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Celtics/Mavs Game 4, Terrence Shannon Jr, NBA Draft, McGregor/Chandler Fight Off | Chris Vernon Show

On today’s show, Gary Parrish is in-studio for the first hour to talk about Terrence Shannon Jr being found innocent and why Illinois fans are attacking him + we’ll get into some NBA Draft talk. Celtics will look to end the NBA season tonight with a sweep of the Dallas Mavericks + news and notes of the day on Conor McGregor and Trevor Lawrence.

4:00—Gary Parrish in-studio on Terrence Shannon Jr, NBA Draft, and why this draft is going to be way different from the mock drafts

59:30—Celtics/Mavs Game 4 Tonight

1:15:10—News and Notes of the Day on McGregor/Chandler fight getting canceled for UFC 303 and Trevor Lawrence getting a monster new contract from the Jacksonville Jaguars

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she lets her hair down you’re attracted to Mar Simpson Marge is cute cute Legacy I mean yeah I mean you know I respect her yeah but she ain’t Jessica Rabbit no she’s not Jessica Rabbit she’s not Jessica Rabbit no no the Gary Paris show live weekdays at 10:00 a.m. on YouTube at grind City media and the official grind City media app we have another Edition this will be the third edition of The Debate Club you guys are going to sell a shoe to Mr Bennett Doyle our producer over here let’s oh yeah I saw these I’ve seen these I saw these on social media too this a perfect house shoe I know like it’s not even a house sh I bet you they’re really comfortable you know you heard of Unis sex this is uni foot the sneak Fest show live Tuesdays at 2 p.m. on YouTube at grind City media and the official grind City media app lifeare ambulance is proud to be an official partner of the Memphis Grizzlies and FedEx Forum at lifeare they wear their hearts with pride their passion is their people they want 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to an all rookie team without having been a first round pick shout out GG Jackson tune in to the Jessica Benson show with CJ HT live every weekday at 8:00 a.m. on YouTube at grind City media and the official grind City media app I think we have the college basketball title Futures yukon’s number one I really like Houston I’d have them winning it all but you can’t be giving Drake jerseys what is wrong with you maybe the Drake curse is stronger in college basketball how long has he been with riding with K Alabama Jersey and sa and retired the couple with Rob fer Lang Whitaker John Roser and CJ hurt live Thursdays at 2 p.m on YouTube at grind City media and the official grind City media app Mike did his favorite uh black films of all time Mike where we at if there’s one movie I know every single line to it is coming to America there we go it is coming to America it can come on anytime of any day and I’m going to stop and watch at least 20 minutes of it get all of your HBC Sports and culture news by tuning in to HBCU huddle with CJ hurt and Mike Wallace new episodes drop every Thursday on Grand City YouTube and Spotify live from Downtown Memphis this is the Chris Vernon show presented by Caesar Sportsbook on YouTube at grind City media and the official grind City media app now here’s your host Chris ver [Music] once in your life won’t you do what feels right instead of waiting for the next B compromise stop running your mouth get out of the house get yourself downtown and shake it all out tonight [Applause] here we go it’s noon on grity it’s Chris F show welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome it is the Friday June 14th 2024 edition of the show today on the show we may have the NBA Finals end this evening as the Dallas Mavericks are having their possible last stand against the Boston Celtics we will get to that and get you ready for game four in addition to that the US Open is continuing today we will get to all the news and notes of the to day and what is going to be going on this upcoming weekend and we are now officially less than two weeks away from the NBA draft taking place we’ll get to all that it’s a Friday it is beautiful outside smile let’s do it turn it up [Music] [Applause] [Music] for once in your life won’t you do what feels right waiting for the next spring think to stop running your mou get out of the house get yourself down down and sh [Applause] [Music] yeah yeah yeah yeah hope everybody’s having a good day all right got a ton of St to get to Gary Paris should be joining us in studio before I get anything I welcome John Roser to the show John Roser aka the cologne Ranger the body spray Bandit and your sack AKA John back John the Bearcat AKA John asparagus Johnny neckar John Lance he is Yogi Roser what up hello John what up what up uh Deon Walker is out today Gary Paris from the Gary Paris show which you can hear every morning from 10: to noon on grind City median YouTube and all the different apps is here and I have a real bone to pick with you oh no oh yeah before we even get going into today what have you drugged me into Woo you’re seeing it yeah yes I’m getting tagged oh yeah because you promoted me on some show at some point I apologize I shouldn’t have done that so now I am getting tagged there is a guy did you Broach this on your show today no there is a guy who is relentlessly yeah telling Gary apologize oh yeah oh yeah and I’m and I’m tagged in this as if I need to I didn’t what did I do Jessica Vinson’s taking a beaten as well what did I do grind City me I would actually ask the same question like what did I do um so you probably heard Terence Shannon he was All-American caliber player at Illinois legitimate NBA Prospect my favorite player in the country in fact he um he you know you know I’m filing on with is it me and Illinois fans yes okay we’re all against you okay that’s fine so uh what are we what are we getting you to apologize for okay I’ll walk you through it I wasn’t going to bring on my own because it feel but I’m happy to talk about it once you bring it up I especially on the biggest fighting Ali show in Memphis yes so um he was having a wonderful season and then like there was a report he has um been arrested for sexual assault he was for lack of a better term he was charged with rape um in Kansas and Illinois has a policy like a lot of athletic departments have these days where if you are charged charged with a serious crime um one that rises to this level then it there’s an automatic trigger you are not allowed to represent us anymore we you know we’ll keep you in school but you’re not going to play basketball or football or anything else for us under these circumstances so as soon as he’s arrested the policy is triggered and he is suspended from the basketball team for again lack of a better word well he goes to court a little bit like James wisman did Once Upon a Time to try to get an injunction uh to allow him to to play while this case is unfolding because he had from the jump maintained his innocence a judge granted that injunction and again forgive me with the terms but like you get the point and then Illinois immediately reinstated him and said he’s going to play for us now because what are we going to do you know the judge said we got to play him right and at that point I took issue ready for this not with Terence Shannon like what people are asking me to apologize is to apologize to Terence Shannon for calling him a rapist which I never did like if I wanted to engage these people oh so you RI but you ripped Illinois for playing him I questioned Illinois for playing him that’s what they’re saying you should apologize for no they actually think I call teren Shannon a rapist or implied that he’s a sexual uh deviant just they are putting a lot of words into my mouth that never actually came out of my mouth in fact I am the person who has told this story a bunch of times that even hinted at it as it pertains to the tan Shannon thing like there is this sentiment and I I’m not here to argue about it but you hear this all the time always believe women always if a woman says she was assaulted then you believe her and if you don’t then there’s something wrong with you well respectfully I don’t believe that’s a proper approach to anything because my roommate in college was accused of sexual Wasa the police knocked on our door and wanted to talk to him and it was Mayhem it was it well it was scary but also a baseless allegation the truth is he went home with a girl and hooked up with her and she was cheating on her boyfriend and the boyfriend came home and caught them and she told her boyfriend but I think I was drugged he must have drugged me and my friend was like absolutely not luckily they were drinking in a casino where there were cameras everywhere and the police went and got the cameras and they’re like there is no and finally she took her story back that’s never left me so I tell all this as I’m saying I’m not speaking on teren Shannon’s innocence or guilt I you know I’m going to let this thing play out but if you have a policy that says if somebody is charged with this type of crime not just accused but charged then they’re not going to represent your University anymore to then hide behind this ruling when you could have challenged it if you wanted to um I thought was an easy easy way out because the person involved was a first team All-American level guy right if you were going to stand by him then you should have stood by and and I actually I’ve actually made