Golf Babe

*Golf Clash*, Opening round – Master – Summer Heat Tournament!

Hey guys and gals,

Summer Heat Tournament, Opening round, Master!

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[Music] [Music] get some booms in the shot everybody [Music] Bo [Music] be sure to hit that thumbs up button that would be very kind [Music] [Music] get in the hole [Music] boom don’t forget to subscribe and follow the channel everybody e Bo some get some boom fing everybody sure to hit that thumbs up button that would be very kind get in the everybody don’t I [Music] get in the hole [Music] [Music] [Music] be sure to hit that thumbs up button that would be very kind hello everybody and welcome to today’s stream oh God we have people one bet on Twitch it completely missed that oh God guys get some uh get some Betsy in there I’m going to bet some as well ah thank you everybody for being here it was a while ago that I stream people may be thinking that i’ you know completely completely quit not so yet glad to be back though has been um yeah last week was last week but uh this like Amelia had had a cold and sore throat and fever at the end of last week and you know obviously I’m going to catch that happy Midsummer to you all as well Midsummer is uh here in Sweden is the largest holiday of the Christmas it’s a very big holiday um and here I’m sitting here and why do I sit here and why I’m not free it’s because I love you guys but I don’t have my kids and um then I don’t have anything planned this this go and also not being 100% this uh maybe not going to be the best uh best guess guess guest guest guest glad to see so many of you um we are going to play one round of M I played two rounds yesterday and I was always on Fridays is all about IR ironing out uh those more in detailed tweeks very proud of the team as for usual Waterfield SS Super difficult course in general and uh we I think we have really gotten ourselves um a very good set of shots here and Matthew hey bu thank you so much hope your stream went well with Paul thanks bro M ta Big Rob hey bud thank you Ben thank you so much appreciate it Grant thank you I’m going to do my best as here hey body Jens thank you for good luck appreciate the gets thank you so much appreciate to thank you uh thank you everybody appreciate that welcome to everyone on Twitch as well Andrew I’m doing well thank you how are you everybody at the bar get important notice right how many minutes do we have six more minutes to place your bed I’m going to do a practice actually everybody at the bar again you stop ball ma thanks bro appreciate that that sucks to hear or like not for you maybe but I mean being the only one not being sick when the kids and the wife being sick just means that you’re going to be sick it’s a matter of time I guess morning up to First 8 tournament will play this year good luck cheers M thank you so much yeah definitely some uh up and down in the community about this with 18 old tournaments all the time and uh I mean r at the moment there isn’t really much more work as we’re not doing the qualifying round um so can’t really I mean the Thursday is a little bit long for me that that is actually so um so yeah I mean if they do like like I said to everyone that have been reaching out asking about it it’s like uh let’s put this way like if they do 18 on tournaments all the time there’s obviously going to be some changes um there’s definitely going to be some changes to uh to uh the way we produce the content doesn’t necessarily mean that it has to be negative but it’s going to be changes for sure you know it’s so funny I played the whole last day like basically and then today going in you’re feeling so Rusty waiter thank you I don’t know if I saw said thank you to you but appreciate it but we will see like um what’s going to happen like next week it’s um a friendlier tournament I think that tournament like honestly that tournament could actually be quite fun with for four solo one or stuff like that uh but we’ll see we will make some sort of an announcement on uh Sunday on what we’re going to do next week obviously to be expected that uh we may or may not do a qualifying round guide as that would be outside the amount of work that we do during a 9 cup week but might be a little bonus stuff there we’ll see John K thank you so much oh go away don’t say don’t say all right see if we do have the pool here though in uh I actually swapped to a sniper bag on one account yesterday that’s Su balls [Music] for [Music] don’t [Music] say all right I need that left though in that angle that’s good it was like just into yellow but high winds decided not do anything there wrong though Tomy doesn’t want to pay overtime pay yeah that I know Mark is just full of [ __ ] anyway no jokes aside though um obviously I mean for full transparency the biggest thing is um everyone is obviously scheduled on everyone is scheduled a specific schedule and uh when stuff being shaken up I mean that I I can’t take for granted that everyone’s going to be available all of a sudden some extra time which is I mean um just how it is in normal life too if someone is changing up a uh a schedule then you know can’t just I can’t just go in a point with my whole hand saying now you going to have to do this as well and also the second part is like obviously if I have budget to pay for a certain amount of content and then all of a sudden I’m going to add on onethird more in terms of content that I’m going to have to pay for someone has to pay for that and so it’s either to in a very Rocky situation to ask the people that paying for the guide to pay for the extra time which obviously is the way to go in the future if that continues or that we are producing the content that is Promised or that I’m doing it myself because then it’s just my time and I don’t have to pay for my extra time so but we’ll see what happens we’ll see what happens um it’s definitely not that we’re not going to we have like’s put this way we have an amazing team amazing people and we have um big team as well which means that we are definitely able to do Chang and transitions but it’s not something that we can do overnight so it’s going to take some time a lot of discussion stuff like that I wish that you Heather because that’s probably the most frustrating thing that they are can I say uh that they’re not telling [ __ ] it pisses me off greatly pisses me off LLY that they I mean it’s not just from a guy perspective right like