Golf Babe

Two bored 11-year-olds didn’t stay that way for long, building their own mini golf course!


  1. Im glad we didnt have tech in my day. That being me in 1998 you'd be looking 30 ft up a tree at 7 shady brick pallet levels i nailed to the best looking 3 tree cluster i could find. I wouldve had good content if i grew up in tech but thankful nothing came of it but memories for myself.

  2. They need to get with the owners of Rugles Ferry golf club in Knoxville. They are 2 brothers who built a golf course. My favorite course in Knoxvie.

  3. “We were bored drinking koolaid” sounds like the start of a BART Kershner story he rambles on about forever.

  4. That’s how kids are supposed to grow up the parents You’re doing an amazing job the rest of America look at these kids and learn something.

  5. I remember when I was a kid me and my buddies built a massive paint ball arena in the woods adjacent to the neighborhood we lived in took us 3 years and we never stopped working on it until the county flattened the forest and built a new subdivision

  6. Every kid in the country side ever but takes 2 city boys to go outside and its on the news. 😂😂😂 how stupid

  7. You kids are awesome! And shoutout to the parents for raising outside boys, keep em out there!

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