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Iowa: Trapped a Lap Down, Caution Calls, and Practice Makes Perfect

Casey Boat, TJ Majors, Brett Griffin, and Freddie Kraft recap the inaugural Cup race from Iowa Speedway. News of Martin Truex Jr.’s full-time driving retirement prompts TJ to share a funny story. The crew shares their thoughts on the repave, the race, and whether the series should go back to Iowa next year. They also discuss comments about caution calls and the incident between Daniel Suarez and Kyle Larson. They also touch on topics like Sunday night races, Justin Haley’s performance, and the championship contenders.

While Chase Elliott is the new regular season points leader, why is the crew not considering him a legit contender for the Cup Championship? And you won’t believe some of the speculated schedule changes that are in store for next season.

Comment what four drivers you think will contend for the Cup Championship this year.

00:00 – Introduction and Weekend Plans
00:54 – Thoughts on the Race at Iowa
03:13 – Concerns and Conversations about Tire Issues
07:39 – Impressions of the Broadcast Coverage
09:07 – Appreciation for the Fans and the Racing
11:16 – Opinions on the NBC Broadcast
14:08 – Rumors and Speculations about Driver and Crew Chief Changes
22:43 – Spot On Spot Off
32:55 – Discussion on a Controversial Caution
38:06 – Impressive Strategy Move by Ricky Stenhouse Jr.
41:11 – Debate over Fault in the Incident between Daniel Suarez and Kyle Larson
41:32 – Controversial Moves and Aggressive Driving in Recent NASCAR Races
42:56 – The Future of Racing at Iowa Speedway
44:49 – Justin Haley’s Strong Performances for Rick Ware Racing
48:30 – Chase Elliott’s Position in the Point Standings
49:34 – Reaction Theater
55:00 – Rumors of Changes to the NASCAR Schedule
01:00:22 – Ask DBC
01:08:46 – What an Idiot
01:09:02 – Desire for the Olympics to be an Annual Event in NASCAR

