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The Perth to Paisley Podcast – Episode 166 – Season 23/24 Review

Welcome to Episode 166 of the Perth to Paisley podcast! The boys review the entirety of the 2023/24 season before finishing with a quiz! We hope you enjoy! #ScottishFootball #FootballPodcast #HeartOfMidlothian​​​​​​​​​​

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hello and welcome back to the per to Paisley podcast episode number 166 and it is our heart of mlo and end of season review for 2023 24 I as ever I’m Daniel mckyer and I’m joined by Adam Kennedy Adam how are you yeah all right mver um I I kind of need to apologize straight off the bat for how long this episode has taken to to come around um it’s with hle circumstances that are out with my control obviously I don’t want to touch on them too much um that kind of put a span in the works and I was left feeling pretty low so we’re back again um finally to chat about a a brilliant season and hopefully it’s going to be plenty of positives from uh from here on in but yeah I’m I’m good I’m looking forward to the Euros um pleased for Lauren shankland of course from a heart’s perspective that he got that goal against Finland to hopefully lead the line in in Germany which the eyes the world will be on Scotland and and him so yeah that’s H that’s quite exciting but yeah all in all uh feeling pretty good yeah you I am not too bad as you can all probably hear in my voice H I’m getting over an illness which is also why we kind of push this back a we bit as well so if I sound really emotional about the season it’s just that I’ve got a [ __ ] throat I’m not just thinking back to that Derby at New Year too much although I imagine we will touch on that at some point in this episode but yes this is our yearly obviously season review we’re going to go through a whole bunch of different categories players look back on our predictions at the start of the year which they’re going to be interesting as well when we go back and see that but to start off a quick little review of the season of course it was stevenh n Smith’s first proper year in charge after he had the final six games of last season in terms of 22 22 23 but I genely thought it was more than six games sorry to cut you off straight off the bat I actually think it was seven I think I’m just thinking of it now I’m not I’m not looking to correct you I honestly thought it was more than six games but it potenti it was six or seven it was six or seven and I’m fine with that I just didn’t think it was as little as that yeah there was there was a lot of there was a lot of talk about the appointment and we didn’t get off to the best start having probably the easiest opening fixtures that we’ve had in a few years and getting beat by the likes of Dundee and motherwell at home especially that latter one draw with KY n nil draw with KY and it just it wasn’t looking too great but then we go on this historic run we beat Celtic twice home in away we get to both cup semi-finals the wor we speak about what happened in the the better that doesn’t matter and crucially we get third place in kind of the last season where it really matters because it’s the last season where you’re guaranteed to go into European League football because it’s not group stages anymore it’s whatever you actually call it just the European leagues thanks to the coefficient you know sliding after we did so well to initially build it up yeah that’s H that’s it all gone to pot so [ __ ] it we’re the last benefits of it so that I’ll take that and over all it’s being viewed as a very successful season our third highest points total since 2006 just ridiculous in terms of any season for a Hearts team but considering we’ve got a rookie manager rookie in air quotes to do what we’ve done is incredible so generally what have your thoughts been looking back now over the season as a whole um I think this season has taught me to perhaps be a bit more patient um I think that this season has taught me to try and look for positives when there are necessarily a great deal of them and I think that the season has made me just fall in love with having a consistent goalscoring Striker that we’ve missed for the vast majority of our lives so I I’m really pleased with how this season’s gone to be honest I I really am considering you said said that and you’re right that it was a bit of a shaky start y i I had the fear as to where this was going particularly with the fact that stepen asith wasn’t all that experienced that he’d had a handful of games H taken over from Robie nson as interim the whole sherad and kind of onlookers in Scottish Football surrounding the management situation and the loophole to compete in Europe and just the whole facade at that point I thought I think we’ve done pretty well to overcome that and actually just kind of knuckle down and have another really solid Scottish Premiership showing which is exactly what we’re after we’re after that Doh to compete in Europe um and do you know it’s funny because we’re going to enter the Europa League playoff so it’s not even like we should immediately right off and settle for the conference like we did previously like we could we could end up even better off than than we initially thought so I’m really happy really happy with how The Season’s gone um I’m probably all Stephen n withth an apology and probably a vast majority the vast majority of the playing Squad an apology um because it’s been it’s been a really good campaign a really enjoyable campaign and one that I hope that we can replicate in 2425 yeah I think that’s pretty much a perfect summary it’s it’s kind of had everything you want a a good heart season to have Derby wins Big moments in particular the main one being the Rosenberg game at T Castle just that was brilliant getting the experience that can I say m like we’re obviously of a generation where we hear about great European kns at time castle we’ve had fewer than I think we’d like yeah and I could see why older Generations bang on about those European Knights because that was that was a taster of one that we haven’t we’ve not really had not an occasion like it but certainly A Moment Like That Devin winner um I think that was absolutely huge for us as a football club definitely and as you say we’ve just got a guy who can just score loads and HS and H of goals great fun isn’t it oh it’s wonderful and that’s a good segue into the playing Squad itself which has been for me one of the biggest tailings of this season in terms of successes has been that for so much of it you kind of felt that you knew the team before it was coming out the one thing was going to be what’s the formation that was something that we could never guess but what always makes a good season is when you have like six or seven names that you just go yep they’ll be a part of the team and I feel like generally we’ve had that this season yeah I think there’s only a couple positions that are not questionable but certainly you’ve got a couple contend ERS and there’s nobody that’s really nailed down that first team spot yeah whereas I think if you’ve got a decent enough core like like you mentioned and just players that are Dependable that’s it’s absolutely massive obviously we’re going to chat about one of them who I really hope sticks around um but in terms of others it’s it’s not as though my fear is that people look at Hearts as a oneman band which you would understand given of course a certain someone’s scoring exps but it’s imperative that we’ve got Central Defenders to rely upon midfielders to protect them and ideally look to carve out some chances players in the wide areas that can contribute fullbacks Wing backs that bomb on like it’s not solely down to him um and this is it’s a really good squad actually it’s it’s a good squad that needs a couple tweaks yeah but for the most part should should easily go again