top but dollies that’s crazy I mean I don’t think there was a kick or anything there he missed the ball early into that corner though didn’t he that yellow long just was just away from the rail I I just can’t believe that I did not did not see that coming in any way whatsoever wow it it just goes straight on doesn’t it quite bizarre I mean you’ll know better than me Tony is there anything don’t look at me like that why would I know you’ve been in a world champion your Final Mate I know but nobody else turned up I I I honestly don’t know it’s it’s it’s difficult to comprehend that sort of a miss the only thing you can say is it he’d already in his mind he’d already potted that and he’s probably about three three balls down the road on his finish and just yeah just took his eye off it I mean you know it’s just a ball you would never miss as a professional I mean he’ll be sat there absolutely gutter because I mean that finish there I mean it puts him on the hill yeah all sudden he just gifted Rob Warner a little rout back into this match it’s an enormous difference between 63 and 54 this needs queing [Music] in C in is very nicely The Wack stays alive that’s 54 [Music] this looks nice for Kyle cope he will take this yes he’ll be more than happy with this layout on the table like see this is the example of what we talk about the break like got Cubo from Kyle has been perfect and you can honestly make a case for essentially that being the difference yeah because it’s just quality of opportunity Carl’s had more opportunities in this match but he’s had more opportunities because his breaking has been better not that he’s had more luck on the break it’s been better way he cues the ball I like Kyle he CES it very softly he doesn’t you know he doesn’t over hit balls and you know he’s got a nice little touch I’m going to give I’m going to put his Miss down on that cut of FR go to the fact that he thought he he thought he thought he cleared up and he and he just took his eye off that completely and was playing he was playing the next red after it well playing that if you like well if I’ll make you promise ton if he knocks in these next five balls I’ll ask him about it right I’m going to hold you to that we’ll find out maybe he’s got a good excuse for us if he’s Flats the cushion he’s perfect well good ass didn’t want to be straight he’s not he’s got a little bit of room that is lovely yeah a herd of buffalo came charging across the arena and knocked my queue as I played it [Music] that is bang on he’s his Q on a string just now making doubly sure you can see the winning line now then you just pop this in and get on the plat do he he can play this Q just in between red and black and just push the black towards that bottom left hand corner Scenic rout short as well it is a bit short it’s it’s still very makeable I didn’t think this went middle left I’ll be honest didn’t sort of consider that really no that’s two of us but yeah absolutely goes he fully expect him to make it which he does heart of the pocket and Kyle C is on the road in Pro Series 6 an excellent win from the young man really impressive performance in the end Tony well very warm welcome back everybody we are ready to go here bottom of the draw in the last 64 Stevie mcy number two SE gets us underway taking on Joe o’ Conor two players that know what it’s like to get through to a pro series final of course Stevie has won plenty of titles with ultimate ball Joe just came up short in his Pro Series final but you don’t get to see too much of Joe but always impresses when he does play see committed to the snooker world but he’s going to have to sit and watch it in the opening frame As Stevie has the first chance as Nick Finn and Simon We with you on commentary for this one good afternoon some good action so far some good games um I watched some of the last one and yeah the Tony and jam were mentioning that it’s a it’s a whole different complexion we we saw some Sublime pool a lot of mistake-free pool in the first event and this one seems to be littered with errors but you expect the standard to go up a little bit here Stevie and uh and Joe couple of great players in their own right and uh well when we saw Stevie play in event five he took on Dave Gilbert in the first round so he drawn two snooker players in the first round of both events this weekend and he played brilliantly he played just a really high quality match took everything he was flawless I I thought it was so impressed but like Stevie Dempsey playing at his best and went into the next match against arand dad and ended up coming up short in a deciding frame I didn’t get to see it so I don’t know whether the level dropped or whether it was just a really high quality Affair that halfan won but I thought when Stevie was beating Dave I thought he could be could be tracking here for another title really is good to see Joe coming back to uh play some of the pool events obviously it’s where he started his career yeah could couldn’t play in event five because of snooker commitments rushed up here to get ready for event six good first shot to open up the one on the top left now needs a good angle to get across [Music] yeah not an absolute gimme but he he should be okay he could if he lands on the one to Middle just to the right hand side of bulk and lands on it fairly straight you can just drop him behind the other red keep it fairly straight should be able to get down on the eight stun across and not it’s okay but he may have to may have to Cannon the red now I’m not sure he wanted to be straighter than this he could have just dropped it in and held but now it looks like he’s got a bit too much angle and may just have to stun up into the red should still be okay just needs to judge the cannon if indeed he could just hold bit closer to his work some players may have elected just to stun up and and play the cannon there wasn’t a lot that could have gone wrong with the cannon if he just Cannon it gently if he was straighter though it would it’ be a bit easier he has to really niit this so that the keyo doesn’t come too far across the table yeah it’s like Grimace as he was looked at the angle he left himself more than being close to his [Music] work it’s okay I mean he’s left he’s left a thin eight ball but you absolutely fancy him to [Music] get just probably needs to play it with a tracer side the middle pocket is on the line of the natural line for the cuq so you can see him just playing it with a little bit of yeah well he’s missed it that’s a very unusual Miss quite a long way away as well very surprising he hit that way thicker than he meant to you can see him just playing with the Tracer of left hand side as well just to make sure that Cub didn’t go anywhere near the middle pocket he’s really let Dempsey off here yeah and that side probably pushed in as well and that’s you know first frame on this table coming straight off a snooker table it’s going to be tricky and that may well be the reason for the Miss there Stevie empy will be boyed by that [Music] very good temperament though has very very selom shows any emotion out there he will be annoyed inside nice to start with a good finish but the end it ends up being Stevie Dempsey winning the opening frame off a Stevie Dempsey break just essentially over three titles ahead of second place and he’s a year