Why The Trail Elbow Is PIVOTAL To A Great Swing

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In this video, Adam teaches you why the trail elbow plays an important part in the golf swing. Many golfers struggle with the positioning of the trail elbow. Adam goes over a couple feels to help any golfer keep the trail elbow connected to the golfer’s body.

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but it’s underneath the forearm because the arm’s too stiff watch the difference you see that there guys is a pivot point that everything works around you know I feel like the the inside of my bicep pushes up against my pet a lot of people have a gap between their body and that right elbow cash is getting that right elbow ahead of them that’s what he needs to deal and the upper body going forward I just do that always in case it’s good you know okay so we’re going to work on the takeaway a little bit okay Club gets a little underneath that forearm there now the back swing an easy one super easy and I kind of like doing it in a place where you know you’re you’re you’re not even being affected your swing is not being affected by the stick it’s just there visually and what I mean by that is Kev come around the front here and then I’m going to have you come around the back to show our viewers what we’re doing here one of the most one of the most simple ways to work on swing plane you guys say you have somebody who’s too steep okay yeah well here’s the ball right you can put this right on top of it right here so what does it force them to do stay underneath okay say you have somebody who’s two inside well what do you do put it on the inside of the ball keeps him outside what about somebody who’s dropping under the plane well it helps him stay on top of it right so what we’re going to do is we’re going to put this behind you at the angle of the shaft right at the angle of the shaft match it okay but we’re going to put it far enough behind you about three feet behind you to why why three feet three feet because you know what it might be just far enough away to affect the takeaway because it’s wider but it’s so narrow on the way down compared to the width on the way back that you would actually never sniff it on the way down I don’t like people actually having it there to where they can actually hit it because then they tend to overdo the problem because they’re so scared of hitting it so once again we’re going to split the difference between the golf ball and the feet so right in line with this yellow line here go far enough behind you to where it’s in your Vision but it’s not going to actually mess with you that right there Kev now go around the other side here that’s going to be just enough to for cash as a visual to want to stay more up in front right here and then more on top on the way down so you guys can see more up and then down right so that’ll be a great great great visual right there now show me the rehearsal Club up a little bit more in the beginning exactly and then right down on top of it a little bit more on the way down right hit one real soft like that awesome good oh yeah yes yeah I like that right there arms and hands get in front look at the right elbow see I like that’s a big thing for people here a lot of people have a gap between their body and that right elbow cash is getting that right elbow ahead of them that’s what he needs to feel and the upper body going forward that’s his feeling that’s what he needs okay roll the right elbow plays in the swing and the trail arm for for our viewer you know the lefties out there it’s so incredibly important if I had every single golfer on this range just take their left arm and go like this it’s amazing how similar we all look everybody arrives with forward shling beautiful extension you know a lot of people get it to a nice textbook position at the top as well and then you put the trail arm on and everybody’s swing changes everyone right it’ll all look different why because everybody works it in different positions is a tough arm to take the club back with right so the one thing that is important to understand about this elbow it really is a pivot point that everything works around you know I feel like the the inside of my bicep pushes up against my Peck and it just stays there for the most part throughout the swing now look what that does I mean of course it’s going to have some give but especially in the takeaway it stays there it stays there to the top it tries to stay there and you can see that’s what puts it in a textbook spot so something really important here two checkpoints I’ve created from my players recently that’s really helped them at the halfway back position seeing that right elbow directly underneath their right shoulder seeing it more underneath their hands at the top what we typically see is it backed up behind the shoulder and it backed up away from the hands that’s somebody who’s disconnecting their arms from their body is going to have to play katchup on the way down so you know and how we get there we talk about the giving blood position giving blood shaking hands and holding a tray well how that’s possible is through having that good setup with that arm rotated properly That Elbow just stays right here and the forearm itself goes that’s what keeps this soft does that make sense yeah okay so sometimes people will give blood and they they’re very stiff well that’s a problem too because now it’s going to just move away from you it’s no it’s