because they obviously don’t care about us making guides which is fine I mean I get that I don’t expected either but for the players that are playing the game that are that truly just want to uh schedule their life because they do take tournaments seriously that might that might come as a surprise for people that don’t take uh tournament seriously but just have the courtesy to say like okay this is the schedule for the month or for the week I know Garett thank you so much Ruan up Tommy thank for sum buddy John thank you for about 43 appreciate that gang thank you so much okay I’m going to saay with the same ball here going to do that opening round still I shot the 36 and 39 yesterday can I been in any shape or form get myself up there today I’m going to be super happy there are some holes I’m going to spend a little practice on there’s some holes that I’m not going to spend any practice on and on walk field Suns uh some holes are somewhat practice dependent I would say um where it’s going to be a little bit more lucky obviously just going in after a practice or no practice so we’ll see but let’s do do our very best let’s do our very best all night long no problem I can take when I’m G yeah that’s going to good stuff don’t glitch R please that’s fine should be able to play the same shot [Music] though thank you to thank you thank for you do for com thank you it’s shocking from business perspect not informing clients of changes that will affect them yeah it’s like for anyone like I run a very very very small business compared to what they do I mean but even I form about things you know no more free entry also you know they’re getting greedy I mean I think we have had plenty of free interest in the past so can’t really blame them for that that’s me my opinion though Mike but I think there should be a free entry every tournament because play Demi does play demic makes money on the balls it’s my understand standing um more people playing because they don’t have to pay the entry then good okay focus go not the best Guardian shot I’ve done I say then dead nuts I have a very bad feeling about that all right good okay so here I felt I had the same type of wind angle and I did one click left they announced SC schedule maintainance 10 days ahead of time but can clue us on yeah it is waiter it is I honestly I hope that now with announcing the maintenance because you know if we’re just taking that type of information out of the whole context it’s great of them announcing the maintenance ahead of time but like now apply out on other things too it doesn’t hurt it’s better to say that we’re going to do this and if they decid to change something just make another post and say like okay something has come up we decided to change this to that I mean it’s not but I remember I talked to pmic Representatives back in 2021 2020 and they were very vocal about that they they had to be very very very much better on communicating thank you m thank you for the booms everyone open up your gold bags no one wants any gold BS then on Twitch it’s Midsummer so it’s double gold BS on every draw 20 gold PS for everyone open up your gold PES and I do apologize for my voice and stuff and coughing and everything I something go it no I’m not going to no I’m okay something here I mean I’m still I’m still getting that one in the pris anyway so it’s uh thank you heather is there any country out there besides Sweden that celebrate Midsummer do you all shoot fireworks or anything Midsummer some maybe do but in my within my relatives and stuff like that then uh no um basically the the biggest Swedish tradition on Midsummer is that you’re basically eating the same food that you do on Christmas and um then you have this um what it’s called it’s called midm like a midm tree is I don’t know how else to explain it to be honest uh and uh then you kind of dance around to that for some sweet songs and stuff but I don’t do we don’t do those those type of things we are very light in terms of um the way we celebrate and what’s the best hold back to use free trial ball uh let me just look real quick I mean there is quite a few though I would say I would go um no not actually I would go 10 10 I mean it could go 11 too with it uh but probably depending on how aggressive you want to go but I would probably go 15 14 sorry 14 um yeah oh nice thank you for explaining guys appreciate it finish mate thank you so much and two let’s go need practice here guys I’ll L it’s not often that I’m deliberately not deliberate but being okay with a replay but on this whole it hopefully shouldn’t matter y thank you so much [Music] on the V probably the worst combination I could get here was he um okay I made the right col [Music] man hello guys good like op money for me vi gave me gave me option switch from Boris also a good guy hope we I think both guys are really good rcho there’s so nothing bad in having uh having both but I appreciate you trying our stuff out uh and yeah the guy the format is uh completely different for sure never hesitate to reach out if you need any assistance okay I’m definitely here to help to man thank you so much yeah and thank you everybody that do try out our guys and play play our shots it’s very appreciate makes us very happy what happened there then oh no I missed that oh hold three I dropped this one for the first time in my gold Clash career yesterday and if that’s the only drop that I’m getting I will take it we’re going to oh open up your gold pack then sorry guys Green Eggs and Z hey guys do want to support the channel you can subscribe for free on YouTube also click the har button on Twitch follow Channel means a lot also thumbs up if you enjoy the content for those that do want to try out our premium guides the ultimate tournament guides give yourself a chance to send it on a couple of holes give yourself the chance to just have a a little bit more fun time than normal competing Tommy and hair is black when blue give it a let’s go uh so yes I I get I get that question obviously every day now about the amount of tournaments but what is everyone else’s thought about 18 old like if it would be that we would be getting 180 tournaments every single uh every single week I don’t think we will though is my thought I think they will revert back next season that’s my maybe I hope maybe I hope like my hope is too much or whatever but at least uh I I think so so but what’s everyone’s thought about that very very weirdly put question Maybe