this point before I wish they would I don’t wish anything I could have respected on some level even more if they stood up and said we don’t believe tan Shannon did what he’s accused of doing and we are not going to rip this season away from him based on what we believe to be a false and completely madeup allegation We Stand by our guy that’s not what they well and I remember when he was killing it in the NCAA tournament he put out this thing and he and you know because this became look and we talked about it on the show and it’s like look I I was saying we’ll see what comes of this um when people hear this guy was accused of rape and the story was that he grabbed a girl’s butt and then he put his hand up or skirt at a bar where there evidently were cameras so you would be able to find out if this is true or not he said I didn’t do this and you’re gonna ruin my life and I actually like there was that there’s always that part of you there’s like damn man if he didn’t do it right like you really are going to like smear this guy’s already been we we went through it with the punter that got uh the Buffalo Bills P oh you know who else we went through it with got got drafted and then they said he wasn’t even part of remember they said it was gang rap yeah and he was and he wasn’t even a part of it and then by but by the time they find out that he wasn’t even part of it I mean this guy has been and he’s had all the Articles written he’s everything remember the little point guard that went Joo from Memphis like played at Melrose went Joo then went to Louisville yep what whatever I can’t remember his name right now he play played for Steve Forbes Chris Jones Chris Jones same his Louisville career ended with a sexual assault allegation that was later dropped all right so I’m not ignorant to this or even um like that that’s an awful thing when that happens when somebody is it appears falsely accused and and they have to pay you have something taken away from you um that you can never get back like if they would have stood up and said that exactly I could have been like we believe Teran Shannon we believe in Teran shann and we’re standing with them they said that you know when they said that yesterday after the verdict came in you know what they said leading up to all throughout the season when they reinserted him to the team you know they said well there’s nothing we can really do you know we just have to and I I’ve never believed that and still don’t believe that to be true um you know there I understand you might have legally had to um reintroduce him to the team but the idea that he had to lead you out of the tunnel and like they really they they they were pretty Brazen with it and my whole point was you either have a policy that you believe in or you don’t and I don’t believe that they would have if this was the eighth leading score on the team that he would have the situation would have been handled similarly that my issue in the end it is good the way it played out now that he has been acquitted and he really did not do this of course the fact that he was able to play and it did not ruin his life oh of course and and the and the also like as long as we’re talking about those things that this is wrapped up before the NBA draft is a good thing I should be clear I followed the case it appears that he was falsely accused if I would have been on the jury you know what I would have said not guilty based on the testimony that I’ve seen so yes it is beautiful that um his life has not been further damaged by what appears to be a false allegation but that’s got nothing to do with the points I was making when I was making these points it kind of does apologize to Illinois apologize to Illinois they did right by playing the guy you know who they didn’t let his get ruined you know who thinks you know do you know who actually believes shouldn’t have been playing basketball under those circumstances do you know who actually believes that forgive me for a second the University of Illinois they’re the ones with the policy I didn’t make their policy but they changed it because they believed the guy they changed it when it was conven they they they hid behind a ruling to allow an incredibly talented basketball player to continue to play Under set of circumstances that they themselves say they believe he shouldn’t have been playing under but if the result is great then they did right you’re just disagreeing with the process versus the result the result is this guy didn’t get his life ruined what I’m telling you is if they would have stood up and just said you know what we are not going to take I I’m being sincere here why does it matter they hid behind the ruling as opposed to stood with Terence Shannon okay even then they still played the guy yes but they which is good I don’t think it’s good to have a policy and then just decide we’ll apply it here or not if you have a policy the policy should be the policy well I mean they Pro you could you could say hide behind but they went to the law and once that thing was extended right and they had this a’t no judge that makes you have to play somebody 34 minutes a game or get 17 shots coaches have benched historically benched players refused to play players for any number of things breaking curfew or just not properly guarding ball screens it has forever been this is a crime and once the crime was looked at and there was more information that came out of it maybe they had a level of comfortability playing say it say say I stand with teren shanon JR cuz I don’t believe he did anything wrong say that they never said that why does it matter cuz that’s that’s you standing by your player as opposed to hiding when did you start caring if they if Illinois stands behind their policies I don’t care if well no I thought you were going to say something else I my whole thing is they conveniently it was one of those deals where if they wanted to challenge this they could have they didn’t want to challenge it and they also didn’t want to be so bold as that’s because if he had done it then you’re super screwed I mean you have to understand that well they they could have at any moment stood with teren Shannon they did not stand with him well it will admit it’s a very difficult situation of course it is because you don’t there is no great answer if you do stand behind your policy you ruin the kid’s life all right you ready for this then maybe that’s a reason for you to not to have such a hard and fast policy yeah in most cases it’s it’s a good policy to have you I mean it is it okay that’s why the policy is in place I just I don’t believe you should let’s just make it any workplace let’s make it some office building over there they have a office building over there and they say if if you are Char not if you’re accused but if you like are charged with a felony then you can no longer work here we’ll keep paying you but you can’t come to the office anymore until this whole thing is resolved and then like the best employee is charged with a felony and you and and then you go well let’s let’s see about this that’s it felt like happened here that’s what it felt like happened but that’s what’s fair what’s fair I let’s be let’s be honest if I got accused of something a felony and then I met with all of our bosses and I said look man I did not do this right I’m telling you you could trust me you can stand behind me I didn’t do this the idea that they wouldn’t make a special consideration on their policy to me would be upset but here’s the thing you’re missing they didn’t make a special consideration on their policy they suspended him M they didn’t ever then come back and say we’ve now looked into this and we believe Terence Shannon is innocent and we are not going to damage this young man because we feel like he’s been falsely accused by a liar they didn’t do that they said this judge said what this so what are we going to do you know it’s not really in our hands anymore I didn’t well could he have then sued the school you could sue anybody for anything I mean that’s and then they could have defended themselves if they wanted to Believe In Their policy they could have defended themselves I got you but I mean once once you’re getting sued by the guy and say he says hey they kept me off the court they suspended me for a false accusation and they ruined my life now all of a sudden you’re on the hook for what his future earnings were you know all I’m telling you like this could have ended badly for them or for Terence Shannon it could have gone a million different ways all I’m telling you is that if you believe in your policy the policy that you have set and you wanted to challenge this you could have challenged it they decided once teren Shannon took it to where he took it they would just lay back and I will forever believe the main reason is because he is awesome at basketball or they could have gotten sued of course once it goes to court and the guy says like hey now yeah but like people threaten to sue people all the time and and so you know what they other people do sometimes they say sue me then let’s go I got lawyers too yeah but you got look man if your best player than Sues and rightfully wins because you bench them because they were falsely accused that is a disaster for your Athletics program they are not in a terrible spot right now there’s like there’s just because Gary Paris is ripping them because we’re we’re not connecting on something