7 Rules You’re Breaking Without Knowing

There are so many Rules of Golf that it is almost impossible to know each one inside out. But there are some 7 rules golfers break all the time.

So what are they, and are you breaking these 7 rules?

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Hi, I’m Hannah Holden; welcome to my channel!

I am a +2 golfer from Leeds

This YouTube channel aims to help you improve your golf by offering up-to-date reviews on the latest golf equipment, stats on how scratch golfers shoot low scores, and course vlogs to help improve your course management.

I also partner with PGA Golf Professionals such as @jrbackhousegolf to bring you tips to improve your golf game.

If that wasn’t enough I’ll make sure you’re on top of the latest rules of golf!

there are hundreds of rules of golf which means it can be really hard to remember them all especially when they’re constantly changing and updating today I’m going to be running through seven rules of golf that you’re breaking without knowing and showing you what the correct ruling is and how you cannot make that mistake next time you go out in competition okay improve in your lie I think a lot of people have the general knowledge that you can’t kind of just trample the grass around around your golf ball and improve your Li so much that the ball is easier to hit I think a lot of people don’t realize that this rule affects more than just the area around your golf ball so this rule actually expands to your stance also your intended kind of Swing path and the target line down your shot and in all those areas you’re not allowed to kind of improve the conditions of your shot so if you were stood somewhere and you needed to stand in a bush to hit your golf ball you can’t simply just trample the whole thing down to get a good stance cuz that’s class is improving your life now obviously you can do what’s reasonable to kind of back in and get in the position so you can hit the go but you can’t just be flattening everything around you to make it easier to hit your golf shot in the same sense if you have kind of overhanging branches above you you can’t move these or knock these off to make it easier for you to have a swing even things such as you can’t replace divots on your line of play because that’s class is improving the conditions of around your ball so you’ll have to wait and repair the course until after you’ve hit yourself now another thing worth noting here is you can’t move things such as water and Dew so if you go out really early there’s still DW down on the greens you want to move it off your lie you actually can’t do that that’s against the rules of golf and that will give you a two shot penalty so definitely things that worth Sting the only place you can really get around these improving your lie rules is on the te that box they just don’t count there so you can kind of break off grass if it’s in your way obviously you can tee your ball up you could create a grass divot tea if you wanted and you can remove je and water there but Elsewhere on the golf course just be really careful what you’re doing in and around your golf ball because if you are deemed be improving your lie you would be liable for penalty shots while you’re here I would really appreciate if you could hit that subscribe button over 75% of people have watch my videos have not actually subscribed to the channel and it makes a huge difference in terms of what content we can create in the future if you can hit that subscribe button while you there why not drop us a like and even drop us a comment and let me know what other the rules videos you’d like to see on the channel soon right back to the video out of bounds something all gol for dread but this ruling could kind of help out maybe save you a few shots here because did you know the whole golf ball has to be out of bounds for the ball to be class being out of bounds so if 1 mm of the golf ball is inbounds your ball is still in Play What a lot of people don’t realize is out of bounds is marked by like the outside edge of any boundary markering so in this scenario the whole ball would have to be to the right of the edges of these PSE for the ball to be out of bounds so for any fraction or part of the ball inbounds your ball is still in play now it’s a lot easier when this is there is a line down CU you can clearly see if the ball is over the other side of the line if there is a white line down and your whole ball is on the line that ball is still in play the whole ball has to be over the line for it to be out of bound now in the scenario that isn’t a line there’s just sticks and what a referee would do would actually run a line of string down the right edge of all of these to find out if your ball was in play obviously the majority of the time you should be able to get down the side of the sticks just have a look and see if your ball is in play but it is worth remembering that if any part of your ball is in the ball is still in play you can hit your shot and keep going without having to go back to the tea now if we put the ball here this is still in play because the ball is inside that right Edge as I’ve said now you might think great I’m going to go and hit my shot like this I’m just going to pull this out and hit my shot you can’t do that this is a boundary marker of the course and it’s an immovable obstruction so it would be a two shop penalty if you took that out and then hit your shot so although you can hit this ball you’re going to have to do like something a bit creative maybe chip out backwards or sideways if you are off the green and there is sand in and around your golf ball that you think oh I’m just going to wipe that out of the way it’s going to affect my shot stop you’re not allowed to move sand around your golf ball it’s not something that’s de as move B obstruction it’s even something that you have to leave there and it would give you a penalty if you were to move that so next time there is sand around your ball and you’re not on the green just remember you’ve either got to hit over it or just roll your ball through it now the only way you can get round this is if the sand wasn’t there when your ball came to later rest so you are allowed to have the lie that was there when your ball stopped moving so if I was playing with someone else right now and they hit a shot out the bunker and it then covered my ball and my lie with sand I can move that because it wasn’t there when my ball f stopped there but if my ball just rolls up and stops here and there’s already sand there it’s tough luck unplayable drops I see people get this wrong all the time let’s say I’ve played this hole and I’ve just hit it into this rather unappealing GS Bush if I found my ball I’m not going to get in there and play it it’s just too thick it’s not possible to swing so what I’m going to do is take an unplayable now what a lot of people do is just pull their ball out walk to the edge of the Bush and then take the two Club blends that’s not the rule at all you get two Club Blends from the spot where you find your golf ball if two Club Blends doesn’t get you out far enough which it clearly wouldn’t if I was in the middle of here you have to keep taking two Club Blends and adding penalty drops until you get out the other alternative is you can go back to the spot you previously played and rehit your shot or you can take back online relief but you can’t simply just pull your B out the middle of the Bush and drop it next to it and carry on you simply get two Club L if that’s the way you are choosing to take the drop now if you’re playing in a team’s comp be that be a fors a fourball better ball or even such a Texas scramble there’s actually been a rule change which means you can’t stand and watch your partner hitting the put to learn from the shot so previously if you were in a team you could kind of wait stand here see what the line of the put is when you partner hits it you’re not allowed to do that anymore and you would incur a penalty if you did so so just make sure next time you play and in your team you not stood behind your players putting watching the puts now it’s kind of a weird rule because if I’m playing against someone else I can go and watch the other team I wouldn’t say it’s great etiquette to stand behind someone and watch them but I can kind of Step In have a look see where the ball’s going but you can’t do it for someone on your team it’s class is kind of getting extra information and it’s not allowed so just be wary of that next time you play in your next team competition now generally it’s encouraged to hit a provisional ball if you kind of hit it off the te you’re not sure where your ball’s gone but there is one scenario where you actually shouldn’t hit a provisional and could be penalized for doing so and that is if you think your ball has gone in a water hazard obviously this is different from other areas on the golf course because from these penalty areas we have certain drop options and we don’t necessarily need to rehit that previous shot the reason you’re not allowed to hit provisional in this scenario is because one of the drop options from a penalty area is to go back and re hit your last shot so hitting a provisional from here would be kind of classed as practicing that next redrop so it’s just worth noting next time you hit your ball and it looks like it’s going towards penalty area it’s the same rule for taking a drop from a penalty area you have to be 95% certain that it’s gone in and if that’s the case you shouldn’t be hitting the provisional ball you should just be going down and taking the appropriate drop now if you ever in a scenario where you found a golf ball but you’re not sure it’s yours we want to make sure we identify it because we know if we hit the wrong golf ball we’re going to get a lot of penalty shots we just don’t want to get involved in that now I think most people know you can pick the ball to identify and check it’s yours but what they don’t realize is you actually have to mark the golf ball before you down it otherwise you would get a penalty strip so in this scenario my balls down in the long grass behind a little bit of GS I mean mine does have a big stripe on it so I can see it’s mine but if I couldn’t what I would do is go ahead and put a TEEG in there make sure I Mark the Spot because I’ve got to replace it in the exact same place so I need to make sure I know where that is now I can simply lift the ball up obviously if this was white and I couldn’t see the markings I can then check and double check it’s mine on the side no that’s why it’s quite important that if you don’t use a bright golf like this you have some sort of identifying mark on it because then you can definitely check it’s yours if you kind of pull this out and there’s two golf balls next to each other in the Sim and you don’t know which is yours you can’t hit either of them you’d have to go back to the T and hit again which would be very irritating so one make sure there’s a mark on your golf ball so you know it’s yours and two make sure you have to pick it up and check if it is yours you Mark the Spot so you can put it back in the right place now you might think you’re being really organized getting to the tea ahead of time and then you see the Fairway ahead of you is empty and think right well I’m just going to tea off early now if you’re in a competition you’re actually not allowed to do this and if you tea off earlier than 5 minutes before your tea time or later than 5 minutes after your tea time the committee can actually disqualify you from the tournament now I’m not sure this is a rule that ever really would be put in play I mean I’ve definitely seen dqs where people have turned up late and obviously for rocked up 6 minutes later major that’s definitely not going to run but I’m not quite sure where they would enforce this if you turned up early now you might think this is really not a problem I just want to get out and get ahead and get on with my round which I can totally understand but actually the teas are spaced out for a reason and that’s to have good paer of play throughout the golf course and to not have everyone squashed up on top of each other and by everyone kind of teeing off soon as possible and getting really on top of the group in front it just squishes everyone together on the golf of course slows down pace of play and isn’t really that productive so next time you play in the competition just remember to make sure to tea off at your allocated tea time not too early and not too late or the committee could decide to disqualify you if they wanted to