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[Music] hey everybody I’m TJ Majors spotter of the six Cup car this weekend did a little arcer racing with Andy J hell look fun I’m Brett Griffin I am uh off this weekend I am going to be back at the racetrack in Nashville and I am part-time spotting this year for Richard childis racing in the number 33 car you’re coming to Nashville I am there’s good news uh what’s up Freddy Kraft spot for Bubba Wallace Kyle seag this weekend hi Casey hello Casey boat here well we’re back from the what are you already you’re laughing at me guy was just laughing at Freddy okay uh we are back from the your intro should say Casey boat pregnant a if that yes that’s a great description she got here she said my back hurts she said welcome to my life Casey I think we decided we’re going to compare bellies like towards the end you’re probably still going to lose I think oh my gosh is that what my baby shower is going to be an Ono baby shower anyways uh we are back from Iowa the first time the cup cars were on track where Ryan blay finally gets his win after being so close what’ y’all think of the race I thought the cover race was pretty good um it’s racy uh I was thank God these guys went to school overnight and figured out how to make these tires last more than 20 laps cuz we were going to be in trouble if they you know if we luckily I heard like the the Jeff and Jordan talking about this like if we went here and had a 20-minute practice like we normally did that race probably is going to be a bit of a show because you never really got you know you would see less issues and guys might not be you know so Keen to to change their setup I know we made pretty you know substantial changes to our I just wanted on the record that Freddy is advocating for more practice no no no no no I’m just saying thank we had more practice there I don’t ever want more practice was it hot nah n it wasn’t Hot 100 no it was it you know and I I seen you know I didn’t know I didn’t realize going into it that we was a six o’clock start I you know I figured out obviously about a month or two ago but um I think that’s why they did it you know because it was it was pretty hot during the day and then it it was obviously cooling off as the race went on so and it’s more for the fans obviously the racing I think probably would have been better if it was middle of the afternoon and hot slick but you know it’s a lot to ask of people to sit out in 100 degree weather all day long so I originally looked on my calendar and I download the one off the website where it auto loads into your your Google Google Calendar or whatever it’s called Uh and it said it started at midnight Midnight and I was like well this is going to be interesting and then it eventually went completely off the calendar to where you couldn’t find it at all we were not there yeah it’s like you weren’t even there so I had the same thing and it popped up and I was in getting ready to race uh it was that like it gave you know gives you the warning before I got that warning and I was like uh okay but no I mean the racing I thought was good I thought the racing was better than I expected it to be um I was worried after Saturday we saw Tire issues on Saturday we saw it go to pretty much a single Lane around that second Lane Middle Lane um and you know obviously we always say this you know the cup guys are better than the Xfinity guys that’s that’s just a fact and they are able usually to to run better sometimes it’s a det to their detriment where they’re all so fast that they can’t can’t get away from each other also but um they they did a better job of using both lanes yesterday or actually really there was a kind of a third lane there was a little bit of a dead spot I thought right to the very top of the the asphalt but um I thought it was pretty racy overall with um you know going after Saturday’s practice I think it was very clear from the media standpoint that drivers and teams were worried about the race what conversations did you guys have internally as a team of like what strategy would be like how to adjust if these issues definitely come to fruition so the biggest thing I think we talked everybody talked was like the talk of the garage when I got to my you know our meetings was you know you had 10 sets of tires and it was 350 laps so you could run I don’t know it’s like 40 laps if you know like if you you could put tires on every 40 laps and we were blowing tires every 20 laps in practice and it was like you know the Math’s not mathing here like you’re going to have to figure out a way to make these last at least 40 and then you can see and it was I think as it we we still saw Tire problems and it’s basically you know you guys know this it’s it’s you know how aggressive do you want to be with the setup you know it’s it’s camber and air related and I and I didn’t know this I was listening to tear down last night and you know they said that goodye underestimated the lap time by almost a second you know they they give out that curve of where they recommend tire pressure and and camers at and they had to adjust that curve because we were running so much faster in practice but you know I know our team made some adjustments our car to make it last longer I’m sure you did too TJ yeah we uh we really didn’t have any any Tire issues on the six you guys are always perfect well we didn’t we weren’t going to we weren’t having the overwear problem and we don’t I don’t think we’re ever on the side of chancing the air of being too low like a lot of cars are and if you look in you can look at the cars that that do have problems and most of them are repeat offenders from whenever we switch to this car at some point they seem they just that’s where they their speed there’s speed there but there’s also risk too with it so I think most of the tire problems like Freddy said were were self-induced kind of um I know if you know if Goodyear says the recommend is 30 I’m I mean there’s going to be some that are at 28 you know but it’s fast um I don’t think uh I was a little worried about the track cuz everybody in practice everybody that got in the second lane I just lifted and Dove right to the bottom so the second lane was really kind of sketchy in in practice and that made me a little nervous for the arer race on Friday night um but those guys towards the end of the arcer race I noticed guys starting to move up their track and turn down in the middle just run this Big Arc and turn down and I’m like well if they’re running that Big Arc and turn it down it’s going to eventually stick in the middle and then they’re going to carry the speed on exit so uh it showed signs of that at the end of the arker race and then the Xin race obviously um I thought was a good race to watch and and um those guys were all over the place and they there was there was Tire problems with the Xenia cars but they were it was a different type of problem um so the we don’t really have when when we have problems with our tires most time the drivers can feel it a lot of times like they like uh Bristol those guys would feel it um and they can get the car slowed down a lot of times beforehand and exping cars they just seem to be having you know problems where they didn’t have any sign of it and it just would go but uh now the track definitely widened out as the weekend went on and if anybody’s going to widen a RAC track out it’s going to be a cup car now and how these guys are man what a um turned out to be a pretty good race some surprises on guys that weren’t fast some surprises on guys that you know didn’t qualify well started in the back um obviously blay Leed I think a career- higher number of laps for him so uh across the board going to the racet track for a first time almost every time is a good thing I I don’t know the last time we went to a track for the first time with cup cars and it suck and I think Glu poll is trending at 92% it was a good race we’ve been about how poorly um the car performs this car performs and how hard it is to pass at short tracks I mean we saw passing yesterday I mean we saw Denny start up front and go to the last um obviously a lot of cars pass him curious what he’ll say about it in his in his podcast but um overall watching the race on television was a very pleasant experience yeah I mean it’s you know there was there was times where you know we got well I’m sure we’ll get to it later but we you know we got a gift yesterday of you know a caution during that run and it cycled us to the top 10 and and we you know we were able to you know get stage points but we still you had to have a good car like if your car wasn’t good you just weren’t you know you we could drive up there there was guys up that stayed out and we had 30 20 30 lap tires more you know more than us and we couldn’t pass them you know because our car wasn’t good enough it wasn’t because the tire you know any Tire it just we we weren’t good enough and then as the runs went on we just continued to fade um I think one one of the things that amazes me just about NASCAR in general is we can build racetracks in the absolute middle of nowhere and have tens of thousands of people come out and I don’t care if we’re talking about Pocono if we’re talking about Watkins Glenn if we’re talking about Michigan if we’re talking about like holy cow man our fans are just unbelievable in the sense of literally if you build it they will come and it was cool to see a packed house yesterday the show the show’s good man I mean the you know this racing we have good races and um you know I’ll give it to him I was skeptical about this repay I was there for the test and I know how sick it was and and um man it was uh turned out to be a really good deal I think I think um you know the only thing that I would like to see more of is we didn’t really have when I say there was fall no fallof yeah I mean it was it was like no fall off so you were worried more you know there was kind of an un I think that we would have you would have seen a lot of probably no tire two tires if you had more confidence in the tire you know what I mean because everybody was so concerned about the tire early that you know you just you know I mean blay won the race with a two Tire call right um you know and it was just because you know that’s what’s going to win us to race we got to go for it you know and he was he was talking at the end like the left I think I think Hassler said they had like 130 Laps on their lefts by the end of the race and he felt like they were wearing violently at the end the very end when William’s trying to chase him down but you know the fallof was so little that you would I think you would have seen guys be more aggressive if they had a little more confidence that the right side tires were going to stay up yeah the only thing that I will say NBC did wrong during their broadcast is if Rick Allen said one time he said it a hundred times that blay has 80 people in the stands watching him today well guess what bud there’s about 40,000 people there that are also in the stands watching I got so tired of seeing them 80 people on television in their gray t-shirts I was like leading and they were cheering over and over what was worse the 80 fans of blay or the HMS 40th anniversary that they went to how many times 50 times during that broadcast yeah there there was some redundancy there Jay I’ll give you that so while we’re on that topic what obviously this was NBC’s first race back what do y’all think of the broadcast well I guess more for Brett since you watched it I mean look it’s a big change um you know that Rick Allen’s in there for a short amount of time I felt like he did a really good job navigating the conversation um Burton and and lart did a good job they they hit some points that I feel like you wouldn’t necessarily see hit on some of the other broadcast and and lart said Point Blank that he’s really surprised that was a caution and and I feel like when you’re a fan sitting at home and you see something happen and television lies to you it upsets you you lose credibility within the broadcast so I appreciate Steve’s candidness and uh and honesty on things that he was covered and he gave some really cool perspective I mean I’m not going to lie I mean the broadcast certainly missed El junr you know I mean it it it kind of sucks that he doesn’t have a broadcast home this year obviously he’s coming back next year with Amazon and looking forward to that but it it’s going to take some getting used to I mean obviously other people are having to fill the time that he would normally talk and and he would have some cool perspectives on stuff and and obviously he’s still in my mind the most popular person in our sport whether he’s driving or not driving so but but overall man I thought it was a really really good product and I I enjoyed the out of it I mean it it blew Phoenix away like you I’m sitting there watching this thing and I’m like why oh why is Phoenix our Championship race like it literally is my least favorite track on the circuit this one was in my top five yesterday yeah I agree well I can imagine there are a few reasons why maybe being in the middle of nowhere is probably no not a solid I’m going to guess in November it’s probably a little chilly there it’s okay it doesn’t matter weather doesn’t matter to Brit it doesn’t matter me I don’t care where did y’all stay What towns Des Moes oh Des Moes oh did you go to the High Life bar no that’s the best bar in town I was at I was at Knoxville oh watching Tyler suck Tyler’s terrible he almost got laughed how far how far as Knoxville from the racetrack uh it was uh with the construction or not no it wasn’t bad I never really hit any construction it was uh I didn’t I went from the track to Knoxville and then it was so it was probably 45 minutes maybe the track and did oh that’s not bad and then 45 to the hotel monus it was