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Are These Series as Close as They Appear? – DTG – [Ep.647]

Breaking down the latest from the Oilers vs Stars and Panthers vs Rangers… plus the coaching and GM carousel continues. And why hasn’t Vegas signed Marchessault?

0:00 – Intro (Basketball)
2:20 – Oilers / Stars – Game 3 Recap
8:15 – WCF Game 3 – Second Period
11:40 – Jason Robertson Hat Trick
15:00 – Dallas Locked it Down
17:45 – Skinner or Pickard?
19:10 – The Darnell Nurse Issue / Oilers Defense
20:15 – Leon Draisaitl
25:10 – Rangers / Panthers – Game 4 Recap
27:00 – Vincent Trocheck
28:45 – Rangers Lacking
31:00 – Rough and Tough Series
32:45 – Overtime
37:30 – Rangers Lines Going Forward
42:20 – Quick Hits
(Jonathan Marchessault / Don Waddell / Will Smith Signing / Elias Pettersson)

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hey everybody good morning welcome to another episode of dropping the gloves thanks for joining us here beautiful May’s almost over him can you believe that May 29th my kids school year coming to an end the hockey season coming to an end basketball coming to an end do you know the Celtics are in the NBA Finals yeah I do don’t miss a game well I don’t watch them all but yeah I’ve been following pretty closely they really haven’t played a good team yet it feels like basketball’s not a good year like for whatever reason it’s off the uh I was reading an article about the Pacers series and even though it was a sweep they said it was like one a very closely matched sweep like multiple of the games could have gone either way and four nothing doesn’t really tell the story of how close those teams were so yeah we’ll see I feel like basketball is losing its status you know the old guard is leaving LeBron Steph Curry those types who’s taking over is it Jason Tatum guys got the personality of a potato yeah I don’t know I hope we I hope Kyrie goes to the finals we want to beat him he’s uh that would be fun he’s one of the enemies in Boston well they’re up three to one that’s what I mean the both Conference finals are dud compared to hockey hockey’s living it up right now we have two good series one out west one out east and they’re both really entertaining games last three games in the East have gone to overtime four games o West have all been very very closely contested it’s been fun hockey T we deserve this don’t you don’t you agree we do yeah we do after the first round yeah long time coming four evenly well some would say three evenly matched teams and the Rangers are just there somehow winning thanks to one player between the pipes but before we get into that Tim this episode is brought to you by bet 365 did you know that I do now you do now so does everybody else bet 365 is a proud partner of dropping the gloves you should open an account today with bet 365 and bet on a huge range of markets so whatever the sport hopefully hockey whatever the moment hopefully the playoffs it’s never ordinary at bet 365 use code hockey CA to let them know that we sent you and then we get a little bump that’s always good so bet 365 code hockey CA speaking of the Western Conference speaking of it being a barn burner of a series we had a game in game three Edmonton Dallas series tied 1-1 goes back to Edmonton fantastic game lot of question marks lot of I I I put forth a lot of personal challenges to a few players Conor McDavid I said Connor we need more we need more out of you you listen Jason Robertson said you’re not going to pass here you were you were 50 goal scor at one point in your career last year we need more from you he stepped up I said we need these hurt guys to come back they listen rupe hints and it’s Adam Henrik I always thought it was Onre didn’t you no Henrik doesn’t it sound better Onre no no that’s the that’s the European first name version right on I don’t know Adam Henri it sounds dumb um but they come back and they make immediate impacts to both of their teams very somewhat say myself included that rupe hints his return to the lineup completely Alters Dallas’s lineup gives Robertson someone to play with slides down some players just we talk about the depth of Dallas Stars he’s the reason why you have depth he’s a firstline guy he comes back he plays just lights out so let’s get into this game because this was a fun game I I find this series much more enjoyable than the Rangers and Panthers Rangers and Panthers is somewhat lopsided affair with one team just holding on for dear life it seems like the whole game managing to send it to overtime and win a couple games whereas this game here you don’t know who’s going to win game three same thing Edmonton comes out just firing absolutely playing great tell us tell us about the beginning tip because you’re you’re a big Edon guy what happened in the first period here West Conference games I’m a first period guy I mean McDavid was flying you could see that you know just from his opening shifts the the goal that he scored where created the space I thought he was going to score in that first chance hangs in there collects the pass just creates a chance out of nothing throws it on net and then the other one that came off the EOL and pass like he was just flying out there and you watch the game you watch that period you think okay this is the one or two games each series that you get from McDavid where he’s going to put up four or five points and just will them a win no matter what anyone else on either either team does but didn’t quite turn out that way they seem to he ran out of gas Stars woke up you get the little bit of uh you mentioned Hinson and Robertson it was like they got Robertson back too like I know he’s been in the lineup but it was like you you get him back after doing nothing he had I think he had just a few assists no goals or whatever and and he was excellent in this game yeah you could tell he was making a considered effort to shoot the puck more I don’t know if he hasn’t been shooting lately but he was firing everything on that and I think that is because of Rupa hints but the to go back to the start of the games Dallas start how do you start so incredibly slow game three the Western Conference Finals it boggles my mind this seems to happen every game with at least one team where it’s just a lopsided Affair the other team doesn’t wake up Dallas Stars did not get their first shot on goon until way past five six seven eight Mark of the first period they finally get a lap lackluster shot on Neds Stewart Skinner easily grabs it at the end of the first period they only have three shots nothing dangerous hint or Robertson had a dangerous one at the end of the period where he kind of carals it on the side wall brings it and rips a nice shot but Skinner it was just playing pitch and catch it wasn’t that dangerous of a shot but you could tell he was gaining his confidence in a little bit because of rupe hints but all in all I thought this was going to be a blowout for the Edmonton Oilers me too two nothing 10 three in shots all the momentum mcdavid’s flying up and down the ice that second goal that McDavid scores he didn’t do anything The higho Interchange between EOL and Heyman was