Golf Players

Duthie on vibe in Edmonton: ‘Nervous bedlam’

Bryan Hayes, Jeff O’Neill and Frank Corrado discuss Tiger Woods’ start to the U.S. Open, the travel issues the Florida Panthers faced on Wednesday, the vibe in Edmonton, potential lineup changes for Game 3 in the Cup Final, Luka Doncic fouling out of Game 3 of the NBA Finals and if his antics during and after the game were justified and more. They are also joined by TSN Host James Duthie to discuss his antics on the golf course during his round with Hayes and O-Dog and the reports that he big timed TSN reporter Farhan Lalji and former NHLer Scott Thornton at the airport, the energy in Edmonton ahead of a must win Game 3, the potential missed opportunity for Leon Draisaitl and Connor McDavid and more.

all right here we go overdrive off and running TSN 1050 on the TSN app Your Home Smart speaker and up on TSN 2 all afternoon Brian Hayes the O dog Jeff O’Neal and look who we have here Frankie Cado back in the mixe of game three tonight perfect timing for you Frankie yeah here we go how you guys doing it’s been a while yeah it’s been a while we’ve been doing very well we’re plugging along we got a lot going on right US Open it looks like Boston’s going to sweep the Mavs you got game three the Cup Final tonight it’s a beautiful thing it’s a beautiful thing hot weather too I love it man although it looks so hot in Carolina like so in North Carolina right now it is so disgusting there like everyone used to show up for the Rody brymore training camp a month early it was like The Unofficial start of training camp if you didn’t show up you got eyeballs right it was like one of those things where we would skate and do these workouts with Pete freezing and Rody bamore and that’s just what we did down there August 1st fire it up get down there and if you teed it up after at 1:00 it’s the hottest thing you’ve ever experienced like I’ve never melted through a golf shirt before but you would stuff an extra shirt in the bag it’s disgusting disg crazy man it’s crazy I told you we were talking about that a couple weeks ago that I was speaking with someone at TSN who went down to Florida like a week or two ago you can play anywhere in the afternoon for like 20 bucks I mean anywhere like Bears Club you know like the most exclusive places in the they’re not doing it it’s disgusting nobody is out there locals do not do it they will play at 7:00 a.m. maybe 8:30 9:00 a.m. tops by 1 or 2:00 that place is absolutely cleared out and it’s just so hot and it’s it’s been that way at the open so we’re tracking that throughout the afternoon tiger Bird’s the first hole he pars a few in a row and I’m like here we go the tiger watch is officially back Jimmy Connor it was Jimmy Conor it felt like it for about an hour and a half it felt like it and then he started leaking oil he ends up four over on the day my concern is he shoots 80 tomorrow and goes home but uh four overs not bad on this course you know sheffer’s out there right now Rory’s out there right now my boy Patrick Klay 500 today Cory Connor’s one under so there’s some Canadian content so we’re tracking that and uh Jays are off today it’s all about the Cup Final tonight and everyone’s got a different view on this one Frankie we were talking before the series started what is the most important game is it game one is it game two I’d say it’s game three it feels like it’s game three isn’t it old school guy old school guy loves to say that game three is the most important well if Edmonton loses the series is Frank isn’t isn’t it game three let like yeah it’s either the CBS coming in and Phil s game call call it the swing game this is where it’s either going to swing open for Florida and Edmonton has no chance of getting in or or Edmonton tries to get their foot back in the door like I don’t know what you guys what kind of conversations you had today but a lot of the conversations I heard regarding this game and Edmonton going back on home ice is now they’re going to get the matchup they got the matchup now they’re going to get away from barov McDavid dradle these guys are going to have more room but Florida down the middle of the ice is going bov Bennett lundell and so if you had to rank those guys as far as how they good how good they are defensively you’re going best in the world excellent and very good like I don’t think Edmonton going back on home ice is this like Silver Bullet that’s just going to lead to Edmonton winning this game running away it could win the game for sure L’s a key guy like he we talked about how it was about you know they’ve traded for guys signed guys pick guys off at the scrap heat that londell is a good player for them and they drafted him in the first round he’s a good player man yeah yeah and that’s that’s it that’s a very valid point and you know defensively eblad and forsling have been studs yet they’re going to play so many minutes tonight you’re just you’re not going to be able to get away from them and if you’re mixing up McDavid and dry settle you’re one of those two guys is going to see that pairing um and the way that Florida has been defending as a team on top of it bosski is waiting for you it’s going to be a real challenge uh and you know I’m rooting for a long long series that’s what I would like to see happen but you don’t have to be a genius to realize you have to get it tonight because look what happened last night in Dallas where that game was tight in the first half and then Boston just cruised past them credit Dallas s they stayed in the game but you lose and it’s over like you’re not going to get anything out of the mths tomorrow night last time I checked they were actually favored which shocked me and hazy shocked me the Eon or the Florida Panthers are going to be faced with the same thing I talked about it the first 10 minutes how can they get out of the first period down one cob or less you know what I mean because Edmonton is going to say this is our last shot man and they are just going to feed off the energy God knows what kind of energy the Florida Panthers are going to have what time did they get in yesterday apparently Reas 3 Hour 3 hours after they were