ahead of a fifth place he’s got to double the ranking points of anyone from five downwards the one thing that I found astonishing yesterday was um I I I asked a question in the group chat how many finals has Tom lost and the answer finals on Ultimate po H the answer is one yeah that is some record in finals isn’t it it’s unbelievable I mean that was and that was his first one as well it’s worth pointing out pro pro Cup against Jordan Shephard yeah uh what was what year would have that mean 20222 yeah and he’s won so he’s won 10 straight finals with ultimate Paul he is tracking for an 11th as well I say tracking he’s in the last 32 let’s not get too carried away but he remains the favorite he’s got Liam white in b hour and 45 minutes we won’t be watching that though on the main table we’ll be focusing on we are going to the last 32 after this match but we are two matches we’ll be seeing Luke Gilbert versus Shawn chipperfield which promises to be a very quick one and then we will see Chris meling taking on Chris Day Amy Roop is now on the hill against Aaron Davis 63 ahead there is an upset on the cards I mean say an upset I say an upset uh Amy is such a great play [Music] right Carl Sutton’s just beaten Josh jaaz 73 Shane Thompson’s edged ahead against Christy Coffield again 5-4 Jake McCartney on the hill against Clayton custard 63 he’s made that ball zip that’s not come quite as high as he’d like he’s got hampered queuing on the next shot and he’s going to be cannoning the red so he has to judge the Cannon as well a lot can go wrong with this shot but it comes out absolutely plump well judge Cannon I mean he was he was always just trusting to luck a little bit because on another day on a bad day the um the yellow comes across the face Joe would have been hopeful to get to the table there but uh Dempsey slams a door in his face pulls back with this eight ball within one frame yeah well he made a ball and the Reds I think are okay I mean he’s got it’s a little bit fiddly he’s got the opener to the bottom right now if he wants to remove one of the awkward balls I think yellows are better yeah so oh you’re right yeah the the yellows all go without there The Two Reds together that are awkward I know he was on the one on the cushioning once that out the way but the yellows he just has to connect them together yeah something has been doing very well in this match yeah good shot having having missed a couple of balls early in the match he seems to have put put that behind himself really well he’s potting everything now right in the middle of the pocket I say that and he’s got a tricky pot here please don’t miss it yeah the Cub’s the problem as well into the red can he control the cubal land on something yes and yes beautiful shot yeah yeah that’s opened it up for it that should that should be all the hard work done Kristoff L and Ben watching on not of approval from Kristoff he’s got Ryan Fleming in about an hour and a half’s time in the last 32 disappointing event five for Kristoff Shane Thompson’s beaten Christy Coffield Shane was talking himself out of that match before it even started saying he’s not been practicing and he’s one of the players that’s struggling because he’s trying to commit to Chinese and English and I don’t think it’s particularly working for Shane Thompson Aaron Davis is pulled back another frame 65 aiming still to get across the line there neat angle hit I think he’s okay the body language is telling me this is there’s enough there that he can just punch out into the Gap yeah yeah actually he might just be able to run on the narrow as well if he wants to yeah that’s what he’s done there was just enough room two pots away for Joe it’s been a really good performance from Joe Conor job done for Joe o’ Conor knocks out the number two seed a disappointing tournament once again for Stevie Dempsey Pro event number six myself Tony Holgate I’m with Nick fin he stayed on we’re going to watch a bit of sha chipperfield and Luke Gilbert it’s chippy at the table this is a man that likes to whiz around the table yeah yeah should be a pretty quick game I mean Luke’s no sled he’s he’s a fast player as well and he’s also a pro event winner this season better of news for the viewers if they haven’t already spotted it the women what’s going on today Emma Emma Cunningham beating Rona McCarthy earlier today Amy bamp has just beaten Aaron Davis 75 and I tell you what I just I just saw the um I just saw the Finish from her she left herself under pressure for the winning eight ball it was from the side cushion probably just about where the eight ball is on this table now but actually glued to the cushion slightly Hur curing with uh with a a long eight ball the length of the table and she absolutely nailed it it was a brilliant finish just go to show how strong the top of the Le game is yeah you know obviously Amy multiple world champion just fantastic curious and Emma Emma’s you know she’s a world champion and she’s been knocking on the door for a while as well well I’m pleased for both of them I mean I’m not being funny they’re both two tremendous wins against two colossal players we know they’re brilliant players can they ever be as consistent as a Phil Harrison or Tom cousins or is the in inconsistency created by their style um it’s a good question um for me a prime example of that would be like a Chris melin now Chris will attack everything and and he is flamboyant and he pull some brilliant shots but if you watch Chris he’s sensible as well with it so he check keeps his in check um it’s like keeping down Dr Jackal it’s it’s hard but for a player like maybe sha um wacka War the these the very fast attacking Potters I’d say it’s harder I think you need to be a tour winner I mean we yeah we can always just use Tom cousins as the prime example because he attacks he’s got great touch but that’s why he is the best player in the world but I I I agree I think because in the back of mind is the itch to go game you know when I was playing it was like you know cuz I just ped and I’d look at the T I think I know I need to play a safety here I know one I know it’s the right shot I cannot live with myself if I play the safety badly and I just messed up the match it’s cost me I think right I I’ll just take on a a more difficult pot rather than an easy safety cuz listen to me I’m telling you some of the safety shots that were really easy for clever players were ridiculously hard for me I honestly I’d try and cover a bag and leave the Mery tunnel yeah but covering bag’s not the thing in in the game now because of the rule changes which is good so these rules would would have completely suited me you know it’s like attack with wild abandon and not bother too much cuz all the players I mentioned I mean I they they’re all brilliant and and they’re amazing to watch and they will win tournaments they they’re always there there and their abouts in The Winner Circle but one of the parts of their game is they are a little bit inconsistent they control is so good Nick you know that you know they they see the table so well you know very rarely you know players like Luke here I mean this finish is you know it was there yes but it’s just from ball to ball they’re never in trouble oh he’s clipped the yellow first wow unforgivable I thought I thought he may have just left that slightly short