Golf Players

U.S. Open Recap with Greg Bodine, Caddie of Bryson DeChambeau | Get a Grip

Shane Bacon and Andrew Putnam are back to break down a thrilling U.S. Open played last week at Pinehurst No. 2. The two dive into the duel between Rory McIlroy and Bryson DeChambeau and offer thoughts on how the course played before welcoming on the winning caddie, Greg Bodine. Greg, Shane and Andrew discuss Bryson’s equipment changes on Sunday, his bunker shot to set up the winning putt and go behind-the-scenes of the week from the winner’s perspective.

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hey hey everybody welcome back to another episode of the gig grip podcast presented by Pinehurst Resorts timely by the way amazing US Open we just had and of course Pinehurst is going to be going back 2029 along with US Women’s opens in 2035 41 and again in 2047 and for those interested in some golf at Pinehurst for the first time in nearly three decades Pinehurst opened its first original golf course as it unveiled Piner number 10 in the spring of 2024 designed by Tom do number features dramatic elevation changes natural Sandy areas I know you got a lot of that on TV this past week at number two and remnants of early 20th century sand mining operation you can also see that in their great logo plan your next golf trip today at Andrew putam I’m assuming you watched some golf over the weekend Pinehurst was popping Pinehurst was great what were your thoughts about the US Open yeah it was a very entertaining US Open I mean the the course showed really well on TV and looked brutal out there I mean I was you know obviously it’s always sad not to be playing US Open but part of me was like man it looks so tough I’m glad I didn’t have to hit some of those shots and uh was enjoying watching him but man what a great finish great ending I’m not sure what more you wanted are you uh I mean you know you’re trying to get into the US Open obviously you go through qualifying and you know you have a chance to get there you’ve played in US opens before you mentioned the disappointment not being there does it push you away from watching or do you still dive in I mean obviously I know you’ve got a relationship with brys and Scat um who we might have as a special guest here in a little bit but do you do you still love watching it do you still dive into it or you kind of take you know Thursday through Sunday personal time spend some time with the family stuff like that no I love it I mean it’s our national open it’s I mean it’s there’s four weeks a year that I would watch golf like be glued to the TV it’s usually Masters US Open British and PGA those are all I mean it’s just fun to see what’s going on in the world of golf I’m still a fan of golf I mean I play it and love it and uh especially the US Open there’s just so much Carnage it’s fun as a player to watch these you know players battle through it I know what they’re going through and uh very entertaining uh week in golf a lot more than some of the others we play all right I want to get your insight into a couple of moments that happened on Sunday because obviously you have the Heartbreak of Rory mroy and then you have the triumphant kind of finish from Bryson to Shambo who by the way Andrew didn’t play great on Sunday I mean I think that’s been one of those things that’s been forgotten considering what happened on those final three holes but Bryson didn’t quite have it especially off the T in that final round yet he still gets it done which I always look at is uh kind of a check mark when you talk about great players but I want to start with Rory because Rory misses a couple short putts obviously the very short one on 16 didn’t have a lot of Mo movement you could kind of see if you watch those replays I’ll call it a flinchy stroke just because I don’t really know how else you could you could kind of explain what happened you know never had missed a three-footer all season so listen we’ve all missed short putts I’ve missed plenty of short putts in my tournament days I’m assuming you’ve missed short putts in your tournament days you missed that short putt on 16 again seems like a relatively easy putt to make you know if you take yourself out of the circumstances and the situation you get to 18 after by the way he buried a great par from four and a half feet on 17 and you get to 18 and you hit that pitch shot and you’ve got you know 3 and 1/2 ft when the the balls obviously move it outside the hole left to right is that the scariest thing to run into after you’ve missed a short putt that didn’t have a lot of movement the the next one coming up is one you might have to play as a right-hander outside the whole left downhill kind of moving away from you I mean it’s terrifying if you’re watching that the green speeds out there I mean that’s one thing that you know we played pretty fast greens Memorial the week before and I’m pretty good putter I typically don’t ever Miss three Footers but I did I mean I missed a couple like those sliders downhill and the thing is when the greens are that fast any Flinch or any movement in your hands on those on those putts and the ball is going to miss and so you just have to be that much more perfect usually when the greens are running 11 or 12s you have a little more room for air but you’re making such a small stroke it it is really tough to uh control that butter face and I mean I felt like the putt on 18 was actually a pretty good putt you know smiley Hoffman was up there reading it he’s like you know you know he was giv his commentary and said he can play this inside the hole like left Edge and he played it like a cup out you know at least a cup out it was so far out it really wasn’t that bad of a putt I mean the one on 16 was you know obviously a little flinchy or whatever you’d call it but 18 wasn’t too bad it’s just his Chip Shot really man you can’t leave the ball above the hole in that one that that was a pretty poor Chip Shot cuz um he has you know perfect position uphill all the way to the ho but uh man that was tough to watch you know I I remember I worked with Brad Faxton for a long time when I was at Fox and one of the things Brad used to talk about you know Brad is obviously heralded is one of the great Putters of all time and I found something Brad said one time really interesting he said when he was really playing Great Golf he would try to leave pitch shots and Chip shots to give himself the easiest putt at par and of course you know pro golfers if you have an easy pitch shot you’re trying to make it or you have one up the hill not super fast screens not playing a US Open and you’re trying to hold it you don’t really care the comebacker but if you’re playing US Open level greens you’ve got to think about that next Putt and I’m with you I mean you you want to hit that right and short and I was doing the math as Bryson was in the bunker and hit that brilliant shot we’ll talk about a minute it was only two inches longer than Rory’s putt Rory was 3 feet n in Bryson was 3 feet 11 Ines but Andrew these are totally different putts I mean Bryson could get extremely aggressive with that Putt and not have to worry about the next one and for Rory considering when you listen to accounts of people on the ground Rory was paying a ton of attention to what Bryson was doing he would look back on t- shot and see where the ball was I think you and I both sitting there where Bryson was under that tree and then pitched under that bunker you’re sitting there thinking he’s going to make five and I’m assuming for Rory he probably had something similar in his head and I feel like if he felt like he had to make four to have a chance at a playoff or win the US Open he might have hit that putt a little bit more aggressive the thing is that where he left it to your point he couldn’t have got aggressive with that putt you get aggressive with that putt you might hit that thing seven eight8 nine fet by yeah I mean it just was uh one of those things where um probably paying a little too much attention to what Bryson’s doing I mean it’s hard when you know it’s hard when you know like hey maybe a par could win the US Open you always you always want to be playing more aggressive as a golfer once you’re thinking like I can limp this thing in or you know that’s just a bad head space to be in I mean we’ve probably all been in that that spot in sports you know feeling like you just need to run the you know the shot clock out or make a couple pars coming in it’s just the worst worst mindset to be in and I’m sure Rory paying attention probably didn’t help it it reminded me a lot um you know I’ve been covering golf for a long time it reminded me a lot of Adam Scott when he had a chance to win that Open Championship you know 10 12 years ago and bogie his last four holes and Ernie went on to win um by a shot Rory’s finish kind of reminded me of that you know he makes bogie on 15 um I felt like he might have hit the wrong Club there it felt like it was an eight iron and he had seven iron and kind of hit it a little low and got honestly had to had to make a brilliant bogey save there just to make four then bog 16 with the three putt when he hit it to 25 heet kind of did the hard