like yeah it was almost 45 wher you were they did great job putting like World of Outlaws racing at the same time that same weekend I mean it was a no-brainer I got a few tweets about people going to the track yeah I mean the whole industry was there really I saw there was tons of guys in the garage um yeah we went out a bunch of spotters went um it was fun man we we we might might have might have stopped by Dingus for a little while Tyler had a much better run at Dingus than he had at Knoxville I will say that I’d imagine anyways before we head into spot on spot off um obviously there’s a ton of rumors swirling around where the shr drivers are going especially with Martin announcing his retirement what are y’all hearing I I think the biggest thing you know for me Casey coming out of all this silly season talk and listen we’ve probably never seen this many teams up in the air with you know drivers and crew chiefs and spotters and all the stuff that’s going to go down but um some really good organizations are going after some really good people at Stewart house racing and when I look at steuart hos racing obviously you’ve Got Talented Engineers over there you’ve Got Talented crew chiefs You Got Talented mechanics um You’ve Got Talented guys like Greg Zippy who’s been Greg zipadelli has been around forever um and what I what I am kind of surprised at is top teams are going after these guys it’s not like and and to be honest with you the bottom teams need to be going after them like if I’m if I’m on the bottom half of of the points right now and I’m not running top 10 like I’m going to go and I’m going to make some major Personnel changes within my team to make me better I don’t know what RFK did over the last two years um two and a half years to get so much speed and get so much better and literally become almost a premier Ford Team Ford organization uh with within the sport but obviously they were Chang ches that were made so I I’m curious to see what Stewart hos people Land We Freddy yeah I mean the people side of it’s one thing the driver side is obviously um I think everybody’s seen the the rumors of Chase Brisco is getting into 19 I think you could probably expect an announcement on that in the next week or so um you know uh didn’t see that coming two weeks ago no no and and you know it’s it’s you know it’s you know listening to Let’s tear down again last night you know you I don’t think they wanted to start a rebuild you know what I mean like you’ve got a championship caliber team there you don’t want to put a Cory Heim you know or you know which I don’t know there’s there there’s something going on there with Cory Heim where he’s never going to get in a jgr car it seems like for some reason I don’t know what can’t be on The Blacklist but yeah I don’t know what it is but I think it’s just like contracts I it’s not contracts really I’ve heard okay um but it you know it’s it contacts maybe uh you know so and and so who else you going to get you know there’s the Eric Jones out there maybe but do you really want to poach a driver from another Toyota team um you know John Hunter you know he might have been in that position last year but then he went to the 42 now again and he’s not having a good start to this year he’s not I shouldn’t say he’s not making many friends I’ll say that much um TJ loves him TJ big fan um so then Who you gonna get after that you know you’re going to steal somebody well that’s going to cost you a lot of money and signing somebody like Chase brisk might not cost you a lot of money you know I’m I’m surprised by it and I say that because he has one win in his cup career he’s been around a while last year he ran behind the Rick Ware cars the majority of the time and this is when Rick W was not running as well as they are this year um that’s what makes me surprised about it is the struggles that hit a mile and a half tracks for that group was really really really bad so so from from that’s what surprises me is yes that is a championship caliber team yes that car can go out and win yes they want a driver that they know they can put in and he’s going to be that guy I’m surprised that they think Brisco is that guy and I’m not saying he’s not the right hire I just no different than when they hired you know Alex Bowman at at the 48 car I was surprised by that they went all young blood across the board at Hendrick and you when you see that happen you’re like how many years is it going to take them to be relevant well now they’re on top of the freaking world with William byrer he’s wor more races in his car than anybody but when you see those moves happen you look at a Chandler Smith and say do you put him in there well it’s going to take 3 years for him to win I don’t think they want to wait three years yeah I mean they’re waiting what’s Tai Gibbs me year and a half three no this is year three I think isn’t it well he run some parttime for you guys 2311 but not full time I think fulltime last year full time this is he’s a year and a half in and I think the the strategy is it takes these guys two to three years to become winners and I don’t think with that car they want to wait here’s the other big question is to to your point how much sponsorship stays on that car in on the 19 car with Martin leaving and because that dictates how much money you can spend to go get a driver right you you can’t go hire um I mean for lack of a better word you can’t go hire a mat kenith and bring him back in not from retirement but I’m saying if you want to go hire you can’t go hire Kyle Bush yeah that’s that’s that was the name I was going to say I guess let me say that for one you’re going have to spend a lot of money to get Kyle out of his RCR contract then you’re gonna have to pay Kyle where I’m sure the pay scale for Kyle Bush is quite a bit different than it is for Chase Brisco yes and then you have you know on the on the sponsor side of it you know you have Mahindra Tractors I think is probably going to go with Chase um so you know there’s there’s money coming in with him plus the sponsors that are already there I’m I’m going to assume bass proos probably done there you know know we heard rumors you brought it up last week about maybe them you know kind of Shifting that sponsorship to know a little bit more um but yeah you know and Brisco like listen where’s that at uh I like the only place that makes sense is RCR to me but they’d have to buy a charter for that I would assume um I mean Kyle made a comment about being willing to go somewhere else nowhere he’s staying there I you know he might he might want to leave but I don’t think he can leave I don’t know where else the only play the only other rumor I’ve heard of him was maybe trying to get back at Hendrick but you’re G to get rid Alex Bowman the guy finishes in the top 10 every week you know what I mean so I I it’s uh it’s it’s it’s a weird deal there as far as the other guys um I don’t know priest is probably out I would assume he’s going to find a home in the Infinity Series somewhere that’s what I here too Josh Josh I I would think that Josh and Cole kuster probably are the two guys that end up in the front row cars the new two the two extra front row cars um you hear that rumor a lot um who the hell is else oh Noah Noah’s you know like we said Noah the only room that makes sense to me is Noah taking some Bass Pro money maybe the Bass Pro consolidates all their money to go to RCR because they’ve been split for the last few years or last 20 years well 21 when you look at this Bass Pro sponsorship I don’t know of another brand currently in the sport that’s doing as much as they doing they’re sponsoring multiple teams which is obviously multiple drivers they do a lot of activations with the racetrack it’s very clear that they believe their customer is a Nascar fan and upand cominging drivers like they follow them from the beginning agree they I mean they got they’re on Dale’s lay models they’re on Wyatt Miller’s um cars wherever whatever he runs they’re just across the board a little bit everywhere what are you hearing about 21 21 the room rke here and is a little guy that we know former podcast guest I who who if if that comes to tr if that comes to fruition he’s earned it I I talked to to Justin Haley last may we were at North wilksboro and and obviously I spotted for him fulltime the year before and he was talking you know through scenarios that he had for a career path and and you’re sitting there listening and you’re like man this sucks like this this guy is is a good dude I like him and he’s good driver smart driver doesn’t do anything stupid and obviously can win races and it’s like man it’s just wrong place wrong time what’s going to happen well then he announces Rick wear we all look at each other going what well he runs top 10 yesterday all day pretty much yeah and finally got some TV time not that they wouldn’t mention him but they wouldn’t really show his car and then they finally showed his car and I’m like oh my God the camera guy found a 51 car thank God but this guy has obviously impressed a lot of people I mean I’ve heard that he could potentially go to a 23 11 third car but potentially to RFK if they add a third car obviously now he’s rumored to be going to the 21 car which may be vacated because Brisco didn’t and elected not to stay in the Ford Camp um and it’s kind of ironic you know Toyota raises a lot of these guys through their programs development programs and then they lose them so it’s kind of ironic that Toyota’s getting a guy they going take a Ford guy they’re going to take a Ford guy which which hey man good for them right because you got to do what you got to do but no Justin Haley I feel like is going to end up in a really good spot I don’t think it’s going to be a long time either until that deal gets announced it doesn’t sound like yeah we’re going to have to get him on here he the problem is he he’s quit coming to Big Al cuz he apparently decided to he wants to be a pilot so he goes flying every Monday morning so he can’t come drink an ideal guess well it’s they said it’s like eight hours bottle the throttle is what the what they kept saying so so it’s not we’re probably not unless he starts flying about noon I don’t think he’s going to make it at the big house anymore what about that third 2311 Charter what’s uh could possibly it’s going on it’s going down mhm I don’t think that’ll be a long time before it gets announced either I think it’s I think it’s pretty clearcut what’s going to happen there interesting well we’re going to take a quick break and then kick off spot on spot off first topic Martin TRX Jr’s crew chief James small saying it’s been a big distraction the past few years when asked if Martin’s incisiveness about hanging up the helmet has affected their team’s Focus spot on spot off BR uh you know the crew Chief’s job is to go out and make the car as fast as they can for whoever is driving it and and the driver that you have driving your car dictates what that setup needs to needs to fill like you know TJ might like his car a little looser Freddy might like his car a little tighter um but but for me like I I don’t definitely prefer I I I don’t I I agree with you on the tighter side I would want mine tighter too I look at this as um just kind of word fluff and and I don’t think it’s a distraction I think that you know Martin’s going to go out and drive his ass off here’s the cool thing about having a Martin TRX Jr in your car you don’t have to wonder if the car is any good you know you know the car is good if he’s fast and you know the car’s bad if he’s not I’ve been in situations where you know the driver says something the crew chief and engineer engineer look at each other and go he’s full of you know that car ain’t that car ain’t that bad because they don’t they don’t believe in the driver and that’s the cool thing about having a Martin Truex is you know yesterday when that that race when he qualified so bad you knew it wasn’t a car you knew the car wasn’t where Martin needed it to be so I’m I’m spot off for just the whole comment of it because you got Martin TRX Jr driving and you’re going to want Martin TRX Jr to drive as long as he he’s willing to drive and you got a big change coming next year I think that you know I I think that the I get the distraction side of it but I don’t think it’s should be a distraction to the crew chief like you said you know it’s a I could understand you know if you don’t know year to year I mean this is this was the third year right we’ve been you know waiting on Martin to announce you know are you coming back you’re not coming back Bob ask him the same question I mean every week for three years it seemed like um or two and a half years whatever but you know I can see on the team side of it you know you trying to build a a program and long-term you know sign you know hard to sign a long-term sponsor if they don’t know who’s driving the car from year to year um and it’s hard to kind of get your you know ground work laid where you know you’re going to compete for championships if you’re wondering who’s driving from time to time um but you know just for one thing just shout out to Martin Truex I mean unbelievable career one of the guys I follow growing up another Northeast guy you know I remember you know him running wall stadium and then some of the Bush North stuff when I when I first started seeing him around and then you know obviously once he made it to the leap to go you know exfinity for or nationwide at the time probably for junior you know that was a team that I follow a driver that I followed a lot Growing Up So awesomeness the career he had and then hopefully he goes out on top he’s got to get two wins to get to 50 n NASCAR wins so I told Drew that’s your job the rest of the year is make sure you get you know total NASCAR wins not just C the first time I met Martin we got in at Tahoe in the middle