Golf Players

MLB Picks And Predictions 6-16-24

all right yo what’s up with y’all boys and girls man hey it’s Jay Briggs here on Sunday June 16th with the pig dogs Morning Show money making Sunday hey A lot happened yesterday in the Sports World all across all sports man a lot went down yesterday I’m sure we’ll talk about a lot of it um today really nothing but Major League Baseball I think the Euro’s going on um but no NBA no NHL tonight and both they’re not over right they tried to they tried to tell us we were we were dead in the water it ain’t over and neither one of them we beat down and both so we’re not cut dead yet come on not de yet man we’ll talk about it a little more here in a second but money making Sunday great day to make some money man y’all know that’s what we do here let’s meet the guys Brad s my man how you doing yeah I’m doing good had a good day yesterday we watched a little bit of that hockey game um until it kind of got unentertaining there but it’s wild how identical the NBA finals and Stanley Cup finals have been going so far so I’m wishing I’m wishing the best for you Jay and Rod we’ll see if any of these guys could get a comeback in but uh yeah I’m ready to have a a big Sunday here yes sir let’s do it let’s do it Brian B that my man how you doing today I tell you what Friday excellent day for me yesterday step backwards one and two just too many goals in the Evon Oilers win over Florida I had the under in that one so got it but don’t forget we got CFL and WNBA today to go along with Major League Baseball there you go there you go I D no I ain’t tuned in but uh WNBA kind of have my eyes you know I’m watching it I’m watching I’m I’mma hop in there soon hop in there water we’ll talk about a little bit how many games today in the WNBA three games today I believe yeah we talked about it yesterday we hint on it a little bit today Zaki man how you doing I’m doing all right uh baseball definitely got me yesterday one of those days um I figured Texas would come to play but uh again I think I have been on him in a bit but uh tough day yesterday on the diamond for me so looking for a bounce back there uh I had the uh Oilers and I had the over definitely figured we were going to see more goals like uh we saw in game three and uh definitely did we ever see some goals let’s just hope they didn’t use them all up for game five same thing Ro I’m hoping the same hoping the same thing Jon BR how you doing today my man yeah what’s going on um you know I had a productive day yesterday 4 and two you know some plus money action which um you know made it um worthwhile you know uh pushing you know 300 plus on you know on the units on for the day so it was you know one of those days where I felt strong about it going in you know like some underdogs and The Underdogs came through so looking to keep it going you know for and that’s all in Major League Baseball I didn’t have anything else going anywhere else so you know looking um know press forward in this one you know on the Sunday getaway day should have put that Liberty in that you was living yesterday oh yeah yeah but I gave it out as a free play so and then I I I really I had really like the um you know the um con his son but couldn’t couldn’t get that in in time so just one of those things have you been tuned in to the WNBA you’re getting into it what’s yeah I mean I’m I’m always tuned in you know you know years past like i’ I’ve I watch it you know here and there you know in the per it’s everything’s on the perfield with me like you know the the sports we don’t talk about golf tennis you know I’m I’m always watching something but um you know with that said as far as like as far as actually sitting down and really handicapping these games you know WNBA this is probably the first season that I’ve actually handicapped it and not just watched it you know just to watch it fair enough those damn Aces yesterday bastards I thought for sure Las Vegas was the play yesterday I thought know you look at the record you look at the record about six and five or so for Las Vegas New York came into that game I think like 11 and two or so it’s line just seemed off to me and you know that was just one of those cases where I got my butt kicked with Las Vegas at home New York loves to beat up Vegas in nothing games they they just don’t play so well when it comes to the meaningful games they won the money versus the aces last season and then this season uh last season the aces they come to play in the finals and uh beat New York that’s when they play they’re like they they give them false hope is what the aces love to do they’re like here you go New York pretend you’re good [Laughter] [Music] yes sir yes sir yes sir me I had a good day yesterday too fellas uh I had three and 0 three underdogs all cash um like plus like 400 something units that’s a good day I’m try to do it again today um baseball we know that’s how it is man that’s how it is you got to find your value you gotta find the spots pray they come through really let’s try to do that today man let’s find some value on the board and um let kick the crap out of the books started off we’re in Chicago where we got the Cubbies and the Cardinal we also got the Nationals and the Marlins no longer the money Marlins they so trash and we got the O’s and the Phillies I think probably the best game on the board today uh Corbin wheeler I don’t know if there’s a lot of betting value um maybe I can make an argument I will here in a second but matter of fact R we Ming out here so I’ll lead off today I’m on the Phillies bro I gotta be um you gonna give me wheeler and the Phillies plus money the thing is i’ I’ve been on the plus money on the Phillies the whole time I just feel like this is a 5050 series every game is 5050 um two really good teams uh Philadelphia looking to prove that they’re not just beating bad teams I’m g roll with that plus money man I know Mitch not here to beat up on Wheeler so y know he’s not the biggest wheeler fan but and deservedly so sometimes but I mean this season you look at the numbers he’s been solid um he’s been solid I think he’s gonna be solid today I know Corbin burns on the other side probably gonna be a low-scoring pitcher duel under style game even though these two teams have power for offenses I lean towards the under and I lean towards attacking that plus money with the uh Philadelphia Phillies knock knock who’s there H H who h lardo’s g to kick the crap out of the Nationals today I don’t know if y’all know but he is um surprised to see my guy already back on the mound today but he is against Mitchell Parker I don’t back the Marlins often I back him every time Sandy on the man I mean not Sandy but Jesus I backed him last year with Sandy on the mound too but s is of course gone this season but with Jesus on the mound I’m there there sign me up um he’s been better recently too he pitched well against the Mets which I think the Mets was his last Ting let me double check that