Titleist Irons Custom Fit – Insights For Getting The Right Golf Clubs

Ryan heads down to the Acushnet HQ in St Ives Cambridgeshire for a factory tour before heading to the Titleist National Fitting Centre to go through a rull iron fitting. Find out how Ryan got on testing out the 2024 range of Titleist irons, how the custom fit process works running through 4 heads/models – including the T100, T150, CB and MB irons.

00:40 Introduction
05:59 Fitting the right shaft
08:00 Selecting the right head/model option
09:10 Importance of loft and lie
10:30 Final fitting feeback

Check back soon for the next video featuring a Titleist Vokey wedge fitting.

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[Music] [Music] hello there everyone and welcome back to the channel as you can see behind me we are at the national fitting Center for tight list here incentives in Cambridge as you may have seen on the video there we’ve been to the Acushnet HQ just down the road had a bit of a tour around the fact there so we’ve seen everything from um where the golf balls are printed where all of the embroidery is done for all the foot Joy orders that come in as well as where all the foot Joy stock is we’ve seen some of the tour department and really had a good look around their HQ here but the reason for our visit today is that we are coming to get fitted for some of the new irons and wedges uh from titless so we’re going to head in now uh and meet Paul the fitter he’s going to talk us through the whole fitting process for irons and see which one we end up with with and then we’re going to come outside as well as in the range and be fitted for the new sm10 range of vogi wedges so come with me and have a look and the best thing about fitting Pro amateur it is a process elimination it is Tri a um hit the blade hit the CB hit T100 go extreme go t150 while here hit a few models and see what abely to you so T100 gold x00 okay just feels like it wants to go left all the time this I don’t know whether it’s it doesn’t look particularly offset or anything but I don’t know see as a standard VI more upright okay you’ve also got midsize grip fitting could to the hand these look very flat feels great off the face though this does feels lovely I mean in theory blades should go higher okay what would that be down to Loft well cuz it’s more traditional and design so see I think mine should be about 33 or 34 my 79 I think so to this yeah so it’s whether the blade feels better okay so and okay looks amazing just the BL yeah thank you that feels really nice this feels the nicest to swing out of all of them so far that sounded more Central yeah jumps one it’s almost as if you know what you’re doing Paul is it yeah it feels different class to the other two I don’t know why even the bad ones feel nice launch and spin good yes it’s picking quite high but it’s still going for cuz the spin isn’t too floting yeah yeah that just feels really good I think I don’t know I think I like the feel of the KBS one better but this feels heavier and I feel like oh it’s probably to do with me as well but I just feel like I can’t time it quite as well I don’t I I I wouldn’t be unhappy with either if I’m honest it’s what you’ve been using yeah years what is the difference between that and the tour issue on that using then in terms of uh two issue tighter tolerance right okay in terms of how right let’s go kbs2 R okay so a little bit lighter than KBS yeah technically slightly firmer than KBS all right um I think I’ve had those in wedges before potentially okay yeah I think they were nice that feels awesome that’s the best strike I’ve it since I’ve been in there by a mile it feels really good like the it’s hard to put into word like the balance of the club just feels better just feels very easy to use it just feels awesome it feels really good let’s try that in the end okay doesn’t feel quite as good I don’t think cuz the CB but still feels okay yeah it doesn’t feel quite as good so Paul we’ve been through a pretty extensive process there we’ve tried did we try three or four different models of the iron in the end four yeah so and this kind of some of you have seen the video we did recently where we went through an entire Iron Range of um certain companies and what they offer and why you would choose one and what handicap range they’re aimed at we’ve kind of gone through that really this morning haven’t we in terms of we’ve gone from some that are a little bit more forgiving all the way through to probably the least forgiving as well as looked at kind of how I’m hitting it how I’m delivering the club and all those things things you do every single day of your life so talk to us a bit about how did we select what shaft we would kind of start with and and what club we would start with main thing we’ve got you to hit your Club to see ball flight spin rates um and by asking questions of what you’d like to see from a different model we then determine what Shaft or shafts or head combinations could work for you um you like the feel of uh the dynamic gold but you’ve used KBS tours in the past so we tend to get a lead from you and then say well okay we’ve tried these shs in the past let’s try them Y and the best thing about fittings it is a process elimination