part at that point on that Par Four honestly Andrew could have bogied 17 I mean he had did a really really good bunker shot there kind of short-sided left there at 17 able to save par and then of course bogi’s 18 so my comp you know you’ve heard a lot of vanderville thrown around and Scott H and stuff like that my comp is really Adam Scott at the Open Championship when he Bogi the last four holes to lose by one now we’ve talked about Rory and I want to say this a lot of people in my world you know me some of the no Lane up guys Andy Johnson the fried egg crew a lot of us are Rory fans because Rory is our guy he’s our generational guy you know I’m 40 years old Roy’s a little bit younger than me but we obviously rooted for Tiger but we were very young when we were rooting for Tiger this generation and who I’ve watched grow up in the sport is Rory maroy and so it’s very easy for me to root for Rory um that being said and I wrote a lot of this about Bryson it’s been very fun to watch whatever transformation we’ve seen from Bryson to Shambo not just on the golf course but it seems like just understanding life a little bit more we all grow up and we all become a little bit more comfortable in our own skin watching Bryson’s interactions in the crowd watching the way Bryson kind of checks out of moments during an important moment in his career was very unique and very different you don’t see a lot of players do that I mean a lot of coms to Phil Mickelson but Andrew Bryson the golfer outside of the driving outside of the incredible distance the short game all week was remarkable it was really cool that it came down to a short game shot for Bryson to win this US Open yeah I mean I feel like Greg was even mentioning how good his short game has gotten recently and you know he always he plays those uh wedges that are I think the same length of what is seven iron or something and Y I don’t understand how he can really do I mean that seems so tough cuz adding that extra length I don’t know I just would feel not very comfortable in my hands trying to hit some of those short game shots but uh Greg’s always talked about how good a short game was how sneaky you know people don’t talk about it a whole lot and you know he’s been chipping really well and obviously showed up um in the final round cuz man his driver was it’s like I was watching the whole you know watched him and I just couldn’t get the ball in the Fairway he obviously got one in the Fairway on 16 that long par 4 um that was that was that was close like it was very close to not being in the Fairway again right I think that might have been his only Fairway hit on the on the back n outside of obviously driving 13 I think that was the only one so yeah I mean they were all pretty tied to the corners yeah know and I we probably need to talk about him switching drivers prior to his final round maybe something we we asked Greg about I mean that that’s as a caddy probably nothing more stressful than senior player switching clubs have you ever done anything like that have you ever changed clubs within a tournament I I can’t remember time I’ve ever done that but listening to Bryson in his interview after talking about how something about the Bulge in the face might have changed a little bit I mean it the only re the only way I was rationalizing was that he cracked his driver and it broke cuz why in the world would you ever switch I he was hitting his driver pretty great the day before you know him and Roy are both just making that course look pretty easy um but uh yeah I mean his short game was was clutch I mean that I mean obviously the last toll is something every going to be talking about but there’s handful of chips before that that he just you know came up clutch the um the thing I say a lot about you guys when I say you guys I mean pro golfers is when I play with Pros I’m always reminded at how little you guys will say Nice Shot or good shot and and it’s not you guys are being rude it’s just you need to hit an amazing shot to kind of get acknowledgement from pro golfers I mean a wedge to 25 ft you guys aren’t going to be impressed by that but I a rem able pit shot or or par save or great wedge shot to a tight hole location you’ll get love on the eighth hole and I was watching the Sky Sports feed and Rich beam was saying when if you remember Bryson hit it a mile off the planet on eight and he had to hit an amazing shot to get it in the worst spot at Pinehurst like it was a horrible place to be long and left on the eighth and that pin was tucked back left and he hit that pitch shot and you see Pavone gave him a thumbs up and you know I always say that’s such an acknowledgement of how good the shot was when you’re playing partner especially you know the final pairing on a Sunday to US Open pavan’s giving you the thumbs up at how good the shot was and of course he makes the 18 20 footer to save par but I’m with you I think both Rory and Bryson because of the ability to drive the golf ball both long and for the most part both very very straight you know I know Bryson got a little squirly with the driver and Roy missing Fairways late as well but these guys hit it you know what 340 350 and hit a lot of Fairways I mean it’s an incredible combination of speed and ability to kind of you know centralize the face if you will level the face on the ball so often considering the club head speed so high but both those guys never get enough credit for the pitching and I just thought all week long the chipping the up and downs from Rory and Bryson were a good reminder that to be one of the best in the world you can’t have one skill set that’s great you can’t have two two skill sets that great you’ve got to have a complete bag that’s awesome and and I feel like Bryson this year Andrew has reminded the golf world that he’s more than kind of this sh Sideshow dude that can carry at 380 if he wants to yeah I mean those greens probably are some of the most scary greens to chip on just watching on TV and I know those pins are a lot kind of right on the edge of the grain where the you know it’s into the grain then down the Grain and that’s some of the hardest uh just visually cuz you know it looks like the pin just on on an island and you and there’s nothing past it and so I mean your Technique better be dialed in you better your confidence better be higher you’re going to be chunk I mean watching it you saw so many guys just chunking the ball and you know even some basic shots it’s the visual it’s so so hard to commit and to have that distance distance control the only chip I really saw Bryson like Miss hit was when he made double um you know towards the end of his round on Saturday besides that I mean I don’t know he he pretty much didn’t have a huge mistake like that the whole entire tournament the scrambling scrambling was was just remarkable and and that obviously takes us to the 72nd hole and uh you know I’ve caded professionally before I’ve played enough golf with you guys to understand that you go about your business to avoid places on a golf course that could lead to Bogey double triple and Beyond the thing pro golfers like everybody else in the world doesn’t want to see is a bunker shot from 40 to 60 yards you just don’t want to have it you can chunk it you can blade it it can make you guys look mortal right that’s the thing about those level of golf shots when he was in that bunker Andrew did you think he was going to make par I didn’t realize it was 50 yards away that’s that’s what was sneaky like on the when I was watching it it looked like maybe like a 30 yard bunker shot it’s hard to tell and I’m like okay like you know he’s got a little down slope and then an up slope which can make it easier you know um but once they’re explaining that after the round I mean shoot that’s I mean the hardest thing on that um is just your contact especially with the pressure and everything is like man just not not uh getting a little nervy and Blasting it over the green with how much power he has I mean that’s it was one of the best shots we’ve ever seen at the end of a US Open you got to just hit it so close to the ball I mean to be able to pull off that level of golf shot I mean you know those bunkers are not typical tour bunkers pineur is not a place that has the same sand across the board and the same level of depth the bunkers there are almost like you’re in Scotland where it’s meant to be a penalty he had to hit that so close to the ball and if you take that on you could send it into the restaurant over the green and make Dublin lose the US Open so to me it was just such a gutsy we we see gutsy iron shots in the tuck pins late I mean you think about Ricky Fowler at the Players years ago right takes it right of the flag stick there on 17 I mean that’s a gutsy line to take um I felt like Bryson on Saturday at 17 you know took it right at the flag there that’s a gutsy swing but I don’t feel like we lean into gutsy a lot when you talk about bunker shots or pit shots that was that was a guy that was saying I’m going to win or lose the US Open right here with this one swing yeah I mean it’s so easy just to chunk that thing short of the green and kind of end up where Rory is you know and