here here’s my whole point everything you’re saying I understand all right that it would be awful to have somebody be falsely accused of something and then have their last season of college basketball ripped away I agree with you that might actually be a reason for you not to have this policy in place like hey this might happen again to a different player in a different year and we have a policy in place that it doesn’t matter whether the allegation is valid or not whether we believe it or not our policy says if this happens this has to happen maybe we shouldn’t have that policy in place anymore if if you want to what you’re telling me is a reason for a policy not to be in place but once you had the policy in place to then like I’m I’m happy to again they never stood up and said until yesterday we believe in teren Shannon or we believe he was falsely what I’m saying is Gary why do you care about their policy if the right thing happened because in the moment keep in mind nobody is when do you start becoming rules guy you’re missing the point none of this is about they didn’t follow their own rules none of this none of this is about anything I said yesterday all right or last week or last month this is about you hating teren Shannon and the fighting AI of of which I represent people will not understand your sense of humor and take that where it’s taken this is all based on stuff that I said when this was actually happening and when this was actually happening it was tence Shannon has been um charged with this crime Illinois has a policy in place that says he can’t play under these circumstances he went to court to try to get a judge to say you need to reinstate him and then at that point rather than St with their policy they were like well you know there’s nothing we can do and I’ve never believed that to be true they sort of threw their hands up in the A and acted like yeah we have a policy in place we believe in it but now we can’t we can’t hold a student athlete to that policy based on something that a judge said and I just believe that if he would not have been genuinely the best player on that team by a wide margin I’m not sure it would have unfolded the same way that’s all I’ve ever said and alls well that ends well now I mean are you you GNA big be a big Ali fan going forward I don’t even think in those terms like I I know that’s how I cuz I had some weird people like tweeting me weird people yesterday like oh I bet you’re heartbroken that teren Shannon’s not going to prison I’m like what like it does well you did text me and say I can’t believe this this is bull crap no it I want to be very clear about this based on based on the way it all unfolded in the trial and the evidence that came out and didn’t come out it looks like he was falsely accused it does which is crazy and it would be in like awful awful for him to like have his professional opportunities ripped away or his freedom taken away are you kidding me based on the evid I would have felt sick based on the evidence that I saw in that trial if he was if that jury would have returned a guilty verdict because based on what I saw I don’t know how you could have um the absence of Reasonable Doubt right it at the very least look like there’s real Reasonable Doubt here not rooting against Terren Shannon I was just talking about a situation in basketball months ago when a and they’re mad now oh yeah yeah they just need somebody to find to be mad at yeah I guess you know whatever like that’s the other thing well and you know whose fault it is and this is where this all gets convoluted your king my King LeBron go look he I he did say something who wanted you to find the people that need to apologize oh I didn’t even see that the apologize the AP IES to Terence Shannon need to be as big as the oh yeah your king did this to you here is the the wildest part of all of it so apologize apology should be 30 times louder than the hate he got go How it Go who said bad stuff about Tera CH you pop up except I didn’t say anything bad about ter Shannon ever I don’t I even went back and listened to the podcast just to make sure door I got caught up in this because it was it was a I got caught up after uh Colorado beat Nebraska it’s like who ever said anything mean about uh Deion Sanders and like it was you yeah oh yeah and next thing I know I mean it’s a I mean it is 72 straight hours of people like yeah dumb ass PA I’m like what well this has been like 24 straight hours of apologize to Terence Shannon for calling him a rapist and I’m like because of LeBron I I hope LeBron tags you but here’s the thing like I’m being I’m being sincere here I have been critical of Illinois as an institution and even to a lesser degree Brad Underwood as a coach um I never criticized Taran Shannon I criticized the way the situation unfolded how it was handled I don’t think even to this moment I’ve ever said a bad word about ter Shannon you’re just gonna give up on this whole school policies you are after Brandon Miller and now Teran Shannon it’s like it’s not worth it I I’ll stand by the Brandon Miller thing forever but you know it’s not worth it I like really in the end who cares well there is that now all these people hate me just because I think a school’s stupid yeah but I don’t like I’m just not I honestly I don’t like care this I don’t want to say I don’t care because it becomes annoying you know like it’s just like I do I do have Twitter up in front of me all the time and it’s just the same stuff over and over again for 24 straight hours but like as soon as I leave they’re telling you that the Mets lost what the [ __ ] funniest one the guy guys met about the ter Janet thing he’s telling you the Mets lot oh because he knows you like the Mets they start spamming everything I mean it’s like it’s like you know Instagram post wishing my wife a happy anniversary and it’s like does your wife know you owe Terence Shannon an apology and I Promise You In This Moment like you ready for this my wife has no idea who Taran Shannon is none none at all so like oh I had one when I picked against the Lakers in the in a game not even like in a series in a game in the like the Miami series um years ago I guess the bubble finals or something like that I remember a ler fan like commented on it was literally a post of Haley scoring a soccer goal right and I was like f you how about that Lakers pit out I like what this is just crazy bro it’s my daughter soccer goal oh oh somebody when it was like Jordan pool was was you know being great for that minute and people and CU I famously gave the Warriors a bad grade for taking him like a c minus or something and there would be like a post on of about like I’m just proud of my son for getting into this school and underneath the post to be like I give your son a c minus welcome to the pool party yeah was like what are we doing so it’s a little Annoying in the sense that I do look at Twitter and to have all these people asking you to apologize for something that you didn’t actually say or do it’s annoying but it’s not so much it also last 12 hours yeah like as soon as I leave here like I’m going to take my phone I’m going put it on Sirius XM and we’re going to be on a golf course for four hours I’m going to ask you this though I’m going to ask you one favor as a friend whoever drafts him give him an S and now we got to we got to GP grades F minus teren Shannon teren Shannon is f minus I can’t believe the no no I I uh I wish him well I sinc no you don’t you hope this guy is an utter failure I’m not like that I’m not like that Andy OB commits another crime so you can come back and say wait till the Grizzlies taken wait till the Grizzly’s taken I think he’s I look I loved him as a player in the tournament they ran into who was the last team that oh you just destroyed them and but it was very reminiscent to me of John Morant playing against Florida State where it’s like bro you have no chance in this game the games before that the two that they played in the tournament before that he was by far the best player on the floor and looked like a real NBA Wing Prospect he was awesome he was awesome and he is a real Prospect like he he might go in the first round um well and this helps enormously because it’s a week and a half before the draft he is very fortunate I don’t want to say lucky cuz he’s unfortunate and unlucky to even have to go through all of the stuff but he is fortunate that this is wrapped up when it’s wrapped up it it it’ll still be something he’ll have to NBA franchises are still going to ask questions about it just because you were found not guilty by a jury of your peers doesn’t mean they might have some questions but based on everything we know right now like I I know like somebody asked me this question yesterday so do you think this will steal NBA teams will hold this against him I don’t know why they would I don’t know why they would they’ll still have questions to ask and if they aren’t comfortable with answers perhaps they could be damaging but based on everything we know at this point I there’s nothing we know that would make you go there’s a real red flag with that guy now and part of that is is this being resolved if it just remained unresolved not even like guilty but they like well we’re still waiting it it’d be a much harder thing for an NBA franchise to do on the night of the draft or the second night of the draft but I think I I I I believe he’ll get picked I