it is trial and error hit that hit it we move on um we started with like for likes with the dynamic gold which you like the feel of it but maybe a bit heavy y we then tried um a Project X shaft which didn’t really feel good it wanted to turn left so it wasn’t as stable as you thought it could be well then back to one of your favorites the KBS T which like the feel in the way and it felt very stable plus well but maybe on the heavier side so I thought well let’s try kbs2 V little bit lighter shaft little bit stiffer or firmer and your first shot was like oh feels good it did feel really good good and again when you get the combination right it generally is oh you get that consistency you get that better dispostion and it feels good to the play yeah which I think the kbs2 V yeah it did so and then once we narrowed down the shaft it was all about then finding the head that was going to work the best wasn’t it and yeah we kind of explored the Iron Range a little bit there didn’t we so we started with T100 so let’s go not extreme but away from a blade which he felt is heavy use a lot of tunks in her cup B so if you’re used to a blade or a CB feel our T 100s or 150s tend to be heavier so then went back to a blade that okay performed okay yeah but maybe getting that inconsistency or or less consist see so then went to CV and again felt much better so CV straight away to be honest I mean they all look quite similar in the playing position don’t they yeah but the the feel off the club head is very different and again we talked about this during the fitting but the most important thing is what’s going on out there isn’t it we fix the ball flight and we want to see what’s happening up there so yeah CB worked well and then at the end we just tried a 150 just to see what happens in terms of spin yeah don’t have the feel of it so s today the CV was good kbs2 VX was good and we’ve got better dispersion a little bit tighter gripping I’ve actually gain you a few more yards over your current gamer and talk to us a bit about Li because I’ve always been kind of I’ve always gone standard Li because I hate to see that ball go left right so you measured my S iron and it’s actually in tight list what you would class as kind of two degre flat in yours isn’t it yeah so and that’s something that you’ve got to bear in mind every company’s different there’s no standard really is there um you know I’ve used the word standard quite a few times and there isn’t one but I’ve always had a seven iron of that lie really so um but in your company’s golf clubs that’s two degre flat so that we need to know that before we start hitting golf shots really don’t again the benefit here we have Loft and Li G so we can measure your Club to see what it is um we’ll got consumers who here who it’s off the shelf they don’t know what it is second hand we can measure it and then see well okay it’s going left cuz it potentially it’s more upright and that standard line or FL Li is going to help your flight so we fit to what we see out there in terms of okay that slightly flat lie was definitely going straighter not only um will people like Paul be looking at what club is going to suit you best but they’re also looking at golf ball as well as you know all the other parameters that we’ve looked at in the IR so yeah and and it’s almost like interview process isn’t it getting to know the play you only see them for an hour or so and trying to find out about their golfing life and an hour is quite difficult isn’t it getting as much feedback from the player ask questions yeah get much back awesome so as you can see there we’ve gone through a very in-depth fitting process for irons here at the national fitting Center in stent Ives Paul took us through the iron fitting we tried lots of different shafts all the different head models uh that tit List have to offer as well so you can see there that progression throughout the range and which one suited me and didn’t and why we looked at different shaft options and trying to really dial that ball flight in and get it as kind of repeatable and as accurate as we possibly can a really in-depth process been great spending the time here in St Ives and hopefully it comes across to you just how in-depth the process is here at tight list then obviously the factory that we visited earlier as well see all those guys building the product when the orders come from here whether it’s custom fit golf clubs or whether it’s printed golf balls a lot of you will have made use of the the golf ball incentive in the last uh few weeks the Loyalty rewarded that Titus do every week so some of your orders may have been in the factory down there when we were there today obviously the foot joint embroidery is something that they do lots of too we saw uh clothing that’s going to go to some of the biggest Golf Resorts in Britain in there today being embroidered so yeah the likes of the k club and Kings Barns and places like that that are going to get some stuff that’s coming out of that factory very very soon but yeah great to visit hopefully you’ve enjoyed the video and we can’t wait to see some of this product come through the post and get to try it out on the golf course ourselves

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