fantastic eckholm down the boards Heyman dragging the forward up with him eckholm beautiful pass to McDavid on the back door just Taps it in like really really smart plays by those guys and it’s amazing to see the progression of the guys McDavid plays with and the confidence that they play with like kman when he was with Toronto he was a gonna bang it out of the corner and I’m going straight to the net front he’s not that guy anymore he still does those things he’s making plays he’s confident he’s coming out of the corner he’s using his feet he really is just building out a well-rounded game he’s not just a one or two faceted player where he goes in makes a check and goes to the front of the net first guy back on the back back end back check good player to heck play even even eckholm too I mean how many times you seen make him play like that when he was in Nashville like not too many and obviously he wasn’t playing with McDavid and dry Sido and Heyman and those guys but yeah is it’s a good point you see them like taking more risk and and kind of getting that contagious energy that playing with a guy that like McDavid has yeah they talked a lot about Paul coffee joining the staff about Evan bushard has really taking his game to the new level you can see the same thing goes for eom he’s playing great confident with the puck well I do you think he makes that play without Paul coffee behind the bench no I just thought I thought we were going to another defenseman next who’s not who seems to be skipping those classes from Paul Vinnie de har NOP Darnell nurse yeah both of them suck like that’s suck that’s strong guy makes $ n million n and a half million dollars but yeah that’s a whole another conversation for a whole other time there’s there’s some defensemen in these final four teams that I just shake my head Florida Panthers third pairing kulakova and nean Larson not not good and for the rangers they Captain Jake trouba not very good kand Miller cost him uh PK goals at the end of last game so first period not good for edmont as we move to the second completely different team completely different team the roles were just flipped it’s amazing how an intermission a regrouping maybe a little chastisement from the coach maybe a players’s only meeting we don’t know what happened there with a veteran team you know you have to play better and when you have those young guys they’re so easy to motivate so they came out flying and the guy who stood out for me is Wyatt Johnson I know Robertson scored the goals I know he was playing great Jamie Ben always playing great but Wyatt Johnson his motor his ability to come out of the corner for his size just one-on-one battles beating Conor McDavid a lot of the times one-on-one battles out of the corner very rare for a kid of his a for a kid of his age and for a man of his size the guy’s the guy is really turning heads to it’s unbelievable how good he’s playing and he’s very responsible he’s never at a position he’s got an endless motor and he’s got some pretty slick hands on him he played really really good coming right out of the gate in the second period would you say he’s like a little water bug out there no because that’s a stupid term you would though that’s your term come on I would say that it’s very fun but yes let get back to the Stars right away Roberts goal generated by rupe hint great keep at the blue line he wins a battle down low feeds Robertson for a one-time it’s it’s two to one and by that time the shots were 10 to 10 so they came out and ripped seven shots in a row in the Edmonton ear Edmonton had one early chance in the second period missed Anette then it was the Dallas Stars from there and in my eyes the sign of a really good team is when you can tell the momentum shifting when you can tell you’re starting to get back on your heels and the games turning you can stop it you can go out there you can have one shift just say no we don’t need to score a goal here we need to have a good offensive zone shift to just get a breather get our bearings Edmonton couldn’t do that it was wave after wave after wave of the Dallas Stars just dumping it in chipping it in skating it in getting behind their defense de har turning it over nurse not being able to get it out it did not stop for the whole second period another Robinson goal he keeps it at the Blue Line sing and hints creating Havoc at the net Robertson gets a rebound it’s 22 the shots are now 14 to10 11 straight shots for the Dallas Stars and we’re still only 10 minutes into the second period then they go up 3-2 before the 10-minute Mark terrible turnover Vinnie dear turns it over to B Johnson back door tap it it’s three to2 for the Dallas Stars in less than 10 minutes and nothing slows them down take take a a timeout if I’m Chris noblock there give your guys a breather you’re at home the crowd’s on your side but they’re starting to to falter a little bit they’re starting to second guess this team take a time up that’s all you need to do there just let let the troops get their breath get a handle on the game it’s two two but no he keeps keeps throwing them out there we’re okay we’re okay now you’re down three to two and all the momentum’s against you and the only thing that saves your behind is Ryan sud throws the puck over the glass that’s it if he doesn’t throw the puck over the glass this game gets getss out of hand in my my opinion he takes a penalty Edmonton’s able to get their bearings a little bit they score short while later on a pretty pretty nifty redirection from Adam HRI not bad but then it’s a 3-3 game going to the third period so am I missing anything here Tim no I just wanted to comment on uh Robertson’s goal there because just’s an incredible play at the Blue Line like that’s a very risky play you’ve got to have a lot of confidence and a lot of uh skill obviously to pull it up because the pock was great like it was really well placed and quick um and then is that the one where he shot it on net and you’ve got the bounces off Skinner’s chest and he’s trying to tie it up but he can’t and then they buried the rebound that the thinking of yeah yeah that’s probably the only one that I’m I’m really well maybe two I’m upset with Skinner about because I know a lot of people on Twitter and oiless Nation sort of turned on him but that’s one where you got to you want to suck in the rebound you want to be like a vacuum on those pucks whether it’s the first attempt or just pouncing on it in the rebound I know there was some choppy sticks in it play in front of them and everything but yeah that’s one that I want to see him uh scoop up if I’m easier said than done when you got Tyler San and rupe hint right on your doorstep hacking and whacking away and the puck jumps out a little bit but yeah ideally he covers it up but in that situation at that point in the game like it’s it’s tough those pucks are flying pretty fast so the third period starts Edmonton took the first period Dallas took the second period who’s going to show up who’s going to take the third period tight third period I don’t think any team wanted to make a mistake rightfully so the next goal probably would be the winner