Goodbye 4 Hybrid…

I’m going to try to make a birdie with only my four hybrid this is day 17 a lot of you guys are commenting this is a copy of another series well the whole idea of this is this is inspired from the other series Sam jagod shout out awesome series but that’s the whole point I wanted to put a Twist on it make birdie instead of par give myself a little more of a challenge so we’re sticking with this right up the right side I’m just going to swing as hard as I possibly can at this ball all right I got to have soft hands with this one not go too far be good all right that’s makeable this used to be my favorite Club it has quickly turned into my least favorite club I’m ready to just get rid of it come on yes


  1. Never understood the whole commotion on “copying golf content” it may be someone else’s content (whatever that means) but it’s YOUR shot…

  2. I have very strong doubts about the possibility of a birdie on a par 5 with a wedge or putter….

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