next campign absolutely so moving into the squad we’re going to cover every single player that featured at least five times because a minimum of five you’re you’re featuring enough that you’ve done something theoretically we may get to some people who we don’t feel like we have done something but generally that is the rule and now people will think I’ve got a motive behind this but I only discovered this when I was making this list as I understand if I’ve missed anybody else out let me know and you might even notice as I get through this L you go what about so and so but I think the only player that we won’t be talking about is Andy howay who only made three appearances for hearts this season all in the League Cup that’s wild yeah pretty pretty mad and then he obviously went he let now a big part of that is that he left in January so it’s not just he was sat about but we will go from back to front so we start with one of those people who’s probably had one of his best seasons ever I think he said it on his Instagram actually for a personal reason and we start with Xander Clark what would you give so we’re going to go from A+ all the way down what would you give Xander Clark I’d give him at least at least a B+ right what what’s that for because I thought I was going to get [ __ ] because it’s been a theme of this season that I’ve maybe wanted Xander Clark dropped not because of anything he’s done but because of who he is what have you done so I thought you were going to have the higher grade but I’ve given Xander Clark an a because I think in terms of what Xander Clark has been asked to do I honestly thought youer than that I’m more I’m more than happy to bump that up because I agree I think for me he’s probably been our most overlooked or under appreciated yeah definitely I really do I think we touch on it near enough every week when you’ve got a player that is as adored as revered as Craig Gordon is amongst the support it’s very tough to fill those boots or in this case those gloves and second only in clean sheets to Jack butland of Rangers in the League this season been excellent and he was one that our start when it was so shaky you thought there maybe be a couple errors but a massive part of the run that we went on was because we had somebody that couldn’t score goals yeah but can also keep them out of the other end and I think I think Xander Clark’s been been excellent and thoroughly deserved a Scotland call up as well for the Euros definitely so are you what are you bumping your B+ up to I’m I’m cool to go with an a I’m more than happy with I honestly thought you’d be a lot harsher than that purely because of your because you’re not as handsome as Craig Gordon Gordon but anyway speaking about the handsome man that he is Craig Gordon managed to actually feature 11 times for us this season over multiple competitions namely in the Scottish cup he played every single round of that competition I’m I’m just going stra I can never give him anything less than a b so I’ve went with a B okay because I’m just like he did EXA from the games he was in I don’t think I can think of a goalie conceded where I’m like Xander Clark saves that I just think he came in conceded goals I think Xander would have conceded made saves that Craig Gordon makes and I love him I’m never going look Craig Gordon could keep no clean sheets in a season and I’d still be giving them a be I’m but this is my biased one right [ __ ] is all I’m gonna be critical and go for a c shocking not even a C+ what’s happening no just a c I think he’s done what what we’d expect I think a lot of this a lot of this is is tough because do you ultimately like players have set such standards that yeah they’re not really exceeding the standards if you see what I mean yeah totally like so I can’t give Craig G A because that would just be ridiculous yeah whereas B has he exceeded what I’d expect of him in my opinion no see I just I I’m really this is such a tricky conundrum for Stephen nth end into next season yeah is what what do what do you actually do I know like I think Craig Gordon is heading towards the end I think this will be his last year yeah I wouldn’t be surprised I would I wouldn’t even be surprised surprised if I was going to say if he’s gone in a half after the Scotland Malarkey and just thinks I’m done but I I don’t think I think he want to I think he’ll want one more in Europe again and stuff like that like being there and kind of go out on top where he’s not obviously passed it or anything like that but how do you then drop Clark or how do you then say to CL I just mean in terms of I think it’ll be quite a similar situation what it’s been this towards the final you’ll get like European games or whatever I think domestically maybe not as cut and dry as that but I think they will swap a lot more interesting interesting I think Xander will be told this is kind of his last year we’re giving him this next year and onwards you are number one I just feel like recently he’s not how can’t be too harsh because I love Craig Gordon but I just feel like recently he done himself Craig Gordon I know I know I know I know but recently he’s done himself no favors for us and Scotland that’s terrible to say I about Scotland that that Finland friendly I just I literally haven’t seen a second of that so I’m thinking back to the Livingston game toward the end of the season where just felt like I I know I know but it just it’s oh INF fairness that was his like f League game in a year and a bit I know but it’s it’s easy me generally yeah I know what you mean I I am openly being like CG Gordon could play no games and I’d give him a be just for kicking about like he is my one that I have a complete blind spot to and I’m biased because he’s my favorite football player of all time so I’m just like yeah I’m just I’m I’m sticking to the Sea I’m sorry you’re not give you’re not going to give a [ __ ] he’s a loyal lessar what you’re talking about right with it’s just it’s sad it is it is I’m not going to I’m going to be a [ __ ] M next oh there’s not going to be a dry eye in the house when he if he does decide to pack it in I am sorry to report that Michael McGovern doesn’t make it onto this list considering he never featured for the club so featured more for Livingston as a hard player than he did so that’s fine we move on to the backline and I’ve not done this in really order I’ve kind of went with Center halves first for some reason Frankie k at least in a I have gone A+ because I don’t know what more a new signing can come in and do arguably one of the signings of the season in Scotland um our best center half by a million miles and ever present till toward the end of the campaign just just really good and exceeded expectations so yeah a A+ I’m happy to give perfect what a hero I can’t wait to have him in Europe it’s going to be absolutely class and his songs a lot of fun to yes exactly we then move on to the guy who has partnered them more than any other player this season and it is ky rolls I’ve went with a solid B because I think Kai roll gets underappreciated a lot I saw the stats that the heart standard came out with a week or 10 days ago and it was like KY Rose is in the upper echelons in the league in pretty much every area apart from the one area that people always point out and like jeel ground Jewels one he was low on that but I think he’s massively underappreciated and very key to the way that we play and I think him and Kent really benefit with each other and a good partnership I I’m going to go for a B minus I was to a B minus and a C+ I don’t think he’s been as good as he was previously I think and I think when he’s when he’s good he’s great when he’s not so good it’s pretty evident so maybe that leads into what you’re saying and that he’s imperative if he performs we perform yeah I think that period seven weeks when he wasn’t there and he was out his