do think he’ll get picked I’m going to ask you about the draft stuff so regarding we are now less than two weeks away from the NBA draft and one of the things I talked with Kevin OK Conor about last night is he’s always updating uh his his mock draft he said you know there there’s been this sentiment I guess over the last couple of days that the word that uh Atlanta worked out kinging it went really well and like oh wow could kinging end up end up going number one and nobody even bats T I especially because we know so little about Reay and SAR and topic and some of these other guys that are up there at the top and you will remember this because it’s not that many years ago but I’ve I’ve told Kevin um for the last couple of months this is so reminiscent of the Anthony Bennett draft where the whole time leading up it was Ben McLemore that’s who was number one like on all of those mock drafts Ben mmore out of Kansas he’s the number one pick and then he had like the LeBron connection and whatever else and then by the time we got to it it ended up going Bennett and then Oladipo and then maybe New Orleans Noel or somebody I can’t even remember who was after that but um that no one had it right and that this one feels the same way but I’ll ask you of the of the college players right at what point if I told you they were going to be like one of the top three picks would you be stunned and so I if if I just go down them right I I will assume clinging absolutely not you would not be stunned right uh I think it’s fair to say you would not be stunned if it was re sheeper I think re sheer I think he will go in the top three and should go in the top three well and if he doesn’t go in the top three he’s going forward to San Antonio cuz that’s perfect playing with wmy right okay all right uh then we get to well bazel will leave out just College push Castle obviously if he went in the top three it would not be that surprising right I’m not expecting it at this point but I’m not ruling it out how about if I told you that by the time we get there right cuz look Bennett and Oladipo and the way that all went at the at the uh I think it was Alex Lynn maybe at the very top or whatever at that time um jacobe Walter Cody Williams Dalton connect are we now to the stage I guess we got to throw Dillingham in there as well like who could get drafted in the top three that you would be like whoa like at what point do I get to a name cuz even like Harden wasn’t expected to go three the year that we so I don’t think I don’t think you can find a mock draft that’s going to have D conect going in the top three but you can find basketball people who will tell you I think he’s one of the three best prospects in this draft really I I’m Fran filla I think is on record saying he’ll be the best college player from this draft what yeah so that say Roser so gbo so so if there let’s say that there’s somebody who holds that same opinion as Franny who’s running an NBA franchise then maybe out of nowhere okay so you would say he does not apply to this where you would be like oh my God I I would be surprised but he’s one where if you’re looking like who’s the sneaky guy who could pop into the top three that nobody has there right now connect seems like cuz cuz right Dillingham you would not be shocked I think I because he’s a Kentucky guy and it’s like okay Andy was a huge High School Prospect he’s so little I got you yeah he’s so little what the other two Walter or Williams I I would be surprised if it’s Cody Williams yeah maybe I shouldn’t be I think Cody Williams is going to be I think he’s pretty accurately labeled like uh but if they did the project thing you remember we did this years ago uh it’s kind of like to me that would feel kind of uh oh who was the guy that was the six-man he got drafted ahead of Paul and Darren Williams Oh the North Carolina Marvin Williams it’s very Marvin Williams right where it’s like what the right like Chris Paul and Darren Williams and like this guy Marvin William but he was like a bench player for North Carolina and so I guess Cody Williams good a part of that right it’s like what he didn’t do all that much I I think I could see I’m higher on jacobe Walter than most it’s interesting most mocks seem to have him outside of the lottery but he was one of the first 12 players to get a Green Room invite and that is not always an indicator of you’re actually going in the top 12 but that I think that’s a good sign for him but I I like him jacobe Walter yeah okay so he doesn’t apply do too he’s one of the guys I’ve seen I when Baylor played in the tournament here I was like this kid’s like a real athlete here like he he’s got he’s raw he’s got pretty good size he’s so he doesn’t apply yeah I don’t if he went in the top three it would be like it’s a it’s it’s it’s obviously look there’re saying this is not going to follow the mocks everybody’s Mock’s going to be wrong I could see that because you know what I mean well and everybody’s mock was wrong that year well just as as somebody who has done this for years um it is unusual that the guy like I we’re starting to all come together on Reed Shepard now y but i’ I’ve had Reed sheeper like second in this draft for months and other people would have him like eighth or ninth you know and it’s like that that’s a big gap for me to say I think this guy’s top two and somebody else to say more like borderline top 10 that’s not usually the way we talk about prospects it’s funny you say him because I’ve always loved him as well and I told Kevin you we are literally a let’s just say with let’s say Rob dingham right we are because shephard I think now is pretty consensus right in that top four or five we are a Rob Dillingham went 99 for 100 from three in his Charlotte workout away from oh my God should he be the number one pick like that’s where we are in this draft it’s the craziest you could reasonably I I think at the end of this it’s going to come down to like Alex SAR R AET maybe Reed Shepard maybe kingan like for the top pick well they say Bellis is now thr because he was always he was supposed to be the number one pick and usually this stuff comes back around right and it’s like oh geez well you ready for this like two years ago it was heading into the season who should be the number one pick Paulo during the season who should be the number one pick looks like Paulo then we get into the draft season it’s like I don’t think it’s G be yeah and then you know then it’s draft night who was it guy the guy that because of me if you asked him a year ago they’d have said this guy but if you asked him yesterday they wouldn’t have said him because of me you you boomed him to the top I really did how’d you do that I think I’ve told this story before right Jabari was going number one and Paulo was going a little bit lower and Paulo was fine with that M Paulo decides I do care about being the number one pick in the draft his agent is Mike Miller right Mike Miller they reach out to me and they’re like hey do you have the old podcast that I did with you at the ringer in whatever four five years before I was like yeah yeah yeah I’ve got it whatever and so I sent the file to him and I’m like oh he’s recruiting players and blah blah blah and so uh anyways then I see him out at the golf course about two weeks after the draft and I hear his voice and he’s like hey hey and uh he’s like hey man I just wanted to thank you and I was like what and he goes Paulo was going to go you know whatever three or two I think it was three cuz they going to take chat to right he was going to go three to Houston I think it was he the kid then decides cuz these kids are fickle I do care about going number one and I want to go to Orlando right and so he’s like so I have to full court press um at that time CU I he’s like thanks for sending in the pot I said did you get a player out of it and he goes no but Paulo went one and I said what the hell he sent the podcast that he did with me on this podcast he said that the best young player on the Denver Nugget this in 2016 right is Nicol yic and the guy will be 10 time all NBA it was a crazy statement to make crazy right he sent it to John Gabriel and the powers at B at Orlando and said I want you to listen to this I don’t miss oh wow and they freaking drafted the kid and he was right he was the right pick he was right yeah yeah Mike knows Talent yeah like you know what I mean but it was crazy it was like this full court press at the end that where it’s like his cool agent story where the agent’s like I’ve got to I’ve got to get them to want to draft this guy right because he because the kid cares about it right now and it’s and and this would be a good spot for him anyway and the kid cares about going number one and oddly that old podcast which I had referenced before he really did say that he told me that the guy was going to be a 10 time all pro and I was like what are you talking he hadn’t done nothing right he had done he was like eight n and eight or something and they still had nage on the team right and he was like he he reminds me of both Gasol brothers except he’s going to be the like 10 time all NBA is an insane thing to say about somebody that hasn’t done something six right now six times like I am I know talent look at what I said about joic in6 listen to me dude if you pass on this guy you will regret it forever right and they’re like well [ __ ] all right is it is what like in that draft is