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Tabani VS Bonac , REAL Pro Steroid Cycles COMA w Justin Compton

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to uh episode 51 of the overcome podcast with Justin conin and I and today we’re going to talk about um the recent Spain uh alikante mro uh the upcoming Flex Pro which exercises uh really work and um yeah whatever the flow brings us to and uh first off um Spain uh there was tabani and second bonak one third was kriso um fourth was sash harati gonna just close it right away my favorite bodybuilder uh right now in the open by far basically actually I think um maybe if Andrew Jack gets in 100% shape he will um you know be first on my list um and in uh fifth I don’t know I think that was a guy that debuted in fifth and his sixth was Pablo Munos Pablo the guy that’s pretty aesthetic but has no back and in seventh was a former client of mine uh Justin mol but I trained him when he was very young like from I think he from 18 to 19 or 19 to 20 something like that um yeah and uh it was funny because I trained him at the same time Like Ur and uh he always tried to come up and visit me With Ur but uh he only visit me by himself um to train because he’s from Southern Germany and um yeah I think he’s the next big thing from Germany I think with a low time he’s 25 years old he’s structurally pretty Flawless and uh no real weakness some people say his legs are a little further than his upper body maybe t a tad but I think he has a really good Symmetry and structure and and muscle bellies and perfect abs and uh I think that’s going to be his good back double too it’s going to be one to watch out for and then um also in eighth was another German guy and the coach said he was supposedly only doing body building for 11 months and he won the overall open the amateur show the day before and was doing bodybuilding for 11 months so Jesus likey that the only thing I have to question is um when they act like you know someone’s just been doing it like you said for 11 months I bet he was naturally training a little bit before or training but not juicing but he would was playing soccer I was told well it’s like um you know what like when Andrew Jack first won his Pro card he came to the scene everyone was like he’s just been bodybuilding for a year he had only been competing in the ifbb OR NPC for a year long time prior so that that’s my only question yeah yeah he was Andrew Jack was in the elite pro I think before or some other division nabang or something yeah and people were always wondering like could he do well in the ifpb and I know so many people said no chance if he stands next to the other guys they were so wrong but yeah so let’s get back to uh the lineup um have you noticed Justin um Justin com Justin muel the guy I talked about yeah you on his Instagram there check checking him out the only thing I can see with him for right now to be competitive and you know like a big lineup is just more size yeah yeah exactly now he’s winning on on like winning like if he beats people it’s on structure Symmetry and conditioning not on size totally it looks like he can get into pretty good shape he has a good structure you know what’s interesting they they loaded him up really crazily and he was like pretty like spilled over carving up but they kind of know that it’s somehow seems to work and then so they load him up let him spill over and then they dry him out and he comes full and dry so that’s good to know about yourself that skip pill method a what you know who Skip pill is oh yeah I know yeah yeah kind of sounds like a skip load method yeah I kind of feel that’s the only method that kind of um yeah it depends a little bit on how dry the person is but I think it’s I mean it’s definitely the most secure approach if you want to use diuretics that you you know it’s hard to do both at the same time fill out and dry out so I get that they do just one like filling out and then drying out and not both at the same time but it’s also risky like if I would look like him two days out I’ll be like sweating and and like nervous as hell like [ __ ] but then they nail it so it’s pretty Prett great I I hope that he doesn’t change the coach I mean I think his coach is great but uh I hope that he CH doesn’t change it who is he with Oram is it I pronounce it right Oram no he’s with MOX mson oh I just saw this photo here he’s a lot smaller now from the looks of it but this is like used to be one of like my clients yeah yeah yeah I know eram yeah no no he’s um ERM is now he’s coaching people still but he’s doing podcasts and inviting out of bodybuilders and he was just there for his podcast and then they did a form check and erdm told him what he thinks about him and stuff but um no he’s not coaching him okay yeah yeah yeah I agree and he he agrees too I know that um and I’m he said he will come on a show because he’s going to do Italy so we can do the recap next week with him so we’ll see how perform in Italy and then um we can talk about it with him and um yeah so let’s get get uh into the top four I would say um how did you see it I’m trying to read our comments there’s lot my head was close bro hello over hello I’m broke how to get rich looks like spam comments what one guys what’s up y’all so hey crunch so I personally like I was impressed with bonck but I think that brose should have did I pronounce that right brose peruse I think peruse I think he should have won and the reason I’m gonna justify that is if we look back at the Olympia from last year they went with a little bit more aesthetic look right between uh Keon and Derek over just more muscle now bonik brought a lot more muscle than bruse did by far but Bru is very aesthetic he’s got a small waist and like he’s full now the only thing I’ll say that was a little off about him that I couldn’t quite put my finger on someone put a picture between 24 and 23 and his abs were very much dialed in better in 23 like it it didn’t look distended just looked like they were a little bit washed out but I don’t really know what caused that but that’s two pictures too so yeah it could have been lighting maybe he was flexed maybe he was leaning a little bit that caused him to look different I’m not sure um but yeah I personally had him winning it from a structural standpoint I mean it’s not like his conditioning was off like now bonic was on but here’s the thing about bonik is he’s a great bodybuilder when he’s on but I personally think he has seen better days yeah I think so if you look from like 2017 18 and 19 yeah he never had the biggest lats but the front double they he did have a vshape in the front double he doesn’t have that now so to me I don’t know if his lats have just atrophied or his waist got bigger but it it throws the balance of his physique off I think he had a little issue posing cuz in the in the lat spread it looked kind of the same and in the L like the width and in the the back double the width also looked the same I think his stomach gotten a little little worse it’s not horrible got a little worse and for him being that narrow he can’t afford his stomach to distant any like at all and I’m like you like I’m thinking oh these guys are close so when that happens I’ll go shot for shot and then I had to say the same like I’m [ __ ] like if I go shot for shot I have baru winning too because we have the front double I give that to barus and front lat front lat give that to baru um the side poses you could even still argue for barus but let’s give the site ones to let’s give the side ones to bonck right um because baru’s leg from the side looks pretty big so it’s rather the front that he doesn’t look good and