absence was felt ARA I remember everybody going [ __ ] hell we miss rolls like he’s really good at taking the ball out of the back which like Kent doesn’t do which I’m not complaining about that’s not Kent’s game that’s not your job no no yeah like and that’s what I mean they just work really well with each other Kent will sort everything out out rolls then being an instigator for our play okay yeah you’re happy with the B I’m I’m I’m yeah I was torn between a B minus and a C+ so I’m going to go B minus that’s fair C C+ would have been harsh we then move to the final Center half in terms of traditional Center halfes but we’ll get to someone who’s kind of just revealed themselves to be a center half later on H Toby cic what are you going for see I also went with a c because like he’s been fine adquate not really nailed down a spot I think he’s okay I think there’s times where his concentration is a little bit questionable um I think I think there’s also times where he recovers really well but there shouldn’t be a need to recover if you do your job correctly in the first place you see where I’m going so I’m I’m going over the bul standard C for for TOS I do like him though I have just realized there is another set of half year but kind of emblematic of how his season’s G I forgot about him but he has played nine times for us this season it’s Craig H he played that ball over the top to Kenny Vargas at erre and then he’s knee pinged yeah that was his last action um the best ball I’ve ever seen a Defender play D D plus I went with D+ because it’s like what can you say he only played nine games best abilities availability in Craig we’ve not seen enough I’m afraid so been okay when called upon but how frequently has he been called upon def at best for me but then move on to the kind of left back slash left Center half because this guy has been more of a left Center half than left back this season and it is Stephen Kingsley what do we give Xander Clark an a I gave him an a yeah I’ll go for an A minus for Kingsley I went also with an a because I think Kingsley has probably been un like the actual answer to unsung hero yeah out with it’s between them two is it% maybe even out with hearts fans I think in the leag Kingsley has been exceptional he’s played every defensive position this season and just he’s never just been back to his best and it’s been amazing to see yeah it has and again like just goes to show you what what happens in the background of a professional footballer as well like yeah when things are going swimmingly then it’s it’s great the minute that you know something goes wrong and they don’t quite perform at that same level you then get people pouncing on them and yeah very much very much a player back to his best um yeah happy to go with that and then agreed moving into the proper actual out andout fullbacks slash wi backs now we have the guy on his side Alex Cochran this is this is one of the players I was referring to about you know because they’ve set the bar that high mhm I’m thinking I’m thinking a a B+ maybe an A minus I went with a minus that’s that is what I gave and again people might say I’m biased but I just think like he’s just a top Pro seven out of 10 every week like there’s a reason he’s probably leaving us for sadly probably a better move in terms of his development and what are you talking about I know I know I don’t want to accept it but in the eyes of him I understand it and just and you know I’d be the first to bash Hearts if Alex copin left on a free so like sometimes the club can he win like we’ve got to we’ve got to make money y so if if we have to sell a player to balance the books or whatever not balance the books but you know what I mean in terms of we’ve not made enough money arguably from player sales yeah over the past few seasons so when we get one I can’t sit here and then go oh what are we selling Alex Cochran for like this is just the way of it this this is how he would have came to hearts in the first place yeah come here develop get your move elsewhere and it works it works for both parties he’s he’s he’s a wonderful he’s the modern day fback for me he’s got everything yeah wonderful can we know just like sell Toby Civic for that amount and keep this is this is why we can’t have nice things mver when it goes when it goes to well there’s about about be something goes wrong it’s like East Enders hearts are like their own little s Opera this is like this is like Dirty Dan returning to the square it’s exactly what a [ __ ] comparison Cocker and leaving Hearts is like dirty Den coming back in East standards incred that’s made me feel old as well it’s good to be back you’ve missed this haven’t you [ __ ] hell right we then move over to the other side whereas so the left hand side of Defense has got an A minus and an a we then move over at the problem position oh Jesus yeah like I L it earlier rudely we have two players who have haven’t really been able to cement their place one’s a permanent sign and one’s a lowy we start with a permanent guy Nathaniel Atkinson D oh I think that’s harsh I went with a c I think he’s okay that’s what my C’s are my C’s are the fight C’s for me by average in the middle fine I think I think I think it’s cuz I’m expecting more okay get you that that I’ve then gone for a d i mean the blocks an Australian International but you wouldn’t think it so is Lewis Miller though in the same position so Martin Bo true he got a couple of the day yeah against who pal yeah see this is why Australia always reached the World Cup I mean they play the absolute Mickey Mouse every single group they have the I I I think I saw a stat U and Iran and all this carry on it was something like they’ve never not topped the group at maximum points for the last like eight years or something like that like somethingone mad Donald Duck and all this like well then your point about him being an Australian International is null and void because he’s playing against teams that you dare expect anyway so then so then in theory my grade is am I been too generous here maybe even lower no you need to just make it related to his performances in a heart Shir I think I think he’s I think we should be aiming for better I think he’s okay put this way I don’t want to see him start at right yeah that’s that’s fair a squad player at Max for me but he’s not a starter for me so you’re going D I’m going C we then move to the guy who’s been competing beting with him Dexter lamb beisa feel like he’s a c I’ve just also giving him a c because I think he’s better than Atkinson going forward but he’s worse than Atkinson defending so they balance each other out and the fact that he’s not a permanent Hearts player like I think I think he’s he’s just not a fullback no he’s not if he was to join us next season as a right winger I’d be like that yeah yeah but he he ain’t back um defensively suspect like you say yeah he’s been he’s been all right grab grabbed a couple of goals been been okay um I think he shows flashes offensively but yeah I’ve got question marks defensively so see for me so we move into the center of Midfield where we have [ __ ] loads of players to get through here too many yeah and we start with a player that you might be biased towards because we start with Benny Ben Benny bingy B I’ve also given them a b because there’s been some games where I’ve been really annoyed with him and then there’s other games where you’re like oh yeah this is why he’s [ __ ] incredible God he’s staying and if if he performed at latter consistently he wouldn’t be at Hearts so exactly um really pleased that he signed a new deal as well um didn’t didn’t foresee that no um I just actually G him I I think that’s I think that’s a fair assessment to be honest yeah when he’s good great when he’s not so good it’s evident but who can’t we say that about yeah exactly H we move on to the guy who has partnered him more