Our Top 10 Mock Draft!

In this one, the guys make the top 10 picks (snake order) for the upcoming NHL Entry Draft!

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yeah I was kind of hoping that I wouldn’t have to start reaching and picking by position already at number five but of there’s two teams I felt comfortable reaching for the guy that they think they need more than the best guys available and that’s the Montreal Canadians as they’ve done perhaps with a SLA or a reinbacher last year so feel comfortable there and then Utah because they’re absolute wild cards and just pick off size so it doesn’t matter really you’re now listening to the voice in the booth podcast with your hosts Harper Cody Chad Melbourne and Casey Abrams W that’s a big one that’s a big one yeah welcome to episode 212 of the boys in the booth podcast Cody Abrams and Melbourne uh the three of us back together again for this episode ahead of the 2024 NHL entry draft hard to believe that it is uh just over a week away June 28th to 29th this is our mock draft episode we are going to run through uh the first 10 picks of the draft and uh and do a little mock draft in this episode uh but first of all boys how we doing it’s been a little bit it feels like since uh all three of us have been together on this pod feels like forever since I’ve talked to you guys um and you know what that’s okay sometimes but uh doing all right busy as hell and I’ve been living about seven days straight with allergies so I am slightly miserable and you’re going to hear me sneeze and you’re gonna watch me claw away at my face for a while here case has the allergies he’s gonna be sneezing all episode I’ve got a sore throat so you’re going to have to hear that all episode maybe some coughing here and there but we’re making it through and you know what case this is our last episode of the Season really we’re going to pick back up for next season we’re going to take a little break after this so you know it’s one of those things it’s like a flu game the flu episode we just have to get through it and uh and do our best so here we are and then we get a little break at the end of it um but yeah boys doing well um like I said we’re taking that little break which is going to be nice harp and I are going to Costa Rica tomorrow so that’s going to be good or Thursday I guess uh but tomorrow when you hear this so that’s going to be fun really excited for that and uh yeah just it’s a great time to be alive harb how you doing yeah I’m good man um you know looking forward to uh the draft obviously the trip and uh looking forward to a a nice break I think we could all use it for sure everybody’s been working hard and uh and yeah I think we uh we’re all just looking forward to a break after this and and uh just enjoying the summer so yeah doing good boys yeah well that’s the thing too it’ll be the summertime and you know in the summer there’s free agency which is always fun but for the most part you don’t want to be thinking about hockey you want to be out on the golf course you want to be hanging out with your buddies you know playing ball hockey outside all those fun things you know you don’t want to be thinking about hockey until next season and then we’ll get right back into it extremely excited but yeah harp mentioned off the top we’re going to do uh a mock draft here we’re we’re going to do it like a snake draft the top 10 picks and I’m going to do a number generator to see who goes first and we’re going to try to get in the minds of the GMS who are making these picks and make the picks based on what we think those teams would do so um here we go I’ll be number one Harper you’ll be number two and Casey you’re number three I’m going to randomly generate the first overall pick okay that goes to me number one lucky me I’ve got a tough decision uh next is number three so Casey you’re picking second and Harper you are picking third and fourth in the snake and then we’ll continue until we get through 10 picks so if you guys are good then I’ll I’ll lead us off with the first overall pick sounds good far away okay well this is uh an absolute no-brainer I think everyone who’s been following this draft knows exactly who I’m going to take and I think the player knows who he’s going to be picked by and the team picking knows what player they’re going to pick it’s a match made in heaven Macklin celebrini to the San Jose Sharks first overall slam dunk like what what is there you know to say about this kid he had 64 points in 38 NCAA games at be we had uh Craig button on the show a while ago he compared him to Jonathan Taves great two-way game best player in the draft no-brainer at number one what do you guys think about that yeah absolutely no-brainer I was kind of hoping I was going to get him because you don’t even have to say much here it’s just a walk in the park he is the best player in the draft TW way guy who is also just a scoring machine third best season by a draft eligible player ever behind uh for NCAA behind Jack eel and Adam Fant Tilly which shows how strong that draft was with him going third overall but keep in mind that those two were 18 years old when they were doing it and celebr was 17 so all the more impressive he’s just a true offensive genius and he can defend yeah he certainly can and uh you know an added bonus is uh his connections to the Sharks organization like it’s just a home run everywhere you turn uh with this pick uh celebrini going to the sharks um also he’s a Buu guy Mike Greer is a beu guy um you know and and celebrini is a is a uh a former Junior shark and his dad works for the Golden State Warriors so this just lines up perfectly it’s a match made in Heaven the worst kept secret in hockey and it’s an absolute no-brainer for San Jose completely changes the Outlook of their franchise overnight it really does and it is a total no-brainer that’s why I went with celebrini obviously