then the back shot maybe because um of the hamstrings and the fullness of the legs you could give it to bonac but then the upper you know the the back itself is so big and wide from bruse hard hard to just you know let’s say give one to Bon and one to barus like the the lat Pratt to barus and the back double to Bon and then it’s three poses for Bon but that’s the last one he wins because then it’s ab and thighs and I don’t think yeah he loses that clearly okay the the I mean the most muscular I mean the Ruth is more muscular but bonic is a little more compact so yeah but he’s like if you look at it most muscular and you look at the guy who’s like let’s say six feet wide and the other guy’s four feet wide even if he’s more compact it’s kind of like bro like you can hide behind the guy and you don’t see anything yeah so it’s it’s tough but I I rather lean to barus because of because of those shots and um I think also his back double is really good and and bonx back I mean yes he’s good at the bottom but and he has good detail but he’s just so narrow there’s no re like the V is just like not even close so um yeah and as you said from the Olympia judging and how it’s gone bruse has such a great Vaper it’s just way more aesthetic guy you could see like if bruse would have been like 100% shred it and not like 95 they would have to give it to him so I I wonder if the judges would have seen it the same way if bruse was like even drier if they’d say okay it was that close then he would have gotten it I don’t know but I also felt that uh um bonck let loose of his legs a lot like he didn’t Flex them a lot we saw that with Tonio on the last couple of shows as well yeah but so I don’t know what maybe it’s where he’s just got some stage rust yeah he hasn’t competed in a while I’m not sure but he he um posed better than in uh in the form check two days out I was like dude he did the front lat Prat in in to two days out uh and he didn’t even flare his lats at all and on stage it was way better so um Justin too Justin in the form check didn’t even Flex his abs and the serratus in the Symmetry round and then on stage it was like bam really good someone must have told him something because that was really good um so and but I also would say that sashy should have beat kriso I agree with you I I would not have agreed with you last week on that going into it but chrisos just did not he was that not as peeled he was not as shredded as he usually comes in and something like he kind of looked like he was struggling with his midsection a little bit too like it looks thicker and it seems to be growing I don’t know I think it’s it’s it’s I I feel he didn’t practice posing that much maybe I don’t know did he change his coach I I never knew who he worked with to begin with but I don’t know because I felt that he was like the last two showing or so he was so treaded so dry um maybe maybe he felt like ah that like I should have tried to come Fuller or something maybe he didn’t realize that that was actually good for him I feel a lot of guys don’t realize it they’re like Oh no I got to come full and then it’s always like okay the next show they come drying they always do better always they’re all so afraid to get shredded I mean I get it you know if you have a weakness you like [ __ ] that’s going to vanish ah but um yeah so I I think I I love sash I think this his physique is so nice it’s like this 90s quality muscle I love yeah he he has a very unique look like I’ve been a fan of him since probably when he turned Pro I don’t remember what year that was like 2014 he almost the same oh I have to say but he took a long time off like since 2018 I think he took or 19 18 the year that Sergio won the New York Pro that’s when he stopped competing and that was I think 18 I think somewhere in that range yes long was it an injury or did he just W walk away no and I think he he he became a father and he was just coaching people and he didn’t feel like it I texted with him a little bit during that time he was some like some of the time he was completely off like nothing and then I think he went back to little trt and he used to also um be on the trained by JP Forum back then okay and disclosing his cycles and you never know if it’s real but it was pretty mild and the harshest thing he did was like 50 Anadrol pre-workout four or five times a week in his prep and um very very conservative he took Tren in very late at like 250 or something the guy was like one and a half gr total like very low very low I think he’s like genetic freak too I can see that with him yeah see I love this quality muscle I just love it he looks like a big classic guy it’s like um he has like the grainy muscle but he’s also full and round at the same time yeah little like Samir bonu like little different structure like his legs aren’t that long you know like Samir but from the I don’t know from think of somebody to compare him to and I really don’t have anyone yeah not really he kind of has okay this would be a huge a compliment to him I’m gonna go on Lim and say he’s almost like a small version of Phil like how he’s bubbly he’s kind of like he’s got like density and graininess to him as well a little bit the arms I could see that yeah arms and delts yes yeah he has a way nicer midsection his quads get feathered too so that’s that’s a yeah yeah he he doesn’t really lack anything really good could anything could be a little bigger you know they probably want him a little biger guy do you have Anya what he weighed here he maybe 240 oh okay so he’s far away from 212 then I don’t know because he looks like a just a smaller compact guy like a right he’s a little short right yeah maybe he’s just 225 or something could be I was going to say like if he’s in that if he’s within 10 pounds of Striking Distance and being 212 I would probably consider dropping him to that I mean at least see what it looks like behind closed doors at your house to get to that weight before just hopping in a show obviously because maybe it’s not a good look for him I don’t even know the 212 is is very competitive for him to beat you know a lot like I think he can I think he can take the look he’s got do a couple more shows and make it to the Olympia this year I really I absolutely think he can but for him to be winning shows and getting a first or potentially a second call out at the Olympia he’s gonna need to be bigger yeah that’s true and you know what it’s true like at the Olympia he would probably have a better shot in the 212 but qualifying for the Olympia maybe not even is kind of weird yeah yeah probably probably too probably he would qualify easier yeah that 212 is so is really good like these guys are all shredded as [ __ ] I wonder if who who’s who’s prepping him or is he could be doing it himself I think he is like based on the post that I’ve seen I think he’s doing it himself yeah mean he’s done it so many times he probably does the same like he used to do you know he knows what to do it’s but at the same time you do got get I mean the good thing is is if he’s transparent about his numbers he’s got a lot to work with in that department yeah and I don’t know how he trains I can’t say that if he trains hard or he doesn’t train hard I don’t think I’ve ever really watched a video of him training and obviously his nutrition’s on point you’re not going to get to that level of conditioning by being an idiot yeah yeah yeah um I think yeah I think um I could imagine he trains hard all the British guys down there if he trains with like with some of these guys um they he should be training hard at least he shouldn’t know hard training I don’t know if he like still does it by himself but he