and uh but he kind of knew what he had to do I guess and uh pulled it off I mean incredible it was incredible uh would you so again the time you’ve kind of spent watching golf versus playing golf where does that that rank in terms of entertaining Majors for you over the last let’s say decade let’s say the last 10 12 years um the back and forth two of the biggest names in the sport where does that kind of rank in terms of one of your favorite Majors to pay attention to that that’s pretty high up I mean you had two of the most entertaining players playing the game right now both kind of head-to-head um I mean it the the only knock I would say on it was it felt like they were you know more Roy was playing pretty good you know he was rolling the putter well but Bryson kind of felt like he was just trying to keep it together I mean praying for good lies in the rough um so it was a different different style of US Open golf I mean typically when you’re hitting it in the rough you just you don’t have anything you’re pitching out um so in that aspect you know it was it wasn’t like he was you know you’re getting both players at their best on a Sunday coming down the stretch but you had two of the most entertaining guys in golf most loved guy you know meloy um you could tell the tvcast was really pulling for him to him to win there was a little bias going on there and uh so in that terms it was probably the best in the last five five 10 years I’ve watched I mean there’s been some Masters you know with Phil winning and tiger that were pretty incredible you know back nine on Sunday it’s hard to beat Augusta but it’s one of the best mangers we’ve had in a while good for the game I I I just I can’t I I wrote this on Friday I was just sitting there thinking what better what better place to put these two guys up against each other than this golf course that kind of continually tests so many parts of your game I was surprised at how little the players were putting from off the green it felt like you saw them pull wedges more than I kind of thought we’d see throughout the week but I think that was also fun to see I mean I think when guys pull putter every single time and it’s like straight to the bag Putter and there’s really no creativity involved in the decision making I think that at times can take away from the fun of a place like Pinehurst I think we’ll see that you know next month at trro you’re going to see Putters from off the green most of the time but I love that off the green it felt like pitching or chipping was an option right I mean you saw Rory do it on 18 the 72nd hole and as you said I mean you saw Bryson do it most of the week especially there at the eth I just I like the fact that it didn’t just turn into a putter from off the green contest I thought that that was more fun to watch yeah I mean you had to have every shot out there it definitely tested every single aspect of the game and you know the luck of luck of the draw with going into the the desert I mean fun for a week you know it’s it was entertaining and probably wouldn’t want to have every US Open be like that but um it looked looked like it’d be a fun course to play you know you you had uh definitely had an option once you got off the the Fairway to maybe get to the green and and uh you know having the right contact out of that sand to hold those small little turtleback shell greens I mean you know it’s I’m sure sure it was stressing those players out trying to figure out you know where the ball was going to go more than the viewers out at home so um yeah looked like a great course on TV I I really want to go and check it out I’ve never played it since the redo so I’m hoping to get out there at some point I got good news we we we know some people um through this podcast also we know a guy that uh that just jumped in the lobby let’s see if we can get uh get Greg on the online here there he is the man that is not as blury eyed as I expected he would be Greg what’s up man how are you how’s it going guys thanks uh thanks for the invite um but yeah I I’m a little low on sleep right now but at the same time I’m uh I’m feeling I’m back in Kirkland for a couple days Bryson uh said this is before he won the US Open too but I got a family at home in a three week stretch so I’m back at home for a couple days and I head out in Nashville tomorrow morning well first of all congrats uh it was the we were we just spent Andrew and I just spent 25 minutes talking about the final round and back and forth I think the if we were ever going to say there was a bummer about that final round it was the fact that you weren’t playing alongside Rory just cuz it was such a great back and forth but I wanted to start early in the week last week with you and Bryson when you guys got to pineur number two were you guys going through practice rounds going through your prep did it feel like a golf course that fit y’all’s game that fit y’all’s gameplay and that fit what Bryson does so well yeah I would say I heard a lot of chatter um just that maybe it wouldn’t be uh because he he’s hits a lot of drivers it’s kind of you don’t know what you’re going to get out of the rough um just for for a lot of different reasons but I I always was optimistic because hey there’s more room out there than I expected you see Pinehurst and you hear about a kimer those kind of guys winning and you’re like okay doesn’t I mean Martin kimer and Bryce like kimer is an incredible player guy’s G to be in the Hall of Fame all that but like they play golf very differently like one hits a low sque you know squeeing fade and Bryson’s just hitting Moon shots that draw so I I wasn’t exactly sure to expect but I knew two things I knew that he can hit a lot of drivers which was great anytime he can hit driver we 45 yards ahead of everyone else for the most part and I knew that he could spin the crap out of the ball like he has a spin issue if anything that’s why everyone always talks about his Lofts and like oh his nine iron’s actually the eight iron and I’m like well his nine iron that’s lofted like a seven and a half iron spins more than everyone else’s regular nine iron so it’s like that’s the only reason why he does that and so I was I was looking forward to this week because one of the few weeks where it’s like look you can just hit if we’re in between in club you can’t chip it and you just hit one less and hit as hard as you can and a lot of the times that worked out there’s a couple times he gave him a great Club on number six even on the part three he even asked me he’s like are you sure this is enough I’m like yeah I’m sure and it landed right in the front edge and came back like into the bowl I was like but in that instance you can’t chip you can’t chip like a nine up there and have it land pin high and your else you’re just gonna go into the back bunker or have some weird putt down that slope so yeah for those reasons I love the generosity he gave him off the tier the option to push it up and I also love the fact that he wasn’t going to have a problem spinning it on those greens all right we got to get right to it I mean prior to the round we were watching on Golf Channel and we saw he was screwing around with an equipment change I mean as a caddy how how nerve-wracking is that I mean he obviously drove it really well on Saturday I mean he I was watching the metrics him and Roy are hitting at like 360 every single hole down the middle of the Fairway yeah mean as a caddy like it how quickly are you wanting to just take that new driver head and throw it in the trash or was was there actually an issue with the face I mean it’s hard to argue with Bryson in equipment he knows it better than anyone yeah my true true honest answer is like I wasn’t worried at all and I’ll tell you why there’s there’s a couple reasons but the biggest thing is he since using the crank driver he’s probably gone through I don’t know it could be it’s no less than 25 it’s probably not more than 40 heads like so everyone’s so used to using the same head you know for yeah like Andrew you probably use the same head for months if not years his so because of how hard he hits it I actually have a driver head right here um I don’t know if you guys can see but like the curvature on the face it’s like a little more rounded right here so what happened is he hit a few drives and uh this is 13 minutes before we’re supposed to walk over hits a couple drives and the spin rate goes up a little bit he’s like okay I see him thinking I’m like huh this is this is weird and then he hits a couple left couple right and he just looks at his manager Connor he’s like Connor new head I’m like I was 13 minutes before Greg this is like you guys are like hitting three more balls and going to the te we have four more minutes till we have to walk off and he so he gets his gauge out he has this little curvature thing that measures the bul and roll of the face which I’m sure you guys have heard that term by now but basically he has this little Gadget that has a slightly curved Edge it’s like a little metal thing and he puts it on it and usually it’s flushed to the face and that’s eight bul and roll eight inches of bul and roll that’s a whole another dis you know