I thought that was a little bit tight he want he him inside let’s just have a look at no and another another roll of the ball and that was a gimme he was so tight that’s a strange one that that’s a that could be something we’re talking about oh oh my word word I was just we just seen here in the last two minutes Nick I was just about to say that could be the talking point later on in the match and that could be the difference between these two players cuz 4-2 there for Luke Gilbert but that’s unforgivable Miss was ball in hand from Sha he seemed to stab seemed to stab it a little bit and he’s handed it straight back to Luke Gilbert wow well well well that one Sha’s off to the rest room Gooby yeah just struggling a bit black off the break no golden break of course so be as the ball went in I think cha will stay at the table and the black will just be resp spotted or nearest to the spot I think chippy would be quite happy to see that eight go in because the yellows were a bit of a pickle and if if the the eight ball stayed over the pocket Reds wouldn’t have been an option yeah so the the eight ball spots occupied so um Trish had to just get that eight ball in the uh in a line towards the cushion a direct line back from the spot yep can’t go above the spot but anywhere beneath it in the nearest possible place towards the cushion it’s fine and that’s one of the reasons a lot of a lot of players often wonder why the balls are set up in the way they are with the the Reds to the front it’s because that’s the way you prioritize it so three balls went off the table in the break they would go eight ball red ball yellow ball in that in that priority order indeed never seen that happen in the tens of thousands of frames that I’ve I’ve watched I don’t think I’ve ever seen two balls go off the table three bit of a nothing there from from chippy I’m not quite sure what he was what he was chasing there he recovers but it’s still in a spot of bother especially that red coming down over that pocket now play the yellow off the red into that bottom corner yeah yeah it’s possibly all he’s got to be honest where’s the CU going you’re going absolutely nowhere near where you want to go what about play Yellow onto black onto yellow he try to go off the red it’s also attempting the shot I said as well in the same same go that could be all she wrote official chiper field they’re there the balls are there now for Luke yeah just a quick reminder don’t go too far away after this match cuz coming up next is the magician Chris meling and he’s going to be taking on Chris day Battle of the Chris indeed chippy poised ready to throw the towel well it’s been pretty solid for 95% of the match for Luke Gilbert had a little blip in the old frame but he’s certainly been the best of value it’s been a control performance Chip’s had a few bits of bad luck also a couple of rash shots I think here and there and it’s Gilbert who puts sha through the chipper wow no not having that no no well in goes the black ball and it’s Luke Gilbert who will progress here in Blackpool Chris melling versus Chris day it’s the magician to break [Music] off and a dry break from the man from Yorkshire not not the greatest cleanest strike a little shaking the head there so Chris day it’s a very early opportunity yellow balls in play and they didn’t have a very good opening event not that he wasn’t playing well had a tremendous match against John mallister he led 6’4 pull out something astonishing finishes and so did mallister was John mallister came back from the dead beat him 76 but this is a new day new tourament [Music] just navigating around these yellows now Chris if you want to come a little bit further there it’s okay yellow goes into the bottom left and bottom right it’s black ball will be the bottom right for him nicely played by Chris day goes a l yellow this will be good start for christe against the break down it goes and it’s the man from suffk who leads one frame to nil’s finally get himself some street cred he’s the source of all my good lines lovely break from Chris day I tell you what it it’s got you mentioned that game didn’t you where he played Brian hcro Chris meling and this has really got a a very very similar feeling because we commentated on that game and this is exactly how it started Chris couldn’t touch the table no it’s it it has a ring about it I’m afraid moment well was Brian hker went 6 nil up before Chris then broke and finished I think he you think he ran two or three it was definitely 82 I know it’s CU Brian tells me about it every time I see him bet he does lesson this is all about Chris’s CUO control again which already has been very very good I just wonder he’s got options with the red on the right side rail he could land on it now to go low or he could use the Yellow by the middle pocket to potentially bump it in there I wonder if that yellow’s just a little bit high on the center pocket to play that safely and whether he just thinks you know what I’ve got to back my posting at some point it’s not a difficult pop does he play it down the rail I think if he was going to he’s probably going to look at it last ball from here I would suggest if he wants to play in off the yellow he can land underneath it here but he’s not going to so he’s going to do it the uh inverted commas proper way indeed this is the proper way [Applause] but it’s it’s been Relentless this you just can’t fault it just over 10 minutes gone now and be frame number four of the match and frame number four for Chris D just perfect just perfect pull Chris melon can’t know anything about this Chris day has been Flawless 4 n as he racks up track five yeah unlucky break it off there from melon but Christ still has to put the balls away not had to go at anything yet he’s had two breaks one of which was incredibly unfortunately kicked in off cuz he hit the break beautifully and one was scruffy but you know you’re allowed a scruffy break every now and then you are it doesn’t mean he deserves to be 4-0 down no it doesn’t full credit to Chris day here who is his own right a fabulous player [Music] [Music] Rich roads is happy and we can get underway Chris meling with break number three of this match well you can’t hit them better than that you can’t hit them better than that and he’s been blessed with a an awkward layout as well it really is just everything working against him here he’ll feel like but he needs to keep positive that break is perfect in terms of Q ball and which is the only thing he can really control he’s got a little bit of a slug rack in the center there so not much has come apart just the right of the brake line well thankfully for Chris he’s actually got to get his playe queue out now just not just his break Que yeah I thought it would be red but there’s work to do namely the one underneath the eight ball I just wonder if it actually goes to Right Center it may well do if that is the case Chris doesn’t actually have to move anything but I’m not sure it looks very very tight of course it’s not particularly easy to land nicely on I just wonder if his route is to polish off those at the top of the table and the bottom red is his link to the red and the eight ball looks like that’s the plan he’s just com a little bit past the straight here you still get through yeah just put it right on the thick side of the pocket