scheduled to get in I was listening to you guys yesterday you guys were losing it about the I thought you guys going to strangle whoever planned the travel like George castanza the traveling secretary I was furious with castanza I needed well hate travel Logistics you think it was stupid yeah I don’t listen I I get the validity of like yeah you want to sleep in your own bed one more night but don’t you want to kind of get acclimated up there that’s the only argument that I I would say like get up there get acclimated it’s a time change it’s a long ways away yeah I I I get it I get it yeah and just don’t put yourself in a position where you’re nervous you know what I mean like you’re worried about how are we going to get out when are we going to get out but they made it ultimately it’s not I don’t think it’s going to have any relevancy on the game tonight um you know if they got in at 3: 4 in the morning that was going to be a different story and at some point it felt touch and go you know like if those storms kept up they were not getting out yet I feel like you know you get a pro team Cup Final like the state would have made an exception possibly right like they were they were grounding other flight I feel like Des santis would have come in over the top and so we got to get these guys out dude been guys though Hayes there would have been guys that said this bird is not going anywhere until WEA freaking out about the weather right like oh you can speak to that played with guys man they were like listen if it’s if it’s gnarly we’re not going I’m telling you right now some guys don’t like flying through that stuff dude we had to go and I do you know the the the GIF of like who is the wrestler that storms into the ring is it the Ultimate Warrior The Ultimate Warrior that gif I almost went Ultimate Warrior on an airplane because every year we had to go down to Fort Meyers for training camp that’s where the canes had training camp why they went down there I have no idea because guess what season it was hurricane season and every year we had to evacuate and get on a bird and one year we’re taking off and it was a brutal takeoff and this guy takes a sharp right like I’ve never seen and he gets on the mic and he goes we had to uh take a sharp right there avoid the eye of the hurricane I almost went Ultimate Warrior right to the front of the bird because I hated getting on the bird period and well that’s not information that anyone needs when you’re on the plane no kid that was me on the plane going up to the cockpit because I was Furious he goes we got to avoid the eye of the hurricane just a sharp right here and it was it was like a right where this thing was going down and every year we had to leave and it’s like no kidding why don’t we stop going down there that’s another thing Fort Myers in September you know how hot it is down there so hot you probably were playing with the everblades play uh I think they actually just won the E I think shout out to my good buddy Anthony Peters who coaches the D there great job Tony Peters I like it getting things done but I think if you’re on a plane like once you’re in the air I don’t want to know anything no I don’t want to hear bad weather hurricane tornado I don’t like if there’s a rocket coming at us I don’t want to know I hear I don’t even want to know if there’s turbulence coming because nothing what before the thing takes off when he goes we’re good for about an hour and then then an hour in it’s going to get real bumpy I’m just like you got to stop saying that it puts me don’t say it don’t give us just a little chop little chop we’re just going to have to get but you know it’s coming because that seat Bel sign comes on and then everyone just starts to go like this like what’s happening 30 seconds later he comes over the in we I just look at the stewards I I just look at the steart and I’m like are if they get nervous I will literally you fire an Underpants cam on me if the if the stewardess are nervous because they’re never nervous they’re like we do this all the time this is just normal stuff but if they show any signs of fear I go nuts mhm nuts yeah if they’re rushing to sit down that’s trouble like trouble and I I’ve been in that position where you you can feel it like they’re trying to get the the food cart back in time and then they’re like we we got to get down quick cuz it is going to be turbulent here that is not anything I want to know I need to see but it’s all good the Panthers made it there’s always that one guy always that one guy who wants that one more wine too as that card is going by he’s got no idea what’s going on like or he does know what’s going on and he’s like make that a triple you know give me wine beer whiskey give me everything D that that used to be me just don’t even bring the cart back put the cart on my lap put the cart lap park it 17 park it and put the parking brake on it and leave it here let’s get this thing real rowdy at 35,000 ft get the anchor down and leave it um so anyway we got we do have a game tonight you know both teams are in attendance noodles is there obviously Duffy coming up later this hour JD will set the scene where I think the 5050 is going to be about 15 million tonight um although I don’t know if they like gamble when they’re nervous out there but it’s always a story in Alberta like everyone loves a 50/50 and I’m sure the price tag on that will be exorbitant tonight and how loud it’s going to be you know it is disappointing if you’re in Edmonton that it’s it’s going to feel somewhat manufactured because you’re down 02 um it’s a great crowd it’s a great building and there’ll be tailgating out there it’s an early start so it’s going to be loud if the Oilers score first that roof is going to pop off but this is what we’ve discussed you know the last few days is if Florida gets on the board early they either weather the storm the first 10 minutes or they come out and score early I feel like the nervous energy is going to be off the charts because in Edmonton they’re very nervous right now as they should be they’re down 02 against a juggernaut and if Florida rolls in there and starts taking care of