conversation as far as how that’s measured but he put that on and there’s a little gap between right in the middle of the face there’s a tiny little Gap in the gauge and so he knew he knew that his driver head had flattened a little bit and it it’s happened several times before and there’s been several times that he’s thrown in a new head maybe goes through a couple and the way that Bryson swings it it’s like you just he needs if he doesn’t have that curvature on the face it’s a lot harder for him to hit it straight and have the right spin so what we’ve learned once that spin starts to usually go up and it goes a little right or left um that that the head’s probably it’s time to go and sure enough he measured it and so right after he measured it is when he was like new head and he hit a he hit three balls with a different head you get three balls with a second head and the third head or the fourth however you want to look at it um performed pretty well but it was a five degree driver not a 5 and a half degree so anyways as we all know like the more Loft you have on a club even if it’s to and half of a degree um when you’re swinging it at 127 miles an hour of Club head speed those little fractions of a difference makes sense even whether you notice it or if it’s just in your head but he was like this is better than the one that I have and so he went out there and he hit it great on the range for the five b he literally hit five balls maybe with it and uh as you saw I think we hit like one Fairway with the driver um missing it right and then on the back nine he tried to overcorrect it and we missed a couple left but uh he’s still uh yeah it’s funny on like the eighth hole he looks over it and he goes jibbo I’m like yeah what’s up he’s like I don’t think we should have switched to driver heads I’m like yeah I don’t think so either but this is after we’re like our fourth Miss into the right hay and just scrambling for our lives but um yeah to answer your question I I I felt okay because I’ve seen it several other times so obviously it’s not like the ideal situation I mean the fact that it was a different Loft makes it that’s crazy to me because I I’ve done that before where I’ve changed the Loft a little bit and obviously if you take a little Loft off you’re like hanging back you got to hang back just a I mean just tiny bit but like your body is used to seeing the face and matching up the the way you’re striking and so man that no Bryson’s like proprioception or like Everyone likes to say that he’s you know not really a field player and I understand more than ever now that he’s like the most field player ever because his body awareness and you should have seen he was getting you know Dana is his uh his swing coach then he’s having Sports box AI those people helping him out a lot with his swing and basically trying to measure hey when I’m swinging it really good what is my body doing when I’m swinging it really poorly or if I have that right Miss what am I doing then Paul um G and Paul with sports box were there pretty much all week and even Paul was there on Sunday and Bryson for the first 20 minutes on the Range just talking to Paul about like how when his Center of mass moves back then his like Trail arm externally rotates less but he needs more for face closure and I’m like like he’s using all these terms I I know like half of them now but the other half I’m just like I can’t believe you’re going through this and then 20 minutes later we switch a driver head right before you tea off with the three shot lead in US Open but that’s that’s Bryson even as a caddy I’ve learned more information the better you’re not going to overwhelm him when it comes to that and it’s just uh if if I have something in my mind that I feel like he might want to know I just blurred it out and 99% of the time he’s like thank you yeah that’s great I agree or I disagree well Greg I mean it was it’s so interesting we were Andrew and I were talking before you came on and it wasn’t like Bryson played his best golf on Sunday now he got it in and that’s a huge part of being a pro golfer is when you don’t have your best stuff can you still compete can you still post a number can you still potentially win a big event or win a championship and obviously Bryson answered that question I mean it was very different than when he won in 2020 when he played the best golf of anybody on Sunday and blew the field out of wing foot right but there was I there was two things I noticed thing number one was early in the round it seemed like he was getting a little frustrated by the distances the ball was going it seemed like it was jumping maybe a little more than he wanted with the irons and I I heard him question you a couple times I think on the fourth hole he asked you and then you mentioned the the T I gave him such a yeah no I gave him such a bad Club on uh on four I it was I mean you got to remember it’s uh I even said after the round I’m like dude I’m so happy we won like I’m not going to lie I was thinking about four the whole round I’m like I can’t we cannot lose this by one or going into a playoff because it wasn’t it was a tough call but on three we had played it straight into the wind it was playing pretty long and then we were kind of had a tweener on four and it U we couldn’t feel as much wind but it was about 213 or two4 to the flag so we’re in between a full eight iron and like a chippy seven but like I said in that situation like you have in US opens it’s obviously it’s difficult to play and like even catting is is difficult at times but in those situations you just got to take one less and have them hammer it like there’s no very unless you have some really bad trouble short and we went with uh 3/4 7 iron and from 217 into the wind and it was it was too much just because he uses a a left Dash ball and all that to where if he chips it a little bit he uh there’s not a lot of spin on his ball just um and it landed like it looked like it landed just around pin high or just short and had no chance of staying on and uh yeah it made bogey I’m like man that’s not I’m like I’m like one for two today so far 500 batting average is not good for a caddy yeah yeah I I but you know like it was that moment but the other thing I kept going back to and I’ve talked a lot about this with Bryce and Greg because I mean I’ll be honest with you you know five six years ago watching Bryson on the golf course wasn’t the easiest experience I mean he wasn’t always is the easiest person to listen to he would get really frustrated it has completely flipped and I’ve mentioned a lot of this on social media I mean watching the way Bryson goes about his business in 2024 it feels like you’re watching a whole different golfer you said it you guys did not drive the golf ball that well he put a new driver you know head in play we’ve already talked about that but I noticed he never got frustrated did you are you in are you impressed by the fact that even when it’s not going his way he’s able to kind of stay even kill and and at times even stay positive about the way it’s going yeah I’ve seen I’ve seen in the last year I’ve seen a lot of changes you know in in Bryson as a person and his character and the funny story on the first hole you know this this actually did surprise surprise me a bunch he looked over and he’s like I forget exactly what he said but he’s basically like we could shoot 80 or 62 today and and like things things are going to be okay and I was just like I looked at him I’m like that is not what I’m used to hearing out you know cuz I when we started he was he was struggling and like there was a lot going on in his life his dad had just passed the live thing was in full effect wasn’t playing Great Golf and so I’ve seen I’ve seen those some of those moments that we’ve all seen and I’ve seen catting in the same group as him um before I even started catting for him and uh that that where when he said that on the first te I’m like I think like I think he’s it’s not like his I don’t love the whole like it’s your time thing or he’s ready like I knew he was ready I didn’t know if it was our time because Rory could have shot 65 and we could have shot 69 and like it’s not our time it’s Rory’s time because he shot 65 so uh but when he said that I was like I I feel like we’re not going to beat ourselves today and I feel like with Bryson like he’s the last guy who needs a lot of like ex’s and O’s help my job I feel like out there is a just to be good company and also just to like Bryson and I are pretty Polar Opposites when it comes to like how how we handle things there’s a lot of things I wish I would handle things the way that Bryson does but not I’m not saying like one’s better or the other um but I I could see in that frame of when he was in that frame of mind I’m like there’s times where like Bryson has you know gotten his own way and for him to have that mindset at all at any time on Sunday whether it was before or during the round I was like this is this is going to work out just fine and he showed it we were two down with five holes to go against one of the all-time greats of the game a guy who’s going to Coast into the Hall of Fame and be one of the best