and it was right because the next go wins Jason Robertson how does he get his hatrick Tim yeah this is a tough one this is the one we’re like oh man Skinner um so he gets it he kept in the at the point by uh I want to say suor but I don’t remember who it was defenseman but he gets in the corner he’s got a little bit of room he’s all alone for just a few seconds he just goes to the net and he tucks it in off the skinners the back of his pad and just goes it tugs in and if you’re everyone’s yelling at Skinner right now obviously because you want to hug the post you can’t let that happen and you’re seeing guys try that more and more in the last year or two three years than I’ve ever seen it because it works it’s a really difficult stop to make it’s really hard to get your bearings in a quick play like that if you’re the goalie I know it’s something they work on but even um Robinson said that the goalie coaches have been working with the forwards on that because they’re teaching them here’s how a goalie thinks here’s what they’re doing in the situation here’s how you have a chance of beating him and Robertson did it um and that’s the one where if you’re the anti- Stewart Skinner crowd this is a tough pill to swallow yeah it happened to sh shurkin as well last game when Sam Bennett bounced it off his skatee because there is there is room there if you’re behind the net the goalie hugging the post his skate is on the post which means there’s a little Gap there so it’s becoming players are so skilled these days yeah and goalies are so good and the way you can scout and the the time because a coach came up with that move right Jason Robertson never just said oh I’m going to shoot it from behind the net there’s a coach who comes to him and says when SK steuart Skinner is recovering back to the post there’s there’s a window there you know maybe he drops his blocker too soon or he doesn’t bring it back too soon or whatever the whatever the situation that’s a coach who says give give it a shot if you’re in that position and it worked out for the Dallas Stars unfortunately for the Edmonton Oilers they give up a game-winning goal from behind the goal line that’s a tough way to lose tough way to lose they were playing okay in the third Dallas was the better team and then m heisen in obviously has to score he he bombs in the 5-3 winner Dallas gets the win great job by Dallas all in all great job by Dallas and I was like struck at how quiet the building was when he got that overtime that empty neck goal it’s like wow did they mute it like you couldn’t it was amazing um frustrating for them and big win for Dallas I still think edington’s very much in this series but right now it’s hard not to think that Dallas is uh getting the leg up here yeah and just the flow of the game how everything happened after the first period it seemed like Edmonton had zero opportunity just score any goals they could not enter the Zone they could not gain any speed Dallas did such an incredible job of just slowing everybody up and you don’t have to lay people out I think this is where the Rangers get into a little bit of problem specifically Jacob trer where he’s trying to kill people all the time you just step in front of him you watch and this is where I really enjoyed Wy Johnson he just steps in front of McDavid whenever he’s trying to wind it up as soon as he gets the puck he just steps in front of him and then he slows him down he does it with dran sidol he does it with all these guys and as the game went on I started to notice a pattern of Edmonton never entered the Zone with possession ever a few times McDavid breaks loose and gets in you know every couple minutes he he’ll have a big wind up and he gets in the zone and he circles around the net and throws one in front and it’s a oh ah never really dangerous other than him no other player that I can remember entered the zone at all let alone consistently Dallas did such a great job of qu huging up the neutr Zone the dmen stood up they always had a guy back to pick up the dump and they just made it look routine they would go in chip it in we’ll take it we’re mid around we’ll go D to d d to the centerman D to the Winger and we’re out of the zone you cannot generate offense that way for the Edmonton Oilers you are rushing team that’s how you generate a lot of your offense you got the nude you got Heyman you got drant cidal you got Kane all of these guys are really good off the rush and when you’re trying to generate offense on the cycle low to high stuff that you are okay at but that’s not your bread and butter not good not good so they they need to make some adjustments I don’t know how you can do that but if you keep trying to do this where you dump it in and come go and get it and grind it out that’s that’s feeding right into Dallas’s game plan and they got great deep man who can go and get the puck Harley’s fantastic heis Skin’s fantastic these guys tan of they don’t turn it over they’re not like a nurse or a de har who just throw grenades around the boards right they make good solid plays with it so they something needs to change here for the Edmonton arleys if they have a chance to to get some you know momentum going because right now the Dallas Stars and and I know it was a 5-3 game with an empt Netter they played great they played really really solid hockey maybe maybe they change the goalie to is the time yeah well a lot of people were clamoring for that that was one of our predictions for this round too is that it wasn’t Skinner net uh quite yet but we saw that Chuck noblock did or Chris noblock said yesterday that uh Skinner is going to start game four um which I think is actually the right choice I don’t think that he had a couple of soft goals but I don’t think that he’s the reason and if you take him out now it’d be really hard to get him back in the net ever you know what I mean like I think you got to give him a chance to steal one and he has done that he has played like a legit Ace goalie at times in this postseason so I feel like you give have a chance to do that um but it’s I think the the least is going to be short and I think that the patience with some of the players and the fans certainly is short with him I think now the time really yeah you you take him out this game and if Picard comes in and plays well then you ride it if Bard comes in and he plays okay but you get the win then you do what you did last series and you put Skinner back in this is exact the same situation as last series when they took Skinner out well Bard played two games he won he played four and five and Skinner played six and seven yeah so like very similar situation I I don’t think Skinner’s playing bad you gave up four goals you’re not going to win a game when you give up four goals the last one was strictly on you so throw up a card in there if I was noblock I would have put peard in but I’m not all right who else is stinking it up for the Oilers te who needs to pick it up we mentioned nurse already in the 15 games in the postseason he’s zero goals two assists minus 12 Now you kind of got you were it was okay because you were winning and you were also get getting