doesn’t definitely knows what’s hard training and he would realize if he’s not training hard because he knows what it is to train hard so yeah that definitely but yeah the guy dude I just had a guy on my podcast um he’s uh he was uh third one time at the super heavyweights in 2015 Matt Evans he’s been training yeah he’s been training with with Charles for yeah yeah exactly for um 15 years and he said um so he considers for a bodybuilder he considers off cycle 2,000 milligrams and on cycle between between three and six so so uh there you go um sash you have a lot to work with I told him I told him oh then I I’ve never been on cycle D no like one time I got to admit one time with the orals I was probably over two when you count the orals in in a in a contest prep I think I think I took definitely I took the most when I turned Pro and I I I I’m saying that more and more now to make people realize that once you took a lot let’s say like over to GS it doesn’t mean oh you can’t grow anymore when you take less after that you can reset if you’re not like enormously huge like I took way less after and I grew a lot since 2020 like two years later I looked like I was like 20 pounds heavier on stage 25 no 20 pounds heavier and I didn’t take anything close to that so I’ve got a young guy right now I won’t disclose his name or anything about him but he was uh misguided I’m just going to say that with what using and right we’ve been together for a short period of time but I probably cut his dosages down by 60 or 70% that much like it was it was ridiculous I mean I wouldn’t say like deadly or anything like that but it’s was like dude you’re at your age what the [ __ ] are you doing and we’ve seen some pretty phenomenal results by cutting it down yeah and I told him I was like there’s nothing wrong with you doing what you were doing like but why don’t you save that for when you get to like an elite level like I always ask people like some of these guys will use crazy amounts of [ __ ] just to turn pro like okay then what then what you’re G like you’re gonna have to be even bigger to Comm as a pro then where are you gonna go do the same are you just gonna keep increasing well well as I said technically you don’t have to increase all the time but a lot of times people just um could grow at the same rate maybe even more because their body doesn’t have to fight anything with less and I I’m not talking about nothing like let’s say one a guy like Roman Fritz he takes a grandma primo and a grandma test right and then he takes 10 units GH so but then like Chase irons is like I’m GNA take five grams of test you know so like if Roman can’t grow on that probably Chase irons could you know he actually said something again me and him haven’t spoken in like probably around two years at this point but I was over at a friend’s house and he really follows Chase and I don’t even eat personal beef with Chase I’ve never met Chase I’ve never interacted with Chase and I actually don’t have a problem with what Chase is doing I just don’t like that people think that because he did say like five or six grams of test it’s like I don’t see the point the need or the why behind doing that but hey for transparency sake if you want to tell people you’re doing it by all means tell people you’re doing it but I kind of I feel like I’m taking a shot at it and if he sees this I’m not taking a shot at it it’s like I expected to see a lot bigger person than what he is to be taken that like it’s not that he’s small it’s not that he looks like what he said what he said is I think he he definitely took like six grams total but what he said is he was on 2 and a half grams of test Max and now he’s thinking of doing five but okay if he’s on two Gams a test sometimes that’s not the only thing he takes so that’s not like he’s doesn’t Max out two the numbers but I remember Roman on that show he said uh I’ll probably never be able to find the clip I could probably ask my friend because it was playing on his TV when I walked into his house I watched the podcast I think it was Roman Chase on there and I remember Roman saying something like yeah all these guys claiming to make it to this level using like six to8 IU of GH and like a, to 1,00 test he’s like get the [ __ ] out of here I’m like really like I was as honest as anyone could have ever been with you when I was competing and I still am and so what you’re saying by that is like you didn’t believe me when I said that’s what I took I was like whatever I I don’t personally care if anybody believes it or doesn’t believe it but I think it’s crazy that like 99% of the pros that actually have the balls that talk about what they did they spit out numbers and they all look pretty normal well I wouldn’t say normal but like we’re all in like the same range and then you got those select few that’s just like way up here and then they feel like anyone who is better than them you’re lying if you’re down here there’s no way you got better than me by using less like no that’s not how it works but okay yeah yeah I think a lot of people that don’t ever talk about it I think a lot of them take more and the people that talk about it are rather the ones that don’t need that much that’s why they’re comfortable talking about it um but what I have a problem with this um saying even if it was true it’s a problem saying that all these guys up there take that much even if it was true it was a problem because that’s going to make people do like copy it it’s just what it is if Chase iron says I’m doing five GRS there’s going to be some of his viewers and it’s not his fault people are stupid enough that they have to make their own decisions I wouldn’t blame him but um he’s not discouraging them or you know saying dude like I could kill myself or you know um but yeah that’s that’s kind of like I would rather he shouldn’t do as if that is so common and when it actually really isn’t that common you know because I think it’s also to justify it to himself he wants to believe that it’s super common and then like he only talks to people that also um you know are in his Echo chamber and people that also use it they’re going to you know interact with him probably more than people that are more conservative so the DMS he’s getting is probably also from people that abuse the [ __ ] out of it and then he thinks oh yeah well I get so many DMS yeah everyone’s doing that but this is kind of what you attract probably and that’s why you kind of make this um your reality when this is just because what you attract that’s really uh in a lot of things in a lot of ways it is the way even if you’re political and you say something and then the people that you know you’ll attract the people that like what you’re saying and then you think oh the whole world thinks that and it’s like no it’s your fans think the same because they’re your fans well it’s like when Naser I think nser may have been one of the very first guys or maybe the first guy to not only talk about ped usage but he was the one who talked about tremendous amounts of it and he’s talking about people will they justify they need justification so I think people see when nser said that like this is what it to get to this level they needed to they needed to hear someone of that status say it that way they can justify doing it themselves I’m not saying it’s right I’m not saying it’s wrong but I think that maybe do a little research and evaluating like before doing it and you know the people who want to sit here and call call a bluff on that I have a question for them so as a coach you can’t you can me you anybody watching I mean I’m not saying they’ll respond to you but like they would respond to you