the red goes between the black and the yellow does it go in the middle yeah there we [Music] go he’s just a joy to watch isn’t he that took him a long time didn’t it oh he’s just a joy to watch y nobody’s missed anything it’s just been down the difference has been Chris’s breaks the in off in the the scuffer oh what a time to go dry is this the moment where Chris meling finds a route back into the match nothing wrong with that break mind now this is what Chris needs to break serve now he’s got two break serves to get rid of as well not easy you’re just joining us Chris was day that is was 4-0 up Chris meling didn’t get his first shot at the table until he was 4-n down there’s not been a mistake in this match yet it has been Flawless pool and I have a suspicion that will continue here Chris has got work to do on this finish though yellows are tricky and what does this pass must be to cut this in down the bottom yeah I think he must have wanted to have landed on this a little bit straighter I can’t imagine that was plan a and that’s gone wrong as he still got a shot I just wonder if he can Snak this to the center you know could he play it wide enough to play off the red that’s near that Center if it if he can’t cut it into the pocket surely can get to the red yeah I think he’s yeah that’s that’s got to be the play I think no it went straight wow look at that he did do enough with the shot CU oh it just kept on rolling it just kept on rolling that’s unlucky it’s found a right Gap there that and that’ll be relief for Chris Dale for this dry break because melan gets those and breaks and dishes he’s going to be right on the oh oh the well that is a carbon copy of the Sha chipperfield Miss same pocket same shot Cube ball in hand same shot Jord in that bag it’s incredible you if you were to mark them up later and look at the two shots and compare them they’re identical that’s amazing it’s taken seven frames a Flawless eightball to see anything that remotely resembles an error and we’ve seen two and two shots and they have both been biggies Chris meling goes in off Chris Day misses a dolly oh what a great shot that is bit skinny into the middle B here for Chris be digging deep with the Q ball well we had to land above this yellow I don’t know if he planned to land exactly here but don’t know where else he was thinking if so he fancied it oh what a shot that is brilliant I thought he was going to be digging that deep and trying to screw into the rail but that is brilliant boom fantastic shot this this is all about just knowing your angles just plays the natural think a little bit of check maybe off the bottom rail but substandard perfect break no way how’ you like him and yellows are sitting very very pretty there are a couple of little bits of work to do that’s the only thing that’s giving Chris meling a little bit of Hope right now he struck that bre break beautifully it’s not been his day on the breaks today no you got to feel for him because his play’s been absolutely outstanding as well he he’s done nothing wrong apart from slightly overrun uh positional shot and I’m loathed to criticize him for that cuz the the tables just carried the key ball on and on and on until it’s settled in the middle bag you can’t really be too critical about that plays off one yellow knocks the other one in here no he doesn’t screwing into it use top cushion first just like that that’s nice very well really well controlled and I think the other problem yellow the one that’s in between the two Reds on the right side rail that just goes into the middle pocket off the red it it’s simple here from Chris day this is just hold yourself together time [Music] yeah big bad like you say for the yellow into the middle these are droppings yeah all the hard work done going to be a disappointing enter these last couple of days for Chris meling been in fine form as well they absolutely cured so well yeah just goes to show be curing the best in the world and not win these events the break does you win and maybe one little overrun and has cost you an entire match but Chris day’s been you have to credit Chris day too yeah he’s he’s been breaking massively and he’s he’s been apart from one really jarring Miss Flawless from CUO in hand he’s been he’s been perfect he’s not been out of position once every bit of work he’s had to do he’s done it perfectly it’s been a really good performance this from Christ it has to be to beat someone as good as Chris meling and CD has done the job well Chris Day knocks in the black and a fine performance there from the man from suffk defeating Chris melon 74 not a great day they offer for Chris but Chris Day absolutely brilliant before this is her second is cley Davis to get us underway but it it’s going to be an inof straight away so Megan proor with a first opportunity race to 7 50 minutes s web and Nick Finn with you for this one good evening yeah should be a should be a cracking game two two of the top ladies in the game Megan has been making inroads she’s been threatening for quite a while now and uh she finds herself with another Deep Run Cy Davis we’ve seen a couple of times over the last 12 months should be a very interesting game followed by another good semi-final Daniel Randall plays harri Haynes in the second semi-final after this couple of well matched games hard to pick a favorite between these two yeah I’d say going off previous going off form kirsty’s the fifth ranked player she’s the the closest and the next player kind of outside of the ones that are already in the you know the top four that are kind of fancied every every event but yet to get a hands on a women’s series title she did win a miniseries which is very very close to so probably just give the edge to Kirsty but the thing for me with Kirsty is I think her a game is phenomenal and I think she has that power game that can blow people away when she beat Harriet Haynes in the final of the miniseries last year was it the year before for I think it was last year then it was just it was just finish after finish and just blew Harriet away she has that capability but Megan has had to do it the hard way to get here she’s had world champion after world champion after world champion already dispatched two of them looking to dispatch a third Mar on Jude and Barbara Taylor Falling by the wayside at the hands of Megan proor yeah that’s a fair old run in tough field in the ladies Pro full of T well this hasn’t worked is she going to get away with it not quite no the eight ball is still awkward but you can see the red to pot it bottom right it’s going to be tough to get on that eight it’s all about the angle she leaves on her last ball pies and see which pocket she plays into that looks about perfect she can screw straight back yeah nice it’s never easy when you’re playing for straight she’s landed okay here judge the pace really well considering these players haven’t played on this table at all this weekend seems to settle to the PACE straight away another one to that pocket yeah stays up early nerves you feel yeah for Megan just a couple I got way it’s not a bad leave though I mean she’s going to find herself in trouble but CU she’s going to have to move all these yellows on the side cushion that eight ball is not doing her any favors well good luck here yeah yeah I wish I wish we had a Tator Nick I’d like