obviously incredible production from Bard and pretty good play in production for molm so he’s like okay he could hide a little bit and just focus on defense but you can’t do that if you’re minus 12 and like the difference between I think bushard when I saw was uh was plus 12 and he’s putting up a million points crazy and and he’s got he makes nine and a quarter per year and we knew we’ve known that his this contract was bad this is not like a new thing but you would think that a guy like Kim for all his faults and and All His short uh comings would do well in the playoffs because of his size because of his physicality because of the system and the team in front of him you’d think he’d be able to step up and and play his best hockey this time of year but he’s not and he’s he had a press conference this morning in the locker room that lasted less than a minute he was giving just like one single word single sentence answers how do you do this when Florida’s doing all that and he just said like play better that’s it thanks guys like that it’s he’s frustrated but yeah it’s worth uh keeping an eye on well this is where the depth the Dallas Stars really starts to wear on you as a defenseman you’re constantly in your dzone you’re constantly under pressure can’t have those shifts off where you know you’re getting their checking line or their fourth line or the meat headline or whatever it may be every line the Dallas Stars had has is a threat to score Darnell nurse you’re being exposed Darnell you’re being exposed this is what it feels like so get used to it de Hern healthy scratch this game they’re bringing in Philip broberg smart sucks I’m sorry just there’s no way to say it then you got Cody Cece and Brett kulak you’re your defense is lacking this is what we’ve known all along for years and years and years you had a brief stint where it was kind of a strength back to being a weakness huge weakness so I think they’re being exposed the forwards are doing whatever they want in the Edmonton Zone their Dem man just can’t do anything about it that colan board that’s all they have Tim that’s all they can play I think those guys play 30 35 minutes and you just keep throwing them out there you split them up I don’t think so and not a knock on those two guys but they’re not enough to be your only two good defens you know what I mean like they they can be a one and two but only if you’ve got some depth there they can’t you can’t rely on them for that that amount of time in all situations well you look at the stars they don’t have like I guess Hein is a superstar but Thomas Harley is a superstar in the making he’s not there yet but then you have endell you have Chris tanov you have Ryan suder even petrick played okay last game not getting big minutes but you know he’s serviceable they have five solid dmen who can play 22 minutes if needed if need I know sud not getting any younger but he can play put him in a spot he’ll be fine but yeah that’s it you’re getting exposed Edmonton you need to you need to switch something up you can’t consistently lose the possession battle be playing on your heels and expect to win this game you don’t have an Egor sh sterkin to bail you out right that’s the last thing I want to touch on before we move on is Leon dyle as good as he was in the first couple of rounds leading the league in points and just scoring you know multiple goals every game it seemed like been very very quiet he has one Goal Zero assist one point in three games what’s going on here is he injured or this Dallas shutting him down it’s Dallas it’s Dallas it’s Jake ainger you notice in the in the past rounds dran sidles scored half of his goals from the goal line just empty Nets one-timers ottinger’s cheating on his shots because he’s still getting those opportunities he’s getting those shots he’s getting them off aer’s there he’s not he’s not taking McDavid as a threat on the power play when he cuts through the neutral zone and in the offensive zone through the slot there he knows he’s looking to pass and dry Sidle is usually open he’s great at finding seams and McDavid is great at getting him the puck so you watch He Cheats so he takes away that chance and then yeah the Dallas defense is just so they’re getting sticks in the lane sticks on the puck MC McDavid has nothing it’s funny when I watch the game I I’ll see the guy slash for the neutral zone and like man mcdavid’s fine he’ll turn he’ll turn it over at a weird spot I’m like go Conor Brown okay that that’s why because 29 28 both you know similar body size and it’s just funny when you just catch Conor Brown it’s like d title is good Brown does you know he has glimpses glimpses of Leon D but he again he’s got to pick it up do you think they have any chance of winning when he’s got one goal in game one yeah no and dle is such a dynamic creative player that is very difficult to like game plan against but one of the things that you know he want he likes to do do that is easier to game plan against is that shot that you mentioned yeah like the defenseman working on taking it out and ainger is just just ahead of it so yeah I think that’s one of the he’ll have to find other ways to score because I don’t think he’s gonna get that one yeah it’s noticeable in the flow of the game how he just kind of disappears he reminds me of YY Malin a little bit yeah where he just and this is not Dr cidal his Mo usually he’s noticeable every single game he doesn’t take ships off Dallas is doing a great job of containing him whereas malan he would take games off where he would just shut it down and the the thing with malan don’t don’t give him a reason to try and that’s what we did whenever we played him just let let him be let let him float around if if you pissed him off he would just turn to another gear and a way he went and I don’t think dran SLE is doing that but it’s trending in that direction where he’s just getting shut down I think Dallas is doing a very good job on him they’re saying McDavid you can beat us if you want I don’t think you can try s going on and what about Evander Kane sucks to who exactly he’s not having a great series either Edmonton needs to pick it up there’s a lot of players better look in the mirror before the game tonight all right moving East game four recap this one’s at 22 New York Rangers Florida Panthers could very well be a sweep very easily be a sweep in my opinion I took a there’s this one guy on YouTube always just calls me out he’s a big Rangers guy every time I say something he’s like oh the Rangers feel bad about a win yeah they do you’re damn right you can have a win and feel bad in the playoffs you can because they played garbage they snuck out a win much like they lost last game when they’re probably feeling pretty good because they lost in overtime and they still got outplayed but you still get to overtime so the Rangers are leaving Florida it’s just mixed feelings you win the first game you don’t deserve to win you lose the second game you had no business being in that game but you managed to get it to overtime and you could have won that game Blake wheeler doesn’t take a penalty but all that side the Rangers need