soft and the forearm is going a little bit watch this without the upper part of my arm really even moving and detaching from my body width is still remain because my left arm and my hands are still remaining the same distance from the center of my body they’re not getting closer cuz my body’s turning look at that the width is still there right but I’m able to have that leverage now because my right arm is helping that club get into that set position just as much as my left is pushing down and hinging it my right is going thumbs up with that soft forearm just like that okay and once I’m there I can turn to the top and my arm is more in front of my body so it makes it easier than to get it back in front of you on the way through okay oh my God how much better was that golf swing right there we’re excited to announce that poor Zack golf’s complete Game Clinic is headed to the east coast we’re going to be in beautiful Stonington Connecticut at Lake of Isles Golf Club one of the best public golf courses in the United States of America accommodations are going to be at Foxwoods Resort and Casino we have two 2day clinics that are going to be first class from top to bottom and provide a golf experience unlike any other spots are going to fill up fast so reserve yours today we’ll see you in Connecticut it was letting the right arm relax and the club hinge on plane as a result That Elbow stayed more in and in front of his body he then turned to the top without manipulating anything and because the elbow’s in a better position now he then worked it back in front of him and the elbow and the arms got more in front of the side of his body so it then allowed everything to then rotate through and not back up to the you know behind you so that was fantastic dude yeah all right guys look how much better this is there it is made possible from the softer arm look at this elbow underneath shoulder elbow underneath hands sweet thanks for being thanks for being textbook for us here and then watch this you guys arms back in front of the body right elbow getting in front of right pocket look at the club never drop Bud straight down the plane and there we go buddy like we talked about today soft right elbow Club hinging on top keep the elbow in front soft doesn’t mean soft like it’s giv away like this it’s still staying in here it just means that I’m letting this arm go like that and not just being stiff right stiff look what it does guys look at the difference support I’m supporting that club all right this takeaway why can the club still be pointed at the ball but be underneath the forearm great question when the right elbow’s too stiff do you see this oh yeah that’s a look a lot of people get right there look at this Kev where the but of the club Still Point at the golf ball but it’s underneath the forearm because the arm’s too stiff watch the difference you see that there guys so letting your right arm relax a little bit bud and actually feel like you’re in that giving blood position and then allowing yourself to shake hands a little more relaxed like this you’re just keeping your elbow right here and watch my forearm the forearm goes it’s not like that right so when I’m in this position I’m holding my right elbow in place I’m letting the club hinge up the plane and then from there I turn to the top my elbow’s already more in front of my body and then I can race it ahead of my body on the way through and that will never let it drop and then my right shoulder can move towards the target through the golf ball okay show me that all right so hey in your words run me through it here you have here’s what in my opinion you have one two three you have one two three mhm what is that to you yeah like um this feeling is all like keeping it in and I’m just trying to I mean obviously for me it just it stiffens out so I’m really trying to feel just it kind of staying in and that’s that makes it softer right yeah totally and that’s just what makes it like you know just keeps it in and just kind of feels more connected I guess is the right word here’s what it is it’s softening this right arm and allowing it to break but really keeping it in the same spot on on the body not softening it to the point where it backs up behind the seam just softening it and keeping it right there in front of the body look it’s always there m okay as we’re doing that we’re conscious of the club just hinging up right we’ve already worked hard on that so we know this feeling from here we turn to the top with connection easy next part transition theme arms and hands are getting back in front of you it feels like they’re actually going this way a little bit right back in front of you Club still shallow and on plane it’s just more on top of it than it was yeah now from here slot to impact let it go let the nose go let the right shoulder go boom right to the Target right there it is buddy yeah for Z golf we take a lot of pride in having developed some of the best and most consistent golf swings on the planet we do this through Simplicity our full swing master class will take you on a step by step easy to understand process on how to get your golf swing better than ever join the mini before you who’ve utilized our full swing Master Class to take their games to the next level and Beyond [Music]


  1. Another of these palm up elbow in front of hip lessons but at what moment does the swing detatch from the side of the hip please Porzak.

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