that the chat draft too the what is that the chat Homan draft as well too so is it clear that you Ben Carol was the right pick at this point over chat yeah I think so yeah yeah I mean he’s going to be I think I think that there is a better chance of Ben car is one of the five to 10 best players in the entire NBA than Chad well first I but I do think Chad’s going to be unbelievable I think Chad’s pretty awesome but I I could see B because of the scoring I could see B Caro being your best player oh sure I’m not sure that best yeah you know I mean it might be more like a jiren yeah you know what I’m saying like better but maybe better than jiren it’s possible but Paulo Paulo could be the best player player on Eastern Conference Finals team gets 49 and he’s always looked this way the first time I saw him was at USA Basketball after his sophomore year of high school all right it’s in between sophomore and junior year and it was one of those deals where I went into it like I don’t know the the the 15y olds I don’t right and uh you just look it’s like whoa who is that and I remember I was sitting with I don’t guess anybody would mind me saying it but the Kentucky staff at the time and I was like so and they were recruiting him everybody was recruiting him and the Kentucky staff had a they had a preseason top 10 team coming back and and the Kentucky staff told me they were like he could start for us right now oh as a junior in high school he could start for us at Kentucky right now that’s how awesome he was see him in person big oh my God he’s a big boy he’s like 611 in shoes and he’s huge yeah he’s and you know what it is the weird thing is I had somebody describe this is Rookie year I knew the guys that did uh they did some advertising with him and I was like I was like man like the first time I was around around him cuz my son actually met him uh here in Memphis and I was like you don’t realize how monstrous this guy is unless and then you get up on him and you’re like God what and you know what they explained to me which I’ve this is always stuck in my mind they said it’s because this is somebody that did like a clothes and stuff like they actually did like the you know like if you were going to outfit him for an ad or something like that right and they said you know what it is it’s that he is that huge and he is like perfectly proportioned he’s like how you should look and he said all these guys are freakos they’ve got these super long arms or they’ve got these really long legs or they’ve got these short torsos he’s just like a perfectly proportioned regularized human that like bigger right like you see some of these guys and like seriously if you ever like around jiren his arms are like all the way down to like damn near his knees same with Mel Bridges you see them in person you’re like what it’s not proportioned to the rest of their body and yet this guy is just a huge human being yeah he’s not just tall there’s a lot of tall people walking around the NBA he’s big he’s tall and big yeah um the other one I’ve always said this like I I didn’t properly understand how big he was until I happen to be standing on FedEx form Court beside him I’m like this guy is LaMarcus Al oh yeah I was always like he’s just big oh I had one last year and it was a f I was walking out of the tunnel and I like I walk out of this hallway he walks out of this hallway we’re walking together and I looked over at him and I am like looking like above his waist and it was freaking Robin Lopez and I’m like dude yeah the Lopez twins are big dude oh monster right monster I’m like God no how how function like that no it’s funny you like I felt like a mini Meek yeah well you just like cuz I I work with among others like Roy Hibert and you just watch how they have to deal with their daytoday like they’re just constantly ducking and constantly having to move around it’s just their life like nothing is normal like you know just the way just getting just i’ like to see what the world looks like just for a day I just like to experience like what does the world look like I actually had this like moment of Cl I I was standing on like a little step stool one time and it was probably you know 8 in or something and I was like so this is what it would be like to be 6 foot5 and it really just like and that’s not absurd like there this is awesome it really felt awesome like I could see stuff and I felt up there I was like man I don’t even know what this I didn’t even know the world looked like this from up here cuz I just you don’t see it’s just a different place up there you know for me and Kendrick and you me and you and kri we don’t know what the world looks like up there no I’d love to be 6’5 me too all right go enjoy your weekend Happy Father’s Day Happy Father’s Day to you have a Father’s Day I guess are you going to the baseball game on Sunday we are traveling on Sunday we’re going traveling on Father’s Day here’s dad screaming at everyone what are you doing Dad my iPad’s dead well I told you to charge it are you driving we are because it’s on Father’s Day you really are going to be screaming at people all day it’s going to be a disaster why are you doing you planned this like what do I want to do on Father’s Day I want to ride in a car with children for six hours you sound like Kelly now she’s like you thought this through the truth no you didn’t think it through the truth the truth is uh I only fly Delta right and there’s no direct Delta flights to Dallas why will you not just fly something else I won’t do it I can’t do it I’m loyal why I’m loyal cuz I don’t want to but they’re not loyal to you they are too no they wouldn’t they would not be they do anything drop your ass they would they they if they said they would throw you out of the plane if Delta heard about me flying on American Airlines I would be I feel like I have to apologize to them oh my God so um given that I’d have to you would rather drive in a car with two kids that are what I guess are 11 10 and seven 10 and seven oh God then fly on something that’s not Delta I would rather fly on a crop duster and ride in a car with a 10-year-old and a 7y old you gave me good advice Oliver’s in the front seat oh yeah Blue’s in the back I’m smart about that you have to separate that’ll work that’s the problem once you realize that you can put one of them in the front and one of them in the back you have alleviated 99% of the problems you will still have the 1% of the grabbing the back of their head from the back but that’s few and far between this is this I I’ve we’re going to hope that separation combined with fully charged iPads yep gets us gets us there but I understand your skepticism yeah no you’re going to be screaming at but the idea would be especially cuz I mean they’re going to have to piss all the time oh yeah it’s it’s boy so I mean you can start do the bottles already yeah you can you can get the Gatorade bottle of the milk jug or something I don’t mind stop I I the only part that gets where I lose my mind is the just agitating for no reason oh yeah just like oh that’s going to happen just agitating for no reason like what what why are you guys yelling at each other cuz he’s looking at me or they’re going to want something that the O the only reason they want it is because they’ve got it my I wanted that my iPhone’s dead my iPad’s dead can I use your iPhone so then Kelly will give one of them the iPhone and then the other one’s iPad will go dead so now they’re fighting over her iPhone it’s just siblings man it’s sibling right it yeah the other night I mean I hear a scream from the other room and it’s like Daddy get William off me and I like walk in there he’s just laying on top of her for no reason he’s 14 no reason just smushing yeah she like they just mess with each other so it’s like in the pool the other day I’m upstairs trying to work and they’re in the pool and they’re just all I can hear is Louis crying the whole time so I go down there there and I said Hey listen I don’t cuz it’s neither it’s never either one of their fault they they never did anything that I didn’t do nothing that’s all they say I didn’t do nothing that’s oh mine is I always get blamed right yeah oh my son always gets blamed for everything because she all right is a liar so I yeah right right right so then I I come down and I say like listen I’m trying to work I’m tired of listening to you scream all right if you can’t be in here without screaming and making noises that are loud then you got to get out of here I well it’s not my I don’t care whose fault it is either either you are the one C talking to Lou either you’re the one causing this and then he’s then he’s beating your brains in or you can’t be here without getting your brains beat in so you need to leave one of the either way we got to resolve this one of if I hear either one of you scream again you’re both in trouble all right we’ll be fine I’m go upstairs two minutes later I’m coming back downstairs just fighting and now you’re going to get in on Father’s Day in a car for 6 hours oh it’s going to be a disaster I mean it’s going to be a disaster but we have high hopes we have good intentions perhaps baseball games on Monday yeah we’re going to go baseball uh I think the plan we’re going to go see a Mets Rangers game cuz you can’t even drink in the car like you would typically just drink oh yeah I could just be blacked out on a plane right yeah it wouldn’t even care yeah yeah now