list in the Mighty B oh yeah H three let’s see if we can’t have a sniff at that albow going one to for it’s a slow need man sit sit well done you idiot oh can’t hit great R especially not with slow needle how will we oh poop I would hope and I don’t have the either hi okay H and we don’t have that either all right let’s see what we can do then interesting God obviously that’s the risk you take in a stuff like that 12.3 but I mean a great right is going to be close to the r it’s fine let’s save it though God okay look um question is so how much do I want to push this then I kind of want to push it otherwi it’s going to be a long wedge all right all right I mean with Amazon we would be a bit closer but that’s fine then it’s the season going to finish before next finish or send by 8 hours uh based on what Ben said in the video Martin um it’s um I don’t know it’s say if said it flat out I kind of interpreted it that the tournament will end after the season ends so the next tournament will actually count towards points in the in the season after all right oh this is quite long longer than I thought okay so f going to get that last one so I’m going to do okay need of that honestly thank God for EB school um okay so tell me have changed to the offroad I thought you were all repping the since I got Offroad max level um I uh went to um offro yeah honestly though that that was kind of like an anti climax or something like that it was uh I was hoping to get an opportunity but uh King win don’t hit great right that’s but again though it’s a pretty simple save there it says in the C tip as well to pack the Spitfire and to pack the am I did not pack the Amazon because uh you know I was thinking I was better than what I actually were Dre thanks so much happy meet some summer to you as well I probably just play two eight altern see I just choose the better ones and avoid things like the increased win I think that’s going to be the norm for for players in general Heather I think that’s a smart way of going about it Adam I don’t I mean I mean I memory like a goldfish thank you for stopping by appreciate it hopefully the moving going well yeah that that’s pretty impressive I mean anything above minus 20 with a phone in my opinion or just I can’t imagine play on a phone you know compared to the size on the iPad it’s it’s impressive I changed the opener when it is level seven i’ actually a lot more Top Spin than the yeah the Top Spin is actually really helpful I think you want me all right so we got the eagle on three though that’s definitely not um I mean if if messing up a drive on any hole that’s probably the one to do and to just get the eag I would say anyone watching the Euros and SOA so oh it should be um I don’t know if your name is some the green eggs and some makes me want to say some and it’s all because of you heart see all and see if you have the pull angle for the [Music] day [Music] no but I do have another prce I could argue though do another fight it’s fine this on the problem I can take them when I’m gone good long you know it’s kind of so funny like once again we’re getting replays it’s um for to be better okay 7.2 I might just uh do a little right Cur on that one on two to three to the four all right let’s go live that’s awesome M thank you so much for jining it to me sir Jo happy for you there let’s go did need more TR on your eyes there if you missed left uh let me explain my thought process after I dropped this one some might be an overcompensation if I overcompensate I’m going to miss right we’ll see no all right all right I do I’m going to make a note I do think we need a little tweak Aro for the low wi so Y and my my thoughts here with uh with this hole that is more speed dependent than anything I’m kind of like I kind of thought about this one a little bit early today because I got the question in mess here but I do think that the more speed I come in with with a ball rolling down the hill the more inclined I am to miss left which then would indicate on the 59 side would make him Miss left where in the normal pangle world it would be the opposite so I’m going to have to have a think about that love Al light thank you so much love from Ireland thank you so much I don’t I don’t hope that making a little note though low wind TW foret thanks so much for oh God do I no I’m not going to practice this one but this this is a particular one like I said in the beginning that would most definitely benefit from my practice but I’m not going to do that today I’m not saying I can’t drop it anyway but it’s just that it’s uh a lot of time time consuming pieces okay so we still setting we setting Max with uh all right I remember that now I couldn’t really rage all right Spain was my best from start n times playing I’m not no I m I think that based on how they played yesterday against Italy they were really good definitely if they play that that way they will definitely be a contender otherwise like um I had both France and Portugal as um two of my like okay I think one of them could win but uh now obviously just been been uh been one game so who knows but I didn’t feel like France were that good I think Austria was doing very well against them and Portugal I think Portugal is such a team that will grow into it though um I think Portugal I I like their lineup and obviously they have Cristiano that can I mean I’m not so much of a fan of Cristiano like so but I mean he does the goal goals and undoubtedly one of the best players that we have had in my lifetime in football so oh guys you’re going to get some gold soon sorry thank you everybody for being here was a long time ago I streamed been wild times not Tom me what do you think about Ben’s video about Legend division do you think it will happen oh that’s something we talked about years ago spec speculating in uh eventually it should happen I guess but uh yeah okay we’re not going to do anything here OD um it will be interesting some uh it will um just the so hard to tell what the Yeah but to be fair to Ben though I mean I don’t know if he has some inside stuff or what but Ben has always been very good to present stuff on his videos that I love B to death but sometimes he’s too good in presenting some stuff that it looks so true that it might just be speculation but we’ll see Ben knows more than me if anything no short I think I got some under power on that one I almost time out though so Barry hey ah close now we’re going to send it Franco if no only