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The Most Grueling Outdoor Competition!

The 2nd annual 1st Phorm Outdoors Games RETURNS!!
Combining fitness and archery, this grueling 2-day competition is the ultimate test of strength, endurance, and overall accuracy. Containing 5 challenges, the 1st Phorm Outdoors Games is not for the faint of heart. Competitors must be explosive in their workouts, but also they must hit their targets. Who will be crowned the winners of the 2024 1st Phorm Outdoors games and be taking home $10,000?

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00:00:00 Introduction
00:01:00 Pro Staff Winners
00:04:54 Workout #1 by Vortex
00:13:19 Workout #2 by Grizzly
00:21:15 Workout #3 by Dialed
00:27:59 Start of Day 2
00:29:44 Workout #4 by Muley Freak
00:39:45 Workout #5 by Lone Wolf
00:49:24 Winners of the 2024 1P Outdoors Games

three two one go who’s got that heart barely breathe for that all you got to do is get it back let’s [Music] go welcome into the 2024 first form outdoor games where we are combining Fitness and the outdoors and I’m joined here by a great Booth of people we have my guy AJ casmer Zac aka the coffee Viking Jess Crane and first form athlete Dale batty let’s go and we have some big news to get out of the way right off the bat and that is introducing our new Pro Staff members for first swm Outdoors games s gathers everybody around here outside uh before before the competition KES off and calls your name and to eject let’s take a look at that real quick before we get into the festivi today I’d like to announce our Pro Staff winners our male Champion I’m not even going to pretend to say his last name but it’s my man [Applause] AJ guys real quick um what a lot of you guys don’t realize is I actually two months ago lost my job and uh 9-month-old at home uh my wife has been absolutely incredible and uh she has kind of taken over the the brunt of all of the UH responsibilities and things like that and actually told me to go all in with this and I’m incredibly thankful and uh let’s have one hell of a weekend [Applause] guys AJ as you can see is all in and the second athlete for the proos staff is Jess [Applause] crane I can’t even explain what this community means to me I mean you fall you have so many hands to get you back up it’s like this family means so much to me and to my husband and everybody goes through their [ __ ] but I app appreciate every single one of you and I appreciate the Open Arms of just being so welcomed into this community and I loved meeting absolutely everybody and first forms the [ __ ] I I can’t even explain it thank you guys so much guys how’s it feel to be uh to be introduced as first form Outdoor Pro Staff members I know it’s exciting stuff yeah I mean I mean the the short of it is is emotional and surreal I know during the announcement it was absolutely incredible uh you know having the family brought in and being completely surprised and thrown off guard and I’ve been going through you know some personal stuff for the last three months the wife took over and and took care of a lot of stuff to let me really dive in and focus on first form first form outdoors and the family and and atmosphere that we’ve created here which has made all the difference so super super blessed from that standpoint and then just blessed to be out here I mean like like surreal and emotional is the easiest way I can sum up my experience up to this point yeah I I could not agree more I mean this is it was super emotional and I was not expecting it one day but for sure mean oh man I definitely had some tears in my eyes for sure and just so excited to be around all these amazing individuals and just stoked to be here and it’s like he said first form is a family and it’s like when you fall you have 15 hands coming at to pick your right back up and we all can be better and we can all do better and it’s one day at a time and I’m just blessed to be here for sure 100% super excited to add you guys both of the Pro Staff team for sure uh obviously with with the outdoors team growing uh it’s great to have two great individuals like yourself uh joining the team so and I know Dale as a previous winner of the athlete search you can kind of speak of of those things like yeah what it takes to actually earn a spot there because I always tell people like that you just don’t win it I mean everything’s earned here and you guys definitely have done that so absolutely yeah everything is earned and you nothing has been you know like given to you guys you have earned both own earned this position and I’m just proud of both of you yeah great appreciate absolutely all right the first form game so what this is It’s a combination of fitness and the outdoor space we have a lot of action about to go down here we have a group a great group of female competitors and a great group of male competitors we have two days of events uh with three workouts on day one two workouts on day two and the first workout starting off hot right off the bat September is coming is a is the name of this workout it is a 3/4 M trail run followed by 20 air squats 20 box step ups and then two arrow down line to score a round and then they would do that for three rounds total we do want to thank our sponsor of workout one which is Vortex uh the leader in Optics and Rangefinder so the the competitors will be using rangefinders to range in the targets for the bow shot so thank you out to Vortex visit them for all your Optics and Rangefinder needs so a great one to get going and it’s going to be tough out there it’s been raining so it’s kind of sloppy it’s a little messy yeah it’s it’s going to be interesting it’s going to be brutal and it it’s absolutely going to be a dog fight out there I mean it poured from 700 p.m. last night to like 6:00 a.m. and being out here on a farm being in these Hills I mean there’s water cut through Hills soupy swampy mess people are going to have to make sure they’ve got sure footing right and that’s like how it is in the back country too so it’s like this is a prime example of what you go through in September so yep absolutely absolutely the leader board is going to be changing you know throughout all these workouts you know we kind of talking earlier about like how everyone’s strengths are going to and weaknesses are really going to get exposed one way or the other uh between guys that are you know we have a lot of CrossFit athletes here that are going to be probably stronger in the fitness elements but we have people who are competitive archery Shooters as well that might be a little bit stronger as far as uh you know shooting the bows and stuff so exciting stuff to come I know the women are just about to kick off here uh shortly so we’re excited for that and we’ll see uh how the competition runs here in the first workout this is workout number one sponsored by Vortex let’s send it [Music] [Music] oh [Music] the girls just came in after the work the first workout and we have a a new set leaderboard now with Lacy zalinsky coming in coming in on the top followed by Abby and then Ashley dicks yeah Ron at the top three so I’m surprised to see Ashley back in third place because she came out hot super hot bro she two rounds and Lacy was at no point in the top M so that shows how much these shots are going to play effect absolutely abely see Lacy was super strong on the uh on shooting her arrows and like hitting the hitting the targets there I know they had some like Brit someone who I think Brit ma who was definitely a favor coming into it uh someone who was going to be a strong competitor