um and I think he uh yeah he pitched well against the Mets his last outing starting to get back into form we know he has really good stuff man so I think he’s gonna get back in the form don’t back the the formerly money Marlins anymore but today I’m praying that they money Marlins I’ll take them and and first game on the board give me an over Cardinals Cubs miles micheles Jameson tyion I really need to say more you feel me uh and R in Wrigley the total’s 10 and a half so that mean the win is blowing in hey or blowing out I’m on the Cubs and the Cardinals over Brad what you like here yeah man I’m actually G to take the Nationals I’m I’m GNA take them on the run line here uh I I liked what I see from Mitchell Parker this season I think he’s going to be a solid piece in this Nationals rotation years to come and I mean the Nationals are on fire right now seven and three in their last 10 I think they smok the Marlins again and you could get that run line at plus 160 so I’ll roll the hot hand with the the Nationals um on the Run line and then yeah I’m I’m gonna take a shot with the Cardinals on the money line at this point I’m not trying to lay juice with the Cubs um there’s just no way and like you said it looks like it’s going to be a windy day at Wrigley could be a shootout type of game I rather go with the the plus money with with that type of game there fair enough Brian be yeah I think I’m GNA lean to the St Louis Cardinals as well in the money line you see miles mlist finally starting to get into mid-season form after a rough start of the year I think he’s had four five six maybe uh quality starts in a row Philly Orioles I like the Orioles here it just seems like I’m not a big Zack Wheeler guy you know he’s a quality pitcher to me it seems like a bait line on the Phillies you Orioles just a statement when Corbin Burns hasn’t had a bad start all season long has been consistent this is a chance for him to go out and show uh everybody he’s a sa Young Award winner or at least has a good shot at this year I’ll take the Orioles lat use there you go rise and for me this has not um I I like St Louis here as well um the Cubs the Cubs just they get wins and then they just don’t follow them up with another solid outing they uh seem to fail so I think the Cars Plus the run and a half they failed was it 14th straight I think 13th straight the CBS have failed to cover the Run line following a win so I’m also going to take the nerfy as he said it’s windy in Chicago so uh I think you get low scor and one no runs in the first inning at home against the national league they’ve hit 11 straight of the Cubs so I think they nerfy in that one and uh I think the other side of that the Cubs just Cubs and I think CS you got it’s neither of these starters are going equate to uh who gets the win in this game we know they’re both going to give up runs that’s why it’s 11 it opened 11 it’s 11 and a half in rizing um you see 14 15 runs in that game today and the other one I like I I like Zach wheeler here you know Zach wheeler has been pitching pretty good he’s eight and three with a 2.16 uh ER on the road on on on the season and on the road he’s actually been pretty good his last three uh Day games sub three on the road sub uh three on the road this season with a0 eight whip you know the burns as well um 7 and2 with a 2.08 whip or uh erra with a0 43 whip over his last three uh man duelan so uh we see why the totals at seven I like the under first five Phillies and Orioles but I like the Phillies to get the job done in that one as you got to know that these Phillies batters have definitely seen carbon Burns it’s not the first time they’ve uh seen him um it’s not like the Orioles have seen a whole lot of Wheeler um in their in their history history so I I like the Phillies bass to be able to get to Burns as they’ve seen him plenty of times when he was over in the National League and uh Lardo I can’t do it he’s one and two with a 7.88 ER and a 1.56 whip he’s having a rough season is Jesus and Mitchell Parker at home lights out 2 and0 2.45 ER at home sub one Whip and um the Nationals have whooped up on on the Marlins winners of six straight I think they make it seven straight ging the Washington Nationals in that one I’m also going to take Lane Thomas to hit a home run he’s uh had five bats against Lardo and guess what he’s hit three home runs in those five bats versus lazardo and a nice plus 460 today give me uh Lane Thomas with the Washington Nationals uh to hit a home run what you like in here my man I’m really looking at a way to back the under in this um in this Cardinal Cubs game I know the wind’s blowing out at like 20 miles an hour you know to left um in that in that one but if molus and talion could go deep enough you know and um put together some you know some um you know some solid performances then that isn’t play but right now I’m not I would I wouldn’t touch it I got to do some more um thinking about it um but I do lean the Cardinals in this one you know the Cubs just aren’t you know hitting the ball consistently enough for my liking and you know I kind of like M molus and um what he has brought to the table um in certain spots and this being a rivalry game rubber match you know over three game set you know I think they’ll get it done I think the Cardinals will get it done little bit of plus money dad with it you know the um you know the wet my Peak so the the you know so um the W my beak but um yeah I’m on the Cardinals and it’s a tossup game for me with um with the Phillies and orios but I think this is going to come down to the late Enders I think it’s going to be a one run game or a tire game going into the late Innings I think the Baltimore orios pull it out you know I just like them inic um current form more than I do the Phillies you know Zack Wheeler he’s been he’s been doing the job I gotta give him that but whenever I look at him and you know the other um coas I would say you know and um or why am I forgetting um no Aon Nola I look at these two guys as you know really number twos on you know on on on any staff but nowadays in baseball they looked at as you know two of the best pitches in baseball know a handful of pitches in baseball you know so that said he’s going up against cor Corbin Burns who has been a pereno ace so I think that um Burns gets the better of um Willer in this one you know I think it’s a pitcher duel but I think in the end um Baltimore gets it done there you go there you go there you go all righty next slot I can’t believe I fade my money Marlins today Jesus kick the crap out of the national we got them rays and them Braves we got the Guardians and the Blue Jays and we got the Mets and the Padres here yeah for that Ray brace game I’m gonna I’m Gonna Roll with the over in that one you know the ray bads have been cold this series but I can see them having a day against waldrip I believe that’s how you pronounce it um and on the other hand these brace bats have started to heat