I think the draft really starts at number two as we’ll get into but something I wanted to do but didn’t before we got into it was just read out the order just so that we we kind of know where we’re going here make sure we’re all on the same page here so Santa is at number one Chicago at number two Anaheim at three Columbus at 4 Montreal at 5 Utah at 6 the Ottawa Senators at 7 Seattle at 8 Calgary at 9 and the New Jersey Devils at number 10 so there you go number one is down the real Draft starts at number two and Casey you are up well honestly I’m going to disagree a little bit I don’t think the Draft starts yet I think this one’s a little bit of a slam dunk as well it has changed over the year like if you look at the very beginning but over recent times I think it’s becoming a little bit more consensus that Ivan demidov will come or will be drafted in the second spot and I think it’s a perfect fit I mean Chicago really is just in the position that they need the best player available but isn’t it a bonus that you can get a guy who can slot in playing with Bard and just tearing it up with him this is a coves player in Ivan demidov he had 23 goals 37 assists 60 points in 30 games played in the MHL which you know if you want to keep that comparison of kucherov smokes his draft year in the M MHL um demidov had 2.04 points per game cooch had 1.41 panan was 1.16 and capriso 0.67 so this guy was just dominating the MHL at a young age he is is a wizard with the puck and like maybe no one you’ve seen before just doing the things where you think he’s trapped you think he’s out of space and then he pulls a you know a coocher off dat suuki and esque move and just lights the other team up so Chicago’s gonna be happy and I’m going to be happy to watch him play with Bard so I think you’re right case in saying that demov is the next best player or at least the next best forward in this draft because he’s special right like he went through all the stats he he’s an extremely Dynamic player has been putting up incredible numbers he’s too good for playing in Russia frankly um and you want him to be over in North America as soon as possible he has one more year left on his deal in Russia and so that’s something to consider what’s going to happen after that one year expires is he going to resign in Russia or come over to to North America that’s a big question mark and for that reason I think he could slip a little bit and I don’t think that’s crazy to say I think most people are of the belief that teams are afraid of drafting Russian players just look at mve mov last year I think it is crazy to say because there hasn’t been this Rumble about him like mechkov we all knew that mechkov was already eyeing up another contract and saying that he didn’t want to come and you know then there’s the the rumbles that he was saying it because he didn’t want to play for certain teams well I haven’t heard anything like that for demidov he only has one year left that’s a perfect time table for Chicago they’re totally fine waiting another year to get their second overall pick because that team is not going to be good anytime soon Bard’s going to be in full swing at that time so I think it makes total sense I get that teams are a little hesitant to draft Russian players but I think not at second overall I think you need to take the best player in that that case I know mitkov was arguably the second best player in that draft but there was already the rumors that he wasn’t going to come over so I think it’s a slightly different circumstance well different circumstances for sure and they’re different players like leading up to the draft there were concerns about mv’s uh compete level which is not something you will hear about demov at all so I think he is definitely the second best forward in the draft but I mentioned off the top that I think the Draft starts at two because I had Chicago taking a different player based on their needs and again we’re thinking on about what teams will do you know based on their general manager and historic picks and whatnot so I had them taking someone else but I could see them atob making sense because he is a truly Dynamic offensive player yeah he certainly is and Bard’s going to need those complimentary pieces not just in the short term with uh you know a healthy Taylor Hall hopefully next year and guys like Nick Felino and and the list goes on but yeah he will need someone like demidov I also had Chicago picking uh a different player at number two and so I will uh get to that player now with the third pick um for the Anaheim Ducks so that is ardam levanov who I think is uh you know kind of looked at as the consensus um you know number one defenseman uh to go first in in this draft 6’2 right shot d uh or excuse me left shot dbuck can play the right side and uh you know originally had him going to Chicago to kind of round out that decor with Kinski vasic and Sam renzel he also played with uh Hawk goalie Prospect uh Adam Gyan on the Green Bay gamblers in the USHL and 2223 so had to pull out that little connection there yeah yeah exactly but you know looking at uh next best player available um with with the Anaheim Ducks yes they have a ton of defenseman in their pipeline that’s well documented with uh the movs and the zel wiggers the lomes of the world and and the list goes on but you can never have too many big long rangy uh talented defenseman and uh uh levanov looks like he’s the total package uh is is at Michigan State University and so um this would be a great pick for uh for the Anaheim Ducks if uh if levanov um is uh is there and if Chicago really decides to go with demidov at number two so yeah next best player available and that’s leev shanov to the Ducks set three we have very different draft boards the three of us I’m happy to hear that because um I think that he’s the the maybe fourth on my board and not the best defenseman in the