players to ever live and you’re in the moment you’re like we need to make two or three birdies to have a chance like you can’t count on Roy doing what he did I mean obviously he you know he tripped up and Bryson took advantage but um yeah he’s he’s becoming just like he he’s so mentally strong in some ways and like we’ve all seen like and sometimes he’s gotten his own way but now I feel like he’s taking that passion that he has and he’s like only using it for a lot of good and not really wasting it negatively like he has maybe in the past sometimes I had I had a question because um I feel like whenever at least I’ve been in like a final group or it’s kind of a you know the night before you’re you’re preparing for a big moment a big round you kind of know that like you’re you’re trying to visualize the day and like you kind of know that at some point there’s going to be a moment where things aren’t going well and there’s like this wall that you kind of have to like you have to go through and you have to you know you have to expect that there’s going to be something bad that happens you got to stay positive and be patient and like I was curious as a cat I mean you know this is going to happen especially at a US Open um there’s going to be moments where you just you got to be so patient are are there any lines that you have in your mind that you’re like pre- rehearsing prior to the round where you’re like I know that this might encourage him or I know at this point I’m going to use this to kind of motivate him do you ever like think through that kind of scenario cuz it always happens you know Sunday there’s a moment where you’re just like something’s going to go bad things are going to go to crap and and you’re going to feel like the world’s spinning cuz I know you know on 18 on the bunker shot you had you know quote people talked about um those things that you ever think through or is that just kind of come out naturally uh yeah so on 18 no that it wasn’t there’s definitely things what I first part of that question I’ll answer is like I love to listen to my players uh press conferences so I listen to every one of Bryson’s and because if you go listen to those he answers those questions for yourself right then and there there’s so many times in those conf press conferences where Bryson hey he’ll say you know like when bad things happen you just got to you know think this this and that and so like I take a mental note of like here’s like as a caddy if you’re not listening to your players press conferences I feel like that’s just a cheat code because you literally have the answer that they came up with to this problem the solution to the problem you will have it’s really smart so yeah so there there some things there that I I took note of not necessarily on in my yardage book or whatever but on yeah we have 52 yards in the clubhouse it’s like every amer’s nightmare you got the clubhouse window staring at you and even me I’m like if I’m hitting this shot like I’m probably hitting it three feet in front of me because I hit eight inches behind it but my fear is to like sail it over into the uh the hotel or The Clubhouse there and so my my only thing there was just like in that situation I was like I bet all these guys are human Andrew you know I’ve heard Tiger Woods talk about I remember Tiger Woods talked to Tony feno and I in the car about how he was nervous about blading his bunker shot on 18 at the Tour Championship that he missed he visualized himself blading his bunker shot into the Hedge bushes yeah strongest mental guy on the planet he that that is 1,000% true he goes the first thing I Vis visualized was blading it into the clubhouse the trees in front of the clubhouse out of bounds and losing the tournament unbelievable so Andrew yeah whether it’s you Andrew tiger or Bryson I knew like was probably some time there’s there’s some like negative thoughts that were trying to creep in into that moment and I’m sure he like there’s a couple things where he’s like gosh what if I catch this thin and I hit this 40 yards over the clubhouse like that’s you’re an inch away from doing that in that situation and like I don’t I don’t think that’s abnormal for you know where you guys are all humans to where I’ve seen him get up and down from some unbelievable spots like I’ve always said even at the start of the week I’m like he’s going to Chip and he’s going to chip a lot around here because his short game is incredible and it’s one of the most things underrated about but I yeah the the long story short is that purpose is just like I wanted him I want the last thing going through his mind to be visualizing something like I wanted him even to think I said you know you you got I I believe in you you got this I’ve seen you get up and down from way harder spots and that’s the truth it’s not a bunch you know like there’s I’ve seen maybe four or five where like it would have surprised me more than that one there I mean not not to win a US Open but yeah that’s the thing that’s that’s the only difference is that to make it not any different yeah so I wanted I almost wanted him to be like yeah like okay that’s good like he believes in me like I believe myself and like I wonder what up and downs he’s thinking of and he’ll probably go think back to a couple of his best up and downs he’s ever had in the last year and at least maybe that’s the last thing that goes through his head before he focuses on uh trying to get that ball up and down rather than duffing it into the front edge of the bunker we’re in or sailing it over the clubhouse I mean it’s it’s c is such an interesting I so I caddied years ago I caded on the LPGA Tour for a couple friends of mine and I never realized how much you’ve got to adapt player to player person to person personality to personality Greg I mean this guy Bryson is such a unicorn in professional golf the way he goes about it the way he thinks about his equipment how involved he is in kind of adapting you know re in real time with his golf game how much has it been in terms of adapting for you to in what 10:30 is and what 11 is and what 9:30 is like this the the stuff you need to have in your brain versus the stuff you might not need to have in your brain like how has it been evolving in that space over the last eight nine months it’s been fun Andrew you know Andrew probably knows me better than anyone on this Earth and I’ve always been kind of a a numbers geek and nerd when it comes to that so like that simple quick math doesn’t really um I I feel I feel comfortable with that what’s funny is just like Bryson a lot of people know you know the whether okay when this lie comes out a little dead or it comes out hot or when it’s like down grain it moves a little bit more this way if it’s you know if the wind’s doing this like a lot of a lot of players know um that certain things happen in situations Bryson just knows why like he’s actually gone down that rabbit hole to figure out why and so I remember it was hilarious the first week I worked for him was Tulsa last year and it was the second shot of his first hole me on the bag and it was it was like uh it was like rained a little bit that morning and it was where it wasn’t raining on us but the golf ball was a little dewy and there’s some water and uh water on the um dampness on the on the turf and he gets up and I’m thinking like oh this is probably uh you know probably a eight iron and I didn’t say that but he he he pops off he goes I think it’s a perfect seven because the moisture is going to increase the spin a little bit I was like okay like why do you say that he’s like what he’s like at 45 degrees when it gets less than 45 degrees it adds spin to your club and when it’s less or 45 degrees or more it decreases Spin and like on the way to the yeah the loft of your Club so the fact that so to answer his to get to give you Insight if it was a gap wedge it actually would knuckle because it doesn’t the friction value on the face or something about that I forget exactly what what it was but so long story short if you guys are playing in wet conditions if you have less than a pitching wedge SO pitching wedge to lob wedge your ball will actually knuckle off the face more than likely if you have more than a pitching wedge down to you know five six seven iron it will add Spin and so that’s that was kind of like a very high opening experence you know experience for me during the round on the first hole and he hadit a seven iron to like 20 feet and barely missed the eagle Putt and uh that’s just T to Green the stuff on the on the green is what I really had a hard time picking up because he uses his Vector putting um basically it’s aimo on steroids where aimo was derived from uh that that was difficult for me to to grasp but I remember even one night I was in Dallas with them and he was teaching me how Vector putting work till midnight and now I can kind of see how we how you read screens and we’re kind of speaking the same language I guess um when we’re reading putts all right I I was curious I mean Bryson’s obviously has a lot of interesting quirks about him on the course but is there anything that you’ve learned off the golf course that you find interesting