up again they put up 32 runs in their last four games so I mean once those Braves bats get gets hot it’s going to be hard to cool them down so I see both teams contribut to the scoreboard in this one give me the over next uh give me the garlands on the money line all day I mean they’re substantially the better team and they show that all season long um I mean the Guardians are pretty much better than the Blue Jays in every offensive category and they also have the best Bullpen ra whereas the Jays have the fourth worst Bullpen ra so getting the Guardians at at plus money um this point of the season is a a steal in my opinion and then I will take the under and the Mets Padre’s game uh we got two solid pitchers on the M for this one and you know these these Padre’s bats have started to get cold they they’ve only dropped one run in in both games so far the series we saw last year when these bats get cold it could take them a few games to heat up again and I’m I’m not really worried about the Mets running up the scoreboard against C so I’ll take the honor in that one mler yeah I’m gonna lean towards the Tampa Bay Rays they burned me in the first two games of this series but you got Zack effin on the mound I think he’s best option as starter if they’re going to win a game to salvage a game the series I think it’ll be today and then Cleveland Guardians and Toronto Blue Jays I think everybody in their mama is going to be on the Cleveland Guardians they getting plus money with Lively a guy that looks like he’s as good as uh buros but I think uh Jose buros hasn’t had a bad start this season Toronto much better than a sub 500 team I think Now’s the Time to start riding Toronto especially a line like this that begs you take Cleveland I’ll take the Blue Jays here zy yeah this time so I here agree with mler I gotta go with the Rays here um hen waldrip uh definitely in his Lone Start definitely didn’t look so good so I’m going to roll him out again uh and as the as Brad equated to the uh the bats have been hot for the Braves heating up but I think they cool off here um against rightand pitching on the last 10 uh only only hitting 198 so and Evelyn been solid so I think he holds down the Braves here and the Rays get a win and avoid the sweep in that one wal’s been awful so give me the ray in that one and I like the under between the uh the Guardians and and the Blue Jays I think you got a pitches to Lely has been solid Rios is solid he pitches Brios pitches his best at home we know this so I I like the under first five as well I think uh those two duel it out we know the bats of uh the Jays can definitely go ice cold um so I like the under in that one and what was the other one we did Padres and Mets and and in this one I like the over seven and a half I think we see some runs uh in this one Dy see sure he’s solid but he can definitely give up some runs as well and Tyler Mill definitely he’s prone to getting hit um Tyler Mill loves to pitch a fast ball right down the middle and uh this padr team definitely can uh Smash It smashing rightand hitting on on the road has been lights out 285 I believe um they’re smashing so I like San Diego to avoid the sweep of that one and get the win give the Padres jaon yeah I’m looking at the Rays but only in the first five innings you know Zack effin he has scuffled this season not the best season that you know that he’s um had or that he’s put together but I think he um you know has a solid performance going up against her walri um on the other side who um I believe he got blown up is um in in his start um yeah seven seven earned you know three and two3 you know so you know Tampa Bay should make some hay with this guy on the mound you know and um Salvage One in Atlanta but um you know just for you know point of reference I’m going first five I’m not going full game with that one um looking at this Guardians Blue Jay’s game it’s a funny game I don’t think Jose Ramirez is um back um yet um he’s missed the last couple games um and with not him being in the lineup I really can’t back the Guardians um that’s really the the the reason why I didn’t I didn’t have him as premium no Ramirez no go for me you know he’s he’s that he’s that much of a you know key factor you know with this um lineup you know and Jose beros he’s been pitching um good this season gota get gotta hand it to him you know so this this should be a pretty good ball game it’s g g to be a one run game regardless of um you know who wins and can the Mets sweep the um Padre’s are they they going for the sweep I believe yes they are yeah can it happen I don’t think so give me the um [Laughter] padr how he set me [Laughter] up man Javon I’m going with the Mets man I do think they sweep man I don’t this is not a premium I’ve had a premium for the Mets the last couple days U I’ve been on that Mets train this last couple days I just think the Padres they just so trash they just overrated I know and everybody loves them some Dylan CE he’s solid he’s not what I think a lot of people try to make him out to be but he’s solid to me today this is just another 5050 game and you gonna give me plus money with the team that’s been playing The Better Baseball that’s at home I think the plays the Mets would I be surprised if they lost and didn’t sweep the Padre’s no I wouldn’t be surprised I wouldn’t be surprised at all but does that mean looking to bet San Diego no not at all I would take the Mets personally I’mma take the Blue Jays too man I’ve been on that Guardians train too but the blue jay is almost kind of playing like desperate baseball right now like everybody in Toronto know what time of season it is for them boys it’s do or die with the with the allstar break coming up like two games below 500 some of these guys may not be on this team no more if they don’t start to play well and I think we’re starting to see that urgency Out of the Blue Jays man I think this is another dub spot for him today I think they take a series off the Guardians get some momentum going on who they got coming up they go home they got a series against the Red Sox they can they can establish a little momentum here get above 500 I think they can man I think this is a nice spot for the Blue Jays to get this one done at home at the crib I know the Guardians numbers like Brad said have been off the charts I hey I get it I’ve been on the Guardians train all year um I just think this is kind of a spot where the Blue Jays get it done I’m just telling how I see it so a small lean on the Blue Jays for me there I ain’t touching that Rays bravs I’ve been torched with the Rays man I’m done with the Rays Rod told me la like two weeks ago [Laughter] J and I can’t get off of them man I can’t there been your cryptonite all season long have been the Raves like fade the Rays early and then you’re like wait wait they’re heating up jump on the Rays wait they’re trash again you’re gonna look like this if you keep betting the race if I’m being honest I would take them