to play better that there’s no ifans or buts about it in my eyes there it’s it all falls on zabad and Panera and fox those three guys and Cryer two I’ll group those four guys in together not good enough not nearly good enough Panera doesn’t seem engaged he’s not going into the corners he’s not going on the sidewalls it’s the first goal that Florida scores is a direct result of panan not foreing the puck everybody’s blaming somebody else or this and that you watch how the play starts in the Florida panther Zone paner does a flyby you should have pressured the D Man sealed the boards and forc them to go back into their Zone but he doesn’t he does a fly by halfhazard he guesses the DDD pass they go right up they go in and score so it’s just frustrating stuff for me to watch skilled guys not put the work in zinat should have probably had a hatrick last game should have he’s not he’s not scoring krider ever since that three-goal Outburst has been just invisible quiet power play is gone quiet tro is the only guy on his team him and Le frenier that’s it the only two skill players who are really playing really good and they they almost dragged him to a win against him yeah I mean Cho opened the scoring um and just a just incredible shot on the one-time really really good and I I was looking up the stats cuz I’m like you know what he’s doing right now is not typical for him and it doesn’t surprise me that he’s a playoff performer because he is that like you know meat and potatoes forward he has some skill but you think of him as like a you know second line third line checking Center loves to hit and he’s just putting up points after points so before this year he has 17 points in 40 career playoff games this year he has 19 and 14 like it’s amazing what he’s doing and the Rangers are close to squandering it right like if you’re getting even like I don’t know middle of the line production by their standard for prder and paner and fox and those guys it’s a completely different series um but yeah Cho right now I think if you if the Rangers do turn this out it’s either him or ckin for K SM he’s playing that well yeah and he’s like I said the only guy who’s really keeping him in this and same with I feel bad for the friend in the power play the top five go out they’re just zipping it around they’re not scoring the friendl goes out there he’s got like roslovic and he’s got gustofson and he’s got like just the that’s the second crew and it’s basically get Alex the puck and hopefully he can do something with it and you can tell he’s frustrated he’s only getting 20 30 seconds of power play time per power play if that and he’s been playing really good this but yeah the Rangers once again not good enough not nearly good enough to get the lead on that goal and it was just like Florida same old same old the trip to Florida has been terrible for the New York Rangers what was this tweet that someone came out this um Megan chica girl she says the Rangers are probably happen to be leaving Florida and heading back to New York after these last two games it’s shot comparison chart says total shots shots on net off the cycle off The Rush from the slot scoring chances expected goals everything a landslide victory for the Florida Panthers the expected goals is crazy Florida Panthers over two games expected to get almost eight the Rangers expect a goal is almost four so double like it’s it’s it’s remarkable when you look at the stats when you look at the scoring chances double for the Panthers from the from the slot double off the rush double off the cycle almost triple for Pete sck shots on net double total shots almost triple it’s eigor shurin the guy plays fantastic he he has I’ll say this if Alexander barov is shooting against any other goalie he’s in the con spite conversation just sturken is just burying barov every time this guy gets a chance and it’s not like he’s getting rebound chances or you know maybe he has a opening here breakaways Tim multiple breakaways a game to two on ones back doors shurin has his number and even with all that he’s doing they still lose a game in overtime don’t get me wrong but even the goals he’s giving up they’re not clear-cut goals right Tim no I kind of noticed that while I was watching is the weird goals yeah you know the um Veri swats it out of midair Bennett gets that weird little rebound ler in the air redirects it again in midair it’s the bounces the swatting the rebounds it’s the very difficult uh series to score in you’re not getting these wide open opportunities you’re not getting a lot of uh breakaways two-on ones whatever it’s the ugly greasy goals and that’s Florida that’s how they want to play that’s their MO they have the exact right players to do it and the Rangers so far they’re they’re hanging in there in the series I know it’s two to two but like you said Florida has just dominated this could easily be three to one or or four nothing even yeah and that’s a good thing if for the New York Rangers best of three excuse me you have home ICE Advantage so you have to take advantage of it but the the thing that is noticeable in this series these guys hate each other yeah like these guys really really don’t like each other it starts with trouba attempted assassination on Rodriguez and then it’s Ry enters the game and then it’s kachuck doing what he does trouba and it’s crier throwing kachuck mouthpiece over the glass everything is hatred and it’s fantastic I think it’s lacking from the Dallas Edmonton series a little bit of that grit after the whistle type stuff that’s not how Edmonton plays and neither with Dallas so it’s it’s a relief to see that because you don’t you don’t see it at all in the playoffs anymore you used to see it all the time every Ser series it was a drag out brawl you don’t get it these days and so it’s a hearken back to the you know the 80s and the 90s and the 70s where it’s like gosh you you can tell watching this game like these guys hate each other the first hit of the game Sam beta takes a huge run at Jack roslovic should have been a penalty 100% he gets him right in the head nobody says boo Crown goes wild rosic goes down Bennett goes on his way should be a fine if anything way dirtier than the Matt rampy hit last game where he gets the two-minute penalty on Reinhardt way way way way dirtier I loved it I don’t care don’t call it you loved it I did I thought it was fantastic let’s see that I wasn’t a fan of the Rangers first penalty when guson gets a penalty it was a joke but if I’m the refs this is great stuff it’s great theater it’s great hockey let’s let them go both teams have horses they got rampi and trouba you got Miller you got lomberg Bennett kachuck let’s let’s just let him play it’s so fun to watch you have fantastic goalies it’s uh the hatred is there I want the Rangers to start playing a little bit better but all in all great series all right they go to overtime 10 somehow someway the Rangers tried it up late lefr beautiful hand eye my goodness like that’s that’s that’s top-notch there was over within the first minute what happened yeah um so there was the turnover where zaban Jed turned it over there’s a two-on-one going