than anyone else Cami delin Cy delin I feel like I mean that Rosenberg moment or moments alone were worthy of an a then he kind of went missing Into the Wilderness and it didn’t it appeared as old asith didn’t really fancy him then towards the end of the season he’s got really good again I would go for b or a B minus I’m I’m struggling I think oh this is the one if I’m going Benny B I’ll go I’ll go B minus I think for Cammy oh this is the one that we have the biggest disparity on oh no this is going to be like an A or an A plus or something I’ve went a minus because I think wow really over the course of the Season though so I vividly remember at the start of this season being [ __ ] raging that he kept getting brought off in games because I was like he is our best midfielder what are you doing like when we were in Europe obviously is its own thing and he was amazing in Europe and I remember at the start of the season I was like he’s being made a scapegoat this is ridiculous what is happening then he got hurt and he just didn’t feature Frees I was like this is it he’s away whenever he’d come in he’d do well and then the Paul harli fication of Kami devn at the end I think over the course of the Season he’s been our best center mid I listen there’s been three outstanding players in that area for me I yeah yeah I think I’m not sure I agree with that I think I’m I’m sticking with a B minus I’m I’m putting him just under Benny for me that’s fair and then we go with the third guy and his compat internationally Callum new inhof also another new signing I’m really tempted to give him a B+ I’ve given him a B+ I’ve given him the same as Benny because I I I just think again like he was another that we start in start but as soon as he got going he was just amazing he SC that go against dunde and never looked back no absolutely not um since the turn of the year he’s been phenomenal and even just a little bit before that probably about nove late November early December remember whenever we went up to d wall in like October and folk were give me a [ __ ] CU I said he was man of the match on that day and it was like no he’s no he’s sh and then he became the Hof and I’m just sat here like I saw it now he does rival David Hasselhoff to be exctly um yeah I yeah I think I think B+ were both agreed with that I think I think it’s prettyy fair I just think we’ve had really good Center mids this season one one who I’m really excited for next season as well Cal off definitely um the last of kind of that generation of players actually he’s kind of in a generation of his own and he did play seven games so he just made the cut off seven appearances for the departing Peter Haring what do you give him like what what fantastic servant to the football club but um sorry Pedro I cannot give you more than a d I gave him a d the same as hit because they’ve just not wow I as Peter haring’s biggest fan I thought You’ find a way to smuggle like a C+ or something ridiculous in there if you ask me honestly he’s getting an A+ because I love him stop stop looking at this season he didn’t do anything so it’s a d and look I I’ve been I’ve been positive about Peter hanning as much as I can I I wasn’t I didn’t want him to be kept on in the first place but I can’t I can’t look like Overlook his loyalty and his service to Heart he’s he’s he’s been he’s been a brilliant servant so I truly do wish him the best but this we shouldn’t have come to this yeah is my thing and then we kind of have the new crop where for the first time in what feels like [ __ ] ages we actually had an emergence of young Talent come through one of which are you just going sitters and then like attacking yeah for sorry yeahor we’re we’re literally going as back to front a couple yeah yeah sorry I do apologize the first name was a guy who was told at the start of the well at the end of last season that he was going to be away that he didn’t have a future at heart but then I think the first thing n Smith did was give Eden de a new deal chance and Aiden Denham then has gone on to technically if you look at Subs in that has actually made 21 appearances over the course of the Season W what would you give Aiden denim C+ I’ve also went C+ for Eden denim I think um he the look he’d have to do really well to nail down a spot given the competition got in Midfield um but I do like him I I think he gives us something different I think it’s it’s such a lazy thing to say but I can’t think of a better way to sum it up but he is a fan on the Park yeah we see that with Stephen kingsley’s free kick itself Celtic and he’s just running towards him waving his arms what he works his bollocks off anyway like as as you’d try to or as I’d try to if it was us in in that just with a lot less ability in our cases than he’s running about and showing ability and stamina in mind ex we’d last we’d last literally less than a minute and then we’d both be back the Absol of dity to for me to decide to make a podcast that K monar I have function in knees mate we the worst too look at us going cig Peter Haring you get a d Absolut scumbaggery um but I’m past caring in life uh yeah I in I I like I think uh I think he’s another that I I’ve got high hopes for and so yeah as has looked really good and mental to think that we were on the Virgil letting him wander away for free absolutely crazy crazy and then somebody even younger than him came in out of nowhere and moli T I’ll just immediately say I’ve went B minus one better than in denim because I just I can’t the unfortunately think ARG his feelings higher isn’t it yes I think definitely you can tell M callate is just we are not going to be where he remains for no I don’t even think that much longer to be honest but we did well we got him 2028 we’ve got them secured down it’s fine but the problem for mcau is that a lot of people go well it was his fault in the semi-final that we ended up losing that game which it wasn’t it yeah he physically lost the ball but Todd cwell had been 60 yards to run and the goal to’ be scored and also we were getting beat before he lost the ball exactly it’s not like it was it’s not like it was even tied or we’d scored or like we were already in a losing position anyway but apart from that I think that sticks out to a lot of people because it feels like that’s the first time he actually made a mistake yeah yeah I again like if he was Spanish or something or like from somewhere that’s more glamorous people would be R yeah it’d be at Man City already exactly like I I just feel like he’s not helped by the nation that he comes from and our our league in the in the current format that it’s in um yeah I has ceiling is is it looks really high again I I hope he’s not one because we’ve seen it countless times down the years where there’s a young prospect that looks really promising he’s either burnt out or he’s not given enough game time their career just Fizzles out and then they’re rotten away in the Scottish lower leagues before we know it I I hope and I believe that we will do we will take care of them we we’ll look after him as best as we can and then from there this guy’s limit I he really excites me very much so you couldn’t have basically said a better sentence to transition into the next guy because MCO really excites Adam someone that we know does not excite Adam is the wonderful George Grant where would you put the odd one out amongst all these Midfield we’ve been pretty much universally positive about this this lot where would you put George Grant C+ I also went with C+ yeah I just think like when you’re being compared to Scott Fraser it’s hard to not look good you’re spoiling who’s next like I’m not I’m not a big George Grant fan but he’s better than him yeah so that’s all I think we’re better than him right let’s go right Scott Fraser I’ve put a d and I’m terrified that we’re apparently signing them permanently that’s that’s far too