of the night I think we left at midnight and we drove to Daytona Beach Florida and we partied all week that week TJ didn’t come for whatever reason but TJ you’ve been around him a lot more than the other two of us have uh yeah I mean I’m first time I met Martin was at Daytona uh when I think it was 04 he was running Bush North yeah he was he was getting ready they he was ready to drive the chance to stuff I believe and that’s the that’s the uh weekend that Dell junor won the Daytona 500 and me and Martin hung out that whole race and we were all the crew ran I mean we were halfway we were going to run out into the grass we didn’t know what to do and then it was that’s that’s the when Del J pulled in Victory Lane oh my gosh you talk about a mob like it was there’s no way we were making it in there and that’s when Jeff Clark big dude he was the motor guy on on the butt8 car at that time and next thing you know he’s got me and Martin like this walking into Victory Lane and we go to Victory Lane you have you on the ground or off the ground uh both his hands are bigger than TJ’s head yeah and he he’s carrying me and Martin in there but yeah no I’ve been around Martin a lot um he’s been a good friend uh I mean when he drove down here he had a company truck didn’t drive it half the time I mean my my uh my car broke down or whatever he let me use his company truck for a couple weeks at a time I mean he didn’t Martin brought your truck yeah I don’t care I mean he’s just um real quiet I mean um laid-back guy loved to fish hunt um but he’s been I mean we me him and D J used to sit in that computer room and and race till probably 2 three in the morning a lot we come back he get back on Saturdays a lot we get back on Sundays and man Martin would already be in there I mean we’ get in the door and I mean we’d be home fairly early than we are now and we get in the door mom be like all right let’s race like damn man we just got back dude and uh but no Martin’s been a good friend and and it’s been fun to watch him grow from what he where he started this is where it gets hard excuse me um it’s you you know guys like him are going to just disappear you know what I mean like he he’s going to be a guy that retires and you might not ever see him again I mean he says he’s not but I don’t believe he says he uh he did say jgr has extremity cars so I I I mean Danny said he he’s got a a ride anytime he wants at our place um but like I don’t believe him like is he going to pull a car if there’s a way for him to come back and race I can see that happening but otherwise it’s it’s it’s no different than you know Ricky rud or Elliot Sadler or any the rest of them like when they quit racing you never see them again I mean absolutely obviously Hall of Fame career um and thanks thanks to his move when he left MWR um which he was kind of forced to leave there obviously what happened there with the team shutting down but when he left MWR and he went out to Denver Colorado with Furniture Row holy life changing and I didn’t see that coming people thought he was crazy you know what I mean um that’s impressive what they did with with Furniture Row they actually they formed the alliance with jgr and then they started beating him be jg’s butt and then and then jgr got tired of it and said just come over here and drive now uh no that it’s been what they built with furniture row and what did there winning the championship uh you know it it’s really impressive I don’t remember what year it was but it was around 2016 when he started said like he’d win a race every year or two or three you know and then all of a sudden it’s like four wins six wins boom boom champion you’re like wow yeah that was fun watch never and never h like I don’t ever remember Martin getting into a fight no ever you know what I mean like I I feel like he just didn’t give a you know what I mean like that that his personality whatever he got mad one time he only got mad but I mean like even then it was just you know like he won the battle I’m going to win the war all right I mean that’s the most controversial thing that happened in Martin’s career you know what’s crazy though is he’s like he’s been like Angry on the radio and stuff but he’s never never like just gone and wreck somebody or you know maybe he will start now he where remember Clint Clint said he Clint’s last race he said like I’m going to Phoenix I’m GNA wreck every mother that’s ever wrecked me hey uh are you going to do uh Clint’s truck race no funny enough I get a text from Clint something about doing the truck race he’s like can you believe Brett said no I was like yes have you not listened to the podcast do you not know the quote truck that’s if there was a t-shirt that Brett could wear I told him that I will be sitting in a bar cheering him on very loudly but I will not be at the Nashville racetrack for that truck race it’s Nashville yeah it’s Nashville so is that the only reason why cuz you’d rather go out on Broadway I would rather not go to the racetrack and it start raining and me spit there for sit there for 4 hours for a rain delay or it’ be 150 Casey I’m semi-retired for a reason and it ain’t to go truck racing with anybody okay whatever you say I love Clint and I hope he didn’t get upset it sounds like he might have he might been a little upset but I was like so Freddy here’s exactly the way the conversation went hey man what you doing nothing hey you see I’m going to run a truck race yeah man you won’t believe all I had to do to be able to run this truck trck race yeah okay you going to come spot spot for me and I said no what trucks he running and he said are you serious and I said yes and then he takes Freddy that’s it Ric ridiculous maybe Nick can do it and get a win get spoiled so I got I got a new word for Nick so B bod’s obviously a baseball player and he comes home from practice he’s like hope it’s a nice word he’s like Dad the coach was glazing Colt today glazing glazing that’s probably not a good idea and I was like bod I don’t I don’t I don’t know the context of of glazing do you know the context of glazing J you’re young so I’m like what does that mean but he’s like it means he’s he’s meat riding him I was like meat me my kid’s 11 what I’m like he’s what do you mean he’s meat riding he’s like you know he’s like like on his jock and I’m like like what what are you talking about dad like he’s kissing his he’s kissing his butt and I was like oh so now we can say that Nick is glazing so I can say Nick is now I can say Nick is glazing and meat writing meting is that what we’re getting at this is going to work out really well Nick’s going to hope he’s not driving when he hears this he’s not going to talk to me for a year I mean I told you I saw him on the roof but if you have a kid that’s like in this 11 to 14 don’t ask him what glazing is cuz I wish I’d never asked hold on a minute don’t don’t Google it would not recommend that uh Incognito all right all right spot on spot off after a costume is called on lap 182 for Daniel hemrich blowing a tire Christopher Bell’s crew chief Adam Steven said that was the most ridiculous [ __ ] caution I have ever seen in my life Freddy I didn’t know that I saw somebody say something of the quote was but I didn’t know what the quote was exactly until you just said it um listen I I thought that was a great caution I don’t know I don’t know what TJ I know you probably agree with me the best caution I’ve ever seen but here’s what I want to go back to 2022 the C we blow a tire leading the race at Bristol with 50 to go we have to ride around stuck on the high side can’t get down no caution uh short few laps later the 20 car blows a tire and gets right down on the apron put it out he continues on and runs almost for the win of the race that was more of a probably a BS caution than this one uh honestly they’re probably about the same because they probably nether want them warranted a caution but I just um yeah there was enough going on during that run that could have been a caution I thought the 43 was much more likely to be a the 43 blows a tire I assume off of two and is kind of creeping down the back straight away I mean he’s not I mean he’s not stop I was worried about him cuz his the the his Pace was so slow he was so slow he did a really good job he got he did a good job of hooking to the bottom and getting down but like like we talk about that at at Bristol which this was a different race director than Bristol I know Dale you know harped on that like different guys are going to make different calls um and I had just got done we were running long and once I saw some there was like three or four guys that cut a tire this was like 71 I think the 34 the 43 was the one I thought was going to be a caution cuz he was going so slow down the back straight away way against the wall still had a Cross Lanes of traffic and I’m like once I seen him get to the apron and not they didn’t throw the yellow I told our guys I was like this is like Bristol they’re not going to throw it unless something happens like something big is going to have to happen for them to throw it and damned if I wasn’t wrong two minutes later it looked like it was going to get big but it quickly fixed itself the only the only thing I think that I I I will say in their defense is I’m pretty sure the 31 was the only one that had contact with the wall or at least stayed in the wall you know like I don’t know the 43 and them guys hit the wall and came off but the 31 got in the fence and kind of stayed in the fence a little bit and then kind of came down that was the only difference from the other three or four incidents that were going on and I I get it like like we like we’re joking around that we loved it because it benefited us greatly Adam they were they were on Pit Road when this happened they were leaving Pit Road as the yellow came out so obviously he’s going to be much more frustrated about it than anybody else but I mean you know at a race like that there’s a lot of Tire problems going on and they’re on the other side of the shoe or other side of the foot whatever they’re they’re trying to be aggressive going other side of the foot whatever other side of shoes on the other foot yeah whatever it is they want the short runs so funny BL Blake said that just uh Henrich just glazed the wall he’s glazing oh but and the thing that this comes back to something we’ve talked about on here a thousand times was is you know they I don’t know they they say that they don’t want to throw a yellow during a pit cycle which again I can’t stand because what’s going on on Pit Road should not affect what’s a caution and what’s not a caution on the racetrack I think in my opinion I think they do I think and maybe Brett might not agree with this I agree with whatever you say thanks I I think they do a good job letting the races play out if a guy just gets a these tires give you warning and you go up the race trck he might not hit anything they give you that that benefit of not destroying your car well get to pit roast still you shouldn’t if we did that for every time somebody had a you know would all just stack everything we could with speed in the car like that and yeah you know what I mean I think it was AJ hedinger that said had hard weekend yeah well he said Saturday was no warning and and obviously a massive hit and he was worried about his uh kahunas that he hit so hard he did they check out I don’t I don’t know he asked Tera to check them out he said on the interview um and I can’t believe today he said on the next day that it gave him a lap warning so he kind of knew it um but yeah I mean I think you’re I think you’re absolutely right and and listen as this caution started to as this incident started to happen and the angle that Noah was at it looked like it could get big real fast and I think that was probably where whoever the committee made a decision really quick on that one I’ll give them credit for that and uh let me tell you something that came out of this caution that I thought was a bold move and I loved every second of it I might have something better but go ahead Ricky Stenhouse stays out on a 100 laap old tires and burns like half the field and and traps them on a you know they couldn’t wave because he stayed out I mean and it ruined it ruined reck’s KN it ruined brisco’s night you never saw I mean those guys got back up they waved around back to lead lap finally with like maybe I don’t know 100 to go or so yeah and then but they had a pit at the end when body else did cuz they were going to be short on fuel CU they took the wave around but Ricky is taking an insurance policy out on himself yeah he he Kelly is Mike Kelly made a great call because they don’t even care where they finish in that stage they’ just know that they’ve just trapped half the field to lap down that was move of the race probably like strategy wise I mean and I I don’t think it’s a direct result of why they finished in the top five they had a great run by the way shout out to Lauren from NS we got our uh sugar-free NS packages here on the on the counter they had a great they had a big Suite there I think with a bunch of people saving us um but uh you know they come out of there with a top five and and that’s I’m sure I mean it definitely cont I don’t think it’s the sole reason why they got a top five they had decent speed at the end but it definitely contributed to it so I got my question with that we’re right behind the 31 when this happens I see him hit the wall and we he’s against the wall we kind of go by him well he speeds back up and gets between we’re leading the race and gets between us and the pace car I don’t understand this that’s not a position you can be in you’re not on the lead lap and I have no idea like they open Pit Road with him behind the pace car in front of us we’re leading the race and we’re coming down Pit Road behind the 31 in front of you and I’m like