I’m all you want I’m going to have to do this sober this is tough on Father’s Day I’m going have to stay sober on Father’s Day this is tough it might be your last Father’s Day so you be stepfather’s day know so we’ll um we’ll do well hey let me ask you this because Kelly suggested at one point because Oliver Oliver was like yeah me and D because I think I first talked about the idea this with Oliver and he got it in his head like me and Dad are going as opposed to we’re all going Kelly said the trips would actually be more memorable for the kids if they weren’t fighting with each other the whole time and aggravating each other the whole time if you did solo trips are you a believer in Solo trips yeah I would do that like you and just you and William just going by yourself and then you and go do something we did it we did it with Ros I take him to that National Sports collector’s convention so it’s me and him and right Roser but he loves that trip right right yeah like me and I’ve taken Oliver on I took Oliver to New York just him just me and him and he that’s the trip that he holds up as the gold standard the problem I can’t the reason I can’t do it is jealousy well yeah that’s I have to have it so that they’ve got something else going on right so like like for instance I took my son out to the golf course on whatever day it was she was at camp that okay but I could not have taken him to the golf course she would have she would have been super upset that I took him and maybe your are old enough now but I can’t take them both to the golf course you can’t take them both and allow them both to play it’s just impossible there’s people coming up behind you they’re fighting about whose ball is what so I took Oliver out on Wednesday but I cuz Louis was in a camp so but I can’t just walk out the with Oliver and leave Lou here or vice versa without one of them getting like genuinely their feelings hurt you know you have to have another trip planned for somebody else that’s right it’s all complicated but the the the goal is Mets Rangers probably Six Flags and then we might go see FC Dallas go see MLS game as well oh yeah they’re playing as well so um you know we’ll see how it goes all right I’m sure I’m do it’ll be great it’ll be great it’ll be terrible once you get there I do want it US Open is is is on us what would y’all shoot at that Golf Course 150 I I could you break a 100 no I did no don’t don’t say you could break a 100 I didn’t I’m telling you they advertised what would you shoot at biner you haven’t seen this ad uhuh so I have a Jin whatever like the it’s the golf handicap right yeah so it said go to whatever the thing is and one of the things is it’ll say what would you shoot oh wow and they advertised it okay and so I clicked it and it said what would you shoot at Pinehurst number two whatever and then the score pops up and it said 91 and I no way there’s no chance yeah I was trying to do it in my head I was like that would be that would be basically I could could I par eight holes and then get 10 double bogeys and the answer is of course dude there would be a 15 on did you see this he just left this putt 10 feet short these guys don’t miss like that no I so what I’m telling you is I do not believe what it says it says the number would be it said I would shoot 91 and there is absolutely no way look at these putts they’re just missing them badly oh I know that like they’re putting you see the thing I sent you earlier today the guy like putting the ball off the green yeah like that’s the stuff we do when we what’s his name uh buddy Nathan Hubbert his brother Mark Hub hit it within a foot a foot of the hole and it just and it rolled back he got a seven on a hole that he missed the hole by a foot that’s right I mean the the the one that what the one that I shoot 150 I’d be so because one of those holes would just be like a give up hole they finally just make you stop playing the hole on Golden tea that’s what it would be right and it would forfeit and it would happen to you on the green you would be you’d be four yards off the green and and you’d need you it’ take you five more to get it in they they show Tiger Woods chipping with this four iron right it’s outrageous no the one that uh the one that yeah the one that Sheffer and Xander both doubled like Rory also they had all three hit the ball at the same part and they’re literally saying your option this is your best option your best play is who hit the ball on the other side of the green and off the green that’s your play I I don’t think can scramble best ball and shoot 91 no I’m serious yeah it’s it’s impossible like that’s two cracks at it two cracks at every shot I still don’t think we could I mean you’re watching the best players in the world look like they’re confused Scotty sheffler threw his putter today but throw but ke ke last night he’s not doing interview that’s no but he did the text text interview aan Lynch right and he said uh he said he thought four wins it maybe yeah minus four yeah and now he’s looking like a genius scores are all the course is not going to get easy destroy it’s going to get hard well when we woke up today your leaders were five under and there leaders are still five under yeah and they haven’t heat off right could literally be four under by the time he’s done with the first hole right all right enjoy your trip all right we’ll be back after this Chris far show when it’s all on the line you turn to the strong the state the unwavering to those with a history of raising their performance to meet the moment it’s true in basketball it’s true in banking Grizzlies checking from Pinnacle play hard Bank easy open a Grizzlies checking account with at least $100 and a recurring direct deposit by August 31st and you could receive a $200 direct deposit bonus into your account details at Grizzlies member FDIC I think we have the college basketball title Futures yukon’s number one I really like Houston i’ have them winning it all but you can’t be giving Drake jerseys what is wrong with you maybe the Drake curse is stronger in college basketball how long has he been with riding with KCK Alabama Jersey and sa retired the odds couple with Rob Fisher Lang Whitaker John Roser and CJ hurt live Thursdays at 2 pm on YouTube at grind 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bene you’d hook up with Martin Simpson yeah you ever see the ones with her hair when she lets her hair down you’re attracted to Martin Simpson Mar is cute cute Legacy I mean yeah I mean you know I respect her yeah but she ain’t Jessica Rabbit no she’s not Jessica Rabbit she’s not just grabbit no no the Gary Paris show live weekdays at 10:00 a.m. on YouTube at grind City media and the official grind City media app [Music] there’s no substitute for experience the knowledge gained from having been there before and the passion to share what you know to make everyone around you better it’s true in basketball it’s true in banking Grizzlies checking from Pinnacle play hard Bank easy open a Grizzlies checking account with at least $100 and a recurring direct deposit by August 31st and you could receive a $200 direct deposit bonus into your account details at Grizzlies member FDIC let’s face it there’s a lot of trash talk in basketball but the great teams let their performance do the talking 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it has moved it has moved it is moved to Dallas one and a half it is not it is moved to pick them it is moved to Boston minus one one and a half now so they say they say this team is dead and now that Boston is just stomping on them but this is what’s weird this is weird oh so something is weird our presenting sponsor Caesar sports book okay it is Celtics minus one and A2 at bet MGM it is Celtics minus one and A2 at FanDuel it is Celtics minus one okay at DraftKings and bet Rivers it is Mavericks minus one so that’s like yeah little flipped all right interesting uh I will say that uh I don’t know I I am hopeful that it’s not just a sweep sweeps are terrible right and it would be fun for the Mavericks to win a game and then God forbid they win another game and then you get a game six that would be back in uh Dallas and it then it would be like well this is what would have happened if luuka wasn’t out for the last four minutes of the game you know they they flipped it and uh now we see what life is like without porzingis and like the the best thing for an NBA fan is that the thing becomes interesting it is not very likely because there’s just no way around it teams that are Up 3 in a series are 156 and zero yes I heard you say this it’s not 200 and Z though I heard you say that it’s not 14 and0 in the finals so not great no it’s not I I mean I mean you know this all we got to hope that Boston wants to do it on their home floor and I tend to hope that and then we at least get another game that that Dallas doesn’t yeah that Dallas just doesn’t want to get swept Scott Foster’s officiating tonight so that you know the extend do you so maybe it’ll be a maybe it’ be a little more physical I do think the underrated thing is the Luca stuff dude he got humiliated and shamed okay what is the Malika Andrews thing that I heard on the way in so he did not do you know like it was like the Mavericks did not show up to their media day yesterday they did not show up okay to like during the open practice thing like they they did not like they were not there they never did it they never