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Jamie O’Hara CAN’T UNDERSTAND Why Gareth Southgate Would Bring Anthony Gordon Over Marcus Rashford 😬

Jason Cundy and Jamie O’Hara discuss England’s options out wide.


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yeah Kyle Walker there speaking after the game any danger of him showing us some new gears you know what he’s kind no you’re right but he’s he’s kind of right what you’re saying you know we we are only two games into a tourn we’re going to get out the group but when you when you’re dropping stinkers like that and that and not just ones and twos but the vast majority of the of the front line when they’re all playing like well below par you got to ask questions mate there is something not right you know I I he’s right basically what he’s saying but so we yeah you know he’s got to put that brave face can I just so Noone mention the pitch the pitch that pitch was terrible I think I wonder whether K Walker have injured himself you he nearly got injured didn’t he looked like he done his anle away yeah disappointing really major tournament no that’s that’s not an excuse by the way no it wasn’t not an excuse for how bad we were but yeah the pitch weren’t great but Denmark seem to pass it all right on it let’s go to Colin in the shed the man united fan right Cole right Cole hello good boys well B Southgate and thenar but I’m going to take you two to Tas you’re an embarrassment course after the Serbia game I suggested that Bellingham a go eight and folded a 10 and you poo pooed me it’s there we never poo pooed you about we’ve never we’ve never poo pooed that argument we’re just saying that southgate’s not going to do it no we didn’t poin I’m not having that mate sorry mate I’m not having that I’ve never poo pooed that because we’ve been saying that for months Colin I said that in fact Ohara said it about three months ago and I would I would have played foden on the left it wasn’t until I saw him in the FA Cup Final I felt you know what B must to sit so I think what we did say was that Bell has been brilliant as a number 10 yes we have said that yeah after the Serbia game and you said what do you think I said they were unbalanced and he picked the same team again we’re unbalanced we got to get gold on the left or somebody could play left that I did say also sure don’t care if we played 50 minutes and that’s I sent to put him at eight said no no he’s not going to do that now not going to do that he’s not going to do that Colin it doesn’t mean that we don’t agree with you what we’re saying is say you didn’t agree say again you did say you didn’t agree with me well I agree with you as a sitter you can play Declan rice on his own sitting in front of the back four and you can play foden and Bellingham in front of him and you can play Gordon on the left you play sack on the right you play Kane up front I mean you’ve got all your best players in the best positions I don’t understand why it’s so like why making it so difficult for ourselves and the only problem that you’ve got then is chir and tri at left back but you know that’s something you have to accept because we ain’t got any fit left left Midfield fit left backs but everything else really and truthfully answers everyone’s question rice sitting Belling him and folding in the Midfield in front of him like like Liverpool play like Man City play like Arsenal play I don’t I don’t understand it I don’t get it I don’t know why he’s so against it the players did look scared today about moving forward everything was back sideways and everything else and and and and yeah the pitch was rful but they played on it all right no I wasn’t criticizing the pitch for the performance I’m just saying the pitch was terrible no no the it was it was awful but we’re so unbalanced it’s unbelievable I agree I agree you now I agree with you at the time um you know and but he won’t do it col I do I don’t well he’s got to do something I for me Gordon on that left hand side the natural the left side honestly rashford’s brother he agent right put on social media this is rashford’s Brother apparently put it’s hard to sit and watch when you honestly believe your man could make a difference when he’s going to say that right he’s gonna I I you know you know how I feel about I know you’re right you’re right I I said I I we 100% should have took rashford he runs Beyond he knows how to score goals he can do something out in the ordinary in a game that’s in the balance like that tonight rashford could have come and and made a difference yeah he’s been toilet for man man united this season yeah he hasn’t run around I get that but tournament football I think rashford would have made a difference but he ain’t there but he ain’t but he ain’t bringing on Golden I know I know he’s bringing a off the bring a on E’s really e e plays number 10 for Crystal Palace by the way yeah you know what I mean we look at and go hold on a minute the only left actual proper left Winger that we’ve got hasn’t played no anony Gordon no he hasn’t played yet no it’s it’s it’s remarkable really remarkable I can’t believe what I’m watching I really can’t believe it I feel like I feel like Southgate is starting to lose it yeah cheers guys cheers Cole all right Cole let’s go to Michael as’s a man united fan right Mike oh how are you guys doing tonight that was actually terrible tonight it was useless start from Top well you could start from top to bottom we were we would even passing the ball quick enough we gave him too much space every time we were going forward a little bit we’re going back and I mean really back because I tell you what the only further back came will our bloody goal that’s how bad it