Golf Players

Fixing the weight transfer in the golf swing

Do you struggle with transferring your weight in the golf swing??

Weight transfer is a key movement to control the club path and low point of the golf swing. There are a number of reasons golfer’s struggle with this and this video covers some common mistakes golfers make with the help of GOLFTEC’s new optimotion 3D technology.

Stay tuned in the video for a drill you can do at the range or at home to help get the correct feel for the right leg movement and weight shift in the golfswing.

Nick Taylor is coaching at GOLFTEC in Singapore, currently Nick coaches 3000+ lessons per year awarding him with International Coach of the Year at GOLFTEC in 2021 & 2023.

Nick is a British PGA member since 2009 and aims to make the golf game easier and simpler for you to understand by giving clear and concise advice, no mumbo jumbo just straight facts!

hi golfers Nick here from Golf Tech Singapore in today’s video we’re going to take a look at the right leg the right knee the right ankle movement in the golf swing using this water bottle to help your golfers out there play better goal first up we’re going to take a look at kind of one of the common mistakes I see here in the bay at Golf Tech in relationship to how the right leg moves and how that affects your ability to turn and shift the weight in the goal swing this is very common see this day in day out here in the bay we’re going to be talking about this and what you should do and a drill to help you improve this so the common issues I see in the back swing with the golfer be increasing their knee Flex their right knee Flex so in the back swing they would increase their knee Flex in the back swing this restricts how much your hip can turn the best golfers will have some straightening I’m not saying you should lock it but you should definitely straighten some degrees in the back swing this would help you turn and tilt your hips and tilt your shoulders and turn them so this is important movement in the back swing we shouldn’t see this knee increase its flex and we shouldn’t definitely not see the hip move to the right in the top of the back swing here so we’re going to take a look at that on the optim motion later we’re going to be looking at how the right leg should move in the back swing then the next issue I see is in the down swing that golfer that loads their right knee too much would then keep flexing it and twist their right heel back that does a couple of things it moves the low point a bit further back and it also moves the path out to in so I’m going to try and replicate the issue I see we’ll take a look at it later on the optimotion just to show you guys what’s actually happening there but this would be example of a golfer that would bend their knee too much in the back swing trying to loading their right side and then they would spin their right heel back in the down swing let’s give this a again so I kind of lost my balance there spun back my path there move like I said it’s going to move out to in because for two reasons one because I’ve not turned my hips very much in the back and the second reason would be I’ve not shifted my weight in the down swing so those two things move the path out to in my attack angle is actually 0.1 down so definitely not down enough for my speed that I’m swinging out there you’d want to be about 3 to 4° down with a 79 now I’m going to try and move my right leg differently in the back swing I’m going to try and allow it to straighten a little bit so this like I mentioned earlier is going to help me rotate my hips then as I come down I’m going to really try and push off with my right leg try not to Flex it too much in the down swing kind of really push off it have some Bend as I come through but not too much and see if I can get this right foot to push off my weight onto my left side earlier in the down swing so this would be an example of what should happen so we should have more turn probably create more speed because of that as well so the strike felt a little different you can see the shot on the screen there just slightly push to the right but you’ll take it so pitched yeah round 1 50 yards so that one was 3° into out which is a pretty good path there for 79 and my attack angle was going down 4° different sound different strike uh different result so that’s kind of what should happen now we’re going to take a look at these movements and then later I’m going to show you a drill that helps golfers here in the bay improve their golf we can talk through the differences in the swing there using Golf Tech optimotion like I’ve used this before my other videos this is the way that we measure the golf swing here at golf T so I’m going to use that to help you golfers understand I understand that a lot of you don’t have access to this data but hopefully it gives you an idea of what actually should happen hopefully you can translate that into a field that’s going to help you play later on we’re going to show you a drill to show you how you should practice this at home as well now taking a look at the differences here between that first swing and the second swing first of all in the original go swing the first one which was the kind of the POR a golfer that swings out to in we could see that if you watch the the trace is here on the ankle the knee and the hip how they move backwards also my knee bends more so I increase my knee Flex from