business early and often or just makes it a low event game I don’t I can’t imagine it’s going to be overly rambunctious in there like over time it will slow down because they’re smart fans and they understand what’s at stake and they understand if you don’t get it tonight that’s the of the road and the idea of a sweep being on the table you know and that’s a conversation for tomorrow if the Panthers end up winning but it could be a reality in about six or seven hours and that that’s a completely different Beast right like if if it gets ugly hay in the series is over quickly and I know people in the business have been talking about it where it’s like Gretzky and the Oilers they got smoked in their first finals against the Islanders and they learned from that but it seems like and Florida’s a great example on the opposite end of it where they it happened to them they got to the final and Vegas beat the hell out of them and all of a sudden they’re back the next year but man it just seems like if you get there and don’t get it done the way back just seems like such a grind and a long way there like I don’t think there would be any guarantee next year with the Colorado and Vegas’s and Dallas is that the Edmonton Oilers just wheel back to the finals that would be a tough ask man I totally agree with you and there like there’s always going to be a certain amount of turnover it I feel like tonight so much hinges on bosski like it it almost feels like if you’re an Oilers fan if you’re an Oilers player you’re kind of just hoping he has an off night and that leads to something for you because if he’s dialed in I don’t know how much more you can put at him that’s going to put something past him like are you going to put four on the board if Bovi is playing well Frankie do you not think that he’s going to be the best cuz I have a feeling that he’s just not stopping and he’ll be the best player that’s how I feel that’s that’s that would be demoralizing for the Oilers if this if they come out there in the first period the building’s rocking mcdavid’s flying around the ice dry cidal has a little more juice and you throw everything at the net and you got oer or maybe you get one and this guy’s feeling it it’s like it’s probably not going to happen well and and Matthew could chuck scare me like yeah could chuck probably should cuz offensively he’s had some chances but not a ton and he’s been large he’s kind of blended into the game yet he’s been effective defensively which is a big part of their team identity but I think that probably is your answer right there as to why Florida has been able to do it and why Edmonton if they don’t take advantage of this opportunity probably won’t feel great about getting their chance to do it next year what I mean by that is Sergey bosski is a freak of nature and the last team that went to multiple cups in a row was Tampa and Andre vasileski is a freak of nature and yes Florida’s a great team I think they would argue they’re better this year than they were last year certainly during the regular season they they almost missed the playoffs last year and they’re down 3-1 against Boston and they got on a heater and everything got rocking a large large portion of that last year was Bob was phenomenal he ran out of gas in the Cup Final and they got blown out this year he’s up for the vzna he was great and he’s been great since the Hop it’s allowed them to play their game find a formula that works for them feel good about the way that they play and then you look at the way he’s played in the playoffs the guy’s been unreal and that’s the thing like in order for you to get back to the dance you you you usually need that like Ace in the Hole in net the guy who’s just a freak of nature that’s going to play 60 games and say boys I’ll take us there and you guys chip in you guys play defensively strong we need some Heroes and obviously Florida’s got that Tampa had it when they went to their three straight Cup finals but vasileski was a freak and Bob is is a freak and I don’t think steuart Skinner is going to be in a position to be a freak you know he’s going to probably have to be this round but what I mean by that is looking ahead to next year you know and that’s that’s kind of what you need if you feel like you can learn from the experience even the 80s Oilers they had Grand fur in net you know and that team was one of the all two or three greatest teams of all time but timelines are important here it’s it’s these guys are not young mcdavid’s 27 this is his ninth year in the league I referenced it earlier in the week Gretzky got his first his fifth year in the in the season the LA or in the league the last cup that Gretzky won was his ninth season in the league he did not win another one he got to a cup final fourth cup was his ninth year in the league yes and mcdavid’s in his ninth right now so it’s it’s tough like it’s tough man and that’s what’s kind of on the line and on top of it if you’re risking a sweep or losing in five and you don’t generate offense you know like when you’re everyone’s going to talk about everything you do and that’s kind of what’s on the line here for McDavid and and dry settle on their best players well and and how banged up that team is like even if you had everyone going and everyone healthy it was going to be very difficult to beat Florida you had to overwhelm them offensively so much so that that their their strong defensive game collapses and their goal tender can’t keep up with it but you got guys that can barely cross over on one side you got guys that can’t play the game then they go out and play one shift it’s not a lack of effort not a lack of skill not a lack of will in wanting to be there it’s just they’re literally way too banged up so how do you mount a comeback now against the team that’s playing as well as Florida is when you can’t even get to 100% capacity because you got key guys that they just they can’t play at there at the level they can you played the position like what is Nurse facing tonight like I hit pointer I have no idea it looked like something hip like just popped on him didn’t it something like that but he’s going to get I don’t