draft which I think you two are going to disagree with me I also have him on my board as a right-handed defenseman because that is what he is so uh I’m gonna keep that on there but he I hear everything you’re saying like um Anaheim I would have picked a defenseman as well I think that that’s the pick for them you look at their team um they’ve got guys like uh I know their defense is strong but they also have uh Carlson goer McTavish zis so in a very defensive strong draft it makes a lot of sense for Anheim to pick D um I just had a different one going and I I’ll be happy to see him go somewhere else um yeah you’re gonna You’re Gonna Love Le shanov he can play both sides of the puck and also scores at just a outstanding rate it’s like the second best draft year uh defense scoring season after a guy also in this draft um but I think a lot of people look towards the the size of lefanov and and start leaning that way um which I mean fair enough uh well I’m along the same lines as Harper here I also had le shanov as the number one D in this draft and I think honestly case I think most people are are agreeing with this he is the consult idated number three according to Elite prospects anyway who takes draft rankings from different people and puts them together but I I think you know I was expecting LEF shanoff to go to Chicago because something that uh Kyle Davidson has said general manager Chicago is that you know one of the big things that didn’t allow previous Chicago dynasties to continue winning CBS was the breakdown of their blue line so I I think they really want to build through the back end in Chicago so I could see them taking the best available forward if they really think that you know that type of player will work well with Bard but I could also see them taking a defenseman to build from the back end out um because you know they’ve got good DB back there but I wouldn’t say they have really any game Breakers yet and I think LEF shanov will be a game breaker and yes our he is a right-handed shot defenseman but plays both sides like Casey mentioned so I think that was where the confusion came in but at at the number three pick I mean anaheim’s going to be really happy to to have LEF shanov fall into their laps here I think you know they have the easy decision where if demidov is off the board then they can just take one of those great defensemen and I think it would be lefanov and they’re happy with that they don’t have to make a really tough decision I think it really is Chicago who has to make the tough decision where to start because I don’t think there’s really a ensus in terms of TI in this draft I feel like you know har you and I were talking beforehand I think there are legitimately like 15 guys who could go from four to 12 say like there are a ton of really really good players here um relatively speaking so yeah I I don’t mind that at three I think it makes a lot of sense for Anaheim if Le shanov is available take him at three yes and uh and again thank you guys for that correction leov right shot D of course with size uh but can play um his off side and uh and his strong side on the right for sure so um my bad there but yeah I had to do you dirty there I had to prove that the Scouts in the Harper Harper Cody draft room uh just you know didn’t know what they’re talking about they know all the connections though that’s the one thing they know his cousin’s uncle’s dry cleaner lives in San Jose but you know what handy is who knows don’t matter uh just to get my my last word in here I think Chicago is so far away that they can’t even think about positions right now I think they just got to take the best guy that’s fair that’s fair okay number four then to uh Harper yeah so uh the the draft order reverses now so uh back to to me at number four and uh I have Kaden Lindstrom of the Medicine Hat Tigers uh out of the Western Hockey League going number four to the Columbus Blue Jackets look we know Columbus is always looking for centers they drafted a very good one in Adam fan Tilly last year uh yes they have Kent Johnson it’s been a bit of an up and down time for him so far same with Cole singer again it can’t hurt to have too many centers you know there’s no there’s no such thing as as having too many centers so I think that uh Lindstrom you know a big strong power forward uh a guy who could certainly be uh their number two Center in Columbus behind Adam Fant Tilly that would be pretty nice or he could uh play on the wing alongside a guy like Adam Fant Tilly very much like we’re seeing with uh Quinton Byfield playing on the wing alongside an copar in Los Angeles and Lindstrom um you know looking at scouting reports on him resembles a lot of of Byfield and his game and we’re really starting to see him pop off now in the National Hockey League so again you’re looking at Lindstrom as just a big strong power forward whose um you know primary position is a is a centerman but he could play the wing for you as well but uh yeah I think this would be a great pick for Columbus and I’m sure Montreal would love to have this player at number five as well yeah I uh as a guy picking fifth I’m sad to hear Lindstrom go here I think that he would have been a great fit in Montreal but he’s exactly what Columbus needs they don’t need defenseman in this very strong defensive draft they need forwards and they need a guy to play with uh fanelli and this is just a perfect match um Lindstrom we’ve seen a lot of guys in the last few years drafted large tall players but they don’t necessarily play power forward and they’re still called power forwards because they’re tall that’s not the case here Lindstrom plays strong he goes to the net he drives the middle of the ice and he’s a guy that has a great shot on top of that size I mean kind of as expected but um my only question is with his skating I can see that he has some stuff to work on there but I think