high for me I’m going I’m going e minus or an f f for Fraser he did get two assists don’t care don’t care well one of them we were already 4 one up what was the other one exactly I was at home play in shankland or something oh H was that not it was post it wasn’t the Rangers game it was no it was it was Kelly yes was it KY I think so yeah it wasn’t the last two games because it was at home who did who the [ __ ] did we play no Killy was away no it wasn’t Killy we drew nil nil at Killy s marinin s that’s it was yeah no s was away s it must have been hold on a second hold on hold on hold on regardless I agree that those two assist shouldn’t he really P but in a season went over dundy yeah so we were already two nil up any so both his goals were pointless um for his contributions yeah sorry sorry I can picture it now yeah he just plays him through and Sh oh yeah cuz sha goes thank [ __ ] cuz it’s it wasn’t even like a good finish got lucky with the Finish yeah so it’s not really an assist in my books like you made the pass yeah but it was a lucky goal like come on I’m going no one’s getting lower than D considering the season we’ve had for no I’m going F F Razer that’s fair so then please do not please do not sign I can’t stress this enough if we got D spit coming in allegedly please there’s no need for him to be here yeah well we then move on to the forward line and we start with a man who only featured in kind of wee bits more towards the end of the season because of injuries and it’s Barry mcki absence makes the heart grow F there but I’m going B minus I went C but a lot of that is just because of how few games he played and apart from the Livingston game where he was admittedly great I don’t think he had that big an impact can we agree on a C+ yeah [ __ ] it and go down you you come up we’ll go with a C+ because like again he’s another that I I hold in very high esteem because due to the other players in the squad he’s one that will play that killer pass’s no one who can do what he can do in the moment exactly so I I think he’s maybe a victim of his own success in that regard that I hold him to such a high level that I’m trying to justify B minus but can’t really because again like you say missed a large chunk of the season so I’d say he’s he’s done better than I’ve expected because I didn’t really expect to see him so that’s fair when when he has played he’s done well so yeah um C C+ I think’s Justified we then move to Utah older who I like but is a greedy bastard from time to time but then in the times he’s not as when he should be exactly so his decision making really irritates me yeah I feel like once he’s got that nailed there’s a real player in there yeah I will go for I’ll go for Bar M C plus I’ll go I’ll go B minus for Oda I feel like that could be generous though I would I have him down as is a C+ but I know what you mean by a B minus somewhere in that range he’s probably higher than Mai yeah because he has had more of an impact on the season but is he on the level of he’s in that also that same bracket where by it’s a prospect that we’ve brought in because we want to profit and we’re hoping to nurture that Talent develop that Talent there is there’s something there but for the love of God his decision making is wful from time to time H speaking about a project player that was brought in I was about to just sayar Kenny Vargas hermano Loco the wi egg what are you giving the wi egg I love Vargas do he’s midal I’ll go for oh this going be really generous I’m going a minus I’ve also went a minus okay I’m that he’s got like 14 goal contributions in his first season and another who I was thinking have we wasted time and effort and trying to develop this guy or would we be happy to see the back off is he going to be one of them like what if players but he’s impressed enough for us to have dished out a fiveyear deal and we we don’t do that a lot we don’t Maran I mean today I went to won’s and I’ve bought a Spanish dictionary so I’m I’m obsessed I’m all in on them I’m I’m literally I’m front seat of the Kenneth Vargas hype train I just love that little guy I love the idea that you you finally get to meet him properly and just say the basic [ __ ] how is where is the train station what do you think of the weather yeah right well we both agree with a mines I’m interested to see where you put this person because unbelievably making 22 appearances it’s Liam Boyce 22 22 appearances this season 16 in the league 16 in the league now obviously a lot of them are Subs right it’s not 22 start I don’t I can I can literally I can tell you exactly how that is split as well so 16 League appearances really no 13 sorry 13 for a combined even still it’s one every three games in the league and he he got four goal contributions in that time as well Jesus four in that’s impressive actually considering the little time he’s so [ __ ] so much what a player four in Europe yeah I remember him in in the Rosenberg game cuz the Devin uh the dev the first goal he should score he should yeah he should um four there three in the league cup and then two in the final uh split games so you play 22 games for a combined time of 930 minutes again he’s another that I just hold in such high esteem yep oh that makes the grade and tricky I’m G going to go for a c I went for a C+ because I love yeah I get I bumped him up for a c to a C+ just because I like him put it this way I’ve said there his his contributions in the limited time is impressive but of a player of his caliber I’ve just come to expect that because he is just a he’s a to I just did it by the way in terms of minutes to games he’s played the equivalent of 10 games that’s nuts so he’s played he’s got four goal contrib four goal contributions yeah it’s not bad going is it nearly one in two go contributions it’s really not I yeah I’m I’m happy with a a C+ or because he he’s he’s top it’s just try to get him on the park I know exactly penultimately unless I forgotten anybody we have the two game sensation kosi taga wait hold on a second the two game sensation who has played a minimum of five games no I just meant these final two games were s know how many actually I didn’t even check how yeah how many games did he play this season what is your guess obviously including Subs oh God I I’ll be astonished if it’s more than boys it’s not more than boys I can tell you that 18 oh it’s 20 oh not far off which by the way it’s now this is entirely making me question every single stat I’ve just told you because transfer Mark only has him down for one goal in the league when he [ __ ] has two shocking that that goal hasn’t been credited elsewhere has it oh it [ __ ] better not to by the way I mean neither can be no because they don’t they neither deflect on the way through they’re both cleaning finishes I’m checking right now mob I’m checking right [ __ ] now no tagwa tagwa no he’s been given both transfer C AR updating last game of the season clearly it’s very anyway I’ve went with a c just for those two games in the song that’s all I’ve done uh yeah I didn’t expect much um all exceeded expectations toward the end because it actually looks like he’s he’s decent yep c yeah yeah all right and then finally laen shankin if anyone gives him well [ __ ] I was about to say if anyone gives him less than the equivalent of eight A Plus or 10 out of 10 but Barry Anderson did he gave him a nine which is like what more does he have to do I think that’s I that’s just a market PL on it because he wears number nine give him the nine I ran out of superlatives and is arguably been even better this season than he was last yep and considering he went the first nine games only scoring once exactly it has to be an A+ but again he maybe suffers from the Cochran syndrome and that he’s that good is he exceeding your expectations like he has mine this season yeah he has mine but if if somebody gave him a c because he’s at