had a couple issues with her uh shots I know a couple lost Target which really you know penalized her there and U made her fall back to the to the the Five Spot there so honestly at the end of the day I think it’s going to come down it’s going to come down to shooting because if you missed the target if you’re off Target you’re putting on 60 seconds onto your time and that’s a huge difference when it comes to a competition like this yeah a perfect Bullseye perfectly executed shots is a subtraction of 20 seconds to your total time but one bad Arrow off that Target and you’re adding a minute yep which also shows you how much Ashley was cruising because from my understanding she missed a couple shots off paper right correct and she’s still in third place so shows how fast she was cruising for sure and I think Abby Abby was she must have done good on her shots and then she stayed I mean pretty close to the front from my understanding on that too consistency wins yeah consistency win I’ll tell you out of the top three right now in that fourth spot is Melanie Hooper and being able to be here and see everybody warm up and see how they stretch and take the day before Melanie Hooper is locked in she knew her routine coming in she got her light workout in she came out here she stretched she did everything and she is in the zone ready to go so I look for her to be up up top on one of these next uh next events H yeah I was talking with Lacy after that uh first workout and she did suffer a little bit of an ankle injury um I don’t know if she’s going to get that thing taped up or not but I’ll be very interested in seeing how she progresses through these workouts if she’s able to hang out to that top spot for the rest of the day all right so after workout one two we also caught up with Ashley dicks and her husband Lucas dicks are the the the husband wife combo that are competing out here today uh here’s what she had to say about workout one it felt great it was extra muddy out there didn’t slip and fall um could barely breathe through that nice muggy air but we rocked it the girls did great we had fun out there and just going to get ready for round two we’re good we got get pumped up now we got this go EXC yeah it was so fun this is workout number one spons by Vortex let’s send it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] la [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right so the men just finished their workout one sponsored by Vortex and we just got the results coming through the leaderboard and kind of I guess not so surprisingly most of the the big CrossFit guys that train CrossFit kind of up top with the longer runs and obviously the CrossFit elements with the Box step ups and air squats so we have Kyle Herbert number one Justin rhods two and our guy Luke Parker Runing at the top three uh that was a uh those some I say I called it did you call it I’m pretty sure I did two of the three maybe the two of the three but I called it think a lot of those guys came out hot especially those top three yeah came out way hot came out super hot but I mean that’s what you got to do round one you kind of got to just leave it all out there uh literally on the farm and uh you know much like you’re hunting as well you know you leave it all out there you know well and and we had mentioned it off camera earlier the fact that the girls went first on an already supy course they were talking about getting stuck and so these guys I mean some of these guys are carrying around 2 220 40 and they’re cruising through I mean they got to be sinking into that mud that’s got to be playing playing 100% I mean they were all Filthy when they came in so well and you know we were talking about it earlier the fact that uh in the nine spot Bryce CER had a degenerative hip disease has a hip replacement and is out here still crushing itct absolutely wild to see and then what were you saying that happened earlier Troy losses uh loses has released unfortunate circumstance having mid through loses release out the field but still holding stilling talk about calling an audible and being able to find that other release to be able to stay in the in the fight and I mean you know Kyle Herber after round one we’ll just chalk it up that he’s a Florida man you know what I mean he he’s a b man it makes sense all right about to get on the way with workout two title nobody ever said it would be easy sponsored by Grizzly coolers and guess what we got more running in the workout too except we have the same the sandbag getting applied to this workout so it’s going to be three rounds of 20 sandbags over the shoulder then the athletes will take about a nice 200 yard jog with the sandbag loop around come back drop the sandbag go take two shots and then they will do that for three rounds total so 60 sandbags over the shoulder about three rounds of 200 yard runs and then six shots total and and the weight in this 40 lbs for women for women for women how much for men 100 lb for men but the women going get real yep 50 lb so this one’s going to get a little spicy and this one’s going to be a obviously a test of strength with this one so the first one not so much strength elements add it but this one with the sandbag going to be a tough strength battle uh workout number two kicked it up a notch kicked it up 100% K KCK it up it’s going to be interesting yeah all right let’s see how it plays out here on the field workout number two got by Grizzly 3 2 1 [Music] yeah going to miss you [Applause] [Music] [Music] baby all right as expected workout two was a spicy son of a gun and I need another one p energy after that dude I need some energy after that gas they had a gas out for that one we have an updated at leaderboard now definitely a little shakeup from round from the first workout so we got Lacy in the top spot now Ashley moving up the board to two Brit May coming in at three Melanie four and then Abby Crawford number five round at the top five and then we have Samantha Tiffany Gabby and den den we got it her Dena is in a nice spot so melie Melanie Cruz Mel was a beast on the B she ended up overall with her shots for yes hey second workout steep it up a little Notch and and it shows and and it did and it did and of course you know got to give a little shout out where shout outs due Gabby the mom of two doing it for the postpartum moms out there she went from I believe almost eighth or 9th in the first workout and she ended up middle of the pack in this one at fifth oh yeah she’s working to climb that ladder as well her shooting was sharp yes you could also tell there was some more strategy coming into play on like what was going to be the best way to carry the bag especially with the Run cuz we saw Ashley kind of more backpacking style where everybody else kind of went more of a shoulder uh on the shoulder style so which if you’re thinking about holding your your bow you kind of want to keep that shoulder fresh so there’s definitely some more strategy coming into play I think people are going to looking for the advantages moving forward how they can kind of get that slide Edge because it’s really like everyone’s times are kind of grouped pretty close so it’s who can really gain the edge and then also who could be the most accurate with the bow I spoke with Ashley after uh that that round there and I was like where did you get that carry from she was like honestly I just imagine carried one of my kids Wild I was like that was perfect we were calling it a turtle back but it was kind of like back here I was like I’m playing with the kids running around with