one I’m leaving you all right yeah just one practice before I go live on this time the next one would be good definitely think I might change the wording too hard on the Top Spin I know I feel I have the unclick on the power but uh um change to to hard spin second sure I think it’s better to do that should not come in short in line so I do think there is a little bit of under power on that one because this ball to me it’s very easy to under power oh well we here we go now we’re going to send it still okay though like missing two missing three missing five it’s kind of like it’s okay I don’t know how many times I’ve been close to timing out and my shot does actually time it happens to me too trust me on that if you had bet on which way would you go to bet on you mean on uh on we’re going to have a Legends one or not oh yeah honestly I I don’t know like that’s very boring answer I know but uh I just uh we just don’t get anything new to the game so it’s kind of like um yeah I know oh Sak let’s end it Eric thank you so much for resubscribing on Prime thank you so much or with prime Travis thanks bud I don’t want a replay but we’ll take it wow oh of course okay hey perfect you all ready for some YOLO let’s go so YOLO oh be good no [ __ ] okay I will take it I didn’t think it was going to be that good this one has been super solid with grace for me I hit perfect yesterday I hit great left and and great right on on the live and still ended up on the green super nice someone told make SE with all nters you know if there TR no wow w a Franco did extremely well here decent though it’s kind of like such a how do you send you that stupid ball then don’t miss wow I do like the tooth Stone most likely so Travis uh nothing 100% decided yet but if we do anything it will just be a bonus um but uh as of scheduled we don’t have anything scheduled more information on Sunday though well on some Fran seems to like to like send he he does and to be fair though he does it extremely well so I rely on him and also brownon when it comes to the sendit because I I can do sendit but uh I think they do really well e I’m playing three rounds today going to be a long day join guys time well done will be able to provide guys every week with a new format um let’s put it this way hor those do want to have first and foremost we are awaiting to hear from play demic what they decide to do but whatever play demic decides to do we will still be here it might be that we have to adapt and change certain things oh wait I can’t s vol how the hell should I yeah I’m going to practice that again that ball was sh I mean a great left may go in maybe not in this angle but in the more cross from angles you may do we will see I mean we’re going to do opening in weekend round like that’s that’s no issues guys but like I said earlier and it’s just for full transparency has nothing to do it’s two things team scheduling because team members have diff we have other Stu plan uh and I can’t expect them to obviously be available when they are planned other things but if something’s being done is going to be someone is doing something kind of pro bono if that that might be the wrong word but the closest I can kind of find like if we’re doing anything in master I will be the one doing that because it’s my time and I my time does not cost anything because I’m not going to I’m not going to say to you know Arnold Frank Brandon or tush or anyone else to say like okay guys I want you to do a qualifying round but I can’t pay for it for the time you’re spending I mean that’s not how it work so but there will definitely be an opening round and a weekend round as per normal I have to charar my airports soon all right let’s hit perfect this time I want to continue the streaks of two over be man for hell there yeah I’m just going to go for it now you can I can’t sit here hitting Gres all times I mean I might actually drop it with a grade anyway so let’s just [Music] go all right let’s go live I just have to rely on on myself you know having the pull angle obviously this is uh quite fun shot in that way where you know a great will still have a chance but perfect should obviously have the best chance oh in between there going do let’s see I might didn’t get the three there to be fair so Rocky wonky everything though no clue could have gone with that nextra one nice sh this one you know dropping the dropping all the part threes on the front line and um defin I mean two should be a drop um other two can be a bit finicky if you get uh if you’re not finding good spot trying to find a really good spot here it’s nice open up your GO bags okay so whole eight I’m going to do a couple of practices here um okay I’m going to [Music] um it’s going to shake one thing about the 5.8 spyic uh yeah St out don’t uh uh how much will the change to the balls affect guide mates when the wind ups will be affected in terms of that they have to kind of recode and add some things but FR guide Mak is not going to change anything it’s just going to be called differently like uh win five ball is going to be called a win 10 ball so it’s just um I think there’s obviously going to be some confusion sometimes um like at least eventually when um oh eventually when you’re getting um uh balls with the in between stats and such like that okay so I need to think about that then so here it’s the opposite than what I think um I need to cuz this one wants to miss right for me every time um but I also dropped it I’m going to give this solid go in terms of uh terms of I want to see if I the pull angle because I dropped it like four times in a row then I went live and I missed twice and when I say four in a row it’s like I just continued obviously on Franco’s creation here me um just going to see cuz I have my understanding was more 121 pull it more left but I do think I was very much wrong on that take me switch to P3 if we don’t well on K that’s a great score I mean that’s something to build on I mean I had 36 as well on my on my main not 39 on no Glo I mean if I like I said you in the beginning of the stream if I can keep myself with within that range and um and be there every time uh then I mean if someone beats me then then you know well play but it’s going to be hard with three and 12 uh it’s going to be very hard to get much better than a 40 I would say I mean three three is more droppable than 12 but it’s still super duper tough it’s obviously a lot of luck on that one too but like now I’m just