was we kept going back and back and I’m thinking these guys play for like any other team in the Premier League they will play playing front football counter attacking all the time Fast Pace tonight it was more like watching walking football it was walking Place pedestrian yeah but the manager’s got to go he’s got right after this competition he’s got to go yeah I think I think that’s a given I think he’s gone I he’s we found a new 10 hog I didn’t think we could find another 10 hog this guy tonight has proved that he’s another ten hog ten hog wins trophies yeah but you said to yeah but Jamie this is what gets me you actually said I think if your wife may not a job really well yeah I know but that’s because I’m going off the the tournaments he’s had in the past but when you delve into it and you do look at it he’s he’s he’s so boring as a manager it’s so painful to watch if you are any man united supporter that’s why you wouldn’t want him in old football club as manager thank God we kept 10 har in away wouldn’t be a bad shout for England I tell you there’s no point in having that conversation about southst that conversation it’s coming around the corner Happ in a coup weeks absolutely right when when eventually leave the tournament conversation will take place right now that conversation is is a nonstarter it’s not happening so we need to think about what we can get the best out of this squad now what what areas are really falling and failing what areas need surgery well energy for one energy that comes from everything that’s not even that’s that surely isn’t hard to hard to have and ask players the highest level no that should be a pre and pressing an organized press together I didn’t see that tonight at all people Jude Bellingham at one point he was the highest player and he was running he was chasing three players on his own I was watching again what’s he doing running around on his own let’s go to alilio he a Spurs fan alilio Amo yo you right guys you okay yeah good thank you yeah not not too bad I think apart from that performance tonight really yeah I mean look keeps talking about the same thing but it’s um you know that you know there’s a problem when when hyberg m of the match you know what I mean was he man of the match was he I thought he played well he was he was and he did play well to be certain but but but alilio the thing is with hyberg what he lacks in maybe creativity and and you know worldclass attributes it gives you in heart and desire and energy and passion you know that that will and determination that’s what’s got him to the highest level and that’s why his performance today was been I would have loved hyber in Midfield for us today cuz he goes players and he tries to win the ball back high he don’t give you a second on the ball yeah no it’s true it’s true Jamie it’s true but that that’s because that’s where he plays you know what I mean you know we we’ve got Trent playing in the Midfield he he’s he that’s not where he plays you for me play Adam Wharton in the Midfield nobody’s expecting it you know I mean no nobody really knows how to play against him nobody knows much about him and that’s where he plays and I think that’s where hyberg plays so he’s able to play like that do you know what I mean and I think you know we’ve got players playing that position tripier left back I think yeah somebody made a point earlier bring Mitchell who plays next to gayi and uh you know things might look different but we got two players playing out of out of their natural positions and I think the problem southgate’s got though now Amelio right is you I don’t disagree with w and I haven’t seen him enough to know if he can handle it at the level Mayu for me you Bingham who made this point I’m just repeat myself but even but even on the like the problem he’s got now right is he’s he’s brought four players on today Conor Giga done a right I thought and he had to be a little bit tentative in the end because he got booked he bought three players on up front Watkins all right he got half a chance and you know and it looked Lively but that was not difficult they haven’t made an impact so now he’s got to look at someone else he’s got to look at Palmer he’s got to look at Gordon you know he’s got to get it right he he must be scratching his head that’s the issue there’s too many players now you’re looking going who do I play where do I go where do I turn to Golden and Belling must golden and Bellingham must be think sorry golden and Palmer they must be sitting there thinking everyone seems to had a a go at the minute and we haven’t there must be a part of them feeling and thinking like that we I tell you what I mean now’s not the right time but Monday we’ll talk about the team that he should play on Tuesday the best case scenario right for England right now next game he plays Kobe Manu or con gallager fresh legs he plays I think he’s going to go con he plays Cole Palmer he plays Anthony Gordon and they set the world a light and then you go into The Knockout stages with players going bang we’re at it cuz at the moment I’m not seeing how we can go any further in the tournament knockout stages would crawl through until we play a decent team that’s what it looks like to me but hopefully you might look at it and go something happens in the next game which sets us a light and gets us going because we ain’t started yet we ain’t turned up in this tournament nowhere near it keep your calls coming in we got Rhino coming up we have a little chat get some odds uh but we’ll take your calls as well3 7172 34 the sports bar with Jamie o’ Hara and Jason cundy Monday to Thursday nights from 10: on a.m. on da via the talk sport app and on your smart speaker talk sport