know shot up or whatever the hell he’s going to do to play but you know what he’s doing he’s so not only does he have to play the game and he has to play against Florida and he has to play against Bennett and kachuck who are great players and barkov’s going to lean on you he’s got to try and find a Cadence so that he’s not hunched over in pain every time he’s on the ice and he’s going to have to think okay can I skate fast here do I have to be stationary here so now he’s playing two games in his head at the same time like it’s going to be I think he’s just more it’s more simplified than that I think he’s got to figure out a way to play the whole game cuz if he goes out there and plays two shift and somebody just bumps into him and he’s done then you’re you’re down a d and I don’t know who the hell his replacement would be but it’s like he’s got to find a way to play and he’s got to find a way to play effective as well Seven’s possibility the danger with that is you get a fogal situation someone gets kicked out or Vander Kane can’t play you could could be down to 9 10 forwards pretty quickly you know what though you you would just be playing McDavid and dry cidal Newen Hopkins Heyman like that’s that’s I mean you’re probably doing that anyway you probably have to anyway you’re probably going to play 10 forwards tonight realistically yep yeah you got to find the guys that are going and you’re just going to run your best players into the ground and challenge them and I think they’re up for the challenge like I I think Edmonton’s going to get one back home and I still think Florida’s going to win the series naturally obviously that hasn’t Chang CH them up to nothing but I really hope it’s not you know I hope we’re not talking sweep tomorrow because well this is the one you said they’re going to get one Brian this is the one that got go down yeah you go down three cob it’s like the idea of winning one and then heading back to Florida all the way down there to just get pumped and watch them win the cup at home I don’t know that sets into your mental I’ll just say that yeah well and again you look at what happened last night and today it’s Luca donic after the game he was getting torched Brian windhorse did a hit on Scott Van that was very composed like Windor always is but incredibly scathing about the way this guy acts and you know I watched the game last night you guys saw it like he is he is complaining to the refs every single possession like it never stops why doesn’t Jason kid tell him to shut up he’s a coach of the team you’re right you would think that would be a part of the program but the nature of the NBA is Luca is more powerful than Jason kid Jason kid you know there was a time Jason kid was the man 10 years ago 20 years ago no one was saying anything to him like when he F out he yelled at the bench you better effing challenged that and it was a stupid challenge that was never going to be overturned and it wasn’t and then 30 seconds later later there was a challengeable play that they couldn’t challenge because they wasted The Challenge on Luca cuz he was being a suck and you know defensively he got torched and he was complaining Non-Stop and he foued out it’s just a bad look and complaining after too Brian like it’s it’s not enough that you’re complaining and you’re and you’re diving all over the place maybe after the game just kind of leave it alone like you said your piece you did your thing you did the act like I I don’t know why he needs to keep going at it out well guys in his defense I will say this it’s pissy and it’s petulant whatever you want to call it but there’s a guy that’s done everything in his power and sometimes you feel like you’re on an island and you probably know you’re not good enough and you’re not getting the support and you know you’re not going to win so it’s the frustration the guy played his ass off and played extremely well to get them to this point he hasn’t exactly got any support and that leads to the frustration and you’re just looking for an Avenue to vent and that’s what he’s done because he knows it’s game over and he’s pissed off yep I that’s fair that’s reason there is I’m just saying there is a competitive element to it where he’s just extremely disappointed because he’s played so well to get them there no support ultimately it’s not going to happen and in his head he’s got to be thinking man I’ve had the Luca game time Time After Time After Time to get us here Kyrie or the supporting staff can’t Step Up and Hold Us in this series and it pisses you off it’s like playing a golf match with a guy that stinks the join out it’s like are you ever going to do anything I’ve experi it rather soon it’s very FR experienced that recently My Buddy Joe the other day I’m not going to say his last name but I was on an island yeah was on an island all right dude it sucks for the other guy man like I’ve been that other guy when you know you can play better and you’re just having a bad day and you know this guy’s relying on you and you can’t give him anything you want to crawl into a hole man that’s it a hole it’s an awful feeling but we’re amateur chops this is that’s right you know that that’s going to happen when you’re talking about professionals making that kind of money you would think that somebody would step up the worst part of that the golf thing is how many times do you say to your buddy and the guys you’re playing with guys I don’t usually play like this oh I know that’s the and it’s you you know how stupid you sound cuz when other guys say you’re like yeah of course dude and then but you have to say it you got to give yourself a shot like I’m throwing a Lifeline out here hopefully you guys understand I’m better than this I had to ask my buddy I had to ask my buddy like flat out in the cart he was just so distraught I asked him I said like is there worse than this available from you that’s helpful he goes I know it wasn’t a nice thing to say but I was I just had I had to find out for myself I said is there worse out there like is it he just shook his head and like now bottom of the barrel dude in the group text he texted my other buddy cuz my other