obviously but I’m talking about like the viewers if you were to DM any of my clients and say hey what did Justin put you on they’re gonna if I said they may lie or they may not answer you I don’t think they’ll lie to you but say hey screenshot it because WhatsApp you know you have a you can put you can see if the message was edited at the bottom you know you can edit your messages yeah but you can see if it’s edited and I didn’t edit any of it so you can see what I’ve told people to take and if if these numbers is what it takes to win an Olympia win a pro card win a pro show why am I not pushing those numbers to my clients because think about it if all I had to do was increase the dosage of my client’s you know protocol and they’re winning and beating everybody I’d be the winningest coach on the planet if all I had to do was push the drugs up right and if I’m the winningest coach I’m gonna make the most money and now let’s just face it I’m greedy I like money so like everybody does right so that being said that’s why I laugh at those protocols when people do crazy [ __ ] it’s like if you were to see aetos which I don’t know if I’ve ever seen what aeto told anyone to take I don’t I’ve ever seen that but like often times he often times he doesn’t even yeah he doesn’t even he just does the diet yeah but like I know with Rhoden Rhoden told me that his own thing he’s like Chris just does my diuretic protocol my food he doesn’t mess with his p s so again my thing is like if I could just push the gear up on people and I could win like I’ve seen George’s plans I’ve seen Chad’s plans I’ve seen uh obviously I know Matt like I know these guys and they’re not pushing those numbers and I’ve seen the screenshots to back it up they’re not pushing those numbers so it’s like when you have the top coaches not pushing those numbers to their clients why do people actually not believe the athletes or the other coaches when whenever they talk about it like people like oh it’s you’re lying you’re taking like five or six or seven or whatever you know it’s like if that was the meal ticket to have people winning I would have 20 sandals under my belt right now with my clientele why wouldn’t I do that no because you’re very responsible but the thing is um you have some guys winning Pro cards and winning Pro shows and you don’t do it so there you go that’s that’s kind of the proof there um so if you wouldn’t have people winning then it would be like yeah because it’s because you don’t have them taken of and they can’t grow enough you see like with Joe palasio you see like what really good genetics look like before he was even on everyone was thinking he was on yeah he was pretty good like he looked pretty good um uh like better than a bunch of guys that are on small Cycles yeah and been training for a while guys that’s enhanced yeah and and and that’s what the kind of genetics it takes to get there it’s not the amount of drugs like if you don’t have genetics like for building muscle like that like I don’t think that you know you look at Chase irons he takes more than anyone and uh I mean I don’t know his training might be not that great I I haven’t seen much of him training um maybe his training’s bad I don’t know I don’t know um but and he’s actually he’s pretty big I don’t even know if I could get that big with that amount I don’t know I don’t want to try I don’t think he’s a small guy yeah no no he’s a big pretty big guy yeah but I mean he wouldn’t he he’s not an Olympia like if he if he shreds down to 5% body fed he’s not gonna be anywhere pro- siize yeah Too Tall like he doesn’t have the structure for that but I mean he’s he’s not fat and he’s 270 pounds so I mean he big boy I feel like if you see him in person which I never have but I feel like it would be a completely different story to meet him like I don’t I don’t have any problem with Chase like it’s cool to talk about whatever you want to talk about I just don’t like how the followers and the viewers just feel like oh that’s what the pros did I’m like no I mean it’s like I’m gonna have him on my podcast at least he said he he’s going to come so when he’s in LA and uh um like with everyone like if people say something that I don’t agree with I say I don’t agree with that because of XYZ a lot of podcasters are too shy yeah to talk back and and I feel like this is making them very um hypocritical because you know with one guy they say yeah yeah yeah then the next guy says the opposite and they’re like yeah yeah yeah like wait a minute like I have to have my stance and if someone says something I don’t agree with I’m like you you know Brion on the podcast said you can do steroids safely or be healthier on steroids than off and I was like well like if you go beyond trt I don’t think so you know I agree on that like I don’t think be healthier on steroids than you would off steroids unless you have no testosterone and you just RT like you said if you’re going above that no way you’re healthier on exactly yeah then I had to talk back of something like that I’m talking back dude how many guys podcasters would have talked back dude they’re all wusses and they they don’t even say anything back like I If you watch a podcast you get one opinion nowadays like because they they all too shy to talk back and I’m like I’m fighting anyone like I’m still like I’m not like aggressive or so but if I see something I don’t agree with and also it makes a better podcast you know exchanging opinions but I feel it you know I don’t know maybe uh they’re a little afraid that at the end the guy will say oh I don’t want to air this or I don’t know yeah yeah they don’t they’re probably afraid of putting people on the spot a little too much and pissing them off but I mean there’s nothing wrong with having a agreeing to disagree or having an intellectual conversation you know you’re not insting someone you’re not telling them it’s right or wrong you’re just saying here here’s what I think about it exactly yeah but people nowadays are so soft that they get offended at everything yeah yeah like everything seems to bother them or they’re walking on eggshells the thing I don’t like is and this is kind of goes down the gear topic I saw uh I actually commented on I usually don’t I do not like sticking my nose out on posts like this or sticking my neck out sorry Nick trilli had posted the clip from William bonck and I assume it was from this past weekend when he’s running a booth got walks up to him and it’s like so are you natural ah this one yeah yeah like [ __ ] really like that’s something I really agree with like if that would have been me at that Booth I probably would have treated that guy like he is like human garbage I would have treated him like [ __ ] if you’re gonna put a camera in my face and ask that question yeah that’s that that was just for cloud yeah exact yeah it’s it’s ridiculous cuz obviously he knows that he’s not natural so why are you asking like I he should have we should prepare for things like that and see like so why are you’re asking what do you think so do you think anyone on this stage is is not natural is natural like like you know these people should defend why they are asking you this and that’s maybe how how what could expose them on their own fraking video because it’s so dumb well I actually made a comment I said I probably would have just turned my back on the guy and H that he leaves and if he doesn’t leave I would just have him like radio security and be like hey get this [ __ ] out of here and when he’s leaving I’m gonna video security escorting him out and I’m gonna have my own YouTube video oh I got a better answer he’ be like are you [ __ ] then you ask that