  1. Rice on his own πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ what is he smoking? Playing the best teams in Europe with some world class midfielders and rice is on his own πŸ˜‚

  2. Everyone moaned that Gareth only picked his favourites but he developed a team that worked well together and he’s broke that team up and it’s not working

  3. He complaining about his squad that he picked you know. He complained about not pressing and he left the best midfield presser at home in Maddison. This guy is done. He will be sacked before the final at euros

  4. Rice should be dropped and give manio a chance i think he will be a miles better player than rice

  5. Hahahaha….. Yeh, any player would look better by the simple fact they are not involved in this overhyped team.

  6. "Jamie O'Hara CAN'T UNDERSTAND Why Gareth Southgate Would Bring Anthony Gordon Over Marcus Rashford." Really? Time to hang up your mic then.

  7. Instead he picks a injured luke shaw, Southgate is a numbnut, and maino he still needs more game time in Premier league hes 18 give him couple years to prime southgate leftd out a couple of good players he shouldve picked and then he invests everything on a lethargic Harry kane, southgate should've got fired after the last euros

  8. Rashford would have given England a different option but his form didn't justify him going but more to the point why Doesn't Southgate start Gordon or Eze!? 🀷🀦

  9. I like Rashford and I'm glad he's not in this sqaud. After a poor season, taking time off is better for him.

  10. Rashford has been garbage all season. I think that’s got something to do with him not going. Football is all about opinions, but you have to be consistent. If we want players to be picked on form, we can’t be moaning that players who haven’t had any form for literally a whole season aren’t picked. If I was going to identify one particular thing that’s causing us problems, it would be the lack of a central pivot in the MF. Someone who understands how to knit the play together. Nobody is doing that job. It’s no wonder we look disjointed and chaotic.

  11. I can understand why he has taken Gordon over Rashford, but I can't understand why he refuses to play Gordon.

  12. Why do we keep insisting that foden should play at ten he last season he played 11 games at 10 he played 75% of his games on the right

  13. I thought all the experts said that Guehi was the weak link? He's been our best player. I really hope that we have been playing 'walking football' to conserve energy for the knock-out stage. If that's not the case, then we have to make some serious changes.

  14. People need to leave ten hag out of it ! The manger is a winner look at his cv ! Jobsworth, stupid fan you probably only watch evey 2 to 4 years

  15. England will solve all there issues on the pitch if they replace Southgate with a stray cat…no preference just the first stray cat found.

  16. rashford??? oh be quiet πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈπŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈπŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ

  17. You CAN NOT play Rice as a 6 by himself he’s not good enough progressing the ball he needs a partner next to him

  18. Jamie when the squad was announced you said it was the best England squad of all time ….yous english have blinkers on …..

  19. Agree re Rashford, ok he hasnt been great for United this season but he has never let England down and is goal scorer for England. Southgate has taken a number of inexperienced players in the squad and now seems reluctant to use them. Experience counts for a lot in international tournaments and Rashford has that.

  20. So an overrated winger thats lazy doesnt score or try for his club. Or a hard-working lw thats playimg his best football causes any rb problems. Scores just as much as he assists? πŸ˜’ πŸ€”

  21. Grealish moreso as he can hold up and drag fouls which were needed when releaving pressure. rashford no chance, irrelevant negative dunce

  22. Herrhh… you people said Southgate made the right decision by leaving Rashford based on his formπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚…. now you would have have taken him πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  23. But I thought this was the "Best England Team Ever !" O'Hara ? You said so yourself on Sky Sports ?

    Stop listening to that paid plebs, they say anything they're told to peddle for a tenner. The sooner you do the sooner they go away.

  24. Recently only two players have looked good on the left hand side. Gordon and grealish. One he hasn't even given a minute, and the other he left at home. Instead he has started a player who isn't good on the left, and then brought on a sub he doesn't play on the left. Is this man retarded?

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