them if it works it works you know what I mean I think this one was definitely a lot harder I heard a lot of comments of uh i’ rather do workout one again this one you can tell from the from the footage too like that was a tough one they they had to dig deep for that one too and I don’t think the sandbags are anybody’s friends towards the end of that one well and with your point I’m going to be very interested to see the guys with the 100 pounds 100 pound if you go right side and you’re a right let’s assume you’re a right-handed shooter you go on the right side that’s the that’s the one you draw with right but if you go on the left side that’s the one you stabilize with which one do you want pick your poison what are you going to do here po you know what I mean so I’m very excited to see how these guys tackle this workout yeah all right let’s see how they do workout number two brought to you by Grizzly cooler 3 2 1 go on Bo [Music] [Music] let’s go come on [Music] all right so the men just wrapped up workout too it was a tough one the leaderboard got shaken up a little bit out there I think Luke coming in winning workout to not a surprise to me uh yeah he’s he was a beast he definitely def I mean this is kind of workout built for him you know what I mean he could bully this one so but more of the middle bottom of the bracket definitely got shaken up especially with Clint having a tough showing on that one for sure definitely a tougher workout for him I would say and I know he was on the Range saying that he uh wasn’t taking the best shots so I know he’s probably disappointed with that result but uh your guys’ thoughts on that I mean I was up here watching uh Clint I mean he was giving it everything that he had is just those sand bags it it warmed down it warmed down compl and I think it did that with everybody you know we were joking about it but there is legitimately still 10 Souls behind us maybe maybe nine because Luke crushed this but there’s definitely Souls behind us and it was crazy seeing on the the return with the sand ball a lot of these guys are on their shoulders and they’re like leaning forward and just pouring sling pouring they were drench it’s like they just jumped in the pond behind us and then grab the sand back and back it’s like even that that incline that last minute incline just gas people out and they have to have both feet on before they can drop that sand back that 100 lb I’ll say this nobody shot good across the board no guys or girls zero good guys or girls there were zero good shots I do want to say Lucas too moving up had a great showing in this this workout which is crazy cuz literally in January taures pek off had surg like it’s going to take you six mons to come back comes back in three and jumps he’s the biggest jumper this year or this this workout uh jumping up I think he jumped up like four or five spots right yeah four five spots so Lucas dicks definitely showing out on that one which is I my surprise of that where workouts personally I I think I think he got mad that all of us were saying that his wife was the better aete true true I I think it played might that to heart took that to heart M took that to heart yeah but there there was a lot of soul searching going on that entire workout yep all right so that was workout two tough one now we’re going into workout three sponsored by dial archery which is going to be more of a a Sprint I guess you would call it so it’s going to be six rounds 10 burpees with one shot in between each round of burpees the L’s about to get set off here and uh we’ll check back after that workout number three brought to you by d three two one go [Music] come go [Music] all right so the ladies just completed workout number three I mean the leaderboard did shake up a little bit so so end of day leaderboard you know you still got Lacy up on top which we kind of expected after that cuz she’s been killing she been killing it yeah she’s been killing it the one that uh was really cool to see was Melanie jumped from out of the top three and is now top two which knocked Brit out BR is now Brit did not have a great showing in the workout 3 which is I guess surprising cuz you think that she would uh she would crush but you know she shooting just isn’t on point yeah shooting wasn’t on point so I know some some ladies were firing some shots this time boy they were they were on it today Samantha crushed it absolutely murdered absolute Spotlight on her killed it we’re talking in the midst of doing those burpees we’re talking 2in grouping it was the best shooting we have seen all day well and we and we just checked out her actual scorecard you know we’ve got the minus 20 we’ve got – 10 + 5 + 10 + 15 20 and then the 60 yeah and her total for six arrows still ended up at Aus 30 seconds 30 seconds that’s huge that’s massive massive she was the overwhelming winner I’m curious to see how much that confidence booster in the next workout yeah yeah yeah for sure and and then that tie for second place between Melanie and uh and Lacy dude L listen I keep going back to it Melanie and Lacy are dogs they came in and they have been focused from the jump I think it’s the headband it’s like the power the power of the headband yesr you feel different when you got the headband on secret I’m telling you I’m telling you all right so workout three in the books for the ladies final leaderboard will be coming soon and uh we’re going to see the men they’re about to kick off so come back and with the results of that this is workout number three brought to you by di 3 2 1 [Music] go two we all right so the men just completed workout three Tre sponsoring this workout so this men were dialed in yes the men were dialed in the men were Cru I mean we got through talking with Sam and we were looking at her groupings we’re like that’s it that’s that’s that’s the best shots of the whole day the cake yeah and I think there was three guys that shot better than she did yeah mhm nuts that was crazy Justin coming out on top with Brandon coming in second Troy coming up on the leader board getting the top three play te from my guy Troy followed by James and then Luke Parker sliding there the fist spot Kyle Clint Bryce Skyler Lucas to round up the top 10 not a great not a great showing from Skyler I’m I’m going to be curious to see where he falls in on the final day total yeah really surprised that he ended up out of like way down so I was on the range with Skyler and he was uh he said his fors were blown up and his literally his first or second shot he he pulls up and just dumped it like six like literally lost his release and dumped it like six feet in front of him so I know he lost an arrow like right off the bat so definitely hard to come back from that especially with such a you know more of the guys hitting more accurate shots this time around I will say there was some some strategy getting played uh with the guy side I saw Luke was the only one that was knocking his Arrow before he went into his burpees so everyone else would set their down and then they’re done with burpees and then they’re kind of like picking their bow back up knocking Luke already had it knocked ready to go uh after after his shots which I thought was a smart move that is a smart move but also too I think it’s I think it’s a smarter move to not knock it before because you get those extra few breaths and then you can take that shot calm down a little bit more and then take that shot because you’re going to take off More Time by using that time taking that shot play a good shot and you could see in the guys they W they