back and he’s like no well that question was when I have like my retaliation moments I like being very crafty with like um I really this is a topic I don’t really like to bring up too much because I don’t like to talk about someone who is dead like they can’t defend themselves but like Adam McVey when he was around I ain’t gonna sit there and pretend I like the guy I [ __ ] hated him and I don’t like him any less or more now that he’s dead I just didn’t respect him as a human being I don’t know Adam who Adam McVey he was the guy that ran geared up Podcast you remember that right yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah and it was a big it was a big thing and I think one of the reasons me and him got off on the wrong foot is he started the whole gear topic he’s like yeah I know somebody who knows Justin and he takes XYZ and Mike first offg you probably do know people who knows me but my best friends did not know what I take so everything coming out of your mouth is a [ __ ] lie everything came out of their mouth was a [ __ ] lie but anyway so I called him out on it and we had some words back and forth and of course he’s always right because that’s who he was uh we just ended up blocking each other but I remember I was going to burn his ass at like the 2015 Mr Kentucky so I was friends with Matt and Matt was doing the show competing in it and Dallas was there and I think I was the guest poser that year yeah it was me that was the guest poser because Dallas guest POS in 2016 so I was the guest poser there and I remember Adam saying he was going to drive in from Chicago to or he said he was going to drive in from Chicago to watch the show just so he could watch Matt fail which is like Matt or not like Matt that’s just an [ __ ] thing to say well Dallas got really [ __ ] heated and if anybody knew Dallas he would throw down with you real quick if you want to say if you want to run your mouth you’re probably gonna get open hand slapped right across the face and if you want to escalate it he’s he’ll fight you like a man too but he made the comment he goes oh if Adam shows up he said you watch I’m gonna beat the [ __ ] out of him in front of a live audience I said no don’t do that I was like I believe that you will do it there’s no doubt in my mind that you will do it and succeed you’re going to get arrested you’re probably going to get kicked out of the ifbb or banned because you got into a fist fight at an NPC event I was like let me handle it just let me do it because what I was gonna do I was gonna be a little snake on this and I knew the promoter so and the promoter asked me to Gess I was like the local boy at that show I was gonna I said when you see him in the audience let me know just all you got do is point him out let me know I was going to go to the promoter and tell him that I was receiving death threats from this guy and he had been like you know threatening me and he’s heing the audience I was I’m not gonna guest pose because I don’t feel safe on the stage with him here and then I was gonna get my phone out and wait for them to escort his ass out of the building I was gonna post it I was gonna like that like I genuinely [ __ ] hated that guy yeah I mean people may for they don’t like me but good writt that he’s gone just good I’m sad of a person must you be if you’re so pathetic that you care so much about someone else losing that you take so much time drive to a show attend the whole day just um to have um there’s a great German word and I think you ger Americans also use it it’s called shoden Freud you know when you’re happy about someone else else’s um we don’t use that ter there’s got to be something like I know what you mean you’re happy to see somebody fail yeah and like this I mean wow like how you know his life must be like he has no own goals or something like no vision for himself no purpose cuz like how can you you know be so deep in someone else’s [ __ ] like free like gret duet always says free rent in his brain yes for real that’s bad I won’t I won’t like throw him under the bus any further but like I don’t think he was um and this is a sad thing I’m not I’m not picking on him on this I don’t think the guy I guess he maybe he committed suicide or was an overdose I’m not sure how what he passed away from I don’t think he was 100% like mentally stable so maybe that’s why he ended up probably not you for real like if you think about it people that do things like that some they must be very wrong and they probably need help because every like someone who’s like mentally sane does not act like that you have you have issues and you should at least be in therapy or something if if that’s like what you spend a whole day on and your whole gas money and and money just to see someone fail that you probably don’t even interact with on a regular basis or something someone that doesn’t even live close to you like you know from the internet mainly like what the hell like I like how if you hold grudges against someone that’s you know so far away from you like there must be something seriously wrong but let’s get into uh the Italy show next weekend um there’s like one two 13 or so 13 guys the flex Pro in Milan and uh the top guys will be Nathan to Asha baru Tani Christian wolski is back who got uh what was he was he third in Cali third yes um Andrea balzone I heard of that name but not clear Samir Trudy dude get shredded finally kubat chilin stanimir OV don’t know the guy Anthony jel don’t know the guy Bella caini don’t know the guy PA Kowalski heard of him Justin muel our guy my guy and Daniel Thomas from Germany so um and amaric why did I skip Amir Omari who got second in California so um yeah this gonna be interesting huh how do you pronounce his name Omar ragit oh I’ve said Emir yeah Emir is the first name and the last name is Omar okay I’m never going to be able to get that right I’m going to stick with him imir stick with him here so what’s your top five um I don’t know who’s going to come in fifth but out of the four names that we know there I think number one and number two is gonna be Nathan and uh baru and then you have Christian the the Poland guy yeah and then air so the way I would see this is I think is going to endend up in a solid probably a solid third and I think uh Christian’s going to end up in a solid fourth one or two I don’t know how I want to look at this let’s just pretend there’s no politics there’s nothing involved yeah and I’m just looking at this from a physique standpoint has Nathan hasn’t competed since he had his biceps torn has he he competed a bunch of times last year oh he was that before or after the bicep I don’t I don’t even know about the bicep when was that yeah I he’s torn both biceps now when was that over the last year or so shoot but dude I like when I watched the guy train first I’m like what the [ __ ] are you doing Nathan I’m like Jesus Christ yeah like throwing weights around like a mad man like zero control it’s like whoa you train like someone who went to the gym for the third time but with three times the weight and you probably have great genetics and you have a lot of load somehow somewhere in your reps and it’s going to be enough but like like Nick Walker should tell him how to train like you can train you know reduce your weight by 30% and do some good reps I was like I was surprised that he didn’t tear more by now but yeah I mean Ian though I saw like one picture of him I saw all I’ve seen leading into this and he looks good in that picture but the thing is he doesn’t look he doesn’t look like he could beat barus in that picture but Nathan I don’t know what the [ __ ] he does over the last like two three four days