around 18° at setup to around 30° I also move the center of my hips about 2.2 in away from the Target that also restricts my hip turn as well so I don’t quite get more than about 38° of hip turn even though I’m trying to turn it’s restricting my hip turn as I go back now in the um a normal swing in my kind of standard go swing I would allow this right leg to straighten so it goes from around 14° of Bend to around 4° I’m not locking it straight don’t get into the don’t think I’m telling you to straighten your leg dead straight here just allow it to straighten some degree here so it goes from say 14 to four in the back swing on the good swing that also keeps my hips very centered the circle here that’s measuring the center of my hips hardly moves you don’t see any line there whereas in the original swing with the POR golfer that line Trace appears cuz I’m moving my hips too far away from the target as we come down we start to get this purple line in the bad swing there the outer in the first one I did you can see how this purple Trace starts to move backwards by the time I hit the golf ball my hips are about 3 in away from the Target and this is where you’ll see my right heel start to kind of twist back I’ve also got more knee Bend than where I started over 30° and knee Bend at impact so that’s affecting my ability to shift my weight to the left side at impact here you’d expect the best golfers to be around 3° of hip sway towards the Target in the down swing that helps them keep that path coming from the inside and hit that low point in front of the golf ball in the better swing there you’ll see how I’ve shifted you can see how this leg is a bit straighter my knee Bend’s not quite got back to where it was at setup but it’s about 8° Bend compared to 30 on the porous swing and then as we continue through to the Finish you’ll see how this purple Trace will move forward on the good swing and it will start to move back on the porous ring so by the time I finish I’ve got about 6.1 in away of hips way in the bad swing that’s the one that comes out to in potentially hits the ground behind the ball and in the better swing there into out low point in front got about 6 and 1/2 degre of hips weight you can see the difference in the right leg you can see the the trace lines we have the yellow which is the back swing movement and then the purple which is the down swing movement so in the better swing you see how that purple Trace moves towards the target so now we’re going to talk about a drill that’s going to help you develop this feel to hit the ball better just need a simple water bottle going to place it just on the outside of my right foot here now we saw in the original swing how U my weight kind of hips shifted to the right in the back swing and then as I came down I didn’t move my hips enough to the left by the time I hit the golf ball like I said that’s going to move the path out to in and low point back and then my heel move back stop me moving my hips through it now helps me turn doesn’t help me shift in the down swing we have to have some lateral shift in the downwing we have to have that combination of rotation but also movement to the left side now with this bottle here I should be able to make my down swing and be nowhere near it by the time I finish so by the time I finish you can see clear daylight there between my foot and that bottle and that’s kind of the feeling that I’ll give goord so first one would be to allow the right leg to straighten this helps you turn your hips and then from there to try and roll the foot inwards towards the target as we go through you see the number one player in the world do this he actually slides his foot back for various reasons to do with kind of trying to keep his turns a bit closed but we’re just talking about the low point today and the uh path to some degree here then in the back swing we’re going to allow that leg to straighten somewhat I’m going to roll it inwards try and make sure I can hit this ball first then the ground see if we can get that that low point in front and get that path coming from the inside so this would be the drill so allow the right leg to straighten and then roll the right foot keep that right leg a bit straighter coming through it’s going to help you kind of push your hips forward as you go through actually hit that pretty well you can see tight draw on the screen there so that path’s going to be coming in a similar path to where I was earlier from inside out so around 3 and 1 12° into out much better result there so that’s the drill that you want to practice allow that right leg to straighten and push away from that bottle and then what I’d suggest you do to start with would be to just make some practice swings I’m just hitting the ground basically on this front line here where my left shoulder would be that’s me kind of get my low point in front of the ball and I’m really feel like I’m pushing off with my right leg here think about the ankle the knee moving inwards we saw earlier the purple line the trace line on the right heel go back it’s no good that’s going to pull that path to the left going to be weaker shots and it’s probably going to hit the ground before the golf ball thanks for watching golfers if you enjoyed the video please give a thumbs up and I’ll see you again next week four another video the most I feel I’m here and you’re not


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