how about I mean okay so we pit he’s a lap down already and we come back out what what shouldn’t he should be two down well he should be under a penalty if for pitting too soon because he’s not on the lap he’s not so he pitted with you he got a penalty I think I remember I but no no it gets better he comes out right with everybody else right in the mix of all the leaders right there he chooses and coming to the green flag they drop him so that messes up every mess screws the shoes up well not to mention as a leader you should you want that little bit of a an advantage coming down Pit Road not that as much but yeah but good Lord we I think we beat you off hit road I because I mean we came on your bumper but it was we beat you Blazer bumper blaz your bumper um also Christ listen tell me what tell me what David Ho no secrets on here today we’re we have a there’s a watching during during Freddy’s 50-minute practice and um we’re all sitting on Pit Road down there they’re cleaning the racetrack we’re sitting there for a few minutes the caution during PR which don’t tell the one no no no not the one I’m talking about how I talking about the 31 what like we’re everything’s just the workers on the track next thing you know here goes the 30 it’s the 31 oh God rolls off Pit Road and just go like I’m going to go back to the garage area and they’re working down in three and four where the accident scene whatever was and and he just rolls off and and we’re like uh you know back in the day that’ have been like oh I need to he probably been done practicing yeah like that’s just something you don’t do and like nothing really was ever said about it but you can talk about the one if you want we’ll see if i’ save that for different it’s like a 30-minute practice different segment of the show segment of the show all right well after getting into Kyle Larson and essentially ending his day Daniel Suarez said I don’t think that was my fault TJ spot on spot off I if you looked at the data on this one you know TJ was directly involved right TJ was the one that caused it we’re the one that caused it the second interview said the six and the five crowded them we must I mean I don’t need T you know you want to know how fired up TJ was about this he texted me while I was on the plane about it last night with pictures and I was like cuz I didn’t know I I saw one my buddies in the Black Flag podcast your team’s is this week yeah yeah sure oh my gosh my buddies in the Black Flag podcast tweeted out like Daniel Suarez says that wasn’t my fault when it absolutely was only your fault and I was dying laughing and I really I we were on the bottom of it and I knew it was like live I knew what happened but the best thing was he said on the broadcast via His incar Radio that sometimes you shouldn’t go in the middle and sometimes when you do there are consequences that’s what he said that’s the picture that’s the middle of the corner it’s going to be qu if you just run into maybe that’s what he meant he didn’t like being put three wide he said sometimes you shouldn’t go in the middle and when you do that I saw people or heard people like questioning Larsson for making that move and I’m like listen first of all that’s Kyle lson like that he’s going to take every o the guy had the they had the fastest car the move was questionable like with when you have the best car that move is probably not necessary but that’s LS that’s Larson that’s what you’re going to get and and it would have been fine if the 99 didn’t run into him you know what I mean like the you you had he had plenty of room up to you you had plenty of room to the wall everybody’s got room except for the 99 coming up the racetrack and driving into the side of Larson so you can say the move was was was risky and maybe that’s the risky part of you got to know who you’re making that move on maybe some guys are are not going to give you the room you expect but that was that was a room that should have worked and it didn’t because the 99 ran the only the only person that drove into the side of somebody worse all weekend was in The Arc race when swall when he just kept driving into Conor I was like what the are you doing dude like I me like literally what are you look like a fool right now in the turn one there it was like cor two two things I want to mention with the AER race first of all shout out to Eric Brennan for doing a fantastic job in the booth I thought he did amazing I trained him well um yeah Brett n had decided that over a beer at my table um but uh that deal with swall and then he gets out and uh I think it was Heather deau was interviewing him and she’s like do you know what was that basically you know like what were you doing and he you know he made a comment about you know well I lost all the respect for him when he jumped the restart and I’m like she and then she literally said oh so that’s why you were running into him essentially and he’s like yeah pretty much like I’m like what what like this was the I get it you know if you want to take a shot at a guy one time you know you go in there D but he just he he run to the side of him run the side of him then he got clear then he went to three and just drove through the back of him I was like going I literally thought he was going to send the hospital I was like what are we watching I can’t believe they didn’t R I don’t know why I can’t spot them RAC shout out Conor zillich Butterbean again this week come on DBC you win races that’s all I’m telling you by the way Casey charging I’ve never been more spot off hell in my pocket than for your question there by the way thank you this is this might be a first time might be oh moving on Iowa’s first cup event proves they deserve a second cup date but before we go back they need to finish Paving the track Brett spot off I don’t think anywhere deserves two dates not next year oh oh oh it says deserve a second cup date so you’re saying like go back again next year yeah yeah like spot on 100% we got to go back to Iowa I wouldn’t touch the racetrack I mean it is what it is I think it put on listen man I mean you you sit here and you say Larson shouldn’t have made it three wide well people that paid $100 a ticket deserve for Larson to make it three wide and and and and I apologize to anybody that doesn’t think he including Daniel Suarez that thinks he shouldn’t have made it three wide that the job of a race is to go as fast as you can and if there’s a whole sticky car in it right so um great great racetrack I love the Midwest I love that we you know we had such a big presence in the agriculture you know belt so to speak when we went to Kansas and we went to Joliet and we went to Road America like that’s a lot of lot of Midwestern presence and we lost Joliet and we lost Road America this is a aome to be in Iowa and I’m I’m here for it Caitlyn Clark and NASCAR that’s what Iowa does I I don’t know where you’re at I I disagree with Brett I think they should finish Paving it because that place was was I think he just paved the corners I think he just finished to the wall in the corners and make it at least make it even on the exit so one lane doesn’t have a a two-car length more longer patch than the other um but I you know I I think that place is always built on the Progressive banking that was one of the tracks I think we went to First with the progressive banking that in Homestead that really shined um and I think that if you do that I think obviously the concern would be maybe the move the groove just moves up to the the highest part of the banking and but you don’t know that we thought this race was going to be single file so I think the the higher you move it up the more option you give guys the more area you get to get away from somebody find clean air um I think it’ll only help and plus it’ll look a lot better than it does CU it it it looks like it looks funny on TV they do the aerial shot and you’re like man it looks weird uh but I I I would just want to see it you know let’s use all that rate we talk talk about Texas all those Lanes we can’t use right now at both ends you have two or three lanes you can’t use NASCAR on Racetrack surprised it took so long to get there Absol yeah absolutely because it the truck races and expending races that we’ve had there have been really good and I will I’ll say this they had um uh we were all worried about traffic yesterday and zero zero issues so in and out was easy it seemed to be well and I haven’t seen we obviously we we get there we get there pretty quick um but you know it’s I never saw any complaint I never you know usually if it’s bad twitter will light up I never saw any complaints about I got right out I had no problem I kept checking the traffic CU I was like is it getting bad yet and man it was it rolled good I I there’s I don’t think they missed on anything I think the racing product was good the fan engagement out there the Midway was packed all weekend great Midway yeah it was packed all weekend fans were there was a lot of activation there uh there was a he good I met a lot of DBC fans I met a lot of DC fans in Knoxville which I was surprised about a lot of couch racer shirts in Knoxville we’re in the wrong Market we got to go dirt racing by the way aw um but uh fans from all over the place I mean you know it’s like you know you’re all from I’m like where you guys from and it was South Dakota you know Minnesota NE wherever it was like I’m like damn we’re drawing all kinds of markets here so I mean it was it was good to meet that many fans from a different area can they should they add seats I don’t think so I I mean it was a good crowd for what they had that the sweets in turn one were great um oh you you see them sweets in turn one that’s pretty cool uh so you know I don’t I don’t indie car went there and did such a bang up job I was like we got to go here so glad we finally did I do think you repay I do think you finish it and let it widen out naturally as the as it progresses and stuff but I also don’t think you I feel like sometime if you start add in a bunch of seats then it just creates I think you leave it uh make make it a hot ticket mean what was the crowd yesterday did they say I’d say 40,000 looking at it but I I don’t know yeah make it a a big deal like make make people want, yeah want to travel there I had a couple V of water so everything he was seeing double for the for the I don’t know well I started at lunch and had a couple beers and I was like I got to I saw twe took a nap when I saw a tweet of your big cup I was like he’s never going to make it he’s not even going to see the race it’s a late start oh I made it we are going to take a quick break when we return we’ll shift gears to reaction Theater now it’s time for our favorite segment reaction theater where it’s your turn to be heard reaction theater is brought to you every week by Consumer Cellular Consumer Cellular has the same fast reliable Nationwide coverage as leading carriers but with plans as low as $20 a month and now for a limited time get their best deal of the Year buy any phone when you switch to Consumer cell and get two months of service free that’s right the same fast reliable Nationwide coverage as big Wireless now with two months free proof the best things in life really do come in twos see for promotional details let’s go to the calls I’m G to start this off by saying you guys are the best podcast out there I listen to you religiously every Monday night or Tuesday at work but that might have to stop here shortly or I’m going to cut a finger off or one of my machines up from laughing so hard crying last week after the Sonoma episode guys were unreal talking about this that beaten drowning in some I think the show needs to be sponsored by coolers that might make everything just perfect anyways keep up the good work and I’ll try to control myself and keep all my here when I listen to you guys take care cheers don’t don’t cut anything off so listen I heard speaking of losing digits uh Blake shared with me that um it wasn’t a digit well I guess it I guess it could be considered a digit um somebody somebody had a firework accident and lost a pretty important part of their body the cars to race the whole thing I don’t know they’re do funny they’re do funny no we didn’t we there’s a is it confirmed there’s a there’s a he blew his dofunny out he what about his tank jeez that’s a tough that’s a tough deal I got to we got to we got to get more details like Lena bobbit blew it off I don’t know and you said heard a rumor firework a firework incident oh tough tough that’s a tough break prayers what kind of firework good Lord that’s a move I’m pun intended Jesus we need the move on now all right next call did it hey first time caller long time lurker you know with all this talk of an International race NASCAR is really missing out on a big opportunity one word Madagascar you know some new eyes some new people and the perfect social media chance # mat NASCAR that funny yeah NASCAR what is up with all these Sunday night races tell me that Monday ain’t a holiday it ain’t Independence Day it ain’t Memorial Day it ain’t Labor Day why are we having races on Sunday night don’t you know by now I like the dream beer on Sunday afternoon and watch the race I got to get up at 4:30 in the morning on Monday I can’t drink till the we hours of the night is this you I ain’t going up 4:30 i p in the bed bro what time did the race end here uh uh late I think it was like 10:00 or something I think it was close to 10 race race for bre about 8:30 uh I think 10 10:30 somewhere in there I I am on board with this guy like I want to start at 1:00 Eastern every every week but it’s 100° outside and I remember races at St Louis man you know you run the middle of the day people are falling out in the stance from dehydration like I don’t want our fans to suffer um gosh man it’s it’s a double-edged sword I agree just take the summer