the other way and Blake wheeler takes a penalty and he said after the game you know I I talked to shurk and he he said don’t take the penalty he said I got the shot like let let me get the shot um but he did and and you usually coach to take the penalty right there’s a scoring chance just take it anyway um so the Panthers set up on the power play and they have a beautiful set going past the pack high to low and then you get uh uh no yeah oh Reinhard yeah Reinhardt yeah Reinhardt scoring the beautiful onetime and it’s over about a minute and a half into overtime yeah probably the last guy you want taking a shot on the power play he led the league this year in Power Play Goals with 31 remarkably gets 31 Power Play Goals I think that’s his 67th goal of the Year Sam Reinhardt 67 goals this year absolutely crazy but it all stems I know I know you know wheeler gets the penalty it’s Jacob trra like what I don’t know how they kill per se I have been on the penalty kill many many times in my career throughout my career no one teaches you you too yeah okay good no one teaches you as far as I know if the other team has the puck and they’re staring at you charge right atam let’s go charge right atam especially when the guy is at the top of the circle Circle to leave your defenseman on an island in front of the net on a two-on one with Sam Reinhardt who has the most Power Play Goals in the League this year and was it Matthew kachuck somebody else yeah and Matthew kachuck like it’s just such a mindboggling if he just holds his Zone keeps his ice sheets out a little bit it’s a nothing play it becomes a three on two passes down to kachuck he can collapse and it’s a nothing play Reinhardt is checked by Guston trouba for whatever reason this is what we talk about with Wyatt Johnson just getting in somebody’s way is just as effective as blowing somebody up there’s times to take those chances Tim yeah yeah I just watched it again it was uh barov that made the pass and yeah it’s strange because trouba is your captain he is like a 12year veteran like he has been around he knows what to do and he sets he’s supposed to set the example for other players it was really strange and I feel like he’s the type of guy that just the adrenaline gets going he sees a body he wants to kill it and he gets out of position and when you’re in overtime in the playoffs on a penalty kill and that’s a play you make it’s really really head scratching I don’t really you can’t say it’s typical of him because he’s not like he does a lot of things wrong but he’s not an irresponsible player except for maybe Reckless with other people’s safety but not positionally not for his own team so the fact he made that I wouldn’t say it’s characteristic but that makes it all the stranger yeah I think it’s a little a little bit of hero ball where you want to get the puck out it’s so close to the Blue Line you want to be that guy to make that play and get the puck out you know you take the body you shoot it down and you know away we go it’s like in basketball when the guy goes one on five I can do it you know I can I don’t need my teammates he just got excited I think and he saw a chance and he went for it and he just big mistake big big mistake Florida takes advantage of it goes down two to one it’s in the back of your net you know who used to do this really well is the sadin they would bait you absolutely bait you Daniel and Henrik and our coaches we learned when I was in Chicago they said if they get the the puck on the half wall just leave them there because they want you to attack them as soon as you attack them it opens up a lane it opens up more ice for the other two guys and they’re going to score so we learned our lesson the hard way a lot of the times and that’s the thing you want to bury them you want to put that son of a gun through the boards and you see they’re in a vulnerable position and as soon as you get close to them they just throw it between your legs like shoot they did it again and I feel like that’s what tro was doing here initially maybe the puck was rimmed or the puck you know was being bobbled he should have slowed up he should have stayed in his Lane stayed in his Zone not got too horny to go and get the puck and lo and behold he did and it’s in the back of your net so great play by Florida it was a fitting ending Florida El played him the whole game shurin that’s a great shot you you can’t save that gson goes down to block it but it’s just a fantastic shot Florida gets to win three to2 in overtime three straight overtime games then we go back to MSG very fun series very fun Series yeah I mean I think if you’re the Rangers you’re looking for something to hang on to it’s the fact that it is tied and you play two out of the next three at home so two out of three two of them are at the Garden that’s the ideal situation but it’s I mean Florida is so good man it’s just hard to I I can’t believe that we both picked the ranges to win this series when it before it started well it’s still you know it’s anybody’s game it’s 22 with the with the lineup for the rangers they brought in Blake wheeler they sat down Phil because they didn’t want to overwork him that’s what they said you know he didn’t play it all in the regular season he’s played four games pretty pretty close together we’re going to give him a day of rest it’s like are you nuts what do you do with the Rangers lineup now because you got rampy GD and Wheeler on the fourth line they played okay you know they got an overtime shift they didn’t play all that terrible I think willly cly and Weinberg and coaco played pretty good and Will C I like him excuse me I like him a lot like he’s playing really well do you jumble the top two lines panan tro and Le frenier kers have been a Jed rosic do you any way interchange those guys and try to just jump start some of them because specifically it’s CRS have been a Jad and rosik they’re they’re not working for me yeah that gr yeah right like it’s you’re not going to start getting worse production so yeah I think you do I think you do and maybe you give uh you know La rier a shot in the top line and put him with whether it’s crder or zabad or whoever you want to do I think you have to mix it up yeah I agree I think you have to do something to jump start those guys because it’s just it’s just not working whenever you leave the game and you’re doing your game notes oh who stood out oh it’s will you know it’s Troi it’s those guys it’s like where the hell is my first line and it’s been like that for the first four games of this series these guys have been invisible if not a detriment to the team and that should be the fact so something’s got to change because you look across the ice it’s wave after wave after wave of barkov and every top player for the Florida Panthers and they’re playing fantastic so they have to match that if not exceeded in order to win some games all right moving on Wendy’s Tim Frozen pucks are awesome when they’re in the back of the other guy’s net am I right but that doesn’t mean you’d want to eat one yuck Frozen pucks that’s why Wendy’s only uses fresh beef that’s never been in the side of a freezer in