to see you draw some lines on the screen for this one I cannot see how you get [Music] close I think you have to go into the the right side you have to go in just kind of very close to the center pocket and kind of looking at top cushion side cushion top cushion thread the needle through the yellows but even then I just think even getting in that corner of the table is is not on I suppose if you if you get past the yellow there you are kind of getting close but could be there all day and not make that shot but it’s put another yellow down in an awkward position interestingly yeah Megan still has to be a a big favorite here in this Frame just given where those yellows are could change with this shot no doesn’t get into it at all screw didn’t take fast enough yeah played it with quite a lot pace and that’s another T another sign of playing on this table obviously first frame on this table felt like she was giving herself the perfect angle which just it’s not what you expect at all eight ball missing the eight ball leaving it over the pocket in a frame like this it’s the only real time missing a ball and leaving it over the pocket gives you any sort of equity in a frame this time I think the the two cushions on top cushion side cushion this one very much a lot more makeable slid quite dramatically yeah just needed a bit of side just to pull it across and still very much the same problem for Kirsty I going to say the problem is when she plays safe plays the snooker she is gambling that Megan’s not going to find the two cushion kick shot but you’ve got to pump a b ball out when you do doing it as well you need you need these yellows to be developed at the same time yeah and and developing from here probably just going to push a yellow closer to the eight she might just decide you know what this is I’ve had enough of this pop the three open yellows or pop this one and then play the double and then you got two open yellows and the the eight ball so time to go I agree yeah I have to go from here deciding against it hit the cushion yeah I think the two cushions on again it it looks more Awkward cuz the yellow’s there but I think it’s on she’s going to go one cushion with Rees aside side didn’t take there but she’s pushed one of those Yow back onto the cushion oh what an opening frame we have here C’s having a race well I think kirsty’s best chance really was to was to take the double in all honesty she could leave an angle again and try to dislodge leave an angle to Middle come around two cushions into the bottom of them but again a tough shot or she’s going to yeah this is a good way to play the breakout yeah come bottom cushion into them with Pace not this time it’s getting harder going be another snooker but this time it’s one that Megan absolutely should get yeah this isn’t a you know 50/50 this is this should be every time oh how have you made not made it you guaranteed to hit it every time I thought hitting it was guaranteed to pot it but obviously not bit more pace probably double kissed it in if Kirsty half balls off this and leaves the CU ball near the top left hand corner pocket like that but might be just short of pace it actually then becomes a difficult ball to hit I’m not sure it’s doing too much good for for Kirsty but looks like she has left it here yeah even if oh wow wow we I was going to say even if even if she can’t hit the ball direct she can go cushion first and surely drops this might be interesting so the frame has not been awarded yet I think this one might get reviewed Patricia Murphy she wants another look at this to see whether the eightball actually stops well be an interesting call coming up here this is I’m so glad I’m not a referee though but I think this this probably does yeah the frame has been awarded she’s decided and and I to honest with you I think you’ve got to be absolutely certain it stops there and I I say we’ve watched that four five six times and I I could believe it was still just turning so I’m not I’m not against that as a call at all another solid hit pretty good split the balls kind of converge again just below the eight ball which does cause a couple of problems means that she’s going to have to try and develop something depending what set she goes I mean again it’s wow it’s going to be yellows just because she’s the opener on reds is pretty difficult and doesn’t lend itself to another ball so just has to consider what she’s going to do with her problem she could screw across into it now does Oh that’s come out lovely yeah she I was going to say she might be tempted just to come up and and open them again but I don’t think she needs to she’s yeah I think that’s the right shot for me yeah I like this if she can play on the one at the bottom of the table now yeah that was a pattern I was looking at play this and then Cann up for the one just to the left of the eight ball no it’s going to be loss of Turn Turn ties up another one of the Reds misses the pot I’m not sure where she was going if she makes it Kirsty in control of this Frame doesn’t necessarily mean it she has the perfect chance to go here but she’s in control w that Q could have been in a bit of a better position bit of a misjudgment I think needs to yeah going to say needs a cushion back I think the key mediately hit the cushion so she was fine it’s opened everything up for [Music] Reds can’t get through to the potting angle to Right Center she is she can get through the potting angle of the one just below the eight to left Center but that’s a horrid shot when you’re queuing over the top of a ball needs that queo to hold up and it does that’s okay that is okay yeah I think when she hit it she thought that was going in off cuz she kind of raised the Palm to say oh it was fine [Music] now the yellows certainly there yeah one big shot here I don’t know if you can see the yellows bottom left but if you can find the one into the center pocket or take it long whichever way you prefer time to go and win the frame yeah I quite like the middle pocket because I think she probably she goes the other way she’s got an awkward yellow to get on this opens things up oh that helps yes indeed helps her as well if this yellow stays on the table what a moment of Fortune there for me and Proctor that could be a huge blow for Kirsty Lee Davies Megan now needs to be ruthless and make that fluke count probably worth mentioning that the uh semi-finals of Challenger one have just gotten underway in the first one Daniel Bishop plays Richard Tumi they’re currently nil nil in the second one Jaden Billingham is two n up against Zack Shepard Daniel Bishop and Zack sheeper from both from Wells teammates and uh both from a very similar part of the country and they’re good mates too they’d love to play each other in the final but Jaden Bingham a story from him that young man just keeps going from strength to strength he’s already had deep runs in the Challenger and here he is again tunel up need to judge the pace oh very nice indeed delightful and this eight ball for 40 [Music] well that is being ruthless huge fluke for Megan Proctor it really was massive moment of Fortune for her and again the yellows are wide open this match is just fully turned fully turned I mean if if you were if you were watching this game and pricing it you would definitely make curs your favorite now because you