did it okay and Luca did a sit down with Malika Andrews in the afternoon talking about his game three I didn’t even watch it but he talked about his game three performance and so I heard Jessica and and and Gary talking about it I didn’t even know what they were talking about I didn’t watch the interview but like yeah that’s it’s what it was about was about his about game three fouling outy getting mad at the referees frustration fouls oh cuz I mean he blame and he blamed the referees after the game you know like that’s what he did in his postgame press conference he’s like fouling out you know what did he say like fing I mean because he got what did you say what did you say on the on the ring you said what he got four four of his six fouls came in like what like a 9 Minute stretch or something it said uh here here’s I just typed it in it said luga D to mitti let down Dallas in game number three telling his teammates my bad you can’t do that especially in the NBA Finals then he said uh then somebody else wrote great interview by Malika with Luca he’s taking accountability for fouling out which is what you want to see in your leaders terrific questions from Malika Luca seems dialed in he said uh he is going to need another painkiller for a game four and G to try to make history down three zip uh I said you should not be mad when you’re on a painkiller he said he Malik Andrew said how do you reflect on fouling out of game three Luca it was tough probably wasn’t the smartest thing to do what did you say to your teammates afterwards my bad you can’t do that especially in the NBA Finals so at least at least he didn’t say like hey well why don’t you ask Mark Davis right like I mean he and and and I had that stat on the on that I was I could not believe considering how much it has been a story about Luca and the refs over the course of his not not just now the course of his career I was in stuned disbelief when I I I rattled off on a stat while we were recording last night that I had read in an article that over 400 regular season games of 47 playoff games he had filed out twice that is unbelievable yeah you would think a guy that is that like perpetually AG grieved he’s had more texts yeah he’s had you know the guys’s like usually in the league leaders in terms of technical fouls in fact hold on a second now all right don’t look this up Roser all right I’m gonna find out I’m gonna here you go here’s a little we’ll do a we’ll do a little trivia question okay uh okay there are let’s see one two three four five six seven all right so there’s basic there’s three guys tied for fifth in this yeah there’s three guys tied for fifth in this yeah put down your phone oh I’m not I I have a stat too but okay who give me the top five in the NBA in technical fouls this year yeah Draymond Green you missed so many games he’s not no oh come on no uh can I look at standing so I can see teams here top five in technical fouls in the NBA in technical fouls um who gets technical I don’t even know who gets technical fouls who is the subject of our conversation Luca number one night 19 technical fouls that’s a lot of technical fouls 19 is a lot that is a lot it’s one every four games I was thinking everybody not named Lucas like who else gets technical fouls like uh do you want to former Grizzly Dylan 17 yeah yok joic got text this year no I feel like he got TX nope he didn’t nope um y had eight the whole season uh Donovan Mitchell he complains to refs a lot Donovan Mitchell nowhere near who else complains to referees a lot uh Trey young Trey young is actually tied for eight okay Trey young ties for eight uh dude I have no I don’t know who gets te I never pay attention Yannis I’ll tell you this these names are going to shock you this is even the most are these like All-Star players like who who are we talking about here even the most Ardent NBA fan wouldn’t know these guy they would they know the guys but they don’t you could get somebody could guess Luca somebody could guess Dylan Brooks for sure yeah okay you could see that Klay Thompson tied with Dylan Bobby poris okay yeah right behind him fourth Anthony Edwards oh okay 16 and then tied for fifth Max stru what I know what Grant Williams I can see that you can see it and now I’m going to absolutely blow your mind at who else is tied for fifth in the NBA and technical fouls this season you won’t believe this this might be the last I mean Pascal sakam Jason Tatum really he never talks 14 technical fouls the 14 times he talked they teched him no wonder he doesn’t like to talk he gets tched every time he talks 14 and then George the I yeah I can kind of see that Trey young yeah that I mean Trey young makes sense Jordan pool Pat Bev Devin Booker like these guys are all Pricks yeah they are they are yeah wild Jason Tatum was tied for fifth in the NBA Tech fil never in a billion years you could have given me he had five less techs than Luca you could have told me hey this guy who’s number five is an Allstar and so that window that he would been the lastar he would have been the last one I would have guessed 14 technical fouls I would not have guessed Jason Tatum their team got a lot cuz he had 14 and then if you scroll down Jaylen Brown had 10 porzingis had 10 yeah it is kind of wild Jaylen Brown doesn’t say really anything on the court either I mean like I know I guess when they get him they say they say the right word to make it count I guess so uh I’m trying to find where the first Grizzly on this list is obviously they had 500 million players you want to take a guess who led the Grizzlies in technical fouls I’ll tell you this uh I could have had you Vince Williams I could have you guess for an hour Vince Williams no it’s not Vince no see we had to jiren jiren I mean I’m trying to think of who played told I’m telling you you could guess for an hour so like it’s it’s somebody that played like a couple of 10 days with us virtually it’s Marcus Smart really he had five techs he only played in 21 games he have five Texs five Tex games that’s impressive how did he how did he have five Texs in 21 games I mean that’s like he play 21 games basically fourth of the season if you do that out he would have play he would have had 20 text I’m trying to I’m trying to scroll down just to see Bane and Vince had four they had four okay Marcus Smart Le the Grizzlies in technical fouls and he played in 20 games he played in 20 and he played 20 games even possible bro how did you have five tchs I’d have to go back and look at him how do you have five tchs in 21 games that’s crazy that is a truly a historic R you what you know what he played when the season was like terrible so he probably pissed off a lot he’s probably really pissed off he’s like the rest of us watching it yeah played 20 games 20 games 30 minutes a night yeah geez all right well look here here’s what we know luga donic has uh said it was irresponsible what he did he has apologized to his teammates for what he did and I I just think it it’s kind of wild he has been uh by most account everybody’s got him as one of the top five players in the NBA yeah of course everybody thinks he’s absolutely unbelievable it this has been a new world and this is why he probably sat down with Malika Andrews to do that thing the last like 24 hours like it has it has changed so dramatically you know they always say we love to build people up and then tear people down and then build them up again and celebrate that they were torn down but now look at them right and they Rose From the Ashes after we had torn them down but man he is getting beat to [ __ ] over the course of the last the last 24 hours I’ve been a part of it too but I mean like he is and it’s because to to whom much is given much is expected and when you’re the only game going you’re the only thing to talk about then everything is going to be highlighted and that’s just so so unheard of for a guy to foul out like that really just purely out of frustration yeah and cost his team because man you know they may just get closed out tonight certainly possible I mean if you’re if you’re a Dallas fan you’re just it’s tortured think about like what would have been could it all have been different yeah if we flipped that game all the momentum in the world after a 22-2 run and then closed it out and then oh my God they don’t have porzingis and we’re going to be okay after all and then you get game four and it’s like everything might have been different it might have been that Celtics just made the plays buckled down Jaylen Brown makes plays and they yeah they end up winning anyway they’re six and0 in the clutch yeah total possible that they would have just won way it’s possible but the point is we’ll never know and if you’re a Dallas fan you in your mind you go dude if he doesn’t foul out we win that game and maybe that is the only thing that I’ll say Roser in for Dallas’s favor yeah is them believing that and it not being insane it’s not insane for them to believe we had them we were gonna win and then this happened so let’s just keep a cool booty and let’s keep playing this thing out and we we can beat this team yeah right we didn’t beat this team but we can beat this team we have seen when we play like we’re supposed to play we can win and it that’s probably bull crap and they’re not going to win the series we’re just talking about can they win a game or two yeah yeah they’re not going to beat Boston four in a row they’re not beating