that overall very good player and it’s a good selection and I wish I was taking on that five yeah I I think he’s the solidified top five pick because you know he’s from what I’ve read anyways he’s a jack of all trades but master of none so he’s a guy who can pretty much do it all he can skate he can score he can pass uh he can hit throw his body around he’s big he’s physical but he’s not going to be the most exceptional at any one of those things and that’s why he’s a safe pick to be in the top five you know he might be the safest pick of all players you know in in this category in in this range so I think it’s a good pick at number four I think the ceiling might be a little bit lower than a guy like demidov for example uh he’s already off the board but uh I think he still projects to be and again this is from scouting reports to be about a second line Center and if you can get that out of a guy in uh Columbus that would be great because I think Columbus you know some of their other picks that they’ve made in the past I’m thinking of guys like Kent Johnson and Cole cylinder you know whether they were rushed into the league or just didn’t have the size or just didn’t play the style that the team necessarily wanted them to I think you know this would be the perfect fit for Columbus because it’s just a guy who is like a slam dunk he’s he’s just a hit you know like he’s not GNA get pushed around he’s not GNA be rushed into the league and feel out of place like I think he’s just a guy that makes sense to be picked here so I I think that’s a really good pick yeah absolutely uh all right and we’ll go to pick number five now and of course uh it is back to you case for that so who do you have the Montreal Canadians taking now we interrupt this podcast to tell you about one of our favorite Partners signup expert if you’re a sports better whether brand new casual or hardcore listen very carefully because this ad is for you guys line shopping for the best odds matters and that’s why any profitable Sports better needs to be using multiple Sports books to maximize their profits thankfully there’s never been a better time to get signed up and we’re here to connect you with the best promotions industrywide when you use our Link at signup booys inthe Booth you can get access to 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breing and picking by position already at number five but of there’s two teams I felt comfortable reaching for the guy that they think they need more than the best guys available and that’s the Montreal Canadians as they’ve done perhaps with a SLA or a uh Rin backer last year so feel comfortable there and then Utah because they’re absolute wild cards and just pick off size so it doesn’t matter really um being Arizona and so I am going to go slightly off my board but pick based off position and honestly I I don’t think you could go wrong with this guy anyways I’m gonna take Berkeley kten at number five for the Montreal Canadians they’re not a team that necessarily needs defense you look at their last few drafts they’ve got guys like Ryan backer they’ve got gly playing in the system now they got Lane Hudson they’re kind of okay meu is a a defenseman as well they don’t necessarily need the defense and they need guys to play with SLA and C field Berkeley kton is going to be an excellent selection for that 511 Center he’s maybe under size but he’s got an absolute engine unreal skating offensive weapon for this guy 54 goals 62 assists and 68 games last year in the last since since 2000 for draft eligible players in the ol that has him ranked third on the list the only guys ahead of him would be Conor Bard and Sam Reinhardt and I meant to say the WHL before one of you says it so um yeah like offensive weapon man 116 points I think they’ll love to have that in Montreal I’m sure someone who’s a Montreal fan is going to tell me how I’m wrong but I think that what they need is a forward and I think that he’s the next best forward available Cas I I really agree with this pick I think you’re right in a lot of Senses number one they need a forward because if you look at their back end they’ve got guys like you’ve mentioned you know they picked Ryan Bacher they’ve got ghouly but then also they have like their depth defenseman kind of already in place they’ve got guys like Jacky and and Harris and and whoever right they’ve got probably you know six or seven guys who you feel comfortable playing on a bottom compare plus they’ve got your elite players like Ryan Bacher coming up on the back end so they’ve got that settled they need a forward and you’re right for this reason too if any team is is going to reach a little bit and I’m not even saying this is a reach but I could see Montreal doing it to fit a positional need the fans in Montreal are so eager to have a player who is a game breaker who who can just who who can get easy goals right and they thought Co Coffield was going to be that Co Coffield is is the best 40 goal scorer to never score 30 goals is what people call him now because you know he was supposed to be this guy and he’s still pretty good and he’s still young but you know they need a game breaker and I think Berkeley Kon has the potential to be that just look at the points he put up in the WHL and by the way I’ve heard people comment on those points saying you know I wonder what he could do if he had Elite teammates too you know you at some of these other players like the the guys playing on London for example who just play on stack teams like it’s not the same as playing in the WL and having to do it yourself so that’s something to mention about his points um from what I’ve read he’s really great in transition he really pushes the pace plays a bit of a high-risk game but of course that uh can result in in great results too high reward um so it seems like that would be exactly the type of player Montreal wants and if they were