Golf Babe

9 Holes with Claire Hogle at Aviara Golf Club

9 hole alternate shot at Aviara Golf Club with Claire Hogle. Make sure you comment on this post and follow me if you want a chance to play golf with us!

#youtubegolf #golf #sandiego #howto #explore

[Music] so we just finished warming up using the infinity rope Claire’s not feeling Tip Top today I am so the format that we’re going to do is I’m going to hit the ball Claire is going to Chip and Putt the ball yeah we’re going to try to shoot two under through nine holes I know it’s it’s ambitious for like an alternate shot basically style format but that’s what we’re going to try to do if we can’t do that we’re going to give away two Infinity rope systems and a golf lesson from me to go along with those Claire’s pretty deadly with her short game it’s my favorite part of the game I like to hit drivers so I think we have a decent chance I’ve never played here Claire has Aviara well I got you thank you for having us Claire’s got us on the green oh yeah I got you with the lines off the team never mind she got us yeah love this okay let’s do it carlbad California avar golf club hole one par four Target score two under through n I’m going to do the ball striking qu Hogle is going to do the putting what’s the line here qu it’s going to be pretty much at the bunker just left of the flag just hit it straight straight okay good line that bunker left of the left of the green that bunker right there that one right there the one you told me to hit it directly at right there the one that my ball went directly at correct correct okay we’re off we have 70 yards to the flag looks like front left is no good we’re on a side Hill Side Hills like to push the ball where the Hill’s going so that means this way so you can do two things you probably should do a little bit of both open the face a little bit swing a little bit more around your body on the balls above your feet just like that I don’t know what’s going to happen when it hits the green though come on spin W yep there it goes literally going right down to the hole literally a dream come true we have about 4 and 1/2 ft love you so much girl let’s go let’s go make a bird something about golfing with like your best friend and just knowing that they have your back on like maybe the part of the game that you’re not like in love with at the moment I feel the same way it’s pretty cool let’s put it that way okay we are about 3 and 1/2 ft as you can see here maybe four um little slippery down this hill it’s right to left my job is just to get it started have it rolling end over end and let the chips fall where they may I’ve never played here but I’m going to trust Claire here looks pretty straightforward yeah I’m just going to do inside right yeah ins rolling end over end yeah I like that we thought it may be low but it held on the hole got in the way that was terrifying no you’re good I was just puffing away in the background I knew she had it see that’s how you know she’s really good cuz she can M hit the butt I’m I hit the but still goes in oh you hit it great it just broke more than we thought it broke a lot that was a Snappy shout out Snappy Gilmore that’s a three that’s a three [Music] nonetheless what I want to do is hit a drop because it looks like there’s more room on the right let’s just start it where there’s more room that’s good if it hangs on hang on for me just on the side right there okay land stop okay you said I seem angry after hitting that ball I need a sucker I need to relax thanks appreciate that man I tell people I see people to te these up and hit them te it up and hit it i’ be surprised how far they go okay 106 downwind uh all I can see are Hills you can see it from here oh okay so it’s tucked way right okay but it also is there is a back stop behind it off that Hill okay I’m going to try to carry it the number cool it’s all over it it’s all over it I don’t know it seemed like it landed next to the flag I’ve never been here I don’t know good shot yeah I can’t hit it better than that 60° wtge Let’s see we ended up yeah accept I accept let’s go wow I don’t know if I would have hit that club if I knew that that was what that is but good thing I hit it really good nice all right another birdie op birdie op would be super fun to make this pet yeah these screens are fast but they’re receptive I like that okay uh it’s uphill so it can’t move too much is this hill going to push it down this way I don’t know okay well then maybe just hit it right at [Music] [Laughter] it I knew it wow the other read we were wrong that’s super weird it was it was it was this way it was also a terrible putt I’m like not going to lie all right one under through two we continue on I’m totally in between clubs and I cannot tell what the wind is doing so I’m just going to actually take the C swing easy yeah yeah it shouldn’t be I shouldn’t swing out of my shoes that’s that’s probably a stup just going to balloon up in the wind even if I do land it near the hole it’ll just rip back right mhm okay that’s dude that’s the right club right there spin why did I go spin spin go in the hole go in the hole oh shut up shut up right now this is beautiful