buddy gave him a hug on the 13th and he said thanks for the hug I needed that and I was like God that’s depressing dude you got to find kid buddies man who are you playing with Shing everything inside sad getting hugs and really he said thanks for the hug I needed that and then the other guy wrote back it’s all right and everyone and I’m just like what what are we what are we doing here anyway Luca clip all right Luca post game last night we couldn’t play physical so uh I don’t know I don’t want to say nothing but you know six fallou in the NBA Finals uh where I basically I’m like this uh come on man better than that so yeah he’s again he’s bent out of shape and everything you said is accurate he’s a young guy first NBA Finals but it’s got to be a learning lesson and you’ve got to challeng you have to Chanel it I guess is the point it’s never going to help you it’s never going to be something that line The Learning lesson it’s what is the Learning lesson hazy can’t and complain in the finals yes I mean it’s pretty obvious you can’t if you’re going to go at the rest the whole time if that’s where your energy going it’s not going to work for you like I understand it there are example there are certain times for it there are egregious moments I you’re getting pissed off you feel like he got fouled or whatever but watching him last night and really this has been his rep since he got in the league it is constant like it never stops and it’s not only about how the refs are going to perceive you cuz they’re not probably going to help you much but it’s where your energy is going you know and it’s sulking it’s like your how is that helping I blame the organization man that’s just the way it’s like the Superstar and a team because everyone is so deathly afraid of their star players saying I don’t like the way I’m treated here I’m going to leave and if Luca leaves they’re screwed so they probably don’t say boo to him about anything yep he’s the most powerful man in the organization you totally hand over the keys to the car to somebody and they you say your best player Your Leader you can do whatever you want you going to win some games and you’re going to do a bunch of good things but it’s a dangerous game to say you can do whatever you want yeah listen emotion’s a great thing I’m not I’m not saying that is a positive play with emotion and play with energy and all that kind of stuff it just if it’s all the time constant like it just it’s not going to work for you like you’ve got to scale it back in certain areas uh and I’m not sure Lucas capable of doing that right now we’ll play the Windor on SVP later this afternoon James Dy coming up strudy coming up ahead of game three tonight overdrive continues TSN 1050 and on TSN 2 overdrive continues brought to you by FanDuel bringing you everything from the opening line of the final score Jason strudwick in about a half an hour they will be partying in Edmonton tonight they will be tailgating they will be flooring it but I have a question for you guys yes because obviously we know Edmonton’s a great hockey Market they love their Oilers and it’s the Cup Final tonight very exciting stuff tomorrow the Euros begin Germany Scotland who is going Stephen Caldwell more Oilers fans leading into the game tonight or the Scottish leading into the match tomorrow a couple whis and five or six beers I’ll take the Scots any damn day of the week man they’re back in the Euros playing the Germans too you know they hate on Germany so much they could have a pre-season match on the pitch and the Scots will floor it a couple whiskies and five or six beers I got a lot of time for Alberta they’re going to floor it they’re going to have a great time but when you start getting into the Scotland Ireland England Realm of the world forget about it dud like you’re you’re talking a different level there Friday night 8:00 p.m. kickoff Scotland in the Euros is going to be outrageous tomorrow night outrageous in Glasgow in Edinburgh anywhere like if you you talk about courageous you walk through the streets of Glasgow in a German kit tomorrow like just walk down the street with a Germany shirt on see what happens you are in for a serious conversation and possibly more than that yeah I’m going Stevie Caldwell on the Scots tomorrow Al though I think it’ll be energetic tonight son speaking of courageous big timing faran ly is courageous heard about that yes and Scott Thon evidently as well embarrassing I’m embarrassed nhlpa Association like embarrassed okay what’s going on with this guy man here’s my partner he’s you know what he’s a champion is what he is he’s Victorious he’s a great golfer uh and he’s also out in Edmonton here’s my main man JD partner how are you how are are we feeling this afternoon you know some of the great fiction writers of our time um you know Stephen King perhaps um trying to think of a great children’s author Dr Seuss perhaps Jeffrey O’Neal why to my f no one can conjure you know create fake news like Jeffrey O’Neal I you know who you know who creates fake news bud is you because I talk to you the night we had to talk about something and you said well that’s what a 10 handicap does but it’s funny because in the morning I gave you 13 shots why did I give you 13 that’s the whole difference in the match why did you all of a sudden just get 13 understand if you understand how the handicap system works like a scratch golfer should the factor is 10 once the factor is incorporated into a difficult Beacon Hall Golf Course the 10 quickly turn two a 13 correct I know what he did I already know what he did he had the golf Canada app open he punched in everyone’s name and it just shot out a number at him and he said this is what I get am I right James I I don’t even think I came up with a 13 I think I left that to hazy b or Donnie nickel but whatever it was it was valid I mean you beat me by like 16 or 17 I think overall so I think it was I think I should have got 15 you’re right then it would have been over on 14 you played your number so just quickly to address this garbage which I shouldn’t have to address frankly tell us about I shouldn’t have to dignify I’m leaving the Air Canada