today yes take a first five listen to Javon it might be safer it might be the play um but Brad dropped some information too them the the Braves bats are heating up I’m not betting this game today but if I were to I’ll probably lean towards uh Tampa all right next slot let’s do it the Reds and the Brewers tigers and the Astros and game one of the double header A’s twins uh jovon you want to start this slot yeah is there any um projection of who’s the starter for Houston I still don’t see see one does anybody else see one I don’t either TBD I mean they got they got crushed yesterday got cracked yesterday I was praying it was gonna be old man verland then he got scratched and then it was arti who got his ass lit up but yeah so I mean it’s it’s it’s tough not knowing who the um Astro starter is going to be you know I just without without the benefit of knowing who the starter is I would like I would like to take the you know the Houston astrals on the bounce back just because they got their ass handed to them um yesterday you know embarrassing performance you know they should have a little bit of extra juice with them you know but um that’ll be my take on it um just without knowing who the who the starter is going to be um so I’ll take a well well really with um with what the money line is I I don’t know if I if I could do that but you know that just gave you my thoughts on that to me can I say some I this think it’s weird at minus 145 with the Astros already line posted with no posted picture I kind of feel what you’re saying you feel me yeah you know so you know it’s it’s it’s just a lean um with JP on the mountain I’d like to back the Oakland Athletics you know getting that plus money barely over BR you know I guess he um he didn’t pitch yesterday well yeah he didn’t pitch yesterday because it was postponement so they’re playing a double header today but um you know extra day is not going to help him um you know get some of his um straight heat sent the other way you know so um I think I think I’ll back to Oakland Athletics in game one yeah and that’s it for that for the for this Tom slot Zaki talk to me in this sub here um I I like the over eight and a half Detroit and Houston uh I don’t think it matters who gets a start I think Houston’s definitely going to give up some runs and I think they can uh smash Kent ma uh early in that one so uh take a little bit of frustration so I like the over there he tried seven and three the over the last 10 I think the Astros bats go today so may the over eight and a half there the other one I’m going to go the other way I like the twins here uh in this game one uh JP Sears sure he’s been all right but uh this twins team they love to smash left-handed hitting and I think they smashed JP Ser today you look over the last 10 games this twins team smashing 338 uh versus left-handed pitching um just crushing them I think um twins get the uh win here in game one I think it’s not even pretty um blowout in game one in that one and then the other one that’s just the coin flip between the uh Reds and and uh rehea for me and that one uh the Reds have been playing the hotter baseball though um Brew is starting to cool off and and and looking human but uh with Colin Ray on the out um he’s been my [ __ ] tonight I bet on him and and then they lose I’ll bet against them and they win so I’m gonna go with the Brewers to get the win in that one today Brian yeah for me the worst time slot here if I had to I had to vote on the worst time slots but anytime I see TBD at minus 145 makes me lean towards the Mr TBD kentai MAA pretty much one of the worst starting pitchers in baseball I think the Astros tee off on them I like JP Sears he’s been hit or miss this year but uh bayy ober’s been getting lit up 13 runs over his last three starts the twins are 14 and 20 on the Run line I’ll take Oakland plus the one and a half I think they win it by one I think the Twins win a by one open covers uh Brett yeah I mean the A’s have been so so bad as of late they kind of look like the worst team in the league again like they did last year but I’m going to take my chances with them I think this is just a a good value play with the audience you could get with JP on the mound so slight lean to the a not goingon to bet it personally uh next I’ll take I’ll take the Brewers run line at plus 145 I think that’s some good value there I’m not a big Montes guy we saw him give up four runs in his last start against the Cubs on the other hand uh Rays looks solid he’s uh he’s only given up one run in his last two starts brew has also been very consistent this season been a good home team so I think we could uh take a chance here again plus money for them to win by two hey man say man this is a JP Sears program all right this is a JP Sears and Paul Blackburn program we need Blackburn back in that rotation so Sears can go back to being like the two guy in the rotation you feel me that’s really what’s kind of going on right now so he pitching in that one spot he not getting the Run support you know I mean other than that I feel like he been solid especially when you look at his last few games I get it the A’s not necessarily playing all that well but this is the 5050 trash ass overrated twins with bayy oer on the M who’ been getting cracked I’m all over the A’s man I say don’t even worry about the the plus uh run line man just take the plus money this the spot right here for the A’s I might even take reverse run line lay like one and a half with Oakland really try to get some plus money today if obber to pitch this way would we be surprised if we saw a 4050 Athletics win I wouldn’t I wouldn’t be surprised at all or 51 52 They’re Not Gon they’re not gonna shut them out probably but I wouldn’t be surprised we saw comfortable Oakland win today fading a 5050 team like the twins gotta take your spots man gotta take your spots and I feel like this is one of them give me Oakland um I thought I think everybody pretty much hit the nail right on the head yesterday my top play was the tigers um I love the Tigers yesterday I do not love them today with Kent Maya I am an Astros hater everybody knows that um this is probably a spot where they bounce back at home Sunday day baseball they probably get this one done so that’s just how I feel about it and Brewers Reds I don’t really love this game uh Small Lane on the Brewers straight up on the money line um minus 140ish it’s kind of the way I’ve play Reds you know they usually St stack wins or stack losses so they usually win they come in pairs or more it’s kind of how the Reds have been this season so they lost yesterday they probably got another L coming today how they been small lean on the Brew Crew let’s keep it rolling let’s keep it rolling let’s keep it rolling we have the Pirates and the rockis Giants and the angels and the white socks and the Diamondbacks um let’s shake it up Brian how about you start this ah almost caught me off guard here um I’m gonna lean towards