before the show a week out I would say Nathan’s second call out at most shows but somehow in that last week he’s te to pull it together he looks pretty damn good on stage so yeah I don’t know exactly I personally think peruse can beat him but it would be a very close call and then whenever you like right now I’m gonna say baru is gonna beat him but I would not be disappointed if Nathan took that show um as long as he’s on track with conditioning he could easily get him but see from a political standpoint talk about politics on this for a second the chances of either one of them and it’s funny because I’m gonna bring this up on the last yeah true both get no Visa is [ __ ] zero like qualification the Roose has a better chance if he can score an American sponsor like hottie like evil genen that’s what he has to do like if if hany is a cool guy he puts him on evil gy and then he can get him over or some other guy like get the guy maybe if he wins that’s going to be a good publicity and some like come on we sponsor you you get a work visa yes but hon would never pick him up unless Hy gets to coach him yeah yeah no of course not yeah who is his coach who is coaching barus I don’t have a clue I mean Milos I think Milos is coaching him yeah I just saw a comment because uh Milos had a picture of him and uh bonic side by side said who you got I knew he had one of them Bon is with kinel Bon is with ur’s Coach Bon is with Stefan kinel okay Outlaw y so the only thing is like I Nathan will have a very very hard time fighting the US government on getting into the country because like yeah a criminal background now yeah that’s going to really I mean it’s it’s unfortunate for him and I don’t wish this upon him or anybody else for that matter I mean because he’s not going to be able to truly follow his dream but I don’t think Nathan’s coming back to the US because of that unless he really wants to drop a shitload of money on law what yeah I don’t understand that the ifpb can’t do anything the IBB is kind of a joke in that sense man like and I don’t mean that in a negative way like the I the government does not even pay the if you were to ask probably most government officials about the ifbb they’re like what the [ __ ] is that they don’t know they don’t care if you ask about the NBA yeah that’s a different NFL yeah they know what that is like if you had a nanian guy who was as good as like LeBron Jordan or like Kobe they’re 100% gonna bring his ass in all day long but they get a work work res the body I don’t give a [ __ ] about that yeah I’m just looking at at Nathan’s videos but yeah the bicep maybe look a little shorter hard to tell man cuz there’s no oh here’s a here’s a video that’s four days ago I don’t know how current it is but he’s doing bicep curls there but I think it takes a minute with rubiel mosa the neilla guy yeah he he has to really learn how to train his back so he doesn’t involve his neack anymore because it looks ridiculous really looks ridiculous I think I think Nathan Nathan looks fine oh here’s a picture let’s see how far out is that June 8th no I mean if that’s not totally old biceps going to be okay I mean for me he’s too bottle shaped like it’s like really like his his midsection looks like a bottle and then the lats come out very high I I just don’t like that look that’s just personal High lats yeah I I don’t like that I think BR just or brose whatever he has just like a little bit better of a a nice or pleasing physique Nathan looks but like I said from a political standpoint neither one of them has an advantage because I don’t foresee the one of them making it to the United States this year that’s true I wonder um I wonder why sash is not doing it maybe he’s doing it and but maybe he’s also thinking like well against those guys I’m not going to win so I’ll just skip that one I absolutely think he could come in and get a I don’t know I mean I’d like to see what looks like standing beside them but maybe that’s just me being a fanboy not sure but I I really hope he goes on considering he went through all this trouble to make a comeback and to I hope he just continues the season and sees it through and at least does two more shows give it two more tries I think he could he could beat Nathan I don’t I don’t know like barus I don’t know have as far as like oh back to or sign and doing shows though you still have uh Hunter isn’t qualified right leada I’m thinking about the people who’s not no I think he wanted to do some Texas show or so so you got Hunter you have Andrew who’s probably gonna try to qualify um [ __ ] I’d have to go back and look at the sixth or 10th at the Olympia but there’s a lot of guys that still need to qualify at least hasn’t qualified do what um kriso I think he was seventh hasn’t qualified yes um Tonio Burton was like what eight or 10 he has qualified um who the hell was ninth oh H um of course has qualified already what’s his name Brazilian guy um Rafael yeah wasn’t he like ninth or something Reagan was ninth oh Rafael was like 11 or 12 let me look at him out here I don’t think he even did the Olympia last year yeah he’s he didn’t do it last year okay he was 10th then the year before I think yeah you have Andrew that needs to qualify Hunter needs to qualify Michael crisos Reagan Reagan’s not qualified is he no uh does char did Charles Griffin win a show this year he did I think he is qualified yeah I think Charles already got it Hassan ain’t going to get it wrote wrote that [ __ ] off but Andrea pry he’s not qualified is he prey could come in and be a problem Theo be a problem I don’t think qu prey will qualify unless he picks the luckiest show ever like he used to he’s pretty lucky with picking shows pretty good pretty good at picking shows the guy Ross Ross is not doing it Phil is uh I don’t think Phil’s going to like Phil clar I don’t think you’ll see the old guy I mean you’ll see him back on stage I don’t know if you’ll see him at the Olympia anymore I wonder if he can bring that one year shape again that he brought he was he was already 48 there I think yeah he must be 50 now because that was two years ago the only other the only other two names I see on there is Roman and Justin shy and I don’t think Justin’s competing this year is he I I don’t think so yeah and Roman I don’t have a clue what he’s doing I think he wants to do a show but a little later so I think like in kind of seven eight weeks but yeah I see all these names that’s not qualified so like I think San could potentially take out I would have given it up to him over kisos here yeah just like what you said earlier I think San could take out prey could take out Justin Roman Phil I think he could beat Reagan too yeah I don’t think he could beat you know he’s not gonna beat Hunter and he’s not gonna beat Andrew nope I mean if Hunter comes off he could beat Hunter uh Hunter has to be I think Hunter like I think he can he could beat Hunter if he’s off but the real question is will Hunter be that much off and two yeah they see it that way because it is Hunter LeBron yeah that’s true that’s true he get he has a tiny bonus yeah that tiny not that tiny but yeah that’s true I don’t foresee Hunter I feel like his dad like if if it’s like one day out and Hunter looks like [ __ ] his dad’s gonna be like no you’re not [ __ ] going on stage we’re pulling you out now we not doing this you’re G embarrass me yeah and I don’t foresee Hunter doing that anyways like the worst we’ve seen him is probably like 90% yeah now he’s not terrible but like really spoton I don’t think we’ve seen him no I don’t think we’ve ever seen Hunter at 100% yeah unfortunately I feel like now that Derek is in there his chances of ever moving