spinning away but very well done on you’re 36 um okay up have to have the longer one six I’m going CL out [ __ ] it’s not live um good about that one kind of need to okay holy [ __ ] though yeah I maybe have to take that back with the with it’s like it’s one of those where you’re kind of thinking like yesterday when I left that hole and now can only speak about my own creation obviously but when I left that hole yesterday I felt like when I dropped it one for two and also had three or four drops in practice although a lot of attempts has to be added as well it’s not that I it was like 50% drop but I felt like this is the best chance I will ever get at least to drop that stupid hole because I never dropped it um until I went like I’ve never dropped it live that’s my point so it feels uh it all feels good to have an opportunity on home s that that we generally otherwise don’t have an opportunity I think that goes for all us guide creators you enjoy it a little bit more um so we just going to going to see how this one comes in if the pull angle here the correct the direction the ball is coming yeah it does however though it’s going to be kind of a bigy bigy I up high WS possibly it’s like it’s definitely right with the p angle and stuff uh let’s do one more time at least so I’m going to add a note here on the slide like there has been plenty of jobs with a long drive reported so kind of like the sense that you know going with a Max Top Spin and such but there is a way of playing even with seven Top Spin like I’m doing here and that will get you within the target yards that is on on the slide I might just add a note for that for lower level clubs that you can do that um I’m doing it because I like to be in plus yards every single time um enjoy that br PA his butd thank you so all you Englishmen here that are watching the Euros what’s up with the English national team I was watching the game against Denmark yesterday and sure it’s can laugh at it and stuff like that but it’s surprising to me how a team with generally such likable people without besides P for I don’t like him I don’t know why but he is just looking at him he he looks like an arrogant prick um but um it’s amazing how they were kind of not arguing but still arguing yesterday and just played [ __ ] and yeah you know I’m going to come to that Ben like Southgate seems to be it’s to me kind of amazing when he when he goes out after the game and says that we haven’t had anyone to replace C Phillips and I was like I had to think a bit who who that guy actually were and he hasn’t been good in like like Mark goldage said that character online I mean he hasn’t been good for years so I’m going to do smallish interesting to see if I’m if this is just overcooked it or no you just don’t want Miss right okay that works for my pull I don’t feel I don’t feel comfortable adding more 59 that’s why I did a a smallish offset for my pull instead so it’s definitely interesting though here and um I’ll have to give it to Franco though because I was completely wrong here I thought that 121 was moving the ball more left but it’s actually just withholding the speed better so going to have to change the personal tweak or maybe I didn’t thought I was I think that was a very good comment get say yeah but why why it don’t doesn’t England or maybe that was that Ben white dude because that Ben White isn’t he a left back um and he said no yeah that that’s how it feel Adam but you know who knows they might just click in another in the next game but obviously the manager have to it’s like so many talented players it’s so easy obviously to complain England still has four points of the two games but it it it’s hard work for for points against Serbia and Denmark it’s not France Portugal Spain Italy Netherlands and you know those teams that are should be a little bit better but to me it’s like um It Feels So misplaced with players and I’ve been speaking to a lot of because you know a lot of you are English and a lot of you I do communicate with and speaking to on Discord and um and and shots and stuff and it’s like it it’s like Trent it was called yesterday in interviews that and I’ve never heard that myself but it probably been said before that Trend playing in the Midfield was an experiment it’s one hell of a way of experimenting without in the Euros to me that’s quite unbelievable um then um what was it more yeah so Trent is not playing his normal Place Boden isn’t playing on at his normal place um Kane does just not seem to win or want to win just feels like okay I’m losing here I’m losing in Bayern I’m losing anywhere I go so [ __ ] it like so you know especially like Fen I can kind of like foden has been one of the best players in the world at least on his position has been one of the best players in the world if not the best then you have to kind of fit him in in the role he he kind of like you kind of have to build around that put that Gordon guy out on the left it sounds like I’m a I’m a English guy here but I’ve mean I listen to a lot especially when I do talk to a lot of English people I kind of and then you watch you know shows and programs and the the football Studios and stuff like that it’s um I kind of agree with them it’s it’s kind of weird but again South Gate you know he might know something we don’t who knows yeah Co Palmer as well I’m surpris hasn’t got [ __ ] to play that’s so strange really really strange just need to back up here so going to be like all right let’s go there I can’t let’s see just don’t miss right I can miss left I’m okay with that no it’s missing right still yeah still with an offer I do definitely think that a different window there I didn’t even come see with much less speed yeah yeah yeah I mean it’s kind of like it works and if it doesn’t work I mean I had to rush that one a little bit to be fair though it works but it doesn’t work at the same time and it’s a finicky type of hole type of win but oh well I’m going to have to have a think about that I mean like it’s so strange it works but it doesn’t work at the same time in um for me when I go live um and I felt pretty confident now when going in live I’m not going to lie it might be must be though like I was 342 I’m going to look at that because I think they could I think I need to all right so two things I’m thinking about here that I’m most likely going to look into is that the drop there came in with much better speed and also the practice before that was 360 out I need to