Dan Patrick – Give Tiger A Lifetime Golf Cart Exemption

DAN PATRICK SHOW- Dan reacts to the PGA reportedly giving Tiger Woods a special lifetime sponsor exemption which allows him to play in signature events without qualifying, why tiger’s value is still crucial for the Tour, if he can ever win another tournament, if he should accept the offer, and why the PGA should allow Tiger to use a golf cart to go with his exemption.

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but they are great at what they do Steve Kerr talked about you know nobody said Michael Jordan was a good guy he’s just you know iconic best player of all time or people might criticize Tiger Woods and who he is as a person but as a golfer it’s different Oh by by the way do you see where tiger got an ex uh exceptional Lifetime Achievement exemption they they created this sounds like you’re making this up no it’s a special sponsor exemption for Tiger Woods based on quote his exceptional Lifetime Achievement so this came out Tuesday night the sponsor’s exemption would be available for Tiger to compete in the eight Signature Events which features limited Fields increased prize money you know you’re awesome when you have companies and leagues make up new rules to keep you involved yes how do we get tiger in and make sure he gets to play how about we just give him a I don’t know exceptional Lifetime Achievement exemption Adam Silver sure Adam Silver’s gonna do this no this is what the uh what Roger gell does with you know the commissioner’s exemp list you’re like wait what was that I don’t know I just made it up that’s the opposite that’s the exclusion list this is the inclusion list but um so the policy board considering implementing a 36 whole cut in each of the Signature Events but uh the board took no action and we’ll continue to discuss the topic because if you want tiger in it you want to make sure he’s there for the weekend you want to make sure that he’s healthy enough and see the only thing I worry about is when he doesn’t play well and then he’s got to play two more rounds I love seeing him play it’s just I’d like to see him enjoy playing and I haven’t seen that as much because he can’t be tiger I mean he could be competitive he can’t be competitive for four four rounds I don’t think healthwise but to be able to see him and look the TV networks benefit greatly I mean Tiger’s at the US Open not playing well but hey Will tiger make the cut um well unless he has a hole in one on the par 4 18th no he’s probably not going to make the cut but you know we’re fixated on Tigers still and now he gets his lifetime achievement exemption yes Todd is T or should tiger be completely uh comfortable with that as terms of if he didn’t earn if someone like Tiger Woods and so competitive I didn’t make the cut I and I’m still going to play satday and Sunday when I have basically no chance to win I’m just kind of being used for lack of a better word as a pawn to get the ratings to the best possible number that they see me on the course s and I have no business being out here at plus n but uh I’m going to continue playing he wants to qualify because they have that uh I don’t know the money that’s at stake but you have to play enough competitive golf and uh you know I think he got like a $100 million got 100 million for staying on the PJ tour and then he got the like most influential golfer so he got another whatever how many millions of dollars there it seems like he’s okay with it like I’m I guess I would be okay with it where you go I’m not great anymore but people want to see me I got a new uh clothing line you want have that out there I got my Bridget te sponsorship you know I think I could go yeah all right kind of wink at it you know SE that’s why Tiger’s not a player anymore he’s an ambassador and he you know if the PGA is still probably fighting for survival a great point they need to have their greatest Ambassador out there longer and that’s that’s what that is let’s get him more of a who cares if he’s competitive or not he’s tiger yeah I think it’s a great Point yeah Paulie and I got the the memo of ained by ESPN says um the additional sponsor exemption will be created to recognize Tiger Woods in his own category as a player is reached an exceptional Lifetime Achievement threshold of 80 plus wins so now if you have 80 plus PJ tour wins you will get this exemption but you got to start by being Tiger Woods it would really help nobody else is getting this how about this as long as we’re making up new rules why don’t we just to put tiger in the final force some on Sunday of every major we’ll just Place him in he goes in at like even par and then just good TV how about we do it where nothing that that his score starts to count on the back nine on Sunday Bogies don’t count yeah nothing happened you know all it is is kind of a proam that he gets to play glad hand people and then all of a sudden back none I mean if we’re going to make up rules then let’s do it so and give him a golf cart to drive around here’s a yeah give them two yeah yes Todd and if you are just an ambassador of figurehead just Embrace that role and just introduce the golfers and shake hands and be on the day and don’t play would you pass on this if you’re tiger I think I would I I’ve got all the millions and the fame and everything I didn’t earn it I wonder what the other golfers are saying not that he should care about that but I got a plus 10 and why am I I have never run into somebody who said the following I got enough money I got enough money I don’t need anymore just stop yeah Warren Buffett hasn’t he goes to work every day but if you were a great player and they put you on the All-Star team every year and you can’t hit a shot for your life dependent on it you have no way of contributing significantly to what’s going on on the east or west team or the national league or American League but you’re who you were used to be so let’s find a spot for in The Dugout if I offered you more money and you only had to work three days would you take that is that what this is Tiger I don’t know what the the monitor I’m just asking you I think anybody would no no just you more money to work less yeah she only have to work three days special treatment I probably wouldn’t because I would be concerned about how it affected everyone else and how I would be perceived and if I enjoy what I’m doing I don’t know I’m not working from home a couple days a week we’ve all been there where like maybe a day or two where you can kind of work out I’m just saying I’ve given you a special exemption a lifetime achievement exemption the greatest Booker in the history of booking but is that the the same I don’t know if that’s the same thing as what we’re talking about with tiger what’s the best I can do that you you don’t have to show up for every event like tiger doesn’t there’s just certain ones so that’s your 3 days a week special treatment I guess I would take that anyone anyone in their right mind would take no no no I just ask you what about us you’re not going to come in I thought you wanted to earn it I would contribute from the road I guess from my from my wherever I would be the same I’m on vacation somewhere I B the guest from a boat some morale would not be the same it would not be the same have to get old yeah it’s like there’s a reason billionaires never retire cuz it’s fun making a ton of money yeah then all of a sudden it’s like hey look at uh old you know old Jimmy whatever he’s 85 years old still goes to the office every day he you know what he’s stepping back at 85 taking a less active day-to-day role but he’s still involved Satan brings up a great Point Tiger’s value to the PJ tour especially now is so important because of the live tour that Rory is not living up to what we had hoped hadn’t won a major in 10 years just melted down lost to Bryson D Shambo you need tiger you need tiger at these events Signature Events ratings you want to have sponsorships you want to raise the prize money and I understand it um I could understand if Tiger goes I don’t want special treatment I think tiger knows he needs special treatment to be able to still be able to play but I would give him a golf cart I mean if you’re going to go this far if you’re going to give him a special lifetime exemption than give him a special lifetime golf cart just so he can get around because you can see he can somebody who’s played golf with him said to me oh he’s fine swinging the golf club it’s getting to the shot to swing the golf club that’s it I talked to his caddy before I talked to Joe and Joe I said you know what how is he he goes oh when he wants to swing I mean he’s still tiger it’s just everything else that leads up to it it’s really he labors getting up to these shots it’s almost a relief when you get to the ball but people want to see him networks want to showcase him and the fact that the PJ tour gave him a100 million to basically be a PGA Tour player a loyalty fee I okay so now they’re going to create this for him all right I’m fine with that I’m I’m okay


  1. Maybe if Tiger had been competitive the last number of years. I just hope he knows when to hang it up if he's looking foolish out there.

  2. Good for him!! I’m happy for this lifetime achievement exemption! 🎉🎉🎉💪🏾😀👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾❤

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