very cool didn’t realize can’t miss the green on either side of the green did not see that but okay now I understand see what do you think about them apples huh what do you think about them apples baby 200 catty shu better golf movie than happy Gore I’ve only seen one of them I can’t but I agree never seen happy Gore got to get on that all right but um catty Shack better if you haven’t seen catty Shack catty Shack better probably do that catty Shack better looks pretty straight to me I’m not going to try to overpower this one and thank God Hogle hitting the putts cuz I wouldn’t have made any of those oh this is a Prett pretty hole it’s the thing off the tea [Music] here bit of a that’s a little right what’s over there not good not very good this wasn’t a driver hole this wasn’t a driver hole okay 75 yards it’s a 60 a 60 a sticky not the sticky bro 76 yards come on Wedge K I don’t know cuz I don’t know the funny thing is here is you you can’t see what’s on the other side of these bunkers yeah you have you need to have played a round or two out here okay well I’m actually doing a good job so far you’re doing great that’s what I thought zesty you have so much like young people lingo I don’t know how do it it’s because I’m on Instagram too much uh and you’re really good at memes uh some of the best memes I don’t show the public cuz they’re like about inside jokes and stuff but check out the memes that I’ve created I also landed it here a little short but thank God I did cuz then it goes down to the hole probably left Clare Bear with a about a 13 footer 12 something like that she’s calling it yeah that’s a healthy 12 and it’s calling me you know yep if you know what I’m saying yep I feel like you’re feeling this one yeah I am R that’s in she’s so good at putting you are so so good at putting that’s what I was trying to say on the putting green and you were like haha yeah I mean well you used to practice and stuff and I’m like no bro I’m I’m a freaking icon she said she said I I used to be said I used to be iconic on you YouTube and make everything I looked at and I was like really you still make p puts and she was like no I do now cuz she said I’m back I’m back and I was like okay but she’s back he didn’t they don’t want to believe you you know who said it wasn’t who didn’t believe this guy should I go over these bunkers with like a cut or is that not to play anything you could probably carry those bunkers do you want me to get a yardage for you to the edge of that bunker no no it I’m just going to go full send and we’ll find it Claire and I play golf very differently she’s calculating such a birdie streak I know but like we can do it again if I just hit a nuke bomb right here right there right over though you can’t just I’m going to lock in no no I won’t just okay I won’t do a stupid swing it’ll be okay I’ll do it good just let me do my thing oh why is she telling me what to do you remind me of Kung Fu Panda I am Jack actually our ballmark right now is uh Kyle gass’s guitar pick you see that that’s Kyle Gas who’s that half of Tenacious D which is the Twan band Jack Black and Kyle Gas oh they’re in a band called t d see is it a Big E what the is that she said e e it’s gross it’s gross pop Funk art from you know no yeah no you don’t get that it’s not it’s Kyle he’s bald and crazy but good in a good way okay let me hit this bomb nice I didn’t cut it but we’re very safe okay we’re very safe let’s go it’s very straight I know I really wanted the cut really wanted the cut we’re good though no it’s stra did you make a deal with yourself about hitting a cut yeah I was like I’m going to open face going to go out to in and I didn’t do it I left the face clo and I swung in to out it’s getting chilly still up there like we can’t hit this actually was a better shot I think than if I had tried to go with that fade Is that real no way that’s 214 here okay yeah that yep okay I found that hard to believe but it is straight uphill 214 playing about 225 the LI is messed up I’m on this hill right my shoulders are going like this right so that means that the club face is going to be opened not only am I hitting uphill but because of this tilt there’s going to be Loft added to the club so like I would hit a five but if I want to hit it high I think it’s a four uh-oh didn’t cut at all oh we’re okay we’re okay okay pin High just left didn’t cut about the distance we’re going to get to see CLA Hood a chip finally oh gosh I know right that actually sucks when you get really good at ball striking and you like don’t have a chip for like an hour first even if it’s straightforward you get up there with a wedge and you’re like oh is this me so yeah golf doesn’t even ever get easier get more greens and then practice chipping less so then you can’t get up and down it’s great I’ve never been here I didn’t realize that right over the slope was the car path I’m really sorry that’s my bad so we’re going to have to take a drop this is our fourth shot all right up and down for par that’s on me though 30 yards this is like sort of an awkward shot like a long Chip Shot and commit set lot of spin bite okay come down the hill come back all right all right