all of their burgers whether you order a baconer a Dave single or even a [Music] JBC you’ll only ever find real fresh beef that’s real juicy and loaded with fresh toppics so download the Wendy’s app check out the latest deals and order a burger that’s only job is being delicious you know what my one of my kids eats on her Burgers nothing just bun burger patty cheese bun no ketchup no mayonnaise no mustard no anything I think she’s a psychopath is she picky in general or is just Burgers she does that with just Burgers it’s crazy but she has ketchup on her fries and everything some was wrong with you kid wrong isn’t it no should be able to eat the food how they want it you know what I Danielle my wife buys this um it’s called muetta it’s like an olive top aod type mixture it’s delicious olive oil and olives and like really you know salty flavors we put that on the burger my gosh I don’t want to give away all my secrets because we eat really well I don’t want people to know that I don’t want people to share in my just Glory of my my food but yes go to Costco buy these it’s come in packs of two muetta put them on your Burgers oh my gosh you have no idea what you’re missing out on all right on my burger so I do the muetta the mayonnaise and a little ketchup what’s on yours let me guess let me guess don’t tell me you’re just a ketchup guy no I don’t really love ketchup my ideal uh Burger is a cheeseburger like one of those cowboy or Western Burgers so cheeseburger with bacon and barbecue sauce maybe some onions too yeah like those little like not the big the big thick fried onions but you know the little stringy fried onions those are really good she string onions yeah yeah yeah yep yeah talk about marketing genius bacon whoever was the person who decided bacon was a breakfast food genius right yeah it’s so good but it shouldn’t be it’s just like any other meat like why can’t I have a like a chicken breast in the morning you can because but someone didn’t Market it as a breakfast food right this is all done in like the 50s and 60s and uh never changed yeah it really is Big Brother pretty much making us eat this stuff all right let’s do some quick kits here Tim powerful quote from Jonathan marow on his contract status what is Jonathan saying down there in Vegas yeah he was asked about whether he’s been offered or has talked with the team about an extension he said I asked last summer I was like you know what I would rather do it in the summer before the season and they said they’re not ready to do that and then there’s not even a single talk that happened during the season he even added that there hasn’t been any discussion since the season ended either now Jonathan Marsh show this is the year that he just had 42 goals led the team and 11 more than the next guy 27 to six 69 points led the team more than more than eichel well than Carlson and stone and all those guys he was their best player this year he is 33 years old so I know he’s getting up there but he was also your um K SM you know what I mean like he is he’s Nails I don’t understand why they wouldn’t reup this guy it’s so funny to be the outside perspective looking in on like a one-sided relationship she’s going to call she’s going to call Jonathan don’t worry she’s gonna you guys she’s calling me for for sure he’s telling his friends no she’s going to call when the season’s over 100% 100% no we’re going to get married it’s going to be great hello honey are you she’s not answering oh she she’s gonna pick up the Vegas Knights don’t want to resign Jonathan Mar still they don’t have you have you looked at their cap situation lately Jack eel Mark Stone Thomas her hurdle William Carlson barbashev W Peter Angelo Hanahan all of those guys making lots of money lots and lots of lots of money I’m sorry but Jonathan Maro unless you’re willing to sign a team-friendly deal it’s not going to work you’re 33 which in everybody’s eyes is over the hill and you’re going to want what do you think he wants last year he made five million he’s he’s going to want a raise you cannot in your right mind give this guy6 s million and expect to get Roi on that it just won’t happen that’s it no so he’s walking and he’s a great signing and in a short term you know two two give you two great years but it’s hard to say how he’s going to age you know what I mean and he’s going to want four or five years and someone’s gonna give it to him and it’s not going to age well yeah this is a team that’s in its window they have to be very aware of Jack eel in two years he’s going to be a UFA you want to resign him so there’s pressing issues that you have to be aware of in the next coming years and J Marshall so you can’t sign him up then all of a sudden be tied up for like if you sign him for five six7 million this year that’s $52 million just for your forwards then you add on the defenseman you’re up to $82 million like that’s it and you still have to sign four more forwards to to ice a team so it just they they’ve they’ve got Thomas herdle he’s replacing Jonathan Marsh Stow that’s it so he needs to accept that move on it’s exciting he had a great run with the Vegas golden knights one of the original guys for the expansion draft very fun time to move on maximize your value right now you’re through the roof like you said KH Smite led the team in goals this is it you won’t get a higher value than you have right now go inside of Montreal that’s it Hometown team your French guy Harley Vu France we we monis that’s it so good for Jonathan Marsh show it’s sad the knights are icing him out but sometimes you just got to read the writing on the wall I you to do that oh she really likes me we’re going to talk we’re going to talk she’s making up with somebody at the bowling alley you know what I mean this probably happened to you a lot lot okay so yeah moving on official title this is this is the wildest title I’ve ever seen yep what did Don wadell anoint himself as for the Columbus Blue Jackets now president of hockey Ops GM and Alternate Governor they gave him the hell that means a blank name slate on his desk and he filled out himself and he’s like all right these sound good what is an alternate Governor I’ve been in the game I’ve been around the game a long time no clue what an alternate Governor is you just made it up made it up I think it has to you tell me what it means I think it has to do with like the board and like like the governing body of the entire organization the corporation probably but yeah I don’t know I don’t know that’s my best guess this guy the balls on this guy just right out of the gate like just right out of the gate makes himself everything was he even out on the market for a week yeah he left Carolina on the 24th and he signed with Columbus on the 28th yeah not even a week good for him good for him you know the Columbus Blue Jackets were desperate they’ve been languishing for a long time they wanted to get somebody who had some you know pedigree well don wadell don what do you need what do you need everything I want to make up an alternate Governor that’s what I want I want to be the alternate who’s the other governor who knows some businessman or woman