struggle to under where the next where the next frame for Megan can come from cuz the nerves are really playing a part for her does swing though when you make big comebacks doesn’t it that you get back to kind of level and then all of a sudden the pressure swing yes yeah absolutely it’ be interested to see how she handles that Megan’s still in control she has the break in the next frame she has to remember I mean we we’re writing this one off but uh Coursey still has to clear these up the way she’s playing oh it’s another surprising Miss she knew it as soon as she let go of it as well but um not done I mean this is tough yeah good luck getting on the eight ball here yeah just didn’t get the motion into the q b and I think she just has to give this a slap off the back cushion hope for the best but when Kirsty Lees clearing clearing up you’re thinking if you offered this shot as a chance you it this is this is makeable yeah oh give it a chance she hit it so hard it straightened up off the top cushion yeah didn’t she could have played that with more control yeah just enough pace for it to reach the bottom right hand corner pocket basically just a nice medium pce shot yeah the way she played it was a you know she’s she’s doing little hit and hope where actually you know she could have tried to line up the eight for the middle pocket with the bottom corner give it a chance another big shot here though another [Music] tester just drops it in takes the medicine and leaves a much tougher eight ball it was a bit of a trade-off there you either make that yellow harder and try and get closer to the eight or you make the eight harder beautiful great eight [Music] ball well it’s not a foul but it is time and actually it could have gone awkward at the top of the table but the red finishing where it has and the eight finishing where it has they’re the last two balls now it’s just can Kirsty Lee in the final minute of this match connected all together and take us to a six red shootout she doesn’t have to she doesn’t have to race but she’s not got that long she’s just strolling at the moment don’t run out of time we’ve seen players do this before yeah she doesn’t look concerned by the match clock no four pots 30 seconds three pots and that’s not the best of shots she can’t afford to miss cuz the clock will go yeah she’s going to change this isn’t she’s can’t afford to go this way around the Q Ball’s going to do too much traveling what a shot she needs here I think she still had to go bottom left there I agree she needs a miracle and doesn’t get it and that is going to cost her no need for Megan Proctor to even play the eight ball she is into the final into a women’s series final for the second time she did all the running in the early part of the match had to hang on towards the end and she just gets herself into the final cley Davies comes up short she’ll have to come again in event six but Megan Proctor will be back for the final being very precise with the QQ ball with her cut break here hits it very well very firm and it’s a golden break to start with but of course we all know the eight ball comes back up in Pro Series PA has to sit down whilst the eight ball gets put on the spot has made a yellow so is at the table with an opportunity here and a little bit unfortunate for the quality of that break to not be on a ball unless a red up the table goes she’s on absolutely nothing talked about this match when I was in the arena a little bit earlier on building up to the semi-finals and when they played in the final the beginning of last season Harriet was really trying to bully Danielle Rand and take it to her and how she played and it opened up the game for Danielle she was doing a mop-up job she was punishing she was counter clearing and then when Harriet was starting to come back she was hanging on for the title I think Harriet’s a better player now and I don’t think she’ll fall into the same trap she will still be aggressive she’ll still try and Bully I think she has more of a b game when [Music] needed and that’s not good on nothing [Music] possibly not how she drew it up but she’s made one problem is put the other one safe that’s not going to help just trying to make it clean that would have left on the other one would have been a tough shot to get onto the yellows at the bottom but she would have had a shot just has to contain oh complete miscue from Danielle no damage done though not left anything on here for Harriet smile about it [Music] [Music] to be on the one at the bottom might not be doesn’t look it look like it body language is telling us no with the overhead camera that’s also telling us no so having to find another way and if you leave that one there it becomes a problem ball the chance to get onto it might be worth pulling back depends how she feels she can get there again an opening frame of a semi-final you want to Chase not the best of shots all for safety but open the door Harriet has this yellow to bottom [Music] left just thank [Music] [Music] [Music] you controlled that really well simple task here just to get the opening frame on the board disappointing one for Danielle Randle but a very positive one for Harriet Haynes couple of opportunities required but she got the opportunities and she has put the opener on the board oh what a shot that is wow she’s not going to be on the eight ball oh the key ball has killed her very unfortunate that was a great shot good solid hit again it’s going to end up as a loss of ter got away with that last one [Music] point it just won’t land nicely for Harriet here at all she’s been in complete control of this frame for 90% of it but just just won’t land for it she’s having to keep it’s just so against what she wants to do she even though she has a a b game more of a b game than she ever used to you much more of an all round player this isn’t how she wants to go about it can’t quite get where she needs to with the control and the chances goodness me that was close hell my breath then I thought that was in the minute she hit it it’s such an uncomfortable feeling when you keep giving your opponent opportunities like this you always fear the worst and Harriet probably felt that was in but it hasn’t landed nicely she’s not on anything again so so once again an opportunity for Danielle I don’t love that shot can Danielle find the line she was not far off I’m not sure how the last one missed I’m not sure how she doesn’t hit the eight ball on this one [Music] she’s finally going to get this one on the board and the 4-1 lead and I I said 4-1 lead if she wins this one slowly and has 15 or 12 minutes but it’s going to be under 10 yeah I feel like that’s broken the back of the match from Harriet was a very solid break oh theyve just clustered together in the triangle area she’s had some far better chances than this that have got away yeah and you can see that a realization when she’s studying the table not very inviting I know the final is very different to the the semi-final but assuming Harriet does make it through oh what a shot that is by the way that’s the shot that’s the absolutely the best shot of the match that’s incredible look at the Gap she finds here absolutely unreal well it’s come a little too late for Danielle Randall it will be too little too late but this little Salvo is a memorable [Music] one yeah super clearance