that Bryson has a wild view about or has surprised you a wild view about there’s a lot of wild takes uh Greg’s like I thought this was only 30 minutes I don’t I didn’t know this a four hour podcast let me try to think of of uh well he the thing with so with Bryson he’s here’s like a funny one is like I wear sunscreen every day and I use the spray stuff and um you know the fake spray easy stuff and uh here’s here’s one there’s a there’s there’s a lot but he goes why are you wearing that I’m like don’t want to get skin cancer he’s like well he goes do you know uh do you know what the uh he basically quoted like an encyclopedia what skin cancer rates have H have done since sunscreen was invented and so he went down this tangent about how he I’m not saying he doesn’t believe in sunscreen I’m not trying to have that be like the clickbait of this but he is like there’s a few things whether it’s like zinc or whatever that he’ll use um but he just looked at me dead dead in the face this last week he was like you know that’s a waste of time I’m like that’s a hot that’s a hot take when it’s 90 93 degrees literally a hot take when it’s 93 degrees and the sun’s beating down you uh but he was like yes protect yeah not just to cover my basis he’s he’s like here’s how you protect your skin he’s how you do this but he’s like there’s a lot of sun strings that are very bad for you and will increase your chance rather than decrease so there’s there’s one for you there’s there’s a bunch of others but I will say um yeah there’s there’s nothing that there’s nothing that he just is sayane to say it’s stuff that he will literally quote numbers and data and whether that stuff’s true or not or where he got that from I’ve literally fact checked him on a lot of these things and it turns out to be um turns out to be true pretty much every time so GRE Greg he comes off to me as an extremely curious human being and and I think that’s probably something all of us should probably be more is curious I mean wanting to learn you know you see something and you go I should learn more about that and then you never do Bryson seems like the guy that probably jumps online and digs into why is that Smoke Stack red and white you know versus whatever the case may be like he comes off to me as a curious human yeah no he’s uh it’s funny my wife my wife we have a five and a seven-year-old boy my wife Kelsey was back home and one of our kids looked at her and was like what in the world is wind mom and my wife Kelsey was like I have no idea why wind exists what are we feeling so I went over and I asked she was like ask Bryson and so I asked him and something to do with atmospheric pressures and all that colliding and but answer yeah just a just a piggyback on what you’re saying it’s like he he’s yeah curious is an incredible way to put it because he will whether it’s with his golf game that’s that’s another thing you told me early on is like look I’m here I’m I’m trying to be the best player I can be I’m trying to do things for the game that’s never been done I want to figure out the equipment side I want to do all all this but he’s like I just want to figure out more about the golf swing like I want to figure out like everyone every other sport it’s throw it’s shoot um it’s it’s jump it’s pretty self-explanatory thing things and then with golf you get this metal shaft with a lofted club face and this tiny sere white golf ball and you’re supposed to hit it 300 yards within a 20 you know 20 yard wide Fairway and then hit it on the green blah blah blah he’s one of his uh one of his biggest things going forward is just figuring out more about that that’s why you see him with the sports box people on the Range and he’s like I want to know when I hit it right is my pelvis you know is is my is my pelvis a few degrees this way is it my right knee isn’t my left shoulder like most of us are like okay let’s get a stronger grip and I’m going to chicken wing this thing through and but he’s like no I’m going to find out the root cause and um he will get stuck on those things until he figures out the answer and that’s part of the reason why he’s as good as he is I I mean I feel like as you know playing on the PJ tour I feel like there’s two types of personalities that fit pretty well either like you’re extremely smart and you kind of know why you’re doing all these things or you want to be like extremely stupid and like not know anything where are you do you Middle Ground well the middle ground is really dangerous you’re like you know enough to to be dangerous but for you I I feel like you’re you’re a smarter human being than me but CAD for you and I feel like you almost try to take the approach of like he tries to D it down yeah is that true tried to yeah I I feel like I either have to go Bryson mode or I have to feel like I’m just like dumb in the head to and I’ve taken the more like yeah just not even going to think about it because being in between is just like the worst it’s literally the worst you got to you got to pick one extreme or the other um Greg I I had one more thing and this was one of the more popular points that were talked about last week at Pinehurst and it’s Bryson’s interactions and one of my buddies who worked in the golf industry for more than a decade is out of the golf industry now he went out on Thursday and he sent me a text he goes one of the things it stood out to me is how robotic the pro golfers appear to be and by robotic he means the way they go about their process they kind of walk with their head down there’s not a lot of emotional you know UPS or Downs to Andrew’s Point earlier about the way people think it it all kind of looks like everybody’s kind of trying to be tiger light in that sense and then you get this Bryce and the Shambo dude who’s smiling and he’s trash talking you and he’s high-fiving players he’s got a Sharpie in his back pocket he’s signing stuff mid round and I would been I’ve really been thinking about this the last couple days Greg about how that’s probably such a way to get out of the environment for a moment does do you think that’s an extreme benefit to Bryson where he isn’t just serious for five hours where he can smile at a fan or give the fan [ __ ] when they’re yelling at him about trying to drive 13 like do you think it’s really beneficial to his mindset on the golf course for that long yeah I think it’s as simple as this like it’s easiest to be your own self and that’s exactly who Bryson is I bet Bryson is muzzling 90% of the things that he wants to do out there when like if it was if it was up to him he would just be like he’d be like Happy Gilmore volume two and just like uh so for him I think what’s relieving is like he’s tried to beat someone different than he is and it does that’s that’s exhausting it’s it’s exact that’s what’s fun about working with him is I can be myself he can be him his to me like as cool as he tries to act sometimes like and I include myself in this like we’re both just kind of a couple dorks that um and is just happens to be one of the best golfers in the world that hits at 360 down the middle on most shots and thinks things through more than anyone and so I think that’s what you’re seeing with him and in his YouTube like YouTube’s not like what’s changed people’s perception it’s just as like a uh it’s just a direct look into who he is as a person like without like you see how he acts in YouTube matches that’s who Bryson is like at the core and he lets it out every once in a while on the on the course and say like please don’t boo me or whatever and all this crazy stuff um but I think that’s been really a big part of kind of like his way of getting back into having people understand who he is is just literally being himself that’s that’s it’s exhausting trying to be someone I’ve seen that before cuz like I got paired with him and Rory remember I was an alternate Riviera like I was actually staying with you that week yeah and uh I saw the tea time coming I’m like oh crap I’m playing I was going from not in the field just doing squats like oh no I ended up actually beating both of them but I remember Bryson I remember like he he was getting so mad I mean he was hitting it all over the place and his driver was causing him issues and I remember we got on number nine and my caddy said something to him like Bryson you GNA try to swing hard at this one and he got up there and he’s like oh man like as like a little like a like a kid like kid in a candy store he’s like oh I’m going to smash this one and he starts doing all these big fast practice swings I’m like Brea breathing deep yeah breathing deep and I’m like what is happening right now like you know but like that’s who he kind of I felt like he was playing bad he miss the cut and then like his true self kind of came out and he had fun he smashed it 400 yards but way right but he was like I don’t know I was like this is incredible this is like one of the best golf over there he’s probably mway I couldn’t believe it like I’m trying to act like you know Mr cool guy cuz I’m playing with these you know Rory Bryson and I see Bryson do that I’m just like wow like people aren’t who they always think they are like in the inside the