off just don’t even race during the summer just take a month off well I don’t think they’re going to listen to you for next year Summer’s longer than a month yeah month of July off would be nice August is pretty hot too yeah not if you go certain places you don’t think we should have more Saturday night races well the problem is the ratings the ratings suck on Saturday night so do you think they did the Sunday night to not have to compete with the US Open because if I’m a casual sports fan I’m probably watching trials I don’t know how anybody can sit around and watch golf like I love golf a lot of people do I like to watch the highlights but to sit there for 4 hours and watch golf some people say run my ass across a cheese grater the golf fans say the same thing about NASCAR I know but I just I can’t just sit there so you didn’t watch any of that US Open yesterday not a swing choking down the stretch not a swing Jay he did choke what did you three idiots unleash when you said you missed the the songs in reaction theater some of these folks can’t hold a tune like Freddy’s buddy can’t hold his liquor at Big ows y’all have got some oh [Music] voices was that Jonathan Davis it sounded like Jonathan Davis what was that guy’s name that puked oh yeah Bobby Tim is taking Strays in the reaction theater this week yeah catching shade hey NASCAR welcome to Iowa this race brought to you by half ass fault Paving that’s right half ass fault Paving we don’t have time to pave the whole track we’ll just do a half ass fault job ass f you want tire wear well hold my corn that guy had like a commentator voice yeah he did it was he sounded like the old like movie trailer guy youed to call it movie TR like trying to get movie times movie phone. whatever movie phone uh listen I it was time right that that’s what they say they ran out of time like they announced it late this I glck wrote an article about it Jordan which supposed to send it to me obviously forgot because he doesn’t like me anymore or something um but uh yeah they I think was they said it just time related they just that’s what they can get done in the amount of time they had speaking of time related I saw Ford finally added their logo to their race car yeah what the hell they been doing that was brilliant What who thought who who would have thought it put put your logo on something yeah you know they waited for to start running better like we’re falling ass now we put our name back on there maybe they started the season they were like hey let’s wait and see how we do cuz if we ain’t very good we don’t really want our name on this thing and it’s like okay we’re good who’s that horse car go ahead and slap that fun of you idiots for saying it’s time to panic but you I was saying this time to put the Ford logo on but now I see why they waited I’m kidding yeah messages for TJ if he’s there today don’t know if he’ll make it in I have a miss a show yet charger might be a little left up there on your power car there but uh I’ll be dipped you’re going to have to you know yell at kle lson there just I mean didn’t even see you guys outside you know that was part of your strategy TJ come on D lson yeah Kyle what are you doing stop pinching us finally that son of a Martin TRX Jr is retiring good riddance you jeez who the doesn’t like Martin Truex apparently that guy well yeah I mean who could he be a fan of that he does like he’s a loano fan I guess uh I mean Martin doesn’t not get along with anybody I don’t know except for lap cards every once in a while he didn’t like them or the actual car Martin’s easy to spot for I did a few races in exfinity with him and he’s he’s an easy guy to spot for I’ve done One race with Martin as well tell John Hunter neek to Park his ass back in the infield where he belongs that’s some can’t drive a damn taxi cab let alone a race car that’s a Noah gragson fan for sure yeah that’s that was that was a pretty big wreck John Hunter man he is I don’t know if he he’s just on a mission I think to piss everybody like he he needs to come on the show for some good luck or something he was he was running he he had some contact on Saturday with a bunch of guys then day he just went in there he had shallowed his entry up and was charging entry really hard and then just it just looked like he just washed up into the tent and turned him around they all Lucky they didn’t wreck worse but yeah he was he’s being I mean he’s always been very aggressive and he’s he’s staying true to form boys I ain’t getting out of the tub we’re staying in the tub and we’re partying the women’s on the way the beer’s cold it’s Father’s Day I’m calling in to work tomorrow woohoo go 12 the women’s is on the way to the tub they think what was it last we they were all backing in or something didn’t they do something yeah they were backing into the tub the tub be fun well how about a little throwback to the old uh NASCAR race tub Jimmy Spencer crying tow Edition oh my God I’m so sick of hearing that anybody who out there thought Ford wasn’t going to win or not make you know a comeback at least at some point in this season has never watched a NASCAR race like ever come on just go cry in a towel get pied in the face by braad kazasi have a coconut smile and shut the up oh very aggressive this guy needs some he he’s getting tub oh well if you would like to send us an audio message you know the drill call our number 704 829 9572 Consumer Cellular is the official Wireless partner of Brad kazlowski RFK racing and the number six car if they can count on consumer cellular you can too Brad kazlowski and RFK racing no speed that’s just what you get with Consumer Cellular TJ Brad’s back in the consumer cellular scheme for Nashville on June 30th I know you’re looking forward to seeing that bright orange car back on the track again oh yeah there’ll be no missing Brad on track in Nashville in that scheme I’m hoping we can manage another top five like the last time we ran this game earlier in the year at Phoenix consumer seller has award-winning 100% us-based customer service centers so you can always get the help that you need it’s like having your pit crew right when you need them consumer sell has the same fast reliable Nationwide coverage as the leading carriers but with plan starting as low as $20 a month there are no activation fees and no contracts consumer sale or customers stay because they want to not because they have to they don’t need to trap their customers you can even try a consumer seller for $3 days risk-free if you don’t love it cancel it but we’ll bet you love it and now for a limited time get their best deal of the Year buy any phone when you switch to Consumer Cellular and get 2 months of free service that’s right the same fast reliable Nationwide coverage is Big Wireless now with two months free proof the best things in life really do come in twos see for promotional [Music] details moving on to ask DBC this first one is from Zach do you think no shifting Iowa was a major reason we had such a great race I mean probably didn’t hurt I didn’t really think about it but yeah broadcast was mentioned in it um it’s I don’t know that it played a huge Factor but it certainly didn’t hurt anything I don’t think yeah I don’t I mean with the speeds we were carrying there I I I don’t think um I think it would have hurt the product if we were shifting for sure um but I if we have we ever seen it help the product the sh no ovals to me like they have so much grip there if they started slowing this and this could be a problem if we start you know having tire wear as well but you start slowing down guys are going to start shifting and I don’t know with a repave if we’re going to have enough you know to really spin the tires and hurt them um I don’t know I definitely don’t think shifting I I like the not shifting part of things for sure agre agreed wholeheartedly this next one is from Ben how seriously should we be taking Justin Haley he just scored another top 15 for Rick wear racing and I know we touched on this a little bit earlier but safe to say he’s uh in it for the long haul I mean yeah obviously I mean he’s just was just outperforming anything anybody’s everever done in that car before I mean by a lot not you know it’s not like they’re just backing into top 10 or C caught a caution and and he ran he ran top 10 the whole first stage then they had a a Pit Road penalty I think that came back back put him back and he drove back to the front and he ran I mean he was top 10 12 speed all day long I don’t even know where he finished but um he finished 13th yeah he was that’s that’s kind of he just ran there all day long and that that that those cars those cars never did that you know I mean and and he’s done that consistently over the last month really I think yeah he’s been fast at Darlington he’s been fast at he was fast at WLS bro the allar race wo Bristol the the other race at Bristol we had Tire concerns he was fast there I I like what they’re doing there uh this is kind of what we thought could happen and it’s actually coming true now you know they’re running good and they went out and made moves to get people they got some they got Justin in there they got a new crew chief in there Chris Lawson and they spent some money yeah and what I like is I think what they’re doing um you know if I’m Justin I consider staying there you’re building out because once you find momentum like this and you start figuring out how things are working and what you need to make you know and um obviously we have alliance with RFK which you know obviously we’ve they’ve been we’ve had some decent speed here the last you know couple months um I I mean I like what they’re doing I think Justin and them and and and Robbie and and everyone there is doing a great job and and uh hopefully they continue to build on it yeah I mean looking at at him in the points obviously he’s he’s 30th which which give him give him a lot of points back he got disqualified absolutely that that hurt but he’s still ahead of KAG racing RCR and and the Wood Brothers Pinsky so man uh great season and and I think it goes back to Rick wear agreeing to invest more money in the team and and he started that concept when he went out and hired Justin Haley I mean you knew you were going to have a higher caliber of driver than has been in your cars in a in a long time from a full-time perspective and you have a chance to truly go out and build build something and evaluate are we getting better are we getting faster are we qualifying you know higher and are we finishing higher and the answer is yes so no matter what Justin does If he if he stays there or goes uh certainly sounds like he’s going somewhere else Rick is now in a position to go out and acquire a driver with talent because I don’t know how many people last year in the garage if you had surveyed would have said I want to get in that car and now I feel like you you’re you’re RVE it almost reminds me of that 78 car for a while you know the 78 car was kind of just you know all right he’s out here for a while then rean got in it Regan won the the southern 500 then you know Kurt got in there for a little while then Martin got in there and obviously took off with it you know but like would guys like Kurt and Martin get in there if rean doesn’t win a race you know um so it’s it’s it’s definitely making it a more and listen honestly you know we talked about earlier the rumors of him getting in the 21 car when was the last time the 21 beat the 51 or outran I should say at least ran the 51 this year you know what I mean and you I know you’ve talked me and you’ve talked about it the 21 I mean I love them guys John Wood congrats to him for taking you know he’s he’s become the president over there he’s going to take over and I’m sure he’s going to try to write the ship um it’s it’s never run even really compared to the at the other Pensky cars which has you know some kind of Alliance there um it it’s never really well blay was the one last one to win and he won one time and I think did they say the first the next person or Bane won the 500 B but that other than that was I think Sadler in 20011 Bristol so to TJ’s point if you were in Justin shoes would you consider their staying and not taking that opportunity probably not the the problem that I think I would and I don’t this I always get because I talk about this team and they they cry about it all the time the the the depth of equipment would be an issue is probably the main reason why I think Justin basically has two cars He races he said he has two cars um you know and and this is obviously his good one yeah there’s there’s one good one that he runs I mean and he that would be my concern if I that would be my main reason for leaving would be you know you have a wealth of equipment when you go to a place like the 21 or or RFK I mean that doesn’t seem to be paying off well you know but and if you keep finishing top 15 you’re going to get more cars you’re going to get your equipment’s going to they really they really haven’t been in a position right now if I’m him I stay right where I’m at I’ve got a good crew chief I’ve got a I’ve got somebody that took a chance on me invested in me they’re pieces in I would build on that I mean they they obviously you what what makes uh you know fast cars help and cars go fast they’re utilizing their Alliance they got a good driver in there they’re bringing good people in there to make you know use that equipment in then their skill sets I would keep building because you got three good pieces right now you got a a car that’s fast you got a crew chief that’s aggressive and going after and you got a driver that can do it too not in management going out there and doing this I mean now I keep building onto that and bringing more you know hey you what it makes the cars are a whole lot easier to take to the track when you bring them back and they’re not tore up and they’re