from Danielle it won’t matter ultimately it will just be another number on the scoreboard in in a losing effort ultimately in this semi-final but that was a terrific clearance that pot and position especially was was special Daniel also having a whistle at these looks like she’s going to concede and there is the decision Harriet Haynes gets the win over Danielle Randall who’ll be disappointed that she couldn’t put her quarterfinal form into this semi-final effort but Harriet Haynes is through to another ultimate Paul women’s Pro Series final Megan wins the lag gets the first frame underway played really well in her semi-final she had a little bit of nerves but she got across the line in the end been in the final before and just came up short another chance to lift the trophy bit of a tricky layout to open things up yellow’s a little bit sticky coms is Simon web good evening yeah evening Nick it’s been a fascinating couple of semi-finals fact the whole tournament’s been really interested in the way it’s played out some of the big names have fallen by the wayside we still have one of the big stars in Harriet Haynes out there a messy opening frame and this could be quite significant in this final just feel from Megan really important to get off to that good start I saw a brilliant start from a in the semifinals and then had to hang on yeah I think if she can get you know some momentum then it’s going to be a question of whether she can hold a nerve this this first title for her means so much and uh if she can get across a line you feel that you know it’s it’s a start of a you know the floodgates may open and she’ll win a series of trophies but it’s just about that first one so difficult I don’t think either player will be thrilled by their semi-final performance but semi-finals and finals are for winning it doesn’t really matter but I don’t think either player can take too much away from the fact that you know they’re not absolutely flying on their first match out in this Arena table so it’s difficult to sort of split the two of them based on the match we’ have seen yeah if if you take away the rest of the match and just think about the first five frames that that Megan played if she can recreate that she’s she’s going to have a great chance but so that’s the question and also whether har lets it because harri does like to bully a game very attacking player might have gone just too far I think needed to be on the the right hand of The Two Reds there to be on that into the center and then could have gone yeah I think the top one does pass the bottom left so she’s she can REO come back around and get on that yeah if that does go bottom left then yeah you’re absolutely right they’re all there again aren’t they she’s perfect on it now she wants to I was going to say it might be better to be the other angle on it the other side of it just so that you can deal with the the one in the center without having to move it or move the yellows yeah and also she’s on these two at the top of the table so I know why not take them now she’s not quite the angle we were talking about but I wonder if both Reds go to the bottom left corner in which case she doesn’t need to move the other red maybe it will yeah looking the overhead I think you’re right just pinched the pocket to make sure she was hitting that one thick enough to not move the other red she’s got options here she could stun across and take it to the middle still she has the angle yeah just like that and that’s a good angle into the middle just off straight to stum behind the eight ball for me the one thing she was missing in the semi-finals was fluency it’s a very bits and pieces match and this has been a very fluent first chance for for Harriet this is exactly what she was looking for yeah nice clearance beautiful break yeah very consistent with that break not the most amount of power there are definitely players who break bigger than her but she times it really nice look how she just Parks a cube ball in the middle of the table still spinning now she gets a lot of side on her breaks but she squares up the front ball yeah it’s almost it’s a very repeatable break must just be catching it the Tracer side so allowing her to do that but I don’t think it’s intentional but it works so don’t change it confident opening punch perfect position she’s away in this Frame it’s just going to be about the transition from the ball she’s pointing at now towards the middle to get up to the top of the table these three kind of take care of themselves naturally from one to the next she probably just needs to drop this in and come pretty much on the line of it nice to have a big angle here just to be able to kind of caught a ball it and the the cube naturally naturally floats up I mean the red is a bit of a problem the red and the just to the right would be a blue spot on a snooker table it’s he’s like a bit of a football here it’s on a line that she would like to take up the table yeah and as a result she just come a little straighter and she may just try and top this through got to be a good shot though she’s got to get right the way to the top of the table here yeah well I say that she’s looking to see is there a Gap if she just drops this in dead weight might leave too much angle would be my worry no does try and go up there not sure she had the angle for that trying to create an angle that wasn’t quite there yeah if she was going to play that shot she would better leaving a bigger angle on the one to middle so har in complete control of this Frame but poor safety Megan has a second opportunity indeed she could just Flo this in CU should take care of itself it looks like it’s going to track towards the yellow cannon into the yellow and pretty much count fa to be on something just floated nice very good that’s okay okay moves the yellow onto the cushion but that’s not a problem really drop this in just leave a couple of turns of angle and Float the Q ball down for the eight ball oh doesn’t want to be too close to the cushion yeah I could have done with that one just bouncing off it just leaves this missable especially over this distance bullet straight nice little test of queuing she just playing it under the cushion and this main Arena table on the clock I say that there still half the match to go so there is still time for both players to to get there just feels the way it’s going that we’re sort of going to Edge towards a a climax here [Music] so she could go yellows the yellow that she’s closest to could she dig in screw it back and into the back of the red and try and break out her bad ball maybe just a little too straight to do that but I think you can make it reverse side just Nick a bit of the pocket that opens up the whole table slightly confusing yeah cuz it’s definitely not 15 seconds in play so confusing us [Music] all the thing is that yellow is a problem I think she may have missed a trick maybe the angle wasn’t quite there I think it was she needs to think about how she’s going to develop that yellow I mean she could she could knock it if the red well the Red’s not frozen I can see from the overhead from the other camera the red isn’t Frozen so she could just run into the yellow and release it and leave the the cube all touching yeah I don’t think that was ever on it was never going to release I was just talking about