such a level I would understand it d a c i’ make the lowest I mean in terms of like but if that’s if that’s his average like his average just that ridiculously good even then no it’s a minimum of a plus for me it’s an A plus it’s an A+ it’s an A plus year he’s just the best he’s the best center forward that we’ve seen play for heart and he’s Player of the Year deservedly totally goal I mean the top goal scorer in the league plays for hearts what is happening it’s nevered simulation and then he’s got to go this summer we have to go back to the norm well that’s if he scores against Germany and puts himself in that shot window welcome TOS with open arms right we then go from players rank into players individually as we have the categories we have four of them oh God I wondered where this was going I thought I going to have to go further in each and every player they we bored everybody already we have four categories we have moment of the Season goal of the Season young Player of the Year and player of the year and if you want we can do game of the year but I think it’s probably going to be between it’s either going to be the end Derby or the rosenborg game pick between the two for years I guess got to be got to be one of the wins over Celtic i’ Castle oh [ __ ] actually there’s loads there’s loads we can do but we’ll start with goal of the season I have three to pick for I just to add flavor because I think everybody the same thing I’m going because I was there and I and I thoroughly enjoyed it was our goal at erre in the cup was it was it Grant or Shanklin the first one oh the first one yeah shank tidy pass shankland I’m go for that because I really I loveed that goal I thought it was really well worked countless players involved I can’t give it to tan Forest because ultimately they bottled the Derby so I’m going to go for that goal a that’s that’s good I like that I’ll I’ll get a bit variety because I’m you’re going Forest against hibs no I’m not that isn’t even that isn’t even in my three oh oh wow well talk to me third is Devin’s goal against Livingston where we passed it similar reasons we passed it about for [ __ ] ages and it was just a great work goal second oh I know what one of these is I know what one of these is Shanklin versus St mirin December great goal yeah love that a great goal as well right in the top banjo as well what a view I had that from that was incredible but I know what’s coming here do you what’s coming here is it kosi Tagle against Rangers that is the actual answer but no my answer is the New Year’s Derby shankland 92nd minute against hibs see yeah it’s not I get that because the Finish is ridiculous but you’re you’re you’re ultimately combining moment and goal here aren’t you no my moment of the season is different oh you’re gonna go Devin against Rosenberg yes I am Devin against Rosenberg is my moment of the season or tag equalizing against Rangers because we all went better that was class oh is he no I have to go Shanklin because I was so disappointed with that Dar T Castle ultimately I wasn’t in the country for it as well so it was a Mad Dash to get to folks house and watched the game then they our best friend to sat next to me and her dad is like couple seats over so I’ve got to VI my best behavior it’s the least I’ve ever celebrated in Ed radar just I was standing up and shrieking and running around the room if it was in my own G because I was in Canada with my miss his family I had to keep it a reserve double fist clench on the sofa just to myself that’s why we ended up bottle with it because you didn’t show the true emotion it’s shocking oh that was magnificent but in terms of actually being at the game then def Rosenberg would take it yeah that’s fair so we then move to the fin or two in terms of young player and player who have you got for young player now we were speaking about this before we went on there there’s not many that are actually eligible for this I’m not really sure who qualifies I’m going to go because it’s their first season at the club I’m going to go Callum newoff if he’s eligible I think he is isn’t he he is eligible and I think I’m between new and Hof and then I’ve also put Vargas in so oh I do love Vargas so if you cover newoff I’ll cover Vargas and we’ve got both of them covered in terms of I think they’ve both been great yeah yeah yeah I’ll let you go with Vargas yeah I can’t believe I for all about Vargas because new and Hof’s my guy so I’ll go with new and Hof you go with our guys yeah because he’s just a wonderful a wonderful man I’m going to get a p of the neck tattoo and see what my folks think that is [ __ ] on tape now folks so hold that over him needs to be the European trip get that going in the summer that’s no I’m saving the money for the European trip never mind the D ni he not Daft Kenny I love it I was say that’s a big St looks it looks great I’m gonna get the cost of a flag at the radio and then do we even need to speak about who is player of the year no because it’s give it [ __ ] I know you would yeah anybody anybody was s would give it to the main man right it’s Lawrence sh what a footballer what a player what a goal scorer what a hero right we’ we’ve spent too long on positives we now need to go our predictions oh now I will say in terms of our predictions in terms of those categories we have [ __ ] smashed it oh really we’ve been we are oracles when it comes to individual player Awards because top goal scorer we both go with Lawrence shankland player of the year we both go with Lawrence shankland now I will say the next two best young player in signing the season we recorded this halfway through July when we had made a grand total of two signings Frankie Ken and Callum newoff we still got it wrong we made an agreement for signing the season to each pick one okay I got I went with signing the season Callum new off and you went signing the season Frankie Kent I would say you are correct Frankie Kent was signing in the season yeah I’ve go with that and then we’ve both went best young player player C newoff so okay that’s yeah that’s I think soled yeah exactly right League predictions so the aim of this game is it’s like golf lowest score possible you get plus points for okay oh You’ not you’re not pissed about we preparing for this no I have not so lowest score wins basically and we will start from bottom to top I know who I went bottom who do you think we went you went bottom for I think I went St jobby we both did we both went with at the time Steve McLean’s s Johnston who had just been beat off Sterling Albi 4N at home in the leag cup correct that was a big part of both of our points um I however we’ just like to add we both said if they sack pan and get someone in they’ve got a right good chance of staying up so well that’s that’s okay oh I didn’t think it’d be Craig LaVine yeah definitely not but I actually said in that I thought it was going to be neelson oh wow I said I wouldn’t be surprised if nelon got it Robbie would Robbie have taken that that that did come about before he went to Florida didn’t it I think he was one of the favorites for it we were about to play them opening day and I was like the most us thing ever would be neelon taking us in justice Rob and beating us and then [ __ ] us yeah so we both said St Johnston in 11th place in the playoff position do you remember who you said has to be Livingston you correctly said Livingston in terms of that is who you said I was very far off this is my worst position I went with dunde because I was just understandable yeah I made the argument of every year they come up we hear about how they’ll suddenly be good and they never are but then this was the one year they actually are so I was quite off In fairness and you weren’t to know that they ultimately sacrificed the pitch for the playing Personnel very true you you’re not John nms nobody knew that correct thank God but