look at my drive distance and compare that to the plus yardage I think that’s the tra here I think I was 342 now I don’t think I had 342 last time maybe I had I’m not sure but I will have a look I hope it was different though I might just have to concentrate on on the correlation but oh well hey Mike definitely something for me too all right we’re going to send it oh no no I like it’s still have to double check that’s well if I it still ended up in the rush moment not do the oh well stuff to think about at least D all right I remember when this ball came out it stopped this Thor ball I bought the shitload of that some reason okay [Music] assess hold on I mean can we get an 18 front I’ll take that absolutely a little bit of a bummer five and eight though other that I don’t really have much to playing how many BS do you get through per hole of gaming I bet it at T it depends on a course like this we go through way more than what we do if we play Eagle Peak for example but so it’s hard to tell but it’s yeah it’s definitely a lot I um but the last the last tournament was uh the last tournament was quite unbelievable in terms of that I uh we all did in the team went through so many balls um and not Al like a tournament like that when it’s so difficult when it’s so difficult and also an extra tournament that people kind of were looking forward for a 9 cup so it kind becomes like a double double uh double b in terms of like you have to spend more time more balls at the same time that’s less people playing less people signing up buy guyses it’s kind of like you like I said last week you can’t really win either because even if you spend a lot of time there’s still going to be generally less drops than uh okay [Music] I there what more going me do one it perfect oh that is so bad just give me a chance my God I’m dropping all the I mean that’s probably the best outcome I could get from that spot to be fair but it’s a no go I’m dropping all my dries great left dull great left almost like if I’m not having Precision this just weird just my yeah I actually tried from here too but appreciate it mate thank you did you play the Top Spin I’m going to play an no spin though because that’s what I played the last time CH man thank you I mean it’s actually I was a bit further away when I tried yesterday so it should be no okay actually better a little bit more I F that on pull the first one nice thank you fers appreciate it the 18 front you know that’s definitely good enough on whatfield sound take that for sure open up your go f i did pull a little bit extra on do you not like the the O I can’t see what does it say like the op top thing show what do you mean you mean the the Top Spin boost on the on the wedge what do you mean steart sorry eight in front I will take it ni stop with that it’s fooling me almost no that’s good uh no way there I’m going to add in there yeah thank you Vader for that all types of information like that is very valuable we s very on whole L why don’t don’t you try the op Top Spin shot to Green earlye yeah but Matthew is playing our shot steart and that was what I tried as well but I hit a double great left on my drive 33 8.32 not even close not even close tell me you’re streaming next week’s Ser I don’t know Paul it really so much depends on on my kids um so I’m during this week I I plan my streams I have the regular streams and then I schedule everything outside of that streams during the 9 Old cup week you can call it that way it’s uh it’s more something that’s going to have to be a bonus if so L 73 71 uh C I went two I’d rather do two than one if I’m in between that’s strange Chris because I use Clash C myself and it shouldn’t be an issue I would contact developer they all have Facebook pages that you can contact them on that’s what I would do at least blade thank you for the good luck appreciate yeah but I have it up here as well Michael on my phone so Oh you mean now I understand um oh Chris when you uh on iOS you can’t have the slide over mode like I’m having here on a phone it’s not possible you have to have an iPad uh on phone you have to unfortunately minimize now I understand your question thank you for thank you Michael as well for helping out there I I misunderstood there this one we just go live how have you kept up with me I just I probably I can run a little bit quicker B I spent so much time yesterday on day off you were right there all along start guessing is there any love on the horizon for you Tommy with any which well finding the one thank you so much Paul no I’m as single as it can be but to be fair I’m not making much effort to to not be single if someone pops up it’s interesting I’m no problem going on a date but when you’re not looking for it it’s hard to find people that is interest one day I will find the one to he he my heart don’t break it love it to my you and I start guing you are right there all open up your gold packes all along yeah I do somewhat the shange Clans every season all this time I W you were right [Music] there I’m going to give this ball another chance here on um it I really struggle with this so going to have to spend some time here and maybe hit up FR what hole I mean guys if you what happens on um on the win five ball option is it that you’re staying up on the hill 1201 take my heart don’t break it you are right there RJ doesn’t play or at least not golf Clash in I short and left the 59 B I mean speaking of full angle perspective but glad I mean the win four it should um oh we are very long long one and a half ring 11 it’s perfect no n i mean I’m not expecting it to drop you know much want more much want more this all for sure for sure oh this all this phone is so difficult With the Wind diagonal that’s the problem with this oneone that’s what it’s all about Ben nice so if I’m going to miss a part three it’s most likely going to be this one just because I mean it’s not just me obviously but very difficult see win dles gel hey bro are you following turkey in the Euros that was close so for those of you that looking for some e time on the whatfield S Tommy signup and um yeah have an easier time on this oh yes yeah this is this is so much uh me this is kind of like very much what I’m listening to uh streamwise always Ben thank you I’m I’m better since qualifying round we can put it that way well a bit rough after yesterday I’m not going to lie but um no story throat you know yeah so thank you for asking you’re looking forward to Vicki