to pick him and he turns out well the fans are going to love him yeah to give you a little Peak behind the uh curtains here he’s actually eighth on my board That’s How Strong the defensive class is here but I’m going to take him at five yeah I had Berkeley kton at nine um but he’s one of these guys because he’s so Dynamic he’s all over everyone’s lists he he’s actually as high as third I think on on somebody’s list he’s Consolidated number six so he’s kind of all over the place he’s obviously very talented but like you mentioned case there’s just so many good defenseman in this draft he’s kind of got pushed down a little bit Yeah I had uh Berkeley katton at number eight as well uh on my board so anyway Chad let’s get to you at number six you are uh Bill Armstrong for this pick I wish I had this pick to be honest uh number six it’s uh not the Arizona Coyotes it is now the Utah Hockey Club number six well Arizona Coyotes Utah Hockey Club Utah yetis who knows what they’re going to be but no matter who the team name is Bill Armstrong is at the helm and we know what that guy likes size this guy loves size and there’s one player on this board who just fits this pick to a t that’s antom SV 6 fo7 207 pounds and honestly I don’t even think it’s much of a reach at this point I had Sil have ranked as my fifth best player and he’s going to Arizona at six he’s a rangy defenseman uh played in the KHL from what I’ve read he skates exceptionally well for his size he moves the puck really well and he’s mean as hell and has a really high compete level and if that doesn’t scream Bill Armstrong player I don’t know what does so that’s who they’re taking at number six antium silv what do you guys think Chad this is simultaneously the wrong pick and the right pick I if I were Bill Armstrong would not take him but I’m not Bill Armstrong and he would so you kind of nailed that one there yep harp thoughts on the size pick there I know I know you love a guy with size no what this uh yeah no this this is a a no-brainer um you know can can see Bill Armstrong and and uh Utah hockey club going up and and making this pick for sure uh you know they picked a guy like Maverick laroo who’s also 6 fo s so uh to have another 67 guy on the blue line who’s also talented and you know you see um scouting reports out there that he is better than um Dimitri simachev who was taken sixth overall funny enough by the then Arizona Coyotes so you know say what you want about about Armstrong and and Company there in Utah and and you know really going with size and but that’s what you need on on the Blue Line in order to uh to win a Stanley Cup and I think that uh that silv SV um however you want to pronounce it just fits in really well with a uh a pretty uh pretty bright future for a backend that consists of simachev Laro Zuber ardam Duda the the list goes on not to mention the guys that they already have there the the JJ moers of the world and and the durys and the vakis so yeah um could could see this pick absolutely and uh this this fits Bill Armstrong to a te well it’s exactly what they need in defenseman um they’re I’m sure they’re going to be buyers in free agency we kind of mentioned this before we started recording and I’m sure that they’re going to be looking for defense but they still need to draft them as well I had uh Sev Sev s EV Sev SF I had s um I think number seven on my board and then I put in Brackets unless I’m Utah so this was kind of perfect and I don’t know if we’re predictable or if this narrative is predictable or what it is but I just fully feel like it’s believable he is a great skating large rangy defenseman who just I think he’s lacking offense and that’s why many teams might uh shy away from him it’s also because he’s playing in uh Russia but I don’t think Utah’s afraid of that no yeah I I think that’s exactly what they want to be honest um okay so we’ll go to to number seven who is the Ottawa Senators and by the way I could see them potentially trading this pick on draft day number seven you know they’ve done it before it’s a team who wants to be better now um you know so I could see it but if they keep the pick I think if you’re Ottawa you know you’ve got prospects at forward you’ve got prospects on D and and goalie you’re not really lacking anything you’re just kind of waiting for your good prospects to take a step so I think the pick has to be just the best player available and there are a few options here at number seven for Ottawa in my opinion and all of them are actually defensemen so I think they’re going to be deciding between three defensemen and if I had to make a guess I would say they go with Sam Dickinson at number seven 6 fo3 194 pounds he had 70 points and 68 OHL games by all accounts he has a great shot he’s a great skater but he’s not very physical that’s the one knock against him despite being 63 and 194 but he’s generally ranked between five and nine on people’s lists maybe a little bit lower depending on who you ask but he’s the Consolidated uh number five on Elite prospects so that’s who I think Ottawa is going to take at number seven what do you guys think it’s uh it’s kind of surprising me although just regionally and kind of historically this would make sense for the Ottawa Senators I do think that they kind of need to reshuffle on defense a little bit so this would help the team in the long run for sure I think I I have two defensemen ahead of Sam Dickinson I’ve heard that he’s a little bit Reckless despite him being like an excellent Puck rusher and like an offensive two-way defenseman is is you can’t go wrong with that especially when he has a little bit of size as well I just think that he’s a guy that’s Fallen a little bit and um but I can I can see I can definitely see this this being the case and you know he I have two defensemen ahead of them but it’s so tight it’s so close with all these defensemen so you can’t really go