Lounge with LeBron another fake news Creator I mean how do you even believe his lies on insider trading when you hear this and Farhan L you walks off the elevator Farhan who I’ve seen like twice in the last two weeks because he keeps coming to Toronto I give him a large hug I say love you Farhan I got to go catch a plane I guess LeBron hasn’t seen him in a year so he’s like whoa whoa that was a big time we can’t just walk away I you know you guys talk about this all the time I’m not going to stop and talk 15 minutes before my boarding call to Farhan who I talk to all the time nice cordial hug Scott Thornton saw getting on the plane how you doing buddy great to see you sit down focus on the cup final so if th if those are considered snubs then um you know I I am what I am man if I’m a snubber I’m a snubber all right I I can accept that that sounds very reasonable to me I felt like honestly I felt like Fran just deserved a nod and I gave him a hug there you go Scott Thorton he deserved a a gracious hello and that’s that’s all I can give you people all right well give us the uh the scene setting from Edmonton nervous energy are the bars packed like what kind of vibe are we expecting tonight I think the nervous part I think it’s going to be uh nervous bedum if that’s such a phrase because it’s going to be nuts in here it’s funny I was just kind of doing self- reminiscing today because’ 06 was my first cup final for TSN I started hosting in ‘ o02 but uh remember it was used to be kind of Gordo Bob Pierre and so Gordo kept doing the finals for a couple more years before I started doing them and I remember sitting in there game three I guess against Carolina thinking this is the loudest building I’ve ever been in in my life in any sport and that sort of has stuck with me and I never been in this building for a playoff game so we’ll see what it’s like tonight but apparently it’s going to be louder so the bedum is obvious but there’s definitely going to be a nervous energy because all this this crap cliche that we used to spew out about a series doesn’t start till you lose a game on home ice is garbage because you can not lose a game on home ice when you don’t have home ICE advantage and lose the series four to three so this is an elimination game essentially for the Oilers they you’re you’re not going to win I don’t care if you have the bet two best players in the world or one or 1A or whatever it may be you’re not winning four straight against the Florida Panthers and I think the fan base here is fully aware of that and so you have this man we’ve waited 18 years for this we can’t wait to have a Stanley Cup final game at home but holy crap it’s over in three hours if we lose this one and I I think you’ll feel both of those uh through your television screens tonight what was it like following the Florida Panthers and their travel problems yesterday was that a big talking point at the arena like what was everyone kind of in the in the industry saying about that did we blow it out of proportion Jimmy or what I well look this is what we do especially on double off days in the Stanley Cup Final you’re desperate for something to talk about because you can only talk about the oil’s power play for you know you do postgame after the game you do pregame the next day pregame again the next day we’ll do pregame tonight and so I I think the media gets really hungry for anything to talk about and I thought it was valid um because look at I trust you guys and what do you you know what players think and noodles thought it was strange to not come in two days before the Panthers certainly downplayed it today look it every team has a sports science department their Sports Science people told them that the day of recovery at home is more important than getting acclimated to the time zone whatever it may be so I I had a long chat with Aon e blad today and he said it was great like he he enjoyed being at home uh you know they sat on the only dicey part was they sat on the tarmac for 90 minutes and at one point the the runway was flooded so I think there might have been a few anxious moments of man if we don’t get out of here then we have issues but they arrive two hours later than they plan to arrive we’ll see I mean if they come out flat tonight then I think it’s a valid case that maybe you should have been here they haven’t been out of their time zon since I think March 12th or March 14th um so if they come out flat somehow tonight it was weird to watch them this wasn’t your morning skate Stanley Cup Final today this was a full ass practice like they skated hard for 45 minutes and you know usually morning skates Cup Final they do couple laps it’s 10 minutes and see you later do a little media and you’re gone so so that was interesting and probably something they needed after the long flight but uh I think if if they perform well tonight it’s obviously a non-issue if they look flat tonight then maybe you see maybe they should have come in two days early Jimmy if the P or the Oilers ultimately get pumped in four or it’s over quickly which it looks like it could happen what do you think this all means for McDavid and dry cidal is it just well it’s another stepping stone and we go get him next year I mean the Panthers have recked it and got back to the finals immediately but that doesn’t seem like a like a certainty for anybody it seems so difficult I think that’s fair oh I think with almost any team I think if this was four years ago then you could say this was a big stepping Zone they got to a Stanley Cup Final and you know sky the limit you learn from it whatever whatever but I think where they are both in their careers and their contracts makes this a different situation which makes it almost you know more painful that we got this far and you know i’ I’ve said when people ask me for predictions before the series started even though I you know Florida looks like the more complete team I I I’ve been saying for the last couple years that I I really thought that once McDavid and dry Sidle could sniff a Stanley Cup and in that in my mind that was like six games away six wins away so halfway through that Dallas series I