very true yeah I was Miles off you must had Livy 10th surely so we moved to 10th I did have Livy do you remember who you had in 10th I I hope it’s Ross County but I don’t think it is it might be dunde it’s dundy damn oh no okay same reasons that you say yes exactly I if anybody had Doney top six heading into the season they’re a better man than me definitely moving into Ninth Place we both agreed on this Ross County Ross County yes we both made point because they finished what oh no 11th yeah they finished 11th yeah it’s not terrible too bad now again you have to remember this is prior to the Derek Adams Don KY Revolution we’re still dealing with Maly McKai in The Dugout at the time it’s understandable they were a wee bit higher and we B mcregor Money just wasn’t enough to Elevate them this time around exactly we mve Don car does well though yes love you Don carry love you who do you think you put in eighth position by the sound of your voice it’s a shocker I don’t think it’s a shocker someone’s telling me it’s s mirin it is s mirin you had s mirin in eth but the reason I say it’s not a shocker is because I take that Crown cuz I had comman oh wow in eth because my logic was I thought they do better than they did the season before but not that much better so they finished 10th the season before I was predicting them to jump a couple of places but then they did incredibly well so mes off with that we then move into seventh place and your prediction here has a little addendum to it as well mother W correct you predicted mother finished seventh and so did I but you then made a massive point I went to move on and continue with the predictions and you went hold on maer and this is the exact quote there is absolutely no chance in hell Theo bear gets five goals did I say that yeah oh no oh now no I think most people would have said that at the start of this oh my God I’m G to go back and watch that I had no idea that I said that thanks Ste bear won’t even get five goals oh my God sorry Sor sorry you see the clubs that are in for him by the way charlon 800 Grand that’s how they’re fun getting rid of Scott fras us’re going that’s fine what yeah it’s like Championship clubs I thought St poy were another that were like what’s happening here and you’ll be [ __ ] wherever he goes it’s like the stay there you finally found it you found a club where you’re good at wow oh ammo F be and St K well and everybody connected with Mother football club a massive apology Jesus then moving to the top six who did you have in sixth place I ticked Kelly for the top six and I’m going to assume that I put them there correct you did you kill your top six I had s Merin so it was a place off not bad um again I was making the point that’s where that was one of our big differences because obviously you had some m and eight I thought they would cement themselves as top six I just didn’t think they’d actually do as well as they ended up doing Fair a place off that’s not bad yeah it’s not terrible this is why our tables are quite a wee bit off our nearest Challengers were rotten we then move into fifth position who have you got do you think hibs you do have hibs and here’s another little addendum but this is a positive addendum for Adam Kenn because you were incredibly confident saying there is no way Lee Johnson sees Christmas and he didn’t even see October never even saw Halloween a Ry start and then I thought that they’d get somebody in I actually thought that the hibs hierarchy were somewhat competent and that they’d appoint a decent manager elev suggestion nailed it with Lee Johnson sacking but not quite with the competent replacement H I also had hibs in fifth fourth position who did you there’s only two teams possible who did you have you did have Aberdine I I had us because I was worried that’s not terrible I was worried about NY and I was just thinking however here’s my little addendum I said Barry Robson won’t see Christmas and he just made it the new year so I’m taking that as a win I’m taking I’d count that and I said that abine would end up getting third but because they sack Robson and get someone in to sort to do a bar Robson yes exactly H so yes that of course means you had AR third so your first spot on well done thank you very much thank you and then what way round did you have the old firm Celtic first and Ranger second right correct you got you got a quarter of the league spot on I also had cic Rangers but that was all I got even even a broken clock tells the correct time twice a day KY there EXA not not really too much to shout about top to top to third but we’ll take it so your score obviously you’re you’re hoping for like basically zero or 12 if you want to to say you get a point for the right thing but zero is what you’re hoping for you ended up getting 24 yikes I got 27 I was three offs dundy killed me and Aberdine killed me it was the two that basically swapped places that was nine yeah was a shocker for me yeah but and and we both expected more from hibs yes exactly I saw the vision with Kelly whereas you bump them up a couple places but not high enough you did better with ADM than I did did so I I think we’ve done okay there it’s not too bad the biggest difference you had you had quite a few threes but you only had one four whereas I had two fours and a five so I who your who was your five dund dunde oh dundy yeah so dunde and abine kind of knack and Killy I just didn’t believe in Killy I didn’t believe in Derek mckinness but just to sign off on that section a quote from you either we’re idiots or we actually know what we’re talking about I think it’s somewhere in the middle actually yeah okay so that brings an end to the season review overall a very successful season loved it hopefully we can campaign yeah hopefully we can emulate anything like it next season however before we move into the quiz which we’ve got you’re not getting rid of us just yet this summer because we are of course this week this Friday opening the European championships in Germany as Scotland played Germany so it’s p toley at the Euros once again we will be releasing an episode on Tuesday where we’ll be covering the Germany game and then obviously we play on the Wednesday and we play on the Sunday so then the week after we’ll be covering both and who knows if we get out the groups we do a third episode and however many more we get it’s going to be fun that that would be really nice that would be great if we were to document the Scottish national team finally getting out of a group stage at a major tournament so fingers crossed but we will speak about all that and obviously next week’s episode we’ll be us speaking about our thoughts on the squad and stuff like that which we haven’t really covered in this but we’ll do then review gmany game and everything apologies gang had had we recorded this prior then we might have had that little this could have well been this you know chatting about the squad the upcoming championship and whatever but need to I’m afraid that’s fair get all the thoughts at your head and focus on the quiz because we have the final quiz of the season oh dear this could be this could be tough as ever we have a multiple choice a true or false two normal questions and who am I are you ready for the final quiz of the Season as ready as I’ll ever be right we start off with the multiple choice how many goals did Harts score in the League this season is it 5 2 53 54 or 55 I had 54 in my head so I’m going to go with that right off the bat he’s off to a flyer it’s 54 yes smashed it yes done I’ll take that don’t know why that popped in my head just there but must must have had a look at the table somewhat recently EXA don’t know speaking of goals Lawrence shankland was of course our top goal scorer this season but but who scored the next highest amount of goals oh got to be Vargas is it he’s two for two he’s smashing it nice how many