obviously watch the girls compete and you could see all of them at full draw they’re really trying to slow that breath way way down because they saw from the girls standpoint it the shots mattered the most in this every everyone can do 60 burpees that’s out here the shots are really what separated it and so it it’s it’s been wild to see you know absolutely incredible showing from Cowboy just Justin roads he he he shot lights out um you know Godzilla is what I nickname that’s a good one his quads are unal I’m also curious to see what this does for Troy too cuz he had some pretty good shots and I know he hasn’t been too satisfied with his stuff so all right so that is a wrap up on day one of the 2024 first form outdoor games it’s been a great day a lot of Fitness happening a lot of some shooting some good stuff we saw a lot of good stuff maybe some not good stuff I know some of them are probably satisfied with their performance some of them probably not so much uh the leaderboards got shaken up all day long I think it was a great a great day to start to kick off these games some tough workouts people were excited they were getting after it uh definitely some brutal workouts I know a lot of them are probably feeling it and we got a big day tomorrow but that’s a wrap on day one here at the first form 2024 outdoor games from the family for sella farm for Dale batty let’s go Jess Crane and AJ Che Kaz something noski I’m Josh we’ll check you guys on day two peace [Music] [Applause] welcome back it is day two of the 2024 first form outdoor games we got a couple great workouts two workouts today they’re going to be these ones are going to be some Primal action out there today is not going to be fun no it’s not going to be fun not going to be fun so we had a couple people that that picked up some injuries it’s going to happen this is outdoor games you know what I mean not everyone gets 31 scav so we got some intervie we caught up with them this morning especially uh Clint out of the guys I know he dropped 100 lb sandbag on his ankle that thing blew up like a balloon so we got to talk to him and then also Lacy rolled an ankle right off the shoot on day one she has to get a little tape job done so let’s go see what they had to say about that experience here at the first form outdoor games round two 100 100 lb sandbags they put a whooping on me yesterday so when I got to the concrete I dropped it off the bag and I was going to take a step forward and it caught the back of my heel rolled my ankle forward so didn’t really feel it too bad until I took my shoe off yesterday to hop in the ice bath and then it started pounding a lot better today than it was last night so I’m still going to get after it dude got some awesome help here and just going to get me all taped up ready to rock and roll so day two is going to be better than day one I can tell you that much other than the ankle we’re good yeah we’re going to be all right tape it up and do what you can I rolled it on lap one of event one and it was okay being on it all day just keeping it loose but it stiffened up it swelled up but it is what it is so finish the day strong all right workout four the men are going to get off the shoot first so the boys are going to get sent out first and then followed by the females and we got a we got a nice one for workout for it’s going to get spicy out there title The Pursuit I think it’s a great title it is sponsored by our friends over at muy freak uh and basically we have a six station shot set up basically they’re going to just take off into the woods get to a station take a shot get to the next station take a shot get to the third station take a shot and then it gets a little bit spicier because at station 4 alternating L lunges with a sandbag and then a shot and then station five the devil press comes into play that’s going to get spicy I’m never a fan of Devil’s presses and then a shot and then station six we have a tree 10 tree hoist and then uh kind of an option shot if you want we have what’s called an iron bison which is kind of more of a risk reward shot a tighter shot longer shot or you can choose a more safer rout with a closer Target but you get one shot at that to really try to uh you know gain some Advantage there so workout for it’s going to get up it’s going to get taken up a notch today yeah it’s going to be taken up a whole different Notch today I mean it it’s one of those things where like everything comes into play your conditioning it’s soupy out there the water the water level has probably Rose an inch and a half just from all the rain and a clear path is now half underwater and guys are going to be pushing and shoving back forth through there it’s going to be crazy to see and then uh that iron bison if you smoke that you’re shaving a full minute off your time very excited to see what happens be M for sure all right let’s go take a look at some live action with workout 4 sponsored by muie freak this workout number four brought to you by muie freak 5 3 2 one go let’s go let’s go boys let’s go boys come on come on get a move on get a move [Music] [Music] on there we go catch that breath oh my god let’s go all right so we are back workout four for the men just concluded yeah wow it was uh that was one of the most I think that was the most exciting workout I’ve seen so far yeah especially to get day day two kicking off that was uh an awesome one and I just like personally speaking my favorite part of the workout was just the send off right it’s just you another guy so they went off in pairs the the gun goes off and you just take off into the woods with your bow get to the first station and then let’s just see what happens after that so Luke Kyle Justin top three and then Skyler Clint Lucas Trey Bryce Brandon James surround out the full leaderboard of workout for but that was a tough one especially coming off day one you know get right back into it something two to mention that wild that happened in workout for our guy Brandon taking a little dip he fell in the water yeah listen we we had mentioned it before listen we mentioned it beforehand it’s a trail run it’s got water it’s not just a trail run it’s a gnarly trail run for straight up straight down absolutely crazy I know uh Luke and Kyle were battling back and forth and Kyle or Luke started slipping Kyle actually pushed him up cuz he also knew it was going to help his time what a what are some of your highlights from workout 4 what did you see out there on the field I mean workout 4 was absolutely impressive watching Luke and Kyle go at it and Justin as well watching those three compete even though we’re in two separate groups it was honestly impressive to see I mean they were out there giving it their all um it it was really cool it was spectacular yeah and to see them teamed up with those it’s by place that they’re teamed up so they’re pushing for that next spot well and I mean it was absolutely ridiculous because you got Luke Kyle Justin finishing in the top three you’ve got Kyle that on his shots executed and ended up at a plus minus zero so his total score just ended up being how he finished hit the Buffalo because he hit the Buffalo so him the shot that did it yes him and Luke are head-to-head and so he would have been a full uh well a full minute less or more and and then all of a sudden you got to mention the athleticism that Luke has fin finishing the entire workout that we allotted 45 minutes for we got our media who thought of that dude we got our media crew behind us going and taking a quick break and they hear all right they’re coming in we allotted 