up to number one just got really really small yeah we’ll see I don’t fore I a couple years ago I actually thought Hunter was going to that I actually said it that he would eventually become Mr Olympia I don’t know when or where but he will do it but now I just I have to change my mind on that yeah I I don’t know if he can get his back good enough like everything else you could be like yeah maybe he can can get it good enough but his back I don’t know the problem I see right now with anybody taking taking over is dereck’s what like 28 29 yeah pretty young so unless somebody can actually come in and just blow his doors off I don’t see anybody waiting him out on age he’s got probably eight nine years before he’s B before his unless he has an injury that’s a different story um and I don’t think there I don’t foresee Derrick having an injury man like he just trains too perfect y I mean then again half the injuries I’ve had have been not in the gym so I don’t wish that upon Him by any means I’ve trained with him I’ve trained with him trained the same like me basically a little heavier not even more much and we when we trained together I was like way like smaller yeah he doesn’t lift like crazy heavy weight which is surprising yeah yeah he’s not strong I mean by now maybe he gotten way stronger but back then for his size he was very weak when he was with Ben he didn’t uh he didn’t really lift anything heavy at all nope yeah all right we have that so who’s winning theou yeah I would think I would think the same ah damn we can’t go against each other I mean we can’t we should but then it’s more fun but I I agree yeah I mean dude he looked really good and uh Nathan is I don’t think Nathan let’s look at it that way like I think baru had a better structure has more muscle and Nathan uh won’t out shred him I think so he’s not winning it would be really hard to actually outc condition that guy yeah so you may beat him on size but it’s hard to beat him on conditioning and it’s hard to beat him on structure yeah his posing there is a sometimes like when he does certain poses it looks a little weird the way he sets it up so yeah with the slakes yeah if Nathan does show up and pull a surprise on this which is really not a surprise because I’m willing to bet at least 50% of the people have him winning that I wouldn’t I wouldn’t be shocked and nor would I be disappointed if Nathan won no it would be a shocker no it’s not a clear thing like that you go in and it’s like yeah barou is winning like if he doesn’t win it’s like whoa it’s like a big setup nah it’s kind of like yeah I don’t know 6040 if there would be like betting odds it might be 6040 or something I think that message was geared towards you somebody asked yeah this is an s force and you can use coat Leo I think it’s co Leo 15 I dude I State I don’t promote my stuff at all I haven’t promoted that in forever no no it’s an S4 second thought he was referring to I don’t know if you remember this company it was the first supplement company I haveed to called gear Neutra oh okay no no he was to launch called G-Shock yeah yeah yeah of course nothing ever launched because it was a [ __ ] fake supplement company yeah yeah this is black lips yeah you you don’t have a sponsor right no I’m just I really don’t bring a to be fair I’ll throw myself under the bus I don’t really bring a lot to the table for a sponsor no I disagree you you could have all your clients get their supplements from a sponsor from your sponsor and if you have a good deal with them why not you know and if it’s so I would like if I was you I would just look at which company do I actually like and just ask them because that’s what you would recommend anyways so then then just ask them You’ be like guys like I like you anyways um would you want to give me an affiliate I I’ll I’ll bring my clients to you um because I believe in you anyways and if they don’t then they don’t but then it’s like it’s the most authentic thing I did the same with Blackstone I was thinking like who has the best range of products and I believe that they’re real and they’re properly dosed I’m like well Blackstone let’s ask them that wasn’t 21 I asked them and they took me on that’s how I did it you know um what I would like to do if I ever went with something like that because I don’t do like all one company’s like line like I may say like this company’s this this company’s that or maybe this company don’t make everything that I I want my people to use if I could get like I don’t want to say but like if I could get like an actual Warehouse like a distributor like has multiple different companies if yeah like Tiger Fitness for example I don’t I’m friends with him we said it up I’m friends with him Mark yeah Mark yeah he does yeah I was just on his uh political podcast that he live streams on Twitter and Rumble oh [ __ ] I thought he sold it he didn’t I thought he sold it a long time ago something like that I would consider if if the commission is right yeah that way I can recommend the exact supplement the exact product I want and then also you can still get everything else I want from the same place yeah that’s true Amazon offered me deals like that there is Amazon affiliate deals but you get very little very little C [ __ ] the deals are [ __ ] but there are deals Amazon kind of forces the the manufacturer like let’s say a product cost $10 to make it and they’re selling it for 50 at retail stores Amazon basically says cool you got to sell it to us or we’re g to sell it for 45 and you’re gonna have to sell it to us cheaper so there’s not as much maybe I’m just making numbers up here spitting them out and but I know that there’s not much of a profit margin whenever you go with Amazon it’s like I remember Hony did not want to launch I don’t know if they’re on Amazon now or not but at the time he did not want to launch his stuff on Amazon he wanted to keep it to his suppliers or his uh Distributors and even with Joe Joe did go with Amazon he you can get project ad off Amazon but the only problem with doing that I remember he had a little bit of an issue with uh one of his uh ambassadors because I’ll tell you who it is off the air because I’m not I don’t even want to get this guy going but um he’s another guy I don’t particularly care for but whatever um and you you I have a feeling you won’t like him either but you know if I say if the product is $50 and I say hey here’s my discount code it gives you 10% off you’re getting it for 45 well what if you can go to Amazon and buy it for 42 you’re getting a better deal off Amazon you don’t need my code yeah so a lot of the people that he was that he had directly working for him or not for sorry the people he was directly working with he was recommending certain supplements and he was claiming that he wasn’t getting the sales that he was pushing to his clients he’s like I know my clients are using it they literally tagged me in the damn post but they’re buying it through Amazon so they’re not using his code anymore so it’s essentially kind of costed you know the guy walked away and he did his own thing he went with another company I get that that’s annoying right imagine imagine you are with Tiger Fitness and he sells the same stuff on Amazon your clients are going to buy it cheaper from Amazon and you actually made the the sale but you didn’t get credit correct and and that you know what happens a lot that supplement companies constantly come out with deals that are better than your affiliate code yes and uh but what’s nice about Blackstone is um you know I’ve always had uh um I didn’t have the the sales then if people go with that I I can’t track that but they never were like oh