it’s crazy president of hockey oper yeah we gonna get in trouble for that one or a woman yeah good for him Don wildell all right what else Tim yeah the big news yesterday was Will Smith who’s a fourth overall pick last year uh signed his entry-level contract with the sharks not coincidentally that it came after the the uh sharks getting the first overall pick and wills calini M calini um Will Smith just incredible Talent he had at his 18y year season his rookie one season for BC 71 points he just turned 19 in March two months ago still very very young but he’s going to jump right to the NHL and play along Cellini Cellini from be very solid chance that they talked yeah yeah 100% chance right yeah yeah you coming with me yeah let’s go let’s take over this team this is good news for the St Jose Sharks you want these guys growing together yeah huge news my career that that’s going to be fun to see those two playing next season because they’re really great Will Smith’s big big dude and celebrini some people have likened him to a Jonathan Taves type we’ll see if that pans out it’s pretty big shoes to fill but yeah good sharks they need some good news what’s not so good news what’s what is Frank Sur valy saying about Elias Pon this is just not good for the Vancouver Canucks right so we said the other day Pon and his nfc’s impressor said his shoulders been bothering him since January and it’s been getting worse the more he plays I apparently this was news to the team here’s the quote from Frank I firmly believe his injury excuse really caught the Canucks by surprise I think they felt there were 15 other players playing through more than what he was playing through it became an excuse that really made everyone else look bad wow not good just when you think things are good just when you think it’s fine you know you had a good run you couldn’t finish it off the others had your number going into next seon season feeling pretty good and then this you think the guys in the room this is what the issue is so the guys in the room know who’s hurt you can see how guys get ready you’re in the trainers room you know what’s going on everybody knows so they know he’s he’s lying they know that 15 other guys were in a in a worse spot and in their year end presser they didn’t make an excuse that’s what it is so it just creates just just animosity throughout the locker room it’s like come on man don’t make excuses you just didn’t produce own up to it look at this guy he’s got a broken Brock Breer had a block blood clot and a broken finger for pet sck he didn’t make any excuses ronic was 100% hurt and he was asked and he like look disgusted at the question he’s like no I’m fine just didn’t got to play better you know yeah we just lost Edmonton was better this guy’s making every excuse you know it affected me since January I really shouldn’t have been playing my knee this and that you what you a leopard never changes his stripes and this is what happened I said this years ago he’s not that guy not that guy I’m going back I’m going back to my original thought to him I thought he changed he didn’t thought you were different yeah he’s not he you cannot say that in the year on press conference it just doesn’t work well especially in that hockey area it’s like you’re tough guys suck it up just say you you didn’t perform that’s it have you ever seen Wayne Gretzky to year on press conference Wayne why didn’t you win my back was pretty sore I got a lot of hacks you know I just I couldn’t perform because I was hurt no he owns up to it then they win four Stanley Cups in a row because he saw the New York Islanders how beat up and bandaged they were and what it takes to win a Stanley Cup not peton ah that was hurt I couldn’t do that I can’t play through that you crazy no wait no no no I need to be 100% to perform if I’m subpar you this is what you get you get me scoring two goals in the playoffs but but Elias you’re our highest paid player we invested in you long term we want you to be the backbone of this franchise and lead us to the promised land but like my knee my knee was bothering me a little bit but Elias you’re G to have four months off and you’re going to be the king of Vancouver and possibly Canada because you’re going to bring the cup back to the north we pay you 11.6 million I know but it feels funny when I push off of it and I just do sometimes it hurts so I just don’t want to push it you get that yeah you know you guys get it you guys get it right it was just it’s been tough since January okay is that like come on how pathetic how pathetic are you that’s what it is yeah I have nothing to add to that you’re right okay another very exciting news a new exciting coach getting a chance in the NHL first timer it’s great to see Denver colleges carile coming out two national championships he’s going to get a chance in the NHL and a young voice no it’s Dan bzma wash rinse and repeat he gets another chance with Seattle Kraken former coach of the Pittsburgh Penguins and the Buffalo Sabers been out of the been out of the game for a couple years but he’s back Seattle Kraken signs him on to be the next head coach replaces uh who knows ax doall ax doall who cares I’m just so tired of these coaches just whatever he’s going to reinvent the wheel apparently Dan bzma struck gold when he just sign on with Pittsburgh against Sydney Crosby in his prime with lat tang and Malin and right you know I don’t know kessle and hagland and flurry and we do not want to Stanley Cup with that group so I’m sure he’ll do terrible so it’s just it’s funny it honestly is hilarious anything else Tim uh no no watch game for tonight and be back on Friday very exciting yes so check it out a couple games and we’ll check you out on Friday like Tim said thanks for joining us everybody cheers thanks for listening to dropping the gloves with John Scott a member of the nation network of podcasts subscribe wherever you get your podcast from to never miss an episode


  1. Deployed to Bahrain and I wait up for you guys to upload new episodes to get me up to speed on the hockey world. Thanks boys!

  2. Another excellent podcast. The lack of a chicken update was more than made up for by the tale of John's psychopathic plain burger eating daughter 🤣

  3. Love you guys. I am a Chicagoan, who loves the Blackhawks but have lived in Texas for past 35 years. I have adopted the underdog Stars and appreciate your fair and unbiased reporting and thoughts. Please keep it up. Oh and btw loved it when John was in Chicago keeping others at bay from our boys. And LOVED him in the All Star game, glad I voted for him…a lot! 🙂

  4. The Rangers should put Chytil on the first line he's pretty dynamic when gets going and I think he can breathe life into the 1st line.I also think they should find a way to get Zac Jones in the lineup Fox's injury is affecting the Rangers in so many ways they are very dependent on Fox's brilliance. The whole power play is very dependent on him and he's great breakout passes and the ability to take the puck out of his zone himself so they're getting pinned in their own zone too much.

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