wrong with any of them I I wonder if we’re thinking of the same grouping of the same three defensemen because like I said for for this Ottawa pick I I was thinking to myself like you know there’s probably three defensemen who should go in succession and then you get into forward territory guys who you know like TJ ginla and and you know he could go earlier too but I’m thinking you know there are probably some defensemen who are next on the list in the order here I wonder if we’re thinking of the same three yeah most likely um I would think I had it was only one guy for me uh that that I had going to the uh to the Ottawa Senators a right shot Dean I think that that is a glaring need in their organization you know they’re very heavy on the left side especially if they decide to um uh to to lock up Jacob Chan if uh if if they don’t move on from him they do need more help on uh on the right side now and in their pipeline so uh I but I I had another guy other than Sam Dickinson going to Ottawa at this pick well I think we know who it is then but let’s go to number eight back to G correct okay we know how to do snake drafts uh well picking as a Seattle Kraken uh this fell right into my lap I will take my third player on my board and the exact player fit needed in Seattle a defenseman who can rip the power play and snap the puck around to uh bers and Wright and shal and guys like that I am going to take zeve boam the defenseman in the NCAA 42 games played 11 goals 39 assist 6 foot 183 left defenseman have you ever heard of quinnn Hughes and Zack rinsky how about Charlie makoy and hannahan how about Owen power any of these guys ring a bell no oh that was just the list of Draft eligible NCA defenseman that had less points than Z buam that guy absolutely tore up that league as a freshman was nominated for every award there is including the hobby Baker as a freshman he was on the first All-Star team and he played 30 minutes in the Frozen Four he played 28 minutes in the finals against number one ranked Boston College they relied on this freshman to carry this team on the back end and be the puck moving number one defenseman and I think that he has recently shot up the board a little bit for the longest time he was a little bit lower but I think his recent play well his recent play being the end of the season the last few games he just really shot up he was excellent so uh I’m freaking thrilled to get this guy as Seattle yeah just an elite elite defenseman a guy who’s been climbing up the rank all season long uh very smart high IQ great vision um the only knock against this guy some some Scouts have said that he’s a little passive at times and lacks explosiveness and a bit of physicality but makes up for it in his creative Creative Vision and playmaking so I think you’re happy at if if you’re Seattle to get any of these defenseman still left on the board there’s another good one available too who I’m sure we’re going to talk about but yeah Z boam that’s a great pick like I said guy who’s been climbing up the ranks uh over the season I mean your analysis of them is exactly what I’ve seen as well and I just think that Seattle drafted Quinn Hughes yeah I mean basically and you’re right case like that’s exactly what Seattle needs they’ve got their forwards set up all their defensemen are basically guys they picked in the expansion draft still um except for 40-year-old Mark Gano who is a map Lea still uh but yeah they they need guys on the back end to uh develop for them in their system and you know Coachella Valley is a great American Hockey League uh franchise now and we better you know for for guys to go than there so there you go good pick they need a defenseman and this is the best one from Denver to Coachella Coachella Valley that’s yeah not a bad trade I like that not at all and you know like you look at that Seattle roster right now I think they’ll add some scoring this off season to to help them out right now in that regard they have Vince Dunn who’s a minute muncher and their number one defenseman but they do need that future number one and uh certainly think that Z boam could be that guy definitely uh pick nine it’s me isn’t it you got the last two you’ve got nine and 10 harp nine and 10 wow okay so you got Calgary and new JY bet a million dollars on who he picks ninth overall yes yeah uh this one’s going to be short and sweet if I’m Craig Conroy and this player is available I am running up to the podium to select te ainla shocker number nine to the Calgary Flames look th this needs to happen it must happen a ginla 2.0 and Calgary um you know a a key pie to to build around as the Flames continue to retool this thing under Craig Conroy you have ainla back in the organization now working with Conroy and uh ainla his son looks like the real deal he uh gets the the puck in the back of the net like his father um you know the the work ethic compete just the uh the skill that he shows um you know looking at Sam Cosentino’s latest the mock draft earlier today before jumping on here with you guys you know he said that Montreal would certainly be tempted at number five so um I I just think if you’re Calgary you cannot uh you cannot go without picking this guy I mean it just lines up perfectly even if you’re Craig Conor in the flames and you have to trade up into the top five let’s say to get him you have to get t ginla so yes uh he is going to the Flames at number nine well they have two and a half first round picks so I don’t think it would be very hard for them to trade up uh I actually was tempted to take him as Montreal so that’s funny and I find it hard to believe that he’ll slip this far but yeah it’s a no-brainer if he’s available for Calgary um I said two and a half because uh I think they’ll trade for a a third first round I think so yeah I could see that too y I mean draft for them they’ve got a lot of guys you know markstrom is a guy who