you didn’t sell much this month um we’re like lowering your um what we Grant you for free or something like that so I think they’re aware of that people shop smart and that when there’s a 30% off they rather take that than my 15% of course you know so they’re they in in that regard um but if it if it would be a huge amount of people that would use my code and then not use it I don’t even know but then it would kind then obviously would suck um but maybe I don’t even know maybe it’s it would also work um I’m gonna I’m GNA ask them actually maybe they can make it work that might code whenever you put it in it’s going to be the highest discount so that would be nice right right but they probably don’t grant that because if they get 30% off if they then also pay me out then the margins get very low yes so that’s kind of it’s It’s a tricky thing yeah I I see that I think that’s kind of that’s kind of a problem um but yeah is what it is everyone’s doing that so I don’t think there’s any company that’s not doing that but it would be corre if they only gave out um sales that were the same uh percentage than what uh Affiliates can provide yeah that will be the fairest yeah I’ve seen that a lot where the company like you said they’ll have like a Black Friday sale or Thanksgiving sale or whatever the sale is and they offer a better discount than what their athletes can offer yeah and then they and then they ask the athletes to post it I’m I’m so nice I even do it but um butc also because I’m grateful like when I made no sales or so they were still always behind me so I’m like okay you know but um yeah some companies would throw you out and they actually you know be like well dude you do sales all the time like do you really expect everyone’s going to be that dumb and take 15% when they get 40 yeah obviously for because they don’t have I mean they’re say you’re giving them 15 you give them 15% off and the company SES 30% off it still works out the same because they’re gonna have to give you 15% exactly so they eliminate you basically yeah yeah which I mean at the same time you know as as entrepreneurs in that industry they got to do what’s best for them you know of course but then at the end of the day it could turn back on them if no one’s promoting it anymore and then overall they actually make less sales but most of the people don’t look at the bigger picture in the long term because that could make all the athletes go away and then you don’t get their free uh promotions too or all the the the cloud then you have a better margin whenever you sell or sell but you don’t sell as much it’s kind of like the same with uh taxes you know you like oh we tax the rich nice we get so much tax money in as the government while the rich all leave so you rather tax the rich half and have them stay then have no one left to tax at all yeah kind of the same idea so there’s Florida and California and you see who’s doing better yeah yeah well they actually had this thing um I don’t remember what it was we we cap it after this because we’re getting off topic but there was a wealth tax like if you were worth over a certain amount of money not how much money you make but you’re worth oh yeah you had to pay extra because of that and I think it was like if your net worth is over like $10 million then you had to pay like 1% which you think 1% 100 Grand I mean nobody wants to hand over a 100 Grand just to say oh I’m a California resident yeah and then had a a thing with right I think it’s the thing right now like if your home is worth over a certain amount it gets like 10 million too you also still have to pay like um a net worth tax on that and then they had this thing if you leave California you also had to pay them for like two years or something like that I don’t know what it was it was some something [ __ ] ridiculous I was like you know what I’ll visit never moving but I’ll visit dude all right well we got it actually uh wrapped up anyways um yeah yeah so let’s see how it turns out and we hopefully get the other Justin on I have to figure out how to talk to you guys then because I can’t say Justin um maybe with last names and uh yeah let’s see uh hopefully he gets fifth I think he could get fifth he could yes yeah and that’d be cool like a top five in his like first season as a pro that would be pretty awesome that would probably be my pick is around fifth yeah based lineup unless unless one of those guys that we don’t know is actually really really good and a dark horse that’s the only thing I could see happening could happen we’ll see well I mean it’s like for example um we don’t know like I don’t recognize those names and I haven’t looked them up maybe one of them won an amateur Olympia somewhere and we just didn’t pay attention to it and they’re really good yeah because if you remember in 2017 hottie had um won the amateur o somewhere like in the middle East I don’t know Olympia whatever it was he won the amateur Olympia and then in 2017 because they get back then I don’t know if it’s still this way anymore but you got an automatic Olympia invite if you win the amateur well nobody at all was talking about hottie nobody gave a rats ass about the guy people just a just some random Middle Eastern guy is doing the Olympia who gives a [ __ ] and he didn’t get to do the Olympia because of the whole travel band thing but when he went to the Asian Grand Prix the following weekend people knew who he was after that yeah so have a situation like that we’ll see it’s always a wild card all right we’ll have good good um good quality videos for sure I think because I believe the Germans will be there again and they always post 4K stuff so that’s pretty nice um for us to be like do like proper judging here yeah um because like you know the streams and the Nick strength and power is not always the best all right then um thanks everyone for tuning in um this is my uh inperson podcast but the live ones I do on here too on the overcome podcast so subscribe there subscribe to Austrian Powers um on Instagram we have justinr Compton and same for me and um yeah comment whatever you think we were wrong on or uh tell us how great we are or just help the algorithm and uh have a good one good gains and don’t overdose I mean the steroids oh man that could get wrong no okay bye bye all right see you


  1. Sup homies! I take no offense at all to anything you guys said and I agree with Justin on me not looking like a pro yet despite my doses. Something i think worth noting though is I’ve only been experimenting with big doses since Feb 2023. I spent over a decade playing around with random low doses and intermediate doses but never went beyond 1g of test until last year but that was also the first year i dove into a vial of serostim a day…. And that basically changed everything in my opinion. I feel like my physique has really changed a lot in 1.5 years, but i don’t think that’s enough time to look like a freak on camera. Now in another 3 years?? Things might get interesting.

    With regard to what i do is what pros do, i definitely dont think that. Unfortunately thats what the viewers take from it. We all know it’s a spectrum. Lots of guys using a couple grams to lots of guys using beyond 5 grams. At the end of the day we all are doing what we have to do as individuals to get the job done. I’ll have a booth at the O expo with some friends if either of you are there I’d love to meet up and get a pic 💪🏼 keep putting out the solid content!

  2. Awesome Podcast! Hate me for that but I say Hunter Labrada can still win the Olympia 100%. He imporved a lot and he will shock a lot of people i think

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