Dylan Block’s Ultimate Golf Practice Routine | Tips & Drills

Join professional long driver Dylan Block as he shares his ultimate golf practice routine! 🏌️‍♂️ Watch and learn the drills that make Dylan one of the rising stars in the golf world. From his daily practice techniques to tips on improving your long drive, this video has it all. Dylan has competed and won numerous local golf tournaments, with his latest victory at the Good Good Midwest Open. Don’t miss out on these exclusive insights!

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[Music] what’s up guys my name is Dylan block and I’m going to take you through my practice routine stretching routine before I either go play a tournament or just a casual round of 18 holes let’s go I’ll start off with my lob wedge and I’ll start hitting 40 yard shots I I’ll pick a spot not a flag but a spot and I’ll hit like 10 or 15 balls to that spot I move from 60 to 80 and then my Max yardage whatever that is with my L wedge which is 105 yards I like to Max that out at little 40 yarders they about 35 40 yards another thing I’ll do which I already did earlier is awaken my hand eye coordination which I’ll grab a ball and just really just I’ll do it on the Range before tournament and Just Bounce I’ll just bounce the ball around just warm it up because you know how F1 drivers they warm up the hand coordination with tennis balls and they Dro tennis balls and they got to catch them same thing with boxers they do different ones everyone does a different hand eye coordination warmup that’s mine so right here I’m going to move on to 75 yards and once I start practicing unless I’m in a tournament I like to focus on hitting one line my entire session so basically what I mean by that is I have these group of flag sticks in a straight line and I try to hit High cuts to that every single time so my body gets used to you know I’m not hitting a high draw then a high cut here and then dead straight here which although that is good for shot shaping I don’t like to do it when I’m warming up because I just like to get in a rhythm and then I can do that when it calls for that on the golf course I’ve I’ve seen at tour events a lot of the guys just pick spots on the golf course and they’ll hit a grouping of balls to that like Cameron Smith does it the best and I learned that from him actually is that he’ll pick spots with this log wedger n iron not a flag stick and he’ll just focus on hitting a a really good dispersion to this spot and actually fun fact about me is I don’t use LW wedge until I get around 80 yards plus so for these full LW wedges I’m going to be putting on a glove and I always need a good glove because with my speeds and my just golf game and people who just play golf every day you want a glove that lasts a long time and that can hold on to a golf club when you’re swinging out over 100 mph faster than a car drives so you know you need some good quality stuff on your hand and you’re probably wondering why I don’t swing harder at it it’s purely for control cuz if I’m swinging on my booty I don’t know how much it’s going to spin and I don’t know where it’s going to go and if I control it yeah I’m losing a little bit of yardage but overall I’m actually gaining strokes and I’m playing better so usually after my L wge though I go to my pitching wge or nine iron right now I’m going to my nine iron and my previous shot routine is very similar to Justin Thomas’s I go P1 toe to the sky my toe to the sky cuz sometimes I get a little inside so I need to focus on that club being outside secondly I focus on getting laid off at the top and having the club pointed that way towards the sky said cuz I usually get over here which makes me very inaccurate so you guys might think I’m swinging like really smoothly or not hitting the ball very hard to me this is my full nineiron because when I yes I can swing out of my butt and hit this N 200 yards but I dial it back to about 170 which is my 170 Club because it makes me more accurate by the way this is very underrated on the golf course or at least on the driving range people don’t clean their damn grooves practice on the Range how you’re going to practice on the golf course I’m not going to be out on the golf course hit a shot through dirt look at my grooves and go like wow those are dirty grooves and I’ll clean it I’m going to freaking clean it so why wouldn’t I practice on the Range how I’m going to practice on the golf course so that’s why I need a good towel and clean Groves okay now that I’m done with my nine iron I’ll move to either my seven iron or six iron I like to move by twos or threes in my clubs now since I went from log Wich to nine iron I’m going to go to a six iron because then I’m going go from a six iron to a three iron same thing I’ll pick a Target over what I was just hitting just a little longer and so I like to practice hitting Fades because that is the most accurate shot on the PJ tour 99.999% of the guys they play Cuts and Fades because they are the easiest to control a draw is way harder to control than a cut or a fade so that’s exactly what I’m working on right now now on Drew it’s exactly what I got to get rid of that’s why I’m here we don’t hit them all great