the LA Angels here on the Run line Angels you know used to be a team that I like to play I always got burn on them but they’ve been pretty solid on the road on the Run line 23 and 13 a little bit scary going with a bullpen game but I think the angels are playing uh competitive baseball and then the Kansas City Royals it seems like uh really trying to bait you into the Royals all this plus money Tyler glass now’s been lights out Dodgers I think bounced back from yesterday’s loss I’m not usually a Dodger guy but I’ll lay the two and a half here with La Z is that one even in the time slot no he wasn’t did I oh I’m sorry I’m allow I’m allowed one mistake you’re allow y I was like whoa did we ever move ahead I’m excited about the Dodgers that’s that’s what it is I know you are you can tell that that’s a rarity for mler though he’s all excited about the Dodgers yeah anyway my second time this year in the Dodgers second time this year nice anyways this time slot definitely uh this is uh not my favorite time slot of games going here in this one um Pirates got whooped Yesterday by the Rockies and uh Dakota Hudson definitely uh not pitching too bad you’re going to give me plus money with the Rockies again at home in Colorado I’ll take the Rockies again I think they can continue to smash against TVD I don’t see anybody who’s uh going there still TBD that I can see uh for the Pirates going in that one so I think the Rockies bats are going going especially at home give me the Rockies and that one and I agree with uh bidler uh the angels on the on the uh run line 23 and 13 on the road this season to that run line I think it’s a close game if they don’t uh Sage get another win there playing just a slightly better baseball than the Giants in that one and then uh Drew thorps uh pitching for the white socks in uh in Arizona today and uh with him going on the mound uh he he’s made one little start he went five innings he about three hits couple walks one earn run um expect a better start from him I kind of like the under there um white socks in Arizona low scoring one give me the Ender you trusting Monty right now you know him team Monty but you trusted him I do I trust him at home we we we I do I trust him jaon yeah I like the over in that pirates on Rockies game winds blowing out straight Center only at 10 miles an hour but still you know any any any any little any little bit of wind will help the ball carry out in that Stadium um giving that climate um so I like the over in that one I like the over getting in um in the Angels Giants game we didn’t get there yesterday you know f flat but I think um you know with the wind blowing out to left Center you know I think um with these two ESP especially KY Harrison on the mound I think he should be able to give it up and you know with that I would lean the Angels also you know the um pound Harrison and um the rest of um the Giants pitching staff and then I’m going roll with Seattle you know it’s just a fact of matter I’m just fading the Rangers at this point you know Seattle at home they’re different animal you know so I I expect them to complete the sweep give me the Rockies I’m on that Rockies train bro the Rockies at home is like a play every day this is what it is this is what it is and my boys smoke them Pirates yesterday um and I think we get some more runs today I kind of like that over with jovon as well with the wind blowing out think the Rockies coming to play Just again just look at look at you got to look at the Rockies the last month and a half at home and you’ll be astonished at the numbers bro them boys are just playing extremely well and look at the teams they played in that month and a half as well for the Rockies at home they’ played some of the best teams in baseball man and their numbers are what they are I think they continue to play well here and I’ll take it over that Giants Angels no real opinion for me here for my parlay betters Giants money line is probably a solid just you know parlay fluffer um to be honest though in that white socks Diamond Backs I’m taking white sock first five I’m playing it every day I don’t we didn’t win it yesterday um but Monte I’m team Monty man Monty just help my team win its first World Series you know I love me some Montgomery but I also got to be real about him man his last three of his last four starts have been terrible really his last three starts have been not that good Mar Mets cracked them for eight the Giants cracked him for six his last one was okay against the Angels um five innings gave up six hits three earned in a bomb but I don’t know man I don’t I’m not liking what I’m seeing man I’m not liking what I’m seeing and I’m G to say some crazy work Rangers might have made the right decision not giving him that big ass bag and instead signing Lorenzen look at lorenzen’s numbers look at Monty’s numbers and they both came in late sometimes it’s just how it happens man they both stink they both stink they both stink but serviceable is what we’re looking for serviceable so small Lan white sock first five you know I’m playing that every day next slot Royal oh Brad sorry Brett you you’re last year yeah you’re all good uh yeah I’m Gonna Roll with the Rockies as well I mean just getting them plus money at home it’s kind of a system play at this point those bats came alive uh yesterday we’ll see if they could replicate that again uh and then I’m gonna take the since I came up there bro them boys at home for real bro I I don’t know what it is but you gave them the juice or something I’m gonna take uh I’m gonna take the white socks on the money line though here uh Drew Thor I actually liked how he looked in his his first start of the season I think he had like a 1.80 ER gave up a couple runs um and then yeah Jordan mg is an absolute fade um this I I’ve took him a couple games this season it worked out awfully for me so uh taking the the white socks on the money line there Tak them first five too Brad that’s the play what I think it’s nine in the last 12 and now I don’t think they won yesterday but nine last 12 white socks first five that’s actually pretty crazy you think the white socks are just ass but is it their Bullpen that that’s that’s losing these games is terrible it’s ass if you haven’t been betting the white socks like I have and you wouldn’t know but if you haven’t betting the white socks then you know bro as soon as that Bullpen come in you just they give you nightmares because they get cracked every time I can see gets the Dbacks too so I’ll switch my pick first five they might pull out the dub today you know like they might pull out the full game dub but I think o you playing with fire messing with that Bullpen yeah either are you got a coin flip both bullpens are close to five ER good point over too yeah that’s I’m thinking over here look who it is up Mitch what’s happening what’s happening high above Courtside how you doing today doing good man went to the show last night at the sphere dead