45 minutes for this and Luke crushed in 22 Flats yeah those guys were those top three guys top four guys I should say were all cooking out there uh not to put anything against the guys had kind of finish behind but those guys set a tore Pace but some awesome exciting action there and workout 4 EXC to see what workout five is going to bring but before that the ladies are going to go take their ribet workout 4 and we’ll see what happens after that so we’ll check back when the ladies finish it up this is workout number four brought to you by muie freak three 2 one go [Music] [Music] let’s go oh my God yes [Music] all right we are back the women just finished workout for well I should say the women and AJ finish workout for because we have nine contestants in the female bracket AJ being a Pro Staff member can’t say no bro so you had to sub in yeah yeah apparently um what what is that we were saying Vol and told so they’re going off in pairs we’ve got an odd number of ladies and me just wanting to shoot my bow I brought my bow to the event thinking maybe I’ll throw some shots up on the practice range no one said anything everybody was in on it and then all at once I come back down the hill and Jake looks at me and goes hey we’re going to need you to go ahead and uh suit up and get ready to go and let me tell you I have a newfound respect for both the guys and the girls you go I did the wait for the guys on the lunges and then we had the the women’s weight on the devil’s press and the uh rope pull I didn’t even know what a devil’s press was until 2 days ago listen every single competitor here is an absolute Savage I’m exhausted thank goodness for for first form energy this is I’m going to let you guys take it over you guys give your thoughts so the way it Che out Abby number one Melanie again another strong show and she’s been the top of the leaderboard almost every workout Lacy again also probably top three most workouts finish number three then we had Brit and Tiff and then we had Ashley and we had Samantha and then Gabby den den yeah I gotta write this right and then uh AJ finish AJ AJ got it AJ got it did not finish because he only brought Five Arrows instead of six but I I was also given a rangefinder with no battery so I was just sent to slaughter isn’t it your responsibility to check your equipment before you got the field the first rule okay well Abby crushed you so she absolutely crushed you she finished that course guess I mean I have no idea what we allotted 45 minutes for it so I’d assume 27 minutes yeah 27 27 17 to be exact so she was getting after it out there that’s absurd yeah that’s impressive and in this I mean you can see how important your shots are because Lacy hit the Bison yes and only one to do it only girl to do it and yeah and she’s sitting what at third third place thir place so after workout four we have a shake up of of the overall leaderboard Lacy still won Mel still to and then Brit moving up into the third spot back up into the top three Ashley moving up a I think she’s kind of H around top five aby’s there then Tiffany then Samantha then Gabby and then round it up with Den Sam shot lights out she still lights out going to get a day to like she was lights out at the end of the day yesterday lights out today like incredible yeah but we’ve got a top three shakeup in the women’s for for sure it’s Prett nut all right let’s go I know we cut up with some contestants or I guess uh the athletes after workout 4 let’s go to see what they have to say about their experience with workout 4 Devil’s press were hard but I got through them he better than I thought um my shots I don’t know what’s wrong in my head they all felt good but I shot like [ __ ] they all felt good going to the woods and take a sharp right I went straight cuz it was a path let me straight into the field and I was like [ __ ] and then I went back lost four or five minutes those double presses the hardest thing that done yet I’m excited to see how we shake up after after workout 5 what you got workout 5 is going to be another this this one might take the cake and this one’s probably my favorite one by Lone Wolf backpacks the first thing that’s going to happen though is there’s going to be some long distance shots which we haven’t seen so far everything’s been probably like what 30 40 yards you would say roughly so workout 5 is going to be an 80 yard shot for the men and then a 60 yard shot for the females but they’re going to be elevated on a box for the first part and then the fun stuff happens so they’re going to take their three shots with the long distance like I mentioned 80 for the men 60 for the females and then they’re going to have to go and and grab some grab some weight grab some gear for it’s nowhere close all kinds of obac out there so basically they’re going to take off after their first shots we have a sled we have a sandbag we have a weight we have a water jug and that’s a lot of weight and the pack and the pack with a little little bit of weight in the pack too Jake Jake with a little surprise hey a little treat for you to take off too 8B brick yeah yeah so with a lone wolf backpack so we get to test it out here and workout five uh and I’m looking forward to this one cuz I think this obviously it’s the last one everyone’s probably going to leave it on the line this is what’s going to basically Crown a winner and basically everyone else so looking forward to this one anything that you guys are looking forward particularly the strategies like what what are they going to do like you can take this so many different ways I mean so many the Only Rule is go out and bring it back other than that you can do it in one trip you can do it in three trips you can pack it all on you can strap it down it’s going to be really cool to see how this works I know specific with the guys Luke was I was talking to Luke’s uh video guy and he was like they were in the room having pillow talk last night apparently and his yeah his strategy was was like he was just like I’m just going to take it I think I’m just going to take it all just grab everything figure out a way to get out there but the thing is with the where where the all those uh are located that you know deep into the woods there it’s going to get dicey cuz I got to go across the dam there’s some log elements I got to get through the terrain going be so muddy too yes you have to you have to have a game plan before going into this thing you cannot just get up there and be like I’m going to figure it out no on that run up there the night before or right now you need be taking some time figuring out what is your game plan going to be to get all this back to base absolutely absolutely this is going to wrap up the final workout of day workout five the men are just about to get launched off so let’s go take a look at some live action this is workout number five brought to you by Lone Wolf we go in three 2 [Music] 1 on their way [Music] we go there we go get it done Bob [Music] all the way there all the way [Music] there all right so the men just wrapped up workout five what a mother trucker that one waso show out that was a tough one you knew it was going to be tough but I think you know especially when those guys are struggling out there you knew that that was a that was a tough one so workout five wrapping up though with a leaderboard of Justin finishing on the top and then even though Kyle at the fastest time Justin finishes on top because he shot better right Kyle slides in the two spot Brandon comes in three Luke four Lucas five Clint getting Clint had a way better