that was such an awkward shot that’s okay off the sort of like down slope yeah that was not fun off of a tight lie off the down slope but uh that’s that’s my fault I’ll take that probably would have done way worse if it were me I take the blame for that okay honestly main goal is to like at the very least two putt it yeah we’re looking for a two putt right here how sick would it be if I made this one too though that would be so crazy I actually think it’s like here these are kind of fast downhill though yeah it is and it’s all depend on about how hard you hit it shoot oh oh my God you’re so good at putting good out I just can’t believe it just yeah could have gone in for the same price good putt my mistake our first bogey we’re back to two we’re up now what I’m talking to the camera Claire’s like what are you talking about like 185 it’s going to play like 190 uh I’m going to hit a seven iron all right how about go in the hole how about go in the hole yo I’m not even kidding dude another I’m literally on fire today golfing with bestie The Vibes are immaculate not even kidding did you catch that literally di two it’s so sick go let’s go that was like the thing I’ve ever been a part of honestly corny jingle I have one it goes simplify understand and you can get better at golf right now no but it’s serious a corny jingle do it darts with Dave darts with Dave and then we’ll do it in post you get it all right honestly insane opport unities you’ve been giving me I’m getting a little bit stressed out at this point no why we’re good we’re too under that’s the thing we could if we make this we have a shot to play with keep giving me putts that I like should make do you know what I’m saying do you know what I’m saying this was a good four iron four iron I hit a seven iron throw some respect on my yardages S that’s like my yardage I was projecting come on that’s okay we’re still too deep we’re still too deep we got a part five coming up right I’m sad AF no don’t even nah enough with that it was a good roll right online not enough mustard on to the next I’m going to work on my [Laughter] mustard okay so we have a little bit of a backup here just FYI yep when Claire and I film together we’re efficient we keep stuff moving and we don’t hold anybody up there are these two groups not this gentleman here the people in front of them are on vacation and they all rented clubs to play today it is what it is right I’m not going to get mad we’re not going to get mad there’s no reason for that so if you’re out there and there’s people in front of you that are like this just be understanding that you were there once too golf is hard very much embarrassing let them figure it out and get an earlier tea time cuz if you tea off at 4:30 there are people that are learning that are on the course so good little note pretty fair take there Dave really is what’s over there that ain’t it that’s not good I thought that was a terrible drive news flash it was a terrible drive but the grass is a little like I don’t know sof or whatever over here so we got this is actually perfect 142 playing 135 uh gap wedge put me in coach I’m ready to play when did this become a song no that’s a song that’s a real song put me in coach I’m ready to play today I know she’s like there’s no way that’s a real song I swear to God okay hit a dart because I want a birdie putt oh okay don’t we all Jesus wow I don’t know if that’s right distance oh it’s short are you kidding no unfortunately not it’s in a bunker stupid God damn it Dave no I thought I hit it enough didn’t go you are on the up slope that’s that’s a good thing but the Green’s running away this was this was my bad all right we’re going to need to pull something out here hey at least that’s my ball and not that I know thought that was ours for a second but it’s not oh sh go go go that was so good oh that sand is like beach sand can you hit a shot from here yeah actually I want to see if I can I want to see I have a golf ball here I think you didn’t tilt your shoulders enough on the slope oh oh something like that I don’t know I really love I love bunker shots I love bunker shots okay got it I think this is pretty steep actually oh I forgot about this trick yeah finding the fall line yeah all right makes it exciting at least we are now one under we need a birdie here that’s a deep bunker and I should have hit the green sorry just reminds me I need to get back to practicing my bunker shots we’ve got a par five here we got a score it’s 519 downhill I think I can reach into if I schammer one uh this guy’s still right here damn I can’t hit getting so hyped for the schammer I’m like I’m going to schammer a [Music] schammer let’s go that’s so demolished it’s actually insane wow yeah I hit the last couple drives really bad and that’s probably one of the crazier drives I’ve ever did downhill running top spin that’s going to be no genuinely I think that trickled up to them yeah it might have that one’s super let’s go find out all right let’s go why is it still far what the yeah I should have 100 into a par five I still have 100 into a part 380 is not far enough okay it’s 185 but it’s into the wind and downhill I think it’s a full