and Co was awesome watch to fight during the intermission on uh on my phone on stream East it was perfect it was like I kept saying to the people around me I’m like well tank knock him out before intermission ends and it’s like there’s like four minutes left to go they put on the screen 420 left to go you know it’s like tank knocks him out it was awesome y yep yep Martin was fighting well man but tank man he just he’s tank a good fight yeah he was yes it was well Mitch you came in unfortunately in the last slot but if uh we swing we’ll swing to you here in a second if you got anything that you just need to talk about of course you can um but last slot of the day we got the Royals and the Dodgers the Rangers and the Mariners the Yankees and the Red Sox and game two of the double header A’s and the twins um Brad yeah I’m GNA with the under in this Rangers Seattle game I mean the under’s just been muding for Seattle all season long I I like Logan Gilbert he’s look really solid and honestly Dane dunny is one of my one of my favorite guys in this Rangers rotation so I’ll take the hner there and then I’m I’m gonna hop back on the Yankees you know yesterday did did they did take a loss uh but strowman has looked really solid in this rotation so far this season I think this Yankees lineup could get to Cutter Crawford so I think we see a bounce back from the Yankees and they I wouldn’t mind taking them on the Run line Brian yeah I missed Seattle and Texas in the last time slot so I’m going to take the Seattle Mariners here on the money line I think Logan Gilbert’s Top Line starter uh Seattle at home 26 and 12 Texas on the road 17 and 20 I think the numbers all okay with Seattle but I like the bosson Red Sox as the highlight of this time slot they got it done yesterday I’m sure there’ll be ton of people jumping in on Marcus strowman on the road in New York Yankees Red Sox have got it done against New York six out of last 10 that doesn’t mean to but this is a home game ESPN Sunday Night Baseball I think uh Fenway Park’s going to be rocking I think the Red Sox get it done money man Mitch talk to me I’m Gonna Roll with the uh Yankees here and the uh Mariners I think that you know I I’ve been going for the Rangers plenty but I just don’t like Dane Dunning in this match up I’m not a huge Logan Gilbert fan but uh I don’t know I think Dunning is probably going to be the odd man out in a few weeks um on the other on the other one I just think you know the Red Sox got their win and I think they had the edge in that game and I think they have the edge in hitting you know in this series as far as for average but the power numbers for the Yankees are just way better and Crawford’s a guy that can give it up in bunches so I have little faith I don’t think strowman’s like gonna shut the world down but um at the same time I think he’s not gonna have to so I think it’s gonna be you know six six2 Yankees so whack oh and what’s the other one Royals Royals oh Tyler glass now always on my fade list he’s he’s Auto fade especially if he has an erra under four especially if he’s past the 15 game Mark Tyler glass Now with an RA under four pass the 15 game Mark automatic getting if you if you’re if it’s too much for you plus odds with the uh run line you know in the Royals today as well so it’s a gift guys should have seen the heater I was on in the crabs table last night D oh man the crafts table Jay you would have loved this man you would have loved this Sean and I before we went to the dead show went to the crafts table we’re like all right we’ll just stay for 40 minutes I was next up the dice came right to me and I never take the dice when I’m first at the table take the dice I threw for over 40 minutes man wow over 40 minutes Gavin Maloof you know who used to own the Vegas golden knights and the palms and everything he was hitting hard TENS for like 40 I I hit you know the feature bets three times he’s throwing hundreds at me man it’s like keep shooting keep shooting it was awesome it was awesome it just like there was like Circles of dust on the where all the chips were on the table it was the heater I haven’t but I haven’t been back to the tables but anyways one of those rolls man you should have you had you had to see it to believe it all right damn I’m up said I missed it got the bands you know and they cash out they give the nice Stacks with the bands on them yes sir yeah one of those things had to come back to the room put it in the safe you know couldn’t carry it around yes sir so wacky talk to him what you like here man for me in this time slot uh you know what I’m going to go right back to your Texas Rangers I think they can avoid the sweep in this spot here they’re nine of three in game three is uh following a loss and D he’s he’s so so he doesn’t give up a whole lot of runs I think he has a solid start here duels it with h Gilbert in this one I like the under as well I think we got a lower scoring one but I think Texas eeks it out late in in this game and gets a win uh because usually that’s what happens I bet a team and then I’m like I’m not going to get the next day and then they win so give me give me Texas there I think they get the win and then uh as Mitch said uh Tyler as now’s on the mound so uh sure he can pitch some strikeouts definitely uh can pitch some strikeouts but if you look his last six starts the Dodgers have one win in his last six starts and you’re going to give me a two times my money give mean the Royals with singer on the mount um to beat up on the Dodgers in that one jaon yeah I like St in the Yankees red sauce game you know it’s hot out here Ball’s going to carry wind’s blowing out you know um I believe to left Center or just straight Center or whatever but um regardless I expect any any reasonable contact to go deep you know for both sides really so the overs in play I believe the over is going to um cash relatively quickly um I think there’s going to be some run scor first inning so you could take that YY as well um in that one kcn Dodgers good expect the uh nice little pitches duing this one um it’s at eight I know the wind’s blowing out there but you know I think that both of these pitchers could go pretty deep in the in this ball game you know glass now’s going to have to go deep you know based on um what uh what what KC did to the bullpen so um yeah know I I like the I like the under in that one and I’ll just take a fly on KC just on the shrimp for the um you know the price range in this one you getting two to one on your money you know with Brady single on the mound you know you got to take a shot so that’s how I’m looking at that one word for word bar for bar with jovon man I’m taking the Royals plus 220 come on now you guys are crazy no you’re crazy craping on my Dodgers I’m upset it’s okay them Royals man they’re one of the most profitable teams in baseball look this how I look at it the Dodgers for as good as they are they only got two more wins than the Royals two why are