  1. I play in money leagues and guys blatantly break rules. Whenever I bring it up they tell me things like, this ain't the PGA.

  2. Sorry Hannah but can you just clarify Rule 2, I think you may have the sides mixed up, I've taken the following from the R&A website "Boundary objects: When defined by stakes or a fence, the boundary edge is defined by the line between the course-side points of the stakes or fence posts at ground level (excluding angled supports), and those stakes or fence posts are out of bounds." Also when defined by a painted line, the actual line is out of bounds

  3. Would like to see more of this. Can you clarify what happens if your ball is embedded in a bunker face? I've seen 2 different scenarios, one where it had tombe played as it lies which doesnt make sense as can wreck the good work of the greenkeeper and another when it was near the top and they got a free drop

  4. The playing a provisional when penalty areas are involved can be a tricky one in some occasions. Sometimes you can’t tell for (95%) certain that the ball is in the penalty area and could in fact be lost until you get to the area to determine what’s happened. If you can’t be sure it’s in the penalty area then you need to go back to where you’ve played from. No problem but then you have the pace of play police moaning about 4 hour rounds etc. A provisional ball covers that situation IMO.

  5. Great video! I don't play many scramble comps, so I wasn't aware of the rule change about standing behind your partner's line when putting. Thank you!

  6. Playing the other day my ball came to rest in front of a small temporary GUR sign. The sign was in line with my next shot. I removed the sign, played the shot, then replaced the sign. Did I break a rule?

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