shooting day today than day one I think he was more he was pretty upset with the shooting on day one I’m glad to see that ankle really hasn’t affected him too much so Clint came in then Skyler Bryce Troy and James had to send a medic out for him I thought maybe he might have I don’t know vanished in but he I mean he hammered through it he might have done got he was like get that get out of here I got yeah it was cool to see everybody and all the athletes come back out and cheer him on andoss that line that was a brutal workout so being out there and seeing how they were tying stuff in I really thought Bryce was going to finish higher because he essentially used those Lone Wolf backpack straps and made almost like a train he found an extra strap hooked the water jug to the back of the sled and gave himself some extra leg room with the strap so that that way he wasn’t clipping the sled and I think he just got wore out and beat down all of that weight being behind him um but I mean you know Kyle the Florida man the Florida man Florida man Florida man just showed out he showed out I mean it was it was insane finishing time of a 2209 and rush dude look like lightning it was crazy did you did all right so the men finish up workout five that’s it for them we’re going to wait to our judges and our scoring people gather all the all the data and enter that into the old Excel spreadsheet to see who takes the crown and be Crown 2024 Outdoors games Champion so we’re going to wait on that but until then we’re going to go out we’re going to talk to we talked to some of the guys after the event here workout 5 see what their thoughts were uh see how they thought they performed and and you know what their thoughts were in the middle of that uh then after we talk to them it’s time for the ladies to get to get the show on the road wrap this thing up so ladies are on Deck let’s go check them out and uh we’ll check back when workout five concludes I’ve been rocking 101 lbs for about the last two weeks almost daily so I knew I could do 45 and 50 lbs as fast as I could and I knew I could do 100 lb on my shoulders all the way here for the second round and uh I just proud of myself I knew I could haul ass at the end so what I did is went back through the sled on my back with the 45 ran it to the bag switched threw it on the ground grabbed it through the bag on my back and ran I made up time tall man over here put it around his waist had the sandbag on the sled and was going like that which that just was not working for my body my body was like don’t do that yeah I bowled everything down to the bottom of the hill and then from there I brought the 45 lb weight and the water jug and then I ran back for the sandbag in the empty sled so I just put the sandbag on my back and P the sled in insane workout number five brought you by Lone Wolf 3 2 one [Music] [Music] all the way through [Music] you are not tired you are not [Music] tired all right so workout five just concluded with the females wa that’s how you fin that’s how you finished baby can can we talk about someone deciding to pull a MJ Flu Game oh my go like f poisoning what dude showing out with the best shots showing out with the best time by a mile the course theit ma she was locked crushed in on that absolutely locked in literally as she was leaving grabbing the gear is yelling at us do I have everything cuz she wasn’t coming back no she was done she was crazy Roll All right so workout five went Brit Mel Lacy Tiff Abby Sam Ashley Gabby Den to wrap up workout give up to all the females out there because honestly they all absolutely crushed it what were the final what were the final standings is that enough for Brit I I don’t know because the top three after workout four still finished top three in workout five so before workout five we had Lacy Mel Brit after workout five just for workout five we had Britt M Lacy so where is Brit going to be at now after this what’s the time difference what’s the time I’m stoked we need to get to this ceremony ASAP cuz I want to know for sure all right so we’re going to send all the everything’s going in right now it’s getting computed all the scores are getting added up and we’re going to Crown a champion here in just a second so stay tuned to that but shout out to our sponsor Lone Wolf backpack workout five that was a great element to add it into there so we’ll uh we’ll follow up we’re going to go add these up and we’ll wrap it up let’s roll what an absolute Ely electric weekend I just got to say y’all are absolute Savages it was an insane weekend highs and lows however there’s got to be one winner so to lead things off with the women’s third place finisher who we got I am so dang proud to announce the third place winner Brit ma w [Applause] rolling right into the guys in third place we’ve got Justin rhods women’s second let’s give it up for Melanie coer in second place separating him out by 21 seconds we got Luke Parker absolute do great show great show that over here monster this girl just blew me out of the water I mean she blew everybody out of the water MH and from my understanding she picked up a bow uh that would be 78 months ago yeah and absolutely crushed it let’s give it up for Lacy delinsky great job great job all right y’all that happens I two ankles someone who couldn’t let his wife show him up because of the fact that his wife actually won a competition back home yesterday the Florida man Kyle [Applause] herbers yes sir yes sir great job dude you earned every bit of it dude every bit of it quick one quick one and our 2024 first form Outdoors games wraps up with Kyle Herber and Lac zalinski on top give it up for him all right Squad an incredible two days here at the 2024 first form outdoor games we just got everything squared away wrapped up I’m going to kick it to my man AJ you tell us who our grand prize winners were I mean listen we’ve got a little separation between the guys and the girls the guys were separated by seconds this is where archery comes into it okay so Kyle Herber one by 21 seconds if he if he doesn’t hit that bison second place second place crazy and then you got Justin rhods in third place was only out of the winning spot by basically 3 minutes so if Kyle makes three bad shots or Justin makes four or five better shots it’s a completely different Dynamic I I don’t think people realize five workouts and it all came down to 21 seconds that’s insane that’s nice that’s insane Kyle Herbert takes down first prize $10,000 and champion of the 2024 first form outdoor games followed by Luke Parker in second place and Justin rhods in third and now J the females who is our champion on the female side oh man I mean this girl it it blew me out of the water I mean she just she just got a boat right before the November knockdown challenge it is Lacy zalinski I mean she crushed it out there and she came up to me too and she’s like I don’t think I shot good enough I don’t think I shot good enough evidently well guess she crushed it she crushed itness I mean she got out early I think she was our first place Leader by workout one and rolled her ankle right and never looked back never looked back never looked back same thing with Cy though Cy never looked back either he was never looked back both of them both them La zalinski our $10,000 2024 first form outdoor games win on the female side followed by number two Melanie Hooper also had a super strong showing and then Brit mace number three spot thought she might have tooken it you know she made a strong run with after workout five and it was close it was close but that was our Tope