the Dodgers minus 275 because they’re the Dodgers wow because they’re the Dodgers that’s why this is a 50-50 game I don’t know if it’s a 50-50 game but basically it’s a 50-50 game so you’re getting two to one on your money with the Royals in in a game they can win we’ve seen the Royals do this all year and we just saw glass now get lit up we just saw that too um I know it was the Yankees but still we starting to see that regression that Mitch be talking about I’m talking I’m taking the Royals I’mma take the uh Red Sox too Red Sox at home Sunday Night Baseball going up against the Yankees plus money gotta be played simple simple um I know the Yankees hot I know they lost yesterday I know it’s strowman I know everybody gonna be on that run line Red Sox Red Sox give a damn about what the Yankees got going on this season Red Sox all right man 36 and 35 battling I’ll take cutter Crawford and and them Red Sox they had plus money at home my Rangers man my my dear old Rangers I ain’t really been on them too much I know I take them on the show but like premium wise I I ain’t really been on them we not getting swept by the Mariners I can guarantee you that we not getting Sweat by no damn Mariners it ain’t happening Captain I’m taking um taking dang Dunning in my Rangers just off the strength of that we not getting sweat bro it’s not happening so um that’s everything uh and then I no I would take a small lean on the on the A’s game too as well bro the twins they overrated over Valu I really like game one though with JP but game two still gotta take the value there with Oakland maybe the Oakland Oakland two team parlay moneymaking Sunday Brad what you sellling today over at pig dogs premium yeah I got a three pack up there my three favorite plays in the MLB I also have another pick so four plays total if you want them all you have to do something long term but uh yeah I’m very confident about that three pack coming off a four four and0 day yesterday so ready to keep it going there you go Brian you can get uh all three of my plays at pick My ultimate Revenge thre pack one WNBA one major league baseball and one CFL pick my best bet is my titanium play that’s in the CFL today 19 at my titanium 20 and9 last 29881 And1 59.4% last 200 so check it out at pic hop on with Brian B over at pic dogs premium money man Mitch talk to him I just have myh top play coming off another top play winner yesterday with Baltimore Orioles on the Run line kind of cheesed out but uh if they’re giving away money might as well just uh take it it’s the way that I always say and and uh you know I got a bunch of other picks today I love today’s card it’s kind of why I popped on just to I I really do like it I think uh it’s been a little chalky the last couple days um but uh you know we always get [Music] even that view is crazy I a oh this is nothing man you should see it really up here this this Suite is off the chain look at this man shees I got two bathrooms in my bedroom man that’s how big it is I got two bathrooms in one bedroom freaking gigantic bagio it’s crazy this is what happens when you travel with sea man you get the executive uh you get the executive treatment man I think I think my room here is bigger than my bedroom at home and that’s saying something [Laughter] all righty zacki be over at pick Prem today uh my top play got my $19 MLB bookie home run um 10 and three the last 13 on Ant they’re going to continue that success you scoop it up singly or I got my Sunday Sluggers which I got three MLB plays and one uh for longterm subscribers so J board it’s bounce back from our 0 and four yesterday uh on on the on the diamond look at to keep going I’m excited about today’s action too so jump aboard let’s make some money jaon talk to yeah I got a three three pack going in the MLB you know like I said um earlier you know went four and2 and MLB looking to keep that going been heating up as of late you know so and oh also have a WNBA play you know so with the weather getting hot it’s going to be a heatwave across the United States especially up you know in these parts you know looking to have a heat wave myself you know what I’m saying so you know looking to keep this hot streak going there you go on my guy jovon over at pick dogs premium for me today I got some baseball on for y’all today man three and0 yesterday on the diamond um let’s keep it rolling our plus money let’s keep it rolling today I got my my top plays already up there for sale but I got to put the rest in the package here in a second so they will be up there shortly I love today’s card as well man heating up let’s keep it rolling man let’s keep it rolling on the diamond of course hop on something long term you get my NBA play tomorrow um you get whatever else I got going on right now really we’re entering the dog days of summer so y’all know what time it is it’s time to get hot on that baseball diamond is what it is um that’s it huh crazy really nothing else to talk about um or let’s talk about some WNBA I did say we’ll do that we got three games today in the WNBA we got the fever in the sky they got the hold on they got the they got the fever favorite oh we got the Mercury and the storm and we got the dream and the Sparks uh Brad any thoughts here yeah I’m gonna I’m gonna take a Chances with the the Sparks plus the points uh I mean this this Atlanta Dream team has been awful we saw them their last game they lost to the the Fever by seven they were two and a half Point favorites in that game then they lost at the mystics by 21 and they’re seven point favorites in that game now they’re laying five and a half give me the the Sparks plus five maybe even a little sprinkle on the money line there and then yeah it’s gonna do it I’m not gonna Force anything I know it’s Reese versus Clark I I understand that but fever favor I kind of lean that way at home I do too I want I wanted to take them but favor GH the last time they played I think the fever won by one point so I don’t know this guy may be looking for some some Revenge there yeah Brian talk to me that’s exactly where I’m going to you know I had the fever the first time they played and now this time they’re favored and uh I just think uh Chicago should have won the first match up here and uh they get revenge people love to bet Caitlyn Clark Clark I think if you’re getting points of Chicago you take it to the better team Mitch any WNBA for you nope I do all the manual grading of the picks though so that’s about it that’s about as much WNBA as I cover and I see a lot of people are really active in it you guys can see we have a WNBA leaderboard now on our hottest cappers and leaderboards pages so check out the WNBA and of course the guys that are uh killing it you know um I think it’s one of those things it’s it’s not getting smaller anytime soon we’ll be having having WNBA betting tools in the near future coming soon loading on the way on the horizon Zaki anything for you in the W in the WNBA yeah for me in this