didn’t think they could be stopped I I always thought in my head no matter who the opponent is once these guys get close to it they’re going to find a way to win it and maybe that still happens but I think it’ll be a devastating loss for them like every Stanley Cup Final loss you know it is devastating but I think particularly for these two guys um all the attention they’ve been in the failures of the past who finally get here and if they go out in four or five that’ll be like doubly crushing and as far as their Futures Go I mean I I can’t predict what’s going to happen but um it’ll be a tough it’ll be a tough road to get back next year I what Florida’s done this year I think is like if we go by history is kind of a rarity right um I mean the Kings had those jump back every couple years and Chicago won every couple years won three cups and Pittsburgh got their back-to-back years and won back toback years and got back toback years back in the early years against Detroit but it it’s pretty tough with James duthy in terms of McDavid in particular um what what do you expect from him tonight and how much could he play like could we see 27 28 30 minutes tonight if they go 7D 11 forwards like I could see that happening yeah it’s game seven and I think with you know with last change noblock was very careful today to say I I don’t want to chase matchups because that just gets everybody out of rhythm but I think what he can do is move both of those guys all over the place and so that they’re both playing on all four lines right they’re playing together uh here and there that that one of them is going to be on the ice probably you know 48 or of the 60 Minutes Or maybe 50 of the 60 Minutes something like that because I think that’s what he’ll do is he’ll they’re getting nothing from they’re not getting much from those two and they’re not getting anything from anybody else so I think that you’ll see one of those two on the ice the vast majority of the night not that it should be a big excuse but it is a very real thing about you know how banged up some of the Edmonton Oilers players are how much chatter about that is there at the arena when you’re at morning skate in the afternoon about the players that are banged up and and their status for the game and what they can contribute well it was funny today because the the two coaches took very different approaches uh the Paul Maurice was asked about barov and tereno I didn’t even know tereno was hurt so I don’t think a lot of people did but apparently some Florida reporter did great studying Jimmy great studying you it’s so hard to keep track besides the obvious ones like the nurses in the bar house I mean everybody’s got something like you know um but Maurice said in a heartbeat they’re both good to go whereas noblock said you’ll have to wait and see on nurse and Kane I think Gregs has already reported today that he thinks Kane is doubtful to play and I don’t think that should surprise anyone he just he can’t move out there at all and so Cory Perry probably comes back in and Kane is out and nurse would be the big question to me as to what they get out of him because that was a weird deal the other night of him staying on the bench and then trying to come back and uh I don’t know that whatever he had that doesn’t get healed into two magical days no matter what the meds are and and and such so I think that uh uh that’ll be I I think we won’t see Kane and nurse will be a real big question and it’ll be interesting to see if they go you know 117 or something just in case nurse you know tries to go and and can’t um but you know none of it none of it matters they just they have to score they have to score on the power play it’s it’s you know what amazes me about hockey in general and the playoffs in every playoff series you heard these guys yesterday and today and they’re like we got to compete we got to win battles we haven’t done that well you know that’s the case every single game in an exhibition game I don’t know how that works I I don’t know how how suddenly you can be more urgent in game three than you were in game two when you should have been equally as urgent but you’re not and and Paul Maurice talked about it um you know that you can’t like desperation only happens from situation basically right right so you can you can talk to yourself into thinking you’re desperate in game two but you really weren’t and now you really are in game three and so you will find that extra 2% or 3% or whatever to win Puck battles but it always amazes me about hockey because obviously every game in the Stanley Cup Final you should be equally desperate but that’s not the way the human brain and body works I guess well Jimmy that maybe is a signal that your team’s maybe not ready to just to do it because if you’re not super desperate in game two leaving Florida with a split and I know dry Sidle said they were but he also said you know what if we don’t win this one it’s not the end of the world maybe that’s just the wrong he said that before the game no I know dude he goes if we don’t get this one it’s not the end of the world where it kind of was yeah maybe you want I think I think sometimes though you know these guys have to talk a lot and I think sometimes they say things that maybe they don’t mean necessarily in the way in the way they come out because obviously they wanted it badly and and you know there’s Nock a trying here thing I just Florida is really good and I think the Oilers are super frustrated they’re trying to not admit that they’re frustrated but they’re finding out what everybody else found out before them in Tampa and and the Rangers Etc is that they just they get harder to play against every single game and if I was the Oilers the scariest thing to me is that Sam reinhardt’s done nothing and Matthew kachuck done nothing really offensively and and so you could argue even though the Panthers played a really good playoff game last game that they haven’t played like Panther Max game yet and so that would concern me a little bit if I was Edmonton yep absolutely all right JD enjoy yourself tonight we’ll do it again soon thank you for this okay guys stop spreading the