coming next week I hope you have prepared is some type of like I seen some and now you know I apologize for the Yol that I’m going to make but I’ve seen some videos where people like printed out like a picture of the person and then like poring Hub casting and then a picture you know holding that on the airport I would think that was funny take my take my hand take my whole life like or I can’t falling in love with you why sh mate speak to later something some me to awesome that my head my hand my whole better stick with your day this is my day job the jok’s on you so I guess going forward the game Mak decided for main tournament no they decided for this season to be four main tournaments I I can Oh you mean like that oh yeah that’s for sure oh definitely I’m never going to be a singer definitely not definitely L but I can’t help it though it’s like I’ve been streaming for what is now at least six years on a kind of a schedule but can’t help on saying no I don’t know what that is Eric yeah it’s uh not much to look for Ben unfortunately that’s what I kind of felt like if I’m going to miss one or just do like oh that was close should be missing right if anything then hopefully missing left then we’re going to have to change to pull angle oh okay I mean kind of makes sense even though I felt it was going to be a right side Miss but I did up and L one a little bit though so it kind of makes sense though so we’re just going to go in and uh fire up another one I judged that as the blue angle or like a heavy blue angle so Mama Mia just want looking up for g r one more looking up oh M here I go again my [Music] man why I let you go okay so yeah it’s so hard to differentiate the wind angle so I mean even if I I mean even if I did um now I’m going to have to um the op was definitely I mean all right all right come on focus on that one 777 um you H gel my thinking about that is if you buy an iPad you you’re going to have a bigger screen obviously but if you’re not having the possibility jailbreak you’re going to have to survive with the iOS grids but General stance from me is like the bigger screen the easier it will be to see the dets so as I’m playing on an iPad I definitely not I think that would be a smart move Savage thanks bro appreciate I’m just waiting because I want to see my PO angle before I go live the okay let’s go live like I said if I’m going to miss a part three probably going to be this one not today not today right I already did it yesterday but not now all right I’ve been getting L yeah thank you so much triing been oh God should have done the click too I some search boo [Applause] boo all right check the other shot red cursor oh what’s that one on the where look at watch out all right this is going to be uh I mean regardless what you’re playing here it’s like even if you’re playing a bounce over or you play a rough bump or sand bump you’re still going to have like [ __ ] to for wind angle though I mean I I have you know I I kind of like okay this is probably yellow or red I did one click of left I felt I was going to be I need to click of op do all right small margin i’ rather miss this one here now okay me up the sea the RO 14 and we’re going to play with the backbone so nice 14 15 16 1780 all good chance for drop let’s get them where the [ __ ] music every want that is all you need it something out of order all right [Music] [Music] okay oh well done Ben well done mate I’m I’m I’m in so many of those uh bets tips and stuff like that amongst group friends and stuff like that I’m kind of on the bottom half on every single [ __ ] every time I’m so terrible at that off not that it matter but how is that not water [Music] with looking up why why didn’t I ever let you go Mama now really know all right see if we can drop this one this is cool shot and then Just One Look up Hammer ring one more look up everything wow wow been there many times when this whole was new to the game 75 72- – 71 [Music] that is really cruel a little too much of one that’s a little cruel I mean it was just on the C I did one CR R well fine I feel good about this one though for the weekend round that’s most important night show I need to switch from Ab that’s kind of all right 14 good chance though no [Music] [Music] all right yeah I’m going to stick with the sniper disco but I might actually go be 52 in the weekend now I don’t want to practice so we’re going to do that to let’s go all right whole 15 yeah I mean I think it’s a brilliant use of the backbone from Franco there in my opinion like allows us to pull one time less ring dropped it one for two yesterday the only reason I’m like I miss the other one because I had a great left on the drive and that threw me off completely it’s a cool it it excites me playing with clubs that we otherwise never play with cool shot enjoying it all right so now we need to actually roll up our sleeves getting some drops here now I mean 13 14 missing both of them is quite a bummer though I should miss both I can miss one of them okay still I end up with a 36 though and that’s okay man for dependra hey I’m good how are you doing K as well good morning okay I wi all right now good PLL and we should drop this one Temptation I want be you be my only one with [Music] A3 let’s see for little bit luck crossing my fingers p Parker all right needed that one after two sloppy holes there a little bit unlucky though I mean I got 360 out on 14 uh kind of a 360 in on this one yeah it evens itself out in here what did he shoot on the qualifying round I shot oh um what did I shoot 18 here I think up played two 18 and a 17 in qualifying round Drew thank you so much fall apart with the night fall my [Music] heart I was wondering cripping how long it would take until someone made some type of joke about that usually happen a couple of times on stream when the night falls my heart call for the touch of your hand how did you get so good um been playing a lot uh but also been U really trying to do good I’ve been the beginning I obviously played the game exactly as everyone else I just uh enjoyed it had fun um but as I felt that I had some talent for this I I decided to try to be better by searching for info that would allow me to um improve my skills and uh got taught a few bits here and there by people but mainly self-taught and um yeah here we are did you hear that fart yeah it’s a sound alert on [Laughter] Twitch no cripping you you there a decent sh [Music] them is so so my Lord about that [Music] poop my B [Music] [Applause] see can it make it to the hole and then there some the hand I just go without B yeah how do you get grade on your screen go to Facebook group gold flash grid lines they can help you there I unfortunately can’t because I don’t know much I got helped so my in the on the hand all right awkward spins but comes in good then mon for maybe should have had on the power there we’ll see yeah I should up Tomy oh that’s such an unnecessary Miss I thought it was going to go in anyway I should have done the on the power oh oh F oh that’s sad man that’s that that’s actually the first Miss here that I’m like I didn’t think I was going to miss that oh yeah yeah oh two cookies some could be that too I was a little bit like very lazy with everything that I did there I was like okay it’s going to go in anyway hand also yeah it’s like I I been on this all I’ve actually been too cocky of I kept I don’t know I lost a little bit fire off the whole 13 the tus is not going to have that good of a tiebreaker then I mean we can still get 35 though but not really n for now we’re got to send it la la la la la la la now we’re going to send it let’s go all right now we are don’t make YOLO Supply increas to a little bit than that one for sure not sure if I’m going to do H not sure if I’m going to uh I’m thinking if I’m going to do no spin oh no I think I’m going to no [Music] spin to the Traer oh Taco Trader maybe W no we my change my mind my Lord I mean it might not then apply from there there might be there must be them for [ __ ] sake man wow okay I should have played in Old spin that I need to have an O on that one I mean it’s just going to be played from closer to Green than I expect but the 945 makes right down yeah need to change that for sure might did too much on the slide too once n that’s uh bad not really bad really bad I to give that uh can we forfeit wow okay yeah oh R what fun the T yeah it’s not really applicable Eric uh Instagram Andre Instagram such [ __ ] all right look at that this is how you destroy a good tiebreaker boo boo okay so we definitely need to change St because I that’s uh that’s um not good all right but it’s like I don’t really know what M45 comes from though to be fair doesn’t sound right oh well H 18 yeah uh all right the finish off with Alba come on 16117 no not at all I I can say for that Paul there is absolutely nothing that I can like excuse why I can’t blame me having a cold a little sore throat and stuff I can’t I absolutely can’t blame the blame um my Miss is on 16 and 17 yes I mean 17 I think um we have made a mistake with the numbers there on the wedge um that we need to uh change um that’s my feeling um but um 16 was just uh poor I would say so defin def like just like I like to BL blame everything don’t get me wrong I like to blame everything but myself but here I don’t have anything to blame on about myself which is why I’m getting a little bit frustrated because I should do better it’s not fair to you guys sitting here spending time or your your day when I’m playing like I don’t give a [ __ ] which is obviously telling me you’re not long all right let’s get this one [Music] problem I could take him when I’m gone double whiskey playball everybody at the bar get tipsy all right let’s finish off with shall we oh he’s playing our sh PO with I win five D oh it’s have to be honest otherwise you’re never going to like if just blaming everything else which once again I’m very good on doing that but if you never blame yourself you’re never really going to improve sitting here thinking like I did everything right and I’m blaming the game for glitches I’m blaming the guy for this or that and then there will be a limit to what extent I can actually go to now I mean I don’t mind what I end up with in terms of getting on my score card but uh oh wow well I care about you you guys like I said watching here and I’m not playing that as well as I can that’s frustrating to me everybody at the bar t finished strong though yeah two Miss is to Money Two Miss is to money all right oh my 34 yeah I mean it’s water field Sun so so it’s can definitely be there but I after that front line and um you know how I play I felt I played better like than now yeah I mean 16 177 besides sou I think I played okay um nice saage yeah that’s kind of how I feel like it’s uh if this is my low which I think like that’s how it feels if a 34 is a low on this course I I will um walk happily away from that um very satisfied uh in general I don’t really have much to complain on there are some minor things that I’ve been writing down that we’re going to add on to um onto the guide but essentially just minor things I think some of the holes become so much personal tweak dependent that you have to kind of like do it your own what I mean with that is like if let’s say we can take whole one for an example if you’re missing right maybe move the offset a little bit more left for example um so um but yeah um no Heather that’s I mean you’re are smart like uh you seem to be getting those value more and more I mean it’s uh uh that’s impressive to say at least we’re going to have a look at the at the bet so we say 34 and I think that’s you you are the one header for that one that’s my feeling at least I mean um congrats on that 34 um all right so I will we’ll be doing some updates to the guy here this afternoon there will be a new version out uh soon um always continue to you know add improvements and tweaks and stuff like that for people to feel as comfortable as possible with a top course like this um and I’m not going to sit here and say that with our guys you’re going to drop every shot and stuff like that no I’m I’m not going to but I can promise you that uh with our service that you will improve as a player so make sure to sign up Goomy improve your skill and knowledge with us and that will wrestled into better positions in the tournament or better wrestled inour play and stuff like that it’s SC the QR code on the screen or use the link tommmy in the description down down below I will be back on Sunday there’s a new time on Sundays it’s 8:00 p.m. my time which is 7:00 p.m. UK time that is also 2: p.m. Eastern Standard Time a little bit earlier um uh on the Sundays at least now for the foreseeable future I think it’s called or at least going to be that so hopefully I will see you there much love to you all and I’ll see you next time bye for now

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