could fetch a first so there you go that could make sense Casey to your Devils maybe well how about I stop beating around the bush then and tell you that the New Jersey Devils be the case the New Jersey Devils will be happy to trade the 10th overall pick to the Calgary Flames for Jacob markstrom I could see it I don’t think there’s a world where New Jersey picks number 10 really not a chance interesting it’s a defensive heavy draft they’re full of Defense they have prospects up and down they’re a young team they need to make a move that’s going to change this team right now and their biggest need is a goalie and the asking price for a goalie is certainly captured with the 10th overall pick yeah I think that’s honestly too much for a goalie that’s the thing like I feel like you need to get more back for the 10th overall pick but point is tjla if he’s available at number nine obviously they’re going to take him but I wanted to ask you guys you know there there’s kind of two camps here there’s in the first Camp is is what we’ve been talking about you know it just makes so much sense Jerome is in the organization pick your kid he’ll carry on the the ainla Legacy in Calgary but the other Camp is you know for example like the max doy Camp who you know even when he came to Toronto he didn’t want to wear M ties number 28 same with a guy like Nick Felino he didn’t want to wear his father’s number when he came here and it’s like you almost don’t want to play for the team that your dad did because you don’t want to live in their Shadow so I wonder if there’s a little bit of that going on I wonder if te is hoping that he gets picked before Calgary to avoid that or I wonder if he’s just really excited to to be a part of that I can’t I can’t see it I I think I think he’d be honored to to play uh where his dad did and and you know um maybe become you know one of the one of the next greatest Calgary Flames ever I I think that uh I think he’d be honored to be selected by the Flames I think he’d be honored plus his brother is playing in Edmonton next year I think you know that’s another added bonus for him so there’s a lot of stars that are really aligning for this kid for real I I just wanted to throw it out there though cuz not everybody likes that pressure of being you know compared to your parent who played in the league who was beloved by the way but at least you like as the team you don’t have to sacrifice like capital for this you don’t have to uh you know pick ahead of his times this is perfect slot for him like well exactly you don’t obviously like when you said you don’t have to sacrifice capital I was thinking oh you don’t have to trade for this player down the road but no you’re right in saying like they’re not reaching at this pick like this is exactly where he should go like around between like 8 and 12 I would think on most people’s lists that’s where he’s falling and some have them even going as high as Montreal at number five so it makes a lot of sense it makes too much sense actually and that’s why I’m kind of thinking it’s not going to happen because how often do these things really line up so perfectly I don’t know just seems like too good to be true yeah and uh anyway it it it will be one of the highlights of the draft if if this actually happens and and it certainly is possible uh because you know it’s it’s been it’s been a tough time for for Craig Conroy and and the Calgary Flames and they could use some uh some hope for sure and uh you know a uh an injection of of energy and tjla would certainly provide that all right the number 10 pick you know case you mention uh how you can’t see a world where New Jersey keeps this pick and and selects a player and uh and I agree you know and and so let’s just run through a quick little scenario for a second oh my God I knew it so let’s let’s say Tom Fitzgerald trades this pick to Calgary for Jacob marstrom and you’ve got a trade to announce and yeah exactly I could see could see Conroy going up there and selecting Carter yakimchuk of the Calgary Hitman a right shot D who’s from Calgary by the way I think that would be another absolute home run so I’m just saying that’s just the scenario that I’m thinking now talking about you know New Jersey the connection to markstrom being willing to trade the 10th pick and and all of that anyway I could see that okay but and now what if the Boston Bruins are picking at this spot I mean it’s it’s then they I don’t know I I that’s that’s a tough one that’s a tough one well I thought I’d put you on the spot there because yeah that’s where I could also imagine this this pick being traded to for a Goldie so yes forar I guess I saw something today allar being linked back to Buffalo Harper like is that is there any truth in that do you know no that I I can’t see that happening I saw that and I was like no way but I like I like that pick I like that pick at number 10 to who did we say Calgary Calgary boy but I think that would be the first legit reach of the draft because yemchuk I think is a good defenseman but I think a better defenseman is available and that’s Zan perek and that’s who I would went with at number 10 and I debated going with him at number seven for ottawa’s pick that’s that’s who I had it that’s who I had at number seven now case you uh you put me on the spot there a minute ago I didn’t have an answer for you but uh actually you know what it works out perfectly if that ended up being the Boston Bruins pick uh because they could take the player who is a Massachusetts boy who I had going to the devil if they pick uh at 10 and that’s Cole Eiserman so if it does you know if it were to be the Boston Bruins uh if they work out a deal with New Jersey for for allmark I think uh the the new uh the new bort Massachusetts uh Native Cole Eiserman uh who is an an elite goal scorer in this draft that is what he is uh being referred to he has slipped a little