just running into that yellow releasing it out into the open and sitting on top of the red Harriet would have had no shot she’s running out of options here time to pull back for me the Reds aren’t uh aren’t much of a no a layout here either no just slow it down and see if you can force a better opening or ask harri to come up with [Music] something yeah she’s just going to play the containing shot yeah she’s left the she’s left an opener and um and that will then give Harry a nice angle to come up and attack that that problem area maybe she’s she’s not going to turning it down just moving another ball off the cushion probably wanted that to roll another another half a roll just to cover the path of the yellow just bit more Insurance the yellow would the red would go but the yellow wouldn’t taking a bit of a liberty I mean she doesn’t have much else but she’s giving Harry open balls to go for now it’s a clever shot because the Red’s still go now there’s still the one just blow the was a bit of a problem obviously the eight are problem but tempted just to feather off this yellow and just leave the yellow near the eight ball and just if you can’t find anything to forward to do just try and contain yeah there’s The Three Stooges watching on Thompson Brennan and row what a day de Bron’s had today he he’s like a cat that’s got the cream every time I see him he’s just chirping about Ronin unbelievable I mean they’re they’re great Maids but I’ve never met two guys that enjoy the other ones discomfort as much as those two guys do it’s brilliant oh no another one another one the hand of apology she couldn’t look she couldn’t look and this I tell you what this is very doable to get out from here yeah how about this oh dear how big’s that shot going to be needed the Fuller contact needed it to be Fuller cuz then you can play the flick out while staying on the one in the middle she she might still be okay now she’s just got enough angle I think she can stun up into the red if she hits the red full ball she’ll be on the yellow and just release that eight ball towards the pocket if not just leave the straight angle you can come back on and off and catch the red and you’re on the eight ball top left yeah that’s an option of course yeah yeah that’s what she’s doing well she can’t don’t know can she come back on and off or is she going into the red if I think if you really niit this you get the cushion first yeah that’s exactly what she’s looking at play got to play it with side going to play it with reverse side yeah she got the red that what I was worried about she plays up with reverse side cuq screws back and then comes out at a wider angle and takes the takes the red she didn’t put any any side on it at all I do think she could have got there if she puted that in the straight half of the pocket yeah she looked like she poed It Center pocket but I’m with you there a very much a shot on and another frame where will say an opportunity for Megan to really hurt Harriet and let it go cuz you know it’s another frame where Harriet’s been incomplete control of for the majority of it and that fluke would have really been a a big one now Harry has got the opportunity 20 minutes to go to go too clear another two frames played in that Challenger final and they they Cho them so it’s now 3-2 to Jaden Billingham there’s a couple of fins going on out there actually I think Challenger tier two might be on at the same time yeah bit of atmosphere out in the arena Che coming around you can hear some shouts in the background that’s what that’s coming [Music] [Applause] for not exactly uh a smooth sailing counter here from Harry but back into good [Music] position yeah so the final of the Challenger Series tier two is uh Chris Hall against Ashley hardcast so Chris Hall 4 one up so having beaten Joshua trainer in the semi-final actually Hard Castle having beaten Dave Hunt as Harriet completes the counter gets our a couple clear yeah once again gets the right hand side on throws the Q ball to the left and Mis strikes the front ball and dry which is definitely not what she wanted because Harriet can just take her time over this clearance the reds are all there she’s elected to go Reds yeah red passes the yellow top right so they they are absolutely very nice [Music] indeed she’s she’s not concerned about the clock this is all about the frame she knows if she gets this one all the hard work’s done she should be concerned about the clock but I think her argument would be that she just doesn’t play as fluently and as well when she’s trying to run the clock down she’s she is probably the quickest player in the women’s game and oh that’s a bonus wow very fortunate yeah if this was a Sean story you’d you’d hear the beeps on every single shot would but for Harriet this is all about the clearance not concerned about the clock in the SLS just wants to get it done get seven on the board that three frame lead with just 5 minutes left would be commanding all about the Q ball oh and this is why you should run the clock down y if Harriet doesn’t make this off one could pushing Megan’s going to come to the table with a chance to make it one frame game with still three to four minutes on the clock y you feel she she’s left a minute out there isn’t she yeah at least a minute for me if she ran the clock down on every one of those shots she’s got another minute and now we’re looking at you know 3:30 Megan having to clear and then have a opportunity in the last yeah leaving 3:30 would be exactly what she needs it allows Harriet to make a ball and have time and and not if she doesn’t make a finish you’ve still got time for the counter so it really it it puts the pressure onto Harriet if har if it was 2 and a half minutes and Harriet makes the ball it’s essentially match over yeah the first thing Megan has to do is is clear this table and um she just overrun that yellow slightly she’s going to Cannon into the other one here she needs this to come out judged it well that’s delightful Jess needs to focus on the shot now she’s so close to it that uh makes it a little bit easier than playing from distance what she loves a testing eight ball he loves attesting eight ball oh no oh heartbreak heartbreak for Megan Proctor and that could be and will be the final dagger below part of the pocket but the key ball and what a Sinking Feeling for Megan you’ll never know and she makes the ball for good measure but 3 minutes left three frames the advantage what a difference that makes amazing imagine the pressure on Harriet here yeah we’d be talking about this being a really tricky layout of the situation CU it’s hard to contain and hard to attack which is try to contain but if Megan had had this chance with 245 to play should’ be getting excited about it but requiring three frames I think the intensity the adrenaline it’s all Fallen away from Megan now can Harriet Haynes finish in style TR to come out nicely nice [Applause] kiss eight ball for it then going to smash through the door in a fascinating final but it is Harriet Haynes that gets her hands on another title congratulates Megan on a good tournament Harriet Haynes walks away with another women’s pro series title and she continues at the top of the rankings as well your Pro Series 5 Champion haret Haynes [Applause] TR


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