set iron hand me the 47 I’m going to honestly be kind of a coward I’m going to draw draw it away from the flag I’m a coward just don’t give her a bunker I’m a coward no we’re in the middle of the green man we’re fine it’s a two putt but it’s a long putt we’re on I didn’t totally squander it I’m sorry I didn’t throw a dart though all right let’s talk nice to ourselves let’s talk nice to ourselves okay since we’re waiting let’s let’s have some positive selft talk huh okay what’s all that about this is not a super easy putt this putt is crazy yeah be playing like 40 feet or 45 all right long pot here yeah left to right at the start but it’s moving fast through there and then it’s going to die right to left at the end once it’s moving slower S I think it’s a little low on the left side it’s really good pick face settle Sho okay I’m going to have to make a putt for birdie okay another birdie op though that’s right right to left uphill so I’m just going to do like nice confident inside right I think so you got it she not missing that she not missing that ice in her veins let’s go your eyes SP for a while we had a couple holes but she is back and she is her let’s go starts with Dave and clutch putts with Claire welcome to another episode I like that yeah dang I’m so happy we made that bird now so now we’re at two yep we need a par better on the last hole it’s actually totally on brand we are goofy and silly we’re not going to try to take ourselves too seriously okay last hole we need a par to seal the deal and keep some of those Infinity ropes with us uh we can’t spare them we can’t spare them the life of small business owners okay we we keep track of those things like 1 2 3 four okay um uh what’s the line just like cart path and then it goes right mhm she didn’t say anything whatever yep woo really good you might be driving the green you also almost hit a bird I almost killed a bird and we’re way down there didn’t know the line The Vibes are flowing you may have hit the green get done what really is the green that far right yeah kind of it’s a dog like right okay we up here did not drive the green but put us in a good situation I’m going to consider this a short game shot yes I’m using a range finder from just off the green cuz we’re just that good it is 40 yards exactly to the pin plenty of green to work with I have total faith in what did I call her oh clutch putts with CLA it’s probably like a what 35 and run the green goes a little left to right mhm I agree yeah there’s sort of like a slope in there yeah maybe the slope yeah spin [Music] oh it just stopped late spinner uh because when you landed it on the down slope the first Hop was just kicked so far great landing spot okay we have to T putt yeah be a lot sicker if we want puted though this is 15 ft here pretty much exactly it’s right Edge it’s got to be has to be no no all right it I’m doing this no stop what are you doing just acting a fool in my line no dog I’m not on your line I’m straddling it this is aim Point you’re supposed to feel which foot has more pressure in it than the other foot and then when I decide what the pressure is then I come here and I hold up fingers into the cup somebody get this guy off the cour all right it’s a little left to right no yeah it’s all about speed yeah it’s all about Vibes it’s all about Vibes how much you impose your will upon the putt you just got to be the putt you have to be the putt bro all right let’s get focused 15 ft a little downhill great Pace wait never mind was a little Qui fast I knew it was right spicy okay so now it’s the fall line straight uphill yeah yeah we did you did clutch putts with Claire another episode let’s go that was awesome thank you so much for watching I’m still going to give away the infinity ropes you already knew you knew we were going to do that dude but we um to be honest we were we warmed up on the range with the infinity rope and we’re just like doing showing you guys how to use it it actually legit helped us I mean help me with the swing caire’s always dialed actually why I didn’t hit the full shots to just sort of like make it a little challenging right cuz if it was her every P would be right here no one wants to watch me Miss twitters I don’t anyways you probably already follow cla’s Channel if you don’t you’re messing up please follow mine go follow Infinity rope have a good day man thank you for watching yeah thank you so much seriously goodbye only bro yeah we hope that it brightened your day


  1. Claire not knowing who Kyle Gass is 🤦‍♂️great content love seeing the Cabo reunion tour lately!

  2. Come on the fist fight with Bob Barker was mint! But I won’t say which one is better, both Caddy Shack and Happy Gilmore are great movies

  3. Caddyshack is LIGHTYEARS ahead of Happy Gilmore. It's like Mike Tyson vs. my grandpa with his bad knees. No contest.

  4. Playing High is no different than playing drunk, you just think you are playing your standard great game…Time for to give a thumbs down clowns that are real clowns.

  5. Swearing is classless. Respect the game and others. Nobody wants to hear you on the course. Nobody.

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