fake news okay we will stop I will put a stop to it you’re my part won’t allow it yet not overly friendly yes that’s the way I am in airports cordial yet not overly friendly absolutely fine I think that’s reasonable and should be expected for everybody there’s a lesson here let’s do it again all right JD thank you there’s James Duffy my partner getting 13 I was getting a few myself but dude you can’t get 13 shots and start bragging about a win come on you know how embarrassing that is Frank like all they got to do is chop it around five you should have heard these two five for four high five eight partsy five for four dude that’s all I heard I didn’t create I didn’t invent golf I didn’t invent the handicap system or match play make sure we two this the king daddy topper is what do you me make there I made four and then he just turns to the right and he goes with a shot and it’s just like how pathetic of a human are you to well that’s you’re Luka donic man you’re Luca and we’re the Celtics we’re just you complain and you get you haven’t stopped complaining and JD and I we’re Tatum Brown we’re just going about our business I got to be honest though like it doesn’t seem like real golf like to just play a straightup match with a grown man and just say let’s Golf it it doesn’t seem like real life for you’re like I made a five but it’s actually a four four it’s you have to have it I get it I get it but if you if that’s the deal in your life and you like doing that go ahead but it doesn’t seem I like it a lot for me I don’t feel like it’s real well that’s fine that if you ever played Scotty sheffler what are you going to play him straight up you get dusted like you’d have to get strokes right I mean that’s just the nature you’d probably have to give me a five pack I think more than that but well there’s only plus sevens like you can’t go You’ have to give you seven if you’re playing off of scratch anyway you think Scotty like if Scotty pulls up to one of our tracks we play like I don’t know 65 for fun for fun especially for never seen it before either never seen it before no he’s never seen Pinehurst number two he would only to shoot two scores at Weston one possibility is 60 and the other is 59 agreed I totally agree oh he’s one over through 11 right now so he’s grinding yeah he is grind it is a grind out and you’re right Hayes I like watching them grind like it’s not ridiculous where it’s unplayable but they’re getting some funky lies and that weedy stuff on the right and by the way I you can go wherever you want to golf if you’re a golfer and you just like you got to go down there and check that place out if you want a golf trip cuz it’s that good yeah it looks amazing there’s 10 courses or whatever I mean oh just perfect good it’s so good on the East Coast it’s great if you’re in Toronto or whatever it’s perfect uh all right we’ve got strudy coming up Dave Naylor coming up we’ll play Leon on the barov hit very defensive of himself the way he plays a little bit surprised by that we’ll play it we’ll get into it Chris Basset also talking about the makeup of the Jays and what has to happen for them to have success we’ll play that we’ll get into it overdrive continues TSN 1050 and on the TSN app all right Jason strood coming up in the next hour tnf game three to Cup Final will play Leon Drive CLE from today on his barov hit barkov’s up be in the lineup tonight Jay’s off today back in Action tomorrow got some Chris Basset audio will play as well after the game last night and um tracking this UFC 303 stuff it sounds like it’s over like McGregor’s not fighting it’s not going to happen and now they’re scambling he’s not ready like he just he he didn’t get ready or I don’t know there’s I haven’t seen any answers as to why I just I’m not at all surprised that this guy is just got different priorities you know I saw him partying recently he was he was getting it after it somewhere which again a guy he’s not young anymore he hasn’t fought in a long time he’s coming off a gruesome injury who knows man who knows you know anything could be possible te the testing process whether or not you’re in shape did you get injured um but this was going to be the big one for the UFC like McGregor’s return in Vegas so why why do you feel that have they said it’s basically not happening or well Ariel helwani is the one that’s reporting that Ariel’s as connected as anybody when it comes to MMA and Ariel’s gone back and forth but today he’s he’s basically saying he’d be shocked if this fight took place so think about how many people bought flights how many people had hotels had tickets and you’re there simply to see McGregor and if he doesn’t show up or isn’t a part of it I don’t know you probably still follow through I’m not canceling that until five minutes before the fight all those people that wanted to go out there for that they’d be pissed they would be pissed you’ll find something else to do they will scramble they’ll put a card together they’ll put money up for other guys to step in that’s the nature of the fight game guys will fight on like two weeks rest yeah but you said it Hayes it’s not it’s not McGregor he’s the man he is he is a different cat alog together when it comes to generating buzz and sounds like that card is going to be off not the card the card will on will go on but that fight is probably not going to Happ happen hour two coming up Dave Naylor will join us we’ll get into a number of things with the nail gun strudy coming up as well overdrive continues TSN 1050 and on TSN 2


  1. Barkov is just a different kind of elite. I don’t know how he does it like a Chara-like stick in his hands. Just absolute dynamite

  2. As a life long hawks fan I want to point out that Barkov is playing a lot like a certain hawks captain #19
    Captain serious…Johnny toews

  3. If I had to bet money I would say the odonkey will say at some point in the show that the oil will win guaranteed!!! He is the king of bad takes.

  4. The odonkey is such a clown that he fkn calls out his "buddy" as a golf partner on fkn national TV and radio!!! What a classless A-hole!!!!

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