WNBA I like the sky here over uh Indiana Sky eight and three in their last 11 uh games played off one day rest uh I think they’re baiting into the fever these two teams used play not too long ago in the fever or uh a one and a half Point uh dog in that one I think they won by one I think it was 7 170 if I recall uh the fever got the win I think Sky get the Revenge here and get the win in that one and then you know what as bad as the dream have been playing I’m going to take the dream and lay the points um tough spot for the Sparks uh your guard and Kia nurse where was she last night she was at the Oilers game watching her cousin and I seen her sitting in the stands so now after that hockey game you got to tell me that she’s hoing a flight and fly all the way to Atlanta and then she’s going to have a good game no taka nurse under her points today I think she’s going to have an awful game uh um for the sparks in that one I like the dream big big in that one some good int there Rod I didn’t know that she she was sitting in the stands watching watching Darnell play and I was like don’t you to play a basketball game tomorrow so like I’d like Atlanta I’d like Atlanta big sounded like your pretty women imitation there big big mistake big mistake big we don’t Edon come onton was known for flashing but she didn’t Kia didn’t flash she didn’t flash they zoomed in on her a couple [Laughter] times Javon talk to me yeah I’mma roll the over in the sky um fever game last game couple weeks ago it stayed under 71 to 70 I think this one’s going to be up ticking points um you know I like when two teams play in the first game is a lower scoring game I like the you know given well it has to be in the in the parameters of that playing you know within I guess a couple weeks I would say that you know in the NBA is usually if they playing like a couple days later or maybe a week later but um and this in this spot I think it still applies I like to take the over in the second game you know um so it’s that’s two 167 166 and a half somewhere around there so I you know I think the overs in playing this one I think both of these um teams could get into the 80s so um that’s that on that and in the really what the Marquee matchup well I mean the Caitlyn Clark game is always a marquee match up but what is the the better game gonna be the better game probably is the storm and Mercury now the Mercury they took it on the chin in that last game against the storm to him earlier this season a 20-point blowout I think in this one you know the fact that Britney ground is back I think uh I think the Mercury might be in play for a outright win even though Seattle did they’re a hard team right now they’re a very good team um but I’m I wouldn’t touch the game you know to be honest I think the over isn’t playing this in this one you know um in that first game the storm did whatever they wanted Phoenix couldn’t get anything going on the offensive end of the court I think they get something going in this one I think it’s GNA be a high scoring game you know so that’s what I got on on that both overs for me I’m a wimp fever money line F money L I’ll pay the juice I don’t want to like to and a half I don’t I don’t it was a tight contested game the other day but I think the fever get him again that’s just how I see it bro so minus 135 is what is where it’s at give me a fever I don’t want to light the two and a half I really don’t so that’s really all I got for y’all today in the WNBA I missed it yesterday and I’m sorry fellas I don’t know where my brain was at at the end of the show yesterday we missed it but we’re back today man parlay parlay parlay man they was killing me yesterday they was like Jay How Could You Forget the parlay I’m mad at you I’m gonna have a bad day now we’re back with him today man so let’s do it Brad you got a parl for me yeah I’ll take let’s see let’s go Yankees money line Nationals money line and uh England money line England money line you like the in the Euros yeah they play Serbia I mean they’re like minus two two4 so a little low parlay piece but they should they should win that easy right Tampa Bay rais money line Toronto Blue Jay’s money line and the Dodgers minus two and a half money man Mitch I’m gonna take the uh I’m gonna take the uh Kansas City Royals reverse run line I’m gonna go with the Oakland A’s in game two against Paddock and I will take uh the pod on the money line last time I was in Vegas with Mitch no not the last time the first time I was in Vegas with Mitch he hit a reverse run line on the Royals I’m on it today just off the strength of P Vegas I’m on Nevers run line with the Royals Bobby wit Bobby was it a grand slam or was it just a home run the squarest play on the board is the Dodgers hey no way no way no way I think the Yankees no way the Dodgers are the squar Yankees are the Guardians Yankees are Guardians today probably no Dodgers easily glass now’s pitching the new K that’s okay I’ll be on my island with the do the new kers with without the 2 ER is what he is wacky parlay parlay parlay we’re going to go with the the Washington Nationals in the money line the Rockies on the money line and the angels on the money line parlay the up and you just said Whit junor for a home run yes take wit junor for a home run in that roals game Bobby witty jaon yeah I’m G give you two PA a since I didn’t um put out a video um Cardinals oros Mariners that’s one and then I’ll do a um a total one Angels Giants Over Pittsburgh Colorado over Yankees Red Sox over what is a square play anything that comes out of Brian’s mouth that’s what a square play is give me find in the dictionary I Googled that [ __ ] man it said right here what is a square play anything that comes out of Brian Butler’s mouth 10 nothing dodg today don’t worry all right y’all know me man I like doing weird parlay sometimes I’m betting three teams that I really don’t bet the weird stuff three teams I don’t bet often give me the Mets give me the Astros and give me last but not least who was it it was the I forgot who the last one was Mets Astros throw the Rockies on there get you some plus money you can do that’s what you do even know I’ll be betting them boys don’t take the Mets Jay man the Mets been hot broy the M been hot man I’m on them money making Sunday ladies and gentlemen um that’s the end of the show Mitch I know you missed a lot of the show you want to talk I know some of the guys might want to go but you want to talk about anything that you miss no I’m good I just wanted to pop in you there we go so we’ll see y’all tomorrow regular programming me Mitch rufalo and costy um you can check out everybody’s um stuff here at pic dogs written content uh video content Best Bets at the premium side hell of a week coming up ladies and gentlemen buckle up let’s make some money today let’s continue to kick the crap out of the books see y’all throughout the week man we’re out of here PE


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