them they’re not beating that team four straight times not beating him in game five it’s really just can they win game four can you win one so we can extend the series and I’m on the and I’m on the side of dude win just so we at least get one more game right I don’t want tonight to be the end of the NBA season and what a dud it would be for we still got another what two weeks for the draft cuz the playoffs really sucked yeah he did so the playoffs sucked to speak to you speaking on on Luca and how really the last 24 hours he’s gotten just beat to the point that I mean the Wind Horse thing literally had like dude he did a SI sit down with Malik Andrews because of that like that is why to put it in perspective Luca donic leads the NBA playoffs in points rebounds assists Steals and made threes and nobody has ever done that in the history of basketball and he leads in all of it and nobody cares nobody cares nobody cares no do you know who let’s see because he’s a traffic cone on defense and he [ __ ] at the refs that’s what everybody’s talking about do you know number two in made theses in the playoffs I mean obviously it pays to play the most uh it is a it is a person still in the finals Derek white it is Derek white 59 of them do you know who is third it is not somebody in the finals I will tell you Kyrie is fourth Jaylen Williams no did he hit a lot of Threes early it’s not Jaylen Williams it’s not jayen I guess he didn’t play he didn’t play enough rounds either yeah oh how about uh one of the how about one of the Indiana guys yeah it’s halberton Hal 53 of them Kyrie’s fourth and Anthony Edwards is fifth yeah so you had to at least get to the Conference Finals in order to do it uh a couple other things before we get out of here uh you know I was a huge Conor McGregor fan for a long long time yeah injured won’t return for UFC 303 card you know this had been built up where he was going to be coming back and he was going to be fighting and it was going to be in two weeks from now but there are these story you know he skipped that press conference there these videos of him going out there’s that weird ass video of him sitting alongside Jake Gyllenhaal where he appears to be drugged out of his mind and he was fight he was goingon to fight Michael Chandler that was going to be fun because Chandler’s wild crazy I know but like like it does not seem as if like I mean it really looked like that dude that video with him and and jillen all makes it looks like he’s on drugs yeah everybody that watched that video thought the same thing if they’re being honest and I am a huge McGregor fan and was so excited for his return to the ring and it’s like bro what is going on with this dude and that was when they were promoting Roadhouse or whatever yeah and then I don’t buy the injury I mean yeah I suppose he could have gotten injured whatever but I I mean it’s it appears he ain’t in the best of head spaces and here here’s hoping that it is an injury and that he will eventually get back in the ring but I mean talked about he’s not as no you you not as hungry as he you lose that Ed how can you be he’s got the yeah right you’ve got that’s what you were fighting for and now you’ve got the money you’ve got the Yachts you’ve got the house you’re in Road House with Jake Dillan all you’re in you’re in Hollywood like yeah that’s right so I don’t know if the guy’s injured or not but I know he is he throughout this entire thing he has never seemed like a focused fighter that is ready to get back in the ring and reclaim his glory he has seemed like a guy that’s like out partying and yeah right you know maybe getting another paycheck um big news that uh dropped early this morning was that Trevor Lawrence agreed to a 5year $275 million contract yeah 200 million guaranteed 142 at signing um price of business right if you’re goingon to hold on to if you’re going to hold on to a guy now I will say and this is somebody who was as high on Trevor Lawrence I mean I thought he was as sure a thing as you can be a sure thing BR they have tried to get receivers in there every single year they keep getting more receivers and they did it again this year he has been underwhelming bro he he has he’s been underwhelming as compared to I thought this guy was going to be like Andrew Luck that’s what he was touted the best prosp the best quarterback prospect since Andrew Luck I mean 21 touchdowns and 14 picks and 50 17th you know qbr is yeah like his now the urban my year is I got it I got it I got it but his stats do not match what I what I think I or many others think of him the second year was good I mean look they made the Run they won a lot of games and he was 25 touchdowns and eight picks and they won the playoff game they yeah and they won a playoff game they came back against the Char the Chargers blew that massive lead and maybe it’s just a matter of time and then he is going to be one of the best of the best I mean for sure I would commit yeah to him what’s the option who else you getting right right he’s better than the alternative right and I still think he has a chance to be I I always Jones I always thought he was going to be awesome but he has not been as good as I thought he was no we played that’s what I’ll say we played them last year that third season that third season was a disappointment man dude you know how much I complained about the Niners defense last year we played them in Jacksonville last year and beat the crap out of them like he was not I mean there’s disappointing there’s nothing impressive about him yeah no and he will throw picks he throws picks man he will throw it to you I thought he was going to be like more like 40 touchdown guy than 21 touchdown 14 pick guy right right he has got crazy Talent yeah he does and at his best but I mean he ain’t even put up number like Herbert numbers no not put up Herbert numbers he’s one more yeah In fairness to him but i’ I’d still commit to him yeah I would still commit to him yeah of course i’ I’d give him I mean I don’t know about the was going to be better through three years than I don’t know if you give him that much money but if that’s just dude that’s just what you pay quarterbacks now I thought he was a sure fire star yeah it’s possible he’s one of the best five quarterbacks in the league at some point you could see it if you keep Dak Prescott you’re going to pay him that too just like seems like it seems like they are not interested in doing that we are paying Brock py after this year if Brock py has another awesome season like that we’re paying him and we’re going to pay him more than Trevor Lawrence it seems like they’re not getting a Dak deal done really what about CD lamb because my guy iuk and your guys we’re they’re in the same boat same draft class neither one of them doing anything in the offseason I think they will get CD lamb done and then that makes the Dak thing I mean look they lose every single standoff yeah they never win they always end up paying you more they’ve done it with Dak every time yeah so if they do I mean it’s like bro why do you they wait for everybody else to sign then the market gets set even higher and then it’s like why didn’t you just get this done yeah they never end up getting a bargain yeah they always end up having to pay the absolute most for you we’re going to do the same thing without you we’ll pay him by training camp or it’ll or he’ll miss a week of training camp like happened with Bosa but it’ll get done all right well we’re going to have the US Open uh this weekend we are going to have hopefully at least have an NBA Finals game that’s going on tonight and then uh everybody out there enjoy your father’s day we will uh resume regularly scheduled program on Monday thanks to John rer Cross of glass thanks to jary Paris thanks to jayen back in the studio until Monday we G


  1. No way Gary is now upset Illinois didn’t stand behind Terrence Shannon. Cmon man.

    He wrote an article getting on Brad underwood for playing Shannon. Underwood was right to do so and the result was good.

  2. Fork tongued dufus is deflecting any blame and is now saying they should have played him from the get go. Yeah Gary, I'm sure you and the rest of the "court of public opinion" would have been just fine with this. The University played this flawlessly.

  3. This is such an ignorant take by Parrish. They University did defend against the lawsuit. The hired quality legal representation and they argued against Shannon playing. An appeal of the Court's decision would have taken until long after the season was over to be decided. They were ordered to reinstate Shannon. The failure to treat him as they would have had he not been suspended would have been contempt of court. Yes, coaches can play who they like and bench who they like, but they are agents of the University and must follow the intent of the court order, not try to work around it to implement a policy the Court has determined to be in violation of Shannon's constitutional rights.

  4. GP is making no sense. Illinois reviewed the evidence so decided not to challenge it. If TSJ had been 8th leading scorer he might not have been able to afford the injunction so your point is moot. TSJ used the system designed to protect the innocent, regardless of a policy that is blind to the circumstances. Finally, Illinois is an institution, not TSJ’s friend, so they should have stayed neutral.

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