ropes it’s probably like if he doesn’t start if he doesn’t engage with fans and have conversations and like say weird funny stuff like he probably has to direct his energy somewhere else like he’s not going to be stoic so it’s like either I’m going to Rage or I’m G to just be super Goofy and like talk to everyone and be like kind of a weirdo and that’s that’s what I love about him too because like I said that’s um you know I I see myself a little bit the same way in that regard as well but for for him uh yeah it’s like he he he’s even said like I can’t I can’t I’m not I can’t just like hold it in like I think he has so much emotion and uh passion that he’s got to it’s got to manifest some way and luckily he’s played a lot of golf and there’s been a lot of times where like golf hasn’t been great and like he takes that seriously too and it’s not like he’s just happy gol lucky all the time I’ll tell him I’m like get out get it out of your system like say what you got to say do what you got to do but like until we get like going throughout the round I always just remind them like dude no no rear room mirror like we you can be as mad as you want Even after the round we’ll have some bad rounds I’ll tell them I’m like dude just go hit your driver as hard as you can for 20 minutes straight or your seven iron and like he’ll literally like he’ll do that sometimes and he’ll be like dude 202 ball speed I’m like dude that’s freaking awesome like what we sh I don’t remember what we shot yeah you’re not mad I remember in uh at the Saudi International it was he uh we shot like 73 it was like it was so bad like I did such a bad job he wasn’t playing good like got so many bad breaks and he just went to the range after the round he just hammered balls for 30 minutes then he felt better and he got like 205 206 ball speed and he was like dude that’s sick and I’m like yeah that was really cool and then he just like worked on his game for 10 minutes and we walked off uh Greg I I this has been great this has been amazing you’re you’re you’re incredible to chat with I’ve been uh I was impressed with you on the bag and I’ve been very impressed with you on the mic I got to ask you this Bryson makes the putt to win the US Open and he’s going ape [ __ ] on the green how nervous were you for the hug cuz you know that big guy’s coming your way yeah I’m I mean I’m I’m 64 two 220 so I can you’re not worried about it I got you yeah no man that was you know obviously he went on live a couple times last year but like the last you know you I I caty ftoni and has win in 2016 and then you know had won a couple times with Bryson um but yeah that was to that was a very that was a very meaningful week last week and I’ve had a lot going on in my life last year or two a lot of good a lot of great things and a lot of tough things and Bryson’s just been it’s been unbelievable how it’s all worked out and just kind of like the friend that he’s become to me and how well he treats me um the relationship we have and then just for him to play well and win a major and just kind of be on the track he’s on right now it’s just it’s hard hard to imagine and so I knew he was coming in hot like I said luckily I got a little meat behind me too and but same time I was uh I was just I couldn’t believe what it you know it felt like 30 minutes before we were down by two on the 13th D and it was I’m a very half full positive guy and I was like man this is going to be difficult and like we just need to we need to like play really good golf and hope that Rory doesn’t go off and because if Rory’s up two and he goes off we can’t catch him and right luckily it all it all worked out the way it did I feel bad for you know I like Harry a lot obviously Rory’s like I said he’s going to be one of the bests ever play um but that it essentially came down to 18 Roy had his pitch shot from short of the green and Bryson had his bunker shot and Roy didn’t get it up and down and Bryson did and that was that was the difference so that’s what you you hope for in those situations is Bryson earned it and Roy you know acknowledge that and uh but it probably won’t be the last time that those two guys kind of go Toe to Toe you know on the back nine of a major Andrew you got anything else for Greg pretty good I gotta give a shout out to I got I gotta give a shout out Andrew though I I I constantly remind him of this and he probably doesn’t want to take credit but I don’t know how many people know that I started catting with Andrew when we were when he was a rookie on the corn fairies so Andrew and I are cousins and we always talked about like me cading for him growing up you know I CAD for him in the US Junior when we’re both like 14 years old and had CAD for and all the am stuff and so uh obviously I had to do my part and I couldn’t suck at what I do or else I was never going to move forward in my career as a caddy but Andrew was the Gateway and so big shout out to Andrew for getting me into the loop as far as as a c goes after like a 5% retainer you know would have been yeah I know hey if I let you go out of this contract yeah after the first that was that was a that was honestly one of my more fun years catting is that first year even though it was a grind and you know the is a great tour but there’s also it’s not quite what you all imagine professional golf to be but it’s fun to share that year with him and uh and just it’s crazy that 12 you know 10 12 years later that Andrew’s still doing this thing and I’m still still catting somehow some way but it’s it’s all worked out really in a cool way Andrew how was Greg as your caddy was he was he dialed was he was he locked in like did he did he have any miscues did he miss club club you a couple times ear you can you can be honest for sure uh no he was pretty good I mean we were both pretty raw professionally back then I mean my temper was a little shorter y Greg had some funny quirks about him he wasn’t his laidback I remember him like charging ahead looking for the ball he just was a little more just back then but I think we both chilled out a little over the last 12 years yeah it was the it was the blind leading the blind that year for sure but you played some good golf and uh yeah it was it was a learning experience but it was a fun one just having a familiar face uh you know I I probably would have never caded on the corn fairy if it wasn’t for someone you know that I was close with or had you know family with but yeah we were both it was rough I do remember I look at some of my old yardage books and I’m like oh my gosh I was giving you nothing out there like I was not prepared but it was a learning process for both of us yeah Greg the the first time I cadd I remember it was Thursday like opening round and I’m watching the other caddies walking off spots and I was thinking I’m like what the hell are these guys doing and it took me till I think till Saturday to realize they’re walking off the next day’s whole location and and then I then I realized Sunday is the easiest day to be a caddy because you don’t have to pick about the next day exactly I don’t even have the chance to do that I don’t even have the chance to do that which is like kind of stinks but it’s also kind of nice because I’m over there trying to grind to figure out if it’s down in across at one and a half% at the 30 or 45 degree angle or whatever to where I’m like I’ve completely given up on that and I’m like as long as I just do my job that I’m there for at the time I’ll we got pin sheets so that works good enough for me y fire sweatshirt by the way Greg just absolute fire unbelievable AUST Hood the full full subtle green um listen next year you’re at the Masters 2025 Masters you’re leading by two on Sunday you’re at the tournament practice facility and Bryson looks over and says I’m thinking about a new head what does what does Greg say back would stick with what got us here just go with whatever Bri I mean at that point in time you got to just go with what the boss wants and if he thinks that it’s better for a new head at least he doesn’t have that veto power Shane I know in the I was in the media center when he said that I tried to act like I gave him a hard time but it’s definitely true like I’m I kind of see myself as like his little bumpers for bowl like at a bowling alley but in between those bumpers like Bryon obviously he’s going to do whatever he wants to do and for good reason he’s earned it and he’s the you know he’s a good enough player and um to yeah I don’t I don’t try to act like I have any sort of that power I’m just happy to be along for the ride well we we appreciate it Greg thanks for the chat thanks so much for the Insight congrats again on the great week it was so much fun to watch and Andrew play well this week have some fun not a the Wi-Fi was incredible you must be at a hotel you got to be you got to be do hotel this week resident in we’re good to go this week this is the Connecticut Wi-Fi you know it’s going to work uh thank you guys so much for listening we appreciate it we’ll be back next week to recap Andrew’s week at The Travelers uh Greg thanks again for the time and we’ll check back with you guys soon thanks so much sounds good thanks it