three on the female sides a lot of great action such a great event here on the on the forcella Family Farm and uh looking forward we’re going to bring them on talk to our our winners here momentarily so stick around for that all right we are joined by 2024 first form Outdoors games winner Champion Lacy zinski she’s a little winded from the from the couple days a little hurt yeah yeah great experience for you though but Lacy how are you feeling now that when when you know now that you know that you’re the champion and that that moment when your name was called what were your thoughts at that point in time honestly was not expecting it at all that um it was crazy a lot of stiff competition those girls are insane but it’s really because of them that I pushed so hard this weekend you know always chasing somebody down so yeah and you were up there I mean do the whole entire the whole entire weekend like you were like in the top three basically after every workout so you were doing something right you were put it all out there on the line your shooting was was well as well which is you know great for that aspect but how what are your thoughts of like just the the workouts themselves like what did you think that you excelled in what did you feel like that you maybe could have been a little bit better in or or just your overall opinion of the workouts and how That Shook Up ah man it was just I mean every workout was so different but super high endurance heart rate like if you you couldn’t move you couldn’t run like you couldn’t stop if you stopped you you were done um workout one was my least favorite really that that was my least favorite I was so happy when that was over uh I mean it was a combination the ankle roll right in round one and then I had to finish the last two but U it was just a longer workout too it was grun work um they all were really hard though it was a really good test of yeah we we had been following that that ankle and and figuring out how that was going to play in effect clearly it didn’t matter much not not much at all no the rest of that workout as long as it stayed loose it was good it was really bad this morning but we taped it up and we did what we could yo we heard we had heard that you had started with just regular basic tape and by the end of it you almost had an entire football cleat taped up on it yeah yeah she’s big right now she she’s not happy but that’s all right too through the grap Bond your first time picking up a bow when when was that well okay so I actually sh when I was 12 I did make it to State um put it down after I placed third at State at 12 years old and picked it up 20 years later muscle memory 20 guess I guess no it was good was a fun time that’s really cool congratulations thank you I appreciate it well great to be in the chat with you great work this weekend was awesome to watch you guys compete yourself specifically and you know winners win so you get you get the bragging rides for a year come back defend your crown and uh you know we look forward to seeing uh seeing you next year enjoy your big check hopefully you can make that back to South Dakota with you yeah we’ll shove it somewhere all right thank you guys zinsky our champion for the 2024 first form outdoor games all right now we are joined by the male winner Kyle herberts a $10,000 cash prize winner champion of the 2024 first form outdoor games k how we feeling I can tell you one thing you smell super right I can smell myself so I know I smell super right yeah it’s pretty bad what are your what are your thoughts what are your feelings uh now that you’ve been Crown champion and then kind of wrapped up on top of the podium there man it’s so real it’s still hard to believe right I mean I I was competing against some freaking studs right I mean not out of the 10 guys that made him me being one of them I mean some of them two of them were CrossFit professional CrossFit athletes right so I mean some of these guys are freaking up there with their Fitness level me being old guy 37 years old coming out there not only being able to hang but actually able to outperform them a little bit I look like him at 37 what crazy you’re about 47 yeah exactly that’s what I’m saying and in the on the mail compe like it was so close I don’t know if you knows but she won by basically 20 seconds which if you recall I’m sure you do with the iron bites and only one thatu that shot separated you into first place was that just clutch shot you’re the only one to hit the iron bison out there um but just what are your overall thoughts of the competition the workout specifically what workouts do you think that you were kind of your favorites which ones you thought were were kind of tough which ones gave you some some difficulties kind of explain uh the workouts in general well my my favorite would be the first one this morning the trail run and everything I mean the the whole reason the whole reason is you can’t do that in a normal gym right you can only do it in this setting you can only do what we did on a piece like this right so it can’t be replicated I mean you can try to replicate it but you’re not going to be able to replicate it so how it all evolved how it all turned out it turned out I mean it was awesome I mean I died well and and it needs to be said that with workout uh one this morning workout 4 in total you and Luke the second place finisher were pushed neck and neck with each other and so give us give us a run through with how that played out with you and him snaking through that course well well until we got to the devil presses and I mean he smoked me on those I mean it it was it was literally we were just passing each other and I mean I was giving him I was giving him a little bit of grief about this earlier but uh we were going up one of the first inclines and he slips and his his ass just right in my face and I just push him I’m just like dude I’m just going to help you not like I could really get around him too fast so I just push him help him up couple a couple more inclines later I slip I eat it he just goes around me and I’m like I was like bro I was like bro so you took that to heart and you said for the I I didn’t think about it at the time at the time I was like it’s whatever right I mean it’s it’s competition I 100% I get it so and I mean it’s not like he pushed me down and then ran like a mile ahead of me I mean he was still right there I mean at that point you’re in survival mode right and personally I wanted him ahead of me I don’t I don’t want to lead him I wanted to chase him it was a little espe with his level and how he is I’d rather chase him than have him feel like he pushing me so so that’s kind of what it was I mean but then once we got the double presses I was I was like okay I was like I’ll just let you go I’m I’m going to lay here for 3 seconds and do a rep lay here 3 seconds do a rep but it was cool competing against him in that one was it nice knowing last night that you were in the uh the lead going into day two no absolutely not big you’re right right I mean I walk up this morning and I forget who the first one of the female competitors I saw like the first thing she said to me was like oh you’re killing it way to go keep it up I’m like no no no no I’m like don’t say anything don’t say anything I was like I’m just here to have fun and like that was one thing my wife told me before I left she’s like just have fun with it and she knows how competitive I am I’m like I don’t I don’t know what you’re talking about I go what does that mean but like what I learned about myself this weekend is you