do you think he got I feel this might just be le nine oh he’s getting a bonus point cuz he’s got nine as well SW on he’s smashing it yeah he got 14 in the last episode or the all right okay yeah 14 goal contributions n goal six in the league and three in the cups yes exactly it is exactly that I do listen to what you say sometimes what a shock it’s only taken 166 episodes for it to become a parent true or false Xander Clark kept 14 clean sheets this season I said second Jack butland but the problem is I don’t know how many he’s SC and that that is correct that he is a second only Jack butland I’m going to see B how many do you think he has then is it not it’s either 15 or 16 oh is it I’m going 16 so Jack butland correctly as you said had the most amount with 18 S Clark has kept 15 Queen so you’re correct it is false you don’t get a bonus point for how many he got but fa play take that final question smashing in no real surprise Kami Devin picked up the most amount of yellow cards for hearts this season with 13 but who was second with 12 see I’m thinking that Alex Cochran is a bet Builder staple selection here 12’s a lot though 12 is a lot he’s he’s the only one that makes sense mind you Shanklin quite likes aukin try to think Benny Benny’s not going to have that many yeah I’m going cockin the correct answer is laurren Shanklin oh d i to myself out of that one Cochran only has eight oh wow I thought been more than that so did I to be hon thought it was going to be Co you so close to getting oh it’s so annoying you got five out of six if you include the bonus Point as well so that is not bad at all that was not bad so that’s so annoying if you get this who am I and you could have ended the season getting four Mars a I’m not going to get who am I that’s all right this will be this will be some Bosnian loser that’s played like three games that I’ve never heard of so who am I I have played in Scotland France Greece and Switzerland Bosnia the only two trophies I’ve ever won in my career were domestic Club cups I have over 20 caps and represented my country at an International Tournament I arrived at Harts under contra rsal circumstances reportedly against my manager’s wishes and I scored in a historic game for hearts who am i o what were the Nations that they played in sorry before I really cut you off I have played in Scotland France Greece and Switzerland Scotland France Greece and Switzerland I I just get for the folk who are watching have just been blinded by Wikipedia I’m going to ask for the uh playing position first and foremost this man is a center back well that’s good because I had Ibrahim tal in my head okay but but Scotland France Greece and switzland with that you read the clues again course I can I have played in Scotland France Greece and Switzerland the only two trophies I’ve ever won in my career were domestic Club cups I have over 20 caps and represented my country at an International Tournament I arrived at Hearts under controversial circumstances reportedly against my manager’s wishes and I scored in a historic game for the club the Caps things throwing me off if I ask what country they represented then I’d have a better idea was Ibrahim tal senales oh God you see the cups so he he has to he was in that cup winning team for us but elsewhere France Greece or Switzerland and I’m certain barley didn’t want to sign him yeah I’m going to ask what nationality was this player mver this National this this nationality was player this player’s nationality was sagales yeah it’s got to be Ibrahim Talent it surely correct well done got it you could have had full marks for the first time ever you’ve never got full marks you could have ended the season with I know bastard laen Shanklin what’s he ever done exactly I love that shankland after the season he’s had is the reason you didn’t get that that’s amazing so H I’ve played in Scotland France five I did get a five he did get a five true so yeah he’s played all those countries the only two trophies he’s W is with bar or some or basil strange it was the French cup oh wow with oh [ __ ] Iber no sush oh so so I I um the other Clues were I have over he played for um senagal over 20 times 22 times to be an afon or and he played at an afcon yep correct and then you were right I arrived at Hearts under controversial circumstances reportedly against my manager’s wishes he’s a little bit on Wikipedia says IAH moved it was Bley with T so it’s a he moved in August 2005 in controversial circumstances with tabloid speculating that he was signed by Romanov against the wishes of then head coach George Burley Burley commenting on the sign on the signings of tal and Brazilian kamola Burley himself would only admit that the situation was not ideal tal then appeared to become the victim of internal Club Politics as despite his reported eight grand a week salary he spent the first seven months of his heart’s career either sitting on the bench or in the stand but then of course Jose galz gets hurt and the Webster ruling situation oh yeah remember that means that Ibraham tal starts to form a partnership with Steven Presley and then goes on played in The Cup Final didn’t he starts alongside Presley and then finally I scored in a historic game for heart you freaked me out by saying h a Bosnian guy because he scored in our first game in in the Champions League versus BOS the inside zeroi Bri oh zero Bri wow yeah I was like [ __ ] me he’s got to get Ibraham he’s already got BOS on the Mind wow I I I had it in my head that he scored against I don’t know like a brag or something I don’t know where the hell that’s come from he might have but he just made a point being like bri first goal for I’m pretty sure I went to that at mfield with my dad I did as well that was there so yeah you did very well yeah perfect you did you did the equivalent of an A in the quiz very fitting of the Season that we’ve just had nice nice so massive thank you for listening to this review know it’s a bit longer but of course it’s going to be and a massive thank you for listening to us this whole season it’s been wonderful it adds so much to the season being able to speak about it and getting all you guys comments and just general support has been absolutely wonderful and I assume you Echo the same sentiments absolutely it always is um really pleasing I love seeing people talk positively about the podcast love people coming up and saying appreciate the podcast or keep podcast up like I’m really enjoying it it’s makes it all worthwhile doesn’t it absolutely so massive massive thank you we’ll be back next season but of course we won’t be going in the short term at least as we will be back with p P at the Euros next week speaking about everything to do with the Germany game where with Lauren shank has taken us to Victory against the Germans could be leading that line fingers crossed it’s GNA be amazing but generally if you have enjoyed this this season or this episode whatever please do leave a like on YouTube if you have been watching it comment as well subscribe do all that kind of part leave a review on your podcast platform a choice if you’ve been listening to us we are at p toley on all the socials P toley if you want fire us over an email Adam weing to get you on all the socials H you can catch me watching highlights of heart’s Infamous nearly run to the Champions League including that victory over sroi Bri egg but I might skip the AKA Athens matches at Adam T Kendo and what about yourself mate I at d m twitter2 we’ll be back next week to speak about the Scotland game at the Euros love and life it’s got to be great we’re totally not going to get battered can wait for it but until then we’ll see you next time bye-bye take care of Mone

1 Comment

  1. Never tried once against your big brothers in Govan but you still couldn't stop The Mighty Celtic 🍀🍀

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