guys especially when you’re working on stuff so don’t expect to be perfect actually one of the biggest things I learned playing with a whole bunch of tour players and I’ve played with number four in the world Patrick Hanley is that they don’t always hit the Fairway and they don’t always hit greens it’s how they recover after that shot yes they make mistakes almost every single hole but the thing is is what do they do after that mistake and that’s why they are on tour and that’s why they are the best in the world there we go okay now after the six iron we’re going to move on to three iron I just got this bad boy fixed this time since I can’t hit my three iron down that angle because it’ll probably hit someone we’re going to switch it up go a little bit more left so we don’t hit anybody I don’t usually hit this in a part fives because I don’t usually have a three in a par FS it’s usually off the te trying to hit a tight Fairway just a short Par Four that I can’t reach with my driver there we go that was beat that was perfect little low cut I like to hit this thing low off the te cuz get some roll out there we go that was the best one so far last two it’s it’s been slowly getting more perfect and perfect and perfect now that we got our te’s we are going to virtually do the exact same thing but this time I like to hit more penetrating bullets cuz off the ground you need a little bit of spin to get in the air this time where off the ground so I’m going hit more bullets more roll out just looks a lot better there we go that was perfect all right I don’t do too many off the tea once I’ve hit my three iron off the ground off the tea is not much different so I don’t need to change much so I really just practice on a tea just my tea height that’s really all I do on the Range put hit our last one move on to three-wood always hit your three-wood and Driver always that was my best one that would roll out a long ways grab our three R real quickly got to take a sippy of water though got to get hydrated flippy almost got it I changed it the other day cuz I was on standard I had to lower the Loft so it opens up the face a lot of people think lowering the Loft closes the face but actually turns down the face so CU I like hitting Cuts with my three wood and when the face looks shut it’s no good to me here we go love to see it love to see it once I get my hand eye coordination down I don’t need to hit that many because it kind of my muscle memory just kicks back in and so I like to get my routine down on my last couple shots with my three iron especially three and Driver cuz I hit those mostly off a t on the golf course so my routine is basically I stand behind the ball I look at my Target and I feel my Target and I’ll look at it and take just nice smooth little swings like this look at my target focus on it that might be a certain leaf on a tree or a certain Post in the Fairway you never know what it might be for mine right now is directly over this green flag right here so I’m going keep looking at it set up over it do my pre-shot routine feel that get comfortable over it once I’m nice and comfortable I’ll pull the trigger whenever I feel like it and there we go about just it started on the left side of the flag stick and went just over the right side so not too bad so I’ll pick another Target I’m going to go out this golf cart over here focus on it set up to it keep thinking about it of course you’re not going to hit perfect every time but obviously that’s the goal there we go see right at it oh I just it hopped over the golf cart and like hit it was a picker and hit like the the cage so it it basically hit the golf cart and if I’m ever over the ball and I’m not feeling okay or another image pops into my head like if I’m thinking about this green flag and a tree pops into my head I’ll back off and I’ll restart and really focus focusing literally on the whiteness of these umbrellas it’s all I’m thinking about so now that we’re done with three Woods I can’t hit drivers over here cuz my driver will hit someone so here at a Royo they built me a special range just for me and it’s called bombers Cove so we’re going to head over there we’re going to absolutely let the big dog eat I don’t need too many drivers to warm up CU I’ve already hit three Woods virtually the same thing for me but we’re here at bombers Cove it makes the range 400 yard on the dot to the people and I hit my driver about 350 to 380 so it doesn’t reach them but it comes just shy of them unless I’m my long drive which will definitely hit them same thing I focus on my target feel my target pull the trigger whenever I feel set and ready it started on my Target and did not move at all that felt good it’s on Target today boys and girls that was just right on my target not it would still be in the Fairway though so I brought six balls I’m doing two Fades two dead straight and two draws so these are the dead straights that was pretty freaking straight maybe had a 2 yard cut on it barely anything perfect there we go so now after I’m done hitting my drivers my irons my wedges head over to the putting green roll roll the rock a couple times go out and play [Music]

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