can still be super competitive but still have fun with it right right so I mean which kind of gets to the root of first form Outdoors for sure exactly so it’s like I made I made a lot of friends this weekend that like I can consider someone who I could see in my life the rest of my life so like but then once that 3 2 1 goes it’s like you’re my competitor but like even on the field like I said with Luke how I push him up the hill but I mean like even as we’re going I mean it’s still like yes I wanted to beat him but at the same time I was like I still respected him as a comp wanted to be like right to him I think it’s like I said before I just felt like it was a surreal moment that I was competing in hanging with these really fake guys yeah so we also heard too that you had to uh you had to get a new pair of shoes for today dude that was wild I’m glad you brought that up break it down so you want to hear a funny story Jeff Cordo who wenton it last year sent me a message about two weeks ago hey man it’s going to be La running get some trail shoes and I’m like N I don’t need no trail shoes I’m not going to a former champ right so I was like I’m just going to wear my mesh Nobles that were already falling apart out here in the mud and terrain and so I got back to the hotel last night I pulled him out I want to go like dry them out and wash him out and I’m like like my hand right through the side of the shoe and uh I was like oh no and I was going to meet Justin and Luke for dinner last night I text them both I was like I’m going to bbo shops I need a I need to get a new pair of shoes so luckily enough I I went in there and I found a decent pair of shoes and I mean they work flawlessly I’m evidently yeah yeah I sent my wife a picture of them she was like are those for your hunt two weeks I was like no I was like maybe might all right I was I was like no I was like well if I win I’m like they’re they’re kind of free I was like right it’s still all right we’re still up I think I think I believe that’s called an investment right exactly exactly almost the tax write off yeah that was wild you got any big plans to use for the big check off the bat to be honest with you no I I didn’t think I’d be in this position I mean I felt like I had the capability but knowing the guys I was going against I mean everyone they made it here is fit and they can shoot right so I didn’t know how I stacked up and I mean I know that I had guys like Luke and Justin who compete on a very high level in Fitness so I know I was going against them so for me like I I sent my a text to my mom last night I I was like yeah I was like the results will be out tonight I’m probably like third or 5ifth they came out and I said to myself I go oh [ __ ] I was like well I’m not sleeping tonight a little bit of fire right right right so I mean to answer your question no yeah I mean I’m still it’s still processing that I’m actually sitting here doing this interview with you guys I mean it’s just so cool man it’s it’s really awesome well and and you had mentioned that your wife is going to let you come home now because you w she mentioned that after I won so I don’t know what would have happened if I didn’t win so yeah she’s going to let me come home now yeah yeah well was awesome watch youp Kyle we’re excited hopefully hopefully you can come back next year defend the crown now you’re the second annual Champion so you and you and Jeff the only ones that have won the outdoor game so far so let that put put you in this adice I don’t know the positions might switch he might make it and I don’t so I’m giving him advice wear like sandals yes exactly just do a Barefoot bro yeah yeah all right Kyle well congratulations on the 2024 outdoor games Champion crown and the cash prize look forward to seeing you soon and uh continue training continue hunting shooting all that good stuff and I appreciate you guys for putting this on I mean it’s been awesome it’s actually 10% commission for me so you can take you can cut me one of those before you leave we’ll be we’ll be square off the top absolutely all right brother see you good stuff appreciate it all right so that’s a wrap for the 2024 first form Outdoors games incredible competition all around great Vibes great to see how it all played out and uh want to shout out to our sponsors that you know helped put this event on appreciate you guys uh everybody involved it’s a great atmosphere any closing thoughts from any of you guys yeah so I mean you know my final thought with all of this is these guys and girls are absolute animals we saw we saw an exp IAL increase from year 1 to year 2 with over 2,000 competitors I’m just super excited to see what year three brings so that’s my final thought I mean I you literally stole my thought cuz I could not completely agree more I mean to see the heat that was brought by both competitors and to see it grow I mean we had a women’s division this time that is huge how many women just straight kicked butt out there it was just incredible I mean as was coming from a female Hunter and just seeing these women crush it I am so proud like that was that was rad I’m excited about 2025 I’m excited about 2025 and we the first form outdoor games go to what’s going to be new next year are we going to see some new faces are we going to see some old faces like is this the beginning of a dynasty here is it going to be the the the the the Lacy zalinskis the the uh the Cal Hubers is it going to be the Jeff cordos like is this a the beginning of something special out here so abolutely I’m really excited about it all right well great work to all of you guys on the booth it was fun to watch fun to take it in with all you guys and if you want to know more about all our booth B make sure you go ahead plug your plug your [ __ ] yes so it’s AJ casmer Zac I’m most active on Instagram and it’s just the coffee Viking yeah I’m Jessica Crane and it is _ Jessica crane uncore on Instagram is where I’m mainly active yeah and then Dale batty uh most active on Instagram as well at Mr Dale batty make sure you give first form Outdoors a follow to to catch up on all the latest news all the stuff that’s happening with the first form Outdoors world a lot of stuff coming down the pipe and also thank you for tuning in make sure you give us a comment like this video turn those post notifications on subscribe all that good [ __ ] and if you don’t I don’t care either but that’s all of us here uh here at the booth at the first form outdoor games we’ll catch you next time peace [Applause]


  1. I'm so freaking pumped to be able to compete in the NKC this year!!! These women are absolutely inspiring!! 🧡🎯

  2. What a badass video detailing the whole weekend!! So proud of my girl Lacey!! 🎉
    Congrats to all the winners that weekend, Kyle, AJ and Jess!!

  3. Great work IPO Media Team!!! Nothing can describe the experience that we encountered but you did the next best thing by showcasing our suffering 👊🏹🔥🎯 Can’t wait for next year 💪

  4. Having competed in this the prior year, I know how brutal this competition is. These athletes are absolute savages.

  5. Cool competition! Y'all need some production help though. Flood the anchor desk with light to offset the bright backdrop so the talent is not in the dark.

  6. Absolute warriors these competitors were. Congrats to Kyle and Lacy and great video showcasing the event

  7. Being a part of this event was such a cool experience and I realized just how far people can push themselves beyond they're limits giving each workout 110%

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