  1. Just an amazing interview with Bodine. Nice to see Bryson tearing up at LIV presser today and hard to think any of its act after hearing from Greg today. …..LIV tour for the fans better have a lot of water and Bryson approved sunscreen given the expected heat wave.

  2. Question for Greg…. Was there any discussion on Sunday during the round about using a 3 wood instead of driver since you weren't hitting many fairways with the new driver head?

  3. Who cares about the putt it happens all the time. The announcers are horrible cause they don’t point that out . Plus they are hoping and bias to Rory winning. Imagine the American announcers rooting against American . Rory disrespected the entire U S Open and Pinehurst when left like a child.

  4. That was a great interview. So he used to caddy for Finau? Now Bryson has 5 years exemptions to all the majors and 10 years at the US Open. The guy is set if he stays with Bryson.

    About the driver head, it wasn't just a new one, it was also different loft? WTF? That sounds like a brain fart right there.

  5. Bryson is 100% correct about sunscreen. Even the slightest digging into the research shows a far more complex story than we’ve been told. The sun is one of the most important necessities for good health and we’ve been brainwashed to be frightened of it 🤦🏼‍♂️

  6. That bunker now must be known and referred to as "Bryson's Bunker". Pinehurst needs to put a plaque at the entrance to it with that on it.

  7. Great interview, loved the insights. I was lucky enough to meet Gbo at LIV Adelaide and he was exactly like this super friendly, down to earth and even thanked me for volunteering 😊

  8. On the driver, the new head was a different loft. (edited… shoot yall went right to the source!😂)

  9. Craig has to be one of the most discerning caddies ever to handle BD. My hats off to him for giving one of the best wins ever. What a crowd favorite!

  10. This will always be one of my favorite golf youtube videos. What a great interview!

  11. Bryson's win was nothing short of epic. But I was really disappointed that Rory left early, Bryson deserved more respect and recognition from someone I'd categorise as his respectful peer, but not anymore. As for Greg Bodine, his stock has just gone through the roof! What an awesome person!

  12. Rory belongs in LIV what are they waiting for? This just shows how bad PGA commissioner is for PGA players. Rory has a chance to make 800 million plus offer move forward and on.

  13. For some reason I just thought of an off topic issue that Bryson may have a hard time finding a wife because he is so driven to be knowledgeable and a perfectionist that what person can measure up and be able to hold her own in a typical conversation. And more importantly figure out relationship and a women’s mind which can be unattainable. Unless this perfect woman is so chill and understanding, he will be the most frustrated he has ever experienced.

  14. Shane and Andrew……That was a Great Podcast. Absolutely well done. Great discussions and insights! NEW Subscriber NOW! Take Care, Guys!

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