bit because we remember at one point it was the celebrini Eiserman draft and uh Eiserman has certainly slipped but uh that would be that would be a cool story for sure if if this ends up going to Boston let’s just say and Eiserman goes there but New Jersey keeping the pick I could see you know Eiserman being a player they take case like you said they’re they’re uh pretty heavy on uh defensive prospects uh such a bright future for that blue line uh not only in the here and now but in the future as well uh not only with Luke Hughes and Simone nemit but uh Sheamus Casey looks like a very good player as well coming out of uh out of college but you know you’re looking at the forward group and even if New Jersey you know hangs on to pick number 10 they could pick a forward just to kind of add a bit of depth to that you know we we don’t know what Alexander Holtz we don’t know like we don’t know what kind of impact he’s going to have yet what kind of opportunities he’s going to have under uh their new head coach and Sheldon Keefe and that’s just one name um so I I would wonder about Eiserman here again just an elite goal scorer would uh would look pretty good next to a Jack Hughes or an ecoer so yeah that’s who I would have picked if the Devils were picking 10th overall he’s maybe the best sniper in this draft his draft year points in the National development program is like third best all time after Jack Hughes um I think he’s ahead of like kie and zis and Baldi and a few others just to name a few um and I last time I checked he was catching up to Cole Coffield to set the record for goals in the program I think he might have passed them but I’m not 100% sure on that so you’re going to get an elite goal scorer here he was projected as second overall for the longest time and remember Chad and I were like they at at that time they seemed like carbon copies of each other one was American one was Canadian for celebrini and Cole Eiserman but you know we got a little bit more insight about Eiserman and that’s definitely not the case here but a great pick at 10th overall I think the Devils would need a forward so this makes the most sense if they hold on to this um just to go back a step here zann perk I did have him as my fifth player on the board uh the third best defenseman here that guy he’s legit yeah he’s legit he’s legit 12th best scoring season by dman in ol history and that’s all ages not just draft year defenseman he third best as a 17-year-old draft eligible defenseman just to mention that Bruce Cassidy ahead of him and uh John slany so that was 83 and 90 uh the years that those guys were ahead of him this is Elite this is Elite goal scoring he won the Memorial Cup he was the defenseman of the year he was the most outstanding defenseman I don’t know why they have those two Awards but he got both of them uh most goals most points Memorial Cup winner Point per game in the Memorial Cup he is a stud defenseman yes and you guys know Corey praan right never heard of him the guy who does the athletic draft he he’s like their you know him and Scott wheeler are their draft guys over at the athletic Cory prman on his podcast I was listening to today was talking about Zan perk and said essentially of all the defensemen available including lefanov perek might have the most game-breaking ability because in terms of being able to control a game offensively Zan perek is that he controls it from the back end so someone’s gonna get a really good pick in like the you know 10 to 15 range there are going to be some good players who slip and as always there are going to be some players who squeak into that top 10 who we didn’t even talk about yeah exactly if you’re a Defender a team hoping for defense here you’re licking your lips at this draft absolutely and not even def only defenseman too but like guys who we haven’t even talked about like cona helenius that’s a guy who you know I’ve got him ranked at number 12 right now but he could go higher he’s a safe well-rounded pick Becket s is another guy who is on a lot of people’s list cracking the top 10 and then you know Eiserman we briefly touched on but there are some other good players here Adam Urich Cole Hudson two brothers of uh prospects who we know and and have been talking about for years now so lot of good players here who will not go in the top 10 so honestly I think it’s like the top 15 or harp you said what you think the top 18 or 20 and then it kind of falls off but until then you know it’s it’s it’s not a bad draft you know it’s a little weaker tailing off in in the first round but first like 15 or 20 picks are some really good players available definitely no it’s a really intriguing draft and uh yeah it’ll be really interesting to uh to see how it all plays out so there we go there’s our uh mock top 10 picks uh for the first round of the NHL entry draft again that starts June 28th at the sphere in Las Vegas which will be different this year that’ll be really cool to see again the draft on June 28th and 29th uh thank you to listen uh thank you for listening to episode 22 we’re going to be taking our summer break now uh after the end of this episode thank you for all the support once again this season have a great summer and we will chat with you again in September thank you and go to boysin / shop to get golf shirts bye-bye this has been another episode of boys in the booth with Harper Cody Chad Melbourne and Casey Abrams connect with the boys in the booth on Instagram Facebook and YouTube at boys inthe Booth visit Boys inthe for show details and don’t forget you can become a patron of the podcast for just $1 a month at FL boys in the booth [Music]

1 Comment

  1. I think Lindstrom drops out of the top 5. His back issues is a red flag for someone who will be expected to be a net presence. Will his back withstand 4 rounds of playoff hockey?

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