you know what I mean that’s what they’ve been doing they’ve been bringing these things back and fine tuning them and they’re learning tons every week and man I I don’t know I think I think they I would continue to build for another year um I would continue to build on it should be interesting uh Justin another Justin had a great question uh Chase Elliott is back at the top of the regular season point standing does that make him a legit Championship Contender I I think for what I was gonna I had this in my notes ask you guys like it’s funny yes the answer is he’s obviously legit he’s got the best average finish he’s running the best he has in a long time but when was the last time like if I ask you right now who your Championship favor was it’s not going to be Chase Elliott right I mean no I mean he only has six playoff points he will get 15 if he wins regular season but no it’s not I mean it’s probably not I mean I would have to say Danny and Larson are the two that would you know hands down you know and when is the last time like the point leader wasn’t the you know what I mean the guy usually the GU dominating the season usually the guy like oh you know he’s a he’s a shoe in for the I wouldn’t even say he’s a Sho in for the final four and he’s leading to points um but you know it’s just it’s it’s a it’s a tricky thing and I don’t know if it’s just because you expect a lot at at a Chase he’s expected to win more that’s the biggest knock he’s not winning but he’s finishing obviously got the best average finish he’s finished up front every week it just needs to capitalize on wins he’s in the single digits all race every week yeah all right well don’t forget use ash ask DBC to submit your questions on X we’re going to take a quick break we come back we’ll turn to our always entertaining segment what an idiot Freddy would you like to kick things off I want to ask a question first did Matt Weaver eat a piece of paper what Matt Weaver did he eat a piece of paper like with sauce or ketchup I don’t know did he it was on the Twitter that he said if if something happens I’ll eat a piece of paper and it happened I guess he ate a piece of paper you never at paper before a whole sheet of paper no I think Chloe did last night actually on that note how do you even eat paper just go ahead try it no so is that you an idiot I mean if he at paper he’s an idiot he’s probably having a you know I mean how do you poof paper oh god seriously how do you pass it you can’t I mean you don’t think it’s digestible I mean biodegradable I mean anyway Freddy uh so I had I don’t even I really didn’t have a wooden idiot this week so there’s a couple guys I want to pick on first one is TJ do you know TJ wore a cool shirt yesterday heck yeah during the race during the race him and Herm had these things hooked to the grilling and they I mean I guess they’re not idiots cuz they were probably much cooler than I was but I feel like I don’t think I want to car I feel like we’re outsmarting I feel like they should be illegal for the drivers to wear them what what why I think you’re an idiot for say I’m going to goad and tell you I didn’t and I’ve always been like when the driver says my cool suit quit working I’ve always been like what a wuss man I understand the difference in temperature now because didn’t have no cool suit well he also had he also had Windows the side of this t Bonnet didn’t have no cool Windows um anyway Carl Ed didn’t have no cool suit by the way uh Freddy what size are you you want to get one we’ve gotten away from being a blue collar Sport and these guys wearing cool suits just it’s more for their saf I have I had two more of this might just give it to you um but uh not again not an idiot but I just there’s something about it I don’t like I I don’t like the Superman celebration from mayor like like I don’t know you think he’s super I don’t think he’s Superman what what comic what what guy what superhero say I don’t know dude he’s won six of the last 29 races inity I know I just don’t I don’t know why I don’t like it I I had I had this as a note to bring up because he did make a few comments around not being considered for some of the cup rides do you feel he should be now with his run surprised he didn’t get a shot at a 19 car he didn’t like his interview that his interview when he referenced the fact that like I forget the language he used I was like that might be part of the problem it was not it was not very well and listen he’s doing a great job like no I’m not going to knock him he’s doing a in a year ago you know rewind a year ago he was crashing a lot and he was making a lot of mistakes he has corrected a lot of that he was very aggressive on Saturday um but he has corrected that and like TJ said he has won a bunch in the last you know like the second half of last year and the beginning of this year he’s done a really good job um but man I just I don’t know I have a hard time with Superman this is where I don’t understand the JRM approach to the Charter is you have a Sam mayor and you have a Sammy Smith both are assumed to have very deep pockets and and so for you to go out and start a cup team you need a you need a Cornerstone partner when you look at Dell Earnhart Dei when they started the team with Michael walp they went to Napa and said hey we need you to leave Ron horn day in trucks and we need you to come with us to with Michael walri the cup and they said yes so like when I look at that scenario going over over there at JRM and it pertains to Charters like why don’t you go to one of those two because they’re both really rich right aren’t they uh I don’t know I mean I sami’s not rich but Sammy has connections to to to money to money so I mean when you look at what 2311 is allegedly about to do with their third Charter and who they’re about to do it with and the sponsorship they’re doing it with that’s to help subsidize the cost of starting the 1 team so I don’t know why J wouldn’t do that but I’ve not paid a lot of attention to a superhero um Antics I have to pay more attention I think my thing with the celebration afterwards is Riley was obviously not happy with him and they really didn’t have any runin at the end of the race but like earlier in the race Sam’s like I don’t know why he’s really mad at me or whatever well Sam when you get on to the corner and you wash a guy all the way to the wall pretty much he’s probably not going to be very happy not going to be pumped and yeah I mean and honestly he ran you really clean for how you RAC him earlier so uh you know and Riley had a really good run too that expin race was exciting so he’s won six of the last 29 that’s what I saw that’s impressive yeah yeah that’s good that’s big did you see the one the only other one I want to mention was turn one pretty early I don’t know what spire on spire on Spire crime oh yeah I saw that it looked like Carson got in there got free running to Zayn Zayn turned to seven I was like o that’s a tough look not a good shop photo that that one might get blown up put on the in the shop wall so Sam May’s 10th in points in Infinity so certainly not well he he had uh I mean beginning of the year play point let me tell you something you like I feel bad for this kid I don’t know if he’s got to go find somebody’s horseshoe Brandon Jones oh can’t C I mean this kid can’t catch he’s his last three finishes are 36 38th and 36 out of the playoffs out of the playoffs and probably at the point where he’s got a win now he’s got to win yeah he’s 16th they only take or 15th they only take 12 just man I me just I mean he blew up sitting on the jack the other day I mean they dropped the Jack he took off and yeah I saw that TJ um I don’t know who the the um the drivers were but I did watch a little bit of a sprint car race uh from Ohio maybe and the uh lap eight of the race probably a 30 35 lap race second place throws a slide job from pretty far back on the leader and just knows he’s going to clobber him because they were already kind of trading slers and did you see this wreck no oh oh my gosh it’s so bad the guy I mean they both flip basically go out almost out of the park do any any of you guys see it yeah good talk yeah I would say that uh that was pretty pretty bad one thing I will did you have an ID did you we had a new listener last week International listener will Brown listen to our show and he sent me a text about Freddy and he said he laughed the whole show and that that he loved our show he probably has no idea what we said so would you like to try that accent again he did another interview how he sound he said my spot was very Southern however he said it I think it sounded just like that actually I’ll tell you one thing and it’s not like one other thing we have to bring up in this in this General vicinity of this segment is I don’t think the dolly thing is going to work if we can’t do it any than that are you sure like cuz if that’s if that’s the plan during the race Ross would have been about TW he probably been 10 laps down I would say um so we’re going to have to either get better at that or or come up with something new I think cuz that was a 13-minute red flag well for a left rear tire what else we have this week New Hampshire yes thank you thank you thank you I finally get a win for DBZ picks oh wow we are congratulations yeah that’s your second one of the year or is that your first third oh you’re on a roll it’s not my first no I said I get to go first oh yes you you get to go first for New Hampshire I have no idea I’ll take if you go to New Hampshire you got to go to Mills Falls that’s the cutest little town it is he’s so cute good food so cute and mackers I’ll take old Brad Brad kazlowski yeah where when do I pick third TJ you’re next well looking at this list um I’m running low man I’m going to go with Josh Barry that’s who I was I was going to pick him yeah you got are going to get your asses kicked this week cuz I’m going with the bathtub man Mr Ryan bainy he pretty good at those mile ovals I’ll take Martin you suck I didn’t know you were GNA do that save D this is his home track right I mean I feel like he has like three home tracks this this is the one he raised that a lot though buth we’ve all screwed up cuz we all need a bell for here I mean yeah I I wanted to save Bel I wish I had to save blay now I didn’t know you was coming strong I’ll tell you uh is this race going to be any passing do we think I almost took Chase Brisco because I honestly felt like he’s he he’s he’s going to have to get hot here I think yeah for sure he’s got to prove people right you doing you doing modified yep Doug Kobe I always want to do a modified race there I did a modified race truck with no I’m out on truck the modified race at New Hampshire is the best race of the weekend it’s one of the best races of the year I told I might be doing it oh yeah I think Andy might be going yeah um you know what it’s either check your flag or God for us man you get your you get your license you get your per license cuz your hard card’s not good enough to spot a modifi oh wow the case yes $60 a team’s got to pay for a cup spot or to spot for him because they we don’t our hard card our Cup Series hard card that cost God knows how much $0 every time so every I spot for Tommy Baldwin’s car I don’t know three or four times a year he’s got to pay $60 every time I do it wow because my My Cup Series license and hard card isn’t good enough to for you can do a truck andin car but damn if you do a modif at a time boys I got xinity this weekend too so do you yeah we’re bringing what there modifi are there cups obviously therein xinity is there no truck trck no truck so three Series yeah yeah I’ll tell you I uh heard some interesting schedule rumors this week and I’ll I’ll tease it this week and I’ll let the people on Reddit go nuts for a week before we tell any stories I did hear three races coming out of the playoffs or three tracks three tracks coming out of the play three new ones going in obviously I’ll give you two of them because they’re obvious uh Atlanta’s obviously coming out because we know that’s the first race of the tournament I think yeah darlington’s going back in which makes sense the way the schedule lays out I think Daytona is going to be back to the final race darling’s going in the other two races that are coming out and going in are very big surprises to me and I’ll let body not new tracks are already on the schedule but going in one of them that the one that’s coming out of the playoffs I honestly can’t believe and the two that are going in are surprising to me um so I’ll let you guys debate about that for a little while before we give any I just pray Phoenix comes out eventually look at the schedle I know they’ve already announced it but I just wish we could do it let me see it let me see that schedule I’ll tell you if it’s right I don’t think you want to see that schedule okay oh I’ve already I already how many weeks off you get one yeah one I’m sure Megan is thrilled yeah uh at so we need the Olympics to be an every year sport what you’re saying yes can we make the Olympics an annual thing around here all right well Tri for those in New Hampshire be sure to stop by say hi you’re going to be there no I will not be there then but stop by the you guys and say remember that one time we did that Q&A outside the tunnel I’ve been trying to forget about it the last the last thing they did was we’re to ask Brett some random words and we that didn’t go well at all what was it Jimmy you bang a UI oh I wasn’t there for that one Jimmy was a Sprinkle Brett thought it was something else I thought it was a condom uh bang a yui Brett thought there was somebody named yui in the crowd um and you wonder why you weren’t asked that I can’t believe we to get out I don’t know why uh it’s weird all right well anyway thank y’all so much for listening we will talk to y’all after New Hampshire have a great week


  1. Not picking Cory heim is freaking crazy !!!!!!! He’s fast AF !!!! If I was him I would switch manufacturers!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If he doesn’t go to cup ?!!!!!

  2. Briscoe is “terrible” clearly he is a good driver but !!!!!! That is the wrong move period!!!!!!!!

  3. If i’m J. Haley a stay in the 51 car. The 21 has been terrible for a long time. RWR is building a good thing and i think Brad K. would like to bring Haley in house to RFK for a 3rd team

  4. What was there to do in that midway? There was no kids zone, no sponsor opportunity other then the corn one. No shows, the nascar experience is great but not when you are trapped in a box like how they have it set up.

  5. 42:55 yall just gonna skip the fact he got loose? Larson put himself in a bad spot, had he not been there Suarez getting loose wouldn’t have been an issue but since Larson put em 3 wide he got the shit end of it which is exactly what Suarez was getting at on the radio. You put yourself in a bad spot then you’re owning the consequences if something doesn’t go right. Case and point: the incident that happened.
    100% on Larson for being in bad spot

  6. Loved the show guys. I love hearing your insight and like how you share rumors you hear around the garage.

  7. 45:03 spot off for Brett’s r*tarded ass comments. Its not that he shouldn’t have put it 3 wide it just makes him at fault for getting wrecked. Stop blaming Suarez for Larsons dumb mistake. And im way more of a larson fan than suarez

  8. I thought this was one of the best full-program races of the year. The entire race was 2-wide or more with action everywhere. No drama, last-lap nonsense needed to boost the ratings.

  9. With tire wrecks at times in the race Sunday Iowa was a bad idea that was a convincing week off and hopefully no weather channel issues this weekend can we please stop the stupid short tracks and go big track racing. GOD DAMN the few weeks SUCK. UNBELIEVABLE 😮😮😮😮😮😮😕😕😕☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️😞😞😞😞😞😞😞😶

  10. The only thing I would say is when they go back please work with knoxville again so the dirt fans have a big race down the road I think that helped a lot also having sprint cars in the midway and a simulator helped I'm not saying they won't show up if they don't but I think it would help to work again with knoxville

  11. Umm Gragson makes the most sense for the 19 team. Gragson has finished top 10 or 15 90% of this season, also BPS and Gragson know each other very well.

  12. the superman celebration is so damn corny! especially when he does it 3 times in one celebration and mixes in the shooter mcgavin hand guns lol

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